#bibble babble
supersourwoofwoofbud · 11 months
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I made a little Wally Darling and I really wish I took pictures after I carved him~. ( The first two pics are screenshots from my roommate yt video we did together. )
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Because now my Wally Darling looks one of the scream mask that yelling at you~, and I am dying and can't even right now~. It's was so cute and now it's rotting in hilariously horrifying ways~.
But Happy All Hollows Eve~, may your day be full of nifty tricks and tasty treats~. And may your jack-o-lantern's glow in glory~, be safe out there all and every being~.
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🍼🎀 New welcome home oc!! Meet Bibble Babble, the littlest neighbour of all! Also known as Bibi for short! They’re small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. They kinda resemble a dog, but the official consensus seems to be they’re a “lovely little ball of fluff.” The whole neighbourhood is raising them together (it takes a village after all!), but they mostly stay near Home.
They actually are part of a pair with Home’s own newborn child Dollhouse, a sentient dollhouse who looks nearly identical to Home aside from their pastel colours and tiny stature. (I’ll draw them later too!) Bibble is small enough to crawl inside Dollhouse and fall asleep, it’s Bibble’s go to nap spot.
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poetic-putzing · 2 years
jesus fucking christ when did I write so muchhhhhhh
gonna finish reblogging and tagging later bc I have the attention span of a walnut
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badlyblurry · 2 months
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A bunch of random Bill doodles that I've accumulated over the past two months in celebration of the release of the Book of Bill happening in three days.
Get it? Three days? Three sides? Because he’s a triangle? Get it? Are you laughing yet?
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pitl0ver · 7 months
i tell my partner i’m sad and she just leans over and puts on voltron??? and then they tell me they’re a keith kinnie?? as if i haven’t been kinning lance since the mf 7th grade??? hello????? klance is canon king???????
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More women should tell their stories of abuse. More people should tell their stories of abuse in general but I feel like (and this could also just be the red county I live in) the cultural backlash against Me Too is just like any time a woman wants to talk about her abuse at the hands of a man she has to make it clear that “not all men” are like that. Like fuck that. Obviously. When I say, “oh it is raining today” I don’t have to say “but it doesn’t rain EVERYday” because that’s stupid. Obviously not every single man in the world is the same. No two people are ever the same let alone billions of them.
My daughter’s father abused me. He physically assaulted me multiple times throughout the course of our relationship, some of those times while I was holding our child. And now that he’s been removed from the home he wants me to drop the baby off at his parents so he can visit her and not have to see me? Are you fucking insane? Don’t answer that I know you are. That’s just…I cannot believe that he genuinely doesn’t understand this. You are violent. We are not splitting up because of mutual differences; you are PHYSICALLY VIOLENT. What about that do you not fucking understand. I will NEVER let you be in a room with our daughter without me, at least not until she’s an adult and can choose to have whatever relationship with you that she wants. And even then you better believe I will constantly check in with her if she visits you because you can NEVER undo the damage you did and the trauma you’ve given me and I will NEVER feel safe around you and I will NEVER let our daughter experience that and I will NEVER forgive you. Is that clear? I will have to be DEAD or in JAIL for you to be alone with her. On top of that you’re a fucking sex offender. You had a relationship with a 15 year old girl when you were 24. Youre in your 30’s and your last 3 relationships were with women ages 19-23. Rationalize it to yourself all you want, try to pretend you’re not what you are. And then remember that you’re 12 years older than your daughter’s mother. You DISGUST me. I was so very desperate for attention that I willingly ignored every red flag and for that I am truly regretful but hear me when I say that I am not the stupid 19 year old I once was. I am not stuck in that cycle of abuse. I am not trapped like a bird in a cage. I am free, my baby will be free from you. I will not, I absolutely REFUSE to let our daughter see you treat me like that. I will not let you treat HER like that. You are a vile disgusting human being. An asshole, a racist, a misogynist, just an all around bigot, and a god damn pervert. Fuck you. Fuck you so very fucking much. I wish you were never fucking born. You have put so much badness into the world. You’re fucking awful. There are no words in the English or any other language to truly convey how much I hate you.
And if you think this isn’t going to go to court, if you think I’m not going to fight tooth and nail for full custody, then you are sorely fucking mistaken. I’m not bitter. If you want to see her you can, so long as I am right there watching. And if you aren’t willing to put up with that. If you feel so threatened by my presence because no girl you’ve ever groomed like this has defied you before, and if that keeps you from seeing your daughter, your own pride, then that is not my fault. I love her more than this whole world and everything in it and I would cross oceans and scale mountains and idk fucking bite into 10 fucking habaneros at once if it meant spending time with her. I wish so deeply that you loved her like that, that you loved ME like that. I know the pain of not having a father, of knowing that the person who helped bring you into this world, your own flesh and blood, couldn’t care less about you. It stings, and I am so so mad at myself for having a child with you and letting them experience that pain. But it stings a lot worse to watch someone who SAYS they love you display evidently that they don’t. To beat your mom, to spit venomous words at her. I know that pain too. And that one is far worse. Our daughter has SOOOOOO many people that love her, and if you can’t give her that love she might feel the sting, but it will not break her.
Anyways I’m looking into getting a lawyer and listening to Not Like Us a lot. Also the new 21 pilots album. Really fucking good, on my 3rd listen. Also binging welcome to nightvale again. Top tier.
My grandma is in the hospital, if you pray please pray for her. If you don’t please just send her some positive love into the universe. She’s so so very strong, beat cancer but it took its toll greatly. Lately she just seems to have given up hope. I get it, I truly understand, but I need her so much. My daughter needs her. She’s only 62, this is not her time to go. Keep fighting grandma I love you so very much. You are the strongest woman I know, you’ve been through so very much, and you will get through this too. God will hold your hand and show you that there is still so much here for you.
So so much shit in my brain lately. Baby had her 6 month checkup today and she’s doing great! Showing off for the doctor like she usually does. She was playing with her stethoscope. I never thought I would have kids; I always thought if I ever happened to get pregnant it wouldn’t even be a question I would just GET an abortion. But when it happens to you (maybe not for all people but at least for me) it just feels different. Nothing could ever prepare me for the experience of having to choose whether or not I wanted to keep the baby. But somehow I just knew. I didn’t know but I knew that if I had one I would regret it forever. Or maybe I wouldn’t have but I certainly would not know the immense joy I do by having her in my life. Nothing will ever come before her. She is truly the best thing in my entire life. I have never known a love like this nor do I think I ever will outside of her. It’s honestly scary how fast life can change so dramatically. I’ll also never forget the feeling I had when they told me I was going to have to have a C section RIGHT at that moment. Her umbilical cord was wrapped, I wasnt even anywhere close to labor, not dilated AT ALL. I was only there for a checkup. I was full term but nowhere near birth. I was honestly starting to get annoyed at how long the doctor was taking to come see me, wondering when I would get to go home, feeling bad for my mom who had driven me there. And then suddenly that was that and they told me I was going to be a mother within the hour. I cried so much. Because I’ve never had surgery before that but mostly because…I wasn’t ready. Suddenly you’re hit with the realization that you’re about to hold a brand new life and you’re 19 years old and you have no earthly idea how to take care of a baby in any way and you’ve read books and had conversations but none of it has felt real, none of it could prepare you to meet them. And then you do. And it’s terrifying and beautiful but mostly so so very…weird. And then you realize that you are capable of so much more than you ever thought you were. You can care for a baby by yourself in the hospital when your partner refuses to be there with you because they’re “busy”. You can get used to the wonderful warmth of them in your arms and their cute tiny nose and surprisingly strong grip and you will stumble as you find your footing as a parent but you can do so so much more than you ever dreamed. And it is amazing. And you love them so much, you wonder if they will ever know how they saved your life, how they gave you a reason to live, how your life feels like it only just started when they were born, how you love them in vast immeasurable amounts. You endeavor to show them. And sometimes you get frustrated and then guilty for feeling that way. You remember as much as you love them you are still a human.
Jesus man I need to finish the dishes but I feel a little lighter now
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Look at all this hubbubbubboo and bibble-babble going on.
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yaoimanpussy · 11 days
You know she’s a bibble. A babble. A crazy evil bitch who hates all men and I have to use made up words to say she’s an evil person. You check her account and it’s mostly memes and blogging about her experiences as a trans woman but don’t let it fool you she’s evil. She’s one of the bad trans women. We must isolate her from everyone. Trust me, I’m an anonymous tumblr ask.
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gloombeauty · 5 months
This right here is what's wrong with the Lana fan community. This right here is why I stay faaaaar faaaaar away from Lana fans. Some Lana fans like @lanadelreyvisualaesthetics are very cool, so this is not on them. But then there are some Lana fans like this idiot:
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This demonic mutant ☝️  didn't like that @lanadelreyvisualaesthetics actually had an opinion about Camila Cabello showing up and tackying up Lana's set.
Whether you agree with @lanadelreyvisualaesthetics or not is mute. It's her page. She can opinionate any way she wants. Are you serious with this response? The same way you write your crazy bibble babble garbage on your page, is the same way @lanadelreyvisualaesthetics can say what she wants on her page. This is not North Korea. You can't be acting like such a catastrophic melodramatic twat over an opinion you don't agree with.
Worst yet, this idiotic mutant left this response on my page too.
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I happen to agree with @lanadelreyvisualaesthetics original post. Camila being up on that stage singing one of her stupid songs during Lana's Coachella set was a hard no. I think the majority of people who love Lana's music can agree with that.
Father John Misty didn't want to do Coachella for whatever reason. He's not touring or doing anything at the moment. Maybe there's a reason he didn't want to do Coachella but imagine how beautiful it would have been with Lana and John doing Let the Light In. Instead we got Camila doing her song instead. A lost and wasted opportunity. Wonder why so many Lana fans are pissed?
Now @lanadelreyaesthetics had to closed down comments thanks Honeymoontwat.
Needless to say I blocked them by IP and their device. I know they are going to be creating new accounts to continue harassing and sending death threats.
In the meantime, I suggest this demonic mutant actually go outside and touch some grass.
This type of behavior is gross and childish.
you're not a real fan!
you're not a real Lana stan!
you fake!
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Finished Star Trek: Lower Decks~, and when it got to episode 9~, and the reporter talked about having family from my home town~. One half of my brain was like~,
"Yay, they spoke about flagstaff~!"
And the other half was like~,
"Wow. Even in a fictional earth, future Navajo Nation still hasn't claimed back San Francisco Peaks and Flagstaff~."
And all of me was like~,
"Shut up and just enjoy the crumb of references we are getting~. "
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autisticvampireclub · 10 months
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Huevember Day 19!~ 🌧️
My little Bibi :} haven’t drawn them in so long I missed them;;
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allistersatelier · 1 year
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1000 year war
splatoons drawn here under readmore
-mel (bibble): my inkling
-parrot: siblings inkling
-smallfry/short haired inkling: @trislosherfan25
-airy/headphones octo: arien what is your tumblr
-orange (bobble): @hometownrockstar
-mem cake (babble): @weloveyousomuch
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lunchboxpoems · 1 year
Loves How I love you How you How we hang on words How eaten with need How we need to eat How weevils sift the wheat How cold it is How thick with hoarfrost ice slick sleet freeze How wintry the mix How full of angst How gut sick How blue lipped How we drink How we drink a health How we care How easy over as eggs How it all slides How absurd How yet tender we all How wrapped in a thick coat How battered How slender the flesh How we wrap ourselves How many selves we all How I miss you many How I see you How your eyes warm mine How tiny am I inside How enormous my need How you open an old-fashioned satchel How deep it yawns How bleak this need How like winter How it yet catches the light How brilliant the sun dogs parhelion moon dogs paraselene phenomenon optic How fetching your spectacles How my thumbs might fit alongside the slope of your nose How my own glasses slide down my thin bridge How ridiculous the theory of the bridge How inane the bibble babble How we grew to be friends How we grew thumbs How opposable we all How we grew sparks How we blew up a fire How angry How incensed How we resist How we bead up drops How water will not run How we distract How loud the dog snores How loudly How noisy the snow grows How many degrees below How we fret How again How we all came here How did we come How did we How loves How did we come to this
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pitl0ver · 9 months
gf sees me losing my fucking mind and looks over my shoulder at my phone but it’s just an oxford comma
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annahanover · 3 months
bible bible bibble babble
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thinkin’ about
Field Tournament Style
Up and Down On the Ground
Manja Flanja Blanja Banja
Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble
Doma Roma Floma Boma
Jingle Jangle Every Angle
Bricka Bracka Flacka Stacka
Two Ton
Free For All
Big Ball
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