#big leggy beastie boy
aherdofbees · 2 years
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livelivefastfree · 4 years
Don’t know if you’ve answered this before? But given everyone BUT chuck has an animal what do you think he would be? (Part of me thinks it’d be cute for it to be like a rabbit of some sort. skittish but also known for speed and alertness but I’m not sure if slapping “bunny” on him is belittling)
TBH, I’d go with a horse! :D  They’re big and bony and fast, but also are famously incredibly nervous, easily-spooked beasties.  That said tho, I could definitely see him as a rabbit, although I would take a jump to a similar-looking animal and say
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hare! :D  He’s less of a cute little puffball and more of a big leggy anxious boy, haha.  
I think my final answer would be a horse though, but I definitely see where you’re coming from.
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