#biden doners
eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Joel B. Pollack
Politico reported Sunday (original links):
Two of the main organizers behind protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and it in turn supports numerous small nonprofits that work for social change. (Gates did not return a request for comment, and Soros declined to comment.)
Several other groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests are backed by a foundation funded by Susan and Nick Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire — and supporters of Biden and numerous Democratic campaigns, including $6,600 to the Biden Victory Fund a few months ago and more than $300,000 during the 2020 campaign.
Update: Politico has since updated its article with a correction that alters a few minor details:
An earlier version of this report misstated that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeds the Tides Foundation’s work. It no longer has active grants to Tides. It also said POLITICO contacted Gates. POLITICO contacted an agency that has represented the Gates Foundation but did not reach out directly to Gates. It said IfNotNow was one of two of the main organizations behind the protests. IfNotNow is supporting protests, but students are leading them. And it misstated the year Rockefeller Brothers Fund donated to Tides and that the donations to Jewish Voice for Peace went through an intermediary. The donations to Tides took place prior to 2022, and the Fund directly contributed to Jewish Voice for Peace.
(In other words, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is not involved; the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is directly involved with Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Pritzker and Soros donations to the radical groups are unchallenged.)
The fact that Democratic Party mega-donors are behind the antisemitic protests may also spur Jewish voters — roughly 70% of whom vote Democratic — to consider changing their votes in 2024.
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Okay, now that Biden is gonna be off the ticket...
Is the "Genocide Joe" crowd gonna finally put on its adult pants and get to the polls to ensure that we get a POTUS who at least views the Palestinians with compassion vs the candidate who crows about "finishing the job" in Gaza (+ his running mate who wraps his support for Israel in religious language)?
Is the "he's too old and has cognitive decline" crowd and corporate media gonna focus all their energy on Trump's age (especially when they claim that they thought both were too old but just Biden was older) as well as his weird statements and behavior that go with it?
Are all those white "drop out now" congressmen and doners who refused to state a concrete unified alternative gonna drop the vague rhetoric and rally to ensure we have a quick and seamless campaign transition in time for the convention and to weather potential bad-faith legal attacks?
Part of me is asking rhetorically because I know a good chunk are either the intellectually lazy, actual Trump supporters who don't want to admit it, opportunists, or psyops. But the other part of me is genuinely curious how this may shake up the discussion in the Beltway and in the media stream; because there is a chance there are those uncommitted voters who have the chance to be brought back now.
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william-r-melich · 2 months
Same as the Old Boss - 07/25/2024
Last Sunday, July 21st, Joe Biden dropped from the presidential race after getting 14 million votes, and his V.P., Kamala Harris, who got 0 votes in the primary, is now the designated nominee. That doesn't appear as very democratic to me, given how the democrats frequently site Donald Trump as a "threat to democracy." Yes, their almost 20 years apart in age, different sex and race, but they're tied by the same policies. It actually appears that Kamala is more to the left than Joe, and possibly even further left of Bernie Sanders. She received a slight bump in the polls since her announcement, and the big doners have stepped up, she already has over $200 million raised. Barak Obama hasn't endorsed her, but he has indicated that he will. I don't think he wants Kamala to run, perhaps he feels that she cannot win, and I agree. Kamala is on the record for not supporting private insurance, no cash bail for violent offenders during the BLM riots, she wants open borders, so in her mind she did great job on the border as border czar. She would essentially be an extension of Joe Biden and another 4 years of Obama, and possibly even worse. I'm glad it's Harris running, if she still is after the convention. It could become an open convention, there are a lot of upset people about Harris being anointed instead of getting chosen by the voters. It doesn't seem likely for someone else to step in at this point with all the support that she's getting, but these are truly crazy and unprecedented times we're living in, so you just never know. If it is Kamala Harris, then it's more of Joe's policies and then some. Taken from an old song by the Who about a revolution, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Let's hope we don't get fooled again, and vote Donald Trump back into the oval office.
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silvialightning · 2 months
Some thoughts about the politics happening right now as someone who has a mild interest in such things. Mostly bc I need to throw my thoughts out somewhere.
This has lit a fire in politics. In the Democratic Party and in younger voters. Because this was the same old race last time between two old and unpopular candidates that most ppl don’t want. (Would have voted for, but didn’t really like.) But now that’s potentially changed.
Many democratic ppl would have voted for Biden with a sign, not wanting Trump to win. But I think Biden dropping out breathes fresh air into unsure and pessimistic voters.
Also Biden apparently got covid again recently, with his age who knows how long he will live. Him getting covid and not backing out would have probably made ppl mad. So this is the better outcome. (It’ll take an act of god for me to drop out *gets covid*.)
Many of the positive things that Biden has pushed for has gotten him the following he has, and the Democratic Party should know that. So I doubt that another candidate would not be progressive. At least they would not be as openly against the progressive moves he has made. Also as many have been saying, “we have to vote democrat to keep Trump from winning.” That should not change if it is Biden or Kamala.
Apparently a big reason for him backing out was internal pressure and large doners backing out. Is there a broader message to normal ppl that gathering and speaking out for what they want can matter? Could that lead to more organization and grass roots campaigns in the future. (A small hopeful little thought I wanted to add.)
Kamala Harris would be the best to follow up as the Democratic Nominee. She’s already VP, so there is a precedent for her to be President. For Biden to endorse her would make the transition smooth for any Democratic votes who wanted Biden instead. She will need a straight white guy as her VP though.
Kamala Harris is a lot younger than Biden or Trump. She also hasn’t come up a lot in recent news for things? How much does the average person who pays little attention actually know of Kamala Harris. Being unknown, but still very involved in the office on that front is likely good.
How would republican attack ads go against Kamala? Sure you could add on the Biden stuff and pin her name as a supporter of Biden. Are they gonna make good enough attacks ads in this short time?
I do believe the Democratic Party has been preparing pro-Kamala Harris ads for a little while at least lol. I mean, *gestures to Biden* yeah.
Republican strategy has to change. The way Trump prepares for debates will have to change. They’ll hate that. Compared to Biden, there is a lot of unknowns.
This is a big risk, but there was also trouble if Biden stayed in the race. If he had to do more debates against Trump, more interviews to “prove” to the public that he was mentally capable, getting covid, etc. To be honest, I cannot image this being worse than if Biden stayed in. It’s an unknown, and that’s scary. But…I don’t think it’s gonna be as rough going forward. Transition phase may be a bit rocky but.
As long as the Democratic Party can unify and mostly align together under one candidate it’ll be ok. Also not to say the usual, but make sure you vote.
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confused-robot-cat · 11 months
The Judeo-Christian God is neither male nor female.
Gods can have gender. Norse gods, Roman gods, Japanese gods, and Greek gods are described this way. Some are physically male, some of physically female. These gods are able to reproduce the traditional way. A male and a female can reproduce through sexual intercourse. Gods with gods, gods with humans, gods… turning into animals and having sex with those… Loki turned into a mare and had sex with Odin's best stallion and gave birth to Sleipnir. Still. Traditional. He had to turn into a female horse to do it. Unsurprisingly for a shapeshifter, Loki seems quite fluid with his gender. But still. Traditional reproduction.
But the Judeo-Christian God?
"At least three." - Joe Biden (on how many genders there are)
Mary was impregnated without sex. It was explcitly a "virgin birth". That means God reproduces asexually. Possibly even through mitosis, given Jesus is considered God himself. So he impregnated Mary with himself. So God reproduces non-traditionally, without the use of genitalia. He just needs a doner uterus. Therefore, all the "He" and "Him" stuff in the Bible is purely political. God is agender. God is sexless. God is both and neither.
"Oh, but those other gods aren't real and only God is real!" Well…
Sorry, but the Bible explicitly mentions other gods. It may call them "false gods," but it does refer to other gods. Hell, the opening chapter of Genesis refers to there being multiple gods, in the un-altered properly translated text. So, sorry, despite what the church says, the crossovers are canon. Jesus/Yaweh exists in the same universe as gendered gods. There's no arguing this: God is non-binary. Cope, right-wing Christian fanatics.
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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liberty1776 · 1 year
Biden administration is biggest threats to World Peace. In next election US needs to elect anyone but Biden to prevent Nuclear War. First step to protect USA is to end US empire and bring all our troops home and cut military spending. Banker's control must be ended! Time to stop worring about other countries, and restore our own culture. Too many white collar frauds, gain control of our borders, we need to think about America and Americans first. We don't have a republic or democracy we are controled by doners, best government money can buy. First step is close our border and stop spending money. Restore rule of law and make all illegals get out. We need to stop tolorating the intolorable! We need a real third party, Democrats and Republicans both have forgotten about serving the USA.
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Biden said to rich doners "Nothing will fundamentally change" if he became president.
There's no big difference between Bush, Obama, Bernie, Howie, AOC, Trump, Pompeo, Biden or any other president nor party.
All are war criminals, liars or/and thieves, but the difference is that today the US Colonial Empire and settler states are much more vulnerable than ever before.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
House Sets Impeachment Vote to Charge Trump With Incitement (NYT) House Democrats introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump on Monday for his role in inflaming a mob that attacked the Capitol, scheduling a Wednesday vote to charge the president with “inciting violence against the government of the United States” if Vice President Mike Pence refused to strip him of power first. As the impeachment drive proceeded, federal law enforcement authorities accelerated efforts to fortify the Capitol ahead of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s inauguration on Jan. 20. The authorities announced plans to deploy up to 15,000 National Guard troops and set up a multilayered buffer zone with checkpoints around the building by Wednesday, just as lawmakers are to debate and vote on impeaching Mr. Trump. Federal authorities also said they were bracing for a wave of armed protests in all 50 state capitals and Washington in the days leading up to the inauguration.
National Guard inauguration deployment (Military Times) The Defense Department has authorized as many as 15,000 troops to be deployed to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. National Guard Bureau chief Gen. Daniel Hokanson said that there will initially be a deployment of 10,000 troops—an increase of about 4,000 from those in D.C. now. That figure is twice the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. The general declined to specify whether the guardsmen will be armed, stating that “we will work very closely with the federal agency, the FBI and law enforcement to determine if there is a need for that.” A D.C. National Guard spokesman told Military Times on Sunday that while some troops came to town with their weapons, carrying them on the streets had not yet been authorized.
Companies cutting off Trump and GOP (Yahoo Finance) Marriott and Blue Cross Blue Shield are just a few of the companies that are halting donations to GOP lawmakers who objected to certifying Joe Biden as president, while other businesses move to cut ties with President Trump directly. The actions come on the heels of Friday’s permanent suspension of Donald Trump’s Twitter account and Amazon’s move to cut off social media platform Parler’s servers. (NYT) The backlash is part of a broader shunning of Mr. Trump and his allies unfolding in the wake of the assault on the Capitol. Schools stripped the president of honorary degrees, some prominent Republicans threatened to leave the party and the New York State Bar Association announced it had begun investigating Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, which could lead to his removal from the group. And the P.G.A. of America announced it would strip Mr. Trump’s New Jersey golf club of a major tournament.
Virus deaths surging in California, now top 30,000 (AP) The coronavirus death toll in California reached 30,000 on Monday, another staggering milestone as the nation’s most populous state endures the worst surge of the nearly yearlong pandemic. Newly confirmed infections are rising at a dizzying rate of more than a quarter-million a week and during the weekend a record 1,163 deaths were reported. Los Angeles County is one of the epicenters and health officials there are telling residents to wear a mask even when at home if they go outside regularly and live with someone elderly or otherwise at high risk. California has deployed 88 refrigerated trailers to use as makeshift morgues mostly in hard-hit Southern California, where traditional storage space is dwindling.
A never-ending scandal (Bloomberg) Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35, the fighter jet already being flown by the U.S. and eight allies, remains marred by 871 software and hardware deficiencies that could undercut readiness, missions or maintenance, according to the Pentagon’s testing office. The Defense Department’s costliest weapons system “continues to carry a large number of deficiencies, many of which were identified prior to” the development and demonstration phase, which ended in April 2018 with 941 flaws, Robert Behler, the director of operational testing, said in a new assessment obtained by Bloomberg News in advance of its publication.
Pompeo Returns Cuba to Terrorism Sponsor List (NYT) The State Department designated Cuba a state sponsor of terrorism on Monday in a last-minute foreign policy stroke that will complicate the incoming Biden administration’s plans to restore friendlier relations with Havana. In a statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cited Cuba’s hosting of 10 Colombian rebel leaders, along with a handful of American fugitives wanted for crimes committed in the 1970s, and Cuba’s support for the authoritarian leader of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Mr. Pompeo said the action sent the message that “the Castro regime must end its support for international terrorism and subversion of U.S. justice.” The action, announced with just days remaining in the Trump administration, reverses a step taken in 2015 after President Barack Obama restored diplomatic relations with Cuba, calling its decades of political and economic isolation a relic of the Cold War.
Brexit sandwich problems (BBC) A Dutch TV network has filmed border officials confiscating ham sandwiches and other foods from drivers arriving in the Netherlands from the UK, under post-Brexit rules. Under EU rules, travellers from outside the bloc are banned from bringing in meat and dairy products. The rules appeared to bemuse one driver. “Since Brexit, you are no longer allowed to bring certain foods to Europe, like meat, fruit, vegetables, fish, that kind of stuff,” a Dutch border official told the driver in footage broadcast by TV network NPO 1. In one scene, a border official asked the driver whether several of his tin-foil wrapped sandwiches had meat in them. When the driver said they did, the border official said: “Okay, so we take them all.” Surprised, the driver then asked the officials if he could keep the bread, to which one replied: “No, everything will be confiscated—welcome to the Brexit, sir. I’m sorry.”
Merkel sees coronavirus lockdown until early April: Bild (Reuters) Chancellor Angela Merkel has told lawmakers in her conservative party that she expects a lockdown in Germany to curb the spread of the coronavirus to last until the start of April, top-selling Bild daily cited participants as the meeting as saying. “If we don’t manage to stop this British virus, then we will have 10 times the number of cases by Easter. We need eight to 10 more weeks of tough measures,” Bild quoted Merkel as saying.
‘A Stalin with double meat’ (Foreign Policy) A Moscow kebab shop named after Soviet leader Joseph Stalin has closed after just 24 hours of opening after a string of complaints from angry residents. In its brief existence Stalin Doner served items like “Stalin with double meat” and “Beria with tkemali sauce”—a reference to Stalin’s notorious secret police chief. The shop’s owner, Stanislav Voltman, was interviewed by police for three hours following complaints. “They asked me if my head was screwed on straight,” Voltman told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. “It’s not like I had Hitler as the face of my brand,” Voltman said. Despite public outcry about the kebabs, support for Stalin is on the rise in Russia. A Levada Center poll in 2019 found that 70 percent of Russians think Stalin played a completely or relatively positive role in the life of the country.
In Kashmir, Hopes Wither (NYT) Kashmir, the craggily beautiful region in the shadow of the Himalayas long caught between India and Pakistan, has fallen into a state of suspended animation. Schools are closed. Lockdowns have been imposed, lifted and then reimposed. Once a hub for both Western and Indian tourists, Kashmir has been reeling for more than a year. First, India brought in security forces to clamp down on the region. Then the coronavirus struck. The streets are full of soldiers. Military bunkers, removed years ago, are back, and at many places cleave the road. On highways, soldiers stop passenger vehicles and drag commuters out to check their identity cards. Conflict in Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority region, has festered for decades. And an armed uprising has long sought self-rule. Tens of thousands of rebels, civilians and security forces have died since 1990. India and Pakistan have gone to war twice over the territory, which is split between them but claimed by both in its entirety. Now, as India flexes its power over the region, to even call Kashmir a disputed region is a crime—sedition, according to Indian officials. Many say that the political paralysis is the worst it has ever been in Kashmir’s 30 years of conflict, and that people have been choked into submission.
India’s top court suspends implementation of new farm laws (AP) India’s top court on Tuesday temporarily put on hold the implementation of new agricultural laws and ordered the formation of an independent committee of experts to negotiate with farmers who have been protesting against the legislation. The Supreme Court’s ruling came a day after it heard petitions filed by the farmers challenging the controversial legislation. The court said that the laws were passed without enough consultation, and that it was disappointed with the way talks were proceeding between representatives of the government and farmer leaders. Tens of thousands of farmers protesting against the legislation have been blocking half a dozen major highways on the outskirts of New Delhi for more than 45 days. Farmers say they won’t leave until the government repeals the laws. They say the legislation passed by Parliament in September will lead to the cartelization and commercialization of agriculture, make farmers vulnerable to corporate greed and devastate their earnings. The government insists the laws will benefit farmers and says they will enable farmers to market their produce and boost production through private investment.
First came political crimes. Now, a digital crackdown descends on Hong Kong. (Washington Post) HONG KONG—The police officers who came to take away Owen Chow on national security grounds last week left little to chance. Determined to find his phones, they had prepared a list of mobile numbers registered to his name, even one he used exclusively for banking, said the 23-year-old Hong Kong activist. Officers called each number in succession, the vibrations revealing the locations of three iPhones around his apartment. By the end of their operation, police had amassed more than 200 devices from Chow and 52 others held for alleged political crimes that day, according to those arrested, as well as laptops from spouses who are not politically active and were not detained. The digital sweep showed how Hong Kong authorities are wielding new powers under the national security law, introduced last summer, far more widely than the city’s leader promised. Since the Jan. 6 raids, authorities have blocked at least one website, according to the site’s owner and local media reports, raising concerns that Hong Kong is headed for broader digital surveillance and censorship akin to that in mainland China. Hong Kong police have begun sending devices seized from arrested people to mainland China, where authorities have sophisticated data-extraction technology, and are using the information gleaned from those devices to assist in investigations, according to two people familiar with the arrangement who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect their safety.
26 missing, at least 13 dead in Indonesia landslides (AP) Rescuers are searching for 26 people still missing after two landslides hit a village in Indonesia’s West Java province over the weekend, officials said Tuesday. At least 13 people were killed and 29 others injured in the landslides that were triggered by heavy rain on Sunday in Cihanjuang, a village in West Java’s Sumedang district. Some of the victims were rescuers from the first landslide.
Leading human rights group calls Israel an ‘apartheid’ state (AP) A leading Israeli human rights group has begun describing both Israel and its control of the Palestinian territories as a single “apartheid” regime, using an explosive term that the country’s leaders and their supporters vehemently reject. In a report released Tuesday, B’Tselem says that while Palestinians live under different forms of Israeli control in the occupied West Bank, blockaded Gaza, annexed east Jerusalem and within Israel itself, they have fewer rights than Jews in the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. “One of the key points in our analysis is that this is a single geopolitical area ruled by one government,” said B’Tselem director Hagai El-Ad. “This is not democracy plus occupation. This is apartheid between the river and the sea.” That a respected Israeli organization is adopting a term long seen as taboo even by many critics of Israel points to a broader shift in the debate as its half-century occupation of war-won lands drags on and hopes for a two-state solution fade.
Uganda bans social media ahead of presidential election (Reuters) Uganda banned social media on Tuesday, two days ahead of a presidential election pitting Yoweri Museveni, one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders, against opposition frontrunner Bobi Wine, a popular singer. Internet monitor NetBlocks said its data showed that Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Skype, Snapchat, Viber and Google Play Store were among a lengthy list of sites unavailable via Uganda’s main cell network operators. Campaigning ahead of the vote has been marred by brutal crackdowns on opposition rallies, which the authorities say break COVID-19 curbs on large gatherings. Rights groups say the restrictions are a pretext for muzzling the opposition. At 38, Wine is half the age of President Yoweri Museveni and has attracted a large following among young people in a nation where 80% of the population are under 30, rattling the ruling National Resistance Movement party.
Coronavirus-spurred changes to global workforce to be permanent (Reuters) Sweeping changes to the global labour market caused by the coronavirus pandemic will likely be permanent, policy makers said on Tuesday, as some industries collapse, others flourish and workers stay home. The pandemic, which has so far infected at least 90.5 million people and killed around 1.9 worldwide, has up-ended industries and workers in almost every country in the world as tough lockdowns were imposed. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has estimated that the impact of huge job losses worldwide is creating a fiscal gap that threatens to increase inequality between richer and poorer countries. The ILO estimated that global labour income declined by 10.7 per cent, or $3.5 trillion, in the first three quarters of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019, excluding government income support. India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said the pandemic had created an “accidental challenge” under which the government delivered food on a regular basis to 800 million people and provided sustained business funds. Philippines central bank Governor Benjamin Diokno said it was clear some industries will not survive, others will not be as dynamic as before, and yet others will be boosted by the massive changes. The need for a more nimble and innovative approach to education will remain long after the pandemic ends, said Helen Fulson, Chief Product Officer at educational publisher Twinkl. “How many children today will be doing jobs that currently don’t exist?’ she said at Reuters Next on Monday. “We don’t know how to train for these jobs.”
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giftofshewbread · 4 years
Apocalyptic Overtones
By Daymond Duck   Published on: December 20, 2020
The word “revelation” comes from the Greek word “apokalupsis,” and it means the unveiling or disclosing.
The Book of Revelation begins with these words: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John” (Rev. 1:1).
This can be taken two ways: 1) As the disclosure of information about Jesus, and 2) As the disclosure of what God intends to do, starting with the Church Age and running through the beginning of the New Heaven and New Earth.
It is my opinion that current events are pointing the world to what the Book of Revelation says, and the Book of Revelation tells us what God said must shortly come to pass.
Put another way, we are no longer in a normal world; we are in a world that is in transition.
We are receiving apocalyptic overtones (or warnings) from God, and as disturbing as this transition and these warnings are, they are child’s play compared to what is coming.
Here are some of the most recent events that caught my attention:
One, on Dec. 11, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Texas’ lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia.
The court did not deny that Texas has evidence of widespread voter fraud (Texas had an abundance of evidence, and other groups do too); the Supreme Court just refused to hear the evidence (this is what most courts have done).
The battle is not over, but it will take a miracle for Trump to win, and that is in God’s hands (Sydney Powell still has cases pending in Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia; Republicans seated delegates in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Arizona that voted for Trump in opposition to the Democrat delegates; an evaluation of the Dominion voting system used in Antrim County, Michigan, found an error rate that exceeded 68% by shifting thousands of Trump votes to Biden, and a judge has issued an order for the evaluation data to be released).
As I see it, Trump has been standing in the way of the shadow government’s plan to establish a world government.
There are people (called globalists) that want all the power, all the money, and to tell everyone what to believe and how to live.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
Politicians issuing unscientific job-destroying lockdown orders and social-distancing orders (that they themselves do not obey) to enrich their rich friends and doners, and impoverish the middle class, are evidence, and it will get much worse.
It is a forerunner of the Apocalypse with its Satanic world government and religion.
It is an effort to fundamentally change this world (legalize abortions, LGBTQ rights, drugs, rebellion against the God of the Bible, divide Israel, etc.).
The world’s most powerful people are trying to establish a government that owns everything and leaves ordinary citizens with owning nothing.
Sydney Powell recently said powerful elites have been using the Dominion voting systems to stay in power around the world for 15-20 years to control elections and elect and re-elect themselves and their friends.
Globalists intend to number people, mark people, subdue people, control people, change people’s DNA, control people’s healthcare, replace cash with a digital currency, decide who can buy and sell, lockdown and silence the Church, tell people who to worship, etc.
Trump was a major impediment to their plan from Hell (Biden supports most of it), and it now looks like America’s corrupt election has put the globalists’ “Great Reset” on a fast track.
Many Americans will never accept Biden’s presidency as legitimate; his health and corruption will not let him be president very long. He will be replaced, and America’s leading role in the world will likely be replaced by several leaders (perhaps 10) from a handful of nations.
Here is the good news: This world is not the Christian’s home, and the success of the voter fraud seems to indicate that true Christians will soon be going home.
Dislike their sin if you want, but pray for them because the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, will soon hide themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And they will say to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev. 6:15-16).
Two, it has been reported that Gen. Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to Pres. Trump, said in an Op-ed that was published on Dec. 10, 2020, “We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power to destroy us. We understand what their plan is: to eliminate dissent, subdue any criticism and outlaw those who do not submit unconditionally to the dictatorship of the ‘new world order.’”
These are apocalyptic overtones from a former advisor to the Pres. of the U.S., or I don’t know what the words mean.
Three, on Dec. 6, 2020, Israel’s Prime Min. Netanyahu displayed a proclamation that will be prominently displayed on the wall of Israel’s Cabinet room to honor Pres. Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The proclamation will be displayed next to a proclamation recognizing Pres. Truman’s May 14, 1948, recognition of Israel as a nation.
What these two presidents have done is considered two of the greatest events in the history of Israel.
Pres. Trump has also recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Israel’s right to large areas of Judea and Samaria, withdrawn from the Iranian Nuclear Deal, and obtained normalization agreements between Israel, Bahrain, and the UAE.
Sudan and Morocco have agreed to sign a normalization agreement.
On Dec. 12, 2020, the Kingdom of Bhutan signed a normalization agreement.
If Jordan and Egypt are included, Israel will soon have agreements with 7 nations (Two more appear to be waiting in the wings: Oman and Indonesia, making it 9).
We are not seeing the covenant with many, but we are seeing many nations moving toward peace with Israel and agreeing to a covenant of peace that will allow all faiths to worship on the Temple Mount (this is opening the door for a rebuilt Temple, and I believe it will be hurriedly rebuilt during the Apocalypse).
Four, I do not know what to think about this next item, but it is so serious, I have decided to pass it on just to make people aware in case something happens.
On Dec. 8, 2020, it was reported that the U.S. has been positioning large numbers of troops, equipment and supplies in the continental U.S. and Aircraft carriers off the east and west coasts of the U.S. in case the U.S. Supreme Court voids the election (see raptureready.com End Times News, Dec. 11, 2020).
According to the report, rumors are circulating that some Democrats are planning to ask the UN to remove Trump from office, if the U.S. Supreme Court voids the election.
This sounds absurd, but absurdity is becoming common in the U.S., and considering everything the Democrats have done to remove Trump in the last 4 years, why would they stop just because the U.S. Supreme Court voids the election?
Five, on Dec. 6, 2020, Pastor John MacArthur told his congregation, the world’s governments “have done something that’s never been done in human history. That is, they have made the issue (of Covid) and the response global. Now we are a global world. And that is a setup that we’ve been waiting for through redemptive history since the Lord promised that there would come, in the future, an Antichrist who would have a global government.”
Six, on Dec. 9, 2020, it was reported that former VP Biden said he will sign an order on day one of his administration (if he has one) to require people in federal buildings, on planes, trains, buses, and wherever possible to wear masks for the next 100 days as a patriotic act, and this is just part of what he intends to do.
The big question here is will citizens be required to be vaccinated as a patriotic act.
Seven, here is a link to Dr. Pierre Kory’s interesting testimony (10 min.; hundreds of thousands of views) before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about a cure (Ivermectin) for Covid.
It is obvious from the comments that many citizens believe that some government officials are not interested in a cure for Covid because they view Covid as part of a globalist scheme to bring in a world government.
Finally, God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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blockpaths · 4 years
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Timestamp: 0:00 – Intro (Watch The Whole Video!) 0:53 – Bitcoin BLASTS THRU 20k! What’s Next? 1:39 – Institutional Fomo Has Begun 3:25 – Bitcoin Whale Emerges with $1 Billion in Bitcoin & Ethereum! 7:09 – Kraken announces Lightning Network integrations for 2021 9:16 – CME Announces Ether Futures Contracts. Good or Bad? 11:09 – Germany Legalizes Electronic Securities on the Blockchain 11:59 – FTX Lists Five Tokenized Weed Stocks in ‘Joint’ Listing 12:19 – Don’t Forget FTX CEO is Biden’s 2nd Largest Doner. 13:12 – Sean Ono Lennon sells NFT art piece for $3K in crypto 14:29 – Former JPMorgan exec joins Ripple’s board
**Note: My overall opinion is that the name of the game is to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible. Alts are interesting but a lot more speculative. I use them to accumulate more Bitcoin.
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Most of my crypto portfolio is Bitcoin, but I hold many cryptocurrencies, possibly ones discussed in this video.
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The post Bitcoin SMASHES $20,000 as Bitcoin Whale Emerges with $1 Billion in Bitcoin & Ethereum! Crypto News appeared first on BLOCKPATHS.
source https://blockpaths.com/commentaries/bitcoin-smashes-20000-as-bitcoin-whale-emerges-with-1-billion-in-bitcoin-ethereum-crypto-news/
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mudkipf · 4 years
A modern reagan
What was radical was right The great communicator returns to america in it's time of need. Joe Biden soundly defeated donald trump in 2020 and has promised not to run for reelection, paving the way for a kamala harris landslide. The only republican canidates are donald trump, and the moderate john kasich. The republicans are divided. John Kasich has vowed to vote for Haris in the general election if defeated in the republican primaries. The Donald trump supporters have grown angry as donald has remained in good health, making public apperances and still holding rallies across the country. They could not fathom anything more than a retrun of their king to the white house to slay those democratic goons that have introduced what they view as radical health care reform and protected birth control. The republicans cannot decide on a leader and donald trump barely scrapes by as the republican nominee with Kasich refusing to attend the RNC in person, sending campaign delegates but refusing to speak. only half the party will vote trump in the general with 18 percent voting biden and the others throwing away thier ballot with a third party or refusing to vote. Suddenly Ronald Reagan appears like hitler did in "look who's back" He was on his california ranch again upon realizing where he was his old heaven, "rancho del Cielo" or ranch of heaven was a property owned by ronald and nancy reagan. Simmilar to trumps mar a lago the ranch was Reagan's home away from washington, his heaven of his past life, which in many ways was similar to his current one. A time before a bullet was put an inch away from his heart, a time before nancy's constant worry and frustration over the saftey of her life. Simmilar to Jakie Kennedy's crisis saying, "if they're killing kennedy's my children are targets" before she fled to greece. This ranch has not been owned by the reagan family. In 1998 Nancy took her last visit to heaven before selling the property to the Young American's Foundation, A group dedicated to perserving the history of ronald reagan and his revolution . The building is closed to the public but there may be conservative fundrasers there with top doners of the group, the Koch broters.
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nemnuoc · 4 years
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Here’s a guy that was dedicating his off hours to serving the homeless. I was running for Congress when I met him in 2012, and I didn’t get him to change his party affiliation—Joe Biden did. He met the vice president during the Doner Kebab Unknown Pleasures shirt second-term inaugural activities. He walked right up to my fiancé, they talked about…
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