#beware of the zycrepts
universecity-podcast · 2 months
Hello, I hope somebody is listening...
Its been awhile since I've sent out a message, old sport. The last time you've heard of me, I was in great emotional distress due to being chased by monsters all week. I will try to send out a signal more frequently, so it'll be effective.
I have some things to tell you about me, old sport. I fell in love. It might seem insane to fall in love during times like these, where I am in danger non-stop, and the city gets more controlled than ever. But I met a boy, his name was Nilan. And he was so bright, shining onto me, giving me comfort and company during my bad moments. Like the moon. Sadly, he lived at the other end of the city, in the restricted area. He used to be one of the people to almost escape Universe City, but they caught him last minute. We mainly communicated through radio signals or called from old telephone cells. And I put my faith into him. My whole trust. Because, old sport, he would be released in a few months. Nilan had promised to help me get out of thr City, and for the first time I felt... hope. Maybe with his help I would not suffocate at the dirty air, or choke on water the goverment poisoned, forever.
There was one twist though... and that was to leave Toulouse behind. You know how important she is to me, old sport, but yet I was ready to take the risk and help her get out once I've run away with Nilan. In the end, it turned out to be so different. Everything went downwards when i took a risk and came to a meet up place at the border of the old industry in Universe City, to meet with Nilan's friends. Turned out, one of them was working for police. And that bastard had alarmed his colleagues.
I had to run away, no time to look back and Nilan ended up getting shot in the riot, or so I've heard. See, its not easy to get information here, but i managed to keep contact with someone from Nilan's friends. He's called Ouranus, and might not know how to flee Universe City, but he does have a lot of inside information on the people who betrayed me. We keep eacb other updated from time to time about the important things, you could say we have an alliance. Toulouse isn't really here to help me right now, seeing as she still has to hide from the Zycrepts that tried to kill her a few weeks ago, which means i have to find support somewhere else. And there Ouranus really comes in handy.
But with Nilan also died my hope. I'm telling you, old sport, my story may seem exciting and the live here like in an action movie, but really it's just tiring. I just need a fucking break from all of this. Yet, the goverment is hard and strict. They dont give breaks. They chase you until you die or they kill you. There arent any other options.
This story is why i can't have lovers or strong emotional bonds. Toulouse is already a big risk to keep around for so long, but without me... she'd have no one. She would let herself slide and the Zycrepts would kill her. By now they're literal killing machines, going after the few that managed to escape the matrix.
Running away from the Cyborgs had got me thinking. If trusting someone would inevitably result into being in constant danger or people i care about getting killed, then I'd rather stop talking to anyone at all. What would February say?
Oh February, i thought about you a lot in the past months. What would you say to all of this? Would you laugh at me while i play tricks on the robots, or would you scoff at my naivety? I cant tell... youve been away for far to long. Why did you leave me, February? Wasn't i enough? I tried to hate you for a while, you know, but it wasnt possible. I am unable to hate such a shining person like you, such a bright flame in a pit of darkness. I miss you...
Back to reality, old sport, there's no time for daydreams. Whenever I have to go buy weapons, food or just non-poisonous water, I disguise myself. Put on one of those masks that stick directly to the face and are almost invisible, wear a wig, and some clothes from a guy i murdered. And when i am there, in public, surrounded by so many other people that are slowly turned into machines, I get scared. What if someone catches me? What if my masks losens or my wig falls off? But i guess I've been lucky, over the past months I've learned how to blend in more and better. This means more information, more actually healthy food and water and sadly paying less attention to things. Yesterday, I swear i saw May- the one who betrayed me- out of the corner of my eye, but before i could get a chance to look again, he was gone. My concentration's slipping, and that's not good.
I think if i wouls stay on air for longer, the Zycrepts might catch up on someone sending a radio signal, which would mean that the city would start to monitor the radio too, which we don't want, right, old sport?
Radio Silence out.
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