#billie suttton
Your thoughts on Conrad and Billie are on point. He made the decision to date Cade with his head, not his heart. Case was the simpler choice, without the added baggage and that probably was attractive initially. He had the best of both worlds, this uncomplicated thing with Cade and the emotional, deep, supportive, co parenting stuff with Billie. I think Conrad knew that with Billie there would be no turning back, no half doing it, it would be deep and real and he would have to be all in. With Cade it was fun, lighter, easier to deal with and that’s probably all he was ready to handle at the time. Almost losing her helped him realize that it’s time to put himself out there again for love
You're absolutely right!
Cade was easier for him. In his own words, he admitted they were just having fun. He knew it wouldn't be so with Billie, and that scared him. In fact, even though he already had an established close relationship with Billie, I don't think he wanted to allow himself to see her as a romantic option. Not yet. Like you said, all he could handle was something light with Cade. He wasn't ready for something serious at the time.
I'm actually happy it happened this way for them. Conrad needed to heal and, in a way, have "fun" by dating around. He needed to allow himself to love again even if it scared him. But he needed to get to that point by himself. Cade, unfortunately, was just a vehicle that got him there.
The attack pushed him to finally follow his heart. I would also maybe argue that he might have gotten there eventually if this did not happen. Maybe if he was going to lose her in another way, like if she was getting engaged/married to someone else. It would have taken longer, but I'm glad he realized this sooner than that. I'm also glad he was the one who made the first move.
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I Want You To Be Happy - ConradxBillie - Short One-Shot
Conrad hated it and he hated that he hated it. 
He wanted Billie to be happy, but seeing her with someone else it was eating him up inside. 
He was With Cade, he should be happy for her, but he wasn’t. 
He shouldn’t feel this way. She was Nik’s best friend. It didn’t matter that Nik was gone. Having romantic feelings for her best friend was a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
And yet he couldn’t control the way he felt.He forced a smile at work events when they ended up sitting at the same table, making it feel like a double date.
He tried not to linger, stare too long, but it was impossible. 
He knew he blew his chance with her and was resigned to watching her move forward with her life without him. 
But it was a lot harder than he thought it would be. 
And it didn’t help that Davis was a great guy. Conrad liked him. He was a first responder. A paramedic. And he was a good man. 
Despite hating it, watching Billie build a life for herself with a man who was a somewhat friend, Conrad thought he was handling it well until he wasn’t. 
“What do you think? Is it too much? Do you think she’ll like it?” asked Davis.
“You’re proposing?” Conrad felt a pit forming in his stomach. 
“Yeah, I know it’s only been a few months but I know in my bones that I am never going to find anyone better than Billie.” Davis continued. “I can’t imagine my life without her.”
Neither could Conrad. She had become so important to him that life without her seem impossible, but that was what he was looking at as he looked at the ring.
“What about that job offer you got in San Francisco?” Conrad questioned, the pit in his stomach filling with acid.
“I’ve already taken it and they're looking for someone to run their neuro department. Billie would be perfect for the job.” 
“You think she will take it?” Conrad asked. 
“Yes, we’re building a life together. I don’t think there’s anything we won’t do for each other.” Davis answered with certainty.
Conrad shook his head. “I have to go.” 
Conrad retreated to his car. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He was on the verge of a panic attack. 
He could feel Billie slipping through his fingers, seeing a future without her, and it terrified him. He couldn’t lose her. 
He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text off and then put his car in drive and pulled out onto the road. 
It was a twenty-minute drive to his house. He was relieved to see Billie’s car already parked in his driveway. 
He had texted her to meet him here. She had been out with Gigi for the day. 
He went inside and found her sitting at the counter in the kitchen with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands. “Where’s Gigi?” 
“We ran into her friend Samantha at the park. Samantha’s mom took them to the movies and Ice cream. I’m supposed to pick Gigi back up from their house in a few hours. I hope that’s okay?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine. Brandy often takes Gigi out on outings with Sammy.” Conrad assured her.
“So what’s going on?” Billie set her cup down and turned to face him. 
Conrad took the seat next to her. “Are you happy?”
“What?” Billie looked at him uncertainly. 
“Please, I just need to know.” Conrad insisted. 
“Yes, I’m happy.” Billie confirmed and Conrad look away. The pit in his stomach twisted and turned inside him. “You don’t look like you’re happy about that.” 
“You know I just want you to be happy,” Conrad still couldn’t bring himself to look at her. 
“I know. It’s something I heard you say more times than I can count.” Billie reached a hand out, touching his arm. “You don’t need to worry about that. I am happy.” 
“God, I wish I didn’t feel this way.” Conrad tilted his head back, looking up toward the ceiling. 
“Feel what way?” Billie asked, confused.  
Conrad took one of her hands in his. “I told myself I couldn’t feel this way because of Nik, but I can’t help the way I feel and believe me, I tried.”
“I don’t understand.” Billie said. “I gave you so many chances,-”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Conrad apologized. “Tell me you don’t feel that way for me anymore and I will do my hardest to be happy for you.”
Billie opened her mouth, but no words came out. She turned her head away. 
“Billie.” Conrad reached up to her cheek, turning her back to him. 
Billie's eyes flickered to his mouth, and he leaned in slowly, giving her time to stop him. 
When she didn’t, he closed the space between them and pressed his lips softly against hers. 
After a moment, he pulled back, waiting for her reaction. “Should I not have done that?”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” Billie admitted. 
“I’m sorry, I-” Conrad was cut off as Billie pressed her lips firmly to his. 
He stood up slowly, deepening the kiss, his hand wrapping around her waist, pulling her off her seat, against his chest. 
Billie’s lips moved in perfect sync with Conrads. 
She had thought this moment would never come and now that it was here, all she wanted to do was give in, but her rational side was fighting through. She pulled back, holding him back with her hand on his chest. “Why now?”
“Davis is going to ask you to marry him.” Conrad said. “And I-”
“Are you kidding me?” Billie demanded, taking a step back. “You had months to say something, anything and you wait till Davis is making this big move?”
“It’s not about him. It’s about you and it’s about me.” Conrad insisted, taking a step forward, closing the distance between them again. 
“How? How is this about us and not about Davis?” Billie insisted. 
“Because it’s about me not wanting to live a life without you!” Conrad exclaimed. “When Davis showed me the ring he bought you, all I could think about was you building a life for yourself with him. A life without me, and it terrified me. I pictured my life without you, and it’s not a life I want.”
Billie’s heart pounded in her chest. She felt like she was having a fevered dream where she got everything her heart ever wanted. “What do you want?”
“I want a life with you and Gigi.” Conrad confessed. “I want birthdays and holidays, date nights and lunches. I want to go to sleep next to you and I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. I want to create memories. I want us to build a life together. I was too afraid to take a chance, but not anymore. I am tired of letting life slip by me.” he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her flush against him. “If you feel the same way about me, let’s start the rest of our days together.” 
Billie’s heart was soaring. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his, kissing him deeply. 
Conrad banded his arms around her and lifted her, placing her on the edge of the kitchen counter, never breaking the kiss. 
Conrad step in between her legs so they bracket his hips, tugging her against him as his tongue swept across her bottom lip. 
Billie opened her mouth to him, her hand curling around the back of his neck, her other hand resting on his hip, Conrad had one hand in her hair, the other on her waist. 
It was moments before either came up for air. 
“I love you,” Conrad beamed. “I have for a very long time.” 
Billie’s smile could light up a room as she returned the sentiment. “I love you too.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her hand over his heart, feeling the strong beat. 
She knew nothing about their situation was perfect. She was going to have to end things with Davis, but right now she just wanted to bask in finally getting what she had dreamed about from the moment she realized she had fallen in love with Conrad Hawkins. 
Conrad tightened his arms around her, holding her tightly against him, feeling the warmth of her body and he knew he was where he belonged. Holding the woman he loved in his arms with the knowledge they were both going to be happy. 
Together this time.
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We can finally say bye bye to this damn love triangle or love square. FINALLY 😫
Felt like forever
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I was a huge conic shipper but I love this whole thing going on with Billie and Conrad right now and I can’t wait to see them get together! There’s always been and will probably always be the debate about Nic and how Billie’s breaking the “ girl code” and what not 🙄 but I personally think Nic would be happy about it…Wdyt?
Ah yes 🙂 The whole "dating your dead best friend's husband" debate. I have thought about this alot so I have quite alot to say about this 😄🤭
I personally don't have a problem with this.
I think people are trying to bring in their own personal bias into it. There is nothing you say that will convince them. Some people have still not moved on from Nic's death, and nobody is good enough as Conrad's love interests. With some of the things I've seen people say, sometimes I ask myself if they have a problem with Billie as Nic's best friend or just Billie herself. They complain she's in love with her dead friend's husband and forget Conrad is in the equation, too. This man is fully in love with his dead wife's best friend. But somehow, their quarrel is mostly directed at only Billie.
First, people need to understand that this is a fictional story. I really do need to stress this over and over again. As much as we project and insert ourselves into the tv shows/movies we watch, sometimes it's nice to just watch a show for what it is. FICTION.
And even when I try to compare with real life like the way some have, I honestly see nothing wrong. Like I'm still trying to wrap my head around why this is so wrong.
Also, Nic is dead. I know we know this, but people need to move on now. We've mourned Nic's passing. It's time
I think the writers did an amazing job to keep Nic's memory alive with the two people who loved her to bits. They allowed Conrad to mourn Nic well.
They never disrespected Nic. It wasn't like they had a thing for each other while Nic was alive. It wasn't like they planned to fall in love. It wasn't like they jumped on each other first thing after Nic was gone. 5 yrs people. It took them 5 yrs to even get to a kiss. They went through a loss together, and they saw each other at their worst. That shit bonds you together whether you like it or not.
So yes, I do believe Nic would be happy for them. Nic wasn't selfish or vindictive. The two people she loved finding love with each other would make her happy. When they brought Nic back at the end of season 5, she's made him promise that after she was gone, he would find someone who loved him and Gigi as much as she did. She didn't put any caveat or conditions on it. Everything we've seen of Billie shows that she embodies this promise.
In this particular scenario, if you have a problem with your partner finding love again with your best friend after you're gone, I'm sorry, but you must be selfish. Especially when they've never disrespected you or your memory. These are supposed to be two people you love most in the world. Yh, you a hater 😏.
I mean, I don't know what else to say. I personally don't see anything morally wrong or see any "girl codes" broken because they have done nothing wrong. You can't even call it cheating cos Nic is dead. But that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like I said, no amount of talk and explanation would change some people's minds. They are set on their opinions, and everyone is entitled to it. It is what it is.
In the end, there are way more people for Billie/Conrad than the ones against.
Thanks for asking this 😊 I had fun ranting, Lol
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Thanks for answering my last ask. I just had another thought when it comes to Conrad and Billie -
So I watched Conrad's first appearance in the Pilot and you can see biking recklessly and ruining a man's car when the latter parks in a handicapped area. In Billie's first appearance, she drives her car almost the same way. Thus their first onscreen entries are quite similar. Also, the way they treat/bully Devon at first is quite similar- so you can't help but know that Nic has similar tastes in terms of her friendships and men.
Now, take Conrad and Case- the only similarities between them was that they're gutsy, they have daddy issues and they are passionate about helping people. Other than that, nothing else. And that's why they're better off as friends.
Another reason why Conrad and Billie were better together than Conrad and Cade is seen in the episode Her Heart, where Billie understands the pain that Conrad and how personal it is for not only him but her as well, without anyone having to tell her (unlike Cade who found out about it through Feldman and could merely apologize for Nic's death like what one does for a funeral for the family even if he/she doesn't know the deceased).
What do you think?
Oh yesss.
I definitely noticed the similarities between Conrad and Billie's first appearances. They both didn't give a f*ck hahaha 😄 I loved it.
Nice catch with the Devon part. Now that you mention it, they both had their first interactions with Devon. Amazing. I mean, seriously, we keep uncovering so many similarities and connections with these two that makes me more convinced every time that they were not just a coincidence. The writing for them has just been amazing and if it was mere coincidence, then that's one hell of a coincidence.
Cade and Conrad worked well together professionally. But that did not mean they were going to be good as romantic partners. They didn't get each other and that episode "Her Heart" showed how they both were emotionally unavailable to each other.
One of the things I loved in the episode was seeing Conrad open up to Billie about how he felt seeing and treating someone carrying the very heart of his deceased wife. That was tough and only her could understand. She went straight to him after she found out who the patient was and tried to calm him down. It showed how easily Billie could draw out his emotions or just talk to him and make things feel better.
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I LOVE Dr. James Yamada AKA Dr. Hottie
He couldn't have been any more understanding and just mature in that breakup
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