#binghe probably wouldn't either because sqq
piosplayhouse · 2 years
(controversial) I think lan wangji thinks that pee is stored in the balls. Like I don't think he thinks about it often but it's just something he thought of and just never questioned. Like it's just an ingrained belief and no one's ever corrected him because if hanguang jun says pee is stored in the balls then you'd better bet pee is stored in the balls
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elanorpam · 4 months
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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sillygoofyqueer · 20 days
(but first of all!!! i loove that characterization of wei qingwei, the pirate-dad-peak lord; i can see him being the only peak lord/person who is allowed to casually fix stray feathers on shen qingqiu's wings, because he never makes a big deal out of it or acts like he's made of glass. he fixes it like he fixes someone's hair or clothes, which is a bit of normalcy shen qingqiu is probably desperate for)
so i was thinking: water prison. the whole jin lan city debacle goes roughly the same, only of course with the added accusations of sqq having been an untrustworthy, scheming demon all along and the accusations being a bit more dire. public opinion turns against him badly and he gets hauled off. the old palace master would probably go all in on his demonic heritage and accuse him of a slew of other things too, and then demand his wings be clipped because he'll "escape otherwise". it's not great but shen qingqiu doesn't use his wings to fly that often, and he'll molt soon anyway so he agrees with the conditions (if only to soothe things over). but then ofc in private they do whatever they want and the old palace master changes clipping to pinioning, which is significantly worse, very painful, and cripples him (bonus points if the little palace mistress comes to the prison with her whip and gets a few hits in too cus his wings are drenched and hurt and difficult to maneuver<3).
i do think in this case luo binghe doesn't visit bc if he already got furious at the little palace mistress for using her whip, he wouldn't accept his shizun's wings being mutilated (however, if binghe does come it would be a similar kind of frustrating miscommunication as in canon, and when binghe gets furious when he sees shen qingqiu it's not at sqq but at the state of him, but sqq doesn't know that, and reacts in fear and self-preservation (moving away, tucking his wings tight and close to his body, eyes flashing pale blue (like a crow's!!)), which of course makes it worse; maybe binghe assumes that shen qingqiu thinks this was his idea, which he would NEVER).
when gongyi xiao (love this good boy<3) comes by ofc he's horrified to see the state of shen qingqiu's wings (clumps of blood-slick feathers on the floor, one wing clearly shorter than the other, ripped clothes and bruises), and just like in canon he immediately goes to free him bc it's unacceptable and vile, and maaaybe he jumps to the conclusion that binghe must have done this to him to punish him. with the last of his strength sqq transforms into his full crow form, which is easier to smuggle out of the prison bc gongyi xiao can bundle him up in his robes (for extra drama binghe can be like "shizun will let gongyi xiao swaddle him in his robes and hold him but not binghe??🥺🥺😡😡" "binghe please don't say it like that")
*Gripping the sides of my coffin as I force myself into a sitting position and yes, I do look as - if not MORE - fit than Tianlang-jun in that one illustration (you know the one I mean)* Hey.
This angst just hit me incredibly hard in the stomach and that's why I've been ill so...it's ALL YOUR FAULT (kidding, kidding). Anywhosles, Gongyi Xiao is precious and of course he would smuggle crow Shen Qingqiu out of the prison the moment he sees the mutilation of the poor guy's wings. If he believes Binghe did it? Another reason to dislike the guy that practically stole everything from him (I love this precious guy and he deserves better in canon 😔). He has heard so much about the peak lord grieving the loss of his disciple, and Luo Binghe repays him by practically destroying his wings?? Shameful :(
From the Zhuzhi-lang angle, imagine he's in snake form, going to find the fit guy dilf half demon cultivator that saved his life and helped him out when he should have killed him, and finding a Huan Hua Palace disciple holding a brutalised crow with overly intelligent eyes. It's not hard to jump to the conclusion that the Huan Hua disciple has either caused or helped cause these injuries upon Shen Qingqiu, and is possibly even about to kill him. Keep in mind that all Zhuzhi-lang knows is that Shen Qingqiu has been taken into custody by Huan Hua, held within the Water Prison with his wings to be clipped, multiple accusations thrown his way linked to him being a demon, and that it's the snake boi's job to save him because Shen Qingqiu saved him that one time. What would you do in that situation? Because Zhuzhi-lang attacks with no remorse. Does Gongyi Xiao die?? The real question is if I could bear the poor guy dying twice just for doing the right thing...
The miscommunication between Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu always makes me want to die because just ONE CONVERSATION WOULD FIX EVERYTHING. But that's also why it's so silly and good and I love it. The idea that Shen Qingqiu believes that Luo Binghe is the reason why his wings are so fucked up could go deeper with the idea of, back when Luo Binghe was a disciple, he was practically the only disciple that was ever allowed to touch the man's wings, and he always seemed very upset when the other peak lords got to help Shen Qingqiu with his feathers - jealous of them, in reality, but the man thought that maybe he was jealous of how Shen Qingqiu was treated despite being a demon (it was a tidgy bit of the reason). So, when Shen Qingqiu is in the Water Prison, Binghe's first order of business could be perceived as: "you want to be treated as a pathetic human? I can help with that" and ruins one of Shen Qingqiu's defining features of a demon, making him vulnerable and weak - which is how Bingge felt humans were, and how Shen Qingqiu thinks Binghe views humans. So. Angst. Yay.
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danmeiconfession · 8 months
Luo Binghe is a scary motherfucker. Shen jiu could have treated this man kindly and he'd get be chased down obsessively he treated him canonically like scum and yet he can't get his shizun out of his head. Bro... I know many say it's because he's got grievances against his Shizun becauses of the mistreatment and abuse he experienced at the peak but Bingge goes way to far to even count as a victim because at the extent of the torture he did it's beyond a victim wanting justice but a maniac it's goes way past that. Who craves their teacher affection if they had Shen jiu as their instructor most would stop but he still wanted it. It can't be anyone affection it's why SY being in the original host body makes sense because it kind of traces back to a lot of issues and Shen jiu the center of that. If the system is there to grant happiness for Binghe I think lol then his desires are in SQQ. Like i've seen stories of Shen Yuan being in other character bodies but like ultimately it's not really SY kindness to the MC that sets him apart because we have countless wife characters that already fulfill the role like Ning Yingying it's not really the lack of love but really the love he wanted from the original host and Shen jiu got the boot.
Logically, Binghe is a scary dude. A whole yandere that desires his shizun like no other. I don't think Shen jiu was that dumb he's probably aware if the taunts he makes to him got his tongue ripped off. I don't think it's the abuse that made him go haywire but the fact he was always rejected by Shen jiu himself. Like the difference between SY and SJ was one accepted the affection and the other didn't.
Like people could say oh if only SJ could have treated this boy sweetly but bro he wouldn't let the dude go ever. Whether he treated this dude as scum below his feet or treated him lovingly in his arms his fate is tied to this dude because in either situation he's end up in Binghe hands regardless. Shen jiu experiences a lot of shit in the manor he was enslaved at and was sexually implied to be abused by Qiu Jian Luo who hated his disobedience. Who's to say he wasn't aware of the child attention on him and he wanted to quell that shit down.
Even when confronted with someone like Shizun, he shouldn't be overly concerned about finding a replacement, especially considering the negative memories associated with it, particularly with SQQ. If he truly harbored hatred and contempt, he wouldn't desire someone similar to take his place. However, it's possible that in the past, he admired Shizun and believed they could start anew. Typically, intense emotions like rage and revenge preclude the possibility of reconciliation, as one is repulsed by their adversary. Yet, it's conceivable that he didn't truly despise Shizun, and perhaps never harbored genuine hatred. Instead, he sought revenge against the person he loved, who had rejected him, aiming to maintain exclusive attention post-Abyss through various nefarious means. It's feasible for someone to be consumed by revenge while still harboring love for the individual, even if they refuse to acknowledge it. I wonder if the act of reducing Shizun to a mere figure might not only be to prevent escape but also to ensure he never leaves Bingge's side again.
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jade-len · 8 months
no but seriously though, let's say that you've never read svsss and proceeded to transmigrate into pidw as either sqq or one of bunhe's random npc shixiong/shijie. is there anything you guys would've done different from sy?
personally, if i knew that bunhe was going to literally become the embodiment of toxic masculinity, a dictator who collects women as if they were some coins, and a man who's overall just the product of the abuse cycle... i would try my damn hardest to prevent any of that lol.
but, for me, i would not promote a harem or bingge's fucked way of thinking. even if i just transmigrated as some other disciple, there would be absolutely no way i would let bunhe turn into bingge (also because.. why would i let the entire sect continue to abuse him). and, probably not even really bingmei as well? i don't know, i would obviously still protect and befriend him, but i think i'd be much more stricter about teaching bingbing morals, good ethics, mental health, all that jazz.
like, we live in a time where we actually know better about that stuff! might as well pass down our 20th century knowledge, y'know? i know sqq loves binghe the way he is, but if i read pidw i would most definitely not like bingge's character due to airplane's wack writing
(cut under is just me rambling lol)
but if i were to transmigrate as sqq... honestly, it would go two ways for me. genuinely, i think (after the ooc function) i'd just run away from the sect and take on a completely new appearance using magic airplane plant bullshit, find binghe (because i know damn well the abuse wouldn't just stop there.. also because the system will probably still demand for me to be some sort of mentor), then be like that one cool teacher or older brother figure? i'd definitely be more of that instead of a proper shizun. idk, i'd just treat binghe as if he were my little brother
or, since binghe is still bunhe and thus hasn't darkened at all, i would maybe pull him to the side and say that i'm actually not his shizun. probably claim that the real sqq hated teaching (which was why he abused binghe) and kids, so he made a doppelgänger (me) to replace him as he goes to buttfuck anywhere else from here. since i would know of luo binghe's loyalty at least from never having read svsss, i'd tell him to respect sqq's wishes
this is so that binghe would at least know that i'm not shen qingqiu. because remember, in this alternate timeline i only know pidw instead and don't know if binghe would forgive sqq for all the abuse he suffered, so don't blame me for going that route! again, i know that the system would still probably require me to be his mentor for the abyss arc, so i'd have to still stay as bingbing pretty much gets an entirely new person as his shizun. but hey, would he complain? i don't abuse kids and thus won't ever hurt him. plus, i don't think i'd be able to constantly put on a mask and pretend to be sqq, the least i could do is have luo binghe know the "truth"?
look i know that that probably breaks the system's rules, BUT remember, you can negotiate with the system. "well, i'm not revealing my identity as a transmigrator or the system? i'm technically still 'shen qingqiu', im supposed to be a doppelgänger, a copy! remember? so i'm technically him." also, i don't remember any rules about running away and such for the new identity plan, just that binghe still needs a mentor to push him off. i feel like with enough negotiation, i would be able to do this (also yes i know that i wouldn't know about the system not being strict, but i feel like i would figure it out pretty quickly, considering that i bitch a bit and will find a way to back up my argument if I'm really insistent)
speaking about the endless abyss!! yeah no i don't think i would be able to push him off. i think i'd make it abundantly clear that i don't want to, but i'm cursed to "fulfill" a prophecy or something.. either through a bunch of metaphors and stories. or, since system never said i had to full on betray him, just that he needed to be in there, i'd kinda just. tell him to jump and that there was nothing else i could teach him or something. i'll be waiting, bingbing!
and finally: what about if binghe fell in love? ...honestly don't know what i'd do with that. i feel like i'd be more gege material if anything since i'm not super different in age with bingbing, so i'd most likely see him as a friend or younger brother instead of a disciple (and i'd definitely treat him like one too. sorry, i just don't think i'd be able to take my job as a teacher or anything seriously, nonetheless actually teach teach. mentor-ish or bro figure, yeah i could do that. responsible teacher? okay, now you're asking for too much). so maybe? maybe not? i don't even know if i meet binghe's standards (which, admittedly, is kinda low but you get my point). i'd probably wanna kiss liu qingge though lol
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rarepears · 3 years
For the whole Meng Mo manipulates Binghes memories, whether through demonic powers or not, it then leads to the question of NYY's point of view.
Cause if she was there, she should know that LBH isn't telling the truth about the abuse, and presumably, MM wouldn't have manipulates her memories.
So NYY knows that LBH is either lying or just wrong. So why wouldn't she say anything. There's the possibilities of she just believes LBH despite never seeing it or the she's scared that he'll turn on her if she contradicts him.
I however, like the idea that while twisting the memories about SQQ (SJ) and the other disciples, the memories also made NYY seem stupider than she was. But she was a disciple of Qing Jin Peak. The peak of scholars and tacticians. While she was somewhat spoiled, she's still smart enough to earn her place there. So she sees the situation. She knows her shizun is going to lose. She bids her time, plays along. She tries to rescue her shizun (could be an AU where she does pull some NHS level manipulation and gets him back his limbs and freedom).
She does her best to kill LBH when he gets out of hand, but heavenly demons are notoriously hard to poison, and she stands no chance in a fight. It takes years, but eventually she creates a concoction that manages to kill him. She takes out the other main wives too. The ones who helped torture her father figure, who stood by as LBH slaughtered her marital siblings.
Basically, give me a NYY who acts like NHS, hiding her intelligence as she plots the perfect revenge for her family.
I really like the fandom theory that Shen Qingqiu told Ning Yingying to do whatever she needed to survive, even if it meant claiming that he was a pervert. Shen Qingqiu could see the writing on the wall the moment he saw Luo Binghe with the Golden Palace delegation, having clearly done more than just survive the Endless Abyss.
Shen Qingqiu's conversation with her is what gives Ning Yingying the push to decide that she's going to attach herself to Luo Binghe and try to tug on his heartstrings to lessen Shen Qingqiu's punishment. (And maybe she does succeed because Shen Qingqiu doesn't get executed. But being imprisoned and tortured for years isn't actually any better. In fact, it's worse - Luo Binghe misinterprets Ning Yingying's words the wrong way thanks to the pushing and manipulation of his other wives... namely Liu Mingyan.)
But I also think Ning Yingying is a sheltered girl who wants to think the best of everyone. And she's probably learnt that although someone might believe in something incorrect, it still doesn't change that the person believes in it. She's seen it firsthand with how Cang Qiong treats her Shizun, believing in the rumor without seeing whatever the rumor claimed firsthand.
So she thinks Luo Binghe is incorrect, but it still doesn't discount the fact that he believes he was mistreated. He exhibits all the signs of psychological signs of mistreatment/abuse (and Ning Yingying would know the signs firsthand from dealing with Shen Qingqiu), which makes Ning Yingying a bit too softhearted with trying to deal with him in the beginning. And then Luo Binghe's strength leapfrogs too quickly (and his harem growing too rapidly) that dealing with him becomes out of her reach.
Wait, you know what would be really cool? Ning Yingying as a spy, feeding information on Binghe's plans to Qing Jing Peak. (Not to Cang Qiong, never to Cang Qiong who gave up her shizun like he was nothing to them.)
Ning Yingying could had very well been the silly, olibious girl that Luo Binghe remembers. But Binghe was away in the Endless Abyss for years - years that she spent training, learning, and maturing. She's a different person. Qing Jing disciples are different too.
It's not outside the realm that the whole peak are now educated spymasters and intelligence officers because Shen Qingqiu was worried about the future and decided to pass off his streetskills (framed in the form of being spies, undercover agents, and other "cool" roles often seen in adventure novels that Shen Qingqiu pretends that he doesn't know are popular among teenagers) to his students.
And when Shen Qingqiu is imprisoned unjustly so, the students quickly organize. They start spreading out, slowly leaving Cang Qiong in pairs (who shunned and sabotaged them since Liu Qingge's mysterious death), and placing themselves in important strategic positions. Ning Yingying's place in Luo Binghe's harem is one of them. Ming Fan, one of the few still remaining on Cang Qiong, is the replacement for Shen Qingqiu in doing the peak's duties. Some enter the imperial government, others return home to their politically powerful families or rich merchant businesses. Some become "wandering cultivators" to build good reputation and gather information while wandering from brothel to brothel.
Rather than a blatantly BAMF Ning Yingying, I want her and her peakmates to be slowly and subtly undermining Luo Binghe's operation (like CIA agents) while also basically becoming the shadow rulers of the world, all for the sole purpose of rescuing their shizun.
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neonghostcat · 2 years
Thwarted by Reason
(In which I ramble about upcoming SVSSS fanfics. ;) Cut for the sake of your dashboards.)
It is, indeed, a tragic life a writer leads. Particularly the life of a fanfic writer, if Author's Notes are anything to go by.
If you are not beset with life's little calamities and delayed six hours from posting the newest chapter because a meteorite crashed into your car and exploded the neighborhood into a fireball that still rages (so please forgive the dreadful delay), then things like (ugh!) "practicality" and "the time-space continuum" forbid you working on a project you just thought up.
TL;DR: I want to write for LiuShen Week 2022, but I could instead, y'know not try to force myself to hurry and complete a fic that will inevitably rush through the story just to meet the deadline.
That means... I could just write it at a more normal pace and really linger into those bits and pieces that are tasty for me (the writer) and hopefully also you (the reader).
Here's the concept I came up with:
(Working Title: Joint Custody)
Standard Opening: Shen Yuan transmigrates into PIDW and is told, "Fix this."
SY, being genre-savvy, expects he's meant to take the original PIDW plot and fix all of the plot holes and things that make a reader like himself table-flip in rage.
Only... no.
He's instead dropped into the body of Shen Qingqiu, who has joint-custody with Liu Qingge over which Peak Luo Binghe will end up on after he turns 16, the deadline Yue Qingyuan gave for him deciding.
This works out overall better for Binghe because while the disciples of both peaks don't really consider him "one of their own" and as such no one but NYY befriends him, no one is inclined to bully him either.
Plus SQQ can't bully him, because that would definitely make him choose Bai Zhan and he can't abide losing to LQG so easily.
So SQQ just ignores Binghe, being icy-cold to him when he can't.
LQG neglects him in his own way, basically just because he's off doing LQG things and not out of malice. It's just how he runs his peak.
Binghe grows up more akin to Bingge - a little wolf who plays at being the white sheep.
So that's why when SY pops in and his 'perfect' Shizun starts acting weird because he clearly has huge gaps in his memory, he takes particular interest in fucking with him.
Basically, Binghe bats his beautiful starry sheep eyes at SQQ and starts shit between him and LQG, doing the whole manipulative brat playing one divorced parent off of the other to get extra attention from both.
And suddenly Binghe is soaked with attention and decides to himself, "Gosh, wouldn't it be great if both my dads got together so even when I eventually choose a peak I'd still have them both and would never lose this?"
For the curious - that's exactly how I brainstorm my stories - bullet-points with memes. I basically just made the version I'm posting here a little more readable without my shorthand stuffed into it. ;) (My outlines are pretty much the same, only I'd be breaking down the different events involved.)
SO - yes. That is now a story that's in the queue of stories I intend to write. But after I finish Cultivate.
Speaking of which:
Cultivate! I re-read what I had the other day and had one of the most annoying feelings you can have as a writer: "AAaaah I am enjoying this - where is the rest of it so I can read it???"
(Keep in mind that the following assumes you have at least a basic understanding of what Cultivate is. You can find more information in the blog entries listed here, but the summary should do ya. I put an 📓 emoji next to the entries that feature excerpts from my draft you can read.)
So far Cultivate features:
Two POVs (Shen Yuan's + Liu Qingge's) that switch arbitrarily to whomever's POV would be most entertaining or interesting.
Multiple running gags that make me giggle. (This is probably the story that has the most overt comedy of my SVSSS fics.)
Shen Yuan is a silly fucking bastard when he doesn't have to pretend to be SQQ, he of dignity and respectability.
Liu Qingge looking around SY's little home base and thinking, "Bitch, you live like this? Better take care of you because you are helpless."
Shen Yuan is: Snow White
Gratuitous paeans on the charms of both of our heroes.
The death throes of The Original Plot, only to have it threaten to come back as a zombie thirsty for vengeance.
A surprising amount of creepiness for something that's mostly fluff. (I'm considering tagging it with "mild horror elements".)
You thought I did worldbuilding before? Hold on to your socks.
Shen Yuan using knowledge gleaned from his geeky interests to try to live the Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/Rune Factory slowlife.
It is still shocking to me that I'm ~10 chapters in and it still feels like the story just got started. I may need to post them two chapters a week just so I'm not posting on the same story for years, if ~40k really is only "just beginning" the story...
Anyway - 'tis a horrendous fate. Lament, lament the tyranny of time; etc, etc. etc.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
i don't know if this is discourse but i recently saw someone make the argument that shen yuan is shen qingqiu's dead name and anyone who writes it as shen yuan in fanfiction is disrespecting mxtx herself and is writing ooc. huh.
Haha omg I actually think oomfie was the one who posted this. I dont really think they meant it that strongly and they do raise some good points with how Shen Yuan's development throughout the story is heavily intertwined with him growing into his role as "Shen Qingqiu", but I can see how comparing it to a dead name and tying in authorial intent could step on some people's toes.
I think it's also significant to note that the narration in sv is 3rd person limited, not 1st person, and there is a specific turning point very early in the story where the narration deliberately stops referring to Shen Yuan as Shen Yuan and refers to him as Shen Qingqiu (and it's not immediately after his transmigration) which very much feels like the narration is just prioritizing clarity in the story. I saw some discussion of comparing it to mdzs's treatment of courtesy names vs birth names and such but I also think it should probably be noted in that the names in SV are. Well airplane named most of the characters LMFAO. Mobei Jun, Tianlang Jun, Linguang Jun never even get actual names they just have titles, Luo Binghe's name is icy river, there's not a huge amount to be said about the names imo.
as for my personal opinion uhh I just don't really think sqq gives a shit LMFAO. He doesn't really care what body he's in, he doesn't really care where he ended up, he doesn't really care what he's called. He just kind of adapts as he goes and hits the ground running. He's already not really a deep reflections guy and this esp comes into play with his identity (cough cough sexuality and gender). I highly doubt mxtx cares at all either and she definitely wouldn't be able to complain because she calls wangxian wifi and bluetooth and hua cheng fafa LOL.
Overall it's just someone's personal analysis and I respect it even though I disagree!! Pls don't send hate to anyone about it for sure, it's all a light-hearted discussion after all ^^
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