#billy eddie steve babygirl angst
billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader. In addition with : Billy's mom.
Summary : Billy's dead, Max has to be the one to tell you because the news didn't include him in the coverage of the mall fire. The news makes it on nationwide television and they finally mention his name.
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Warnings : Billy's death, parental grief, significant other grief
Word count : 1,141
A/N : We never got to see Billy's mom, (we don't even know if she was still alive when he died), so this is obviously how I think she'd react if she heard that her baby died.
July 4, 1985
Loud knocking woke you up. You grumbled as you got up, your parents and siblings at the Fourth of July festival that was going on downtown. You made it to the door, not seeing who it was before you ripped the door open.
Max stood before you, the whites in her eyes were red, nose was pink as she cried. Steve stood against his car, watching the two of you. "Max," you looked around quickly, looking for your boyfriend, "where's Billy?" She sniffled.
"He d-died in th-the fire," she hiccuped with each word. You stood still, your brain processing her words. She reached into her pocket, pulling his ring out and holding it out to you. You took it, eyes bleary with tears, trying to hold yourself together in front of her.
You held the ring tightly, the metal still slightly warm, you knew it was from Max but you hoped it was from him wearing it all of the time, refusing to take it off. You cleared your throat, the lump trying to suffocate you. "Are Susan and Neil home?" She shook her head. You rocked on your heels.
You knew she needed someone, she couldn't be alone and neither could you. "Wanna stay with me?" She nodded, wiping her face quickly, trying to stop her tears. She looked back and pointed into your house and Steve nodded, face like stone with an expression you couldn't read. His eye was swollen shut like he had lost a fight.
Max walked into your house and you shut the door behind you. Max would come with Billy any time Neil would get too much for them. She knew the way to your room, she knew which drawer had spare clothes that she left at your house. She made her way to your room. She looked at your bed. "Were you sleeping?" You softly smiled, "Yeah but it's okay. You can have the bed." She nodded and grabbed her spare clothes, going into your bathroom and changing.
You looked on your vanity and found the locket that Billy had gifted you for Valentine's Day. You unclasped it and put his ring on it as it laid on the engraved heart. You opened the locket and tears welled into your eyes as you looked at the picture of Billy smiling, something he did rarely until he met you.
Max walked out of your bathroom and laid in your bed, on Billy's side. "Can I turn the tv on?" You nodded and handed her the remote. "I'm gonna step outside." She nodded and you left your room and walked out of the back door and sat on the wooden porch, grasping your locket tightly, spinning the ring on the chain.
It hit you. You'd never see your boyfriend ever again. Never hear his laugh. Never feel him. Never hear his heartbeat again. Everything felt like it moved in slow motion, the air was knocked from your lungs as you shut your eyes, putting your head on the wood slab next to you. Tears burned your eyes as they fell, your body shaking as you sobbed.
You couldn't imagine how Max felt, knowing her brother was dead. Sure, there were days they didn't get along but they loved each other. You held yourself, your stomach hurting, chest felt like it was being stomped on from how hard you were crying. You wished Billy was with you, holding you and telling you everything would be okay but he wasn't.
You wished you could tell him that you loved him one more time, give him one last hug, one last kiss. The back door slid open and you felt small, dainty arms around you and you smelt a burning smell on the person. Max.
She moved so she was beside you, holding onto you tightly and you did the same for her, knowing she needed comfort as she cried against your chest. She was the only thing you had left of Billy and you were the same for her. Neither of you could count on Neil and neither of you knew how to contact Billy's mother, you didn't even know her name.
"It's so u-unfair," you cried out into the humid air as Max sobbed against you, wetting the shirt you were wearing.
July 4, 1985
She moved around the kitchen, preparing food for her new husband and their two children, a little boy with blonde hair and his twin sister. She looked at the boy, seeing her Billy in him. She worried about him everyday, hoping he was okay and that Neil had turned out to be a good father to him.
She wished she could have taken him, his begs never leaving her mind. She plated dinner and handed a plate to everyone as they all sat around the family room, her husband turning the television on, the news filling each station.
"Mall fire in Hawkins, Indiana took two lives this evening. Chief of Police, Jim Hopper and the second victim was eighteen year old, Billy Hargrove who was a lifeguard at the community pool. We're sending our condolences to their family and friends."
The oxygen was knocked from her lungs, seeing her baby's picture on the tv. She hadn't seen him in a little over ten years but the eyes told her everything, that her baby was actually gone. The hole in her heart grew, her hands shook as she held onto the plate. She looked at the mantel, seven year old Billy, smiling at her.
"That poor kid's family." She looked at her husband and gulped and nodded. Neil had no way to contact her for his funeral unless he called directory assistance which she knew he wouldn't. She stared at the picture of him on the tv, his curly hair which he didn't have when he was little, the piercing stare he had like he was upset with life, the way he was smile-less in the picture.
The more she looked at the picture, the guiltier she felt, she knew if she had taken him with her, he would still be alive. She could grab the phone right now and call directory assistance and ask for Neil but she didn't know if she'd be able to hear her abuser's voice ever again, even if it was for Billy.
Billy deserved better, she knew that, everyone knew that, his adult life was just starting and it was ripped away from him a little over three months after he turned eighteen. She knew she'd have to go walk the shoreline before the sun rose, she knew she'd have to do something in remembrance of him. For all she knew, he could hate her for what she did but she'd always have love for him, even now when he's long gone.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 months
Your Biggest Fan
by LexiRoseWrites
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Vickie (Stranger Things), Chrissy Cunningham, Dustin Henderson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), The Party (Stranger Things), Billy Hargrove Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Eddie Munson, Omega Steve Harrington, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Past Sexual Assault, Past Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Friendship, Protective Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Good Babysitter Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington-centric, Bottom Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, Panic Attacks, Eventual Smut, Eddie Munson Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names, Babygirl Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has Self-Esteem Issues, Minor Robin Buckley/Vickie, Knotting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, References to Mpreg, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham & Eddie Munson Friendship, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Violence, Mating Bites, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Nightmares, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Flashbacks, Famous Eddie Munson, Masturbation, Praise Kink, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Angst with a Happy Ending, Steve Harrington Needs Therapy, Safewords, Oral Sex, Unsafe Sex, Gentle Sex, Whump, Intersex Omegas, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Rape Recovery Words: 47,688 Chapters: 16/16
All it takes is getting dragged to one Corroded Coffin concert for Steve’s life to change forever. Now he has to find a way to navigate a newfound romance with his famous soulmate while dealing with his complicated past and mothering a pack of preteen pups.
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
hey I love your writing and I was wondering if toy could write Angst with Billy. Where he’s best friends with reader and she’s in love with him and he thinks he’s in love too but when they finally start to date after a while he realizes he just loves her as a friend and he breaks up with her. Could be gender neutral reader if you rather do that. Thank you♥️♥️
Better Off As Friends
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : ^^^^^
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Warnings : Swearing, mentions of underage drinking and one mention of a past sexual experience
Word count : ~ 1.3k
A/N : Requests are open!
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The two of you started off as best friends and you fell fast for the boy from California. You tried to put your feelings off, thinking it was just lust.
You two partied with your friends, the both of you had one too many drinks and it ended with the two of you being tangled with each other in Tommy's guest room, both of you naked and Billy's hair in your mouth.
That was nearly a year ago. Six months after that, Billy claimed he was in love with you, your feelings were reciprocated and you guys began dating. You were in bliss each day with him, he was loving, attentive and so many other things. Billy was an amazing boyfriend for the first four or five months.
You guys have been together for six months now and he was acting weird. The kisses were brief, the "I love you"s were short and nearly emotionless. He hugged you like he did before you guys were ever dating.
The two of you hung out in his bedroom now, a record playing softly in the background as he sorted through his hair products and you flipped through a book that he had. "B." He hummed, not looking up as he threw away something. "Why have you been so short with me? Did I do something?"
He looked up and moved his hair products before patting his bed and you stood up and sat with him, your knees touching his. "I love you." You smiled, "I love you too." He looked at you. "I love you in a different way, babe."
Babe, he always called you that, even before the two of you began dating.
You slowly nodded, trying to wrap your head around it. "So like before?" He nodded. "What changed," you quietly asked him. He sighed, running his fingers through his curls. "I don't know. The first few months were fucking amazing, like they really were but I think I was trying to convince myself that I was in love with you. Of course I love you, we've always established that but I think I may have mixed it up somewhere along the way with being in love with you." You nodded again.
"Why were you trying to convince yourself?" He shrugged because honestly he didn't know. "So you've been faking for six months?" He looked at you, his eyes squinting slightly. "No, I didn't say that." You hummed. "Is it because I wouldn't put out?" He rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed with you now. "You seriously think I'm that shallow? We fucked way before we were together. I didn't give a shit if we fucked."
Your eyes began to get teary, all those Polaroids in your drawer and on your bulletin board, all the sweet love notes he'd slip into the pocket of your jeans, they all meant nothing now. "Hey," he softly said, "get outta your head. You didn't do anything to cause this, okay? I lost whatever feelings that I thought I had. You're always going to be my best friend."
Best friend. That's what did it for you as a few tears fell and he went to wipe them and you moved from his touch. "Don't touch me, please," you took a shuttery breath. You wanted to sob, your chest was hurting, you had to let it out. You stood up and slipped your shoes on, grabbing your things as you wiped your face.
"Where are you going?" You looked over as you gently bit the inside of your cheek, you couldn't cry in front of him. "Home, I'll be late for dinner." He nodded, he knew the excuse was bullshit but he let you leave anyways. You got into your car, putting your visor down as the polaroid stared at you, a picture of the two of you at Lover's Lake, smiles on both of your faces.
You angrily pulled the picture from its clip and threw it to the passenger floorboard as you drove off, fighting back the tears as you drove home. You parked in your driveway and as soon as you unlocked the front door, you rushed to your bedroom, locking the door behind you.
You let yourself fall apart as you sat on your bed, a picture of you and Billy stared at you in a picture frame on your bedside table, a picture of the two of you as a party, way before you even got together. Your shoulders shook as you wiped your face continuously until there was a knock on your bedroom door.
"Babe, hey, Billy's on the phone. He said he wants to talk to you," your mother said on the other side of the door. You cleared your throat. "Tell him I'll call him tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now." You listened to your mom relay the information. "He said it's important." You sighed and wiped your face, looking in the mirror before unlocking your door and she handed you the phone, leaving you alone in the hallway and you sat down on the hardwood floor.
"What?" "Your excuse was bullshit. Your mom said she's not cooking." You rolled your eyes. "Is that all you called for? To see if my mom was cooking? I'm busy." "Busy doing what?" You stayed silent. "Exactly. Um, I had a question." You hummed, shutting your sore eyes as you let your head fall to your knees. "Is our dynamic going to change?" You sighed because yes, the dynamic was going to change.
"Billy, we're never going to be the same. We can try but we'll never go back to the way before we hooked up at Tommy's house." "I know, I just don't want to lose you forever. You're the only person that I care about, I can't just let you go." You wanted to cry at the confession. "Can you come back over? I need one last kiss from you, just one. I know I'm being a selfish mother fucker but babe, please." Your heart clenched as you gripped the phone tighter. "Okay," you let out meekly. "Lover's Lake, fifteen minutes." He hung up and you put the phone back and put your shoes back on as you grabbed your car keys and left.
You drove to the lake as the sun set, watching the colors fade out to darkness before your arrived, parking near the dock, where Billy's Camaro sat, idling with the headlights on and you parked your car, shutting everything off. You got out of the car and he did the same as he led you to the dock and the two of you sat down, a soft breeze came and went a few times as the two of you were silent.
He squeezed your knee and he apologized. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I was feeling." You looked at him and shrugged. "It's fine." He hummed and moved closer to you, two fingers going under your chin so you'd continue to look at him and he tipped your head up slightly before planting his lips on yours and you tasted your long-lost strawberry flavored chapstick on your ex's lips.
You kissed him back before pulling away, moving away from him by a few inches. "I love you," he softly said and you looked out at the sky. "I love you too." Your 'I love you' meant something different than his but you'd settle for the love he had for you because you'd rather him love you as his best friend than not love you at all.
"I should get back home," you quietly said and he nodded and the two of you stood up before going to your respected cars and instead of going straight home, you took back roads around the small town, knowing that kiss that the two of you just shared would be the last.
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Would It Be Better
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy's girlfriend struggles a lot with her mental health and he feels like he can't do anything for her but just hold her and tell her she'll be okay.
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Warnings : Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, mentions of past self-harm (cutting), brief mention of a failed suicide attempt (overdose), Billy cries a little, swearing, angst, fluff at the end
Word count : 838 words
A/N : This piece is dealing with many heavy topics that I have been dealing with for the past nearly four months. Please, please, please read the warnings because many of them are triggering and I will completely understand if you skip this. Don't be afraid to reach out if you need help. OOC!Billy.
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He didn't know what to do. His heart raced, his brain pounded against his skull, his palms began to sweat. He heard the comment she made today in class, she whispered it under her breath but still he heard it.
"Maybe it would be better if I just left forever."
Now he sat in her room, her face looked lifeless, her eyes lost all light and it pained him, he swore his heart was going to stop. "Baby," he quietly said, "I want to help you but you gotta tell me what's going on." She sniffled and wiped her face, her hands covered by the red lifeguard hoodie that she adorned, the red lifeguard hoodie that she stole from him months prior during the summer, claiming he didn't need it.
"B, it's too hot for a hoodie. You don't need it right now."
His closet never saw the hoodie again. the hanger now had no purpose, just like how his girlfriend felt, purposeless, hopeless, worthless. "It h-hurts," she stuttered out, her breath trying not to catch in her throat. "What hurts, baby? Can you tell me?" She patted her chest twice and he wasn't sure if it was because she was crying or if an anxiety attack was going to start.
Billy moved closer to her, sitting on the edge of her bed and she reached for his hand and he let her take it as she squeezed it tightly, trying to reassure herself that he was indeed there with her. "Are you getting bad again," he softly asked and she nodded, not wanting to break down in front of him, she had to be strong, she had to be.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She shrugged, her breath choppy as she tried to inhale. "Didn't want to bu-burden you." He shook his head, "No, there's another reason, tell me what it is." She shook her head, her hands fidgeting and Billy caught it. "Are you cutting again?" She shook her head, "No."
"Can I see?" She nodded, putting her arms out and Billy rolled the sleeves up, her arms clean besides the fading scars that she made months ago, when he first found out about her depression. He fixed the sleeves, kissing her hands gently as he held them. "Tell me what's going on. I'm not gonna get upset, okay? It's not good to keep your stuff bottled up." She nodded and breathed, trying to calm herself down.
"I wanna die," she softly said, trying to make her voice soft enough that he wouldn't hear it but he did and his heart stopped and his stomach dropped. The same feeling he gets on rollercoasters and he hates rollercoasters, seen final destination too many times. "I feel so worthless and so useless, like I shouldn't be here." Billy squeezed her hand, letting her talk. "When did you start thinking like this?" She shrugged, "Last night."
Billy nodded, "Did you plan on," he had to stop himself, his throat was tightening at the thought of burying his girlfriend and he cleared his throat, "did you plan on doing it?" Seconds went by and no response, "I don't know," her voice was weak, ready to give up. "It's just too much, Billy and I don't know if I can keep going." Billy bit his lip, trying not to cry, he couldn't cry in front of her now.
"And I love you, I love you so much, B but it just hurts so fucking badly," she was breaking in front of him, everything crumbling before him. "Do you remember what I told you after you tried to take those pills?" She nodded, not looking at him before speaking, "You go, I go." Billy nodded, "Exactly because goddamnit, I can't fucking do this without you. I know it's hard but baby, I'm here, okay?"
He paused for a moment, his vision blurred with his tears as a few fell onto their connected hands. "I know it's hard to talk about this stuff but I'm not going to bury my fucking girlfriend all because I couldn't save her, do you understand?" She nodded and fell into his chest, her body shaking as she cried and Billy held her tightly because now he knew that she could slip through his grasp.
"I love you and I need you here with me. We can get you help but you have to be honest, you can't sugarcoat like you usually do." She nodded against his chest and Billy kissed the top of her head, holding her head tightly to his chest so she could listen to his heartbeat, how it beats for her. He rubbed her back with his other hand, letting her cry against him as he put his head on hers and cried with her.
They held each other tightly, too afraid to let go of each other but they knew she would get the help she needed and Billy knew that everything would be okay, whenever she decided that it would be okay.
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