#bildaddy tea
uziraphale · 2 months
All this wine is fine by me, but why not have a cup of tea, @bil-daddy?
"A spicy blend for this odd, fiery demon, with some currant for the wine he so enjoyed and apple* for the temptation he so happily performed."
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*I don't want to be petty, but wasn't the temptation rather ox ribbed?
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"A blend to pair with Bildad the Shuhite blend - not Job's usual angel :) A mostly sweet and creamy tea, with some tartness from the grapefruit as this angel begins to really understand that he cannot continue following Heaven's every word."
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bil-daddy · 6 months
Do you mind if people info dump about their love life in here?
Spill the tea (platonic)
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(sorry @mrazfellco)
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amagnificentobsession · 8 months
I believe I’ve found the perfect cups and saucers for @bildaddy-and-mrazfellcos-wedding
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The cottage at South Downs 🫖
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Albu Crocuses in Va Va Voom
Since these happen to be antiques and no longer allowed commissions, I’m going to need a “miracle” to be sure we have enough for the wedding, if Aziraphale approves.
@bil-daddy @mrazfellco @docdust @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me
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bil-daddy · 6 months
hi. Same anon who asked if she could info dump about her love life
So I have a crush on this guy I've known for awhile, we've been friends for our entire life and I'm scared to tell him because it could make things awkward and EVERYONE KNOWS (everyone being our parents and siblings) about my crush on him *hyperventilates*
Hey, love life anon. Thanks for spilling the tea (metaphorical) Let's get started (platonic)
If your (hopefully respective) parents and siblings all already know about your crush on your friend, what makes you think he doesn't already know, too? Either by one or more of them telling him, or by picking up on the same signals they are about your crush.
So, I'm guessing he probably has an idea you like him, but hasn't made a move for one of a few reasons:
He doesn't feel the same but doesn't want to make things awkward and possibly lose the friendship
He does feel the same but doesn't want to risk the friendship in case you guys get together now, then break up in the future
He wants to wait until you're both older, to give the relationship a better chance of working out and lasting, if you're still into each other in a few years and want to give things a go
He's completely oblivious, and feels the same
He's completely oblivious and doesn't feel the same
He's completely oblivious, never considered being more than friends, but now that you mention it, would like to try
Now, this list isn't exhaustive. There could be other reasons. But his reasons aren't the only ones that matter. First, you've got to figure out what you want to do.
Lemme ask you a question. How long have you had a crush on your friend? Is this new? Or have you liked him for years?
If it's new, and you think it might be temporary and pass on it's own, then give it a few months before you act.
But if you've liked him for a while, you should probably do something, just so you can move forward whether or not he likes you back.
Either way, start mentally and emotionally preparing yourself for either option, and the different possibilities they entail.
If you tell your friend you like him and want to try being more than friends, what would that look like if he says he feels the same? Since you're friends, you probably already hang out a lot, so what difference--if any--would there be? If he wants to try dating, the two of you can discuss what that means for you both.
But what if he says he wants to stay just friends? What would that look like? Even if you both try, it would be impossible to carry on as if nothing happened--but that's okay. Since you like him, it's already impossible to carry on forever like that. You're just in a pre-confessional liminal space right now.
If he just wants to be friends, you'll probably both have to take a step back from the friendship. Some friendships return to normal after time off, some don't, and some fall somewhere in between.
Same thing if you date, then break up. Some people can go back to being just friends, some can't, and you never know for sure which kind of people you are until it's you and your ex in that situation.
I'm not telling you this to discourage you from confessing your feelings, but just to prepare you so you can be ready for whatever happens. You can also do a little investigating of your own to prepare yourself, as well.
Your parents and siblings have noticed your crush on your friend. They may have also noticed his crush on you--if he has one.
How do you know they know about your crush? Is it because they said something to you about your crush? Maybe teased you about it? If they ever teased you about your crush, was your friend ever around at the time? What was his reaction?
You could try to find out from your siblings and parents, if they've noticed your friend having a crush on you or not. Mutual friends might also have picked up on something, if there is something to pick up on. There might not be. Or he might be better at hiding crushes.
If you can find out in advance how he feels, or at least gather evidence to form a hypothesis, it might help you decide how you want to proceed. Be it, confessing your feelings* or letting the crush pass.
(*And when I say 'confess your feelings', I don't mean a dramatic oscar worthy speech about how long you've been in in love with him. That's for the movies.
What I mean is: "hey, I think I like you as more than a friend, and I want to explore that with you if you're interested" --in your own words, of course, not like a 'healthy relationship communication textbook.)
Anyway, good luck (platonic). Hope it works out for you.
No. I said that wrong. Whatever happens, it will work out for you. One way or another. Sooner or later. Eventually, it will work out for you, whether or not you and your friend end dating.
Have a New Years ox rib (platonic)
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bil-daddy · 8 months
Treat. Have a box of tea (platonic), @tforthetea
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