#bishop always has that invisible leash tugging his pretty pet
riverofjazzsims · 4 months
When i saw this quote, I immediately thought of Mercy and this scene
"You can leave a toxic relationship, but if you don’t heal what attracted you to them, you will meet them again. The same demon, just in a different person"
How many demons has Mercy danced with knowingly or otherwise. Theres only so many pieces to the life that is Mercy that's yet to be shared and only hints sprinkle here and there.What or who was the person to strike the first blow to her psyche. I feel she has been wandering around wearing a mask of her own for a very long time, and if ever they were to come off long enough, the amount of emotional chaos burried that would bubble to the surface, she wouldnt survive that alone.
Bishop is a fucking sociopath and excels and flourishes at the toxicity he drips daily into her veins.Every apology he offers is a weapon and forgiveness is his trap.
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