#billy the kid goat
7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 06/02/2024
He is Back.
Season 6 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by eg_9371
Requested by Alex Worm and an anonymous reader!
Hey, so, SiIva Team - what the fuck is the deal with the goat?
Like, SiIvaGunner hasn't exactly been a stranger to creepy rips, particularly during its early years. On *** EVERYTHING IS FINE ***, for instance, I talked about the legendary horror that rips of the game "Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race" have instilled into the audience thanks to just one rip back in Season 1, and we of course have Netyasha Roozi's excellent annual PlayStation Console BIOS rips of every Halloween, such as Play In MissingNo's Station. Yet, for as ominous and spooky as these rips are, I at least feel like I sort of GET them. Even four years on from its debut on the channel, I still don't know what the hell to make of "the standing goat".
Beginning with a rip of Cave Story's Mimiga Town theme back in Season 4 Episode 2, the confusion was immediately apparent - the 10 second video featured in the rip is from a moderately-popular Instagram post describing the goat statue's creepiness factor, and the song used is an arrangement of Pissy Pamper by Young Nudy and Playboi Carti - to my knowledge, with zero actual relation to one another. And sure, Mimigas in Cave Story are fuzzy little guys in an ominous world, that kind of befits the standing goat video - but the thing was, after this video's explosion in confusing reception, the goat just KEPT showing up. He would be recreated in different per-game artstyles like Deltarune and Ace Attorney, yet never properly...explained?
Yet, most bizarre of all, it seems as if for a small while the channel was playing at some sort of culmination to all of its buildup. During DJ Professor K's one-day takeover, an otherwise inconspicuous rip had the message "He is coming." hidden in its description - only for said rip to be followed up by Game Over/Password - Altered Beast, an arrangement of Pissy Pamper that effectively jumpscares you with the goat's presence by the end of it. The message hidden in its description? "He is here. Run.". And this Altered Beast rip was also part of an already-existing pattern with rips featuring the goat: "Memory", "Mysterious Crash", "Good Night", "Game Over" - several rips utilizing the creature seemed to explicitly be hinting at something far more ominous than what the video alone lets on.
Which brings us to the first true descent into this madness, one that stood out like nothing else quite did during Season 6's Halloween event: He is Back. In an event otherwise characterized by its lighthearted use of David S. Pumpkins, in-universe contextualized as little more than a fun halloween party, there's something yet more unsettling about the goat we've all been wondering about, reappearing in a rip that feels flat-out dangerous in atmosphere. The messages from the video description continue, this time saying - "Look behind you. I said, look behind you." - as if there's someone we aren't aware of attempting to save us from whatever this...creature is trying to achieve on the channel. Althewhile, the Pissy Pamper audio instrumental added on top makes what's otherwise primarily garbled noise from P.T.'s radio stations turn into a...surprisingly listenable, sort of glitch-hop-like banger?
The video end by leaving us with more questions than answers, as the video abruptly cuts to an error screen with the words "HE IS HERE" repeating over and over in many languages. And since He is Back's upload, we've...barely seen the goat anywhere. There's been yet one more possible development to his story, during Season 7's "The Cult of Proto" event, yet his fate and relevance to the channel remains as mysterious as it did many years ago.
For all that has and hasn't happened in the later Seasons of SiIvaGunner, I truly do love that mysteries like this still linger within the channel's mythos. And yeah, deep down I do know that these goat videos aren't meant to be amounting to anything bigger - they're just a silly, bizarre in-joke that's gradually taken on more and more creepy undertones. But there is something genuinely fun about that progression even having happened in the first place, isn't there? The goat could've easily just been left as one of many wacky out-of-nowhere jokes that Season 4s episodes debuted, yet he's been quietly sticking around, used by a small handful of rippers who seemingly have more in stock for the little guy than one would first think.
I, for one, welcome our good friend Billy with open arms.
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yeoldenews · 6 months
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I will be the goat.
(source: The Breckenridge News, December 19, 1917.)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
pulling out of the angst listening to "A Pirate Today" for the chaggie spear kid and tripping directly into them and vaggie being pirate nerds together while disney princess charlie SUFFERS
Billy: “Mom? How come mom has a super cool epic eyepatch, and no one else at the hotel does?”
Charlie: “Be-caaauuse she’s… missing an eye?”
Billy: “Oh! Why’s it missing?”
Charlie: “Uh.”
Billy: “Did someone TAKE it?”
Charlie: “Well-”
Billy: “Are we gonna get it back for her?”
Charlie: “That's a nice thought but I don’t think-”
Billy: “Was it glass, like a marble? Or was it REAL? Did it bleed?? Did someone cut it out of her head with a knife after she refused their dastardly orders and paid the price in her own flesh!? Is that how she met YOU and lost her heart as well!???”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “You’ve been reading Vaggie’s pirate books again, haven’t you.”
Billy: “She says I’m too young to read ‘em.”
Charlie: “Uh-huh. Which one are you on?”
Billy: “The Curse of the Skeleton Crew and the Bedding of Bonnie Bodyripper’s Beautiful Bounty Huntress.”
Charlie: “And the WHAT OF THE WHAT NOW???”
Billy: “There’s a lot of boring parts I skip past… but the fights are AMAZING!”
Charlie: “…I.. think we should get you some of your own pirate books. CHILD APPROPRIATE pirate books.”
Billy: “’kay. But what about mom’s eye. Can we really not get it back for her?”
Charlie: “You’re really hung up on the eye thing tonight huh.”
Billy: “She bumped into a table again.”
Charlie: “Aww, kiddo- she’s done that so many times, she’ll be okay!”
Billy: “… I was the one who’d moved it. And didn’t put it back.”
Charlie: “That’s okay too. Everyone makes mistakes-”
Billy: “It was a pirate ship and she was picking up the old bottles uncle Husky let me use for secret messages, after aunty Angel Dust almost slipped on one in his heels. Mom dropped some when the table bumped her.”
Charlie: “Well sounds like someone forgot to sing their ‘clean up, clean up’ sea shanty song~” (grins)
Billy: (doesn't grin back)
Charlie: (droops) “Did you help her spiff up the ship?”
Billy: “I was TRYING to! I just wanted to hand her a bottle, only I was on the wrong side and she reached out too far and touched my hand and-”
Billy: “…”
Charlie: “…the flinching again?”
Billy: “The bottle broke when she dopped it, that time.”
Charlie: “It’s okay.” (hugs them) “You know it’s not about you, right?”
Billy: “Someone hurt her didn’t they.”
Charlie: “Mm." (hugs tighter) "Vaggie’s had a pretty, adventurous life, even before I met her and we started the whole hotel thing.”
Billy: “Did the person who hurt her look like me?”
Charlie: “Oh baby that’s not why-”
Billy: “So they did.”
Charlie: “NO. Not at all. They don’t have your big smile or silly laugh like you do.” (hugs them closer) “There’s no one anywhere who’s like you, and Vaggie doesn’t want you to be anyone else ever.”
Billy: "Were they a bad person?"
Charlie: "I don't do the whole bad-person good-person. They were. Not nice."
Billy: "Like a pirate?"
Charlie: "I think calling them that'd be an insult. To the pirates."
Billy: “….was mom a pirate with them?”
Charlie: “She… she’s more of a pirate now, kinda. One of the good ones.”
Billy: “Saying fuck it to dumb rules and laying it all on the line for her new captain and crew?”
Charlie: (wincing) “I need another talk with your ‘uncle Husky’. Also, Vaggie doesn’t have a captain.”
Billy: “But if the hotel’s her ship, and you founded it, then-”
Charlie: “-then we’re co-captains!”
Billy: “Mom. That’s not how ships work.”
Charlie: “It is on THIS one.”
Billy: “Her being your first mate makes more sense though!”
Charlie: “Noooope! Our ship, our rules. AND our rules still include bedtime!” (scoops them up)
Billy:  (grumbling) “There’s gonna be mutiny over this someday…”
Vaggie: (slipping out of the shadows) “Aye, but not until you’re old enough to yell about it not being a phase, apparently. Ye scallywag.”
Charlie: “I STILL can’t believe dad told you about that.”   
Billy: “Mom! I-” (shyly) “…sorry about the ship. And the, glass and the stuff.”
Vaggie: “More of a shipwreck, yeah? Don't worry.” (smiles) (holds up note) “The broken bottle had a message in it.”
Billy: “Oh that’s-!”
Vaggie: “It’s got SEKRET written on it, in something that’s probably not blood-”
Billy: “Aunt Niffty helped with that.”
Vaggie: “…written in something that’s probably just rat blood...”
Charlie: (groans) “Great. More ‘child appropriate environment’ talks.”
Billy: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Anyway, here.” (hands over note) “Pirates respect each other’s secrets.”
Billy: (gingerly taking it without touching her) “No they don’t? None of the ones in your books do.”
Vaggie: “My books- sweetie, which my books?”
Charlie: “Bonnie Bodyripper.”
Billy: “Curse of the Skeleton Crew!!!”
Vaggie: “Oh thank ff…eather dusters…. Not one of the wild ones then.”
Charlie: “THAT’S not a wild one!?”
Vaggie: (shrug) (at kid) “Did Bonnie Bodyripper read the bounty huntresses letter when she found it lying on the cabin floor while looking for her clothes?”
Billy: “No…”
Billy: “She’d’ve seen the betrayal coming sooner and could’ve stopped it, if she had.”
Vaggie: “But she wanted to trust the huntress. You read the ending?”
Billy: “It’s the best part! The huntress swings in and saves her! They kill SO MANY guards together and blow up a SHIP and and and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah okay right, uhhhhh- the actual ending. On the last page.”
Billy: “Bonnie says she fell in love with a huntress who could hurt her and she was okay with that.”
Charlie: “Ehhh.”
Billy: “It’s like with the sea, mom. There were parts of the huntress maybe Bonnie’d never find out about, and she was okay with that too! Because the parts she did know were something the huntress had shared with her.”
Charlie: “Aww, that’s…”
Billy: “And then they wrestle.”
Charlie: “…still not something you should be reading yet, yep.”
Billy: “What’s boring wrestling have to do with anything?”
Vaggie: “Forget the wrestling. Point is, people hurt each other sometimes, sweetie." (tickles them with a wing) "What matters it what they do after.”
Billy: “Heh!" (wiggles) (grins) "Did the person who took your eye say sorry afterwards?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “No.”
Billy: “Okay.” (thinks for a moment) “So I’m not like them.”
Charlie: “MUCH cuter.”
Vaggie: “You… are stalling, you sea rat.”
Billy: “No ‘m not!”
Vaggie: “Bellow decks and into bed with you.”
Billy: “Where’d you get the eyepatch??”
Charlie: “That’s a story for tomorrow, kiddo! Bedtime is crucial to a child’s development!”  
Billy: “I’m enveloped I’m enveloped! Pleeease just five more minutes-!”
Vaggie: “Nuh-uh, you heard your mom. Captain’s orders.”
Charlie: “Don’t you start.”
Vaggie: “Babe, it really doesn’t make sense for there to be two captains at one time.”
Billy: “HA!”
Charlie: “What does it even matter anyway? We’re running a hotel, not an actual ship-”
Vaggie: “And I’m the hotel manager, which makes me your first mate.”
Billy: “See mom? TOLD you!”
Charlie: “But you’d look good in that fancy captain’s outfit!”
Billy: “Oh so that’s why you stare at mom’s book covers before confiscating them..”
Vaggie: “Charlie, it’s not about who looks good in it- It’s about division of duties onboard and proper crew management-”
Billy: “Tell her!”  
Charlie: “This is a hotel!”
Vaggie: “Guest management. Whatever.”
Charlie: “You just like that I’D be the one in the long coat and ruffles!”
Vaggie: “It’s a perk. But that’s not the point.”
Charlie: “This whole thing doesn’t have any point to it and if I’m captain then I can just promote you to captain too so HA!”
Vaggie: “Pirate captains are elected, babe.”
Billy: “They’re elected, mom.”
Vaggie: “It’s a popular vote thing.”
Billy: “I think maybe YOU need to read the books too, instead of just going gooey eyed over the covers.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think no one in this family should be reading them…”
Vaggie: “Fine. Let’s vote on it.”
Charlie: “Oh come on!”
Billy: “All in favor of being historically accurate hotel pirates say aye!”
Vaggie: “Aye.”
Billy: “Aye!”
Charlie: “ARGH!”
Billy: “Out voted~”
Vaggie: (pats charlie’s shoulder) “Good job getting into the spirit of things though.”
Billy: “Pirates didn’t really go ‘Arrg’ did they?”
Charlie: “Well THIS one sure does.” (leads the way to bedtime) “What’s the point of being captain anyway if you don’t win any arguments?”
Vaggie: “We’ll let you win the next one. Pirate’s oath.”
Charlie: (sighing) “Argh…”
Billy: “You mean. We’ll let her win the next, the-” (giggles) “-the next ARGHument, right?”
Vaggie: (groans)
Charlie: “…okay.” (cracks smile) “THAT'S worth being a pirate for.”
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ourlastbastion · 13 days
I feel like an idiot for not realizing immediately that Nanni, Billie, and Kidd are all goat-themed names.
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exhaustedacademic · 6 months
Love having my mountain goats playlist on shuffle because I will listen to a song that has me transcending this plane and looking in at the world like a snow globe of pain and love and possibility and then
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verifiablebot · 1 year
sunny morning baby time
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Kids' Activities
Dear orphanage activities diary,
the kids (human) decorated and dressed up goat Dusty today - in preparation for @bildaddy-and-mrazfellcos-wedding
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We all had so much fun. Only Dusty mleeh mleeehd a bit because they longed for Billy and Azira (who are getting married soon, if I'm not mistaken).
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Sincerely, Loretta
(Headmistress of the Shutanic Temple Orphanage)
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artbyfives · 9 months
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On one faithful day, at the local pumpkin patch a seance to summon demons was performed on the wretched Earth. Unbeknownst to them as their infernal guests arrived that they'd become the pride of this humble pumpkin patch.
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mountain-goated · 11 months
Just posting the best MG song
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tangerine22 · 2 months
catherine antrim's kid my most beloved song
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puppyeared · 2 years
Why did we as a society feel the need to discontinue ever after high
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nellyrue · 1 year
As someone who has raised goats most of my life, I love Nicholas (Nicolas).
I am imagine him just being a little gray old pygmy goat, so the kids are like yeah full sized obviously. And everyone else is like that is a whole mini goat.
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 6, 1922 The Captain and the Kids by Rudolph Dirks
TOP PANEL [ID: Der Inspector waits beside a stage door with a bouquet of flowers for an actress inside. Around the corner behind him, the Kids push a billy goat in drag towards him. /end]
MAIN COMIC [ID: Der Inspector struts happily across the house, puffing on a cigar. Mamma gestures towards him with a thumb as der Captain pulls a cap and cane off of a rack and out of a holder. /end] Inspector: Ta-ta, Mamma, don't forget to put der extra spinach in der soup! Mamma: Hurry mit der shavings, Captain, der Inspector got company for supper! Captain: Chass? I vunder if iss it der liddle lady from der barber shop, Inspector?
[ID: Der Inspector walks outside to his car and finds the Kids' billy goats merrily eating the roof of his convertible coupe. /end] Goat: Slup-slup! M-ah! Inspector: Hey?
[ID: Der Inspector takes the wheel and speeds the car in reverse to slam the goats against the trunk of a tree. The Kids watch from a window in the house. /end] Inspector: Take dot, you low-downers! Und remember, a vun man top ain't made for goats!
[ID: The goats charge the other way, pushing der Inspector's car into the side of the house. He breaks off the steering wheel in the crash. /end] Inspector: OOH!
[ID: The goats climb into the car as der Inspector frantically flees. Hans helps up one of the goats with an automotive jack. /end] Inspector: Dunder und Blitzen! Dey're caming after!! Hans: Giff a goat a boost, darling, und he alvays returns der favor!
[ID: The goats head-butt der Inspector down the road as the man clings onto a small rolling cart. The Kids run happily after them. /end] Inspector: Hey! Ow... dod gast...!! Hans: Vot did I said about der favor, luff? Fritz: Dere's nix in talking, I got to hand you der medal, luff!
[ID: Der Inspector speeds down a hill towards a parked horse-drawn water wagon, its driver sitting lazily atop it under a parasol. The goats chase der Inspector down the hill, the Kids following quickly behind. /end] Wagon Driver: Ah me, better days have I saw, I have!! Inspector: Himmel! Stop it, stop it!!
[ID: Der Inspector slams face-first into a cylindrical metal sprinkler on the back of the tanker. The goats skid to a stop, watching with shock. The wagon driver turns around, startled. The Kids laugh at him, further up the road. /end] Driver: ? Inspector: Oof! Fritz: Ha!
[ID: The driver angrily turns the sprinkler on, blasting der Inspector in the face with water. The goats run away, the Kids keep pointing and laughing. /end] Driver: Git off there. How many times must a guy warn you old plugs about hitchin' on? Fritz: Don't giff up der ship, Inspector!
[ID: As the water wagon clops away, der Inspector sits soaked in the street, looking fearfully at the billy goats, who stand at the ready next to him, both giving him a mischievous wink. The Kids look on proudly. /end] Driver: It's gittin' so the older they get, the more y'gotta tell 'em! Giddap!! Inspector: ? Fritz: Chust look at dor for intelligence, Hans! Hans: Two to vun, dey know vot comes knext!
[ID: The goats headbutt der Inspector into an open manhole further up the road. The Kids merrily dance together. /end] Inspector: For der luff of pickles? Hans: How many years did you say dem goats vorked in a lodge, luff? Fritz: Search me. Dey're life members!
[ID: Inside the house, the Kids sit happily on one end of the table, feeding scraps to the billy goats who sit equally glad on the floor beside them. At the other end of the table, der Captain waits impatiently, smoking a cigar. A fashionable young redheaded woman sits between them, daydreaming romantic thoughts. Outside the open doorway behind der Captain, der Inspector hides, glaring inside and holding a huge wooden club behind his back. Behind the Kids, Mamma looks into a darkened doorway. /end] Mamma: I vunder vot iss keeping Der Inspector? Der Liddle Lady from Der Barber Shop: Oh, deah me!! Captain: Tee-hee! If der vishbone comes true, ve hope Der Inspector iss vent on his vacation, vot, cutie? Haw!! Inspector: So?
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girlscience · 10 months
really boring science meetings are great. I get to think so many things. Waddles has a backstory now :3
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picturebookshelf · 1 year
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Three Billy Goats Gruff: fun with pull-tabs, flaps, and pop-ups (1994)
Art: David Pace & Katy Rhodes
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verifiablebot · 1 year
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(microsoft sam voice) baby baby baby oooōőoǒōoőǒoòóôoõooö
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