#bf wants a floating bed but I will get my desk bed one way or another
moralalee · 1 month
It's a Thursday. I don't know if I have some sort of summoning or manifestation capabilities, but AT has messaged me today (as per previous entries, the crush from when I was in secondary school). She had messaged me last month to wish me a happy birthday, which was nice of her since we haven't spoken in a long time. We used to talk on and off, but things just fizzled out.
Maybe it's just cause I reread my old entries, or maybe it's because she seems to be living this amazing life now, but I feel weirdly nervous about responding. She asked how I'm doing and it's like, yeah, I'm fine. But what am I even doing? She's posting pictures at award ceremonies and graduating. What have I achieved? "Well, I got a cat and I love him even though he's a nightmare." Weird. I guess 17-year-old BF and I had it cracked, some people you do just repeat with. Same shit, different year.
Went for a piss and was just thinking about what a disaster case I am. Loved Mae from Night in the Woods when I was younger, now I AM Mae. A university drop-out who just kicks about. I have a job at least, but one with no room for growth and that pays decently but still leaves me tight at the end of each month.
Right, got a bit doom and gloom there. I'm feeling crap but trying to get my head in the game. It's weird how my mood can just shift. I've been feeling pretty good today but in the past hour or so, it's like a dark cloud comes over.
I wrote the start of the entry while at work, I’m in bed now. Work was okay, uneventful again. It feels weird how quiet (touch wood) it’s been in the past week. BR has been off the whole time, so I expected us to be drowning. I do miss her and I hope she’s doing okay. I think she’s been pushed too far and we all have a breaking point. I understand the place she’s in. The quiet of work has been highlighting for me how unchallenged I feel. When work is tough, it isn’t because it’s stimulating, it’s just too much of a workload of inane shit. There’s nothing wrong with having a job that isn’t a passion, but it leaves me feeling unfulfilled. I don’t even know what I’m passionate about anymore. Weirdly, I think I had a stronger sense of self as a teenager. It felt easier to write, to be kind, to be real. I’m trying so hard to be authentic now but it’s a battle when I don’t like who I am anymore.
My self-hatred has grown and matured with me. When I was younger, I thought “I’m ugly, everyone secretly hates me, I’m broken and I don’t know why.” Now I feel like I’m a bitter, useless person. I have no drive, I just float about, existing. I know people say your twenties are the years to figure shit out, but I think they’re used to that just being getting hammered or a regrettable tattoo. People don’t seem to get me and my nothing life. I’m figuring things out while spending all my time sitting in the same 2 chairs. Desk chair at work, desk chair at home.
CW tells me I can find something I’m passionate about, tells me I should do something creative because it’s what I thrive in. BF tells me I can use the skills from my current job, pursue business or management, something with a support system in place. I just don’t see a way to either. It’s crazy to me that some people just quit their jobs and go do what they want with no plan. The closest I’ve been to that was quitting working at the cafe when I was 19, but I lived at home and couldn’t handle that place any longer.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to find my way. I’m just stuck in an endless loop of day to day. That’s why I started doing things like baking or going to the gym to try to improve myself in some small way. I want to explore some options for an actual career, not just a job. Maybe I can find some way to dig myself out of the hole.
I responded to AT. It sent me on a bit of a self-doubt spiral. I told BF about her message and she said she’s “clinging on” to me, which is a crazy notion. AT has zero reason to hold onto the past and I can’t even remember the majority of mine. I realised as I was driving home that AT is the only person I’ve ever felt that comfortable or close to. How sad is that? I found the person I clicked most with when I was 12 and I haven’t met anyone like that since. Maybe I have rose-tinted glasses and maybe I’m just a commitment-phobe now, but when I was a kid I genuinely believed she was my soulmate. In the years since I’ve just been telling myself I was a kid and ridiculous and didn’t know what love was, but I loved more truly then than I ever have since or could ever dream of now. I wish I could capture even an ounce of that feeling again. Whenever I’ve chased a relationship, what I’ve wanted most was that feeling of being in someone’s arms and being home.
I highly doubt AT and I will pick things up again and become best friends, but it could be nice to even speak a little, to know she’s doing well. It makes me happy when I open her Instagram story and see another picture where she seems to be thriving. I hadn’t thought properly about her in a long time. I wonder if she thinks about me.
Anyway, that was a pretty pathetic monologue but this has been what I’ve been thinking on. I can’t really say any of that to my friends. I know they wouldn’t get it or that they’d think it’s silly. It was just a hard realisation when I figured out that nothing else has come close since. I wonder if that’s part of why I’ve struggled romantically? A little unconscious part of myself always felt like it wasn’t enough and planted that seed of doubt.
I’m planning on this weekend’s bake to be brownies, DJ was asking for them. And BF is ready for us to get the flat in order this weekend. I’ll feel a lot better when things are clean and tidy. Maybe a little more sane and I can focus more on figuring shit out.
I’m also wondering if my sudden clarity of mind is anything to do with the pill. I always hit rock bottom right as I’m due my period and that’s where I was. Now I’m a few days in and today I’ve felt a lot more balanced. Maybe it’s a coincidence. I don’t know how this shit works.
Goodnight. Looking forward to us finally reaching the weekend tomorrow and BF and I are going to go to the cinema and shops tomorrow. That should be fun.
Edit: Fucks sake, forgot my gif!
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realcube · 4 years
speaking 💗 uwu 💗 to the haikyuu!! boys pt 2
part 1
characters: suna, matsukawa, kyōtani, tendō & akaashi
tw// illness, swearing, sexual references, cwinge   
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Rintarō Suna
bitch- he was shocked
he was feeling sick so you were taking care of him while he lay on the couch looking like the cutest lil’ potato you’ve ever seen
so while you were handing him the soup you made him, you said something along the lines of ‘here’s some wuv-filled soup for my poor honey~’ in the uwu voice
that was the best he felt all day lol
like honestly, you expected him to cringe which is kinda why you did it but he was all for it lmao
‘wait- please do that again, (y/n).’ suna groaned, slowly taking the soup from your hands 
you snickered, gently stirring the spoon to cool it down slightly, ‘no. now drink up.’
you picked up the spoon to jab it at his mouth since he was clearly too lazy to drink it himself, but his lips didn’t part no matter how desperately you poked 
he shook his head, keeping his lips together 
you rolled your eyes, dropping the spoon back into the bowl, ‘stop being a baby and drink the soup!’
suna continued to shake his head, ‘not until you do the voice again.’ he said, his voice hoarse and low.
‘bitch.’ you muttered while rubbing your temples, you were way too tired to deal with his clownery today 
‘please, (y/n).’
‘why are you so needy all of a sudden?’ you pouted, trying to think of something to say in the voice that wasn’t too embarrassing
‘i don’t know.’
‘uwu eat your fuckin’ soup, bi--’ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before wheezing at how silly it was to say something like that in ✨the voice✨ 
suna chuckled, immediately pulling his arm out from underneath the blanket to slurp up your delicious soup
the bowl parted from his lips as he let out a refreshed, ‘ah’ then dropped his gaze to meet yours, ‘you’re so cute.’
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Issei Matsukawa
he would look you dead in the eye and smirk 
‘what’s wrong with your voice?’
‘nothing~’ you hummed, still holding your voice at a higher pitch
matsukawa quirked a brow, wondering if he was missing something
the thought occurred to him that maybe this a prank of some sort and you were waiting for him to give an interesting reaction
well, i mean, he’d hate to disappoint so-
he leaned forward to place a kiss on your cheek and wrap you in hug
‘what are you tryin’ to be all cute for, angel?’  he muttered against the sensitive skin of your neck 
a light blush dusted across your cheeks so you buried your face into the crook of his neck to hide it, ‘i don’t know.’ you replied in an awkward mix of your natural voice and the uwu voice
matsukawa snickered, rubbing up and down your spine with the large palm of his hand, ‘so you’re not gonna tell me, huh?’ he asked, playfully flicking your spine, resulting in a slightly whimper escaping your lips
‘is this a prank?’ he inquired further, holding a tight grip on your waist so you were unable to pull away - not that you wanted to anyway.
‘kinda.’ you snickered at how surprisingly quick he caught on
‘i fucking knew it.’ he chuckled, pushing you away from him to pressed a rough kiss against you lips, ‘but keep your real voice, angel. not to sound like a simp but it’s one the sweetest things i’ve ever heard.’
‘shut up.’ he smiled and lightly flicked your back once more 
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Kentarō Kyōtani 
he thought it was a sex thing-
you were just showing him your new-found talent while he was blushing furiously and just like ‘shut up, (y/n)! we’re in public! 😡😳’
and you just kinda shuffled awkwardly ‘what does that have to do with anything?’
‘you can’t just do stuff like that in front of everyone!’
he’d probably pull you onto his lap and cover your mouth with his hand to silence you
in his mind, the uwu voice = calling your s/o ‘daddy’ or ‘mommy’
like- just a bit too taboo to do in public-
you were so confused
‘kyōtani, get you’re filthy, dry hand off my mouth right now’
he wasn’t exactly sure what you said considering that his hand served the purpose of muffling your speech but he did hear that you called him by his full surname opposed to just ‘kyō’, ‘baby’  or ‘babe’ hence, you were probably angry 
‘i’m going to move my hand but i swear to god if you do that fucking voice again.’ he growled into your ear, that alone probably should’ve made you feel threatened but knowing kyōtani, he’s all bark and no bite; well, at least when it comes to you 
he slowly removed his hand from your mouth and you just shot him the deadliest glare 
he’s never going to recover from that one tbh- your eyes alone just scarred him for life 
without a word, you grabbed your bag from under your desk to search through it for a moment until you pulled out a small bottle of lotion
‘give me your hands.’
‘no.’ kyōtani rolled his eyes; he didn’t like the idea of putting lotion on his hands bc it’d made his hands slippery and if his hands were lubricated how was he supposed to GRIP?
‘i wasn’t a question.’ you scoffed, grabbing his hand and squeezing a dollop of lotion onto it, ‘have you ever moisturized in your life? your hands are so ashy.’
‘right, okay.’ kyōtani murmured, not even bothering to answer your silly question
‘ashy hands~’ you absentmindedly cooed in the uwu voice while spreading the lotion evenly across his palm
after realising what you hand just said, you immediately shifted your gaze onto kyōtani to see if he was livid >:)
but actually, he was painted a deep shade of red with his head turned away from you 
‘you’re going to hell.’ he hissed, not daring to meet your gaze just in case his face erupted in a blush once more
‘i’ll see you there~’
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Satori Tendō
he’d look you dead in the eye and try to copy you lmao
like what else was he supposed to do? lmao
plus, he was sure of the fact he could do it better than you ✋
‘uwu-’ he choked on his own spit as that hellish sound left his mouth
‘TENDŌ!!’ you wheezed, covering your mouth to prevent an ungodly noise escaping, ‘sir, your vocal cords-’
‘wait do it again, do it again!’ he encouraged, clasping his hands together to plead
you snickered before raising the pitch of your voice once more, along with throwing up a little peace sign, ‘you’re such a swut!’
now it was tendō’s turn to wheeze
after a while, he was finally able to compose himself and attempt to imitate ✨ the voice ✨
‘you’re a whore!~’
you gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth, ‘WAIT, SATORI THAT WAS SO GOOD!’
tendō quirked a brow, shuffling in closer to you, taking your hand in his and placing a kiss upon the tips of each of your fingers absentmindedly, ‘really?’
‘yeah’ you nodded rapidly, not even bothering to hide the blush that was spreading across your cheeks at his random kisses 
‘i love you, baby~’ you hummed, pursing your lips in hoped he’d pick up on what your were asking for
‘i love you way more~’ he cooed, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours
honestly, y’all probably never use the voice again after that 
(other than when you play a prank on ushijima :P)
but it’s a fond memory lol
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Keiji Akaashi
you did it as a prank but akaashi thought it was for his attention lol
he was just sitting at his desk, ‘studying’ hard (by ‘studying’, i mean he was blankly staring at his notes while thinking about you) while you were sitting on his bed, taking a well-earned break
then you saw a girl on your fyp try the prank out on her bf and ofc you had to try lmao
i mean, it was harmless :)) unlike some of the other pranks floating around
the only thing that could possibly get hurt during this prank was your pride
so you immediately tried it out
‘angel~’ you cooed, trying your best to keep the voice on and stifle a snicker as you watched him visibly perk up upon hearing you, ‘are you hungwy? do you want me to make you some snacks?’
akaashi turned around his chair to look at you and shoot you a sweet smile
HIS SMILE OEIHNFEVBEI pls it’s so holy 🥺🙏
anyway, he replied in his equally as angelic, mellow voice, ‘i’m fine, love. thank you though, you’re so sweet.’
you nodded in response, thinking that you weren’t going to get much of a reaction out him so you were about to go back to scrolling until he inquired further
‘by the way, what’s with the voice?- don’t get me wrong, it’s cute; i’m just curious.’
you let out a sigh, a smile gracing your lips as you figured that you’d end the prank here- you were too impatient to continue lol
‘it was just for a little prank thing.’
an understanding ‘ah’ fell from akaashi’s lips before he got up from his desk and slowly slinked towards you, cupping your face in his soft hands, caressing your cheek gently with his thumb as his lips teasingly hovered over your own
‘well, i’d be lying if i said i’m not fond of it.’ he hummed, his gaze fixated on your eyes for the most part but every few seconds it’d drop to send brief, longing looks at your lips 
he stole a quick kiss before backing away slightly, his hand staying glued to your cheek for as long as possible 
‘i’ll go fetch us some snacks- i’m suddenly craving popcorn.’
he left you in his room alone, blinking rapidly while trying to process what just happened
you just unlocked suave! akaashi
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jamie-leah · 4 years
War of Wolves (11)
Season 1 
Episode 11 - Death, Drugs, and Art 
Bucky x Reader 
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 3192
Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of drugs, Guys acting super creepy, swearing, displays of violence maybe? 
A/N: Another part is up! I’m sorry this is so inconsistent, work is kicking my ass and I’m having too much fun with the new BF. Most of it is written so if you can’t wait any longer for a new part just yell at me! Enjoy this one Lovelies, things are starting to pick up again! :) 
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War of Wolves Masterlist   Series Masterlist  Oneshot Masterlist 
You get woken up a few hours later by a light shaking. You open your eyes to find Bucky in the dark, “hey Doll, I’m sorry to wake you, but we have to go now”. 
You nod groggily, “s’okay”. 
Bucky reaches over the sleeping kids to scoop you out of bed without disturbing them. He sets you down on your feet gently and leads you by your hand down the stairs. You start putting your shoes on when Peggy and Steve come out of the living room. 
Steve kisses Peggy, “ring me if you need anything”. She nods looking tired. 
You go over to give Peggy a hug, “thank you for having me around. Dinner was gorgeous”. 
Peggy smiles, “make sure you come back often”, she then looks at Steve and Bucky, “look after her boys”. 
“Yes ma’am”, they say in unison. 
You, Bucky, and Steve step out into the night and head to the car. You get in the back as the boys jump in the front, Bucky driving. 
Bucky lets out a big breath, so you ask, “what’s happened?”. 
Its silent for a few moments. The only sound is the car moving down the dirt road until Bucky speaks with barely contained rage, “One of my drug supply vans was raided by another mob, although I don’t know who”. 
You scrunch up your face, “surely the men transporting your van would be able to tell you?”. 
Bucky’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. Steve answers for him, “they’re all dead”. 
The car is silent for a while, until Bucky speaks low, “as soon as I find out who it is, I’ll kill them”. 
Steve speaks to Bucky, “and I agree with you, but what did I tell you about keeping a clear head if we’re gonna figure this out?”. 
Bucky raises his voice, “four of my men are dead Steve! The drugs are gone and we have no idea who did it-“. 
Steve cuts him off, “which is why we’re gonna have a meeting and figure out what to do next”. 
Bucky doesn’t speak until you get inside the house, “Steve, go get Sam and go to the office”. 
Steve nods and walks off. You go over to Bucky and take his face in your hands, “Steve’s right, you need to keep your head clear. Is there anything you need me to do?”. 
Bucky shakes his head slightly. His turns his head so that he kisses one of your palms on his face, “I need you to go to bed and get some sleep”. 
You nod, giving each other a kiss before Bucky walks in the direction of his office. You watch him go and then head to the stairs. You pause at the bottom of them, thinking. It doesn’t seem right that you go to bed to sleep while the boys stay up to sort this mess out. 
You head to the kitchen. You turn the lights on and start brewing some coffee. You then decide to cook a bunch of things for the boys. You load it all on a tray and then make your way to the office. 
You knock and enter straightaway. It doesn’t take Bucky long to protest, “I thought I told you to go to bed?”. 
You shrug as you bring the tray over, “I want to help”. 
Sam’s head shoots to you, “what was that Y/N? Did you just say you want to help?”. 
“Don’t push it Sam”, Bucky’s voice was all but a growl. 
You look at all of them, “what did I miss?”. 
Bucky mumbles, “it doesn’t matter”. 
Sam says under his breath, “I beg to differ”. 
Bucky gets up abruptly, squaring up to Sam as Sam responds in the same way. Steve gets in between the both of them, “okay children. Let’s sit back down and get a hold of ourselves”. 
They both comply reluctantly, staring daggers at each other. You roll your eyes, “will someone tell me what’s going on?”. 
Steve answers, “Sam came up with an idea that involved using you and Bucky shot it down”. 
“Damn right I did”, Bucky says folding his arms. 
Sam pipes up, “it’s the best idea we have”. 
Bucky shakes his head, “no, its not”. 
Sam laughs, “oh, that’s right! Because it’s the only idea we have”. 
Rage flows from Bucky like waves, “keep fucking talking Sam”. 
You cut in, “tell me the idea”. 
Bucky goes to protest, but you shoot him a look and he snaps his mouth closed. Sam explains, “there is a party happening at a gallery opening for Frank Black, a mob boss. Lots of different mob bosses will be there, but Bucky wasn’t invited because its pretty much all the people he’s pissed off. Word will get around what happened to Bucky’s supply and they’ll be talking about it. One of them probably even did it and might brag since it’s a room full of Bucky haters. None of us can go in because they’ll recognise us, but you, they won’t know who you are. Plus, you have your ability that can sift out the rumours from the genuine truth. No one will even question why you’re there because you’re a beautiful woman that they’ll just want to flirt with”. 
As you think it over, Bucky says, “but none of that matters because it’s not happening”. 
You ignore him, “when is it?”. 
Bucky looks at you sharply as Sam answers, “in a few days”. 
You nod, “we should at least consider it. Talk about logistics and how we would plan it-“. 
Bucky stands again, “no. This is ridiculous. Steve, please tell them”. 
Its quiet for a while. Steve sighs, “it is a good idea Buck”. 
“Oh, come on Steve!”, Bucky runs a hand through his hair, “you can’t be serious”.
Steve gives Bucky a look, “it’s a solid idea. One we would have to plan properly, but I’m not gonna rule it out, especially if Y/N wants to do it”. 
Bucky gives him a serious look, “what if it was Peggy? You would honestly let her in a room full of people who hate you? Who would do anything to get back at you? People who are dangerous and could hurt her?”. 
Steve sighs heavily, “I would hate it, just as much as you. I would probably be reacting the same way as you are now. But I would also come to realise that Peggy is her own person and that I can’t get that damn woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do…so, I would rather do it and do everything I can to protect her and make sure she’s safe instead of pushing her away and potentially make her do it on her own”. 
Bucky stares into space for a long time. You speak softly, “its not just some missing drugs, four men are dead Buck…tell me you wouldn’t go through with this idea if it was anyone other than me?”. 
Bucky’s eyes flick to yours. He searches your face but stays quiet. He can’t tell you that because he would be lying. Bucky speaks low, “this is something you want to do? And I mean something you genuinely want to do, not just because Sam put you on the spot about it?”. 
You nod, “I told you, I want to help”. 
Bucky nods slowly, “fine. I’ll consider it. If we come up with a good enough plan now that we can implement in time for the gallery opening, then I’ll do it”. 
You end up staying in the office talking over details and plans for the rest of the night and morning. Once the plan was sorted they wanted to move onto putting it into place, but you stop them, “nope. We all need a few hours sleep at least and no one is arguing with me on this. So, let’s go”. 
Sam and Steve don’t argue as they get up and leave, but Bucky stays in his chair. You go around his desk and take his hand. You pull him all the way to his bedroom where he finally starts getting ready to jump into bed for a few hours. 
You both face each other in bed on your sides. You study his face, “tell me. Tell me what you’re thinking. Don’t bottle it up from me”. 
His voice is barely above a whisper, “I’m-if anything happened to you-“. 
You cut him off as you bring your hand to his cheek. You swipe your thumb back and forth across his cheekbone, “you would be there. I have so much faith and trust in you”. 
His eye’s close at your touch, “that’s what I’m afraid of”. You give him a while to explain, “I don’t want to fail you. I don’t want to let you down”. 
You don’t miss a beat, “hey, look at me”, you wait for him to open his eyes, “the only way you’d fail me is by not giving me a say in the matter. I know that you would do anything humanly possible to keep me safe, because I feel the same about you”. 
Bucky pulls your body closer to his, “you’re amazing and I’m glad that you’re mine”. 
Preparation and planning took up most of the time in the few days before the gallery opening, which is what made the few days go by so quickly. 
You were getting ready for the night when Bucky walked in dressed in black combat boots and trousers and a black T-shirt. You had just slipped into the red dress that Bucky had got you for the party. 
You pull your hair to one side and present your back to Bucky, “can you zip me up?”. 
You can hear the smirk on his face, “now why on earth would I want to do that?”. He zips you up anyway and then leans down to kiss your exposed neck. He then looks at you in the mirror, “you look gorgeous”. 
You take a deep breath and he speaks again, “you’ve got this”. You nod as you both make your way out to the van. Sam is the one driving as Steve and Bucky get you prepped in the back. Steve gives you a tiny earbud to hear the boys talking to you in the gallery. 
Bucky is showing you pictures of certain people to look out for and then gives you tips, “let them come to you, that way your questions won’t seem like an interrogation. Float around to listen to conversations and if no one is coming over to you then insert yourself into a group of people talking, never pick someone on their own. They’ll be suspicious”. 
All too quickly, Sam pulls up not far from the gallery. He also climbs into the back as you start making your way out. Bucky says one last thing, “if you feel like things are going south or you’re getting too uncomfortable just leave. Your safety is more important than the answers”. 
You leave without another word, wanting to get this over with before you chicken out. You make your way quickly up the steps to the gallery and then enter. It hadn’t long opened, and the place was already packed. From people talking in groups to people admiring the art. 
You hear Bucky in your ear, “go have a drink Doll. Take the edge off, but not too much”. You make your way slowly to the bar and order a drink. But before you can pay for it, someone else does. 
That someone else happens to be the man of the gallery, Frank Black, “I hope you don’t mind. I can’t seem to stop myself from buying drinks for beautiful women”. He flashes you a smile. 
You return it, “well, thank you”. 
He hands you the drink, “speaking of beautiful women, I usually remember a pretty face, but I don’t know who you are”. 
You take a sip of your drink before laying on the charm, “let’s just say I’m an admirer of art”. 
His smile widens, “beautiful and mysterious. Those types of women usually end up in my bed”. 
You hide your shock of his forwardness and your sickness. Although the growl in your ear nearly broke your careful expression, “it’ll take more than a drink and a quick flirt to get me into bed Mr Black”. 
He laughs, “classy too. I’m surprised no one has snapped you up as a wife. I have other people to meet but stick around. I’d love to buy you another drink”. 
Before he walks away you give him a small smile, “maybe I will”. 
Once he’s out of sight you down your drink. You hear Bucky say begrudgingly, “you did great. You basically got approval from Frank to stay there so you can float around without worry now”. 
You walk around pretending to admire the art but actually listening to conversations. Bucky was the topic for some conversations, but most of it were people speculating. 
You stand in front of a particularly big and stunning painting when another man approaches you. He stands next to you, facing the painting, “it’s a lovely piece isn’t it?”. 
You nod, “its exquisite”. 
He leans a bit closer to you, “it’s the brush work that makes this particularly appealing to me. What about you?”. 
You tilt your head slightly, your answer an honest one, “The colours. The way they blend so well. Colours that shouldn’t work together, but they do. It’s a shame though”. 
He looks at you, “what is?”. 
You glance at him and then back at the painting, “that most people here are too busy talking about that incident to appreciate the art”. 
He nods, “ahh, do you mean what happened to the White Wolf?”. 
You face him, “that seems to be the hot topic. I mean, I would understand if people knew the truth of what happened instead of pure gossip. The truth might just be more interesting than this art”. 
He chuckles, his arm finding his way around your waist. You hear Bucky growl and complain to Steve in your ear and you forgot that they were also watching from the cameras inside the building. 
The guy leans so close to your ear that you can feel his breath, “if I got you that truth, do you think things would get more interesting?”. 
Its obvious what he was asking, and it made you extremely uncomfortable, but if he knew, you’d put up with it, “let’s see how good that truth is first shall we?”. 
He gives you a smirk as he guides you over to another man. They talk in private for a moment and you were starting to wonder if this was a bad idea until they both come over. 
The new guy studies you, “so you want to know what happened?”. 
You try to look as innocent as possible. Looking up at him through your lashes and tucking your hair behind your ear, “well, doesn’t everyone? I just can’t imagine anyone strong and brave enough to go up against the White Wolf”. 
The new guy scoffs, “that prick. He thinks he’s the boss of us all. He’s getting too rich and powerful for my liking these days”. 
The other guy chips in, “I agree. Which is why I’m glad you did what you did, put that asshole in his fucking place. I’d love to put a bullet in that fucking guys head”. 
You hear the truth in what he just said to the guy. You think he just told you who did it, but you can’t tell because you can’t isolate it from everything else he just said. 
His friend looks pissed, “dude! What the fuck. Be more careful with what you say, you just told her it was me”. 
You look at him wide eyed and in admiration, “it was you?”, you give him a flirty smile, “wow, I can’t believe you did that and got away with it”. 
His annoyed expression turns to one of hunger for you. His arm snakes around your waist, “you like that huh? Yeah it was me”, you hear the truth in it but can’t celebrate as you feel his hand on your ass, “I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t paid very generously by the man that really wanted it done”. 
You hear a bang in your ear and had to fight the urge to jump. You can hear Steve, “calm the fuck down Buck. You nearly scared the shit out of her”. 
You look at both of the men, “I’m assuming you won’t tell me more without a little warm up?”. 
You raise an eyebrow and they look at each other as the man with his hand around you speaks too close for comfort, “hmm, if you’re a good girl I might tell you who the guy was”. 
You hear Sam laughing in your ear as Bucky swears a string of curses. The lie from the guy is oozing out of him. You flash them a smile, “okay, well go get us some drinks and I’ll freshen up in the ladies”. 
They agree and let you go with a slap on the ass. You feel sick and just want to get out now that you have a lead. You look back to make sure they’re not watching as they make their way to the bar. 
Once you’re sure you head towards the exit. Bucky speaks in your ear, “you did great, now get out”. You weave in and out of people as casually as you can. 
You’re nearly at the door when someone steps in front of you, “well, I didn’t think I would be seeing you here, I must say”. 
You look up to see Isaac Williams from Darren’s party. You mentally curse and try to skirt around him, “I’m sorry, you must have me confused-“. 
He steps in your path again, “don’t patronise me Y/N”, he gives you a smile that feels anything but friendly, “you look beautiful tonight”. 
You don’t say anything, knots twisting in your stomach. He speaks again, “so what are you doing here?”. 
“Looking at the art”, you say bluntly. 
His smile twists slightly, hardly noticeable, “don’t be like that Y/N”. 
You start to move passed him again, “I was just leaving. I don’t feel well”. 
He grabs your arm, harder than you liked, “would you like a lift? If you feel unwell you shouldn’t be out alone”. 
You try and tug away from him, “no thank you”. 
He stares at you for a few moments as you try and pull your arm back from him, “let me go Isaac”. 
His grip tightens, “ah, so you do remember me? I’m honoured that my name has made its way into your memory”. 
“Let me go”, you say it through clenched teeth.
You hear Steve in your ear, “Buck, wait! You go in there and its all over! Buck!”. You can hear a slight struggle follow after what Steve says. 
You yank your arm harder, finally breaking away from him. You walk passed without another word as he calls after you, “I hope to see you soon Y/N”. 
War of Wolves Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @ranting-introvert @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @gaycooties @asapkyndall @yaszx @armoredashley @aveatquevoldy
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bubmyg · 5 years
hi Hannah :)) May I request a drabble with college guk about how he & oc would make up after an argument? Maybe some angst w some fluff at the end hehe. If you choose this thank you! I love your blog & writing v much. 💞
genre/warnings: college!au, fluff, angst if you squint and do a handstand, goes along w my other college bf drabbles (linked on my masterlist)
word count: 1,028
summary: jeongguk doesn’t know how to handle arguments let alone proper apologies or it’s supposed to be cold and you’ve left your favorite hoodie at his apartment.
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Jeongguk’s mindless scrolling through the same three applications was disrupted by a notification. His heart jumped into his throat at the possibility and then plummeted back into the pit of his stomach when it wasn’t you but instead his attendance grade in his eight am that he’d skipped. He tapped it just to roll his eyes at the zero of three possible points before navigating back for his text messages. 
Your thread was still open, your response blinking at him. A love you to his I love you, your message free of any emoticons when his included the two tiny pink hearts. He’d sent the same character again except with a question mark after it, seeking out a smile on your face that he couldn’t see. Maybe two of the hearts from you, just to hint at the possibility of everything being okay soon.
You’d opened it and not responded. 
Mindless tears watered at the edges of Jeongguk’s eyes and he switched off his messages only to be met with your giggling features on his home screen. Crinkles framed his eyes and a single tear lipped over them, wrist smearing the droplet across his cheek as he shook his head, tapping on a random application to calm to injured patter of his heart against the depths of his stomach. 
The random brought him to the weather, soft clouds floating behind a pale blue while the temperature sat prominently above center of the screen. He glanced at it once, half paying attention, muttering something about colder than normal under his breath before taking to something else. 
An iMessage game notification from Taehyung only harbored his attention for him to miss fire a pool shot before he was falling face first into his bed with a groan. 
Jeongguk’s cheek shifted, warmth pressing into the plush as another sigh tried to calm his erratic heartbeat again. He focused on the pattern in his ears rather than overthinking a string of four text messages and the last angry spite you’d left him with in person. 
Counting dull beats turned to observing the contents of his room, not ridiculously messy but not clean like he usually kept it. It wasn’t the opened bag of chips on his desk or the mismatched flip flop slides but the mop of black fabric hanging off his closet doorknob. 
He was up with the fabric clutched in white knuckles before he could register the flecked stars behind his vision from jerking up so quickly but he powered through to grab his keys from the kitchen, taking the stairs of their building two at a time and the slabs of concrete sidewalk the same ratio until he was situated in his car with the hoodie draped over his lap. 
He mentally prepared himself for the parking ticket he’d receive from the sideways hang of his trunk into a metered spot outside your building but he couldn’t bring himself to care, just like your schedule was in the back of his mind as he trailed someone in on the heels of their student ID, taking the back staircase two and a half at a time and nearly tripping twice. 
Two knocks into your door and Jeongguk stepped back, finally allowing himself to heave in a breath as he heard shuffling from within, your voice as low and miserable as his as you uttered out a coming behind groaning metal in the lock. The door swinging open revealed your confusion first and your sadness second, meeting his gaze with furrowed eyebrows before your shoulders slumped and you sighed. 
“Were you getting ready to leave for class?” He rushed. 
Your gaze faltered on the mismatched slides he’d stumbled on to bare feet, shrugging. “Yeah, here in a second, probably.”
“It’s colder than normal,” Jeongguk thrust the fabric toward you, now rumpled from the harsh grip of his palms, “...and y-you forgot this at my place and I know it’s your favorite one so I thought I’d try to bring it to you before you left for class even though I know you said we should probably take a little bit of time apart and I figured a couple days was a little bit of time so it’d be okay and i-it’s cold, baby, so—”
He trailed off, speech unintelligible when your fingers brushed his, stretching the fabric out in front of you for a second before gradually drawing it in to hug against your chest. Your gaze softened from the floor, trailing up to meet his wide and uncertain and sheepish doe eyes. 
Your teeth stretched into a single syllable, humorless laugh before it disintegrated into tears, soft sobs rolling your shoulders as you shuffled into Jeongguk’s torso.
He faltered in wrapping his arms around you, frozen at your proximity and your tears and your seek of comfort in him. The embrace was gradual even when it occurred, one arm around your waist, then a hand pressing between your shoulder blades before they both finally squeezed, hand coming up to cradle your head between the planes of his chest. 
“Shh,” Jeongguk soothed against the top of your head, nosing down until his lips could press to your ear, “I love you.”
You nodded, tears stained into his t-shirt, “I love you.”
His hands never left your skin in route to cup your cheeks, prying your face from his chest to press his forehead to yours. “With a heart emoji?” Jeongguk trilled hopefully, another tear lipping off his smile and he didn’t try to wipe it away this time. 
You cleared it for him, cusp of your thumb skimming underneath his eyelid as you matched his tender smile, “With two, Guk.”
It was a content silence of healing each other before he hummed, “You’ve got a class to get to.”
“Was going to skip anyway,” Your eyes diverted, neck twitching as if you were going to look behind you, “...do you want to come in? Talk about things...”
Jeongguk’s lips met your cheek at the center of the stream of tears, lingering long enough to disrupt the path before he pulled away to brush your noses together.
“Lead the way, baby girl.”
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borkingbarnes · 4 years
50 questions!
Thank you for the tag @buckyland! You are literally the softest angel and I have mega amounts of love for you. 💗💗
Putting a Keep Reading bar bc its a lil long aha 
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?  Black and red. Though I can't really brush my hair bc brushed out wavy/curly hair = hella frizz :/ 
2. Name a food you never ever eat.  Olives, bell peppers, Brussel sprouts. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold. Always too cold, considering I live in a barren wasteland. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?  jamming out in the shower lol 
5. What is your favourite candy bar?  Hershey’s cookies and cream 😍
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?  I think a professional hockey game when I was in elementary?? 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “what the fuck is this shit?” (directed at my final exam review) 
8. What is your favourite ice cream?  Vanilla or oreo! 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?  Cofy. 💜
10. Do you like your wallet?  Yes!! It was a gift from Christmas! 
11. What was the last thing you ate?  a singular sunflower seed that was on my desk lol
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?  No, I’m not a huge fan of buying clothes if I can't try it on first. However... this hoodie from UO is speaking to me but its so. frickin. expensive.  
13. The last sporting event you watched?  I think a men’s semi-finals volleyball match against UBC that hosted at my uni years ago? I had a huge crush on our setter at the time LOL 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?  butter or caramel.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?  A text to my bf ranting about how the government will only allow me to get 1 month of BC at a time (before you could get 3-6 months worth at a time), which is fucked bc it just means more trips out?? 
16. Ever go camping?  Yes!! Hoping to go this summer if everything clears up by then.
17. Do you take vitamins?  Occasionally, if I open the cupboard and see it. But only the fruity chewable ones bc they're yummy lol 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?  No. But my one of my friends does and he was supposed to send in a video of him playing some song for his church’s Easter service bc he’s got a degree in music and just overall v good at his instrument. His brother streaked through in the background of said video. He still sent it in. The church played it for the service. akljsldkj 
19. Do you have a tan?  No, she long faded :(
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?  yes. 100% yes. gimme some of that good good sweet and sour pork ANY day. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?  I don't drink soda lol 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?  Those multicoloured Puma ones which everyone has that you can get in a bundle from Costco are all I wear 😂
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?  I usually go like 5 km/h above?
24. What terrifies you?  Failure, not getting anywhere in life, being trapped, losing my mom and grandparents, got reaching my goals. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see?  The disarray that is my unmade bed 
26. What chore do you hate most?  Dishes. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?  lol its terrible but they could literally be saying anything but my brain will immediately go “DEOWN UNDAHH” 
28. What’s your favorite soda?  I don't like soda, but will on a rare occasion take a sip of coke or sprite if my bf is drinking it. 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive?  Drive-thru 100%. I will avoid humans as much as possible lol that and im too lazy to get out of the car most of the time 😅
30. What is your favourite number?  8, 38! 
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?  Like face to face? I guess me mum? 
32. Favourite cut of beef?  T-bone 😍
33. Last song you listened to?  Atlas - Luke Christopher (very fitting for the current times if you ask me, and just overall one of my all time favs.) 
34. Last book you read?  The mind-numbing bullshit that is my textbook. 
35. Favourite day of the week?  Saturdaze
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?  No. I have 1 braincell, and she is not able to complete such an extensive task. 
37. How do you like your coffee?  A good old double double if hot, but I quite enjoy a vanilla iced cofy.
38. Favourite pair of shoes?  My black Nike running shoes in general, my black Timberlands in winter, and my black suede Chelsea boots for a more dressy look! (I enjoy wearing the colour black if you couldn't tell😂)
39. The time you normally get up?  If I don't have any obligations: 10:30-11:30 😅
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Give me ALL the sunsets. 
41. How many blankets on your bed?  3. I am a cold, cold child. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates.  White, square ones? 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment?  Littered with papers and writing utensils because my brother does his homework at the dinner table
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?  Caesars with Walter’s caesar mix 😍😍 Daiquiris are also yum! AND PINA COLADAS. 
45. Do you play cards? I play uno almost everyday on my phone LOL (hit me up if you wanna play together!!)
46. What colour is your car?  Gray 
47. Can you change a tire?  I don’t think so? Though I know the basics? 
48. Your favourite state? Tranquil. At peace. Basically how I feel when I’m floating on my back in water with the sun on my face.  If its US states then I haven't been too too many, but I absolutely adored Florida because of DisneyWorld. I also have some really good memories in Illinois 
49. Favourite job you’ve had?  I still have this job but a vet assistant! 
50. How did you get your biggest scar?  lol. ha im embarrassed. buckle up and prepare for story time. it’s kinda gory(?) so don't read if you don't like that stuff!! 
Box jumps in high school (we had a proper actual gym with weights and machines and stuff). I took my glasses off (idk why I decided to workout in glasses instead of contacts?) bc they kept sliding down every time I jumped. Mind you my prescription is like -5.50 and I have astigmatism so my depth perception is like non-existent without some sort of corrective lenses. But my half blind, non depth perceiving ass was like eh how bad can it be? Well it was VERY bad!! I completely misjudged how high I needed to jump (the box was on the highest side) and basically slammed my shin against the edge of the box (its wooden and very solid!!) and the weight of the rest of my body plus gravity caused my shin to dig and scrape against the edge of the box v deep on the way down. Idk if it was bone or what but there was definitely something flat and whitish in the deepest part?? Nothing broken luckily, but it hurt like a bitch. Found a first aid kit and bandaged myself up and limped around the whole day. Years later, there's still a longish scar and it’s indented along it. 
I also have a fading but quite large scar from road burn when my friend decided it would be funny to push me super fast just out of the blue while I was sitting on a skateboard and not stop me when I started teetering. I was wearing shorts and basically scraped my thigh and part of my butt against concrete. It was painful as fuck and didnt heal for a long time bc it was such a large surface area. I was P I S S E D. 
lol thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far! Tagging some beautiful peeps if y'all want: @evanstar @fightmewiatch @jalapenobarnes @buckthegrump @tropicalcap @sgtjbuccky 
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hyunlixsung · 5 years
Drabble Me This
Hey guys I’ve decided to do a Drabble game! My best friend helped me make this list! @himekute Love you bestie!
-One person = one number
-70 numbers available!
-Mainly stray kids but can do side characters from other groups in the Drabble
-You may request a time stamp along with your number 
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1-“All it took was one look into those eyes and I knew that was the last time I'd be at home for a while." - girl of protective parents runs away/breaks rules for rebel bf
2-“Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?" - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.
3-“I remember this feeling. It feels like home." cuddly bf attached to gf hip. Touching her one way or another - backhugs, holds hand, hand in back pocket, arm around hip.
4-“We didn't know when we'd see each other again." Spontaneous kissing. Passionate. Hands through hair. Picks up and pushes against the wall. Sits on counter tops. Nuzzling. Lip biting and bruising.
5-“Do you trust me?"
6-“You don't have to do this. I can change. I'll be better."
7-“When I hear forever, I see their face smiling back at me."
“8-“I didn’t mean to kill her.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m dead!”
“Her voice is still so energetic”
9-“Are we lost?”
“That sounded reassuring”
10-“I don’t really think before I act. It’s part of my charm”
11-“Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?....thank goodness I have NO idea what I’m doing.”
12-“I'm dying."
"No you're just hungry." (Not looking at them. Looking at tv)
(Lays body across their legs) "I'm not gonna make it."
13-“You have three seconds before I start screaming."
"Listen I-"
"You don't understand-"
"You see the thing is-"
14-“Don’t worry nobody is expecting much. Just be you...actually be you but like less...you.”
“Was that supposed to be a pep talk?”
15-“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions”
16-“Oh bite me” I rolled my eyes. I failed to notice his smirk. “With pleasure darling”
17-“When I’m done with you, you’re back is gonna be four different shades of red”
“Not if you can’t catch me”
18-“Take your things and go!...what are you DOING?! Put me down!”
“You said take my things and go!”
19-“Talk dirty to me."
"It's your turn to do the dishes tonight."
"That's not what I meant."
"You broke our dishwasher trying to clean your crocs."
20-“When I say who's cute, you say me!"
"Who's cute?" "Me"
"Who's cute?" "You"
"Who's cute?" "Us"
"This is why I love you"
21-“Iwon’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me”
“You’re the reason im injured!”
“How was I supposed to know you would be dancing around the house mopping and that you would be very jumpy???”
22-“We gotta go NOW!”
“Why WHERES the fire?”
“Listen idk if you wanna deal with them but I’m not in the mood to have purple marks all over my neck!”
23-“Yeah you think you’re tough! Come AT me!”
“This I was a TERRIBLE IDEA!”
24-“This has got to be one of your dumbest ideas you've ever thought of."
"Relax babe." [Wears goggles while chopping onions] "see no tears."
"Did you just cut yourself?"
"I think we need to go to the ER"
25-“What’s the plan?”
“You had a plan?”
“YOU were supposed to have the plan!”
“well I didn’t!”
26-“Hey so I was wondering..."
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you just found your next meal."
"Because I just did." Smirks
27-“You’re in trouble now baby.”
“Is is it too late to kiss it better?”
28-“I’m gonna show everyone who you belong to. You’re mine!”
29-“This is a terrible idea.”
“Do you wnat to go home?”
“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”
30-“I know this isn’t the way you wanted your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing?”
31-“You know when you said 'let's make tonight fun' being hunted like deer in the back alleys wasnt exactly what I had in mind."
32-“You were about to spend the night reorganizing your spice cabinet."
"I don't need to be attacked like this right now."
33-“I’m cold, I’m
Tired, and I’m going to lose it if I don’t have cuddles and coffee in the next three minutes”
34-“How fast are you?”
“I compete with tiger”
“You mean A tiger?”
“No I mean tiger....my cousin’s rabbit”
35-“If they catch us were dead!”
36 “If I get one more jump scare I’m pulling this car over!”
37-“ Remind me again why I'm doing this."
"Because you love me."
38-“ Out of my way my baby is hurt!”
“39-“I’m not gonna ask again. You stay away from MY girl or I’ll rip You to shreds!”
40-“Your lips look cold can I warm them up?”
....”is that your way of asking for a kiss?”
“Listen linda I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS now just let me be smooth for once-“
“Well what?”
“Make yourself useful and kiss me.”
42-“So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really want."
"I'll tell ya what i want, what i really really want.
I want to kiss you (or i want to marry you or i want you to be mine)."
43-“Hey babe."
"We're out of sugar."
"I'll add it to the grocery list lat-"
Kisses her lips
"Don't worry about it. I got some."
44-“Why do we have 50,000 pillows on the bed. We only need two."
"Listen, when the dust bunny soliders bust into our home we won't be sitting ducks. You'll thank me later."
45-“How many lives need to be ruined before you admit here’s a problem?”
46-“Just because you can see a use doesn’t make something useless!”
47-“I never asked you to save me. And I definitely didn’t ask for the rest of this.”
48-“Stop shutting me out and talk to me for once. PLEASE."
49-“Everybody makes mistakes.”
“Not everyone makes the same mistake three times!”
50-“Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times shame on you again for taking advantage of my good nature!”
51-“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the wya they look at you, whisper and chatter when you appear. They think you’re going to rescue them.”
52-“Run away if you want, but know who you are leaving behind and the risk you are taking. They may not be so patient.”
53-“I told you this all those months ago when we first met. I'll say it again. I'm not who you think I am."
54-“Don’t act like you know me. You don’t KNOW me”
“Yes I do!”
“What’s my favorite color then??”
“Easy blue!”
“...that doesn’t prove anything.”
"No that's not it."
"What is is then?!?!"
"I love you."
56-“I love you on the outside.”
“Wow that makes me feel SOOOO much better”
“Now let me love you on the inside.”
57-“I already said 'I love you'."
"I know."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to say it to me again and mean it this time."
58-“I love you”
“...what did you say?”
“Umm I said you cute?” 
“Say it again.” 
“You cute.” Gets close to her face “say it again”
59-“Can you do something for me?" 
“Anything for you baby." 
“I want you to kiss me. And not just the sweet little short kisses we give each other. I need those long, hot, passionate deep kisses that'll leave me breathless. I need you to hold me close to your chest and make it feel like you'll never let me go. I need you to-”
60-“When I saw his face, I could see our entire future together. But when I looked into her eyes, all I could see were galaxies and possibilities."
61-“Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before." 
"Yeah, we've only met in your dreams. You're even more beautiful in person."
62-“DONT cover your marks. I want people to know you’re not for sale.” 
“...so I’m an object?” 
“No! Never! Sorry that came out wrong. But you are mine and I’d like people to keep their hands off.”
63-“(member full name)” “Yes (member last name) (y/f/n)?”” We aren’t married?” “Not yet babe”
64-“nope no kids!” “Why not :(((?” “I have to look after YOU!”
65. "Hey baaabe..." 
“You never said we were expecting company." 
"I never said what-" pauses and stands protectively in front of them. In a deep voice and darkened eyes "What are you doing here?"
66-“okay this is going to seem absolutely crazy but I need you to run!” 
“You want me to RUN?? I’m sorry running is a SIN!” 
“It’s either that or be eaten take your pick.”
 “If I choose eaten does that make me a snack or a meal?”
67-“oh please I bet you can’t even kiss a girl sweetly . All you know how to do is be rough.” 
Slams hands on desk. “But you like it rough don’t you? I can see it. But that’ll have to wait for another time.”
 Scoff. “Another time? Like you’re gonna get a first time-“
68. "Why did I ever trust you!?!?" 
"Baby, don't say things like that! You can trust me!!" 
"I'm sorry 😭😭"
 "No this marriage is over." 
"We aren't married.”
 "You're right we aren't now."
69. "Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Don't think about me. Don't *shaky breath* just *voice breaks* don't."
 "Love, let me explain. That wasn't me." 
"It wasn't you?? If it wasn't you, then who was it???? Hmm!" 
"My twin."
70. "Hey! Do me a favor will ya?"
“Yeah sure what do you - is that, why is there blood on your shirt?
“Kiss me.”
“W h a t?”
Kisses and pulls back after people pass them.
“Yeah sure whatever...blushes
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