#bird: cryptid in by the river does nothing but write and fold paper and not smoke
actualbird · 7 years
tagged by @ezramakesanentrance!! hiya!!!
im a huge cop out with these and i never know who to tag that i wont annoy so i just….Wont tag anybody. im a coward, sue me. but here r the answers!!
1) What color are your eyes?
dark brown
2) Do you have any internet frens?
hhhhhhhhhhhh im scared to call anybody a friend because idk if im oversteppng boundaries. but uh. the moment you engage me in a conversation? i love you and youre my friend. 
3) What are your favorite songs?
my taste in music changes wildly on a weekly basis but here are some all time faves: Calendar Girl by Stars. One Angry Dwarf and 500 Solemn Faces by Ben Folds Five. Your Universe by Rico Blanco. 
4) Do you have any pets?(if so what kind and names?)
YEAAAAHHHH. we have 5 dogs, Bec (jack russel terrier/poodle mix), Muffin (shih tzu), Suju (lab), Arya (lab), and Robbin (lab). and we got two turtles too, both of them red eared sliders. Isaac and Tweek.
5) Do you live in a house, a townhouse, an apartment, etc….?
one floor house kinda super close to a river that has a tendency to flood in the rainy season. blegh. love this place w/ all my heart tho. even when it’s submerged.
6) Favorite musicals??
so many????
pippin owns my ass because it was my first musical and got me to love theatre. jesus christ superstar is a close second because it’s fucking jesus christ superstar. les mis holds a special place in my heart esp since it’s the first Big musical i saw live when les mis manila happened. spring awakening and next to normal also get honorable mentions because they Rock and got me into the more recent musical scene (my tastes were very very classic back then) +++ a local prod, three stars and a sun, a ridiculously cool jukebox musical using the music of francis magalona about post apocalyptic philippines. and another local prod, kung paano ako naging leading lady, a musical about superheroes. i have too much love in my heart for musicals
7) Have you ever broken a bone??
no!! it’s really weird!! ive fallen down flights of stairs several times and still no broken bones, so i think im invincible. i’ll update you guys when i get hit by a car if my hypothesis holds true
8) what do you want to/study in college??
im currently studying creative writing and in the process of applying for a minor in english literature. yeah, i know. im That Pretentious Student. if it makes you feel any better, i dont smoke and i have mixed opinions on slam poetry. 
(of course, no offense to those who do smoke and like slam poetry. you do you!! cyn!! thia!!!)
9) favorite food??
candy. all candy. my dentist hates me. they had a candy booth at school once and i bought like 3 bags of sour tape and i ate it all over the course of a few hours. but if we’re talking Actual Food, i’d leave somebody at the altar for sinigang. 
10) Favorite meme??
doge. Judge Me All you Want But It Was A Good And Nice Meme, Okay. 
11) Do you have any hobbies??
writing fanfiction is my main hobby but i also crochet!! not as much now tho…i also like origami, but i only fold the same six designs over and over again because i cant stand it when theyre not Perfect. im also rather obsessed with folding these same designs smaller and smaller. itty bitty paper cranes. 
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