#birds i saw goldfinches cedar waxwings egret bald eagle cardinals robins mourning doves
wraenata · 1 year
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I have returned from camping. I'm going to try and make it through my dash but I'm not sure if I will be able too. If I missed any posts I'm sorry!
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scrumpyfan43 · 8 years
My ABA Life List, as I wrote it down the other day
I’m being a bit conservative here because I’m going by memory, so I pretty much write off any birds that I can’t identify on the spot, unless they’re really common. So ducks, empids, shorebirds, gulls, drab warblers, and emberzids are probably all undercounted.
Common Loon 1
Snow Goose 2 Canada Goose 3 Mute Swan 4 Trumpeter Swan 5 Muscovy Duck 6 Wood Duck 7 American Wigeon 8 American Black Duck 9 Mallard 10 Blue Winged Teal 11 Northern Shoveler 12 Canvasback 13 Redhead 14 Ring-necked Duck 15 Lesser Scaup 16 Common Eider 17 Harlequin Duck 18 Bufflehead 19 Common Goldeneye 20 Hooded Merganser 21 Red-breasted Merganser 22 Ruddy Duck 23
Bobwhite 24 Chukar 25 Ring-necked Pheasant 26 Ruffed Grouse 27 Wild Turkey 28
Pied-billed grebe 29 One of those migratory grebes idk 30
Rock Pigeon 31 White-crowned Pigeon 32 White-winged Dove 33 Mourning Dove 34 Common Ground-dove 35
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, I think Mangrove too but not counting that 36
Common Nighthawk 37 Whip-poor-will (heard but not seen, because seriously) 38
Chimney Swift 39 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 40
King Rail 41 Common Gallinule 42 American Coot 43 Sandhill Crane 44
Killdeer 45 Sanderling 46 Pectoral Sandpiper 47 American Woodcock 48 Spotted Sandpiper 49 either Greater or Lesser Yellowlegs 50 probably more but none I could remember what they’re like
Laughing Gull 51 Ring-Billed Gull 52 Herring Gull 53 Caspian Tern 54 Common Tern 55 Royal Tern 56 Black Skimmer 57
Wood Stork 58
Magnificent Frigatebird 59 Double-crested Cormorant 60 Anhinga 61
American White Pelican 62 Brown Pelican 63 Great Blue Heron 64 Great Egret 65 Snowy Egret 66 Little Blue Heron 67 Cattle Egret 68 Green Heron 69 Black-crowned Night Heron 70 White Ibis 71 Roseate Spoonbill 72
Turkey Vulture 73 Osprey 74 Swallow-tailed Kite 75 Bald Eagle 76 Northern Harrier 77 Sharp-shinned Hawk 78 Cooper’s Hawk 79 Red-shouldered Hawk 80 Rough-legged Hawk 81 Red-tailed Hawk 82
Eastern Screech Owl 83 Great Horned Owl 84 Barred Owl 85
Belted Kingfisher 86
Red-headed Woodpecker 87 Red-bellied Woodpecker 88 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 89 Downy Woodpecker 90 Hairy Woodpecker 91 Northern Flicker 92 Pileated Woodpecker 93
American Kestrel 94 Peregrine Falcon 95
Eastern Wood-pewee 96 Least Flycatcher 97 Eastern Phoebe 98 Great Crested Flycatcher 99 Eastern Kingbird 100 Gray Kingbird (if white-crowned pigeons count then so does this guy) 101
Loggerhead Shrike 102
White-eyed Vireo 103 Blue-headed Vireo 104 Warbling Vireo 105 Red-eyed Vireo 106
Blue Jay 107 Florida Scrub Jay 108 American Crow 109 Fish Crow 110 Common Raven 111
Horned Lark 112
Purple Martin 113 Tree Swallow 114 Bank Swallow 115 Cliff Swallow 116 Barn Swallow 117
Carolina Chickadee 118 Black-capped Chickadee 119 Boreal Chickadee 120 Tufted Titmouse 121
Red-breasted nuthatch 122 White-breasted Nuthatch 123 Brown Creeper 124
House Wren 125 Winter Wren 126 Carolina Wren 127
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 128 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 129 Golden-crowned Kinglet 130
Eastern Bluebird 131 Veery 132 Hermit Thrush 133 Wood Thrush 134 American Robin 135
Gray Catbird 136 Northern Mockingbird 137 Brown Tthrasher 138
European Starling 139
Cedar Waxwing 140
House Sparrow 141
House Finch 142 I think I saw redpolls at the feeder once? 143 Pine Siskin 144 American Goldfinch 145
Snow Bunting 146
Ovenbird 147 Black-and-white Warbler 148 Prothonotary Warbler 149 Orange-crowned Warbler 150 Common Yellowthroat 151 American Redstart 152 Cape May Warbler 153 Cerulean Warbler 154 Northern Parula 155 Magnolia Warbler 156 Bay-breasted Warbler 157 Blackburnian Warbler 158 Yellow Warbler 159 Chestnut-sided Warbler 160 Blackpoll Warbler 161 Black-throated Blue Warbler 162 Palm Warbler 163 Pine Warbler 164 Yellow-rumped Warbler 165 Yellow-throated Warbler 166 Black-throated Green Warbler 167 Canada Warbler 168 Wilson’s Warbler 169 Yellow-breasted Chat 170
Eastern Towhee (you’ll always be rufous-sided in my heart) 171 American Tree Sparrow 172 Chipping Sparrow 173 Field Sparrow 174 Grasshopper Sparrow 175 Fox Sparrow 176 Song Sparrow 177 White-throated Sparrow 178 White-crowned Sparrow 179 Dark-eyed Junco 180
Summer Tanager 181 Scarlet Tanager 182 Northern Cardinal 183 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 184 Indigo Bunting 185
Bobolink 186 Red-winged Blackbird 187 Eastern Meadowlark 188 Rusty Blackbird 189 Common Grackle 190 Boat-tailed Grackle 191 Brown-headed Cowbird 192 Orchard Oriole 193 Baltimore Oriole 194
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