#jihyun starter
pillowxtalk · 2 months
Closed starter for @united-as-one: Lend me a hand!
Jihyun had a day off and he made his way to the park close to his dorm to take a few pictures, which was one of the things he loved doing in his free time. Once he arrived there he walked around until something caught his attention, because inspiration was to be found everywhere. True beauty was often in the little moments that were fleeting and you had to walk around with your eyes open to discover them. And before long he found a motif that caught his attention. A pretty lilac butterfly danced around between equally pretty flowers and once he landed on them he saw his chance.
The young male lifted his camera and took a step back before focusing his lens on the butterfly. He took two pictures before making another step back, not realizing he had come close to a bench. A small surprised sound came from Jihyun as he felt back then landed on another person.
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Hey. Hey. Comforting VAE Ray with cuddles after he wakes up from a nightmare. I'm thinking. About VAE Ray.
Ray awoke in the middle of the night, startled, chest heaving with sobs he hadn't realized he'd let out in his sleep. It certainly wasn't his first time waking up from a nightmare, and it wouldn't be the last, but this time felt particularly worse. His frantic hands tried to search your bed to find you, praying, hoping, shouting in his mind to prove that it wasn't as he feared.
He didn't want you to be gone. He didn't want to prove his nightmare to be real, and he didn't want to be back in that cabin he shared with Jihyun only to realize you would never know he was sorry for making you believe he died. He gasped around his cries for help, unsure if the words he was trying to force past his lips made any sense. Even if he was alone, he doubted anyone would find him when he couldn't even shape the word for "help"!
No... no... no... no!
Don't be gone! Don't be gone forever!
I can't lose you, please!
His dream was filled with visions of that day... that horrible, terrible day when he decided there was no hope left in this world for him and he pressed the button to be rid of himself. It was too late to turn back once the counter starter, and he dreamed of the worst. Clutching his hand against his face as he bore his heart out to you only to realize he never hit the call button in the first place.
Only to realize your contact wasn't in his phone... only to realize it was as if you never existed in the first place and his brain created you to... to make him feel better from his lonely existence. Traces you began... began to disappear as the haunting counter taunted him with its very cruel ticking noise... tock... tick... tock... tick... tock...
That infernal noise followed him outside of his dream.
When he couldn't find you, he could find the pink clock on the left bedside table, so he tossed it against the wall, praying that it would stop the countdown and save him from the bomb. It didn't shatter. He couldn't even get rid of the clock! Much less himself! How much of a failure could he be? He couldn't do anything right! His body tensed up and he had no idea what to do but cry.
That's what he did when Jihyun found him.
He cried for days until he was located.
He had no idea if he was alive or dead until someone spoke to him and cut through the paranoia.
Ray didn't want this. He didn't want to feel this way anymore. He didn't want to have these nightmares every night. He didn't want to feel like it was the end of the world. He didn't want to continue feeling as though his existence would be fraught with night terrors, triggers, and monsters made of smoke and ash. 
His good days were great, but his bad days were even worse than that. If he didn't know any better, he would say that the bad days were becoming more common. That might've been because of the anniversary. It was so close to the anniversary of his accident… and the closer the day loomed on his calendar, the more nightmares he had.
He wondered if this was his final punishment for trying to get rid of himself. He wondered if this was his punishment for surviving in the first place. He didn't know, he didn't know, he didn't know! Ray just wanted it to stop. 
Time passed, and he had no idea how long he sat there, crying, begging for help, but soon his heavy sobs turned into whimpers and whimpers turned into tremors. He didn't think anybody would come to save him, and he didn't know how to save himself. Yet, somewhere in his fears, he hadn’t realized that the door to the bedroom had opened and the soft puff of humid air trailed right behind it… not like smoke… not like the dry heat… no… more like the gentle embrace of a warm shower. 
Something fell to the ground in a clatter and he felt it.
He felt your presence.
You didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around him. “Ray, Ray, my beloved. It’s okay. I’m here. I didn’t go anywhere you couldn’t reach me. I was in the shower. I was just in the other room, God, I'm sorry. The water was so loud that I didn't hear you calling for me. That's no excuse... it's okay. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm with you, I'm right here and you're safe with me.”
Your words went in one ear and out of the other, but he registered the meaning of those words. You hadn't left him. He wasn't alone. You still existed and so did he. It wasn't the end of his world. He was going to be okay. His voice was hoarse but he could manage something small, something to let you know how grateful he was to no longer wake up alone in a dusty room that hurt his scars.
"I'm so happy you're alive."
Ray was grateful to be alive on this Earth with you, grateful to have a second chance, and he didn't want to lose you because of how hard it could be to love someone as broken as him. You were patient... kind and considerate... even on his worst nights. You didn't make him feel bad for needing support... you never made him feel bad for needing a little comfort. You always made him feel safe.
You chased away those nightmares that lied to him.
You protected him from his insecurities.
You helped him feel at ease.
"I'm happy you're alive, too," you pressed your lips against the top of his head. Those words felt like Heaven at Earth, and all Ray could do to show his appreciation and relief was hold you just as tightly as you held him. "I'm happy we're together and we get to experience this life together. There's nothing I want more than to be with you. That's what I've always wanted, Ray."
That's what he always wanted, too.
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xhxnne · 7 months
closed starter for @pillowxtalk
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Yashiro's fingers gently traced the curves of his fiancé as they lay side by side on the bed. Kissing the back of Jihyun's head, he remained silent for a while before finally breaking the quiet with a soft statement. "Babe," he spoke tenderly, "we should start planning our wedding." It was the moment to progress to the next chapter, and Yashiro felt ready to take that step with Jihyun by his side. "What do you say?" With a warm embrace, he pulled the other man closer, craving for their shared journey to continue as they planned their future together.
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besiwoo · 4 months
starter for @lucielxbe
it's him and luciel again. it's him and luciel in another team again. just the thought of it pisses siwoo off. there's always been something about luciel that siwoo couldn't quite accept, and perhaps it had something to do with the fact that luciel was very much, to siwoo, someone that reminded him of himself. except a lot less of an asshole, and a lot more likeable. fuck that guy, siwoo thinks. he hates him.
well, maybe he doesn't hate luciel. to be fair there hadn't really been anything that luciel's ever done to justify any sort of hatred towards him. it was simply his existence alone that made siwoo feel .... small. seriously, fuck that guy, siwoo thinks again.
but there's something terrible that he has to admit. something that... kills him ( a little ). siwoo's pretty sure that both him and luciel make a good visual combination. that any team that has both of them on it, can leverage on that. and his own fucking annoyance is holding the team back.
fuck me for being a team player i guess, siwoo sighs as he approaches the boy. he has to make an effort, even if he feels bile in his throat. "jihyun," he says, approaching the boy. they have to... get along. "let's watch a movie together when you're free. i think... it'd be nice to get to know each other," he holds out his phone, the screen showing a list of movies currently showing in nearby cinemas.
kill me. kill me. fucking kill me already.
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phoenix-of-jade · 10 months
Walking through the night flowers
Starter for @pillowxtalk - Xuan x Jihyun
This was perhaps the first time in a very long time when Xuan had felt this alive and excited about something. Who would've thought that a random meeting like the one he and Jihyun had just a few nights ago would lead to something this... Intense and captivating? It did sound surreal and a bit too good to be true, but at the same time, the raven haired couldn't deny that his artist friend was right: he'd grown instantly hooked to Jihyun, to his handsome face, sensual moves and clever mind and he was more than eager to get to know even more about the talented idol.
That's precisely why, the young mob was now determined to sweep his midnight photographer off his feet the same way the younger had done to him, and for that, he had the perfect plan in mind. He could tell that Jihyun was a man who loved aesthetic and artistic places, given that the younger was basically taking photos of the moon and night city the first time they met, so, since they were going for a night walk, Xuan had the perfect place in mind that'd allow him to take advantage of Jihyun's passion.
He was going to take the younger for a walk in one of the most beautiful places he was probably ever going to see, or at least, by Xuan's standards (which by themselves were very high). Xuan was a man who loved nature and aesthetic things himself, that being a thing the two had in common, and he cultivated this pleasure of his by taking good care of his gardens. The Feng estate spread over a rather generous plot of land, so the young mob owned a lot of acres of nature he could cultivate and turn into beautiful corners of heaven he took great pride in and for their walk, Xuan was going to take Jihyun to one of these gardens.
With that in mind, Xuan stopped his car in front of the idol's dorm building, stepping out of it very confidently. He was a classy man, so along with his exquisite attire for the evening, he was accompanied by the customary bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates. For Jihyun, he had chosen burgundy red roses, the symbol of intense passion and desire, which he deemed very suitable for the irresistible young beauty. Maybe a bit cliché, but he was sure that Jihyun would've appreciated the gesture, or at least he would've gotten a good mood from the fun of it. Phone in hand, Xuan then sent his date a message to let him know he had arrived.
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potionsmadebyjace · 10 months
Like for a starter
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cagliostrohq · 2 years
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Your adventure begins here, ALLIE. It’s dangerous to go alone! Before starting your journey, make sure to FOLLOW OUR STARTER BLOG, and go over THIS CHECKLIST! You have 48 HOURS to post in-character and send in your blog to the main.      
(han jihyun, she/her, spirit warrior) to [MOON GARAM], the whole world looks like an open page. with a leap of faith, their ability of [HAEMOKINETIC SHAPESHIFTING] grows a little stronger. they’re pledged to the [VANITAS HOUSE] to defend the enchanted lands of cagliostro with their [ENCHANGED CARNAGE]. for [TWENTY-ONE] years, they have survived a world of magic with both their [GOOD SPIRIT] and [GREEDINESS]. they work as a [NURSE], but if they could change their fate, they’d want to [START OVER WITH THEIR FAMILY] (allie, 23, she/her, gmt-3)
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wannaberp · 7 months
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he’s a TWENTY-TWO year old wannabe, born JULY 5, 2001. he’s currently eyeing LIME ENTERTAINMENT and lives by the words “god has given me one face, and i made myself another.”
maybe you should learn more or ask him a question.
▶ PLAY THE CLIP [ dream_reality.mp4 ]
the camera points towards a fresh face unknown to the world of the entertainment industry. two individuals sits across each other; the interviewer and the second son of the ryeo group. the only thing separating them was a small white table with a vase of artificial roses to adorn it. luciel doesn’t remembers there was a vase of flowers for the interviewees before him.
he leans against his chair comfortably as he exchanges a conversation of words with the stranger. while it was his first time in a reality program, it wasn’t his first time with cameras and eyes on him.
what’s your dream? upon receiving this question, luciel almost laughs. what a simple, generic question. he straightens his back, and the tips of his lips curls up. “my dream isn’t the most unique, i only pray to echo the sound of my performance throughout the world with my own efforts,” he takes a knowing pause while holding his chin. “ah, how can i accomplish it you say? well, for starters… people often say i was born with a golden spoon, and i don’t shy away from this statement.”
even though he wasn’t looking at the interviewer directly, he knows there is a glint in their eyes.
“although this life is comfortable, if i’m able to rise up in this industry with my performances and be recognised by people for my qualities, then i’m happy. besides that, i grew up with classical music, so i think i have the power to bring something refreshing to the scene.”
the interviewer gives several nods at that, following up with another question: who would you like to be recognised by?
a chuckle. “there’s many. theres the people i look up too, take SHINee for an example… though that’s a faraway dream. and of course, my parents. my parents are quite strict, and i’m to be part of the corporation one day…” luciel trails off and gives a sigh. a quick second later, he turns his gaze to the camera with a voice so gentle, yet full of determination, “i want to prove to them that i can do it without putting shame on their name.”
perhaps there was some form of sympathy from the interviewer, luciel doesn’t knows, but it was an answer that was satisfactory enough for them to carry on with other questions.
by the end of it, luciel finds it all comedic. vividly, he replays the memory of the interview from the beginning, from that very first question that fell upon him.
to dream, is a lovely dream in itself. people are made of dreams, sometimes they may go askew or walk into the path of the unknown – but they dream regardless.
luciel does not dream, it’s as if he’s been walking on an unpaved road all his life. he constructs a smile and a combination of words to play the role of an individual in society, following a script that’s written by others. if he was handed a blank piece of paper to write his script, the ink in his pen will never run out of ink. there’s nothing to write.
nothing at all.
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beonhwarp · 10 months
hi! i’m here with the time old question of which face claims you would like to see most! and if there are any older fcs specifically you think would fit the premise of the rp well?
ahhhh! there are so many to name! i guess for starters i'll say sabrina carpenter, since she and her music were a big thing in my mind while writing for house of magnolia in particular. others for that house could be adeline rudolph, kento yamazaki, chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten) of nct, dylan wang, zendaya, maxence danet-fauvel, mena massoud, minatozaki sana of twice, halle bailey! otherwise any members of exo and snsd would always be fun to see! cha eunwoo of astro, han jihyun, woo do hwan, park hyungsik, park bogum, park minyoung, jung jaewon (one), jo boah, lee dongwok, any girl's day members, yoo ina, bae suzy! i hope these helped! (...i think i really could go on if you wanted me to.)
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Open starter for Jihyun: Frozen in the moment!
It was at the beginning of the night when Jihyun decided to take a stroll after a long day of work to get his mind off things so he could relax. He was in good spirits even though he was pretty tired because the rehearsals that day went well. The idol had stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat to keep them warm before deciding to enter the park close to where he lived. Jihyun was one step away from entering as his eyes landed on a familiar figure. And the very moment he did realize who was only a few steps away from him let him almost freeze in fear. Of all the people he could have run into it had to be his ex-boyfriend.
The young male could feel his pulse quicken while his hands started slightly to shake, making his hopes of him having overcome his past crumble into nothing. He wasn’t an easily scared person, but Taewook had managed to shake him to his core. Maybe it was because he was an emotional person, but pictures from their time dating came rushing back to him. Jihyun remembered clearly how controlling and possessive the other had been and it still made him shiver thinking about it. He also could recall all the times the other male had kept touching him even though he told him he wasn’t ready for that step.
Two times Taewook had almost went too far and it was sheer luck that he could get out of the situation and the second time he had decided to break up with the other and disappear completely. That was because he knew the other wouldn’t let him go and he was pretty afraid he would try to lock him in if he got the chance. And even though he could remember a lot of things it was still possible to him that there were some parts of their past missing. But he wasn’t keen on refreshing his memory and so he quickly entered the park. He hoped against hope that his ex hadn’t seen him, but the footsteps following behind him proved him wrong immediately.
“Hey Jinnie, looks like you have found your way back to me.” The idol could hear a familiar voice call after him, which send chills down his spine. His heart raced in his chest in fear as he looked over his shoulder to find Taewook only a few steps behind him. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and as he opened them again he began to run. He wasn’t able to think rationally in this moment or he would have run out of the park instead of deeper into it. Jihyun was like a cat in panic now, just wanting to get away, pretty much having a tunnel vision. He heard the other male his behind him and he knew the other was chasing after him. Even though he was pretty fast runner Taewook caught up to him eventually. And as soon as he got a hold of him he turned him around and before he knew it he hit the grass with his back.
Jihyun wanted to kick, but it was too late because his ex was already on top of him, using his body weight to hold him down while pinning his wrists next to his head. “Why would you run from me just like that, Jinnie?! I thought you came back to continue where we left of.” He heard the other say followed by a laugh as Jihyun tried to free himself but to no avail. “Just get off of me. We are over.” He managed to almost scream at Taewook who shushed him right away with a finger pressed to his lips. Then his fingers trailed down to his neck and the younger male froze because this brought back even more memories. His brain kind of blacked out and there was buzzing in his ears, making him unable to know what was happening. The only thing he was able to think was help.
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haksuwx · 3 years
HAKSU  :  howdy, is jihyun there?
[ this is intelligence specialist IM HAKSU’s 4th ( fourth ) time calling for fire charmix HAN JIHYUN. regardless of clearly accumulating experience using the comms, HAKSU has yet to master professional etiquette. ]
HAKSU  :  jihyunie, can— can ya check up on seulki again? ‘cause… last i hear is she’s still doin’ some… tough rubble-movin’... like jenga n’ all that… can ya lemme know if she’s finished that building? this’ll be the last time for real. so... thank you kindly, and uh— haksu out— uh… o—over.
HAKSU  :  also please update me on this a-s-a-p, it’s an emergency, sorry n’ thank you so much. over.
HAKSU  :   ...and out — over n’ out.
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pillowxtalk · 11 months
Closed starter for Jihyun: Encounters @phoenix-of-jade
Jihyun had decided to go for a nightly stroll because he felt the urge to go and explore. He took his camera with him so he could take photos of the nightlife, of the lights in the city or of the night sky. There was so much beauty to find in the little things that was waiting to get captured and taking photos was a hobby he loved. So he kept wandering around the streets, not really having a destination in mind and stopping here and there to snap a pic. The young male was so lost in his own little world that he didn't see the person coming around the corner because he was walking backwards.
And so the inevitable happened and he bumped into the stranger. His eyes widened in surprise as a small sound came from him as he tried to keep his balance. He surely had his clumsy moments now and then and this was one of them.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
What do you think the characters’ opinions are on Nintendogs + Cats?
Finally. A great question that I didn't know I needed but I'm excited to think about. So, I think for starters, we have to be honest here. There is no way that Zen is going to play a video game with cats. So, we are going to put him out of the running. I think he might be okay with the original concept of Nintendogs, that is, if he was a gamer. After all, we all know that man only knows how to work a smartphone, everything else in his place is outdated.
Jaehee would like it if Jumin became invested in the video game from the get-go. She wouldn't have to babysit Elizabeth the 3rd all the time if she was a virtual pet, but I get the feeling that if Jumin were to pick up the game, she would be caring for the virtual cats and Elizabeth, which wouldn't help her enjoyment. If that wasn't a problem, I think she might enjoy the mindfulness?
Jumin would be interested from the standpoint of: "Would people enjoy a game where Elizabeth keeps them company? Is there some kind of market for virtual pets where they find one particular celebrity cat intriguing? I need to muse on this." I think you could get this man to fund Saeyoung's new game.
Yoosung would enjoy it. I mean, after all, he loves animals and wants to make a world where they're safe and comfortable. A lot of people would benefit from playing games like that before they think about adopting a pet. They're a lot of work, so that's the mental preparation for you! I think he would have a few dogs in his game, but... I feel like there's on in memorial of Sally.
Saeyoung would hack into these games and ensure that cats can do just as much if not more than the dogs. I never played this game as I noted the cats didn't get as much to do as the dogs, but I know that our boy Saeyoung Choi would make it so those cats basically get the run of the game to play, go on walks, and do competitions, too! Well, actually, at this point, he's making his own game, taking the core of Nintendogs to build his upgraded cat experience!
Jihyun might enjoy the mindfulness of games like these? But, to be honest, I don't see him as a huge pet guy. His cacti are his kids and the games he'd love to play are like, those unpacking games, sorting games, and puzzles. You could talk him into playing, though, if it's a favorite of yours! I don't see why not!
I think Saeran would be interested in playing because so many people around him love animals and he wants to understand why there's a charm about them. Elizabeth has always been sweet to him during the time he spent with her, so many he can learn more about animals this way! Dogs aren't like cats, so he could see what the fuss about them is all about since none of his friends have a dog!
Rika hasn't unpacked any of her feelings about Sally. I don't think she could handle a dog related video game. Maybe much further along in her healing journey, but not now.
Vanderwood: These virtual dogs are preferable to 707. I wonder if I could train them to take his place.
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xhxnne · 7 months
@pillowxtalk liked this post for a starter!
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"What do you mean, 'if I'm lucky'?" Yashiro raised an eyebrow, his tone tinged with curiosity. "I believe I already am, or else I wouldn't be here, spending another beautiful Valentine's Day with the one I love," he expressed his perspective, gently resting both hands on Jihyun's uncovered waist before drawing him closer. "Don't you feel the same?" His gaze alternated between his fiancé's eyes and his lips, a silent invitation lingering in the air.
"I would love to stay here longer but we have a dinner reservation today, babe."
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vienrose · 3 years
Late night talks
It wasn't unusual for Kota to stay up late and work on some cases. Somehow his work has increased for the past month and he wasn't too happy about it. Not only did it take up most of his free time lately which he would gladly spend with his boyfriend but at the same time, it pained him to see so many unhappy children. Ones that needed his help and certainly did not deserve such treatment. While he typed the last few sentences of his report, he noticed his boyfriend heading in and out of the bedroom carrying a bunch of blankets and pillows. "What is he up to now?" Kota mumbled to himself as he saved his work and shut his laptop. Cracking his neck from side to side he headed to the bedroom himself. "Babe" he called out, voice a bit tired. "What are you doing, hm?" he questioned with a little smile across his face.
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phoenix-of-jade · 9 months
Christmas for two
Starter for @pillowxtalk for liking the starter call post - Xuan x Jihyun
Xuan was really eager for the promised Christmas time spent with his boyfriend, Jihyun, just like they had discussed just a few days ago. He had prepared all the boxes with decorations for them to use to set the Christmas spirit into the entire house and the kitchen was also ready for some cooking together. He was also thinking about maybe doing some Christmas shopping as well with the idol, but the thing the young mob was most looking forward to was the romantic nights waiting ahead.
The raven haired was now looking at the clock, waiting for his boyfriend to arrive.
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