The Fruit Fix
About a year and some months back I reached a low point in my life. I left my job of 6 years after feeling stagnated and under appreciated. My music career was totally stifled and I felt like nobody cared about my art. I abandoned my healthy plant based diet, ate whatever the fuck I wanted and entered a full on alcoholic depression. I’m talking about breakfast beers on an empty stomach, being the first guy at happy hour, then waiting for the day to start over so I could do it again. It was rough.
One day, after making shitty, non-focused music for 6 hours, I went out for beers and dinner. My sandwich was delicious but I started getting violent hiccups and gnarly heartburn. It was very strange. I went to my girlfriends house and tried to sleep it off but my stomach wouldn’t let me sleep. No healthcare, so I called my cousin who works at Kaiser and she got me an out of pocket appointment. $200 for an asshole in a Hawaiian shirt to pat me on my back a couple times and tell me to stop drinking for awhile. No drunk wants to hear this, but it was good advice. I listened. For a bit.
I started to feel better, but my yearly pilgrimage to Tijuana for the fabled Tequila Expo was right around the corner. (I highly recommend you check it out before you die. If you’re into that stuff.)
“Should I go and drink myself stupid if I just got over this mystery ailment?. YES I FUCKING SHOULD. I deserve it”.
I went hard for 4 nights and was awoken on the last day of the trip by an excruciating pulsation in my abdomen. It was terrible. My cousin’s husband is a doctor, came to the Tequila Expo, was very upset that I didn’t tell him about it before we partied. He said I probably had pancreatitis and I needed to get some blood work. I had also noticed my stool was super oily and I knew something was very wrong. After a couple weeks of stomach pain, back pain when I ate, and scraping together bar tips, I got a test done on my pancreatic enzymes. The results were humbling.
One of the 4 enzymes our pancreas creates and shoots into our stomach while eating is called Lipase, and it helps to break down and digest fat. Any and all, good or bad, fat is IMPORTANT. It turns out my lipase level was almost non-existent. I had essentially burned a portion of my pancreas with a monsoon of alcohol and shitty fatty foods (aka Acidosis), and because of it, I couldn’t digest my food properly. I found out through a ton of research that I likely had chronic pancreatitis and EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency). Western medicine deems it irreversible. All signs pointed to FUCKED.
Google had me convinced my life as I knew it was over. I was losing weight at an alarming rate because my body was essentially eating all of the fat off of itself. I was in chronic pain every day and was having a very hard time not drinking to numb it. I was legitimately scared for my life for the first time. I got so skinny in just 4 months that my mom started crying when she saw me.I didn’t want to do shit, my relationship with my girlfriend started to suffer, I was resentful, and deep down I knew it wasn’t anybody’s fault but my own.
I signed up for Medi-Cal (free health care for broke people) and found a doctor here in Oakland. She was utterly clueless and was of no help. Drowning in frustration, I decided that I could either give up and wait to die, or strap on a set of balls and do what I could to clean out my body and AT LEAST ease some of the pain.
This is when I discovered a whole different world. The natural healing of the human body. The shit NOBODY in PHARMA or your fucking moron doctor, who gets a bonus every time he gives out a flu shot, wants you to know.
The world of FRUIT, JUICE, HERBS, and FASTING.
FAST FORWARD: I have since regenerated and restored my pancreas. Not 100% but it is making lipase again and my digestion is WAY BETTER. I still have a long way to go but I’m so hopeful and grateful to not be in a state of perpetual sadness anymore.
The rest of this piece will simply be a recap of how I got well, and my hope is that you can take some information and better your health. You don’t have to go as hardcore as I did, but I promise these changes will impact your life greatly, bring back your vitality, and ensure your life is long and healthy.
First off, all of the information I’m going to give you is already out there. Its hidden, and protected by the medical world, but you can find it. There are so many resources and wonderful people trying to help others. (Look up Dr. Robert Morse, Dr. Sebi’s Food List, Arnold Ehret, The Grape Cure by Johanna Brendt etc…..Youtube is your friend!) You just have to seek them out and stop listening to the talking heads on TV. (You can listen to the band Talking Heads, they’re excellent.) I’m not gonna worry about citing sources because frankly, I want you to research this shit yourself and activate the part of your brain dedicated to seeking out HELPFUL information. Not a fucking celebrity’s net worth. Or the score of some sporting event. I also don’t care if you believe me. I DID THIS SHIT. IT WORKED. IT WAS HARD, BUT IT FUCKING WORKED.
Why fruit? Fruit is delicious and abundant. Whoever you believe designed this world, designed fruit to be our best friend. It grows on trees. You can just grab it. They’re bright and come in all kinds of cool and crazy colors. This why humans have color vision. Our ancestors had to evolve and identify which ones were ripe and consumable.You can’t miss them. It is the best source of direct energy, an extraordinary cleanser of your body and extremely important to your lymphatic system AKA your waste management. Your lymph system is astonishingly long and amazingly efficient, but it’s not invincible. If your lymphatic system gets backed up and isn’t flowing correctly, you are fucked. If the garbage can’t be taken out, it starts stacking up. If it stacks up high enough, it becomes apart of you. This is where “disease” manifests. Your diet. The shit you put inside you. If you have a healthy fruit intake, your lymphatic system can flow like a powerful river and you won’t have any problems. Fruit is not a snack. It’s a god damned life force. Veggies, nuts, and seeds are also important parts of our diet but the focus of this essay is to help people with ailments who need to detox quickly and efficiently. Veggies are great but they can be hard on your digestive system so its best to avoid them while healing/detoxing.
What about sugar? Isn’t there too much in fruit? Fuck no. That’s misinformation for the masses. Fruit sugar is the best thing you could possibly ingest and is the most digestible thing known to humans. Your body doesn’t even have to convert it. Chemically speaking, it is made up of exactly what humans are made of. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. It IS us. Now, if you eat 47 plums YOU WILL SHIT YOUR PANTS. There is such a thing as too much fruit AT ONE TIME. You will know. Figure it out. Stop eating until your full. Eat until you feel energized.
PS: There’s also a system for combining the foods you eat properly, based on how long it takes for certain things to digest. For example melons digest extremely fast so its best to eat it alone, whereas nuts and seeds can take 4–5 hours to digest. Look it up, it can help you avoid getting gassy and bloated.
We are the only species who cooks their food. Yes, cooked food is great and tasty and all things wonderful BUT when you cook food, you destroy digestive enzymes, nutrients, and minerals. This can back up your colon, which is responsible for all of your nutrient absorption. So, if you don’t balance your diet with RAW foods, which are easily digestible, you can create problems. If you feel sluggish, overweight, tired, bloated, depressed, or helpless, RESET the balance of cooked food and raw food in your life. Eat only fruits and veggies for a couple days. See how you feel.
You’re not fat, you just eat a lot of things that stick around in your gut and colon.
If you have $400 to invest your health, BUY A FUCKING JUICER. Eating the fruit is great, but juicing is where it’s at. The idea of juicing is to give your digestive system a break so your body can tend to everything it needs to fix inside itself.The juice requires minimal effort from your body to process, but provides all the nutrients and hydration you need to sustain a good energy level. The less your body has to digest, the less it has to work. The less it has to work, the longer you’ll live. Simple as that. We eat too much in this country and that’s why many people are overweight, sick, and unable to help themselves.
I know it sounds expensive but please hear me out. How many hundreds of dollars do you spend on alcohol, material items, and decadent but ultimately hurtful food? Probably more than $400. If not, good for you, but don’t be dishonest with yourself. This is about being accountable for your health. Invest in your betterment. Now. Not after you get sick. Trust me.
Fresh juice is the best possible breakfast you can make yourself. Replace your coffee routine with a juice routine. Coffee and caffeine are artificial energy sources that will hurt you in the long run. They are horrible for digestion. That’s why you shit so violently when you drink it. Your body hates it. It’ll fuck up your kidneys, adrenal glands, and can permanently damage your ability to naturally produce serotonin. (Serotonin is like the ONLY free drug. Don’t fuck that up.) Juice will wake your ass up for real.
What kind of juicer you ask? This is important. You want a SLOW, MASTICATING juicer. This means it uses pure natural pressure to physically squeeze the juice out and separate the fiber. Most juicers sold in stores (Breville, I’m looking at you) or in juice bars are BLADED and use heat to SHRED the fruit. This is no good. It damages the molecular structure YADDA YADDA IT SUCKS and it damages the nutrients! This defeats the whole damn purpose.These cheap ass juicers are wack. You get what you pay for. SLOW MASTICATING is what you want. Mine is made by Hurom and it is an absolute horse. I’ve used it three to four times a day for a year now. Look online, shop around, and pick the one that works for you.
Anything with high water content and seeds (See Dr. Sebi info about seeded fruits)
Grapes (Seeded). I did a 20 day grape juice only fast and holy fuck did it clean my colon out.
Melons (Watermelon especially! Cantaloupe too.)
Key Limes (seeded) with ginger (!)
Anything else with high juice content!
If you can’t get a juicer then go for smoothies, but avoid almond milk or any other fillers. Yes these things are delicious but they obstruct the work of the fruit.
There are plants and roots on this planet that have amazing healing properties because of their nutrient and mineral content. I advise you to look into this for yourself but here is a list of herbs I have used to speed up my recovery, cleanse my blood, and help my body repair itself. I’ll also list where I typically purchase them.
Seamoss aka Irish Moss (94 of 102 minerals our bodies need) https://alkalineveganshop.com/
Burdock Root (Blood, Lymph Cleaner) (Available online or at health food stores, Sprouts)
Black Sarsparilla (Iron content off the charts!)
Dandelion Root (Liver) (Available online or at health food stores, Sprouts)
GI Broom (Potent colon cleanser, 16 ingredients, scrubs out and soothes GI tract, https://www.drmorsesherbalhealthclub.com/
There’s a lot of hype about water and staying hydrated. Now, drinking water is great. Water comprises 60% of our bodies. The problem is that companies like Nestle (etc.) have privatized drinking water and created a plastic-ridden market and nobody knows which water is actually acceptable to buy.
The truth is that water doesn’t really hydrate you. Electrolytes do. Water is great for flushing out our bodies and keeping things moving but the electrolytes we need are mostly found in fruit, sea salt, and other food sources. Most of the water sold to us doesn’t contain natural electrolytes, just synthetic ones that our body can’t absorb. BOTTLED? ALKALINE? DISTILLED? TAP? (FUCK NO) PLASTIC? SINGLE USE?
Fuck it all. Eat your water. Eat more fruit. Thirsty? Eat a piece of fruit. Keep that shit stocked. Keep them thangs on you.
(If your going to buy water, I suggest natural spring water in a glass container)
Go to different stores than you normally would. Support family owned produce markets. Latin and Central american markets have fire produce. Asian markets too. Safeway does not. Major chains typically have lackluster produce with hella pesticides even though they’re labeled organic. FARMERS MARKETS! Look for wild exotic shit. How many bars have you gone to? 300 million. Seek out dope fruit spots too. Don’t cheap out on your health. It’s all you really have. So many people are getting sick. Between the food, the phones, the pollutants, free-flowing chemicals etc…we need to push back in some way. At least we can control what we eat.
Washing Fruit:
I use a 10% vinegar, 90% water mix with a table spoon of baking soda to wash my fruits. Anything with an edible skin needs to be washed, regardless if its organic.
I am not a doctor. You should research THE FUCK out of this before you try it, but trust me when I tell you that FASTING is the best medicine for you and is an ANCIENT practice.
There are many types of fasting, some of them popular in mainstream society. I use a technique called “dry fasting” which involves no eating or drinking for long periods of time. It has helped me immensely, with my record being 80 hours. These fasts are like hard resets for your body, and I was able to eliminate chronic pain and regenerate cells that were long fucked off. Think of it as putting your phone on the charger and leaving it to charge, undisturbed. Your body has the ability to heal itself, if you give it proper rest time. Sometimes I eat fruit or drink juice for 6–8 hours and then dry fast for the remaining 16–18 hours. Look into it and be very careful. You can’t jump into shit like this. Typically, you want to eat raw foods for a month, juice only for a couple weeks then implement the fasting. You can damage your body if you break a fast in the wrong way or go too long. It is a powerful practice not to be taken lightly.
THE END: In summation, try to eat more raw foods/fruits, buy a juicer if you can, and let’s stop being an idiotic, sick population of people who buy what we’re sold, and die from very avoidable health problems.
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
Good friends of mine. These guys rule
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
why u so morbid
stay out them bars kid
losers don't get gold stars kid
watch imma bring my brews to tu casa
me and a vargas, hair naturally parted
in a vest playing chess with some cat from sumatra
allst while chillin con tu madre
brown boots looking like a 1970s padre
orange and yellow compliment my mane
the sound of the fellow might moisten thy dame
moissanite rap chaps, all up in the frame
i hoist my cap to the sad sap, simple and plain
oil based wizardry, over the headboard
wallowing in misery, blasting the dead boys
text from the ex, oh joy….
putting me together 
like legos and k'nex boy
hey bro hey man hey dude
stand over there please
hand over your beez, look at my hair
break a chair over anybody who dare care
anarchism and fan art its up in the air
uppity people get pelted with pears
everybody else pay the fare 
get on the bus
sit in the seat try to adjust, (inhale the must)
be ready when the boom goes bust
100% american steel
factory sealed, so very real
everything is fucked
everyone is broke
all this shit is bunk
everything is hard
except for getting blown on the bicycle boulevard
lips on the flaps, take a break, puff wax
stickin like im 7 beers deep at the broken rack, 
very exciting stuff
bury my nose in the muff
writing my prose in the buff
old crow sittin in the cup
hopin its enough
enough to get me home, spoken like a drunk
look at my drawings girl, drew em meself
on an isolated beach
while talking to the kelp
like aye, no me toques guey
i handle matters in the coldest way
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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Missouri Lounge, Berkeley, CA
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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1. Do As Your Mum Says
2. Turning Circles
3. Misery Lounge
4. Woes N' Yak
5. Whiskey Partner
6. Hash It Out
7. To Be Fair
8. Psylo
9. Strawberry Creek
10. Multipurpose Man
11. Nail Beds
12. Bibimbap
13. Stitches
14. Luxury Penthouse (Basement)
15. Landlocked Tortoise
16. Word Search
17. He's Grown A Tail!
Produced Entirely by Static Jon
Guitar on #6 and #9 by Nick Delgado
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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mumblsinhissleep-blog · 10 years
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