#biho starter
pillowxtalk · 4 months
Closed starter for Biho: Being spotted! @for-yun
Biho had met up with a friend after quite a long time and they were simply strolling around the city and talking about everything and nothing. At some point both men got something to drink before looking for a spot to stand and well drink. Once they had found what they were looking for the two of them continued their conversation. But after a few minutes Biho felt someone watching him and following an impulse the idol started to glance around.
And before long his eyes met the eyes of someone he didn’t know and he tilted his head slightly at them. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before turning his attention back to his friend, who then told him he had to leave. After watching him go Biho’s eyes landed on the stranger again who started to come towards him. “Can I help you?” The rapper asked in a friendly tone, not being sure whether that person had recognized him or not.
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formorethananame · 1 year
@pillowxtalk, a closed starter
Today was an unexpectedly busy day, but River loved those kinds of days. When the aquarium was full, it meant had a chance to do one of the things he loved the most - educate those that were curious about his underwater friends.
River was in charge of the touch pool today. He adjusted his microphone as he finished his speech, watching the patrons carefully. Everything in the pool was safe, but he was more worried about keeping the animals safe from the humans. As he looked around, his heart jumped in surprise at the sight of a familiar face.
Biho was coming closer, rounding the pool, and River couldn't keep the grin off of his face. He made sure that his microphone was turned off before greeting his friend with a hug. "Hey! Long time no see!"
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Closed starter for Jihyun: Welcome to the ‘family’ @dreamtnight
Jihyun squeezed Moonbin’s hand gently before he pulled him towards the front door of the dorm, he shared with his members. He had told them about his boyfriend not too long ago and like the chaotic bunch they all were they insisted on wanting to meet him. Their leader Minki even insist he had to introduce him to them so they could go around him in a circle and say ‘one of us’ over and over again. The group had a habit to make quite unique introductions whenever one of them decided to bring someone home. The blond didn’t mind his friends being their usual self’s but he still hoped they wouldn’t overdo it.
The younger male stopped in front of the door and looked to Moonbin. “Just a fair warning. They’ll be all over the place and I apologize for any weird questions in advance.” Jihyun chuckled softly, feeling a bit nervous to introduce his first significant over since he joined Dreamscapes. He was sure though they would like the writer, in his eyes it was impossible to dislike him. The blond then took a small breath before unlocking and opening the door before stepping inside, still holding the other male’s hand. The door had fallen shut behind them and just a few moments later many footsteps could be heard ad Jihyun’s roommate Joshua was the first to get to them. “Welcome back home, Jinnie.” He greeted him before turning his attention to Moonbin.
And because Joshua was born and raised in Australia he walked over to shake the writer’s hand as a greeting. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Jihyun here made us think he was scared of bringing you to us.” He said and an accent could be clearly heard even though his Korean was getting better day by day. “He better not.” Zen was the next to show up and simply jumped on Joshua’s back who simply accepted it and held the younger up by his legs. “It’s nice to meet you. I am Zen and I’m the cutest in this group.” He said and then tried to show his cutest smile which resulted in Hansol smacking the back of his head as he joined the little group. After he introduced himself as well Minki followed dragging a clearly sleepy Biho with him.
Jumin and Seo were the last to come and greet Jihyun and his boyfriend at the door because the two of them had been busy eating. More introductions followed with the members eyes on their guest the whole time, but with friendly smiles on their faces. “I’m the oldest of this bunch so if anyone of them will be bothering you let me know.” Jumin said before pulling Zen off Joshua’s back because he had been wiggling on it the whole time. “But before that we will do the ritual of welcome.” Minki said, making Jihyun just roll his eyes because he knew what would be coming now. And just a moment later he tugged on Moonbin’s hand and pulled him into the middle of the room.
All seven members of Dreamscapes placed their hands on the writers arms or back before they dramatically began to hum. Then all the guys began to dance around their guests, rather loudly shouting ‘one of us, one of us’. Jihyun could feel his cheeks heat up a bit even though he still had to laugh about the silliness. It was good that his groupmates were their usual self’s and he hoped from the bottom of his heart that Moonbin felt welcomed by them.
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thosewhowearmasks · 8 years
“It’s agony to wait.” - Circuit
Disney Lyrics StartersAttn: @thebluedaisy​
“It certainly is,” he said absently, looking down at the strip of gauze his companion was pressing against his shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding. It was nothing major, simply a swipe from his other self’s cat - presumably a punishment for having the nerve to stay away for so long and then to reappear without Biho - but he had run into Circuit on his walk back, who had insisted on treating him.
Despite his words, though, he was perfectly at ease: He had had to sit still for much greater periods of time than this, after all. Instead of growing impatient, he allowed his mind to wander, thinking how convenient this budding friendship might prove to be - perhaps, if things continued to go well, he would never have to go to a hospital again, save for especially drastic situations. He scolded himself inwardly for this mindset - people weren’t commodities, after all, and he knew that perfectly well by now - but he couldn’t deny that it was an appealing thought. To distract himself from straying down that path, he turned his attention back to the other man. “Well, if we are waiting, I suppose that makes this as good as time as any to catch up,” he stated, easing into the small talk. “How have you been since we last met? Any progress on your… long-term project?”
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pillowxtalk · 2 years
Starter call!
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Please give this post a like if you want a starter from this muse.
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pillowxtalk · 2 years
Closed starter for Biho: Being spotted! @angel-of-sunshine​
Biho had met up with a friend after quite a long time and they were simply strolling around the city and talking about everything and nothing. At some point both men got something to drink before looking for a spot to stand and well drink. Once they had found what they were looking for the two of them continued their conversation. But after a few minutes Biho felt someone watching him and he glanced around.
And before long his eyes met the eyes of someone he didn’t know and he tilted his head slightly at them. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before turning his attention back to his friend who told him he had to leave. After watching him go Biho’s eyes landed on the stranger again who now came his way. “Can I help you?” The rapper asked in a friendly tone, not being sure whether that person had recognized him or not.
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pillowxtalk · 9 months
Starter call for Biho!
Please give this post a like if you want a starter from this muse.
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
Open starter for Biho: Wanna share!
Biho had bought himself something to eat and then went to the park with it because he was too lazy to get back home. He found a free bench and sat down before opening the box with the food inside and then placing it on his lap. Next he got his chopsticks out and just as he wanted to take a bite someone sat next to him. And just a moment later that someone’s stomache began to growl. Biho looked over the chopstick with food still in hand. “Wanna share?”
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
Open starter for Biho: Being spotted!
Biho had met up with a friend after quite a long time and they were simply strolling around the city and talking about everything and nothing. At some point both men got something to drink before looking for a spot to stand and well drink. Once they had found what they were looking for the two of them continued their conversation. But after a few minutes Biho felt someone watching him and he glanced around.
And before long his eyes met the eyes of someone he didn’t know and he tilted his head slightly at them. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before turning his attention back to his friend who told him he had to leave. After watching him go Biho’s eyes landed on the stranger again who now came his way. “Can I help you?” The rapper asked in a friendly tone, not being sure whether that person had recognized him or not.
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
Open starter for Biho: Being spotted!
Biho had met up with a friend after quite a long time and they were simply strolling around the city and talking about everything and nothing. At some point both men got something to drink before looking for a spot to stand and well drink. Once they had found what they were looking for the two of them continued their conversation. But after a few minutes Biho felt someone watching him and he glanced around.
And before long his eyes met the eyes of someone he didn’t know and he tilted his head slightly at them. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before turning his attention back to his friend who told him he had to leave. After watching him go Biho’s eyes landed on the stranger again who now came his way. “Can I help you?” The rapper asked in a friendly tone, not being sure whether that person had recognized him or not.
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formorethananame · 2 years
@pillowxtalk, a closed starter 
The restaurant smelled wonderful, much to River’s delight. He loved his job, truly, he did, but some days were rough. The bandages wrapped around his forearm was proof of that. River pouted as he poked at the material. The jellyfish weren’t happy today, and he’d been a victim to a particularly big one’s irritation.
But that was okay. Shit happened, and he’d heal. Today would get better. After all, he was set for a dinner date with Biho of Dreamscapes, one of his favorite groups. It was his first opportunity to collaborate with someone, anyone at all, and to be sought out by someone so talented was humbling. 
As he waited, River watched the birds strutting across the side walk. He’d chosen a table outside for a better chance at privacy, and the birds just happened to be a perk. Leaning over the side of the table, River cooed softly, holding his hand out. Maybe he could convince one to say hi, make a new friend today.
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pillowxtalk · 3 years
“The leaves are so pretty this year.” (for Biho lol)
Autumn Sentence Starters
Biho's head went up as he heard a voice right next to him. He had been so busy texting his members in the group chat that he hadn't heard the other person coming closer. He looked around the park, admiring the beauty of nature before turning to look at the the other with a light smile playing on his lips. "Yes, they truly are." He agreed, remembering little Biho jumping into piles of fallen down leafs in autumn.
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