#i’ll mainly be writing them unless mello takes interest in an idea
thedetectivesystem · 1 year
hi everyone ! we’re doing requests (100-800 words) so if you would like to request your own ideas to us we’ll write them for you. :3
the only thing we will not write is mello x matt !
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In-Depth Character Roleplay With Relationships!
Hey there! You can call me Kale, and I am a 17 years old and living in MST (Mountain Standard Time), looking for some literate, in-depth roleplay. Before anything else, I am a minor. I refuse to roleplay smut, I don’t want anyone to get in trouble. 
I’ve been roleplaying for about six years now on websites varying from omegle, to tumblr, to other websites. My preferred genres are romance, horror, and slice-of-life. I really love it when characters form relationships, so that’s what I’m mainly looking for when I roleplay! 
I am looking for mainly fandom roleplay, but I might be persuaded into original roleplay depending on the plotline. I’m a sucker for historical fiction and romance, so run your ideas by me and we can see where it leads! Fandom wise, I will warn you, fandom roleplay is mostly canon and original character interaction. However, I am fully willing to play as up to three canon characters, as well as my original character if you do the same! Needless to say, I’d be more than happy to do that canon and oc love triangle plot you’ve been itching to play.
I will list my main fandoms, as well as  any ideas I have for those fandoms, as well as my preferences and credentials! 
Main Fandoms:
love interest/who i would like to play against
who i will/can/love to rp as
* (acceptable)
** (please)
*** (craving)
****(kill me now, i’ll do whatever)
****Undertale [ Sans / Payrus / Frisk / Undyne / Asriel / Flowey]****
I just hopped onto the bandwagon of Undertale, so I’m extremely eager to roleplay almost anything! I would love to explore alternate time-lines, or exploring the humans who fell previously. I’d also love a roleplay about the monsters on the surface!  My favorite ideas at the moment, however, would have to be either a modern slice-of-life with our original characters interacting with the monsters on the surface, or a 1920’s speakeasy inspired slice-of-life. Monster mob versus human mob, anyone? Or they could just work at a speakeasy, both are lovely! 
I have a specific oc for Undertale who is a monster, but I also have a few humans that would work as well.
**Gravity Falls [Bill Cipher/ Mabel / Dipper]**
If we are going to be roleplaying Gravity Falls, I’m mainly looking for a darker setting! For example, I would love an roleplay where Bill has taken over, or other demons have gotten involved. Gravity Falls would be a messed up place, because something happened to it. I’m open to other sorts of roleplay for this fandom though! 
Currently, this is the main plot I’d like to roleplay for this fandom: Dipper and Mabel have found themselves back in Gravity Falls on their 18th birthday. Finally free to return to the small town, they discover that a lot of things have changed. Not only are their more residents, but they all seem to have some sort of secrets about them. Not to mention, another pair of twins have moved in, and one of the two seems strikingly familiar…
**Doctor Who: [Rose / Any Doctor]**
Doctor Who is the fandom that I have the most experience roleplaying in. I am looking for something a little different in this fandom however, rather than the typical pick up a companion and fly.
For this fandom, I’d like to go with this idea: The Doctor has found himself stuck in a timeline where he must go under-cover. He has all of his memories, but in order to achieve his goal, he must go under-cover. One of his co-workers in this time seems to dislike him, but one day they end up saving his life. Now, The Doctor finds himself running into this person wherever they go, and eventually decides that something in the time-space continuum is trying to tell them something.
**Marvel (Not just cinematic, comics as well): [ liTERALLY ALMOST EVERYONE ]**
Yay! Superheros! I really do mean it when I say I can play pretty much everyone in this universe. I connect with a lot of the characters. For Marvel, I love doing mission roleplays where the characters are on a mission together, and get character bonding experience.
A prompt idea for this one is the following: Enter cliche S.H.E.I.L.D intern. Enter cliche Villain/Hero. Suddenly, the two of them have gotten themselves stuck together in a hostage situation, helpless to do anything but talk to the other. 
***Jessica Jones:***  As a sub-interest, I’ve just finished Jessica Jones and I would adore a roleplay based in this universe. I would also love to roleplay with Kilgrave or Jessica. For this, I’d be looking for something where we could really look at the characters. For Jessica, it could be someone else who has dealt with Kilgrave or something similar, coming to Jessica for help on a case. For Kilgrave, I’d want to play around with the idea of him laying low and having to try and blend in. Maybe Jessica didn’t kill him after all? He can’t use his powers and just has to deal with us normal people.
****DC (Not just cinematic, comics as well) : [ liTERALLY EVERYONE .]****
For DC, I’m mostly interested in the Batman universe. I’m also willing to dabble in Teen Titans, but mostly Batman. For this one, I’d want to either plot out a villains-sentric roleplay, or a slice-of-life in Gotham City. After all, that would be one interesting life. I will say that I specialize in all things Harley Quinn, so I’m more than happy to take her on!  
For DC, I’d like to play college students trying to survive in the city long enough to graduate and then get the hell out. Another idea is two villains (or more) making deals with each other for their schemes, and how it affects their work and other relationships. I have more in depth ideas for this one depending on the characters, so feel free to ask me about it!
****Death Note: [ Mello / Light / L / Near / Mikami / Takada/ Matt ]****
I know a lot about Death Note. Any plot will work with me for this fandom, I love it to death. Just…be careful. I’m hyper-aware of canon for this one, so unless we specifically do an AU,  I’ll be a stickler.
However, I LOVE this fandom. I will problem accept ANY IDEA YOU HAVE. Throw them at me. Bathe me in them. BATHE ME IN DEATH NOTE ROLEPLAYS.
***Creepypasta: [ Jeff / Laughing Jack / Jane / Slenderman/ Eyeless Jack ] ***
OH BOY CREEPYPASTA. IIf you want romance, both characters HAVE to be fucked up and realistic. I will only roleplay this if you have good Oc’s, and are willing to write some really nasty stuff. Also, I’m going to include Marble Hornets in this category, despite them being separate universes. I feel the same way about Marble Hornets. I love it, but it’s going to be dark and horrifying if we roleplay it.
My favorite idea for Creepypasta roleplay is as follows: These murders exist in the real world, and boy are they nasty. They have types of glamours to disguise them while in the real world, but once business calls, they forget any shred of humanity they’ve learned in the human world. Slenderman and his proxies run the Creepypasta realm like a mafia, killing and negotiating with other high-up socialites. 
*Danganronpa: [ Komeada / Naegi / Celes / Togami / Twogami / Sonia ]*
I’ve never actually roleplayed Danganronpa before, but god damn am I willing. My main idea for this one is as cliche as it gets. We take some of the main characters, and replace them with ours! Boom! Done!
*Black Butler: [ Ciel / Alois / Sebastian / Undertaker ]*
Similar to Creepypasta, but not to the extent. Darker themes, and good OC’s make me willing to roleplay. 
In terms of quality vs quantity, I prefer paragraph roleplay with literate grammar. I don’t consider myself to be too picky about it, but I’d prefer proper capitalization and punctuation at the very least? I prefer at least 1+ paragraph in response, just so I have enough to work with!
I prefer to roleplay over email and (sometimes) skype, but I don’t really mind where you contact me. We can discuss where we can roleplay, and what we will roleplay from there!
I have a couple rules when I come to roleplaying, but not many.
1. NO SMUT. 
2. No graphic descriptions of r*pe.
3. Please be respectful of me and my characters.
4. Godmodding to a certain extent. Turning my characters head is fine, anything more than that makes me uneasy. You can contact me here:
tumblr: ribbonsrosesandfuck.tumblr.com
Goodbye! Happy roleplaying!
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