#billy in the first letter he sends tommy from hawkins:”you’ll NEVER fucking guess how PRETTY this guy from my school is”
sailorbuckley · 2 years
tomgrove took over my brain today and i’m thinking what if tommy was billy’s childhood friend instead? he’d be more tame and genuine because he doesn’t have to perform for the popular crowd he’s a part of but he’s still loud and dumb and billy likes that. tommy stays at the beach with him until it’s dark just because he knows billy wants to spend as much time outside his house as possible. billy tries to teach tommy how to surf but he has zero balance so he just ends up watching billy from the shore telling him how cool he is every single time, beaming. they try to determine who has more freckles and they know it’s tommy but they’re not sure anymore because the sun keeps revealing new ones on billy’s skin. tommy always has the most stupid ideas and billy never says no because he knows he’s about to have fun and he really needs it. billy always covers for tommy with his parents and throws pebbles at his window when he comes to pick him up instead of ringing the doorbell like a normal person and tommy silently – he learns how to keep quiet just for billy – comes to billy’s window to keep him company or snucks funny or sweet notes in his backpack to find at home later when he knows it’s a day in which billy really doesn’t wanna see anyone. tommy has the most corny taste in music and they act super dramatic when the other is in charge of choosing the music. maybe they have other friends but they always end up gravitating towards each other. you can imagine them being each other’s first kiss or you can imagine tommy not judging billy, ever, no matter what he confesses to him. but don’t imagine when billy has to move. him finding tommy sitting on the steps outside his house and telling him to go away because neil’s home and it’s late, tommy’s cheeks are already wet when he tells him that susan told his mom so he knows, asking him why didn’t he tell him, billy going silent, going cold, saying there’s nothing to tell. tommy kicking the concrete and walking back home. but don’t worry, tommy’s mom forces him to go help his friend packing and they do just that, in complete silence, neil’s steps around the house as he packs his own stuff make tommy nearly lose his mind but he keeps packing billy’s shirts and billy’s books and billy’s records and smiling sympathetically at max when he passes by her because he senses things are about to get so much worse. and when they’re done he looks at billy who looks so pathetic standing there, like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, so tommy walks up to him and hugs him tight, whispers i’m gonna miss you and you better keep in touch and i’m gonna keep your surf board until you’re back and billy stands there with his arms at his sides, fists so tight they’re trembling, and presses his face against the crook of tommy’s neck, inhales the salt of the ocean and the sweetness of the sunshine and hopes the kiss he leaves on tommy’s shoulder conveys everything he can’t bring himself to say.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hi!! I was just curious about Nancy and Jonathan’s relationship in your mango series! I was wondering if Nancy was an alpha? If she is, does that mean that Jonathan is a Beta or an Omega? Kids??? I have so many questions and am way too invested in this tiny part of this universe lol Please feel free to make this into a part with Steve and Billy talking to them about pups and bonding if you would like.
Part 29
I realized I literally haven’t mentioned the Wheelers this entire time rip to them I guess
Also I’m using this part as background to everything esp how Billy and Steve got together. Also no monster au I guess? tbh this part just made me realize NONE of this series is thought out
I literally never established a timeline, so I’ve decided it makes more sense for Billy to come to Hawkins earlier. You’ll see lmao. (this started as a little nonsense thing so the timeline of the whole Mango series is so whack pls no one try and do the math)
+I had traumatic emergency surgery on my uterus several years ago, so I’ve based all of Steve’s stuff on that
Steve dated Nancy Wheeler for about a month.
He was always drawn to fiery alphas, liked when they had sharp tongues, weren’t afraid to speak their mind. He liked ‘em smart.
Nancy seemed perfect to him, but Nancy didn’t like how much work omegas were. They needed constant reassurance of love, so much touching and cuddling, and that’s just not how she operates.
They had been casually dating for about a month early in her sophomore year when he asked her to spend his heat with him. She knew that meant he was serious about her, and let him down as gently as she could.
He didn’t take it too hard, and even invited her to a party he was throwing at his big empty house.
That was the first night she really talked to Jonathan Byers.
Their families had always been close, and they had been uncomfortable acquaintances for a long time, but she found him making a pip out of an apple, sat in the kitchen with him and got stoned for the very first time.
They were sitting close to one another, leaning closer, about to kiss when there was a splash outside, there was screaming.
They rushed out to see Steve Harrington, wet and shaking in the cold November night air, doing CPR on, on Barb.
He yelled at Tommy H., told him to call an ambulance.
Barb looked bad. Her lips were tinged blue, her skin pale.
She sank down next to her. Jonathan gently touching her back.
Most of the kids ran when they heard authorities were coming.
She held Barb’s freezing hand until the paramedics arrived.
Steve hadn’t stopped doing CPR the entire time had heard Barb’s ribs crack and splinter from the force.
The paramedics called it.
Steve was never really the same after that. He had become more withdrawn, had quit the swim team and stopped throwing big parties, he started babysitting Dustin Henderson, ended up babysitting most of the party soon enough.
He was still nice to Nancy, would ask her and Jonathan to hang out sometimes. She always thought he was sweet that he was a big heart. Hell, she sat there while he did CPR on her best friend for twenty minutes, but it was easier with Jon. As a beta, she didn’t have to be someone she wasn’t just to keep him from emotional breakdown.
But then Billy Hargrove rolled into town in the beginning of the summer, was all California golden, a big imposing alpha, and she began seeing less and less of Steve.
She thought it was just a summer fling, Billy didn’t seem like the type to stick around for very long, didn’t seem like the monogamous type.
Steve had a bad habit of trusting alphas too quickly, had been with alphas that just wanted to be able to say they’d fucked a male omega.
They were so uncommon, and usually these alphas were just curious, knew male omegas were the only presentation identifiable at birth due to their genitals, had wanted to see for themselves.
But Billy stuck around, starting hanging around Steve wherever he was, joining him when he spent time with the party, or with Jonathan and Nancy.
Billy was starting to grow on her more, as she watched and realized he loved Steve, that he wanted to be as clingy as Steve needed.
They would go on double dates sometimes, and Billy would pull Steve to sit on his lap just as often as Steve would plop himself on Billy’s lap. So she guesses they’re kind of a match made in heaven.
And then Steve got pregnant.
And she expected Billy to run for the hills, but he didn’t. Got kicked out of his house for Steve, changed his whole world for Steve and their pup, and at this point, they were four years in, had two happy pups and we in the process of moving into their first house.
She and Jon hadn’t even talked marriage yet, let alone bonding, were focusing on getting through school.
They had both gone to New York without even consulting one another, decided they didn’t want each other’s college choices to affect the other, that they should pick the best school for themselves.
When they revealed to one another, Jon showed her his acceptance to NYU, his dream school, while Nancy had handed him her Columbia letter.
She got regular updates from Steve, letters stuffed full with photographs and weekly reports. She contacted a bakery local to him to send him a cake when he called and excitedly told her that he had finally gotten his GED, had dropped out of high school in the February of his senior year when he got kicked out of his house, when he was the talk of the whole damn town.
“Letter from Steve.” Jonathan placed the rest of the mail on the counter, ripping open the envelope. “He put in updated pictures of the girls, look.” Nancy cooed over the photos. There was a gorgeous one of all four of them at the beach, Steve had infant Zara strapped to his chest, Billy was holding Mina. It was so cute. “He said they finished painting the house and should be moving in this week.”
“He mention how he was doing?”
“Of course not, have you met him? The only reason we actually knew he almost fucking died was because Billy called us.”
“I guess you’re right.” She was still flipping through photos. “Oh look at this one!” It was Steve caught mid laugh while Mina was doing him hair behind him. “We should go out to California soon to see them. Especially once they’re in their house.
“I’m gonna write Steve back, maybe we could go for New Year’s, or something.” She smiled up at him, stretching on her toes to kiss his jaw.
“I think that sounds nice.”
Mina was currently in the process of showing Jonathan every single toy she owned.
His lap was full of plastic food, blocks, dolls, stuffed animals, books, everything. She was talking excitedly about her little toy Camaro, the one that looked just like Daddy’s!
Nancy was just laughing as Jonathan nodded along patiently. He talked to her like she was an adult, asking her details about each toy in a very serious voice.
Steve slowly set himself on the couch. His abdomen still sore from surgery a few months ago. He was holding Zara, all dressed up in a little onesie that looked hand-knitted.
“How are you doing?” Steve rolled his eyes. Jon and Nancy kept asking.
“Nance, I’m fine. Just sore is all.” He kept dodging her real questions. She knew that the doctor had told Steve there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to be pregnant again, knew it was probably weighing on him. She just looked back and Jon.
“How is Mina doing with Zara? I remember when Mike was born I wanted nothing to do with him.” Steve laughed, bouncing Zara a little.
“She loves her. I swear if she could get me and Billy outta the picture, she would rather raise Zara on her own.” Zara gave a little choked off wail. “Sweet Pea, you are fine.” He put her on his chest, patting her back. “How’s school and everything?”
“It’s good! Jon’s going to end up graduating a semester early, so he’ll be finished by this time next year.”
“Oh, wow. Good for him!”
“I hear you left work, how’s that going?” Steve shrugged.
“They could only offer me one month of leave, and with the surgery and everything, I needed much longer. But you know I don’t mind staying home with these two. I mean, Mina’s in full day preschool now, just Monday to Thursday, but Zara is pretty fussy, so it’s okay. Once she’s not breastfeeding anymore, I’ll probably find a new job.”
“And Billy’s school is going okay?”
“Oh you know him, just overachieving at every stage. He had to cut back on his hours at the garage, he got a really nice internship at a law firm in town, and he’s actually getting paid for it.” Billy had been studying pre-law at UCSD, wanted to go into some kind of prosecution, possibly specialize in domestic cases. His internship was more personal assistant work to one of the partners of the firm, but it was better money than the garage, and something to beef up his resume a bit more.
Steve could hear the garage door beginning to rumble and whine as it slid up.
“Speak of the devil.” He smiled at Billy as he came in, kicking off his shoes. Mina sprinted up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, standing on his feet as he walked over to everyone.
“You talkin’ ‘bout me, Pretty Boy?” He picked up Mina so he could perch on the armrest next to Steve, giving him a kiss.
“All good things. Kind of.”  Nancy doesn’t think she’s ever seen Billy Hargrove in a suit. He loosened his tie, had take off his jacket to place into the coats closet, was currently rolling up his crisp sleeves. She could see edges of a few tattoos. She knew he and Steve had each gotten each others initials on their shoulder blades, adding the pups initials underneath them both. Apparently Billy was beginning to work on sleeves. “How was work?”
“Eh. Same old.” He shrugged, putting Mina down to go back to “playing” with Jonathan. He lifted Zara from Steve. “How are you doin’, Nancy? How’s the Big Apple?”
She waved a hand non-noncommittally. “Oh, it’s good. Jon’s working for some underground paper, shooting for punk shows.” Billy grinned.
“Well done, Byers. I’m sure your kid brother’s plenty jealous.” Jonathan laughed.
“He’s come up for a few of the shows he’s really wanted to see. Which is to say most of them.” The timer went off from the kitchen. Steve went to stand, only to have Billy push him back down, handing Zara back to him.
“Sit tight, Pretty Boy. I got it.” Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled softly at Billy all the same.
“He was a nightmare when we were moving in, wouldn’t let me lift anything over ten pounds.”
After dinner, Steve and Billy tag teamed putting the girls to bed.
It was kind of amazing to watch. Billy got Mina dressed for bed as Steve fed Zara, then they swapped, Steve made sure Mina brushed her teeth while Billy changed Zara, swapping again so that Billy could read a book to Mina and Steve rocked Zara to sleep.
They were so practiced and efficient, both girls were asleep with half an hour.
“You get a lot of practice with the bedtime thing. I mean, it’s every night.” They were sitting on the back porch, on patio furniture that had apparently been a gift from Claudia Henderson.
It was a perfect night, the Southern California air was just chilly enough to warrant a sweater, but perfect for just being in.
“There’s a park a few blocks that way that’s doing fireworks, we should be able to see them from here.” Steve had poured them each some champagne. Steve and Billy were sitting one the chairs across the little coffee table between them.
They chattered through as the clock ticked down, getting closer and closer to 1989.
Ten seconds to midnight, Billy helped Steve stand up. Five seconds to midnight, Jonathan was digging in his pocket.
The fireworks began as Steve pressed his lips to Billy’s. Nancy turned to do the same, choking on a gasp as she saw Jon down on one knee. Steve shrieked, scrambling for a camera.
“I wanted this to be the first thing I did this year.” Billy was grinning like an idiot, Steve was taking picture after picture, his big eyes full of tears. “I know you want to establish our lives before bonding or having pups, and that’s okay, we can just be engaged for a couple years, whatever you want.” Nancy had one hand in front of her mouth, tears dripping down her cheeks. “Whatdya say?”
“Oh my god, absolutely yes!” Billy and Steve cheered as Jon stood up, kissing Nancy before sliding the ring on her finger.
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