#bily loomis x fem reader
looooooooomis · 3 years
F I N A L  G I R L | T E N
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You were his final girl. And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   t e n  |  d a r k n e s s
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 3k warnings: S M U T (18+!!!!!) mutual m*sturbation, tension 
Your lungs burned as you attempted to steady your breath. Your chest was heaving with a breath it couldn’t quite take in fear of being heard but the tiny breaths you were able to take weren’t enough.
Clamping a hand over your mouth, you drew in a greedy breath, just one, before squeezing your eyes shut in fear of seeing him round the corner. He was close, you knew he was, you could hear the solid falls of his boots on the hardwood floors, but if you could savour your life for even a few more seconds, you needed to be fucking quiet.
“I know you’re in there,” that voice sliced into the quietude of the house and made your heart fall even further into the ground beneath you. “We were having so much fun, little birdie, don’t you want us to finish our game?”
You wanted to cry.
But all you could do was clamp your hand over your mouth a little tighter and allow the tears that blurred your vision to slowly roll down your cheeks. You were paralyzed in fear. Absolutely frozen in your spot as the man with the knife drew closer and closer.
“Little bird,” the man’s unnerving voice sing-songed. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
The man was deranged. He was a sick fuck. He had a fucking knife in his hand, for god’s sake. You should have been running, calling the police, doing anything besides hiding there. You needed to get the fuck out of the house.
So why weren’t you?
His footfalls were so close now and the smell of copper, of pungent blood, wafting into room was enough to tell you that he was close.
“Little bird,” he whispered. He was so fucking close. And then he laughed. “You didn’t think you could hide from me, did you?”
A bloodied set of hands reached down and before you could dodge them, they were gripping your hair and tugging you out of your hiding spot. A scream slipped out of your lips as you grasped the man’s wrist, but it was the knife in his other hand that had your full attention.
Bloodied. Dirty. Menacing as all fucking hell.
“There she is,” the voice quipped, yanking you to your feet so that you were pressed flush against his chest. He sniffed your hair and as he held the knife to your throat, you felt his teeth scrape along your neck as he caged you against him. With the hand not holding the knife, his reddened hands trailed down your chest and groped your breast through your sweater. “God, you’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you?”
Your heart was in your throat by the time your eyes shot open and the blanket of darkness that you were met with was jarring. For the first few seconds you had no fucking idea where you were, just that you weren’t in your own bed.
You weren’t in any bed, from what you could tell, at least not a comfy one. Then, all at once, memories of precisely where you were dawned on you.
Tatum’s living room. On an air mattress with very little air inside of it. Randy’s snoring frame was on your right and Billy, who was sharing his own makeshift mattress with Sidney, was a little further away on your left.
You’d all slept over after Tatum’s birthday bash, each of you drunker than the last, and while you couldn’t quite remember how you ended up in the living room, surrounded by your friends, you were grateful you were there.
Especially after that dream, that nightmare. You wanted to blame it on the fact that Randy had chosen a particularity bloody slasher flick to drink to somewhere in the course of the night, but you also knew that the news of Andrew Garner, the man who had quite literally almost killed you nearly two weeks prior, had been sliced and diced the night of the accident wasn’t helping one iota.
Woodsboro wasn’t a big town. The murder of Sidney’s mother shook the town to its core when that had happened and this death was no different. People were anxious, worried, on edge. It was only natural to have dreams the likes of the one you’d just had.
What wasn’t quite as natural was the warmth that had settled in the pit of your stomach and pooled between your thighs as the killer preyed on you in your dream. There was no reason to feel turned on by such a vile fucking dream and yet, as you lay there in the silence of Tatum’s living room with your friends sleeping all around you, you were.
You were horny.
What the fuck was that all about?  
With a quiet sigh, you fixed the pillow beneath your head, being mindful of your broken wrist, and blinked into the darkness. That was a lot to unpack.  
You could still feel the pressure of the killer’s cock pressing into your back as he held you against his chest. Still feel his teeth scrape along your neck. Still feel those rough, bloodied, hands groping you.
All of that should have scared you and, in a way, it did. But that fear made for a weird chemical imbalance in your brain if your body’s reaction to it meant anything. Your nipples were rock hard beneath your thin tank top and you didn’t have to feel your sleep shorts to know that the effects of the dream had followed you into your waking life.
What. The. Fuck?
“Can’t sleep?”
You nearly jumped a foot in the air as Billy’s quiet voice sliced into the solitude of the living room.
With wide eyes, you lulled your head towards Billy. “Fucking hell,” you whispered, “you just gave me a heart attack.”
He shifted so that he was facing you fully as Sidney continued to sleep soundly on the other side of his mattress. “You were whimpering in your sleep,” he whispered, leaning his head on his palm. “So, that’s either a really good dream or a bad one.”
You could have died on the spot. In fact, you almost hoped you would have so as to avoid answering that question because it was a bad dream. It was a fucking nightmare. A nightmare that left you soaked. “Bit of both, I guess.” You wrinkled your nose and faced the ceiling.
You were hyper aware of your friends surrounding you. You could hear Randy snoring, so you knew for a fact he was asleep, but in case anyone else had woken up on account of you moaning for a killer, you wanted to keep the conversation as moot as possible.
“You want to talk about it?” Came his quiet reply.  
You blinked into the darkness. “Nothing worth talking about, really.” You were trying your best to sound indifferent. What if Tatum was awake? Or worse, Sidney?
You watched him move his arm towards you. The darkness seemed to cling to him, making him appear almost shadow-like as he dropped his arm down to ghost his fingers across your hardened nipples. His tone was almost mocking as he smirked across at you. “Doesn’t look like nothing.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head at the audacity of his touch. You’d been reckless with each other in the past, especially as of late, but Sidney was right there. Right beside him, for god’s sake!
“Are you fucking insane?” You snapped, barely above a whisper. You smacked his hand away, but that only deterred him for a single second before he moved it back.
“Yes,” he simply said. “What were you dreaming about?”
You shook your head and while you knew you should have continued pushing his hand away, you didn’t. You were too fucking turned on from your creepy little dream and Billy knew his way around your body too well. He knew how wet you got whenever he’d play with your tits, knew how it drove you wild.
You licked your dry lips and swallowed as you tried to keep your voice as low as humanely possible. “Don’t be a fucking idiot.” You warned him, stretching your neck up just enough to peer over his broad shoulder towards his sleeping girlfriend. She looked asleep. But it was also dark as night inside of that living room.
This had to be one of the seven sanctums of hell. Him pawing at your tits in a room full of your friends all the while being so disgustingly wet from a dream about having a knife to your throat. This was all kinds of fucked up.
He palmed your tit and gave it a firm squeeze. “Tell me,” he demanded, his voice was low and gravelly and sent shockwaves through your entire body.
You lulled your head to face him. He was so close to you, you could feel his hot breath on your cheek. Maybe you were feeling bold on account of your entire body screaming to be touched, or perhaps it was the adrenaline wearing off from your dream but, whatever it was, you shimmied closer to him and revelled in the warmth exuding off of him.
“It’s a little fucked up,” you admitted.
He gave your nipple a pinch through your top. “My favourite kind of dream.”
You couldn’t help but smile into the darkness. “I think all this talk of Andrew Garner and the movie Randy chose did my head in because I was hiding from some creep with a knife and then he found me. He kept calling me some weird shit like little bird or something, I can’t remember now.”
His hand stilled on your tit and for a moment you could swear he stopped breathing. Even the man with the blood kink thought you were fucking bizarre for getting a little (a lot) wet for a killer.
“But you were moaning in your sleep,” he reminded you, his words slow.
“I told you,” you snapped, “it’s fucking demented.”
Silence followed your words and you wished like hell it was even a little brighter in that living room so that you could see his face properly. Was he judging you? He should have been judging you. What did the silence mean? And why did it feel so fucking tense?
“Does that turn you on?” His breath was right beside your ear as his hand continued to methodically massage your tits. He took his time with each one, kneading and squeezing them and rolling your nipple around his thumb and forefinger before giving it a pinch to move on to the next one. “The fear? The not knowing if you’re going to live or die?”
God, he was too fucking good at that.
You swallowed and squeezed your eyes shut. There was something so intoxicating about Billy that you’d always been drawn to, but there was a darkness, too. A darkness that he seemed to hole up inside of him, afraid of letting you see it. But there were moments it came through. Moments where that darkness was almost palpable. Movies with blood turned him on. Your period blood, tasting it on his tongue and feeling it between his fingers; the macabre and the deranged excited him.
You mulled over his words and slowly let your eyes flutter open. “I don’t know,” you admitted quietly. Because, frankly, you didn’t know. Did it turn you on? You didn’t think you had a blood kink before that night with Billy but this? Getting wet because you were playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a killer in your dream?
You were about to open your mouth to speak again when you felt his lips on your neck, trailing sloppy kisses down the length of your throat as he shifted beside you. When you heard the soft zip of his jeans, your breath hitched in your throat.
“Billy,” you whispered, panicked. “What the fuck are you doing? And why are you sleeping in fucking jeans?”
“Shh,” he tsked. “You see what you do to me, baby?” He kissed your neck again. “I can’t help myself. You surprise me every fucking day.”
Despite your inhibitions, you were waiting to feel his hand slip from your breasts to your cunt, to feel him shift his weight and bury himself inside of you, Sidney and the room full of people, be damned. You longed for it in those few moments, craved for him in a way that was so incredibly unhealthy that for a single second, you didn’t care if Sidney woke up.
You were just so fucking turned on. By him, by your creepy little dream, by the danger of having a room full of people surrounding the two of you. You were so desperate, it hurt.
But you felt none of that. You didn’t feel those hands, taste those lips, feel the sweet release of his cock inside of you.
Instead, he was pleasuring himself. Touching himself. To the thought of you getting horned up for a knife-wielding weirdo.
“Touch yourself,” he demanded into your neck. “Finger that gorgeous cunt, baby.”
You wanted to snap back to the functional side of your brain, the part that knew you were treading dangerous waters right now, but knowing that it was useless at this point, you found your hands sliding down the length of your body before dipping beneath the waistband of your shorts.
“That’s my girl,” he cooed, biting down on your earlobe. His breath was heavy and hot on your neck and sent shivers down your spine. “I can hear how wet you are.”
A breathy, desperate moan slid out of your throat as you slipped your fingers into your wet hot folds and as you circled your swollen clit. You were picturing Billy’s fingers inside of you, picturing his mouth lapping at your clit, him being the one to brush his fingers along your nipples while holding a knife to your throat. It wasn’t him in your dream, it didn’t feel like your Billy, but you could picture it all in your head so fucking perfectly.
And fuck, was it driving you wild.
You wanted to feel his cock, to taste his cum and feel his seed drip from your lips and down your throat in ribbons but, knowing you couldn’t do a damned thing about it right now, you took that need and buried it into pleasing yourself as you felt him palm his own throbbing cock.
“What are you thinking about?” You hummed.
“You,” he divulged. “Being so scared and yet so fucking wet that I can hear it as you finger yourself to the thought of being chased by a killer.” He kissed your neck and squeezed your tit so hard you almost cried out as he bit down on your collarbone. “I want to bury my tongue inside of that gorgeous pussy, baby. Taste that fear on my tongue.”
You shivered at his words as your pace on your clit quickened. Feeling every bit as bold as you did reckless, you slipped the hand that was inside of you out from beneath your shorts and held them in front of his face. “Then taste it.”
A low chuckle tore out of his lips as he wrapped his mouth around your two fingers. His tongue swirled along the pads of your fingers, tasting your juices and relishing in the taste of you just as he had done so many times before. Shutting his eyes, he licked your fingers clean only to watch you retreat your fingers back beneath your shorts to continue teasing yourself.
Every ounce of him needed you.
Pumping his cock harder, faster, at the thought of your fingers touching the parts of you he couldn’t, Billy once again squeezed your tit as he brought himself closer and closer to the edge. “You taste so fucking sweet.”
You bucked into your palm and your lips buzzed to lean up and kiss those lips. He was so close but there was something about finger fucking yourself with him this close to you that added to the thrill of your already strange relationship.
This was torture.
Hell itself.
And you loved every minute of it.
Not being able to resist himself, Billy yanked your tank top down to fully expose your tits. His hot mouth was on your nipple in the blink of an eye, making you bite down on the sides of your mouth to stifle your moan. You could taste blood from the pressure of your own bite.
“Fuck,” you whined. “Billy, please.”
He bit down on your nipple as he came into his hand and all over your stomach, which only brought you to climax seconds later when he gave your tit one long final suck. There would be a bruise there come morning and you’d fuck yourself to the sight of it later on.
When your body began to quiver and shake, Billy slowly released your nipple and hovered above your face. His lips were so close to yours, so close that if you raised your head that half an inch separating you, you’d be able to taste them.
And, god, did you want to.
“You think anyone heard any of that?” You whispered, mildly horrified.  
“I don’t give a shit,” he whispered, lowering his head just enough to kiss you. The kiss, despite each of your feral actions, was soft and sweet. Through those gleams of darkness, that radiant light always seemed to follow. “Get some sleep.” He whispered, kissing the tip of your nose as he pulled your tank top back up to cover your breasts.
But not before giving your nipple one last pinch.
You were grinning like a fool as you closed your eyes and settled back into your pillow. Randy was still snoring like a fucking maniac beside you and if the silence that followed was any indication, nobody was none the wiser at your actions.
The last thing you felt as you drifted back to sleep was Billy’s fingers as he gently drew tiny patterns into your arm. It was the same pattern, over and over again, that was lulling you to sleep. And it wasn’t until you were just about to pass out that you realized exactly what he was drawing into your skin.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
a/n: let me know if yall are liking it!! I promise the plot thickens soon just gotta get tense you feel me 
tag: @oldschoolkiddo​
1K notes · View notes
looooooooomis · 3 years
F I N A L  G I R L |  S E V E N
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You were his final girl. And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   s e v e n |  b l o o d
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 6k warnings: s m u t (18 +!!!!!) lets just say this gif is a teaser as to what takes place in this chapter. major blood kink in this chapter. period play?? lmao sorry about it.
There was a shift after that weekend at Billy’s cabin, and you knew he felt it too.
It was never really that casual between you and Billy, that much you knew, but there was something that changed when the two of you got back to Woodsboro. There was something to be said about being able to openly show affection to the person you loved, to hold them and kiss them in public and you’d gotten that treatment in that little lakeside town. You felt like Billy’s actual girlfriend, not his plaything, not the bitch who was backstabbing her own best friend for a fucking boy, you were it.
And while Billy had always said that you were his girl, you hadn’t truly felt like you were until now.
Which was precisely what made tonight so fucking awkward.
Not only had you been coerced into going to the movies with the gang but, unbeknownst to you, Sid had taken it upon herself to fix you up on a blind date with one of Randy’s annoying friends from the video store.
Why had you agreed to this? You were a cold, calculating bitch behind the scenes when it came to fucking your best friend boyfriend and yet saying ‘no thanks, I’m not up for it tonight’ was beyond you? Were you just plain stupid or a closet masochist that thrived on dicey situations?
Either way, you’d never wanted to throw yourself into oncoming traffic more than you did tonight because not only were you trapped into an uncomfortable blind date with a guy you were fairly sure was frothing at the mouth at the idea of getting you alone in the car after all of this was said and done but you just so happened to be seated directly next to Billy.
You were smack dab in the middle of hell. Between a man you were fucking, a man you were disgustingly in love with and had just spent a weekend away with and a man you’d just met today but couldn’t stop playing handsy on your lap whenever he thought the others weren’t looking.
But Billy was always looking.
You knew that better than anyone. He had this innate sense of finding you in a crowded room. You could feel the weight of his brown eyes on you nearly every second of the day, soaking you up, taking every inch of you in, no matter who was around and tonight, as your ‘date’ smacked on his popcorn all the while feeling your thigh up any chance he could, Billy’s dept stare was tuned in and you knew it.
This had to have been karma. Karma for going away and having a beautiful weekend away with the guy you loved so wholly. The one whose girlfriend was on the other side of him with her pretty head on his stupid shoulder as you suffered in silence at just how fucking laughable this entire situation was.
“See that actress?” Your date, Anthony, whispered into your hear. He smelled like movie theatre butter. You wanted to scream. “Have you seen any of her other stuff?”
You were watching The Crucible and the actress in question was Winona Ryder. Everyone and their left nut had seen Winona Ryder in at least a dozen movies. Frowning, you blinked across at the man and blinked. “Yeah. I’m familiar with her work.”
Focusing ahead on the movie, you tried your damnedest to focus on what was going on but when you felt his slithery palm slide up your thigh, you were this close to pouring your Coke on his lap. Why the fuck had you agreed to this?
Pushing the man’s hand away as subtly as you could to avoid any unwanted attention from your friends, you bit down on the side of your mouth and heaved a quiet sigh. You deserved this. This was your punishment.
“She’s hot.” Your lovely date quipped, squeezing the area of your thigh just above your knee. “In that goth-girl next door kind of way.”
Was he getting off to Winona Ryder all the while coming on to you? Was he picturing Winona as he squeezed your thigh? You truly didn’t want to find out. Once again, you pushed his hand away and, this time, crossed your legs and leaned into the arm rest you were sharing with Billy.
The move was subtle, and you were barely even touching Billy but you needed to create a distance between yourself and Butter Fingers if it was the last thing you did.
With a subtle nudge to your arm, Billy’s eyes flickered towards you as his brows furrowed in question. The muscle in his jaw was pulsing in his cheek, that you could see even in the darkness of the movie theatre, and there was murder in his eyes as he sized up the man just over your shoulder. It was as though you could feel his blood pressure spike just looking at the guy and, as you held your breath, silently pleading with him not to make a scene that would undoubtedly give the two of you up, those brown eyes slowly found yours.
There was anger in his eyes, a palpable rage, but it was the look of pure despondency in his stare that made your own heart break. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to be holding hands with Sid and you weren’t meant to be dealing with the idiot to your right.
How it felt up at the cabin, the freedom of loving each other and holding each other and kissing each other in broad daylight was how it was supposed to be. How love was supposed to feel.
Not this.
You were both hiding in plain sight. Putting on a façade to your friends, to each other whilst in public, and it was in that moment, in the middle of a crowded theatre, looking at each other knowing there wasn’t a damn thing either of you could do about it, that you felt that pain so intensely that it was hard to breathe.
Tears burned behind your eyes and you hated yourself for it.
You weren’t going to cry. You refused to cry over a situation you were willingly putting yourself in. This entire thing could have been avoided had you had a stronger backbone here. You weren’t the victim in this scenario. That was Sid. Sid was the one completely getting fucked over in this situation, not you. You had no damn right to feel this shitty because you were doing it to yourself.
This was just the high of the weekend wearing off and reality settling in. Until circumstances changed, this was your norm.
Swallowing back your nerves, it was all you could do to give Billy a small, barely-there smile before focusing ahead on the movie.
“I’m going to grab us another Coke,” you heard Billy say to Sidney. “Anyone want anything?”
“More popcorn,” Stu waggled his empty bag. “Maybe some Milk Duds, man.”
“Candy.” Tatum mumbled, not taking her eyes off of the screen. “Surprise me, I don’t care what kind.”
Billy nodded and took Stu’s money before he gently nudged you. “You want anything?”
You opened your mouth to speak but was cut off but Anthony. “You mind keeping it down, buddy?” He popped another handful of popcorn in his mouth. “We’re at the movies, not here for snacks.”
It was as though Billy’s wrath was physical as his dark eyes scraped over Anthony’s face. His mouth was pulled into a thin, hard line as Anthony’s pompousness sank in. Why couldn’t it be Randy beside you? Why had that dipshit agreed to take this asshole’s shift in order for you to go on a blind date with him? This entire fiasco could have been avoided had it been Randy.
“Yeah, I could use a drink.” You slinked out of your seat. “I’ll help you carry everything back.”
You didn’t wait for Billy as you marched down the aisle but, as you walked down the stairs and out of the theatre, you weren’t at all surprised to see him broody and annoyed as he followed you out.
“If anyone should be looking like that, it’s me,” you groused, falling in to step beside him as you made your way to the snack bar. “I’m stuck on a date with that asshole.”
“Don’t get me started on that,” he grumbled, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I told Sid to leave well enough alone, but she insisted.”
You hummed and lined up at the concession. “Lucky me.”
Again, you felt his stare before you actually lulled your head to the side to face him. Intense, searching eyes sweeping over your features in both concern and possible envy. “One word,” he muttered, stepping closer towards you. Too close. Not because you didn’t want him that close but because you were in public. Sid and Tatum and Stu and fucking Anthony were a stone’s throw away. “One word from you, baby, and I’ll take you home. Fuck that guy.”
You glowered across at him as though he’d grown a second head. “While I appreciate the sentiment, shit for brains, we’re in public right now. Your girlfriend could walk out any second and see or hear you.”
He seemed to mull over your words for a second but didn’t bother moving away from you. “Maybe I don’t care.”
“You do,” you rhymed off, shuffling closer to the front of the snack bar.
He ignored that. “Also, you’re my girlfriend. Stop calling her that.”
This was not a conversation the two of you should have been having in the middle of a fucking movie theatre. Looking across at him, you raised your brows and blew out a puff of air through your lips. Trying to keep up with Billy’s rationale of staying with Sid to ensure he doesn’t hurt her any further after her mother’s death all the while being with you was giving you whiplash. You knew he loved you and, begrudgingly, you loved him right back. And, a part of you knew, that he was struggling with being back in the real world just as much as you were since coming home from the cabin.
But this was not how he should have been handling it. Not out in the open like this. Especially while you were on a triple date with your friends in a theatre down the hall.
“Billy,” you muttered quietly, ensuring no one was listening in, “please let’s talk about this later. Not here. Not now. Let’s just get the fucking concessions and go, okay?”
He licked his lips and you watched his brown eyes flitter down your face before briefly looking at your own lips. He wanted to kiss you and fuck, did you want to be kissed by him.
But that wasn’t the deal.
So, instead, you watched as he took a hesitant step away from you before nodding his head once. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his shoes. “Tonight.”
“Sure,” you smirked, “I mean, if I’m not with Anthony, that is.” You almost laughed at how wide his eyes got as you uttered those words. But, when he saw the playfulness in your stare, he visibly relaxed and rolled his eyes as you continued. “The way he’s been mowing down on his popcorn all night has me wet as hell, so I might be busy with him later.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled with a shake of his head. Then, he turned to you and gave you a crooked smile. One that almost made this horrific ordeal worth it. “You’re a real bitch when you want to be, you know that?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, nudging him with your elbow. “I’ve been told.”
True to his word, Billy slipped in through your unlocked window a little after midnight that evening with a bag of stale licorice and a drink he’d swiped from the gas station on the way over to your house.
“We didn’t get our movie date.” Was his explanation as he popped The Lost Boys into your VCR and all but hopped in bed beside you. When you’d remained standing by your dresser, eyeing him with both curiosity and sheer happiness radiating off of your face, all you got was a confused look out of Billy before he patted your mattress. “You going to get that ass over here or what?”
So, naturally, you’d joined him.
And it took all of thirty-two minutes of watching the film for the two of you to end up pawing at one another as the tension of the day slowly peeled off of you with every layer of clothing the two of you tore off one another.
In no time, you were both stark naked on your bed as The Lost Boys played on without an audience. All Billy cared about watching was you. Watching you writhe and moan. He could watch you do just about anything, but it was that dreamy look you got on your face whenever he touched you that he had imprinted into his skull. It didn’t even have to be sexual. You just had a certain look whenever the two of you connected, one that he felt but managed to keep stowed away inside of him, but one you expressed. It was happiness.
Pure, unadulterated, bliss.
He knew you. Knew your body in and out, knew how to get you to come undone, knew what made you tick, what made you squirm.
You were muscle memory to him, at this point.
He knew you better than he knew himself.
Which is why, when you subtly stopped him from slipping his fingers inside of you, that Billy’s focus went to your ass. The only time you pushed his hand away after he’d spent minutes sucking and biting and focusing on those perfect tits, was when you were on your period.
So, he didn’t push it.
The two of you had fucked a few times whilst you were on it but you were deadest on limiting that to the lighter days. The very beginning or the end. Never in the middle. But god, did he want to experience the middle days.
You were so fucking horny when you were on your period and why you thought he’d give a shit about how much blood came out of you as the two of you fucked was beyond him.
So, he’d focus on your ass. Something that drove you to the brink of insanity and something that made him harder than anything.
But tonight, it wasn’t enough.
He needed all of you.
Ever since the cabin, he’d needed more of you in his life. It had become nearly impossible for him to show any iota of affection for Sid now that he’d had a taste of what life felt like with you at his side. You were his Final Girl. His everything, if he was being completely honest. And, while he knew he couldn’t open himself up to you to that extent, not yet, he needed you to feel that raging darkness inside of him. Not too much of it, but just enough to gauge your reaction.
If you could handle a shred of it, maybe he could share more of himself with you.
The darker parts.
His hands stilled as they trailed down your body and, as he hovered over you, he bit his lip and slowly drew tiny circles into your hips. “You’re on your period, right?”
You nodded, your lips swollen from the amount of kissing having gone on since popping the movie in. “Yeah, but it’s not a light day.”
He nodded in understanding as he bit his lip. “You think we could try it, anyway?”
Your eyebrows raised in mild amusement. “By not a light day, I mean its kind of heavy, Billy. It’d look like a crime scene in here.”
Billy made sure to keep his face stoic, but the idea of the two of you fucking whilst covered in blood was nearly enough to make him come on the spot.
“Aren’t you curious?” He asked, dipping his head down to lick your painfully hard nipple. “It’s got to feel so fucking good, right?”
You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed in contentment when he began to suck your tit again. “It’s messy, though.”
“Lucky for you,” he released your nipple and kissed the sensitive flesh of your breast. “I like messy.”
Your head flopped back against the pillow as you thought over his request. I did feel good, but did you want Billy to have to witness you cleaning up a fucking homicide scene once he was through with you?
Blowing out a quiet raspberry, you eyed him with mock suspicion before he gave you those goddamn puppy dog eyes. “Ugh,” you groaned with a laugh, “fine. Let me take this fucking tampon out and I’ll grab a towel to put underneath me because it is heavy, and you will be grossed out.”
Billy’s cock twitched as he watched you roll out of bed before disappearing in the bathroom. Within a few moments, he heard the toilet flush and the sink run before you re-emerged with a towel in hand.
He could watch you parade around like that all day. Naked, eyes hooded from desire, nipples and lips red from where his mouth had staked its claim.
You were perfect.
A vision.
You were fucking everything.
“I’ve been wanting to try this with you for a while.” He admitted, watching you carefully roll the towel onto the bed before perching your ass directly on top of it so as to avoid any potential leakage onto your sheets.
“I wish I could say I was shocked.” You teased, laying back down. Spreading your legs, he watched you slip a finger through your folds to tease your clit.  
He swallowed as he watched you finger yourself. But then your words sank in and a panic settled in his chest as he swept his eyes up your body to meet your amused stare. “What’s that mean?”
You shrugged so casually as you continued the tirade on your own pussy. “All the scary movies we watch and stuff. You get hard as a rock if there’s a scene with a pretty girl and some blood.”
Billy froze. This was only supposed to be a peek inside of his darkness, not a full-blown window. But you didn’t seem all too fazed by it either, which confused him endlessly.
Rather than deny it, Billy hesitantly reached for your cunt to replace your fingers with his own. He didn’t delve inside of your pussy just yet, just circled your clit the way you’d been doing seconds prior. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He whispered, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
“Nah,” you hummed, “we’ve all got our kinks, I guess.”
You released a quiet moan as he pinched your clit, but his eyes never left your face. He knew you were talking about blood in respect to the movies, but your casual tone still caught him off guard. There was no shame in it, no doubt. Just an honest to god shrug as he circled your clit with his middle finger.
Testing the waters, Billy slipped his fingers down your pussy so that his thumb coaxed your clit as he slipped two fingers inside of you. At first, it simply felt like you were soaked on account of all of the teasing and, maybe you were, but as he glanced down at the base of his fingers as he pulled them out of you, Billy nearly moaned.
Your blood.
All over his fingers, pooling along the top of his palm.
Billy was fascinated. This wasn’t the first time he’d felt blood between his fingers, but not like this. When he’d killed Maureen Prescott, there was so much fucking blood that he’d been sick afterwards. He hadn’t expected that level of destruction but, after puking a few blocks away, he didn’t exactly shy away from it. He thought about it often, thought of the carnage that had surrounded him once he’d finished with Sidney’s mother, thought of the way the blood felt between his fingers, splayed and smattered across every inch of his body.
But this was euphoric.
Because he didn’t have to hurt anybody to feel that warmth on his palm. In fact, as he slowly slipped his fingers inside of your hot cunt, he was doing anything but. You were gyrating into his hand, unknowingly spreading your blood further and it was killing him. He was so fucking hard, too fucking hard, but he didn’t want to rush a damned thing.
He’d thought about this far too often for it to be over so soon.
“Fuck,” he whispered, slipping his hand out of your pussy just long enough to slowly spread your blood down your inner thigh. It left a fine red trail that he had every intention of lapping up in a few seconds if you were to allow it. “You feel so good, baby.”
He’d half expected you to make a comment about making a bigger mess than what your piddly little towel would allow but, as he slowly found your hooded eyes through the dim light of your bedroom, only hunger marred your pretty face.
Leaning in, Billy placed a small kiss to the apple of your cheek as his fingers continued to fuck you. “Does this feel good?”
“So good,” you rasped out, leaning your forehead against his as you bit your lip to swallow back a moan. Between your arousal and the blood, the natural lubrication that coated your pussy as he slowly pumped his fingers inside of you all the while rubbing your clit was killing you. “So fucking good, Billy.”
He smirked and quickened his pace on your clit just enough to drive you to madness as he bit down on your earlobe. His breath was hot against your cheek. “I want to taste you tonight.”
Though the promise of his tongue replacing his thumb enticed you, the fact that you were on day two and a half of your period was not a good plan. So why were you intrigued? A part of you wanted to see if he’d put his money where his mouth was but a much larger part of you wanted to see how feral Billy could get where you were concerned.
Torn, you pulled back and searched his eyes. “It’s going to be…messy, Billy.”
His dark chuckle was velvet against your skin. “I already told you,” he curled his fingers inside of you and admired the way your entire body twitched. “I like messy.”
He began to kiss his way down your body. You tried not to get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling across every inch of your skin on his way down or the way his teeth nipped and bit at your stomach and hips as he positioned himself between your thighs. But mainly, you tried not to focus on how fucking bloody it was between your thighs because you knew that Billy wouldn’t be down there long on account of it.
“You don’t have to do this tonight, Billy,” you tried to reason, chest heaving in anticipation as he settled between your legs.
Something flashed across his face as he held your stare. For a second, you were almost sure he was going to back out and leave well enough alone, but then you watched as the bastard leaned into your pussy and raked his tongue from the base of your pussy right up to your bloodied mound.
He held your stare the entire time.
“I want you like this,” he assured you, yanking you further down the bed so that you were right at the edge. His voice was hoarse and breathy and as you chanced a look down at him through a pair of hooded, drowsy eyes, you watched him pump his cock with his free hand as he licked his lips. “I love you like this.”
You opened your mouth to respond but the words died in your throat when he buried his face between your thighs. You gasped at the contact but didn’t shy away from his touch for a single second as he slowly lapped at your core. With the one hand still gripping your hips, holding you firmly against his tongue, you knew there would be bruises where his fingers carved into your flesh, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. He was desperate to get you closer into his face and you were desperate to feel that perfect fucking tongue on your pussy.
It was as though he’d been possessed in those few moments. Billy couldn’t get enough of you on a good day but tasting you like this was enough to make Billy wild. Your pussy, the blood mixed with your slick, tasted so fucking good on his tongue. Burying his face further into your folds, he nuzzled at your clit and, now forgetting about his own pulsing cock, pulled you even closer.
Throwing your legs over his shoulders, Billy moaned into your pussy and bit down on your clit just enough to entice a moan that was probably a little too loud for your parents being home. But, he didn’t care. He refused to care in that instance.
All he wanted, all he cared about, was tasting as much of you as humanly possible before making you come on his tongue.
His name tore out of your throat as you gripped his hair between your fingers and pulled. You were being rougher than normal, and he fucking loved it. You were pulling on his hair and bucking into his mouth with such hunger that he could barely breathe but fuck he didn’t care. If this was how he was taken out, so be it.
“Baby,” you whined, voice low. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”
Your grip on his hair was vice-like as the veins in your neck swelled. With wild, laboured breaths, you found yourself bucking into his mouth as a white-hot orgasm rippled through your entire body. You moaned and groaned and cursed into the bed, but Billy’s mouth was relentless.
It wasn’t until he was absolutely sure you couldn’t take another second of torture, that he pulled away and allowed you to collapse back onto the bed. Your cheeks were flushed, and your lips were parted as you attempted to catch your breath. With a quiet chuckle, he kissed his way up your body, grinning against your skin as your legs continued to twitch.
He could feel your blood all over his chin and nose and as he licked it off, using his fingers to swipe at the areas his tongue couldn’t quite reach, Billy was coasting on a high that only you could provide.
“Oh, god,” you buried your face into the pillow with a quiet laugh as you moved to get off the bed. “Hang on, I’ll grab you a towel for your face.”
“No,” Billy shook his head and grabbed for your wrist. “I want to see it.”
You blinked and scraped your eyes along his bloodied face. Your nipples were still rock hard and your cunt was still pulsing on account of his tongue, but it was the look of pure ecstasy on his face that made you clench.
He was being serious.
“Come with me,” he hummed, slipping off of the bed to head towards the small bathroom attached to your room. His fingers threaded through yours as you both walked across your bedroom before flicking the light on.
The vision that he was met with made his cock twitch.
Your blood coated almost everything from his nose down his chin and as you stood beside him, looking at him through the mirror, still fully naked and still housing bloody handprints left behind from his busy hands coating the lower half of your body, Billy had never wanted to bury himself inside of you any more than he did right then and there.
He found your curious stare through the mirror. Your pretty eyes swept over the mess of blood left behind on account of you and as you turned to face him, he found himself hypnotized as you reached out to sweep his hair back and away from his forehead.
“Blood suits you,” you teased with a small smile. “Horrifically enough.”
He said nothing as those brown eyes soaked you in but as he stepped into you, cornering you against the sink counter, the look on his face said everything. He didn’t kiss you though. He seemed to hesitate, as though gauging if you’d kiss him whilst covered in your own menstrual blood. “Is this okay?”
“I don’t know.” You admitted almost sheepishly.
He nuzzled your neck and slipped his knee between your thighs to allow himself better access to your pussy. With his hand wrapped securely around his cock, he slipped the head of his dick along your folds and swallowed hard as he watched your blood coat the head of it. “Fuck,” he whispered as his forehead fell against your own. “You’re going to make me come before I’m even inside of you.”
You were watching his face as he once again slipped the head of his cock through your folds so it teased your clit. His eyes were so dark and there was so much desire in those warm eyes that it almost caught you off guard.
“You’re really into this,” you remarked quietly. When his eyes found yours, you could see blind panic cross over his face as he instinctually took a step away from you. You stopped him before he could think of stopping himself. “Hey,” you cooed, reaching out for his face. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, relax.”
You felt the tension in his shoulders disperse as you played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “You’re too good for me,” he muttered, cradling your face. “You know that?”
“Oh, yeah,” you goaded with a smile. “I know.”
He barked out a quiet laugh and ground his hips into yours. “A smartass, too.”
You hummed as his hands slid down your body to hold you against the counter. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Anything.” Billy nipped at your neck.
You leaned back to allow him full access to your neck. “How did I taste?” Your words seemed to make him still as he slowly pulled back to search your eyes. “With the blood. How did it taste?”
The look on Billy’s face was primal as his grip on your hips tightened. Leaning in, he nudged your nose so that your lips were perfectly aligned with his. “Kiss me and find out.”
You weren’t sure at first, but as he closed the distance between you, you found yourself leaning into the kiss both curious and slightly mortified by the taste of your blood on his lips. It was strange and you weren’t sure if you liked it at first, if you were being honest. It was coppery and a little sticky and yet as he walked the two of you out of the bathroom and back towards your bed, you found yourself hungry for more.
With your fingers tangled through his hair you gave it a tug, garnering a low growl that rumbled in his throat as he continued on with the bruising kiss. When the back of his knees hit your bed, the two of you fell into a jumbled mess on your mattress, never once breaking for air as your tongues battled for dominance.
Expertly, knowing the way your body moved better than anyone, Billy moved you in such a way that he was sitting up in the middle of your bed as you straddled his lap. And as you lowered yourself onto his pulsing cock, the gruff low moan that tore out of his lips was enough to kill you.
His large hands splayed out across your back, guiding you further into his hungry mouth as your bleeding cunt teased him beyond belief. You were so wet and with every twist of your hips and every gentle moan, he was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything else besides just how fucking good you felt.
Digging your nails into his shoulders, blood slowly pooled in the wake of your crescent moon shaped nail markings. He hissed at the sensation and squeezed your tits rather roughly as he tried to stop himself from coming right then and there.
But then you lowered your lips onto his shoulders and he felt your hot tongue trace over every last cut and he almost lost it. There you were, with dried blood all over your chin and parts of your cheeks from having kissed him after going down on you, licking the blood that gathered along his shoulders.
He was in a state of euphoria.
“You are so fucking gorgeous.” He pushed out, revelling in the feel of how warm and wet your pussy felt.
Rather than say a word, all you did was bite down on the reddened area of his shoulder as you quickened your pace on his dick.
Drawing more blood.
Licking up more of his blood.
Something in him snapped to life in that instance. An almost ancient need bubbled to the surface as he held you there against him. Your tits bounced as you writhed on top of him and as he began to meet you halfway with violent, earth shattering thrusts, the outside world ceased to exist.
The sound of his balls hitting your sopping pussy combined with the sound of your wetness, both slick and blood, squelching all around the two of you was all that surrounded you as you whined out his name. You could barely breathe as he pounded into you, barely function.
“Billy, fuck, I—”
His mouth buried your words with another hungry kiss. You were both breathless and desperate to be as close to the other as humanly possible as you sat on your bed, fucking each other raw. His tongue slid along your bottom lip, gently tugging at it as his forehead fell against your own.
There was a shift after the cabin that you’d both felt inside of you, but there was a shift in the air tonight, as well. An unspoken trust, of sorts, that went beyond anything the two of you were prepared for.  
His hips bucked into yours one final time before he came undone inside of you. A flood of warmth settled in your belly as he came and as his thumb continued to circle your clit, rubbing and pinching at it every step of the way, you soon followed suit.
With one last shaky pump, Billy held you there as he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your lips, your cheek, down your neck, and along your shoulder before his eyes found yours once again.
His thumb skirted across the apple of your cheek. “You’re my girl,” he whispered, revelling in just how fucking gorgeous you looked in that instance. “You know that?”
“I do,” you affirmed, kissing him softly. “You’re helping me clean my fucking bedsheets in the morning,” you muttered, “do you know that?”
Despite everything, Billy found himself smiling across at you before glancing down at the bloody mess of your sheets. “Yeah,” he chuckled, “I do.”
“Good,” you gently smacked his cheek and crawled off of your bed towards the bathroom.
“Where you going?” He asked, watching your naked body pad out of the room.
“Shower,” you merely said before popping your head around the corner. “Care to join me?”
Billy was at your side within the blink of an eye.
hehehehehehehe let me know if yall like it 
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