#billy chris spunkygal
mekanizie · 28 days
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Peacemakers confront Billy Spunkygal for ruining an ASMR video of Jeff Randell and Breehn whispering trigger words, especially soft spoken.
Edwina Smith: Billy, you are a damn psychopath! Why would you ever rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehns trigger words! Young man, I'm so fucking pissed at you! I seriously want to beat the living shit out of you right now! Come on! Let me hit him! Let me hit this sexist pile of shit!
William Smith: My wife is right! Billy, are you fucking crazy?! You do not ever rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn's trigger words! That is a big example of being misogynistic! You know what?! That is so fucking it! As if today, Billy Chris Spunkygal, we are going to beat you up! Do not talk to us anymore! And do not associate with us anymore! If you do any of the things I just mentioned, you will be getting sued! Do you fucking hear me you bastard?!
Nick Ashby: My parents in law are right! I can't, I honestly can't! Why would you ever rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehns trigger words, you sexist pile of shit, I absolutely could not imagine being in your situation! Are you fucking serious right now young man?! You do not ever do that in any sense of the word! Do you fucking hear me?! You know that if you threaten to get them out of the video, it will be your fault! That is so fucking disturbing, and you know that!
Tiffany: Oh my gosh! Oh my damn damn gosh! You just ruined my little Breehn and his poor little friend's ASMR!
Walt: Billy, we are very disappointed, and that is saying something, because you're supposed to be a peacemaker! And guess what?! How in the fuck are we supposed to forgive this sexist pile of a fucking savage! That makes absolutely no fucking sense membership wise! We don't ever want to see you ever again!
Billy: I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not remorseful about what I did, you stupid fucking cultured husband of your fucking retarded wife! My actions were justified! Jeff and Breehn are fucking bastards, and I hate them!
Walt: Ok, that's it! Time for a beating!
Jessica: Walter, don't even think about it! You will be grounded if you do! It's not worth getting in trouble over! Please do not beat him up!
Walt: I don't give shit! This sexist bastard needs to be executed! You know that ranting on good things and sexism are a sin!
Jessica: I understand that, but you should know violence is not the answer!
Walt: I don't give a flying fuck!
Jessica: Walter!!! (Walts beats Billy Spunkygal up) Ok, that does it, Walter, you're coming with me right now, mister, and I mean it!
Walt: Hey! Where the hell are you taking me?! I'm not done with this fucker yet! Let me go! Get your hands off me! What the fuck do you want for me, mom?!
Jessica: You're grounded for the rest of the night! Go to your room and think about what you've done, mister, and I mean it!
Walt: Fine!
Jessica: Fine! (Walt cries)
Breehn: Billy, 5 words, go, kill, yourself, in, prison! Oh, and look at me right now! Stop making that stupid face like that beating hurt! I know it didn't! You deserve that shit! You better be remorseful about what you did, because if not, you seriously do not deserve to be on this planet! I know what I'm saying is very disrespectful, but that's no excuse! You threaten to fucking let me and Jeff out of an ASMR video we were working on! You've ruined scarred us for life! Extremism has been on the rise ever since you pulled that shit! Do you fucking hear me?! Look at me when I'm talking! It has been on the rise ever since you ruined our lives, dumbass, and I mean it! (Tiffany gasps over Breehn's bad language)
Billy: Oh whatever, you stupid ginger nerdy bastard! You don't know what I'm talking about! Your family is a fucking bastard! You are a 9 year old boy talking down to me! How fucking dare you?!
Breehn: Oh! Now you're saying heartless things about my family?! Ok, no, absolutely not! I'm gonna get in your fucking face and yell at you, so don't have to cover your fucking ears! Do you fucking hear me, you sexist pile of shit?!
Tiffany: Breehn, please don't! You will be grounded if you do! It's not worth getting in trouble over! Please do not escalate the situation, and please watch your mouth!
Breehn: I don't care! Ground me! This sexist bastard needs to be executed! You know that ranting on good things and sexism are a sin!
Tiffany: I understand, but you should know shouting out of his face is not the answer, and you should know that swearing is not appropriate for a boy at your age!
Breehn: I don't give a shit!
Tiffany: Breehn!
Breehn: Billy, I cannot god damn believe that you ranted on and started sexism towards an ASMR video of mine and Jeff's trigger words we were working on yesterday, dumbass! You should know that it's a sin, right? It's just wrong, it's a sin! It's a fucking son, retard! Sin!
Billy: I can do whatever I want!
Breehn: No the fuck you can't! Do it again or else I will beat the fucking shit out of you! Do you fucking hear me, you sexist pile of fucking shit! Stop! Fucking stop!`
Tiffany: Ok, that does it, Breehn, you're coming with me right now, mister, and I mean it!
Breehn: Hey! Where the hell are you taking me?! I'm not done with this fucker yet! Let me go! Get your hands off me! What do you want for me?!
Tiffany: You are grounded for the entire week, from your phone!
Breehn: Oh my gosh, mom, not this again!
Tiffany: Yes, again! Hand it over!
Breehn: But mom, you don't!
Tiffany: Now, son!
Breehn: (growls) Fine!
Tiffany: Go to your room and think about what you've done, mister, and I mean it!
Breehn: Fine! (cries)
Jeff: Billy, as mush as I want to viciously assault you right now, I will not do it! Because I don't want to be grounded like Breehn and his dad are right now, with the same result!
EJ: Thank you, Jeffery! Billy, if my Jeffery doesn't want to be grounded, the I don't want to be grounded by my mom either, but I still want to beat the shit out of you, do you fucking hear me?!
Clarence: Billy, you are seriously sick in the head! Why would you rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn's trigger words?! Honestly! We are so pissed off at you right now, that we would go as far as wishing death on you! That is how pissed off we are, Billy! You have caused so much harm to this world! If you get sentenced to life in prison, we would be more than happy! You fucking suck retard, seriously!
Kenny: Billy, you have seriously lost it! We seriously hope you get assaulted in prison! If you end up dying in prison, we would be more than happy! You disgust us! You're the worst!
Malessica: Billy, if we got $10 for every time you were mean to someone, we'd be a fucking millionaire! You have seriously lost it retard! You need to have some class, seriously!
Wendy: Billy, I don't even know what to day, you deserve every single death threat you got when you were walking in ToonTown Court! We hope you get assaulted in prison, you stupid idiot!
Kimby: Billy, not only that we are all very disappointed in you, but we are just so angry right now, that we want to beat the shit out of you, but if we do, we will get in trouble, and be grounded by our parents for a very long time!
Stan: Billy, I apologize for killing you with a gun the other day, but still, you ranted on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn's trigger words! We hope you die in prison!
Kyle: Billy, I have no idea how you could do such horrible shit in that short of a time span! You have seriously impacted lots of people for what you did! We hope you die in prison!
Ladonna: I agree with everyone! Billy Chris Spunkygal, I can't with you right now! You seriously need to get some help if you're going this insane! You don't ever rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn's trigger words in a hypothetical situation! What you did was deplorable, and this fucking bullshit deserves outrage and karma from ToonTastic City! I hope you die in prison! And no, I'm not taking back what I just said, because you did so much fucked up shit over the course of last seasons!
Kate Ashby: And guess what? Prepare to get beaten up, and to get blowen up forever! Let's get him, people!
Part 2 of this Clip.
This clip appeared in Season 8 Episode 12: GoAnimate Boris vs Kyle Broflovski from Get On The Armor
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mekanizie · 28 days
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Eric Cartman confronts Billy Spunkygal for ruining an ASMR video of Jeff Randell and Breehn whispering trigger words, especially soft spoken.
Cartman: Billy, get your retarded ass over here right now! You are so fucking guilty!
Billy: What the fuck do your fat ass want?!
Cartman: Did you seriously just ruin an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn’s trigger words! Tell me right now or I’ll beat the shit out of you!
Billy: Yes!
Cartman: Why the fuck would you do that?!
Billy: Because they shouldn’t be doing this! That’s why!
Cartman: So?! That doesn’t give you the right to ruin it!
Billy: So they’re boys, and boys don’t do a mother fucking ASMR! All girls do!
Cartman: No the fuck they don’t t! This is the 21st century, and there are men out there who does the opposite too, retard!
Billy: I don’t give a shit! I want them out of the mother fucking video right now!
Cartman: And why the fuck do boys need to be out of ASMR videos, huh? Huh? Look at me when I’m talking to you! Why the fuck do boys need to be out of ASMR videos?!
Billy: Because it’s only for girls!
Cartman: No the fuck it’s not, you stupid ass piece of shit! I’m so sick and tired of you ranting on and starting sexism towards this video! I am so sick of your retarded ass nonsense! I’m done!
Billy: You better shut the fuck up or I’ll…
Kate Ashby: Am I hearing fighting?!
Billy and Cartman: Yes!
Kate Ashby: What the fuck is going on here?! What the fuck is all that racket about?!
Cartman: I wasn’t even doing anything, and Billy started ranting and sexism about an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn’s trigger words!
Billy: That’s not fucking true! Eric’s being a fat ass and cannot shut the fuck up over…
Kate Ashby: I don’t care who started it! Eric, thank you for telling me! I will deal with him right away! Billy, I can’t, I seriously can’t! Why the fuck would you ever do that?!
Billy: Because they should be doing this, so that’s why I’m cutting them off!
Kate Ashby: So?!
Billy: So they’re boys, and boys don’t do ASMR! All girls do!
Kate Ashby: Shut up! Just, shut up! Just, shut the, fuck up! Bastard! Not all girls do ASMR, because they don’t have to do it if they don’t want to, you brat! You don’t ever rant on and start sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn’s trigger words! Do you fucking hear me you bastard?
Lucy Smith: I agree with my sister! You should know that ranting on good things and sexism are wrong, really wrong! They’re just wrong, they’re a sin! So stop all of those stupid comments you made, right now!
Billy: No! I don’t wanna stop making true comments, I want Jeff and Breehn to get the fuck out of the mother fucking video, because boys shouldn’t be allowed in ASMR videos!
Lucy Smith: Excuse me young man, but this is 21st century, and there are men out there who does the opposite too, so get the fuck over it and leave them be right now before I tell everyone, do you fucking hear me you annoying little brat?! Also, those stupid comments you made are not true, they’re just belittling, so stop, right, now, before we beat you up!
Billy: I don’t give a fuck! Jeff and Breehn need to be out of that stupid ass video, because they shouldn’t be allowed in there, and that’s final!
Lucy Smith: That’s it! I’m telling everyone about your stupid ass behavior!
Billy: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Narrator: Later, after Lucy Smith called Peacemakers about Billy Spunkygal’s behavior for ranting and sexism towards an ASMR video of Jeff and Breehn’s trigger words…
Part 1 of this Clip.
This clip appeared in Season 8 Episode 12: GoAnimate Boris vs Kyle Broflovski from Get On The Armor
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