Baldur’s Gate 3 Fic Masterlist
To be updated as I go along but I’ve been getting hyped on a variety of discord servers and therefore cranking out a lot of these soooo… here we go. NOTE: Mind the tags on all my content. It’s mature rated and dark.
Astarion Origin Series: Inspired by my recent Astarion Origin run where the dynamics of the Tavless party got me hooked on party dynamics. Astarion-centric friends as family stuff. Kind of in sequential order but only ish.
The Pike - The night Cazador sealed Astarion in a tomb, there was something much worse on the table. Not that Astarion will appreciate that, the ungrateful little wretch. (Pre-game)
Empty Recall - Origin Astarion early night in Act 1 with his initial travel companion, who notices he doesn't rest easy.
Quick Step - As more and more people join the party Astarion becomes all that more disposable in comparison. AKA: Act 1 Astarion’s race from a true level one character to team rogue.
Strange Smile - Wyll, Karlach, and Lae’zel speak with a monster hunter in a bog and Astarion happens to be there. It’s a very awkward way to get outted as a vampire to your (mostly) unsuspecting teammates.
Cruel Touch - Karlach tells Astarion what kind of monster she ISN’T. Really. Honest. Cross her heart. Also they murder the fake paladins of Tyr nbd (NEW!)
Scar Tissue - Loviator blesses Astarion. It fucking sucks.
Silver-Tongue - Astarion fast-talks an abnormal number of enemies into killing themselves in the shadow-cursed lands and the team makes idle (then less idle) conversation about it.
Wander Mind - When a fight goes south, Astarion doubles down on using the illithid parasites and the rest of the team sees how deep his fears truly run. IE: Origin-run Astarion going full illithid power through Act 2 (WIP)
Ad Hoc Fic: stuff that’s not part of my gameplay verse and just requests or ideas that stand alone in their own canon.
Verbal Contract - Astarion takes Haarlep’s deal and immediately regrets it. AKA: The deal with Haarlep goes sideways and is played much more brutally straight.
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mimikoflamemaker · 4 months
Faerunian Writing Challenge - Day 4
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Camp Chores
How this was going to work was beyond her.
After everything that happened in the last several hours – the crypt, the goblins and bloody falling out of the sky – Neve barely noticed when the day started to lean towards the evening. She was hungry, dirty and fairly bit annoyed, so she decide to ignore Lae’zel’s protests and the vaguely disapproving look from Shadowheart and resume their search for a healer bright an early tomorrow morning.
They did tell her to lead, after all. And there was a fair bit of chance their days were numbered anyway. They could as well try to spend them in relative comfort, if the fancy inns of Baldur’s Gate were out of reach.
That’s were problems have started.
First, she had to go through a rather uncomfortable encounter with Zevlor. Asking for assistance right after coldly dismissing his concerns wasn’t ideal, but the tiefling proved to be nothing, if not understanding. She had to admit in the end that saving the refugees might not be that much of a wrench thrown into her plans, if that Halsin guy was as much of a healer as they all claimed him to be.
That and the substantial chunk of the money she had, allowed her to purchase, if not all, than most equipment they needed. And a courteous offering of showing them to the prime spot for a camp.
Now, she had a nice clearing by the river in front of her, conveniently surrounded by steep rocks and dense woods, a stack of boxes and parcels next to her…and a group of people that looked like they’ve never set foot off of the cobble-stoned roads before. Though she might have been purposely derisive towards Lae’zel right now– the gith was even more abrasive than the sand that somehow found it’s way into her clothes over the course of the day – she likely knew a thing or two about survival skills. Neve, however, had her doubts about her willingness to participate.
That left her with tents to set up, the fire wood to gather and the meal to prepare. She hoped that afterwards she will have enough energy left to at least scrape the grime off her face.
She was putting aside each tent they’ve got when she realized someone was hovering over her shoulder. A swift glance up revealed the githyanki warrior she was just thinking about.
‘We have to be efficient in our work’ Lae’zel stated, staring down at her. ‘And to be efficient we have to share it. Which tent would be mine?’
Well, it wasn’t the approach she expected, but she didn’t mind the surprise this time.
‘Take your pick’ the elleth replied. ‘And while you at it… do you think you can help Gale?’
‘Help?’ Lae’zel looked over at the wizard, her lips lifting in a quiet sneer as she seized him up. ‘You are much more gracious than you should be, given they will be leeching our labor. It is quite obvious that this one had never set up a tent. Or did much of physical labor for that matter.’
Neve opened her mouth, but hesitated, taken aback by the fact that the warrior just said it all out loud, with the wizard in question standing just a few paces behind them.
‘Well, he is useful in battle’ she settled on, feeling awkward, but at the same time fighting the desperate need to laugh. The day was clearly starting to get to her at this point.
Lae’zel blinked, considering her words.
‘You’re right. There is no point to let him freeze at night when he proved himself a decent ally. Come’ she addressed Gale. ‘I will provide you with a place to sleep, but you will observe and learn how it’s done for later.’
To his credit, the wizard looked ready to argue, but seemed to think better of it and quietly followed the gith.
‘It’s hard not to agree’ Shadowheart said once they were out of earshot. ‘I can set my own tent, I think.’
‘Knock yourself out’ Neve replied. It was a strange way to word that statement, but maybe it was a while since the cleric had camped out somewhere. She didn’t know nearly enough about her to try and guess.
With a lot of the workload taken out of her hands, the elleth picked up her own parcel and turned to face Astarion.
‘So where do you want your tent set up?’ she asked. ‘I’m not going to be as brash as Lae’zel, but I doubt you would know what to do if I’ve left you to it.’
‘My, my… aren’t you the observant one’ the elf smiled in a way that made Neve want to roll her eyes. ‘Though I suppose it isn’t a particularly difficult guess…’ his eyes traced her face, clearly picking on the thinly vailed impatience. ‘We can go over there, I suppose.’
Neve decided to not dignify that with a reply and set to work. The sooner she would be done here the better. Besides, she had no doubt that the elf hovering over her was not going to keep his mouth shut for long.
‘You know’ he hummed after a moment decidedly too short for her liking. ‘I can’t help but wonder how someone like you had come into the possession of a rather substantial amount of money…’
‘Oh, and that’s definitely a great way to get an answer to your question’ she remarked without lifting her eyes from the tent poles she was putting together.
‘Forgive me for taking you as someone who would understand a little bit of sarcasm… not to mention appreciate it…’
‘I do understand’ she interrupted without any heat in her voice. ‘And I do like a healthy amount of good banter as much as the next person... but I can also tell you’re fishing for a leverage and I am not biting.’
His smile turned into one of appreciation.
‘Why being so dismissive? I thought that if anybody in this merry group was to find an understanding it would be the two of us. Can you really fault me for being curious?’ he leaned down, bringing his face closer to hers. ‘Wouldn’t you want to learn more about your travelling companions?’
Neve fixed the last ties and began to spread the tent canvas for easier assembly.
‘Of course I would’ she said, carefully eyeing the elf without making it too obvious. ‘What would you say if I told you, I am doing just that now?’
To his credit, he gave no reaction to her words. Not the one she could easily discern anyway.
‘I would have still asked the same question’ he said, linking his longs fingers together. ‘A tiny bit of honesty in exchange for allowing you to continue your… pertinent observations. It sounds only fair don’t you think?’
‘Fair is it?’ she challenged further, and lifted the tent pole upright beneath the heavy fabric. ‘After I told you everything I know about the tadpoles and the mindflayers? Why don’t you tell me something about yourself first?’
‘Oh, I am a magistrate back in the city’ he stated flippantly. ‘It’s all rather te-’ he trailed off, interrupted by the sudden chuckle that left her mouth. ‘What’s so funny?’
Neve didn’t respond right away, busying herself with pitching and securing the tent properly. She shouldn’t have laughed, but couldn’t help herself. That particular lie might have worked… if he didn’t hold the knife to her neck in a way that clearly shown it wasn’t the first time he did so.
She bid her time, letting him stew.
‘I just can’t say you strike me as a magistrate material’ she said out loud, walking over to him so she could look him straight in the eyes, smirking. ‘All I’m hearing is bullshit’ she said only loud enough for him to hear. ‘And this one was thought out rather poorly for someone seemingly so smart. Feel free to continue the charade though. If others believe you… well shame on them, I suppose. Then again we’re not here to listen to each other sob-stories, aren’t we?’ she turned to walk away, back towards the spot where she had left her belongings.
‘You didn’t answer my question you know?’ his tone was carefully measured.
She struck a chord, it seemed. Good.
‘I do’ she picked the slick, black bow and threw the quiver over her shoulder. ‘But if I don’t depart now, we are not going to have any supper to eat. Pick yourself a bedroll and a blanket, make that tent comfortable. This is as good as it’s going to get for the time being… And can someone…’ she started, louder, before the mental image of a smoldering ruin of their camp flashed through her mind. Some other time perhaps. ‘Never mind. I’ll be back shortly.’
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