#kyotani x you
taintedtort · 4 months
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"i think i’m in love with you," kyotani blurts, not being able to hold the words in any longer. he’s blunt, he always has been, he always says what he’s thinking. well… unless you’re involved, you get him all tongue tied and soft. he hates it. for the longest time he didn’t know why you made him feel like this, but finally he came to the conclusion that he likes you, loves you, even.
your constant babbles and attempts to befriend him got on his nerves at first, but you stuck around. you kept trying even after he pushed you away and said mean things. you’re always the one that sticks by him and stands up for him, even when he’s done something wrong.
he hates feeling vulnerable or anything similar to it, so he took a while to finally accept that he has feelings for you. he wasn’t gonna say anything at first… but the words just came out, he said them without really thinking. he shakes himself out of his thoughts, waiting for your reaction with narrowed eyes.
you‘re silent for a couple seconds, just staring at him in… shock? surprise? disgust? he isn’t sure. he really hopes it isn’t the last one though.
"what?" finally comes your reply, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. his heart immediately drops. he really messed things up. he mentally curses himself, feeling stupid for letting the confession slip out.
"i— nothing, i just thought… you felt the same. never mind, forget it," he shakes his head, his words a bit bitter. had he read you wrong? everyone on the team always tells him you obviously have a crush on him. he brushed it off for a while, but he’d held onto the hope… till now. he feels so stupid—
"no! i mean— yes! i do!" you suddenly blurt, your hand shooting out to grab his shoulder, forcing his attention back on you and pulling him out of his thoughts. "i just didn’t expect you to say that, i’m sorry," you apologize, feeling rude for your delayed reaction.
he stands stunned for a moment, not really sure what else to say. you like him back, that’s good… now what? a kiss feels like too much, too soon. he did just confess that he’s in love with you though… that was probably too soon.
"kyotani?" you say, pulling him out of his thoughts once again. he’d been staring dumbly for several seconds, and suddenly you’re much closer than before, your hand still on his shoulder.
"go on a date with me," he states, not even asking. when he wants something, he just takes it.
he watches once again as your eyebrows go up in surprise, but a smile quickly forms on your face. god, he loves your smile, he always has.
"okay, sure." ♡
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☆ i love him, but no one really writes for him!! figured i would, hopefully some other kyotani lovers see this ^^ (i wasn’t sure how to end this, can you tell? lol)
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Iwaizumi is the kind of guy to let little kids win arm wrestling matches so they feel strong. For example Takeru Oikawa has 'beat' Iwaizumi and brags about it to Oikawa saying it was easy and that he should've tried harder. Iwaizumi always plays along saying he will beat him next time
Tendou walks around the house singing songs from your shared playlist and stops waiting for you to finish the lyrics to the song. LOVES when you play along.
Kuroo has a cat headband. Like the kind that pushes your hair back. No one else knows but he thinks he looks cute.
Kyotani is an amazing singer. Once after practice he was humming to himself which turned into singing. When he got out the team was standing there shocked. Mattsun still has the video.
Kageyama does anything Suga tells him too. Like once he was hungry and Suga told him he could leave if he got everyone food as a joke but Kags came back arms full of food.
Nishinoya sounds like beast boy imo, had to put that out there
Akaashi is super outgoing with bokuto when they are alone. When they are studying he gets bored and stands up doing a dramatic performance for Bokuto and gets him to join. Bokuto doesn't understand how he goes from 0 to 100 real quick and finds it funny. no one believes him if he tries to tell anyone.
iwaizumi promised Oikawa when they were little to hit everyone who hurt him, which is why he hits him so much because Oikawa is the meanest to himself
Bokuto is banned from having regular coffee. To keep him entertained Kuroo will give him decaf coffee but mostly drown it in milk. Bokuto really loves it because it's basically milk.
Tanaka lost a bet to Noya and had to wear a hot pink basically glowing to a practice match with Seijoh. Oikawa made fun of him so hard and Iwaizumi punched him but smiled.
Hinata believes in ghost and Tanaka and Noya give him hell for it.
Tsukishima has stretch marks from growing super fast
Yamaguchi's freckles are actually acne scars
Bokuto gives great hugs
Kita is a close second
The captains have meetings and they are absolutely FERAL. Like heres how I imagine it would go down
Kuroo: *moans as loud as possible while clapping his hands*
Oikawa: *crying in the corner because Ushijima made a comment of him being built like a doorframe*
Ushijima: Hi Mrs. Sawamura
Seijoh has a group chat dedicated to ugly pictures of Oikawa
Nishinoya used to bite people
Kuroo sings opera in the shower
Tsukishima dresses as a dinosaur every year but its a full body costume so no one knows but yamaguchi
suga learned french so he could shit talk people behind their backs
Kageyama knows he looks like a blueberry so he eats them when he is sad
Kyotani is ambidextrous. Don't ask why. He just is.
When you ask Bokuto his favorite color he says the color of your eyes
Tanaka wears your perfume
Bokuto loves hide and seek
Tanaka is a shoe guy 💀
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kushnovice · 1 year
Kyotani x reader
TW: Swearing, bullying, voilence, blood, hurt/comfort, fluff
(This is cringey. I made this years ago.)
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you were being bullied by the ugly twins!" Hajime yelled as he found out the real reason you are transferring to his school. (Y/n) sighed and rested against the wall behind her, "I didn't tell you because it started out as nothing but then when I couldn't hide the marks, the school found out." Iwaizumi couldn't believe what he was hearing from his little sister...she thought it was okay and the only bad thing about it was that she got caught. As much as Hajime wished he was able to control his emotions, he couldn't. His mind was lost with the image of his little sister with bruises and marks, it pissed him off. (Y/n) could see how angry he was as his knuckles were white from folding his hands into fists out of anger.
Toru, who was in the living room, listening to the conversation, had called Kyotani. "I have a job for you...yes you will get money for it...I need you to protect Iwa-chan's little sister...yes he has a sister...shes transferring tomorrow...for as long as needed...$100 dollars a week...i knew you'd accept, see you tomorrow at the front of the school." He hung up, humming a happy tune as he knew that Kyotani would keep her safe and that spending that money would do no damage to his wallet.
"It's not a big deal, I don't know why you think this is such a bad thing, it's been happening to me all my life and now suddenly you care. Why do you think mom and dad always switched me out of schools constantly." (Y/n) was fuming now as Iwa never cared about her so why does he suddenly care about her? Hajime was shocked to hear that he had genuinely no idea who his younger sister was. Of course, he always had loved her, but he was always more focused on his own life and playing volleyball than he was with his sister. She stopped bothering him after age 9 but he assumed that was because she was more into her own life, but he never took the time to learn about his younger sister.
Hajime didn't know how to express the things he was feeling or thinking so he just pulled her into a tight hug. She immediately started to cry as she had felt like her brother did not care about her but here, he was, rubbing your back as you sobbed on his shoulder. Since you fell asleep while crying, Iwa carried you to your bed and let you sleep. Oikawa had come out of his hiding spot in the living room when he heard your soft snores.
"I called Kyotani...don't get mad but..." Toru explained what he had done, "I know he's not the most stable person but hes the strongest at school and as much as people are scared of you...its nothing like how people are deathly afraid of him..." Toru had expected Iwa to get mad at him for it but shockingly Hajime loved the idea of someone protecting her when he was not around. "Well, I'm going to go, I'll pick you both up for school tomorrow. I'll send you pictures of the history homework since I know you haven't done it." Iwaizumi had smirked and nodded, "g'night, see ya tomorrow." he added as Toru left and he found himself in his bed.
(Y/n) woke up with a big stretch that caused her hands to hit the wall. "Fuck..." she muttered lowly as she got up and shoved her hand in her brothers face as he was knocking on her door every five minutes to wake her up for school. "Shut up I'm awake." She groaned as she grabbed her new uniform from the laundry room and then went to her room and changed into it. Her eyes and hair popped against the white and teal uniform that shaped her perfect body. (You're beautiful, okay!) As she was looking in the mirror at herself, she heard Toru's car honk and she rushed to get her jacket and shoes on as she saw Hajime getting into the car as she was running out the door. "Hey Toru!" (Y/n) smiled at him as he responded with a hello and a compliment on her outfit.
When they arrived at the school, there was an older looking guy with yellow hair and stripes in his hair. He looked kinda scary...but also kinda hot... As Toru parked the car, she was lost staring at him. She was never one for dating or guys at all, she enjoyed being alone, but something about him made her unable to look away at all. Haijime noticed this but pushed it to the back of his mind as he handed her, her bag as they got out of the car.
When Kentaro saw (Y/n), the world stopped and she was suddenly the only thing he could focus on as she walked closer and closer to him, with her brother and Oikawa by her side. "So, Kyotani this is Iwa-chan's sister, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Kyotani and he is going to protect you when Iwa and I are not around." Oikawa smiled at her. "So, you got me a body-guard?" She asked as she noticed how tall he was compared to her and how imitating Kyotani was. Oikawa sighed and just simply nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you Kyotani, I hope we get to know each-other well." She smiled at him causing a light blush to litter his cheeks and him to nod silently. Then she was able to meet the rest of the volleyball team, all day she was surrounded by the boys causing everyone to be genuinely terrified to talk to you.
After a few days, people stopped trying to surround themselves around (Y/n) and she was left mostly alone with Kyotani, which they both loved. As they were walking in the hallway, she started talking to him as always, "Sooo, what is your full name?" she asked curiously. "Kentaro Kyotani." he stated, "you can call me Kentaro." He blushed softly as he spoke but (Y/n) could not contain her blush from showing brightly on her face. "Okay, can I call you Ken?" She asked with a pleading smile as they walked into the gym. "Sure." He smiled a bit as he then hid his happiness as they were walking closer and closer to the team.
As (Y/n) and Kentaro were sitting on the roof, eating lunch and talking about anything and everything. "You guys have a game tonight, right?" Kentaro nodded, "Against Inarizaki." (Y/n) froze when she had heard the name, she would have to see her bullies again. "Are you alright?" Kentaro asked, pulling her out of her daze. "Yeah..." she sighed and started to sink into herself knowing that she had no way out of it. As the day neared an end, the more anxious she got. Kentaro had noticed this as she was biting at her nails and lips. Kentaro decided to ask her about it as she sat on the ground next to him as he was stretching for practice. "Why have you been...weird today?" Kentaro asked, not really good with emotions. "Well, it's just...the twins on that team...well the whole team actually...they bullied me which is why I transferred here." (Y/n) muttered, feeling unsafe again.
Kentaro placed his hand softly on hers, "I will not let anyone hurt you ever again." He said it with such confidence that it melted way the anxiety. Her face burnt bright red as she nodded a bunch, her heart beating out of her chest. Kentaro smiled softly and let out a small chuckle, seeing how much of an effect he had on the younger girl.
As the game started and the bleachers were filled with fans, (Y/n) stood with the team manager, ready to hand water to anyone who needs it but preferably Kentaro. As the other team joined Aboa Johsai on the court, the team-mates spotted (Y/n), smirking and started taunting her from across the gym causing her to sink into her seat until she saw Kentaro step in front of you on the court with a deadly glare at them. As the game went on, Kentaro was hitting perfectly and extremely hard, so hard that their libero can't pick it up. After winning point after point, they destroyed the other team with dangerous energy radiating off of them. Kentaro ran up to (Y/N) and pulled her into a hug by the waist and took the water bottle she was holding and drank it. "You did amazing Ken!" (Y/n) smiled brightly and hugged him tightly but seeing the Inarizaki team glaring at her. "Thank you." Kentaro smiled at her and drank the water before gathering with the team. (Y/n) then ran off into a bathroom and into a stall as her heartbeat increased and her body started shaking violently with her mind thinking the worst. As she began to cry the door opened as well as the stall, "Well well well...look at the ugly pathetic little bitch, what a crybaby." Atsumu shoved her back into the side of the toilet causing her to hit her head and for it to start bleeding.
Kentaro was looking around for you as they lined up, when he realized one of the twins wasn't there and so he ran off, passing Atsumu and shoving him back with his shoulder as he ran into the bathroom and saw (Y/n) bleeding on the ground. He softly picked her up and sat her on the sink as he wet some towels and gently cleaned her head. "Who the fuck was it." He muttered; anger laced in his voice. She looked down and muttered softly, "I don't know..." "Thats bullshit!" His voice getting louder and deeper as he became angrier and more frustrated. She started crying and breaking down causing Kentaro to warp his arms around her, "I won't let them touch you again..." He muttered, his voiced now laced with concern and care. "Why do you care so much? My brother is paying you to watch me..." She continued to cry softly on his shoulder until he softly pulled her away and looked at her in the eyes, "You're much more than that to me, you are the only person I feel happy with." Kentaro confessed. "You're the only person who makes me feel safe..." She also confessed and leaned in softly. Kentaro leaned in as well, closing the small gap between them. She has expected his kiss to be rough, but it is soft and passionate, tasting like vanilla. After they pulled away and hugged each-other, (Y/n) muttered, "It was Atsumu..." Causing Kentaro's grip around her to tighten and him to nod.
As Kentaro and (Y/n) walked back to their team, holding hands, all eyes were on them. (Y/n) sat down next to Hajime who immediately saw the blood on her head and started asking many questions. Kentaro slipped away to the other side of the gym where he tapped on Atsumu's shoulder before punching him in the face and breaking his nose. "If you ever touch my girlfriend ever again, I will make sure your twin has to help you do everything for the rest of your life." Kentaro glared at them with all the anger he had been holding back and the blood of Atsumu dripping down his hand.
"She's mine."
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noyasmashing · 4 months
If it isn't too much trouble, may I request mad dog with a nerdy reader. In public they have scary dog privileges but in private he becomes such a whiny puppy who doesnt know how to ask for master/mommy to touch him? No hurt feelings if you don't want too, I just don't see enough of him being a sub. Thank you!
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CW: names such as pup and mommy are used, semi public, praise, hand job
A/N: i’m so sorry this took so long 😭 tbh i have no excuse
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he would be suchhhh a grouch in public. Picture yourselves on the public train together. He's casting menacing glares at anyone who dares to glance your way, positioning himself protectively in front of you. Meanwhile, you're engrossed in your book, wearing a delighted expression that's impossible to hide.
And when you venture out together (a rarity in itself), despite your occasional awkwardness, you effortlessly connect with others over obscure subjects, radiating joy and warmth. Kentaro, on the other hand, stands by your side, arms folded, engaging only with you.
Its quite endearing how different you two are-personality wise. People often wonder why you're with such a seemingly grumpy individual, but they don't see the tender side he reveals to you. He's incredibly sweet and attentive, always accompanying you to your favorite bookstores for the latest releases. Despite his aversion to socializing, he willingly joins you for coffee outings.
What may be the most adorable thing about him, is his sudden shyness in private. Suddenly, he's flushed red, stumbling over his words, nervously fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them.
He gives up any ounce of control easily, falling to his knees at your request. Your favorite thing is making him work for his pleasure. He knows what he wants. He wants to cum until he can't think. But he doesn't know how to ask.
Recently, you'd discovered a new favorite pastime: teasing Kentaro in public. There was nothing quite like watching him squirm as he struggled to maintain his tough exterior, only to be undone by his own pent-up desire.
It was a simple matter to get him riled up. A strategically timed pause to admire a book cover, a suggestive lick of a lollipop, or a deliberate lean forward to show off your cleavage would send him into a tailspin. His eyes would flash with desire, his face would redden, and his lips would tremble.
But the best part was the moment he'd snap, his eyes pleading for mercy as he grabbed at your shirt, his voice barely above a whisper. "P-please… y-you… I need y-you…"
You'd feign innocence, playing dumb as you led him on a merry chase. "Hmm? Need me to what, Kentaro?" You'd ask, looking up at him with a concerned expression. He'd hesitate, his words faltering as he scanned the empty store for an escape route. "You know.." He'd mutter, gaze low and hands sweating.
Finally you relented, firmly grasping his cheeks, directing his gaze toward the family bathroom that was tucked away but still in sight of you two. "That'll work yeah?" you inquired, locking eyes with his widened ones, before proceeding toward the bathroom. "What if someone sees us?" he'd nervously stammer, but still following closely behind you.
You'd simply smile, your eyes glinting with mischief. "It makes it more exciting, Kentaro."
Once inside, you'd press your lips against his, drawing out a soft groan as he struggled to keep up. But you were just getting started, taking a seat on the bench, beckoning him closer.
"Y-you want to do it here?" He'd ask, his voice laced with anxiety.
You'd bat your eyelashes, playing innocent once more. "Do what puppy?"
Being the nervous dog he is, he'd trail off, his face flushing with embarrassment as he stumbled forward. You'd laugh at his shyness, running your hands up his shirt and down his stomach as he stood in front of you.
"P-please… touch me," he'd beg, his voice cracking as he dropped his head in shame.
You'd toy with him, running your fingers over his hips as he squirmed beneath your touch. "I am touching you, baby," you'd purr, but he wasn't having it.
He needed something more – something that would make him feel like he was truly alive. And so, he forced out the words: "My c-cock., touch my cock, mommy"
Your eyes lit up with amusement and a hint a sadism, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down without hesitation. "That's all you had to say puppy." You'd coo, while wrapping your fingers around his hardened member. It boasted a rather prominent vein tracing its length, accompanied by a slight curve that he found rather embarrassing.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease him with gentle strokes that coaxed a soft whimper from his lips. Spitting into your free hand, he'd gasp at your boldness, wanting to say something. But words quickly faded in his mouth when you smeared it long his length, making him throw his head. He'd look up at you, pleading for more, but you'd merely smile wickedly and instruct him to "be a good boy and fuck yourself with my hand."
Immediately, he would protest with a whiney, "noo I-I can't" his inexperience evident in his hesitant tone. But as you met his gaze with a firm, expectant look, his hesitation gave way to an exploratory thrust. With the help of your praise, he'd slowly become more comfortable with your embarrassing request.
As he quickened his pace, his breath would catch in his throat, his member pulsing in your hand. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and his thrusts became more erratic, your seductive voice making it harder for him to stay steady. His usually narrow eyes seemed to be welling up with emotion, and his face flushed.
Your other hand grasped the soft skin of his hips, guiding him into a harsher rhythm. He let out a loud, desperate moan, forgetting their surroundings as he succumbed to his pleasure.
Useless pleas would tumble from his lips, but you refused to indulge them, instead, instructing him to "show that pretty tongue, baby." He had no choice but to obey, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, coated with saliva as he reveled in embarrassment.
He'd pant and whine, his red tip darted back and forth between your hand, his face contorted in a mix of pleasure and shame. "M-mama, I'm close.. gunna cum.. c-cum, cum all over," he'd babble, his movements becoming more frenzied by the second.
Your grip tightening around his member, moving and twisting in tandem with his thrusts would send him over the edge. He'd cum with a loud, broken moan, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he convulsed in your grip.
His body felt shaky and weak, his legs trembling beneath him. You stroked him through the aftershocks, praising him as he sat down, still flushed from his climax.
"You did such a good job, pup," you'd coo, making him blush once more. "Just sit there and look pretty for me and I'll get you allll cleaned up."
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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sweetfushi · 3 months
angst, hurt/comfort | rintaro suna, kotaro bokuto, satori tendo, kentaro kyotani x reader, difficulties with expressing oneself, difficulty taking criticism, harsh bluntness (unintentional), anger issues | word count. 0.4k ◦ notes. they're trying their best </3
Sometimes he finds it hard to express himself, not necessarily because he’s faced trauma or hardship, but because he’s never exactly had anyone open up to him. He appreciates that you’re so willing and confident in him to express your own emotions but he sort of just stares at you when you wait for him to do the same. Especially when you’re arguing, he’ll say most things with an unintentionally apathetic tone, despite the fact that he truly means well. You can’t always detect that though, thus resulting in you feeling severely neglected.
He finds it difficult to take criticism, even where it’s constructive. Even when you politely call him out on something, his mood and smile will drop instantly. He views criticism almost as a way of making fun of his capabilities to do things, even when people have the opposite intention. He’d listen when you try to reason with his sudden change in mood, telling him that what he views as hate is actually the product of love and how much people care for him. It would take him a few hours to snap out of his bad mood.
Although he tries the best he can to do otherwise, Tendo speaks his mind. Initially, you viewed it as a green flag, grateful that he was honest with you. However, sometimes you needed sweet treatment in times of despair or pain, and he had trouble holding his tongue. His teasing tended to turn into blunt remarks that you had to glare at him for, which would quickly make him seal his lips after apologising promptly. Sometimes he catches himself before you do once he sees your expression start to anger, which would cause him to reword whatever spills from his mouth.
He gets mad quick. God knows he’s trying, especially for you, but his therapist had insisted that you must be patient with him for both your sakes. He’d get mad over the smallest things and stare at you incredulously when you do nothing but smile sheepishly at his outbursts. Yes, it satiates him slightly to see you so calm, but it also just causes him to walk away with a fire still heated in his chest. He always apologises though, you never have to prompt it out of him, he’d eventually approach you with his hands in his pockets and an apology spilling from his lips (following which you’d tackle him in a reassuring hug).
sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).
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hoejosatoru · 3 months
Roster Hopper - Aoba Johsai edition
Pairings: Fem!y/n X Aoba Johsai players (Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Kunimi, Kyōtani (mad dog)) all separately. Y/n's skin color/hair color is not specified.
Summary: Y/n bets her friend she can sleep with the star players of Aoba Johsai (Univiersity AU) without any of them finding out.
Original Karasuno version here, Nekoma version here
Word Count: 6.2K
Warnings: Sex with multiple guys (separately), stoner!Matsukawa bc I hc him like that, reader smokes, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, mirror sex, semi publicish sex, rough sex, spanking, thumb in ass, squirting, the works lads were are fucking 5 men in one story, Iwaizumi bias sorry not sorry, not proof read MDNI
"I cannot believe the way these girls act," You huffed, settling next to your best friend and co manager. This was the second time today you had to kick out a bunch of girls trying to get a glimpse of Oikawa from practice.
Your friend chuckled. "You get used to it, but it is very bizarre." You and your friend were managers of your university's highly regarded volleyball team. Your friend did it last year, convincing you to do it with her when the other manager graduated. Oikawa's groupies no longer phased her.
"What is he doing to these girls? I mean he's good looking, but he's just another student," you replied.
"Maybe he's hooking up with them? Like the dick is so good it drives the crazy," your friend said, snickering.
"There's no way he's that good," you chuckled. "Honestly, I feel like he's not even the best on the team."
"You've spend thinking about this?" your friend teased.
"Hey these practices are long, what else am I supposed to do?" you responded.
"Fair enough," your friend said. "So who do you think is the best, then?'
"My guess is Iwaizumi," you replied, "But unfortunately I don't have any proof."
"I don't have any proof either, but honestly I think you're right," your friend replied, "But I wouldn't count Oikawa out. He's gotta be doing something right for these girls to act like that."
An idea hit you. "What if I could get proof?"
Your friend's brow arched. "What do you mean?"
"Let's pick like the top 5 guys on the team. I'll sleep with all of them and then I can rank who's the best." It sounded crazy leaving your mouth, but it didn't make you want to do it any less.
Your friend gaped at you. "I think you might have caught whatever crazy the Oikawa fan girls have."
You shrugged. "Maybe, but come on, aren't you curious?"
"I can't lie, I am intrigued," your friend replied, "But it seems unlikely. That's a lot guys to get through and they're bound to talk."
"I bet you $200 I can do it with none of them finding out," you countered, feeling bold.
"You're on," you friend shook your hand. The two of you discussed details. In order to get the most accurate results, you were to let them take the lead. If you started telling them what moves to do, or what you liked you'd get a skewed experience. And it was crucial none of them found out. If they knew they were in competition, they might try extra hard, which, again, would skew the data in this very scientific study. You both agreed that you would have until the end of the semester to get it done. Fair enough, considering it just started.
"Also coach is super strict about girls," your friend said, "He thinks it is a distraction, so if he found out you might lose your spot." It certainly added to the stakes, but you were willing to risk it. You had faith in yourself. You both easily decided to on Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kumini, and Matsukawa as the top four, but struggled with the last guy.
Your friend got a devilish grin. "I think it should be Kyōtani." Your eyes drifted to the court where Kyōtani, who the team somewhat affectionately named mad dog, was slamming spikes over the net.
"I think you want me dead," you replied, "But I am curious. Sure let's make him number 5." And so you had your targets set.
Matsukawa was your first attempt because, frankly, he seemed the easiest. He flirted with you a few times at past parties so you figured you had a good shot at this one. You weaved through the crowd at the team house until you found him scrolling his phone, alone. Perfect.
"Hey Matsukawa," you beamed.
He perked up when he saw you, eye flicking over your body. You wore your favorite pair of jeans and a little top that hugged your body perfectly. From the twitch of his mouth, you guessed he liked what he saw. "Hey y/n, what's up?"
"I was wondering if you had any weed?" you batted your lashed at him,
His grin widened. "Course, you wanna smoke?"
"Do you mind?"
"Not at all. We just gotta do it upstairs, cause, you know." You nodded, understanding what he meant. Matsukawa was the only guy on the team who smoked, at least openly. Most of the guys gave him shit about it, saying it would fuck up his stamina and mess with his performance in games. So now, he had to hide it. Which worked out rather well for you.
You followed Matsukawa up to his room in the team house, both careful to avoid attention from other teammates. Luckily, it was a rather crowded party and you were able to make it to his room unnoticed.
"I can roll us a blunt?"
"Please," you replied, sitting comfortably on his bed. Matsukawa smiled, pleased at the look of you in his bed, before turning his attention to his rolling papers. He was quick and efficient joining you with a perfectly rolled blunt moment later. "You're good at that."
He grinned, lighting up, "Lot's a practice. You do the honors of taking the first hit." Matsukawa watched as you took the blunt between your plush lips. It was clear by the way he looked at you this would not be hard. You passed the blunt back and forth until it was finished, feeling a little high.
"You look like you want something," you flirt, holding Matsukawa's gaze. You leaned in closer to him, just inches from his face. "And I think I know what it is."
"Hmm, and what's that?" Matsukawa mused.
"This," you whispered before pressing your lips to his. Matsukawa's arms instantly wrapped around you, pulling you into him. You straddled his lap, playing with hair at the base of his neck as you kissed him deeper. You rolled your hips against him once to test the waters, eliciting a hum of pleasure from him. You continued your movements as Matsukawa let his hands explore your body, squeezing your ass and tits.
Matsukawa was fully hard before you even took your shirt off. He buried his face in your tits, sucking on the soft flesh and kneading with his large, warm hands. His tongue flicked over your nipple, making your arousal pool between your legs. He ravished your tits with his hands and mouth, making you ache with desire.
"Can I take these off?" Matsukawa asked, noting how you've become more needy. His fingers were hooked into pants the second you nodded, pulling them off you.
"Not fair that I'm the only one naked," you noted, pulling at the hem of his shirt.
Matsukawa smirked. "Be my guest." You stripped him down, pulling his stiff cock out of his pants. You ran your thumb over his tip, spreading his precum. You positioned yourself over him, before sinking down on to him with a satisfied sigh. He wasn't too big, but enough to make you feel full and satisfied.
You gripped his shoulders for leveraged as you rolled your hips. Matsukawa groaned as you fucked yourself on him, "God, you feel so good." He leaned back on his hands, allowing him to watch your tits bounce as you rode him. He planted his feet on the bed allowing him to fuck up into you.
"Shit just like that," you moaned, feeling him press deeper into you. Your clit hit against him with each thrust, sending jolts of pleasure through you. You dug your nails into his shoulder as you finally teetered over the edge, crying out his name.
"Fuck," Matsukawa moaned as he spilled inside you. His hips stuttered before finally coming to a stop. Matsukawa excused himself to grab you a towel from the bathroom connected to his room.
"Thanks," you said as he tossed it to you. You quickly cleaned yourself up, eager to get back to the party before it was obvious you were both gone. "Hey Matsukawa? Do you mind if we keep this between us? You know how the guys are, especially with, you know." You nodded over to the remnants of weed on his nightstand.
Matsukawa nodded, not looking to get another anti smoking lecture from Iwaizumi. "It's in the vault."
The opportunity to get with Kyōtani came unexpectedly. It was after practice, but you stayed behind to organize the team storage room. The sound of a ball being smacked around. You peaked out to find Kyōtani smacking the ball as hard as could against the wall.
"Everything okay?" you asked gently. His nickname of mad dog was fitting, as you often felt like you were approaching a feral animal when you had to talk to him.
He didn't look at you as he replied, "Coach said I need to get my aggression out." He smacked the ball harder, it ricocheting off the wall and back to him in a flash. "Apparently it's impacting my game."
"Is that why you're abusing the volleyballs?" you half joked, but he didn't crack a smile. You were beginning to wonder if you wouldn't be able to make this work.
"Yeah, don't know what else to do," he grumbled.
Well, you might as well go for it. "I've heard that sex is a good way to get out aggression."
This caught his attention. He caught the ball and turned to look at you for the first time since you came in. He had an unreadable scowl on his face. "Are you making fun of me?"
"No, not at all!" you replied quickly, "I was reading a sports magazine the other day and a professional athlete was talking about it. Said that he always had sex before games because it helped him calm down and think better." You were impressed at how quickly you thought on your feet, though you did feel a touch bad about lying. You were pretty sure sex relieves frustration so it wasn't that much of a lie.
"Well our game is tomorrow so I don't think I'll find someone in time to help with that," he replied flatly.
"I'll help you," you replied, "I mean, if you'd want that."
Kyotani's brows furrowed. "Are you fucking with me?"
"No, I promise," you replied earnestly. "I know tomorrow is an important game. I can't do anything to help during the game as a manager, but I could do this. Just think of all the spikes you'll get if coach puts you in more." You played at his desire to be in the games more and you could see the gears turning in his head.
"Okay, yeah" Kyōtani replied, "Let's do it. Come here." You obliged, surprised he agreed and buzzing with anticipation over what he would do. When you were within arms reach, Kyotani spun you around, so you were facing the wall. He pinned you in with his hands on either side of you. "This doesn't have to be romantic, it's just business, yeah?"
"Right, no feelings," you agreed. You both were using each other for a bigger goal, so this didn't bother you at all.
Kyotani brushed the hair away from your shoulder, his head dipping into your neck. He licked up the length of your neck before biting into your sensitive skin. It didn't hurt, but the surprise of it made you gasp. "I like it rough," Kyotani began, his hands wrapping your front to squeeze your breasts. "If it's too much, tell me to stop."
You nodded and he continued. He kissed at your neck as his hands traveled down your body and into your pants. He pumped a finger in and out of you, then added another to prep you for him. It wasn't romantic at all, as he stated, but there was something hot about it. Perhaps it was the way you were using each other, or the roughness in his touch, or the fact that you were doing this in the gym where you could walk in on you. It was sinful, wrong. But that turned you on even more.
"Bend over and put your hands on the wall," Kyotani instructed, though he was already manhandling your body into the position. You felt the cold air hit your wetness as he yanked down your pants, making you shiver. You arched your back in anticipation as you heard his pants slide down.
"Oh!" you gasped as he pressed himself into you. He was thick, your body needing to stretch around him. He let out a hiss as he bottomed out, both of you adjusting to the feel of the other. Kyotani wasted no time on adjusting, though, he gripped your hips and began to thrust into you. He snapped his hips hard and fast as your gripped the wall for leverage.
His hand came down on your ass with a hard smack. You moaned at the stinging sensation. "You like that?" he asked, smacking your ass again. "Fuck, yeah you do." Kyotani's pace never let up, making you breathless and sensitive. When he wasn't slapping your ass, he was gripping your hips with bruising force, allowing him to fuck you with all his might.
"Shit I'm gonna-" your words died as you came around him, your body shaking. Your knees buckled, but he held you firmly. He fucked you practically like a rag doll until he came, finishing inside you with a deep grunt. You were not surprised by his roughness, rather your enjoyment of it.
"I think I feel calmer, thanks," Kyotani said as you both redressed. It was almost comical, his treatment of this exchange. Like it was a totally normal thing to happen.
"Oh good, but do you mind if we don't tell anyone?" you asked, "Coach is weird about stuff with girls, you know? I would hate for him not to play you for something like this."
Kyotani's eyes darkened at the thought of being put on the sidelines. "I won't say a word."
2 down, 3 to go.
It was midterms week and everyone was stressed. Big tests and lots of games going on was never a good mix. Part of your job as manager was to check in with players and makes sure they were doing okay. When you found Kunimi and Kindaichi having a heated conversation, you had incorrectly assumed it was about academics.
"Everything okay boys?" you asked the first years. The color drained from Kunimi's face, while Kindaichi had a wicked grin.
"Kunimi is afraid he won't be able to impress the girl he likes because he's a virgin," Kindaichi announced.
"Dude shut up!" Kunimi huffed, his face reddening.
Kindaichi had no idea what gift he just gave you. "Aw, don't be embarrassed Kunimi," you replied sweetly, "There's nothing wrong with that. It wouldn't bother me if I was her." Kunimi relaxed and Kindaichi frowned, not having gotten the reaction he wanted. Before anyone could say more, the whistle blew signaling the start of practice.
When practice ended, you approached Kunimi when he was alone. "So tell me about this girl you like," you said.
Kunimi blushed, embarrassed that the pretty second year manager knew about his girl problems. And that he was virgin. "There’s not much to tell. Just a girl in my class who I think is cute. I've only talked to her a few times, but never asked her out. I'm just nervous that I, you know, would embarrassed myself because..." His voice trailed off because he could not bring himself to say it in front of you.
"Listen, you don't have to worry about all that. You're super cute and she'd be lucky to hang out with you," you began, "But if you're really concerned I'd help you."
Kunimi was so surprised you called him cute he couldn't process the second half of your statement. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, if you want, you don't have to be a virgin," you replied, "I'll show you what girls like. that way you'll feel less pressure with this girl after getting your first time out of the way."
Kunimi blinked. He could not believe you of all people were offering to take his virginity. "Are you serious? You're not playing a prank on me with Kindaichi, are you?"
"I swear I'm sincere," you replied, "All that I asked is you don't tell anyone. If the other guys found out, they might be weird about it."
"Of course," Kunimi nodded. He would not risk ruining this for himself. "But could I tell Kindaichi you called me cute. He kinda has a crush on you and I want to rub in his face since he put me on blast like that in front of you."
You chuckled. "Sure, just nothing about us sleeping together, okay?"
"I promise." You made a plan to meet in his dorm next weekend, as his roommate was gonna be away. You figured if he hadn't spilled the secret by then, you could trust him to keep it locked up.
When Saturday rolled around and no one knew of your little plan, you found yourself in Kunimi's dorm. "We totally don't have to do this if you don't want to," Kunimi said, shifting nervously on the bed. You thought his angst was sweet.
"Don't worry Kunimi, I want to," you replied. You placed your hand on his cheek gently. "You're sure you want to?" Kunimi nodded eagerly, making you smile. "Okay, let's start easy then. Kiss me." Kunimi leaned into and pressed his lips to yours. You slid that hand on his cheek to the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
Kunimi was a good kisser. His lips moved rhythmically, tongue dipping in and out of your mouth with ease. Both your hands explored each other's bodies, getting used to the feel of the other. You almost got lost in the moment, but then remembered you were here for a purpose.
"What's the furthest you've gone with a girl?" you asked after pulling away. Kunimi's pupils were blown out and it took him a minute to respond, like he almost forgot why he was here too.
"Oh, um fingering," he blushed. His eyes kept flicking down the length of your body.
"Did she cum?"
"Yes," he replied confidently.
You smiled, "Good boy." Kunimi blushed deeper and if you didn't have a lesson to teach you'd want to explore that more. "Is there anything in particular you wanna learn?"
"Yeah, uh, going down on a girl," Kunimi replied, "If you're okay with that."
"I'm very okay with that," you grinned. "Let's work up to it, yeah? Just like you've been doing. Girls like when you kiss them and take your time. Gets us turned on." Kunimi nodded dutifully, returning to your lips. You kissed each other more purposefully now. You stripped each other of your shirts and Kunimi gently squeezed at your tits.
He kissed them both, before progressing lower down your body with a line of kisses. He reached your pants and looked up at you for permission, which you gave. "That was a good move, kissing all the way down. You sure you haven't done this before?"
"Honestly? I saw it in a porno," Kunimi replied, making you chuckle. Kunimi stripped off your pants. You spread your legs wider, allowing him to settle between them. He flushed at the sight of your wetness.
"You know how you were kissing me with tongue before? Start like that and we'll go from there," you told him. Kunimi did as you said and you let out a soft sigh when his lips connected to your pussy. He moved tentatively, trying to find the right rhythm. The more he tasted you, the harder he worked, driven to please you.
"Move your tongue higher. A little bit more oh-" your sentence cut off when his tongue found your clit. Kunimi responded to your moan, focusing his energy to that spot. His tongue flicked and swirled over the sensitive bud, making your hips stir. You threaded your fingers through his hair, holding him where he was, though he wasn't planning to move an inch. "Fuck Kunimi!" you cried out, as your orgasm flooded your body. You didn't even have to pretend to boost his confidence; it was that good.
"Okay, I seriously don't believe you've never done that before," you said when you finally caught your breath.
Kunimi beamed, "I swear it was."
"You ready for the next step?"
Kunimi nodded, his cock heavy in his boxers after experiencing you cumming on his tongue. You undressed him, admiring the length of him and the bead of pre cum that sat at the tip. You wrapped your hand around the base of him, guiding him to your entrance. You slid his tip through your wetness, making him nice and slick.
"Whenever you're ready," you said, eyes flicking up to his.
"Promise you won't laugh if I cum quick?" he asked.
"Promise," you smiled reassuringly.
Kunimi slid himself in slowly, gasping at the feeling of your pussy around him. Of course he'd imagined this moment before, but he couldn't believe how tight and wet and warm it really felt. "Fuck," he groaned, stilling himself for a moment. He knew you wouldn't laugh at him but he really did not want to cum the second he put it in.
"It's okay take your time," you said, "plus it's good to take your time. Girls need a little time to adjust, especially because you're big." Calling his dick big gave him the confidence to keep going. He moved slowly, allowing himself to get used to the feeling of you.
You felt so good, though, it was hard for him to control himself. His thrusts became quicker, desperate. He knew he should slow down, but the feel of you wrapped around him was too good to stop. "So good Kuni, just like that," you encouraged. The fast snap of his hips was working up your already sensitive cunt all over again.
"Y/n, I- shit," Kunimi moaned, unable to stop the orgasm that built in his body. His body stuttered as he released himself inside. The sensation sent you over the edge, making you cream around him. Kunimi let out a strangled breath at the feeling of you squeezing around his sensitive cock.
"Kunimi," you said when he collapsed next to you, panting, "I don't think you have to worry about pleasing girls at all." Kunimi smiled proudly, feeling accomplished that he finally lost his virginity.. Little did he know you were beaming from your own accomplishment. You were over halfway there.
After midterms, the mood on the team lightened. Everyone was excited for the big away game you were at, as you got to spend the night at a hotel. It was a much needed break after all the tests. You were doing rounds, making sure the guys were in their rooms and not making a mess of the place.
"Come in," you heard Oikawa's voice from the other side of the door. You entered his hotel room, finding him alone. "What's up, y/n?"
"Just making sure no ones burning down the hotel," you replied, "Who are you supposed to be staying with?"
Oikawa grinned, stretching out on the large bed in an exaggerated fashion. "Got the whole place to myself. Coach accidentally booked an extra room. I bet Iwaizumi that I could get more service aces and this was my prize for being right."
"Very nice," you replied. The gears started turning in your head; this was an opportunity you could not pass up. "Your fan girls were really something today."
Oikawa shrugged, "Can you blame them? I was playing well."
"I think they are more interested in what you could do off the court," you replied.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Oikawa said with a grin that told you he knew exactly what you were talking about.
You yawned in faux boredom. "I guess I just don't get it."
Oikawa scowled. "What do you mean?"
"No offense, but I just don't picture you at being good at... that," you replied. It was risky calculation to infer you didn't think he was good in bed, it could definitely just piss him off. But if you knew Oikawa, you knew that there was nothing he loved more than proving someone wrong.
"You must have a shitty imagination then," Oikawa replied. After a pause he added, "Let me prove you wrong." You had to stifle your laugh. Looks like you played your cards right.
"Someone's eager," you teased.
Oikawa rolled his eyes. "You're the one who came in here and started talking about sex. I bet this was your goal all along."
You feigned nonchalance, "I was just having a chat with you. But I can't lie, now I'm intrigued."
"Yeah, I bet," Oikawa replied, "Get over here." You followed, joining him on the bed. "For the record, I am going to make you say I was right and you were wrong when I'm done with you." His lips were on yours before you could reply. You both tried to take control, but you eventually submitted to him. You were okay with playing into his ego for the greater good.
Oikawa's hands slid up and down your clothed body. You could tell even then he was good with his touch. He ghosted over your core a few times, never truly touching you. It effectively worked you up. "Wait, I've got an idea," Oikawa said with a devilish grin, "I want you in front of the mirror." He nodded to the large floor length mirror in the corner of the room. Your pussy throbbed at the possibilities.
Oikawa sat you in front of him, your back flush to his chest. He pulled your pants down your legs, smirking at the wet spot on your underwear. "That wet already? You're making this too easy for me, y/n," Oikawa's voice was low in your ear, making you stir. He slid your underwear off slowly, no doubt trying to make you more antsy. His fingers trailed back up the length of your leg, calloused and warm.
A low sigh left your lips when he finally touched your center, dragging his finger through your slick. He teased your clit, getting you more worked up before he really touched you. He slid a finger into you, pressing at that sweet spot inside you in slow, lazy strokes.
"Can feel you sucking me in," Oikawa murmured, "You wanted this bad, huh?" You moaned in response as a second finger slid into you. You could not deny, he was good with his hands. His touch was skillful, easily finding what made your body react. He picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers as his thumb rubbed at your neglected clit. The sound of his fingers plunging into you was pornographic.
"Look at the mess your making," Oikawa said, nudging you to look in the mirror. His fingers were coated in a wet sheen and you were dripping down onto his thighs, soaking the fabric of his sweats. "Bet you wanna cum, huh? I can tell, can feel you squeezing my fingers."
"Please," was all you could gasp. Your eyes fell down to where Oikawa's fingers disappeared inside you. The pump of muscles in his forearms as his fingers fucked you, the feel of his ever growing hard on rubbing against your ass, it was all too much.
"Hmm, I'll let you cause you said please," Oikawa replied, pressing his thumb faster against your aching clit. You cried out his name as he gripped your thigh with his free had, keeping your legs spread for him. You both watched as you came, your cunt fluttering around his long fingers. Your body went slack against him, but he wasn't finished with you yet.
"I'm feeling generous today," Oikawa smirked as he pulled his cock out of his sweats. His dick was as pretty as he was, long and flushed a soft shade of pink.
"How unlike you." You still had it in you to banter with him. Oikawa chuckled, lifting your hips so he could slide his length into you.
"Prepped you well," Oikawa mused, "can feel you sucking me in." He bottomed out with a low groan. He thrust up into you in long, slow strokes. Your nails dug into his thighs as you savored the roll of his hips.
"Can feel you throbbing in me," you retorted, breathless. "Guess you wanted this too, huh?" You mimicked his words back to him. Oikawa shut you up with a particularly deep thrust, making you gasp.
"What's that? I couldn't hear you." His hips were snapping faster now, chasing his own high. You were right, he did want this. And the second he felt you cum on his fingers he knew he wouldn't be able to rest until he felt you do it on his cock. It didn't take long at this new pace for him to get his wish.
"Shit Oikawa," you moaned, your head falling back on his shoulder. Your body totally melted into his as pleasure consumed you for the second time. Oikawa cursed as you squeezed him, spilling inside you. You watched his face contort in pleasure in the mirror and, damn, he really was pretty. Maybe you did understand those girls after all.
"Looks like I was right," Oikawa panted, with a smug grin.
"Looks you like you were," you replied, keeping your smugness internal. Just one more left. "Just promise me you won't tell anyone. You know how coach is with girl stuff. If he found out, I'd probably be fired."
As much as Oikawa wanted to brag about this, he liked you and didn't want you to lose the position because of him. "It will be our little secret."
You were nervous about approaching Iwaizumi, but with the end of the semester approaching you had to face your fear.
"Hey Iwaizumi, would you by any chance be able to help me in the gym sometime? I've been wanting to get into going, but not sure how to use the machines," you asked him one day after practice. Iwaizumi was an exercise science major and often helped the team with work outs.
"I'd love to, it's actually perfect that you asked." Iwaizumi explained one of his class's final was to create a an exercise plan for someone. "Do you mind if I use this for the project?"
"Not at all! I'm glad to be helping you out, too." You agreed to meet at the gym later that week. There was a small gym at your campus that was for athletes or fitness related majors use only. The night you met, Iwaizumi reserved the gym for the two of you to use.
"I figured you'd be more comfortable if it was just us," he explained.
"I appreciate that. Hopefully it wasn't too much trouble for you," you replied.
Iwaizumi shook his head. "Not at all, we do it all the time for our assignments."
Iwaizumi took you through the machines, showing you how to do different workouts. You wore your favorite workout set, the little bike shorts and sports bra fitting your body perfectly. You could feel Iwaizumi's eyes on you, soaking in your body's movements. His hands were warm and firm on your body as he put you into proper form and you swore they lingers on you. Maybe he was just being thorough, but the stirring in your stomach told you it was more than that.
"You did great," Iwaizumi complimented. "Now I gotta stretch you out." Iwaizumi turned red. "Shit, that sounded bad."
You laughed, "I knew what you meant. I love a good stretch." You smiled with the littlest hint of suggestiveness. Iwaizumi took you into the trainer's room, which was a smaller space that had a little lifted bed in the corner. It looked a bit like like a doctor's office.
"Just hop up there and lay down," Iwaizumi instructed. He took one of your legs in his, pressing it up your body like you were in split. You relished the feeling of his body pressing against you.
"Feels good," you said, your voice infused with satisfaction. It was innocent enough statement, but it made Iwaizumi's pants start to feel tighter.
"You are very flexible," he commented, switching over to the other leg. He was so close to you it was driving you crazy. His body was warm and solid, the result of his own workout regimen. His scent filled your nose, woody and spicy. It was driving you crazy.
The tension was palpable as he set your leg back down. You sat up, your eyes locked on his. His body acted on its' own accord, stepping between your legs and pulling you into him. The kiss was frenzied and deep, both of you the secret desire you harbored for the other.
"Do you wanna..." his voice trailed off, breathless.
"Please," you replied.
"Get on your hands and knees for me," he instructed, his voice sweet. He helped move you into place, positioning himself behind you. Iwaizumi slid your shorts and underwear down, cursing under his breath at your wet cunt displayed for him. He gripped the plush of your thighs, burying his face in you. His mouth moved over you just as desperately as his kissed you, leaving you breathless.
He alternative between sucking and licking at your clit. Each time your body jolted with pleasure, Iwaizumi gripped you tighter, keeping you still for him. He pulled away only once, spreading your ass and spitting between them. He return to sucking at your clit as his thumb circled the tight hole. Finally, he sunk his thumb in your ass, pulling a loud gasp from your lips.
"Fuck Iwa!" you cried at. He was driven by your sweet sighs, using his tongue to fuck your dripping cunt as his thumb pressed into your ass. The sensation cause the pleasure in your lower tummy to snap, crying out his name as your orgasm surged through your body.
"Fuck I need you so bad," Iwaizumi said, "Can't wait to feel you do that on my cock." He repositioned your hips, running his palm down the length of your spine to put you into a nice arch. He pulled his heavy, leaking cock out of his pants, rubbing his tip through your slick folds. You couldn't see the size of him, but by the stretch as he pressed into you, you knew he was big.
Iwaizumi dragged his cock in and out of your cunt, low grunts escaping his lips. You were sucking it in, making it hard for him to keep as slow pace. He gripped your hips for leveraged, throwing more weight into each thrust. It was deep and hard in the best way.
"Don't stop," you urged, feeling your release building again. Iwaizumi was fueled by your words, desperate to feel your pussy fluttering around him. Iwaizumi brought one hand around your body, rubbing fast circles over your already sensitive clit.
The feeling building in your tummy swelled in intensity. The different, strange. You realized a second too late what was about to happen.
"I'm gonna oh-" you broke off into a euphoric gasp as you squirted on Iwaizumi's thighs. Your whole body shook, completely overtaken by pleasure. The combination of you squirting and your cunt spasming around his cock was too much. Iwaizumi let out a low, strangled curse as he shot hot ropes of cum inside you. When his hips finally stilled you, you were both trying to catch your breath.
"I promise I won't right about that last part in my paper," Iwaizumi broke the silence.
You laughed. "I appreciate that. Could I also ask you not to tell anyone on the team about this? I don't want them being stupid about it."
Iwaizumi dreaded the thought of his immature teammates finding out. "Absolutely, it will stay between you and I. And, y/n, I know we did this backwards, but I'd love to take you out."
You grinned, "I'd love that too."
"Okay enough counting your money, I need to hear the ranking," your friend said.
"Just making sure I got what I earned," you smirked, "but let's get into it."
You put mad dog in last place, which would probably piss him off. Good thing he'll never know. "It wasn't bad by any means. But I definitely enjoyed the others more."
"I just can't believe you had sex on the courts. I'll never be able too look at them the same again." You laughed, then continued.
Matsukawa was next. "He's very much a boob guy. Honestly, really good with them. If he did more foreplay he could have been higher."
"Very fair."
Kunimi was the middle ground. "He was the dark horse for me. I was surprised how good he was, especially with it being his first time."
"Dude is going places," your friend commented. You had to agree.
It was a tough call between Oikawa and Iwaizumi, but you had to put Iwaizumi on top since he made your squirt. "He was so fucking good. And I'm probably biased because I have a crush on him, but I don't care. The evidence speaks for itself."
"Both sound like a great time."
"Absolutely," you nodded, "I understand Oikawa's fan girls more now." You both giggled, then got to planning your outfit for your date with Iwaizumi.
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classyinnie · 1 year
He hates you.
He hates the way you wear your emotions on your sleeves. It’s excruciatingly endearing to find your gentleness in a world that does nothing but provide you with worries. He hates how, despite your doubts and trepidations, you still look at it with such wonder one couldn’t even fathom or place.
He'd always wondered how such a pure soul—beaten and calloused—can look at the endless possibilities before them and believe they’re worth it.
He considered he might be a coward then, for don’t we all have fears that stop us from stepping beyond the line that confines our capabilities?
He hates your gentleness. How you look at people like they hold the world in their hands. How you listen intently to everything they have to say. How you would offer a hand even if your arms are already full.
He hates the way you wear kindness. How it’s perfectly knitted to your skin, it’s almost second nature. He hates how you would go out of your way to put others before yourself.
"Selfless", he would call you.
"Pushover", he would label you.
But insults were a mere façade to the raging questions in his head as to how. How do you have so much to give?
But most of all, he hates himself for not hating you. Not even a fraction.
You are like a printed polaroid; he wants to vigorously shake to reveal the entire picture.
A pipe dream, that’s what you are. But that doesn't erase the fact that he once stooped so low to even—in his unabashed desperation—consider asking himself if he is worthy enough to experience what it's like to be cared for by you.
—Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, KYOTANI, Osamu, KAGEYAMA, Kenma, Sakusa, Suna
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niftykin · 9 months
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"Im so sorry to bother you at home"
Starring: Nishinoya Yuu
Sypnosis: He has been trying to hit on you subtly for quite a few time, but he has grown a little more determinate now.
Request: Hello! Could you please write a Nishinoya x female reader where she’s seen by everyone as a serious, menacing person, when in reality she’s really just socially awkward and dense? Nishinoya tries hitting on her doing the usual tricks like flowers and bears and pick up lines but she’s just confused. Finally he just becomes more direct with her and honest and slowly she falls for him too? I’m sorry if it’s a bit too detailed and it’s okay if you don’t do this haha it’s been at the back of my head for a while
A/N: This one was so cute to write!, i tried to be really quick making this but the inspiration came to me like a thunder and here we are. Remember i use she/her in this fic.
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Nishinoya Yuu. The thunder of the Karasuno team, always so energetic and kind, oftenly called delusional by his feelings towards Kiyoko, little did they know that it wasent a crush, he admired her and by that her personality and how she acted; But he liked you, he admired you and wordshipped the very floor you stepped on.
His tries were almost pathetic, sure he could tell Kiyoko anything btu it was different when it was you, he shacked and mumbled like a little kid inlove everytime he crossed any words with you. Everyone could tell but some way you didnt; Not even the flowers he gave you, little gifts he made for you with his own hands (which were a cute detail since he isnt pretty good with manualities) But from time to time his friends started to see that there was no response tho this little acts.
"She doesn't like you and she's acting like that to decline your feelings nicely" He heard one of them said, his heart ached but then Hinata spoke answering to the previous person, his words were filled with determination and his obvious spark that always bringed hope to everyone. "And what if she isnt?, she could see it was a friendly gesture. Nishinoya haven't talked about his feelings openly to her"
Hinata had a point, Sugawara and Daichi agreed, yes Nishinoya and his friends could think those hints were obvious enough to tell that he was completely head over heels inlove with you. But they know him as a friend and since pretty long time comparing to you; They weren't you and that meant they didnt feel or thinked like you.
He planned his confession, would you like something big? the whole school knowing?, No, it will make you agree by social pressure, Did you liked him enough to say 'Yes' without much people knowing? Oh God.
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It was 6PM on a friday. He can remember it vividly, his steps were hard on the floor and his fingers were digging into his shirt and on the little box he held, his palms sweated and his face was red; He knocked at your door. After a few minutes you opened the door.
"Hey, im so sorry to bother you at home" he started as he saw you, his face blushed and his cologne was subtle as always. "I know that this might be hard but... I dont know what to say" he started panicking.
"I like you a lot" He finally stated after a sigh, his gaze fixated on the floor, the blush on his cheeks made him look heated, his breathing was heavy and his mind was longing and pleading for an answer.
"Are you being serious?" You spoke, a hidden tint of amusement in your voice, his feeling were glowing as he answered "Of course i am, why wouldnt i? i like you so much" He said as he took another step, reflecting his mind and then doing the opposite and stepping back, he didnt wanted to make the situation awkard, he just wanted to finally be totally sincere with you.
little did he know you liked him aswell, but oh lord he is the happiest man alive.
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"Hey, i bringed this for you too" He said as he smiled at you, more confident and smug after your answer, handing you a little figure you have been longing to have since quite a few time. He buyed it for you since the first day you mentioned it but he decided to wait untill the ocation was perfect, and sure it was.
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plooto · 10 months
Imagine being kyotani's gf but also oikawa's sister? omg I love
gods y’dont know how excited i am !!! ooooo
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-> i feel like it would be so subtle to everyone that you’re dating
-> it would probably be kyo who opt for a quiet relationship .
you felt a tap on your uniform skirt . you turned your head to look up at your new boyfriend.
“ don’ be so nervous. if it makes you feel better we can keep quiet about it. ” he sees the gears turning in your head ,
“ i don’ wanna hear his bickering neither. ” finding a way to say it’s not him, but he does it for you , placing his arm on your head and waits until you smile to remove it.
-> you go on little picnic dates when touru and iwaizumi “hang out”
-> haijime definitely know you two are dating and forces your older brother to come to his house to tutor him on something from last year oikawa doesn’t notice.
“ yn, i’m going to iwai’s house fro tutoring again, don’t stay up too late okay? ” you nod, waving to iwaizumi as he gives you a knowing grin.
minutes later, when iwai has texted you that you can go now, you call kyo who is already on his way with his motorcycle.
“ yeah? okay i’m around the corner, i’ve got your helmet so just wear something warm okay? ”
-> kyo is definitely a ‘ bad influence ’.
-> sneaking out at odd hours of the night just to speed walk down the block to hop on his motorcycle.
“ kyo, you’re going to get me caught, touru wakes up in thirty minutess! ” he pats your thigh as your arms circle around his torso tighter,
“ relax baby doll, i’ll get you home on time. ”
-> and this is also how touru find out.
-> he woke up in the middle of the night with a crazy headache and went into your room to make you get him some medicine from downstairs when he doesn’t see you in your room.
-> touru reluctantly goes downstairs to get his ow medicine waiting for you to return, sitting in your bean bag in the corner of your room.
-> all he hears is a motorcycle - the same loud engine he has been hearing for weeks - and muffled voices.
-> he attempts to interrogate you but he wasn’t able to see the guy on the bike, and you weren’t peeping.
“ who was he hm? is he a gang member? a felon?! ” touru gasped, dramatic tears flowing at the thought of someone so bad corrupting his little sister.
“ touru you’re being dramatic. ” you say and whisk him off to bed, texting your boyfriend a quick message to tell him what happened.
-> it wasn’t until oikawa was graduating that you finally told him, showing up hand in hand with kyotani at his graduation.
“ yn- what- ” you laughed at his stuttering,
“ touru, i’d like you to meet my boyfriend. ” you grin, iwaizumi coming behind him to give him a nice smack to the head. kyotani gives your brother a cocky smirk, outstretching his hand,
“ nice to meet you. ”
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wake-uptoreality · 2 years
You are riding the exercise bike. Moving your legs smoothly as the metal squeaks in rhythm. He looks at you without breaking the sharp eye-contact. He gulps as you buckle your hips. Man hormones making his body tremble, wanting and needing your body from afar. Ever since you asked him to be your trainer, he hadn't stopped thinking about you. You continued your job as he continued his staring. Oh how he wanted to be between those delicious thighs. He snaps out of it at last as you huff and tap the foot on the floor. "Watch it" you glare at him, but he smirks, becoming more interested in his sweet, little student.
-> ARAN, nishinoya, KOMORI, yaku, meian, hanamaki.
He is stretching your back. Holding your arms, his back arches as the result your spine cracks. He being your trainer shouldn't feel anything towards you, but when your pretty lips leave the blessed sounds caused by him, he swears that his heart beats in his throat. He wasn't pervert, but somehow you made him feel like one. He just couldn't get enough of your body, especially when it was pressed against him so tightly that he swore he couldn't breathe. You were too innocent to notice the lingering touches on your figure a little bit longer. He made it his goal to train you good. Maybe not only just one, but also another way.
-> OSAMU, kyotani, bokuto, USHIJIMA, semi, ROMERO.
"No, no more please" you whine as he uses his strength to spread your legs wider. His ears become deaf at the sound of your whimpers. He doesn't want to lose control over himself and do the tiny things he has only ever done in his dreams, but you aren't really helping him, are you? Just as he saw your glossy eyes from your tears and prettily flushed up cheeks, his breath hitches from how sexy you look like this. He has never ever looked at someone like the way he looks at you. How couldn't he? When you are so beautifully spread for him and for his sight only.
-> sakusa, KAGEYAMA, KITA, aone, matsukawa, Iwaizumi, AKAASHI.
Jumping up and down wasn't your favorite thing to do, it was actually his. He sitting on his chair, legs-crossed, his eyes never leaving the sport's bra you happily picked up today for training. Your soft breast jigging everytime your feet touches the floor. You tried to stop the uncomfortable movement with cupping it with your hands, but he gazes at you darkly. You gulp down the saliva that has been stuck in your throat. You know that he doesn't like when you do something he hasn't told you to do. Of course with you obeying to him, you put the hands down.
-> OIKAWA, atsumu, hinata, KUROO, SUNA, tsukishima.
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a-pastel-edgelord · 2 months
Hiii. I saw ur inbox was open so I wanted to throw some brain rot at you?? I saw ur tags for the post u reblogged with Kyotani.... PLEASE GO ON. Great with kids, loves being around them, working with them—but never wants one himself? Would his partner be the same? Would he consider it with the right person? Is he immune to baby fever? SAVE ME FROM THIS TORMENT PLSSS ❤️ tyily
That was a hot fucking minute ago anon, but 🆗 tagging @mintmatcha because my idea was spawned from their text post.
"You good?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" You look up at Kentarō with a blink. The paper plate you'd been loading with food, is placed onto the end of the buffet table. "Is something wrong?"
The evening has been so nice—as far as you know. It's just a small cook out within the Sendai Frogs group. Tsukishima had surprisingly offered his backyard, and Koganegawa managed to procure a grill from somewhere. Daisho and Mika brought a generous amount of meat while you brought the veggies and rice. Yamaguchi and Yachi are going to arrive a little later with watermelon and booze (as an apology for having to work regular nine to five jobs). Tsukishima's older brother is in attendance as is his girlfriend(?) Saeko—she insists everyone call her by her given name.
There's laughter, music and good food. Everything is as it should be. So why does Kentarō look... anxious?
"Nevermind." He shakes his head as if to clear it. "Eat, go grab a chair."
You nod, picking up your plate and eyeing him as you go to sit. You find an empty spot next to Mika. Daisho just got transferred into the team from the Tamaden Elephants. Apparently he and Kuroo go way back. You can hear Tsukishima complaining about him with Daisho providing enthusiastic support.
You fight to keep a grin off your face and you end up catching Mika's eye. "Tsukishima's favorite pastime is shit talking."
"Oh, I'd call it Suguru's hobby!" You both laugh. "How long have you and Kyotani been together?"
Is this what Kentarō is worried about? Mika isn't the least bit scary. "Since highschool graduation actually. He confessed to me after the ceremony."
"Oh, so you two went to the same school!"
"Nah, I went to Date Tech—I was the manager of the volleyball team. Kentarō and I met through a local gym that had volleyball nights. Then our teams played against one another." You raise a cup in Koganegawa's direction, he promptly drops what he is doing to wave back—spilling water all down his front. Mika laughs again but you just sigh. "He skipped his own graduation ceremony just so he could cheer me on at mine."
"Wow! That's so romantic!" She sighs dreamily. "That'll be a good story for your kids, huh?"
Ah. Of course, you think, they wouldn't know. "Kentarō and I aren't going to have kids."
You shrug, forcing nonchalance into your expression. "We talked about it and decided we're good as we are. We've gotten quite a bit of grief from our families about it too."
You don't look at Mika, not wanting to be disappointed. You like her, you don't want to give up being her friend. A hand falls on your shoulder. You meet her gaze, it's firm. "It's your business. A child is not a decision to be made lightly."
Relief, cool and sweet, sweeps through your bones. A smile blooms across your features. "My thoughts exactly."
You search for Kentarō, finding him rolling his eyes at Koganegawa's wet shirt. You barely have to stare at him for more than a second before he snaps his gaze over to you. You hold the contact, giving him a gentle wave. He signs to you, all good?
Yes, you sign back, all good.
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insensity · 2 years
"okay fine i like you more than my dogs...
...I like u more than everyone actually"
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What I think hq characters do when they can’t sleep
Tanaka- Ponder deep, yet pointless thoughts, e.g. Do the models in preplaced picture frame photos buy the frame and just keep it as is?
Bokuto- Freak out as a result of sleep deprivation. Embrace the slight hallucination that sets in, causing you to see silhouettes in the corner of his eyes and sense a ghoulish, evil presence that leads to him calling you or Akkashi
Kita- Piles himself in blankets and stares at the ceiling counting tiles.
Yamaguchi- worry. Like when he brushed the barista’s hand at Starbucks when he took his coffee that morning or when that weird girl on the bus caught him trying to take a picture of him to show Tsukki when he got to practice.
Iwaizumi- I think he watches the same movie over and over when he can't sleep. *cough cough* godzilla
Oikawa- Watch the stars at night. Eat pizza. Laying flat on his back. Admiring the peace and tranquility of the night sky.
Kuroo- Studies. Lays on his bed or he is at his desk and just studies until he gets tired.
Tendou- Climbs to the top of the roof. He probably has a playlist for when he is thinking of you and plays that.
Ushijima- after some debate with himself I feel that he would call or text you.
Suna- Goes on a late night drive.
Kyoken- goes on a walk at night, it's not like anyone will come up to him.
Terushima- probably some impulsive shit like dyes his hair or pierces his own ear
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weezmancer3 · 11 months
Kyotani Hcs!!
He works on his anger issues after the loss to Karasuno but when he tries his breathing exercises he cries 'Angry Tears' TM
The team is trying so hard to be a positive environment but it makes them laugh so hard
He runs his hands over his buzz cut all the time. It's all he does. Yahaba thinks it's cute.
His canines are unnaturally sharp, and it scares the underclassman
He's not a good fighter in the technique sense, but he's feral and normally wins bc he fights dirty
He bit as a child. any and all family members have at least one scar to prove it
He really likes birds and has been bird-watching multiple times. He even has guides to the native species in the different parts of Japan.
Yahaba gifted him a keychain with a Bluejay on it in highschool and Kyotani still has it today. (he takes it to his Sendai Frogs games as a good luck charm)
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👑Being Seijoh’s Manager 👑
Having a crush on Yahaba Shigeru
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Yahaba Shigeru fearing Seijoh x GN! Reader
Warnings: mostly fluff, possessive Yahaba, light Iwaizumi type swearing, Oikawas presence
A/N: I had a thought. This is that thought.
Oof YN 😅
This boy is a little bit of a self absorbed one
But you know what, that’s ok because we all are
He’s an ESFP (like mwah) and I can confirm that, deep down, we are very caring and passionate about the people we admire
Such is the case with Yahaba
Literally the definition of “I don’t care but I really do care you just don’t see it”
*enter YN* 🙌🏻 our magnificent, wonderful and amazing manager 🥰
The team honestly adore you and I do not blame them on bit
You are extremely competent and hardworking, you make practice fun and make all the boys work their hardest
You’re in your second year along with Watari, Yahaba and Kyotani
But of course, you have to deal with your wonderful 🙄 upperclassmen
*cough* OIKAWA *cough*
Now you respect your upperclassman
Let me rephrase that, you respect Iwaizumi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa and sure you’ve noticed how cute they are
But your type was definitely someone else on the team 👀
You see, you’ve had a crush on Yahaba for a while now, since first year really
You always thought he was cute and fun to be around, his drive for school and his favorite support really encouraged you to try your hardest
But you see, Yahaba seemed to never really pay much attention to you
Sure he was nice and sweet but he kind of just, well co-existed with you
It honestly broke your heart a little 🥺
You’d see how he’d act around other managers, saying how cute they were but he never gave you that same energy back
It was always “thanks Yn” or “hey Yn can you do this for me?”
But you see 👀 my precious Angel, that was merely a front to hide our dear Yahaba’s true feelings for you
At first, he was conflicted
You had always been a little shy but sweet, never really making waves or doing anything to rock the boat
His teammates fawned over you and boy did it annoy him 😅
But at the same time, he was in denial of his feelings for you
He just thought he liked you simply because you were cute, funny, kind, amazingly generous, sweet, etc.
It definitely wasn’t because he liked you in any other way, definitely not-
Sure hunny, keep telling yourself that 😏
He watched you intensely as you interacted with his team, avoiding your gaze when your attention turned to him
However there was a certain someone who noticed all of this
One of our favorites, Kyotani 🥰
While he doesn’t particularly like Yahaba, he does have a soft spot for our sweet manager
He sees how you look at Yahaba, how your mood changes when he talks to you and how you deflate when he ignores you
It honestly annoys him how desperate you seem sometimes, so he decides to take action
One day at practice, he walks up to you and says “YN why don’t you tell that idiot how you feel?”
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ huh?
“Come on YN, we can all see how much you like him, just to confess,” he says, rolling his eyes
You 👉🏻👀 no idea what you’re talking about-
“Do you want me to tell Oikawa?” He prodded
You 👉🏻😐😳
“Kentaro, please don’t! I know I should confess but he doesn’t like me in that way and I don’t want to get rejected. It will crush me,” you say in return
Kyotani doesn’t probe you any further but he still isn’t satisfied with that answer
So he decides to move onto the main source of the problem
“Yahaba!” He shouts as he walks into the club room
The room goes silent because these idiots are all so nosy
Iwaizumi is on guard because like, it’s Kyotani
He’s on his way to break up the impending fight when Kyotani says something…
“Do you like Yn or not?” He bluntly says as Iwaizumi stops
Mattsun and Makki have their shirts half way over their heads
Watari is just stops and listens 👂
Kunimi and Kindaichi are slowly putting on their knee pads
Yahaba just stands there, eyes narrowing on Kyotani
“Pppffttt, of course I don’t like Yn. At least, not in a romantic way,” he says, turning his nose up at kyotani and adjusting his shirt
Sure bby, keep lying to yourself 🙃
Kyotani 👉🏻😐😑
“Ok then you won’t care if I ask Yn out then?” He says as he turns to walk to his locker
Yahaba 👉🏻😃 whet-
Suddenly the air has become a little more tense
But then it’s ruined when Oikawa enters the chat…
“Hello to my favorite team!” He rejoices as everyone turns to glare at him
“SHITTYKAWA SHUT UP!” Iwaizumi yells as a volleyball is belted in the setters directions
Oikawa 👉🏻😁 🏐💨 = 💀
“Iwa-Chan I just wanted to greet my team!!” He cries as everyone continues to ignore him
“What do you mean you are going to ask Yn out?” Yahaba cuts off Oikawa’s whines
Oikawa now 👉🏻 🤕 😐😳 say what-
“I mean, if you don’t like Yn, then I’m going to ask them out because why shouldn’t I? It’s not like it’s going to interfere with the team,” Kyotani shrugs as Yahaba continues to stare daggers in the back of his skull
Oof Yahaba is big M A D now
“You don’t even like Yn like that, why would you ask them on a date?” He says, coming up next to Kyotani
The rest of the team is all like 👉🏻👀 🍿🍵
“What’s it matter to you always? You don’t like Yn like that remember?” kyotani says, slamming his locker and walking to the gym
Yahaba is seething with anger as he balls his fist and continues to get ready
I’m standing by this fact, all the Seijoh boys are hella possessive
Like literally you do not encroach on what’s theirs
And while Yahaba might THINK he doesn’t like you in that way, he’s starting to feel like maybe he does
At practice, he watches your every move
He tenses every time he see Kyotani looking at you or even coming close to your space
He gets bothered when the other guys do it too but Kyo is the one that really sets him over the edge
During a practice match, Yahaba is up to serve and is slamming them straight into the other teams court
“Dang man, that’s your third service ace,” Mattsun says as he watches Yahaba look between you and the court
His eyes fixate on Kyotani who is on the other side as he slams yet another serve
You watch in awe, clapping and cheering when Yahaba lands yet another serve ace
“Shigeru you are killing it!” You scream as Yahaba looks over at your beaming face
That’s it, he definitely has to do something
So when the match ends and he’s picking up, he notices Kyotani approaching you again
Oh heck no 😡
“Hey!” Yahaba shouts as you immediately turn to face him, “I told you to back off YN!”
You 👉🏻 🧍😳😲 what???
Kyotani 👉🏻😒
Yahaba 👉🏻😠😳
Seijoh 👉🏻🫣
Oikawa 👉🏻 probably laying on the floor with a concussion
“YN don’t listen to him! He’s just trying to ask you out because he knows I like you,” Yahaba says as you continue to stare
“Actually I was just asking Yn for a towel,” Kyotani 🙃
“You like me Shigeru?” You ask 🥹
“Uhh yeah I guess I do,” he says rubbing the back of his neck
You get so excited that you fling yourself into his arms, hugging him so tight
“I like to you too,” you say as Yahaba settles and hugs you back
The team is all smiling and fawning over their sweet bbys
Until someone ruins it 🙄
“Now make sure you treat our little Yn-chan well Yahaba,” Oikawa interrupts
Yahaba just glares at Oikawa as you roll your eyes
Iwaizumi is all like, “just say the word” 🏐 💨
“Oikawa I’m sure Shigeru will treat me just fine,” you say as Yahaba squeezes your waist
“You should probably call me by my first name too Yn, we don’t want to show any favoritism now so we?” oikawa grins
You 👉🏻 😐 Iwa
Iwaizumi 👉🏻 say less 😈
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