#big ass bug eyed flashlight man
octoooo · 7 months
Drew something on my phone can u believe it
Can’t believe my first jjk art post is “Nah I’d Win”
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thepalecrawlers · 4 years
Crawler sighting 56 part 4
"I could see how thin its long spindly arms were silhouetted against the snow that coated a bush behind it. when it stood up it was hunched over, not sure if I was slouching when I stood up but I certainly do slouch. it walked a few paces away from the tree and stood up the whole way. HOLY SHIT. I worked with backdrops for theater productions and the walls we use the most are around 8 feet high and this thing would have easily been able to see over one. I'm talking by at least a foot. It slowly peered around, no hair on its head and its side profile showed a SUPER disfigured skull, the jaw hung pretty far down and there weren't really lips that stuck out but It was hard to tell because of how dark it was. It let out one final "R? Big man" kinda like someone with tortures would say it because they were just random words that it strung together. Then it SCREAMED. My dad used to take me to airshows a lot as a kid and this has to have been the same pitch and volume as an F-16. I couldn't move. It peered around, head just seemingly sweeping the area. Then it crouches down and leaps for a tree with the lowest branch being around 10-15 feet and lands feet first on one of the branches and sits there, squatting, whistling, and just staring around. Then it takes off. Faster than should be allowed in nature. I count to ten in my head. The forest sleeps. I slowly make my way out from under the bush and begin to creep back towards camp, this time avoiding using my flashlight or making any noise if possible. I climb the embankment and take one last look towards the woods, unsure if that just happened or if I was asleep. I tumble down the other side of the embankment and return to the relative safety of the big ass fire with Y and J, the other two who went for wood. "where's your wood?" asks Y. "oh it uh, had bugs". Its fine we got a lot anyways. They stacked up a solid pile of oak and pine, not enough for the night but enough for a little while at least. "Where's R?" I ask warily. "Check the tent" there he was passed the fuck out snoring the way he always does. Well ok then. I climbed into my sleeping bag to warm up a little bit because I was covered in snow when I got back and it screamed again. Oh please don't tell me its coming here. The other two looked at me wide eyed, normally if I recognize a sound I say what it is out loud so they know whats up. I had no response. They asked if I heard the first one. good they heard it too. I answered with a nod as I unlocked the car in case we needed to book it. They asked if I saw it. Nod. what was it? No fucking clue. I described it to them quietly so that I could listen for more noises and I told them about it imitating my voice. Y was pretty freaked out J thought I was bullshitting him and said it was some kind of owl. I got out of my sleeping bag threw my coat back on and joined them at the fire. for the first time in a while I looked at my phone, 5:45 AM. We looked up native owl calls and came up empty handed, the same happened with every other animal we tried. J seemed a little nervous. Y suggested that "maybe its a truck on the highway", "yeah that's probably it" i replied blankly and J gave me a look that said that he knew it probably wasn't. They didn't sleep. I forced sleep upon myself so that we wouldn't die on the car ride home. The next morning we went for a walk, it didn't snow much after I got back so you could kinda follow my footprints the tree the thing lept into was out of reach of me on J's shoulders, R was still asleep but i think I might have been able to reach it if I was on his. The tree I sat under had scratch marks on it, I think they're from deer shedding the velvet off of their antlers but it creeped me out none the less. The tree it sat under had footprints EVERYWHERE there seemed to be no order to them at all. It was amazing. It looked like it had run over every square inch of that area, coming as close to the bush I was in as 2 me-lengths."
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