#c; Alizair
hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Wolf’s Mate | walkinggatorbait
Celine flinched as she sprung up. Alizair appeared in a flash in front of her. He had things under control in front of her. The witch spun to take care of the few wolves behind him. She managed to muttered a quick spell and they dropped to the ground dead. Celine flinched as she pulled herself up off of the ground. “Zair,” She whimpered and stumbled towards him.
Alizair turned to Celine immediately, moving to draw her in and burying his face in her hair. “I’m here, love. I promise.” he swore, kissing her head. “I got you.” He moved to pick her up bridal style, resting his forehead on hers. “Come on, let’s get you home.” he said softly, eyes still gold as he watched her, starting towards the city and the shop where they lived. “I’ll get you cleaned up and bandaged.”
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After the Rescue || walkinggatorbait
@walkinggatorbait [continued from here]
She ached. More than she ever had in her life. But she couldn’t sleep without Alizair. She’d tried for hours and just laid awake. “I can’t sleep alone.” Celine answered him. Her head throbbed still but she relaxed and felt slightly better. Safer. “Sore.” She said softly, moving her hand to run through his hair. “But I’ll be fine, as long as you’re here.”
Alizair chuckled, happy to have his mate near him, though still worried about her condition. “I just don’t want you to get more banged up. Those assholes put you through a lot.” his tone was sad but a little angry, mad that some Katagarian idiots had tried to come at his home - his mate - without expecting some kind of bloodshed. “Try to rest. I’ll cook breakfast and take care of you.”
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❤ [from Alizair of course C: ]
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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celestaele · 6 years
“Did you really have to give me so many hickeys?” [from Alizair in an amused tone]
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            ‘ you never gave any INDICATION for me to stop                  so i just c o n t i n u e d until i ran out of room. ‘
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
"i love you." (Alizair)
Alizair smiled as he moved to pull Celine to him, leaning to nuzzle her before taking her hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss the mark on her palm. The mark that showed she was his and his alone. “I love you, too.” he promised in a whisper, eye closing as he relaxed into the bed and holding her close. “I could never love anyone in the way I love you.”
@walkinggatorbait [He can be so soft when he wants, omg]
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
[Random.org chose Alizair Hollis for this post].
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BOLD  whatever  applies  to  your  muse.   ITALICISE  the  ones  that  can  only  happen  in  other  verses.    Repost,    don’t  reblog.
been  cheated  on.    been  bullied.  had  your  heart  broken.   broken  someone’s  heart.  told  a  horrible  lie.   been  betrayed.  been  framed  /  set  up.    stolen  something  of  value.    overdosed  on  drugs.    been  drunk.  cheated.    bullied.    been  publicly  humiliated. punched  someone  in  the  face.    been  beaten  up.   broken  a  bone.  been  admitted  to  hospital.    put  someone  in  the  hospital.   had  a  near - death  experience.   been  drugged.    done  drugs.    smoked.    been  arrested.    been  homeless.   been  forced  to  commit  a  crime.   died  and  come  back  to  life.   kissed  someone  you  weren’t  attracted  to.    bled  severely. killed  someone.   been  forced  to  kill  someone.  had  an  attempt  on  your  life.   made  an  attempt  on  your  own  life.   lost  someone. loved  someone.   watched  a  loved  one  die.   failed  to  save  /  help  a  loved  one. felt  helpless. watched  your  world  die  /  disappear.    had  your  life’s  work  stolen  /  destroyed.    gone  without  food  for  over  three  days.   gone  without  sleep  for  over  three  days.  been  tortured.   been  shot.    been  stabbed.  been  poisoned.    been  held  prisoner.  been  trapped.    been  buried  alive. been  held  hostage.  held  someone  hostage.    been  stuck  in  a  different  world  /  universe  /  time.    been  slapped  /  punched  by  a  parent  or  higher  up.   been  abused  by  someone  who  should  have  loved  /  appreciated  /  valued  you. had  a  panic  attack. had  night  terrors.  been  in  a  car  accident.    lost  your  job.   lost  a  fight.    had  sex  with  a  stranger.   been  divorced.    been  abandoned.   passed  out  from  pain. cried  yourself  to  sleep.  spent  a  whole  day  in  bed.  hurt  yourself.    taken  your  anger  out  on  yourself.    taken  your  anger  out  on  someone  you  love.   been  used.    been  manipulated.    felt  used.    manipulated  someone  else. had  your  memories  /  mind  wiped,  stolen,  or  tampered  with.   been  taken  over  by  a  hostile  force.   been  terrified. played  a  cruel  game  on  someone.   been  forced  to  smile. felt  too  many  things  at  once.   laughed  when  you  felt  like  crying.   been  in  denial. been  denied.    faced  your  demons.
    TAGGED BY: @ghostofaformerself​  
    TAGGING: @athousandrealmsofhappiness [for Yoochan], @normalabnormalityofmultimuses [for Taiyo], @kyberborn​ [dealer’s choice], @heroesofbr00klyn​ [for Thor], @strykingback​ [for Louvel], @legendssoldierscientists​ [dealer’s choice] and anyone else who would like to!
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Trying to make Alizair choose his favorite part about New Orleans was much more difficult than one would imagine. The colors, the music, the food, the people, everything was beautiful and yet ancient. Powerful yet dormant. The wolf loved the city during any time of day, but he loved the nightlife. The street musicians grew in number when the stars came out, and tonight was no exception. Alizair was walking the streets in a pair of dark jeans, a blood red t-shirt and a pair of boots, smiling as he took in the music and atmosphere around him, humming to himself nonchalantly. "I love this city." He mused aloud.
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
A. Hollis | Dark-Hunter OC
Muse Name: Alizair Jameson Hollis 
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Fandom: Dark-Hunter Realm
Age: 28
Birthday: July 25th
Species: Arcadian Wolf
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Family: Chris Hollis [ father; preseumed dead], Leila Hollis [mother; presumed dead], Bellamy Hollis little sister; deceased]
Abilities:  Shapeshifting [grey wolf], enhanced senses, healing and reflexes
History: Alizair Hollis is the only surviving child to the Hollis pack leaders, Christopher and Leila. Born six years before his sister Bellamy, Alizair was a happy child with his parent’s reaching him everything he knows. Unlike most Arcadians, Chris and Leila believed in harnessing the inner animal they were tied to, using the born talents while in human form as well as when shifted. Leila taught swordsmanship, her husband taught tracking. Alizair picked up both slowly, but he learned and grew, and over time, the young man was found training alone, honing his skills as a defender of his pack. His little sister Bellamy struggled to find the equality of human and animal, and young Alizair would take his sister to talk and remind her she was still a good person, even if she messed up. After a few years, the then sixteen and ten year old siblings had a tree alongside the nearby creek where brother could always find sister when she vanished. Alizair swore to protect Bellamy no matter the cost, if only to see his little sister smile.
One particular night, Bellamy had been given a lecture by her father and she ran off to the little spot she and Alizair called their own. Alizair found her there and let her cry and vent, eventually falling asleep alongside the little creek, Bellamy’s head in his lap. The smell of blood woke him. He moved to wake Bellamy and get her to safety, but they were cornered by masked men and women. He moved to fight, to make a way for Bellamy to escape, but as soon as she did, one of the men slashed her stomach with a sword. The sight of his sister bleeding drove Alizair into a frenzy, unleashing the full ferocity of the wolf within and attacking the intruders. By the time he was done, covered in the blood of his goes, Bellamy was struggling to breathe. He begged with her to hold on, but her breaths grew weaker as she told him “I love you, big brother.” and closed her eyes. Alizair was shattered, screaming as he cradled his sister’s body to him. When hours had passed, he finally found some modicum of strength with which to bury his sister, laying her to rest beneath their tree and carving her initials deep into the bark. His pack had been killed, he discovered, though why and by whom he didn’t know. He slowly buried everyone, a hard task for a lone Arcadian wolf. It took several days before he could finish, but his parent’s bodies were nowhere to be found. Alizair, unsure if he should believe them to be alive, struck out on his own to find them.
After five years, getting in and out of all kinds of trouble, he gave up hope that his parents were alive. It took a year or so before he finally started to build a life for himself somehow. He eventually got on as a bartender and his quick reflexes made him able to perform tricks and stop any potential disasters before they happened, so he makes very good money for the position.
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[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine . (Alizair)
Alizair stirred as he flet the bed move, craxking his eyes to find Celine crawling into it. "Trouble sleeping beautiful?" He asked with a smile, moving to hold her close.
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“I told you, I like it when you bite me.” (your choice)
Alizair nuzzled along her neck with a chuckle. "I remember, dearest." He promised, nibbling his way along her pulse with a smirk. "But I also like to tease you first."
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Alizair Hollis || Dark-Hunter OC
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Name: Alizair Hollis
Alias: Zair
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Age: 28
Species: Arcadian Wolf
Special Abilities/Powers: Shapeshifting [grey wolf], enhanced senses, healing and reflexes
History: Alizair Hollis is the only surviving child to the Hollis pack leaders, Christopher and Leila. Born six years before his sister Bellamy, Alizair was a happy child with his parent's reaching him everything he knows. Unlike most Arcadians, Chris and Leila believed in harnessing the inner animal they were tied to, using the born talents while in human form as well as when shifted. Leila taught swordsmanship, her husband taught tracking. Alizair picked up both slowly, but he learned and grew, and over time, the young man was found training alone, honing his skills as a defender of his pack. His little sister Bellamy struggled to find the equality of human and animal, and young Alizair would take his sister to talk and remind her she was still a good person, even if she messed up. After a few years, the then sixteen and ten year old siblings had a tree alongside the nearby creek where brother could always find sister when she vanished. Alizair swore to protect Bellamy no matter the cost, if only to see his little sister smile.
One particular night, Bellamy had been given a lecture by her father and she ran off to the little spot she and Alizair called their own. Alizair found her there and let her cry and vent, eventually falling asleep alongside the little creek, Bellamy's head in his lap. The smell of blood woke him. He moved to wake Bellamy and get her to safety, but they were cornered by masked men and women. He moved to fight, to make a way for Bellamy to escape, but as soon as she did, one of the men slashed her stomach with a sword. The sight of his sister bleeding drove Alizair into a frenzy, unleashing the full ferocity of the wolf within and attacking the intruders. By the time he was done, covered in the blood of his goes, Bellamy was struggling to breathe. He begged with her to hold on, but her breaths grew weaker as she told him "I love you, big brother." and closed her eyes. Alizair was shattered, screaming as he cradled his sister's body to him. When hours had passed, he finally found some modicum of strength with which to bury his sister, laying her to rest beneath their tree and carving her initials deep into the bark. His pack had been killed, he discovered, though why and by whom he didn't know. He slowly buried everyone, a hard task for a lone Arcadian wolf. It took several days before he could finish, but his parent's bodies were nowhere to be found. Alizair, unsure if he should believe them to be alive, struck out on his own to find them.
After five years, getting in and out of all kinds of trouble, he gave up hope that his parents were alive. It took a year or so before he finally started to build a life for himself somehow. He eventually got on as a bartender and his quick reflexes made him able to perform tricks and stop any potential disasters before they happened, so he makes very good money for the position.
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