#bio;; Alizair Hollis
Alizair Hollis || Dark-Hunter OC
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Name: Alizair Hollis
Alias: Zair
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Age: 28
Species: Arcadian Wolf
Special Abilities/Powers: Shapeshifting [grey wolf], enhanced senses, healing and reflexes
History: Alizair Hollis is the only surviving child to the Hollis pack leaders, Christopher and Leila. Born six years before his sister Bellamy, Alizair was a happy child with his parent's reaching him everything he knows. Unlike most Arcadians, Chris and Leila believed in harnessing the inner animal they were tied to, using the born talents while in human form as well as when shifted. Leila taught swordsmanship, her husband taught tracking. Alizair picked up both slowly, but he learned and grew, and over time, the young man was found training alone, honing his skills as a defender of his pack. His little sister Bellamy struggled to find the equality of human and animal, and young Alizair would take his sister to talk and remind her she was still a good person, even if she messed up. After a few years, the then sixteen and ten year old siblings had a tree alongside the nearby creek where brother could always find sister when she vanished. Alizair swore to protect Bellamy no matter the cost, if only to see his little sister smile.
One particular night, Bellamy had been given a lecture by her father and she ran off to the little spot she and Alizair called their own. Alizair found her there and let her cry and vent, eventually falling asleep alongside the little creek, Bellamy's head in his lap. The smell of blood woke him. He moved to wake Bellamy and get her to safety, but they were cornered by masked men and women. He moved to fight, to make a way for Bellamy to escape, but as soon as she did, one of the men slashed her stomach with a sword. The sight of his sister bleeding drove Alizair into a frenzy, unleashing the full ferocity of the wolf within and attacking the intruders. By the time he was done, covered in the blood of his goes, Bellamy was struggling to breathe. He begged with her to hold on, but her breaths grew weaker as she told him "I love you, big brother." and closed her eyes. Alizair was shattered, screaming as he cradled his sister's body to him. When hours had passed, he finally found some modicum of strength with which to bury his sister, laying her to rest beneath their tree and carving her initials deep into the bark. His pack had been killed, he discovered, though why and by whom he didn't know. He slowly buried everyone, a hard task for a lone Arcadian wolf. It took several days before he could finish, but his parent's bodies were nowhere to be found. Alizair, unsure if he should believe them to be alive, struck out on his own to find them.
After five years, getting in and out of all kinds of trouble, he gave up hope that his parents were alive. It took a year or so before he finally started to build a life for himself somehow. He eventually got on as a bartender and his quick reflexes made him able to perform tricks and stop any potential disasters before they happened, so he makes very good money for the position.
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
A. Hollis | Dark-Hunter OC
Muse Name: Alizair Jameson Hollis 
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Fandom: Dark-Hunter Realm
Age: 28
Birthday: July 25th
Species: Arcadian Wolf
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Family: Chris Hollis [ father; preseumed dead], Leila Hollis [mother; presumed dead], Bellamy Hollis little sister; deceased]
Abilities:  Shapeshifting [grey wolf], enhanced senses, healing and reflexes
History: Alizair Hollis is the only surviving child to the Hollis pack leaders, Christopher and Leila. Born six years before his sister Bellamy, Alizair was a happy child with his parent’s reaching him everything he knows. Unlike most Arcadians, Chris and Leila believed in harnessing the inner animal they were tied to, using the born talents while in human form as well as when shifted. Leila taught swordsmanship, her husband taught tracking. Alizair picked up both slowly, but he learned and grew, and over time, the young man was found training alone, honing his skills as a defender of his pack. His little sister Bellamy struggled to find the equality of human and animal, and young Alizair would take his sister to talk and remind her she was still a good person, even if she messed up. After a few years, the then sixteen and ten year old siblings had a tree alongside the nearby creek where brother could always find sister when she vanished. Alizair swore to protect Bellamy no matter the cost, if only to see his little sister smile.
One particular night, Bellamy had been given a lecture by her father and she ran off to the little spot she and Alizair called their own. Alizair found her there and let her cry and vent, eventually falling asleep alongside the little creek, Bellamy’s head in his lap. The smell of blood woke him. He moved to wake Bellamy and get her to safety, but they were cornered by masked men and women. He moved to fight, to make a way for Bellamy to escape, but as soon as she did, one of the men slashed her stomach with a sword. The sight of his sister bleeding drove Alizair into a frenzy, unleashing the full ferocity of the wolf within and attacking the intruders. By the time he was done, covered in the blood of his goes, Bellamy was struggling to breathe. He begged with her to hold on, but her breaths grew weaker as she told him “I love you, big brother.” and closed her eyes. Alizair was shattered, screaming as he cradled his sister’s body to him. When hours had passed, he finally found some modicum of strength with which to bury his sister, laying her to rest beneath their tree and carving her initials deep into the bark. His pack had been killed, he discovered, though why and by whom he didn’t know. He slowly buried everyone, a hard task for a lone Arcadian wolf. It took several days before he could finish, but his parent’s bodies were nowhere to be found. Alizair, unsure if he should believe them to be alive, struck out on his own to find them.
After five years, getting in and out of all kinds of trouble, he gave up hope that his parents were alive. It took a year or so before he finally started to build a life for himself somehow. He eventually got on as a bartender and his quick reflexes made him able to perform tricks and stop any potential disasters before they happened, so he makes very good money for the position.
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