#biker!paz x reader
maybege · 2 years
Unexpectedly Expecting
Summary: You have big news and Paz doesn’t know what to do. (Part 6 of LPOH)
Pairing: biker!Paz Vizsla x fem!teacher!Reader
Wordcount: 4.2k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: Modern AU, Biker AU, pregnancy stuff, slight angst, mentions of bad parenting and addiction
I kind of forgot that I had a whole chapter for biker!Paz still complete in the drafts so I thought I would celebrate the start of fall (and my soon tk be birthday) with a new chapter. We now get into the main plot stuff and I just want to put in a disclaimer that I have never been pregnant and therefore the depiction of pregnancy will be very inaccurate and just give the kind of romcom vibes that we need lol. As always please let me know what you thought in a comment or reblog ❤
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“For the last time, you cannot come with us!”
“Kitten,” he warned, seeing the little cat climb her way back into his duffel bag.
At first, he had thought that it was the colourfully patterned socks (a gag gift from Grogu and Din for one Winterfest) that had caught her attention. But as he had removed the offending piece of clothing to his bed and Kitten had stayed curled up in his packed bag, he knew that she simply did not want him to leave.
Which had led to the discussion they were currently having.
“That hut is not a safe place for kittens,” he heard himself say, scooping her up and placing her on the floor, “You will stay with Grogu and Fennec.”
Kitten climbed back onto the bed, eyeing the bag as if she was calculating the best place to jump into it.
He sat down with a sigh, knowing that it would be futile to fight with her. “C’mere.”
She purred, climbing onto his knees and curling up. His fingers disappeared into her fur, petting her as he thought about the weekend ahead. Years ago, he never would have thought that he would have a girlfriend(?) to bring with him to a weekend trip with his friends.
And now here he was, packing his pack so he could pick you up first thing tomorrow and drive with you to the coast. He smiled.
The ringing of his phone forced him into action and he practically fell over his feet as he reached for the blinking device.
“Hey, everything alright?”
“I am so sorry, Paz,” you mumbled, sounding struck down, “I think I must’ve caught a bug or something from the kids but I,” another pause, “I don’t think I can come with you today.”
“Do you want me to stay?” 
The words were out of his mouth so quickly, it was almost like an instinct. You chuckled weakly and he felt something tugging in his chest at the way you sounded so pained. You did not sound well. At all.
“Thank you for asking,” you replied, “But I don’t think I would be very good company today. I have the doctor’s appointment this afternoon and then I think I will just need to rest for the weekend.”
Something in him wanted to ask if you were sure. That he could stay with you, no problem. He had Boba on speed dial, after all, it would take less than a minute to pull out of the trip and then make his way to your house.
But he also knew that whatever it was between the two of you, it had not been going on for very long. Barely two months. Could that be considered long? It felt like an eternity for him, certainly after the long years he had been without a partner. But objectively … could two, three months even be considered a relationship?
“Are – are you angry?”
He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.
“No!” he protested quickly, Kitten jumping from his lap in fright, “Sorry, I was just lost in thought. It’s okay for you to stay home, love, just – just text me if you need anything?”
He could hear your tired smile, his heart strings thrumming. “You can’t send me food from up the coast, Paz.”
“No but I’d drive home,” he replied, “I could get you some soup, some tea and, uh, those salty cracker things you like so much.”
You chuckled, sounding tired and sad and his heart clenched. “You’re the best, Paz, enjoy your tip, okay? And give Kitten lots of scritches from me.”
You: Hey, can you come over when you’re back? We need to talk.
He had been staring at the notification for three hours now, not even daring to open the text so you couldn’t see that he had read it. We need to talk. That was never a good sign, was it?
What did you want to talk about? Had you changed your mind?
Three days by the coast, surrounded by his friends and family, all seemed like a waste of time now that he knew something bad was about to happen. Stars, he felt stupid now. How happy he had been to see you again, to tell you al about his weekend, to tell you how he had spoken abut you to the others. How happy Ahsoka had been to hear that the new teacher was doing well.
“Why the face?” Din sat down next to him at Ahsoka’s breakfast table, “You look like Kitten just ran away.”
Paz tilted the screen so his friend could see the notification, “She wants to talk.”
“Yeah,” Paz sighed, “Oh.”
He knocked on your door, taking a deep breath. Whatever would end up happening, he would get over it. He could live with it. The most important thing was that he could remain your friend. That you would be happy and he somehow still had a chance to see that.
The door swung open and he swallowed when he saw how sick you looked. You were wearing your pyjamas, still, the fuzzy ones with cookies printed all over them. And it looked like you had cried and his heart ached.
“Hey,” he smiled quietly, holding up the bag, “I, uh, I brought you some soup.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, your hand still on the doorknob, “Would you like to come in for a coffee or something?”
He swallowed again, his dry throat protesting at the movement, “Sure.”
You both were silent as you made your way to the kitchen and he followed you like a lost puppy with the soup in his hands. He noticed the dirty dishes in the sink, the blinds half closed even though it was bright daylight out.
“That bug really got to you, huh?”
He tried to hide the way how nervous he was and set the takeout bag on the free space on your kitchen table. The coffee machine whirred to live and he watched as you grabbed a mug from the cupboard and setting it under the machine.
Your silence did not go unnoticed by him and something in him already regretted accepting the cup of coffee. The slow drip of it made him even more nervous, skittish somehow, as he tried to prepare for the inevitable. For your rejection. For playing like this had meant just as little to him as it had to you. For playing like his heart did not shatter into a million pieces.
“So how –“
The cup cluttered and he watched as coffee spilled all over the counter. He wanted to reach out to you, kiss your fingertips and ask you what was wrong. Why your hands were shaking just like his heart. Why you looked so afraid.
“I’m pregnant Paz.”
“I’m pregnant,” you repeated, taking a deep breath, “I know that this is – this is a shock and please just, just listen to me, okay?”
Feeling completely dumbfounded, he nodded.
“I am pregnant and I know it is yours. I take the pill and I don’t know how – how this could’ve happened but I’m definitely pregnant. In the third month too,” you added, “And I have decided that I would like to keep the baby. I know this is not ideal and this is not something you signed up for. And … I guess I just wanted to let you know. I understand if you’re not ready for that kind of commitment yet or if you didn’t see this relationship go anywhere. I promise I won’t bother you with it too much. But you have a right to know and –“
“Are you well?” he blurted out, interrupting your rushed monologue. He felt bad because he wanted you to know that he listened to you but in all this hurry, the panic in your voice had just sounded more and more prominent and what
You tilted your head, questions in your eyes, and he cleared his throat, trying to get his words out better than before.
“Do – are you sick, I mean?” he clarified, rubbing the back of his neck, “Do – do you want to sit down or have a water or –“
“I’m fine, Paz,” you smiled, “Thank you for asking. I’m – I’m just nervous, I guess.”
“Yeah,” he huffed out, his heart beating a mile a minute, “Me too.”
His brain was still trying to catch up on the information you had just provided.
You were pregnant. With his child.
A baby would change everything and it was like he could watch his entire world turn upside down in front of him.
“I know this is a lot of information, Paz,” you said soothingly, your hand landing on his forearm and he hated how you looked at him as if he would push you away, “I just – Please take the time to think about this, okay?”
“Yeah, I,” he took a deep breath, “I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry, this is – it’s a lot. I thought –“
“Thought what?”
“I thought you called me here to, uh, to break up.”
“That’s the last thing on my mind,” you smiled sadly, “But it might not be on yours.”
“What’s gotten into you, big guy?”
Ten hours later, Paz still felt like the world was reeling around him. He did not even know how he had gotten to the bar or what he had done in between listening to your words and sitting in front of a pint of beer, looking at the foam as if that would give him the answers he needed.
“She’s pregnant,” he said lamely, still staring at his hands. Everything felt like it was moving so fast and he was stuck in place, his heart tugging between pure elation and straight panic in a roller coaster of emotions that made him want to throw up, “She – she is pregnant.”
“Is it yours?”
“Of course, it is,” he hissed, turning to glare at his older friend and boss.
But Boba did not seem to be fazed. The older man simply met his stare, calmly taking a swig of his beer. “You barely dated, what, three months?” he guessed, “I wanted to make sure.”
“She’s not like that,” Paz muttered under his breath, his heart feeling strangely warm when thinking of you. Anger at Boba was at the forefront because how could he – Boba knew you for fuck’s sake! He knew how important you were to him. “She – We – There is no one else. Won’t be any one else, either.”
“Man, you are head over heels already, huh?”
He did not say anything. The truth was, yes, he was. Hopelessly so. Ever since he had first seen you at school it seemed like life had gotten so much lighter. Maybe it was too early to call it love but his heart was counting the days until he could tell you what he felt for you.
“And now a baby?” Boba probed further, “What did she say?”
“She said she wanted me to know about it,” he recalled slowly, barely able to piece everything together from memory, “That, uh, she wants to keep it, either way. And she did not want to break up with me.”
“Glad we got that covered,” Din said dryly and Paz threw him a glare. But the dark haired man simply shrugged and raised his beer to his lips, half looking at the football game that was shown on the TV in the corner.
“What? Every time I see you two together it is hard to say who has more heart eyes for the other – you or her,” he mumbled absentmindedly, “The last thing I thought she would do was break up and I was proven right.”
“Taking all emotions out of this, she is doing the right thing, I think,” Boba said, “She made her decision and now she is offering you the choice if and how you want to be involved in your child’s life.”
Your child.
“Why are you all so much fucking calmer than I am about this?” Paz asked, taking a big swig of his beer, trying to let the bitter taste wash away the anxiety that bubbled up. As if that had ever worked.
“I – Shit, Boba look at me,” he growled, resting his forehead on his hand, “I never thought I would be a dad. Not with my family, not with this town and now – “
“Now you have a chance to experience it,” the older man nodded in understanding, leaning back against the low backrest of the barstool. He had crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking as serious as ever and just like always, Paz had trouble recognizing how his friend actually felt. “Do you think you are ready for a kid?”
Paz scoffed, “We all know Djarin is the only one I ever would entrust a kid with.”
Din made a sound at the back of his throat, rubbing his beard. “Paz, it was you who took care of Grogu those first few weeks. Yes, he is my son and but don’t tell me you wouldn’t have been ready to adopt him if I had not.”
“And what about her?”
Remembering Boba’s previous implied question about your fidelity, Paz perked up, ready to come to your defence in case his friend decided to be stupid again. “What about her?”
Boba shrugged, “What do you feel for her? Yes, a baby is a big responsibility but there is also the question of who you are raising that child with.”
He relaxed at the question, nodding in thought. “She will be a great mom,” he murmured, thinking of the way you had laughed with Grogu in the car, how gentle and understanding you were with your students. Honestly, if you hadn’t been pregnant now, he doubted it would have taken him long to have the first thought of you holding his child.
But that was the problem. You weren’t going to be the only parent. That was his child as well.
“You both know my family,” he sighed, avoiding the mustering stares of Boba and Din, “You know about my father. That man was an asshole and a drunk addicted to poker. How can I,” he took a deep breath, finally voicing his fears as his voice broke, “How can I ever be better than that?”
Memories came rushing back. Of the fun summers in his uncle’s garage. Of the horrible winters at home, how sad his mother had been, trying her best to make up for a mostly-absent father. Of the moments his father hadn’t been absent but instead chosen to destroy any confidence his son had.
A heavy hand landed on his back and Paz flinched, blinking before finding Boba’s dark eyes. “I know what you are thinking,” the man said, “But you are not your father, Paz Vizsla, and you never have been. You are already so much better than him by trying to be honest with yourself. The question is do you want what your father did to you keep you from having the life you want?”
Curse Boba and his occasional words of wisdom.
“What are you thinking?” Din asked him, watching, curiously as Paz stood up, fiddling to his jacket over his arms.
“I’m taking a personal day tomorrow.”
Boba grinned, probably already knowing what was going in his head. “Don’t you have that Whistledown car inspection schooled?”
“Then I’ll come in later, I don’t care,” he muttered, slapping a few bills on the counter, “I need to talk to her.”
It was way too late and when the cab passed your street, he saw that all the lights were out. That when it hit home that maybe it was way too late to talk to you. (3am the dashboard clock let him know.) Besides, he had had too much to drink and could not think straight. He could wait.
And wait he did. Paz had never slept as badly as in that night, getting up at 6am to take a shower and prep breakfast, his hands trembling excitement and nervousness. For a moment, he lamented that Kitten had decided to stay at the garage (Boba had bribed her with treats, of that he was sure) but on second thought he would probably have driven her crazy with his pacing and tossing and turning.
No, he could wait.
He was out the door at 6:10am, making his way to the bar from last night to pick up his bike. This was too early still, he tried to tell himself, he did not want to seem like a maniac when he standing in front of your door. He wanted to look responsible and thoughtful and mature and –
Passing the gas station, he decided to turn around, his bike roaring under him.
Maybe a coffee would help settle his nerves.
You felt like shit and by now you were sure that both your heart and your stomach had decided to riot at the same time as you sobbed into the toilet, your gagging turning into dry heaving when your stomach had no more contents to throw up.
Cold sweat had built up on your forehead and you tried to remember Doctor Kaida’s words that ginger tea could sometimes help. You just needed to be able to make it to the kitchen.
You sniffled, flushing the toilet before quickly splashing some cold water on your face and trying to rinse your mouth of the acid taste that seemed to have burned itself into your throat. At least you had not gotten dressed yet, it would have been so much worse if you would have to think of another outfit to wear.
A look in the mirror reminded you that your feeling of misery did its best to be translated on the outside and you felt tears prick in your eyes again. You did not know what you had expected Paz to do and you tried to reason with yourself that he needed the time. Stars, it hadn’t even been 24 hours since you had told him about the pregnancy. You had had a whole weekend to think about it, it was only fair that you would award him that same courtesy.
But that was said so much easier than done when all you wanted was to just spend time with him. You wanted to be with him, every second of every day, and spend weekends on the couch with Kitten on your lap and, later on, with your baby.
A real baby.
You slipped your dress over your head, making sure it fell right before pulling on your tights. There was no hint of a baby belly yet but according to the internet there would be – soon. Which meant that not only would you have to tell your students about it but also their parents. And most importantly your boss.
Another wave of anxiety washed over you and you felt your stomach rumble. Principal Gideon would not be pleased, that was for sure, especially since you had just started working at the school. You just weren’t sure if it was going to be the pregnancy itself or rather the father of your baby who would be the thorn in his eyes.
You pressed your lips together, refusing to be late for school, when you made your way out of the house, bringing your little bag with you. Already, you had started a countdown in your head of how many hours were left of the work day. It being Monday, maybe you could get away with giving the kids some own occupational time where they could work on their art projects? That would at least give you a bit of respite and time to plan the next few days ahead.
You opened the door, immediately forgetting if you had packed your lunch or not and if you had forgotten it, did you have enough change to get a quick bite at the sandwich shop? And why was there a bike in your driveway?
You blinked in confusion, your hand tightening round the key in your hand until you recognized the dark blue paint on the bike, slightly chipped in places but generally well taken care of. Paz. It was Paz who was standing beside said bike, looking a little worse for wear but most importantly nervous. He was nervous.
The large man spotted you, straightening his posture and you smiled when you saw that he seemed to have put a bit more effort into his appearance. His hair was curly and fluffy, like when he had just stepped out of the shower, and you spotted a little patch on his denim jacket where there previously had been an oil stain. And you had never seen that flannel on him before …
“I, uh, I did not know what kind of flowers you liked,” he brought out, holding a little bouquet out in front of him. The clear plastic crinkled and you recognized the sticker from the little flower shop down by the gas station and you smiled.
“Thank you,” you said, your heart beating so fast you almost forgot how horrible the morning had gone. You walked closer, trying to hide the trembling in your hands as you reached out to take it from him. His fingers brushed yours and you both paused and you watched his fingers flex, carefully skimming over the inside of your wrist.
Stars, how you had missed his touch.
Paz shuffled and you noted he still had one hand behind him. You tilted your head, seeing something brown and furry behind his back.
“Is that a stuffie?” you asked, your heart skipping a beat.
He looked at you as if he didn’t understand the question before gathering himself, bringing his other hand in front of him. It was a small dark brown teddy bear with a little red bow tie and it looked like the softest thing you had ever seen. “Uh, yeah,” he said, taking in a deep breath, “Babies like soft things and I had this one teddy bear that my uncle gave me that I loved and I thought the baby might need one, too, and – and, uh,” he looked at you, “I want in. Like, all in.”
“All in?” you whispered, tears pricking your eyes and you could not help your hand landing on your belly, “Like, for real?”
Paz looked at you with wide eyes, nodding eagerly. “For real, sweetheart. All in.”
You sniffled, your mouth pulled wide in a grin as the first tear ran down your cheek. “I’m going to find some water for these,” you held up the flowers, “You want to come inside? I’ve got a few minutes to spare.”
The dark haired man nodded, following you and you could not hide the emotion on your face. Paz wanted this. He wanted this with you.
As soon as the door closed behind him and you were both shielded from the curious eyes of your neighbours, Paz was in front of you, his heavy hands on your shoulders.
“I am sorry that I wasn’t better at taking in the information,” he apologized, eyes searching yours, a furrow between his brows when he spotted the tears, “You’re, stars, you’re pregnant, sweetheart, and I should’ve been happy and not disappeared on you and I promise –“
“Paz, hey,” you interrupted him gently, your hand coming up to his chest, “You are allowed to panic. Stars know I panicked, too. But I’m,” you lowered your eyes, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks, “I’m really happy that you’re here.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice soft. His hands came up to frame your face, making you look at him and he was so … he looked so happy, it made your heart clench.
“Yeah,” you grinned, breathing out a laugh and he did too.
“Can I kiss you, love?” he asked quietly, his nose brushing against yours and even with the softness of the teddy bear against your back and the flowers in your hand, you did not even hesitate a second.
“Yes please,”
And he did.
It was soft and slow and absolutely perfect. His hands were pulling you closer, the stubble on his chin slightly scratching the sensitive skin of your jaw as his lips moved against yours, coaxing your mouth open so he could slide his tongue over yours.
Your breath hitched, whining when he pulled away from you.
“Can I drive you to work?” he asked, breathless, “I – I could pick you up and we could eat dinner or something.”
You nodded, biting your lips and you were so close he could feel your body heat through your cardigan and he wanted to raise your baby together. He wanted you. He wanted all of this. This was the best Monday ever.
“I’d like that,” you nodded quickly, “We – we could talk some more about all of this?”
“That sounds wonderful,” he kissed your neck, “We could order in from the diner?”
You groaned, “Paz Vizsla, you are the best man on earth.”
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bobafetts-princess · 2 years
Karie’s Kinktober Masterlist!
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Hey y’all! It’s time for Kinktober to roll around!! I came across a prompt list from @the-purity-pen, shout-out to them for coming up with one! And so I decided I’d participate this year! This will serve as the masterlist for my Kinktober prompts and I’ll update as each day goes by! I’m so excited that I’m actually active on Tumblr for a Kinktober and I hope you guys are just as excited! Most of these are Fem!Readers but that’s subject to change as I write them! Let me know if you want to be tagged!Prompt list and pairings under the cut ❤️
1)Dirty Talk // Khonshu x F!Reader
2)A/B/O // Logan Howlett x AFAB!Reader
3)Anal // Boba x F!Reader
4)Missionary // Rex x F!Reader
5)Breeding // Paz x F!Reader
6)Cockwarming // Din x F!Reader
7)Sex Toys // Fennec x F!Reader
8)Creampie // Paz x F!Reader
9)Double Penetration // Hunters and the Hunted x F!Reader
10)Spanking // Cody x F!Reader
11)Erotic Photos // Construction Worker!Boba x F!Reader
12)Exhibitonism // Khonshu x F!Reader
13)Face Sitting // Wrecker x F!Reader
14)Marking // Logan Howlett x F!Reader
15)Group Sex // Hunters and the Hunted x F!Reader
16)Shower Sex // Construction Worker!Boba x F!Reader
17)Licking // Rex x F!Reader
18)Lingerie // Biker!Boba x F!Reader
19)Masturbation // Din x F!Reader
20)Mirror Sex // Cody x F!Reader
21)Praise Kink // Garsa x F!Reader
22)Phone Sex // Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader
23)Orgasm Denial // Wrecker x F!Reader
24)Tender Sex // Boba x F!Reader
25)Sex Pollen // Din x F!Reader x Paz
26)Sexting // Construction Worker!Boba x F!Reader
27)Sensory Deprivation // Hunter x F!Reader
28)Strap-ons // Fennec x F!Reader
29)Body Worship // Garsa x F!Reader
30)Public Sex // Biker!Boba x F!Reader
31)(Free Space) Primal Play // Hunters and the Hunted x F!Reader
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remmysbounty · 3 years
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introduction post
request prompts & tropes list
all fics are f!reader unless stated next to the fic title
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90 follower celebration masterlist
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maternal instinct (x asexual!reader; fluff)
to hold your heart (in my hands) (angst with fluff)
your protector (mix of angst and fluff; request)
the sun will rise again (pure angst; character death; request)
little koala (fluffity fluff; little drabble based on an ask I sent to @jangohshit)
reunited (fluffy fluff with a touch of angst)
hold me (fluffity fluff fluff; request with prompt)
your di’kut (fluffity fluff fluff; request)
hidden in the shadows (fluffity fluff fluff; kissing prompt 12; request)
loving hands (soft fluff; request; tw scars, talk of scars, implied nudity)
reveal heart and soul (flangst; request; mandalorian prompt #16)
sheber (fluff; soft!Din; writing challenge; @ohnopoe​ mandoa challenge; drabble)
so we’re married now... (gn!reader; fluff; soft!Din)
hands of love (gn!reader; hair-washing; fluff; soft!Din; soft!riduur)
crumbling (gn!reader; ANGST; song fic; possible first part of collection)
mumbling lips (gn!reader; drabble request; soft!Din)
red lines (gn!reader; fluff; soulmate au; request)
darasuum (gn!reader; SWEET & SOFT; prompt list #6 + trope #1; request)
kill for kisses (gn!reader; fluff & funny; prompt list #7 + secret relationship; request)
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all my love series (x gn!reader)
part 1: hello riduur
part 2: i love you
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starcrossed (royalty au)
falling in love with you
part 1
part 2
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sugar and spice (coffee house au)
on the house
meeting you
lil heart
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in your arms (angst with fluff; happy ending)
warrior’s death (fluffy and funny; prompt line #7; request)
ner riduur (fluff & soft; prompt line #6; request)
series coming soon: chosen family 
sneak peek
sneak peek 2
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home again collection masterlist
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starlightrows · 3 years
Updated AN: This fic takes place in an alternate universe created by an author that is no longer active on tumblr. The AU this takes place in has been discontinued as far as I am aware. This work used to be considered canon in the “Extended Universe” created by the author— I do not know if this is still the case. If you would like to read the two canon works for this series you can find them on AO3 listed as: Today’s Special by the author Maybege
Pairing: Modern AU Boba Fett x Fem Reader 
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None, just fluff!
Summary: A look at what a typical day looks like for Biker!Boba and Waitress!Reader, when reader comes home from working the graveyard shift at the diner
As the sun crept up over the horizon, soft golden light illuminated the dining room. 7:00am, only an hour to go until the graveyard shift is up and you can go home. The typical morning crowd started pulling up an hour ago. Your usual's sitting at the counter with their coffee and the paper, a couple unusual’s sitting in a couple of the booths, just passing through this little town for big plates of eggs and fried potatoes to get their long days of traveling started. The swing shift fry cook, Phil, had come in, bid you good morning and gratefully accepted the cup of black coffee with six sugars you handed him. 
The dining room was full of patrons enjoying breakfast and making quiet conversation in the early morning rays. No one seemed to need your attention right at this moment, so you took the opportunity to stick your head through the order window to ask Phil for a favor. 
“Phil, can you put together a to go box for me before I leave today?” You asked sweetly. 
The big man cocked an eyebrow at you, “Breakfast for your scary boyfriend?” He asked. You knew he was joking, mostly. 
“He’s not scary, he’s just grumpy,” you laugh shaking your head. 
“Well he scares me, kid. What am I making for the to go box?” He scraped the grease off the flat top, and looked over at you awaiting your order. 
“Biscuits and bacon gravy, pretty pretty please!” You gave a big smile. Phil shakes his head, but goes to pull out a pan to make it anyway. 
You turned back to the counter to refresh people’s coffee, and seat a couple of people that just came in. You were looking forward to going home and getting some sleep, but you do enjoy this part of the work day. Everyone is relatively polite and quiet in the morning, and not a lot of people order pie. Which means any leftovers from the night shift are up for grabs for you to take home, so the glass case can be stocked up with fresh ones. There’s two pieces left, one cherry and one lemon meringue, perfect! 
The order bell tings behind you, and as Phil pushes a to go box through the window. You took the box with a smile and a thank you, and tucked it safely under the counter by the register.
Finally, the two day shift waitresses come through the door chatting away about this and that. You join their banter for a bit while boxing up the last two slices of pie, bid them farewell, and took your boxed goodies out to your car. 
The drive back to Boba’s house isn’t long, but it felt like it took a lifetime when your little car smelled of fresh baked biscuits and rich bacon gravy! When you pulled up in the back driveway, he came out to greet you. Wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt, and no shoes. You stepped out of the car, and chastised him for walking on his bare feet on the pavement. He didn’t listen, he was far more interested in catching you by the waist and pulling you in for a kiss. 
“Good night at work baby?” He asked, breaking away from the kiss. 
“Very good,” you told him “two slices of pie left by sun up, our favorites” 
“Lucky day for us!” He joked, giving you one more kiss. He let you go, and went around to collect the to go boxes from the passenger seat, while you got your coat and purse. 
“Three boxes?” He asked, leading the way into the house 
“Brought my man breakfast,” you replied, hanging up your coat and kicking off your shoes. He set the boxes down on the kitchen table, and opened the biggest one to peak at what you brought him. 
“It really is my lucky day!” He exclaimed. Biscuits and gravy is his favorite. You joined him in the kitchen, and fell into his waiting arms “thank you baby,” You hummed into his chest, closing your eyes. You were beginning to feel sleepy, but didn’t want to admit it just yet. 
“Want me to stay with you while you eat?” You offered 
“No,” he answered “It’s bed time for you princess” 
“Are you sure?” You gave him just a little squeeze 
“Mhm, come on” he led you out of the kitchen and up stairs to his bedroom. You couldn’t even remember the last time you slept at your own apartment. Vaguely, you thought in the back of your mind, you should stay there at least a couple more times before your lease is up. Get your damn money’s worth. But not right now, not when Boba’s bed is right here, and you’ve got the man himself to snuggle with before he’s got to back down to the garage. 
Boba let you slip into the bathroom to wash your face, and tie up your hair. You peeled off the lemon yellow uniform dress, and threw it in the hamper by the bathroom door. Boba passed you the very old and worn Guns and Roses t-shirt of his you liked sleeping in, and slipped it over your head. 
You climbed in on your side or the bed, and closed your eyes waiting for him to come lay down with you. Suddenly the room got very dark, and your eyes snapped back open again at the sound of him closing the blinds. You sat up, and tried to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness. The bed dipped down beside you, and you felt him pulling you down on top of him. 
“Did you install new blinds baby?” You asked, quite sure they were not this light blocking yesterday.
“Paz’s damn cat got in here again, and got herself all tangled up in the blinds. Completely ruined them. I oughta make Paz pay for the new ones,” he grumbled, but you didn’t think he was serious about making Paz paying him back or really being that mad at Kitten. 
“She’s just a baby, she doesn’t know better,” you yawned. Boba’s large hand cradled the back of your neck, keeping your head in place on his chest as he rubbed slow comforting circles with his fingers. The darkness of the bedroom combined by being encased in his protective warmth, sleep pulled you under. 
Boba could tell you had fallen asleep, but he was reluctant to leave you just yet. But the day had to start, you needed rest, and it would be a waste to let that delicious biscuits and gravy get cold and soggy. So he gently rolled you over on to your back, letting your head fall gently back onto the pillow, and tucked the covers around you. He gave you one last kiss, just at your hairline and quietly made his way down stairs.
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
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𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬
a/n: the time has come to include our favorite bartender/biker into the mix! i have several with this man, but for now i give you something that is possibly going down in history as the filthiest thing i've written so far. enjoy!
prompt six - exhibitionism
summary: how could you resist a good old fashioned bet?
word count: 1.6k+
pairing: 1980s!din djarin x fem!reader
warnings: explicit so MINORS KEEP AWAY, oral (m receiving), cussing, exhibitionism, giving head in public. let me know if i missed anything!
He started the bet so in actuality this was all his fault. Although he’d beg to differ, and it’s not like he had complained about what would happen. In fact...he looked particularly excited for the thought of you getting him off behind the bar as he was working. Was it horrible to partake in? Possibly, but it’s not like there were any customers near the bar itself - all the ones having found places to sit further into the bar - which left you with the job of proving him wrong.
And winning the bet.
Except even you had to admit proving him wrong was its own reward.
It’s where you found yourself now, kneeling in the small space between him and the bar, one hand clutching onto his thigh as you palmed him through his pants. He slammed the bottle down on the bar harder than anticipated due to you nudging your nose against his bulge. All it really did was attract the attention of a few customers, meanwhile you were smiling in glee at the notion that he wouldn’t last five seconds down your throat.
“Djarin,” Paz said, causing you to still your movements and nearly stop breathing altogether. “Can I get a glass of whiskey?”
Din nodded slowly, pushing your hand off him in order to reach for the bottle that was on the shelf behind him. If you really wanted to get on with this bet you needed him in one place, but the act of trying not to get caught kept you where you were. Shrinking into the bar itself in the hopes that Paz didn’t see you at all.
Was his heart beating as fast as yours? You were nearly tempted to ask him outright, but you caught the flash of nerves on his face as he turned around.
He knew what the two of you were doing was dangerous - and yet - he stepped back to where he was before, hips nearly pressed into the bar to block you from where you kneeled. Secretly you thanked him for putting an empty space there meant for an extra stool. It gave you the peace of mind to begin unzipping his jeans. Even as he continued his conversation with Paz.
“I talked to Poe about maybe working here a bit more,” Paz said, his words fading in the background as you pulled Din out of his jeans gently. The sight of him nearly leaking was already driving you insane, but you couldn’t give in yet.
Not when you had a bet to win.
“Yeah?” Din’s voice remained eerily calm. Enough so that you pumped him with a slightly tight grip just to watch him jump a little. You never knew hearing him set down a glass with extreme rigor would feel so satisfying, but there you were.
Eyeing him like he was a meal that you wanted to devour.
Nearly salivating at the sight of his cock you leaned forward and licked him from base to tip, feeling his legs shiver underneath from just your tongue. It brought a grin to your face at the thought that you were doing this. You were actually going to give him head in his bar while he made conversation with someone. The thought left you practically dripping, your heart speeding up even more from more than just nerves.
You wanted him; were desperate for him to the very core of your body.
Taking him into your mouth you didn’t bother with sucking on the head of his cock or even laving attention over him. There was only a minimal amount of time and you had challenged yourself to get him off in ten minutes or less. You bet that you could do it in five and if he made noise he lost.
He coughed, slamming a hand down against the bar as your nose hit the curls at the base of his cock, throat contracting around him when you swallowed. Glee filled your veins at the thought and you glanced up - tears gathering in the corner of your eyes - just to see his face. To see how you made him feel.
It was completely worth it.
“You alright man?” Paz asked, reaching a hand out to pat Din’s arm.
“Yeah-” his voice cracked, another cough breaking through as you pulled off him only to sink back down. “I’m fine.”
He had gritted out the words, his hips bucking slightly as you began a relentless pace. Bobbing your head enough to definitely bring attention to what you were doing, but keeping him right on the edge of his release. And you felt it. The build up in his body just from the way his thighs quivered; how his hand dropped down to cup your chin and guide you slightly.
“Should I get you some water?”
“No!” Din exclaimed, drawing the attention of some people around the bar. “No I’m-” Another break in his voice forced you to pull away and let him finish, a trail of spit left behind. He cleared his throat. “I’m great.”
You had to hand it to him. He knew how to keep his cool in situations like this, and you gave him a few moments to regain his strength. Until he was pressing his hips back towards you, cock nearly pulsing in your grasp from the way you edged him. It’s not like you meant to, but he needed a chance to breathe before he lost it in the center of his bar and began to fucking your face.
The thought had your body clenching down on nothing, but you forced it down. Saving it for a later time.
“What hours did you want to work?” he asked, inhaling as you sucked lightly on the head of his cock, licking up what precum had dribbled out and trying not to moan at the taste.
Even hidden underneath his bar and with a bet looming over your head, you were cockdrunk just from doing this. Even as you held the control you really didn’t. The both of you knew who was the real one in control there and it would forever be him. Capable of making you a mess from anything and everything.
“I could start next week if that’s cool with you?”
You glanced quickly at the clock behind the bar only to see that your time was nearly up. Less than five minutes were moving faster than you anticipated so you brought your other hand up. Fondling lightly at his balls to rile him up even further and bring back the impending orgasm that you knew lay beneath the surface. It must have worked, because he leaned over the bar, hips thrusting his cock softly into your mouth and down your throat.
Doing a trick you had perfected back in college - and one he definitely didn’t know about - you felt his thighs jolt underneath your touch as he nearly doubled over the bar. Within seconds he released into your mouth and you held in your whimper as you drank him down quickly, hand continuing to pump him. A choked groan hit your ears and you tried not to giggle from the sound alone, because you had done that.
You had made him a mess.
“Djarin?” Paz asked, wariness clear in his voice.
Din inhaled once again, his eyes shooting open and hand dropping down to practically pull you off his cock to stop you from sucking on it. “Yeah?” he asked, voice raspy.
“Is uh-” he coughed, hand thumping on the bar. “Sweet girl are you down there?” he asked in a whisper, the tone of his words borderline mortified.
You froze, eyes flashing up towards Din and he shrugged slightly, a smile curving on his lips. “How much do I owe you baby?” he asked, tucking himself discreetly back into his pants as Paz’s head thumped against the bar.
He got up abruptly, tossing cash down the bar and tapping against it once again. “I’m going to - uh - I’m gonna go. Here’s for the drink and some extra if you never bring up the fact that I just heard her give you a-”
His sentence never finished, because he was out the door faster than you anticipated. Really you couldn’t blame him. You would have done the same if you had walked in on him in a compromising position.
“Think we scared him off?” Din asked, dropping onto the ground beside you with a glass of water in his hand.
You smiled, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that was meant to be short but ended up with his hand gripping your jaw in place as his tongue pushed against yours. Licking up the taste of himself from your lips. If no one was in the bar and you were there alone you’d be tempted to ride him on the floor, but alas you had work to finish and tables to clean.
“I think so,” you whispered, nose brushing against his. “Probably for the best we don’t do that again.
He huffed out a laugh, lips tilting into the grin you loved. “Yeah. Probably for the best. Although I do want to ask you about that last move.”
“I - ha - something I picked up from college,” you said, tangling his fingers with yours.
“College. Hm.” Resting his chin on your shoulder you felt his lips press to the corner of your jaw, teeth scraping against the skin lightly. “Go upstairs and leave your clothes by the door. I have a few tricks to show you as well sweetheart.”
You swallowed thickly, lips parting as you sighed out in pleasure with the full intent of doing just as he asked. After all, who were you to deny him that?
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Sinful Sundays is something I started purely to write down my THOTs on different characters. The THOTs do very from SFW to NSFW so make sure to read my ramblings before every THOT to see what the THOT entails!
Sinful Sunday 1
Pairings: Paz Vizsla x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader, Ezra (Prospect) x Reader
Sinful Sunday 2
Pairings: Ezra (Prospect) x Reader, Captain Rex (Rebels) x Reader
Sinful Sunday 3
Pairings: Modern!Boba Fett x College Student!Reader, Merman!Din Djarin x Lighthouse Keeper!Reader
Sinful Sunday 4
Pairings: Subby!Din Djarin x Reader, Boba Fett x Reader
Sinful Sunday 5
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, Boba Fett x Reader, SUB!Din Djarin x Reader
Sinful Sunday 6
Pairings: Ezra (Prospect) x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla, Modern!Captain Rex x Reader
Sinful Sunday 7
Pairings: Commander Fox x Reader, Paz Vizsla x Reader
Sinful Sunday 8
Pairings: Rebels!Captain Rex x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader
Sinful Sunday 9
Pairings: Biker!Captain Rex x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader
Sinful Sunday 10
Pairings: Marshal Commander Cody x Reader, Sub!Captain Rex x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader, Paz Vizsla x Reader, Ezra (Prospect)x Reader
Sinful Sunday 11
Pairings: Din Djarin x Reader, Rebels!Captain Rex x Reader
Sinful Sunday 12
Pairings: Modern!Boba Fett x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader
Sinful Sunday 13
Pairings: Paz Vizsla x Reader, Alpha-17 x Reader, Modern!Captain Rex (Rebels) x Reader
Sinful Sunday 14
Pairings: Din Djarin x Reader, Sub!Din Djarin x Reader
Sinful Sunday 15
Pairings: ???
Coming soon...
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pintsizemama · 3 years
WIP List
In Progress
Long Series
Javier Peña x OFC
Din Djarin x Bounty OFC
Dave York x Nanny OFC
Frankie Morales x Delta Force OFC
Oberyn Martell x Baratheon/Lannister OFC
Omar Assarian x OFC
Marcus Pike x OFC Criminal Minds Crossover
Agent Whiskey x Kingsman Agent OFC
Din Djarin x OFC- Biker AU
Javier Peña x OFC- Narco!Javi AU
Din Djarin x OFC- Mobster Hitman/Bodyguard AU
Mini Series
Jay Castillo x OFC- best friends to lovers
Max Phillips x OFC
Marcus Moreno x OFC- A/B/O AU
One Shot
Omar Assarian x OFC Sex Pollen
Oberyn Martell x Baratheon/Lannister OFC- Public Sex
Planning Stage
Long Series
Pero Tovar x Mercenary OFC
Maxwell Lord x Secretary OFC
Mini Series
Agent Whiskey x Midsize F!Reader
Nathan Landry x Stripper OFC
Frankie Morales x Santiago Garcia x Benny Miller x Will Miller x Delta Force OFC Polyamorous Fic
Zach Wellison x OFC
Veracruz x OFC Undercover AU
Maxwell Lord Sugar Daddy Fic
Javier Peña Sugar Daddy Fic
One Shot
Javier Peña x Reader Angst (Inspired by Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi)
Ideas to plan
Long Series
Oberyn Martell Modern AU
Din Djarin Western AU
Agent Whiskey Futuristic AU
Pero Tovar Time Travel AU
Mini Series
Din Djarin x Boba Fett x Paz Vizsla x Bounty OFC
One Shot
Agent Whiskey x Reader Angst (dead wife angst)
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bluewritesao3 · 4 years
Okay so....
remember that Paz x reader thing I was shouting about the other day (still blaming @maybege btw and I love her for it.) it has a name and is now called Blindside (I was listening to Blindside by Icon for hire and it kinda fits. Go listen to it.) Anyway its turned into a modern au where all the species/races still exist you know like Twi’lek, Zabrak, Gungan, Chiss that kinda thing. 
Kinda wanted to keep some of the original stuff still there instead of yeeting it all, gotta figure out what to do with the Mandalorian’s tho like are the helmets still a thing or is it something similar to the biker au that belongs to @ollypopp (Go read that by the way its beautifully done and it deserves attention.) 
I’m trying to write the world building/lore even thought im like half way through the first chapter and it needs editing. Wish me luck. And now I’m going to sleep instead of rambling about a fic I’m hyper focused on at the moment. It’s just past 1 AM here in the UK and i have a busy day tomorrow. 
ALSO I apologise to anyone tagged in this. Because A) its probably late on your end and B) some rando has just tagged you in a caffeinated fic update post
Love y'all, goodnight and see you in the morning. 
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FlightlessAngelWings Masterlist
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About the author!  / Posting schedule
Requests currently CLOSED for all writing, open for moodboards/graphics only | Please read this before requesting!
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My blog is strictly 18+ only, please do not follow or interact if you are a minor or you will be blocked! Blank blogs and blogs with no posts will also be blocked.
To be tagged, please fill out this google form. Just please interact if you ask to be on the taglist. I also have an update blog @flightlessangelwings-updates​ if you’d like to follow that too and turn on post notifications for fic updates!
For fic recs, see my bookmark blog where I reblog fics to read later @flightlessangelwings-readinglist​
Also on AO3 (same username). You can also subscribe there to get updates on when I post!
Comment replies, asks & follows are from my main: @ineffablepspspscal​​
My inspo/nsfw blog is @spicyredrose​ (definitely 18+ only!)
💦 = smut (please don’t read these if you’re under 18).
I do not consent to have my work reposted, shared, or fed into an AI chat bot. Please respect fic writers time and hard work!
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Banner by maysdigitalarts, all other graphics made by me
Guide to Being Inclusive with Your Reader Insert
Graphics Masterlist
Prompts and Challenges Masterlist
Pedro Pascal Fandom Bingo 2024
2024: A Year of AUs Masterlist
2023: A Year of Protectiveness Masterlist
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist (coming soon!)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
Pride Celebration 2k21 Masterlist
4k Follower Celebration Masterlist
Follower Celebration Smut drabbles
Headcanon Masterlist
Ships Masterlist
Reader Inserts
None of my fics use y/n
Fics are marked with what type of reader it is.
My fics aim to be inclusive so unless marked (i.e. plus sized/curvy, Latine, bisexual, etc) there is no physical indications for Reader Character so they can be read by anyone.
❤️ = personal favorite
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Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist 
(They get their own page because of how many fics there are lol)
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Boba Fett x Reader x Fennec Shand
Don’t Call me Princess  💦 
Boba Fett x Reader
The Pedestal I Hold You On 💦
Targets and Temptations 💦 
Have You Back
Anything For You 💦 ❤️
Poe Dameron x Reader
Risk it All for You💦
Survive Now, Then Flirt ❤️
Paz Vizsla x Reader
Bold 💦 ❤️
Guiding Star
Cobb Vanth
What Our Scars Remind Us
Axe Woves x Reader
Coming Back to You (biker!au) 💦 ❤️
Lady and the Merc 💦 ❤️
Cassian Andor x Reader
Untitled (Coming soon)
Fennec Shand x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Cal Kestis x Reader
Coming soon
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Benny Miller x Reader x Frankie Morales
Messy Pile of Affection Series Masterlist 💦  (main story complete, drabbles/side stories ongoing)  ❤️
Finish Him  💦 (mpoa-verse but can be read on its own)
Santiago Garcia x reader x Frankie Morales
Not Leaving you Again 💦
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Untitled mechanic!Santi  💦 (coming soon)
Take Your Picture  💦 
HoneyBunnXOXO  💦
Benny Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (Coming soon)
Will Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
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Bishop Losa x Reader
A Quiet Moment
Perfect Afternoon 💦
Attitude Adjustment  💦 ❤️
Angel Reyes x Reader
With You 
EZ Reyes x Reader
Coming soon
Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Coming soon
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Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Your Tell
Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Reader
Inglenook  💦
Moon Knight x Reader
Moon Knight Bingo Masterlist
Right Next Door, The Steven Grant x neighbor!reader series masterlist (ongoing)
My Knight in White 💦
Surrender to the Fire 💦 (Marc Spector)  
Afternoon Drive 💦 (Jake Lockley)
Neighbors and Nightmares (Steven Grant)
All Yours 💦 (Steven Grant)
Tasm!Peter Parker x Reader
The Way We Feel When We Dance 💦
My Favorite Bartender 💦
Us Against the World 💦
Together💦 ❤️
When Jealousy Strikes
Beautiful Distraction 💦
Just Kiss Like Real People Do 💦 ❤️
Loki x Reader
Right Where We Belong 💦
Destroy You so Beautifully 💦 (President Loki)
Silver Tongues 💦
In My Arms (Over and Over Again) ❤️
Frank Castle x Reader
Eat Dessert First 💦
Glitter and the Guard💦  ❤️
Distractions 💦
You Like That? 💦
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt request
Lost Souls, Kindred Spirits 💦 (series masterlist, complete)
Clint Barton x Reader
My Hero 💦
Sam Wilson x Reader
Coming soon
Valkyrie x Reader
Coming soon
Carol Danvers x Reader
Coming soon
Billy Russo x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Protect . Chapter 2 . Chapter 3 . Chapter 4💦 . Chapter 5 . Chapter 6  (complete)
Don’t Want to Fall in Love 💦
Rooftop Memories
The Weight of Emptiness / The Echo of Emotions
Whatever You Need 💦
Thinking of You  💦
Give In To You 💦
I Owe What I Am To You
I Still Love You, Asshole
Crossed Paths
Good Enough For You
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Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
Shine Through the Dark
My Brave, Kind Human
Jealous 💦
The Challenge 💦
Dreams, Nightmares
What a Human Deserves ❤️
The Consequences of Stealing the Doctor’s Coat 💦
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Bad Guy ❤️
Soft Side
Calm The Rage
The Buzz of Jealousy 💦 ❤️
Fifteenth Doctor x Reader
Coming soon!
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Jesper Fahey x Reader
Coming soon
Matthais Helvar x Reader
Coming soon
Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
coming soon
The Darkling x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Emotions in the Darkness
Burning Desires 💦
How We Touch, How We Love 💦
No Stranger to the Dark
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Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Note- This writer supports Palestine and does not share or support the views of tlou creator. Please interact with tlou critically be be aware of the view of its creator and how they influence the story.
Dive Bar Rockstar 💦 ❤️
Waitress in Distress
Dream (The Sandman)
Back to You
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Ardeth Bay (The Mummy)
Coming soon!
Kassandra (Assassins Creed Odyssey)
Coming soon
Eivor (Assassins Creed Valhalla)
Coming soon
Horacio Carrillo x Reader (Narcos)
Coming soon
Benjamin Greene x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Fireworks 💦
Quiet Desperation 💦
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remmysbounty · 3 years
chosen family sneak peek//paz vizsla series
HI BOOS!!! I’ve decided I’m going to write a Biker!Paz Vizsla x Social Worker!reader series and wanted to give you all a sneak peek into what I’ve already written. I hope you all enjoy and just want to say thank you to the queen of Biker!Mando AUs @maybege who happily helped me when the first little idea popped into my brain today! Danke schön meine Freund <3
let me know if you want to be included in the taglist for this series please either through an ask or a comment or reblog :)
You were grateful as you drove up to the covert the next day that both Cara and Omera had explained what everything was like inside and how tight security was when it came to outsiders. Of course, having people openly glare and whisper about you as you headed towards Din’s place was not something you wanted to deal with this early in the morning, but you were nothing if not a professional, so you just rolled your shoulders back, held your head high and walked towards his door.
Knocking softly, you brought your ear up to the door in hopes that you could hear something inside. Not hearing anything, you leaned on the wall across from the door and sent Din a message letting him know you’d arrived. As you waited for him to respond, you couldn’t help but let your eye wander down the hallway and get a look at the other apartments on his floor. The building was clearly well cared for and the hallways were clean, lit up only by the light that came through the windows at each end, and yet there was something about it that made you feel as though you were in the safest building possible. After getting a good look at everything, you went back over the notes you’d made the night before.
“What’s an aruetii like you doing here?” A gruff voice asked you the second you heard a door close next to you. Startled by either the voice or the door itself- you weren’t entirely sure- you looked up to see a rather large man staring you down. 
You pointed towards Din’s apartment as you found your voice, “I’m here to see Din. This is his apartment, right?”
The man’s eyes seemed to drift from your face to the folder in your hand and it seemed as though his stare got even worse in the process. You’d never wanted to be able to disappear before but you knew it would be wrong of you to do so, so the only thing you could do was hold your ground until Din finally opened his door for you. Luckily it seemed like it was going to happen sooner rather than later.
“Y/N!” Din opened his door with a start only to pause at the sight of you and Paz glaring at one another, “Come in, please.”
There was something about the way Din spoke that finally made you turn your head towards him and made you smile when you saw that Grogu was in his arms. Sending one last glare to the man standing next to you, you quickly walked into Din’s apartment not bothering to look back, no matter how badly you wanted to.
So consumed by getting a good look at the interior of the apartment you almost missed the way Din berated the man, “Paz,” he practically hissed, “That’s the social worker.” His friend, whose name you now learned was Paz, seemed to mutter something in return because all Din said was “Stop being a di’kut,” before closing the door and greeting you with a tired smile.
tags: @booksmusicteaandanimals @curious-curios @dogweedanddeathcaps @mando-writings @thewayofthemandalorian @captn-andor @maybege @ohwaitimthewriter @littlemisspascal @daviwrites @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @din-damn-djarin @dindjarindiaries @paniclana @no-droids-allowed
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remmysbounty · 3 years
Hey! I saw your milestone celebration! That's awesome 😊💛
Could I put a vote in for ☄ please?
Hey boo!! For you here’s a fluffy one shot that has to do with paz vizsla and his social worker! love
just say yes// part of chosen family
You rolled around in bed for your head met Paz’s chest, “thought you were gonna b’out,” your words slurring together as you continued to wake up.
Paz merely chuckled at your reaction as he pulled you in closer to his chest, “Cara had a friend over... remember,” his lips found that particular spot on your neck he always enjoyed.
Your lips found his as you felt your body moved to Paz’s chest, “You always love having me on top, don’t you Vizsla?”
“If it means I get to hold you,” his hands squeezed your hips teasingly, “then you’ll always be on top.”
The two of you stayed in each others arms and when you found yourself close to falling asleep again, Paz moved so that he was now sitting against your headrest with you resting in his lap.
“Cyare,” Paz nudged his nose softly against your face, “can I ask you something?”
You mumbled a soft mhmm as you felt yourself wake up again, “of course, m’love.”
“What would you say to moving in with me?” Paz’s eyes watched as your brain caught up with what he was asking you.
“Wait-” you sat up in his lap, “are you asking me what I think you are asking me?”
His fingers traced your face softly, “We can take this however slow you want, just say you’ll move in with me.”
“Okay,” you whispered as you pushed him away just a touch so that you could look him in the eye, “but you do all the heavy lifting.”
Paz chuckled at your request, even if he wasn’t surprised by it as he nodded his head and pulled you in placing a kiss on your forehead, “I wouldn’t have it any other way cyare.”
cyare: beloved
Chosen family: @maybege @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @booksmusicteaandanimals @theocatkov @biavastarr
Tin Man:  @captn-andor  @thewayofthemandalorian   @magpie-to-the-morning  @magicrowiswritingstuff  @booksmusicteaandanimals  @dinthisisthe-wayson  @littlemisspascal  @din-damn-djarin  @elysiansith  @dincrypt  @ohwaitimthewriter  @poesflygirl  @dindjarindiaries  @dindja  @dindjarinsghost  @reluctant-mandalore  @lathyrusodorxtus  @maybege @princessxkenobi
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remmysbounty · 3 years
Hello again, I did not think through what I sent before. I am a very big fan of social worker and Paz and I am very excited for when you show the world your creation
Thank you so much for the request T!!! I’m gonna write a little drabble for you and it’s sort of including what I have planned for the series.. I hope you like it 🥺🥺
first “I love you” // chosen family series
Paz wasn’t sure what to expect when he saw you out there with all the other protesters- he knew you’d done this before, when the Empire had its way with everything- but he never knew that this was what you did, stand in the front lines.
You were there- and then you weren’t. The girl that you’d pushed out of the way seemed to be safe but it looked like she was reaching for something. Paz tried to follow to where she was pointing and then he saw you again, only he was filled with more worry.
There you were, practically fallen onto yourself and he couldn’t tell if you were moving. You had to move.
Paz tried to make his way to the front, to you. Only it seemed for once that his hulking form had him at a disadvantage. It felt like ages had passed, his eyes stuck on you the whole time as he fought against the tide of people, and he was about to break through... only to feel someone holding him back- Cara.
“You can’t go past them Paz,” Cara tried with all her might to keep him still.
“I need to get to her,” he kept on shaking his arm but Cara was a leech.
Her eyes went from Paz to you and then back to Paz, “you go up there and they’ll take that as an excuse to arrest you, and she’ll kill me if that happens.”
“I don’t care,” his voice turned gruff as he practically yelled at Cara.
The only thing running through his mind was you. He needed you- he needed to tell you how sorry he was, how he messed everything up and it was on him, how he loved you. Paz stood there, he didn’t just love you, he was in love with you- and he needed you to know that.
Everything else became a blur. Someone threw something. The chain was broken. There was fighting. You. He needed to get to you.
There you were. At first it seemed as though you hadn’t moved an inch and Paz felt as though his whole world was crumbling before his very eyes- and then he saw it. A simple twitch of the finger, the tightening of your legs as you made yourself smaller and smaller.
And then you felt something over you. A hot breath hit your ear, and yet with all the rage and pain around you, the only thing you felt was the gentleness with which the person treated you.
It took you a second but you heard words being directed at you, “It’s okay, cyare. I’m so sorry. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you anymore.”
The words went on and on in a cycle. You knew that voice- “Paz?” You asked in a hoarse whisper.
“It’s me, cyare,” you felt his calloused hands cup your face tenderly as he moved it so that you could look up at him, “Are you hurting anywhere?”
“Everywhere,” you grunted as Paz’s fingers glided over the spot where you’d been electrocuted.
The pain was becoming too much, too unbearable. Paz could see it in the way your eyes constantly fluttered shut only for you to try and open them again, you breath become shallower, your body trembling.
“Cyare,” he went back to looking down at your face, “I need you to stay awake for me, please. I know it hurts-“ his hands petted your hair softly as he wished he could take it all away “I know, but I need you awake right now, okay?” His voice had gotten softer and softer and yet somehow you heard it clear as day.
“I wasn’t planning on telling you this now but I need you to listen to me cyare,” you felt Paz shake you slightly and you opened up your eyes just a bit more, “I love you. Okay? I was a di’kut for hurting you the way I did, and I wish I could take all the pain away from you now... but I can’t. So please just keep those beautiful eyes of yours open for me, my love.”
You somehow got yourself to nod your head and then lifted your hand up enough to rest it over Paz’s before squeezing as hard as you could. You couldn’t speak- even though you wished you could- and you needed him to know that you were saying I love you too.
cyare: beloved
di’kut: idiot
Chosen family: @maybege @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @booksmusicteaandanimals @theocatkov @biavastarr
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remmysbounty · 3 years
chosen family sneak peek 2//paz vizsla series
GOOD MORNING BOOS!! So I’m still working on the Biker!Paz series but I want to have a good chunk of it written by the time I start posting it cause i worry there will be like this huge pause in writing this series once I start. HOWEVER, I really love seeing your reactions as well and love your opinions so I figured I’d post another sneak peek!!
You tried not to let the rumors get to you, just as Cara had reminded you that morning not to, but the second you’d removed it from your mind you found a sight you hadn’t thought you’d see ever again standing in the middle of the office. The uniform, the stance, the superior look on their face, there was an Imperial officer (well now ex-Imperial) right there where you should be and there was nothing you could do to hide from them.
Taking a deep breath in, you tried to stop the urge to run that grew inside of you- you were no longer an organizer helping the Alliance with their protests- you were a social worker and you were a damn good one too.
“Can I help you with something sir?” You walked up to the officer, your knuckles turning white as the grip on your files tightened as a way to help keep you in the moment.
“Yes actually there is,” the smug look sitting on his face only grew as he seemed to believe he had placed you in a setting of submission, “The Emp- New Republic has recognized that there is a group of people- Mandalorians- who have been sending in applications to adopt children.”
“And what is that you need from me exactly?” You tried not to let the fear hidden deep in your gut show on your face as your thoughts immediately ran to Din.
His eyes went from you to your files, which you now realized were not as organized as they were when you left the night before, “Well, we wish to help them as they go through the process of adoption- since they are such a small minority- and are creating a registry with the names of all who are currently in the process. I was hoping that you would be kind enough to inform us of anyone you are working with who identifies as Mandalorian.”
You felt his hand, which was now resting on your shoulder, tighten its grip, yet you keep your steely resolve, “No, I don’t have anyone who identifies as Mandalorian, but if I come upon anyone I’ll make sure to let you know.”
“Yes, of course,” he knew that you had no intention of ever doing so, you felt it, “I would just like to remind you Ms. Y/L/N that any and all files you have are property of the New Republic and as such we have a right to seize them.”
“Yes, of course, Officer,” you whispered. Your eyes did not leave him until he walked out the door and even then it took you several minutes for you to finally catch your breath.
Omera’s face said it all, they knew about Din and Grogu and there was nothing you could do about it.
Chosen family: @maybege @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @booksmusicteaandanimals @theocatkov @biavastarr @lathyrusodorxtus
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remmysbounty · 3 years
Hey boos!! Just wanted to say that my requests are OPEN in case any of y’all want to send me anything, it could be a fic idea, it could be a HC, it can even be any thots you have about Din or about Biker!Paz, anything really... you can just send them my way
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maybege · 2 years
You've managed to turn me into a mega whore for Boba and Paz with your amazing work. I'm really looking forward to literally anything you wish to bless your readers with, but I'm extremely interested in more LPOH at the moment.
Oh thank you so much, anon! 🥺❤️I am so glad you liked my stories! Here is a little snippet of part 6 - no Paz/Reader interaction in this one but only because I don't want to spoil anything:
“For the last time, you cannot come with us!”
“Kitten,” he warned, seeing the little cat climb her way back into his duffel bag.
At first, he had thought that it was the colourfully patterned socks (a gag gift from Grogu and Din for one Winterfest) that had caught her attention. But as he had removed the offending piece of clothing to his bed and Kitten had stayed curled up in his packed bag, he knew that she simply did not want him to leave.
Which had led to the discussion they were currently having.
“That hut is not a safe place for kittens,” he heard himself say, scooping her up and placing her on the floor, “You will stay with Grogu and Fennec.”
Kitten climbed back onto the bed, eyeing the bag as if she was calculating the best place to jump into it.
He sat down with a sigh, knowing that it would be futile to fight with her. “C’mere.” She purred, climbing onto his knees and curling up. His fingers disappeared into her fur, petting her as he thought about the weekend ahead. Years ago, he never would have thought that he would have a girlfriend(?) to bring with him to a weekend trip with his friends.
send me asks about my wips!
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maybege · 2 years
Thots on how biker!paz might respond if reader decided to take charge in the bedroom randomly one night 👀
Listen I have the hc that Paz is very much the top in the bedroom but when one night reader grabs him by the jacket and straddles his lap and kisses him breathless he is just absolute heart eyes for her 😍 That man is so big and large but so enthusiastic to see how you want to take charge, being all encouraging when you tell him not to touch you and telling you to “Go on, sweetheart, just take what you need.” 👁👄👁
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