Im so in love with the idea of Near just... attracting evil (okay Mello isnt evil but lemme finish) guys whose love language is "leaving bodies arranged in the shape of a heart for the police to find and relay back to you"
(It would probably be better if it didnt actually work)
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thedetectivesystem · 1 year
Near's Creepypasta phase was having a crush on the actual serial killer Beyond Birthday.
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thedetectivesystem · 1 year
Return to The Dark
Beyond Birthday/Near | Nate River Implied Mello | Mihael Keehl/Near | Nate River
Summary: "L is a cut above the masses." Beyond finds himself entranced in a young boy who resembles all that he's ever mourned and needed.
Notes: Trans male Near !! and he’s in a dress. link to the fic on the ao3 platform is on the bottom please support us on there as well and leave a kudos ! ♡
"L is a cut above the masses."
Beyond ran his fingers up Nate's thighs, which had delicate, pale skin. The older man had given the boy a straightforward white knee-length dress for his birthday, which he wore tonight. Although Nate was perplexed by the unusual man's gesture, he appreciated it anyway. Nate knew so little about the man before him that Beyond made certain that Nate only understood that he had once been one of L's successors.
"You still don’t believe me, do you?" Beyond inquired in a low whisper.
"Such a thing could never exist," Nate said softly, his voice breathless and clearly aroused.
They were both lying on Nate's mentor's bed, and the smells of tea, coffee, and sugar enveloped the space. An unpleasant medley of smells, according to Beyond. The man had been monitoring the orphanage with microphone bugs and had learned about Nate's arrival in the area. Until he learned about the chat between Roger, Nate, Mihael, and L, there wasn't much to do for news on L. After Nate, Mihael would assist L on a case to showcase his abilities. However, he was far more interested in the number one successor.
"Then explain how I know your name," Beyond teased.
The simple answer would be his legal documents, but given Nate's gender identity, this would not be the case. Beyond noticed that his legal name did not match his genuine name, and he had been in contact with the boy without raising suspicion for some time. He crept into his room and watched him sleep, or they would converse if he was awake. Nate had a lot of questions, many of which Beyond only gave vague answers to. He couldn't help but perceive the younger one as a lost love. He was so much like him, so much like A.
"It’s not like I asked, Angel." Beyond’s hand paused at the waistband of Nate’s panties. "What logical solution is there, Nate?"
Nate looked up at the man who was hovering over him. His heart rate increased, and his body tightened with each touch since he was not used to this type of contact. When Beyond's fingertips slipped an inch beneath the waistband of his panties, his virgin body reacted instinctively, opening his legs subconsciously and gently. The boy's face flushed with embarrassment at the actions of his body. Beyond chuckled and leaned in closer, anticipating the response. Nate could feel the older man smell his neck and then nip it impatiently, prompting him to make a sound that sounded like a gasp and a whine together.
"You must’ve heard it when I told Roger," Nate answered.
"And how long ago was that, hm?"
Nate nibbled on the inside of his cheek. He'd told Roger his name and identity not long after he'd arrived at Wammy's house, continuously telling the man that he was a boy and that the name he was stating wasn't the one he was saying. He was much younger back then, and he wondered if Beyond would spend so long listening for an unattainable goal. Beyond's relationship with him felt much more entrenched in the type of trauma that L had caused. A trauma bond would not be the correct word to describe how he and Beyond came together; however, it is unusual for a 28-year-old guy to project his grief onto a newly 18-year-old boy with whom he was waiting to have sex.
"L is an illusion," Beyond started. "It's all an illusion; your life is dependent on him, on a man you've always despised but have accepted." His fingers slipped from Nate's panties, and his large hands hoisted Nate up before his fingers yanked on the dress's zipper. "If it all became too much for you, you could have died, and who knows who would have killed in your name after that?" Beyond mused. "Arms up, little one."
Nate reluctantly raised his arms. As he listened to and replayed Beyond's words in his brain, his mind flashed to an image of a memory of Mello. He was aware that his bond with Mello was much deeper than two rivals battling for L's spot; he never felt competitive, only lost in all of the loose threads of his connections with the people he cared about.
Beyond's voice interrupted Nate's thoughts, "Will you take me?" He breathed, "Out into the light?" He dropped Nate's dress on the floor, exposing the boy's body, although his most intimate part was still covered by his white panties.
Beyond's words made Nate raise his head slightly, but he didn't have much time to think about them as the man pushed him back down on his back against the bed. When he understood how susceptible he was to Beyond, heat surged to his cheeks, and his arms crossed against his chest as he felt flustered. This vulnerability was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Beyond hunched over and grabbed Nate's wrists, exposing his chest, before pinning them against the pillows. His face was inches from Nate's, and their bodies were pressing together.
"May I ask you a question this time?" Nate queried.
"Ask away, Angel."
"How did you get in here?"
"Explaining my ways may be for another time, darling." His broad hands released their hold on Nate's wrists, gliding down his thin arms before they traveled to his small breasts. Nate gasped at the sensations as Beyond softly grasped his left breast and gave him a firm neck kiss.
“Now.” Beyond reached down to touch Nate's panties waistband while looking the younger boy in the eyes, their foreheads pressed together.
"What are you waiting for?"
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thedetectivesystem · 1 year
(The beyonia shipper here, on anon because my dn blog is a sideblog lol)
YESS TALK TO ME ABOUT BEYONIA/BEYONDNEAR i am so starved for content w those two the near nation needs to rise up!!!
beyonia is a favorite pair of mine ! i’m dating our beyond fictive which brought me to love it so much more ! i adore the creepy older man x cute younger boy dynamic between them. also with near being L’s successor it draws me in even more. beyond would be so intrigued by near in that way.
i once wrote a small ficlet between them that i did mean to be longer ! but i couldn’t find the motivation to finish it so i posted it as a little ficlet. (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)
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thedetectivesystem · 1 year
hi everyone ! we’re doing requests (100-800 words) so if you would like to request your own ideas to us we’ll write them for you. :3
the only thing we will not write is mello x matt !
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Ok this but make it beyondnear
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thedetectivesystem · 1 year
fluttercord is so beyonia coded
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thedetectivesystem · 11 months
i have a uncle/nephew idea for beyond x near…
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