#big thankyou to athena for betaing this and all of future fic updates ehe
deiaiko · 1 year
#1.1 Arrival
Bam woke up frantically. His heart was beating out of control, his hair was damp with sweat, and his shirt stuck uncomfortably to his skin. He couldn’t remember if he was having a nightmare or not, but… seeing that Khun was still missing from his side of the bed, it might as well be one.
It had been days since Khun went missing. Bam might've gone insane from sleep deprivation alone.
Yes. That must’ve been it. He didn't recognize the ceiling he was looking at, and the bed felt different…had he even been sleeping on a bed?
He didn't feel any restraints or killing intentions, so this was unlikely to be a kidnapping. But the unfamiliarity did ring an alarm in his head, awakened him as if his body had been doused in cold water.
Oh, wait. He recognized this room; this was the dorm on the second floor. Come to think of it…the dream…what was it again? God? Something about sending him to another timeline because Khun was also sent there? Because he asked to find their missing friends?
Bam closed his eyes and willed himself to focus with the little sleep he had. He felt some familiar presence in the building, and that was all he needed to know to be convinced that he was really back in time. A surge of relief filled his heart, but anxiety was quick to follow.
He stumbled to the bathroom and saw how unsightly he looked in the mirror, hair tangled and eyebags pronounced. He needed to fix that before he showed himself to anyone outside. After all, Khun had drilled into him that first impressions were important.
He had just finished putting on his makeup when someone knocked on his door. He already had a guess on who it could be judging by their shinsu presence, but it still surprised him to actually see everyone when he opened his door.
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