#bishop heahumund
a-smile-hides · 3 years
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"I have sinned in thought and in deed. Please forgive me, three person God. Punish me, ravish me. Cleanse me of my sin."
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
They Will See You Now: Ch. 5 Making a Change
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Rating: Mature 18+ Content
Pairing: Ivar x Heahmund x Reader
Mood Board: The lovely @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla
Catch Up Here
The sound of Pots and pans slamming woke you from your slumber. You were so hot, almost sweating; you looked down to see Cerberus at your feet on the couch snoring peacefully.
 “The Princess has risen from her slumber!” Heahmund’s voice made you sigh as you sat up.
 “Look at that, we didn’t even have to kiss her!” Ivar added walking over to the couch. “Cerberus keep you warm Dove?” His eyes were unusually soft as he looked down at you. Your hair was wild but not to the point of self conscious.
 “A little too warm perhaps.” You couldn’t help the smile on your lips as you took Ivar’s out stretched hand and stood up from the couch. Your joints ached as you stretched and sighed. “It smells amazing in here!” You closed your eyes as you breathed in deeply.
 “We thought we’d enjoy a nice dinner before the fun starts.” Heahmund looked up from the pot of sauce on the stove and you sat down at the bar stool while Ivar opened the fridge. “Drink, you’ve been asleep for three hours im sure you’re thirsty.” Heahmund nodded at the bottle Ivar had set before you.
 “Thank you,” You took a long sip. “ I could get used to being pampered by you two.” You giggled taking another sip. Ivar’s eyes flashed to Heahmund and you could see the silent passing of words between them. Ignoring the awkward silence you got up from the bar stool and walked to your spare room. It had been adorned with beautiful items and trinkets, the walk in closet was filled with clothes in your size but you went straight for the pajama drawer. The gray sweats you found hugged your hips but we’re loose everywhere else. You tugged a black V neck over your head and decided to leave your hair alone. You were close to the kitchen when you stopped hearing hushed voices.
 “She’s not our girlfriend Ivar, she’s a play thing and nothing more!” Heahmund hissed. “ You are becoming too emotionally invested my friend.”
 “You didn’t see them on the couch, I know what this is Heahmund! You need not remind me!” Ivar sounded quite upset and you could see him run his hands through his hair in frustration.
 “I know you care for her, I do too… it it hard not to but it goes against our agreement.” Heahmunds sigh could surely be heard around the world. You stepped into the kitchen and crossed your arms over your chest. Sensing the tension Cerberus came to sit at your feet and you reached down to stroke him.
 “What is going on? Are you two having second thoughts?” You boldly questioned. Ivar had to pause at the sight of you in casual dress which he loved.
 “How long have you been standing there?” Heahmund asked.
 “Long enough, now tell me what is the issue?” You cocked your head to the side staring between the two men.
 “We would like to change the arrangement.” Ivar said. His voice was firm but his shifting eyes alerted you to his nerves. “ I want you to be ours, our girlfriend.” His arms bulged as he mimicked your crossed pose.
 “Heahmund, is this true?” You hid your excitement well as Heahmund walked over to you.
 “It is. What do you say?” His eyes were attempting to pierce your armor and for once you refused to give in.
 “There will need to be some changes made but i’m sure we can work something out.” you smirked and pulled Heahmund in to kiss him sex dripping lips. Fuck his mouth was so warm and sensual, you thought. The metal spoon in his hand clattered to the floor as his hands situated themselves under your thighs and you were soon sitting on the island.
 “What about dinner.” You panted watching Heahmund make short work of your t-shirt. The ripping sound made you jump and wet all at once.
 “I’m about to eat right now.” His voice was low and warm as it wrapped its claws around you. Reason and thought, stolen from you by the sensation of Ivar laying you down on the table while Heahmund pulled your sweats down. “For some reason, pasta just doesn't sound nearly as good as pussy Y/N” Heahmund tilted his head while Ivar looked on jealously at The proximity of Heahmunds face to your pussy.
 …. There goes the pasta….
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Tags:  @laketaj24 @lupy22 @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien@dangerousvikings @grungyblonde @akamaiden @tomarisela@daughterofthenight117 @captstefanbrandt @kenzieam @therealcalicali@deepdarkred @famousbakeryathletehound @sassymcgonal1651 @sparklemichele @rabeccablake @starrmoondaisy @whenimaunicorn @ivaraddict @tephi101 @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @heathen-whore@hallowed-heathen @courtrae89
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
Bishop Heahumund /Jonathan Rhys Meyers
He is so fine.... I dont care... i just wanted yall to know that i love me some bishop .. his fine ass was also in The Tudors.
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@laketaj24 @sparklemichele @titty-teetee @oddsnendsfanfics
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
Queens Of Odin’s Eye: Ch. 8
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Creative Collab With: @laketaj24 @courtrae89 @grungyblonde 
Rating: Mature Content 18+
Catch Up Here 
The meeting ended with everyone going their separate ways.
 “Why don’t we stay a while” The voices in my head hissed.
 “We cant stay, We have business to attend to.” I rolled my eyes. I spoke out loud to the voices all the time. If I didn’t they just got louder and louder, baiting my anger. Then I really looked like a crazy person from the outside. Everyone here was used to it though. The crazy that is.
 “Talking to yourself again Harley?” Bjorn smirked stopping in front of me.
 “The voices are extra loud today for some reason.” I frowned.
 “I could help you silence them… if you want.” He grinned and reached out to run a finger down my cheek.
 “My voices are all the company I need thanks.” I winked and tried to go around him.
 “I don’t know why you do this shit Brii, I love you… you love me what is so hard about that.” He blocked my way again.
 “Once a cheater always a cheater.. Give it up we had sex twice after we broke up, That was all!” I huffed and pushed him out of my way. If he came for me again I was going to shoot his sorry ass.
 I didn’t give him the glory of looking back as I tried to find Kia and Court. They were sitting at the bar.  
 “Fucking hell! If Bjorn doesn't give it a break I'm going to kill him.” I groaned sitting down between them.
 “You know you love him! I don’t see why you just don’t give in.” Kia smiled downing her shot.
 “Yeah Harley, I know he cheated but he’s apart of OE they all cheat.” Court shrugged.
 “That is the problem, all the men here are cheaters and we keep giving them passes! And for what, The opportunity to cheat again?” I cursed and slammed down my empty shot glass.
 “When you put it that way..” I watched Kia’s eyes linger over Ivars figure as he leaned over the pool table.
 “We all know if it wasn’t for Uriah you’d be fucking Ivar..” I whispered. Court snickered and Kia Looked Murderous.
 “I Told you to stay out of my head Brii!” She hissed.
  I stood from the bar stool and grabbed my cut. “ I don’t need images from the gods to tell that, I can see you staring at him.”
 “So we still on for tonight?” Court asked as Kia jumped up from the bar and stormed off and I was headed out of the club door.
 “No.. Okay.” She sighed downing another shot.
   I was halfway across the parking lot I was flagged down my Ragnar.
 “Brii I've been looking all over for you, I know its been a while but I have someone I want you to meet.” He raised his eyebrows and I got the message.
 In the past when OE got new members or just men and women wanting to join; Ragnar would call a meeting and we’d all gather at the table. Id ask for the persons hand and try to learn what I could from the images id see. It helped weed out the undercover cops and weak ass human beings.
 I followed him into the meeting room and everyone else was already crammed inside. I nodded to Rollo and the Sons of Ragnar before taking my seat at the end of the table by my father.I  wasn’t really a member anymore  but either They’d forgotten that or just didn’t care.
 “ The time has come make a final decision  doing business with an old friend of ours, he has served us well in the past but I want to make sure he is of good standing.” Ragnar nodded at Ivar and he opened the door. A man with dark hair and bright blue eyes walked in and stood to the side. Ivar had a smirk that would rival Loki himself.
 Floki hissed and made no point to hide his distaste for the Christian.
 “You may speak.” Ragnar nodded to the man.
 “My name is Heahmund, I'm sure some of you have heard of me as I am the largest gun runner in this country. I am looking to do business with your club in hopes that we can all profit immensely.” He stopped talking and looked around the room.
 “Harley?” Rollo nodded to me. I got up from my seat and walked around the table to stand beside Ragnar and Ivar.
 “Give me your hand.” Was all I said as I held out my own. Heahmund looked at Ragnar and Rollo oddly but gave me his hand nonetheless.
 As soon as our hands touched I was bombarded with images of crimes and Women, so many women.
My face grew hot at a particular scene where he fucked a widow whose husband had been buried hours before. She gripped the headboard as he fucked her from behind. I quickly retracted my hand and cleared my throat. His eyes traveled over my face and continued down my leather clad body.
 “Well besides being a man whore he checks out.” I said out loud making the men snicker.
 “Well I suppose that is good to know. All in favor of Mr. Heahmund?” Ragnar raised his hand followed by everyone else but Floki. He dropped the dowel on the wooden platform and all the men stood up to disperse. Heahmund kept staring at me, I was starting to wonder if he had a fucking problem when he spoke up.
 “I don’t mean to stare, I simply cannot help myself.” His eyes glinted and with those words he walked out. I was standing there with my mouth open and Hvitserk was tired of waiting.
 “Come on Brii.” He smiled placing his hand on the back of my neck. 
I can control my gift but only when I concentrate. Hvit caught me off guard and I found myself watching a scene that turned my stomach. It was Gray, she was on her knees in front of him.
  “You have to help me bring down the club.” She purred unzipping his jeans.
 “Tell me what I have to do.” Hvitserk groaned.
 I jerked my head away and turned on Hvitserk, my 9mil aimed at his forehead as he fell back onto the table. There was a mass scramble and before long everyone had their eyes on me. Ragnar and Rollo started screaming for everyone to remain calm but I was considering shooting Hvit right here and now!
 “Brii, why the fuck do you have a gun pointed at my sons head.” Ragnar demanded gun in hand.
 “HVITSERK PLANS TO BETRAY US AND RUN AWAY WITH HIS LITTLE SLUT GRAY!” I shouted. I was seeing red and the voices were screaming inside my head. Court and Kia rushed in at the sound of commotion.
 “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talk about Brii, The voices must have gotten away with you!” Hvitserk swallowed deeply. Beads of sweat began to gather on his nose and I could see the first signs of fear.
 “YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT I SHOULD BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF RIGHT NOW!” I pistol whipped the fuck out of him which made everyone start screaming again.
 I reached forward and grabbed Hvitserk by the neck and then held out my hand to Ragnar. He took it quickly and then screamed out in frustration.
 “EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP! What Brii says is true, I have seen what she has seen” Ragnars voice grew heavy and in that moment time stopped…
 “First I'm going to kill your filthy little skank Gray and then I'm going to slit your throat and watch you bleed out.” I cooed down by Hvitserks ear. I watched the fear bloom his eyes like poison injected into the blood. He looked over to Ragnar pleadingly.
 “There will be time for bloodshed later Harley, right now you’re vision has given us the upper hand.” Ragnar stroked his beard.
 “Yes, we can use this to our advantage. That Bitch doesn't know we are on to her!” Ivar looked at Hvitserk with rage.
 I shoved Hvitserk away from me and sat back in a chair that was close by. Court leaned down to my level. “Calm down Brii. You're going to end up shedding the wrong blood if your temper gets the best of you.” I shot her a glare but she was right, I took a deep breath and listened to Ragnar talk.
 “You will return to Gray with “evidence” of our crimes. She will never know the difference so, you better good at using your tongue to please her; as you are using it to tell lies Hvitserk.” Ragnar eyed his son with distaste. “This meeting is over.”
 I stood from my chair and leaned over Hvitserk again. “Should you fail, I’ll be the last thing on this earth you see… you can count on that.” I spit on Hvitserk and walked out between Kia and Court. Looks like it was going to be a girls night after all…………..
 Kia and I rode together after we dropped of Uriah with his grandmother. We were headed back to The Valkyrie, drinks would be on the house.
 “What can I get you beautiful ladies tonight?” Astrid said from behind the bar.
“Pull out old reliable Astrid. Its been a long fucking night.” I said sitting down next to Kia.
 “Seriously.” Kia looked up from her phone.
 Astrid reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle of moonshine we had stashed. It was legit shit that would put some hair on your chest.
 “That bad huh?” She said pouring us both a glass.
 “I got booked this afternoon while I had Uriah.” Kia said taking a sip from her glass. She didn’t even wince.
 “I almost killed Hvitserk this evening.” I took a sip from my own glass and looked up to see Court making her way over.
  “So the party has begun.” She smirked asking for her own glass of shine.
 “You three need a fucking vacation.” Astrid said putting the shine away.
 “I know that’s right….” Kia downed the rest of her glass and I followed suit.
 “I cant wait to watch that bitches empire crumble!” Court said suddenly.
 “I’ll drink to that.” I laughed and pushed my empty glass towards Astrid, Kia held hers out also and all three of us took a drink in solidarity. That bitch Gray was going down.. one way, or another.
  The lights in the bathroom were dim….
It was so hot in here….
“Fuck, Yeah…Harder”
The room was spinning….. I was so wet from the man whos cock was destroying my pussy.
Yeah I bet you fucking like that huh Harley!
The sounds of skin slapping against each other created a symphony of lust and need.
Fuck….. Fuck…. I was gonna cum.
“You’re close aren't you. Cum for daddy..that's it baby” He groaned in my ear. I was holding on to the bar stall so tight my palms were aching.
Stars… all I see are stars………
 I lifted my head from the bar stool,  looked over to see court in a booth and Kia on the bar top both of them passed out….
“That was a weird fucking dream” I thought as I ran my fingers over my lips “OWW!” my lips hurt like a bitch.. they were tender… like id been kis-…….. I got silent and replayed the dream in my head…. it wasn’t a dream at all..                     I fucked up. 
Tags: @lupy22  @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien @ivarswickedqueen @ivaraddict @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @dangerousvikings @sparklemichele @therealcalicali @captstefanbrandt
@harleycativy @myluvislikewow @vikingsmania @courtrae89 @whenimaunicorn @akamaiden @tephi101 
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
The Vikings Cast as Band Members from the 60′s- 90′s
Bishop Heahmund 
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Alice Cooper 
- Heahmund is a natural performer and sings right along side Vincent
-Plays the Guitar when not singing
-Wears makeup because why tf not
-Adjusted to rock life just like you think he would.. 
-Open Alcoholic and frequent speaker on the disease 
-Never goes anywhere without his signature leather jacket 
-Refuses to cut his hair because it compliments his outfits
-Always spewing profanities and  feels like shit afterwards
-The most legendary thing about him is his temper and inability to get along with Vincent off stage
- wears multiple rings at all times 
-Swears the song “  No More Mr. Nice Guy” was written about him during one of his and Vincent's fights ( Resents the fact that its an extremely  popular song) 
- Laughs when uncomfortable and then flips the bird behind their back
-Married but trust me... he’s had his share of bathroom trysts after concerts 
Favorite Songs To Play - “ I’m Eighteen and Ballad of Dwight Fry” 
Favorite Lyrics-  “ No one else could make you feel like I do, No one ever gets as deep inside you as I do baby.”
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Tags: @laketaj24 @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien @lupy22 @sunnyfortomorrow @akamaiden @grungyblonde @ivaraddict @courtrae89 @oddsnendsfanfics @daughterofthenight117 @unacceptabletatertots @harleycativy @myluvislikewow @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @pathy-que-te-pariu-blog @kenzieam @affabletimelady @famousbakeryathletehound @deepdarkred @wonderfullie-naughty @whenimaunicorn @saraholdtheh972 @sparklemichele @tephi101 @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @heathenwhore @hallowed-heathen @therealcalicali
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
An Evening With The Devil
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Pairing: Dom Vampire Bishop Heahmund x Vampire WOC 
Rating: 18+ Mature Content ( Dirty Talk, Fingering)
 “The next time I call you and you feed me some bullshit like this I will have you drug through the streets by a fucking horse.” I sighed calmly and held out my hand to admire my blood red manicure. They were sharp like daggers just like I liked. I hung up the phone, it had been a long day of trying to get everything ready for the gala and a woman of my stature didn’t have time for excuses.
 Standing from my desk I stretched my arms high above my head. My neck popped and I shook out my long black hair. Fashion was everything to me, ever since I was a little girl. Then again that was centuries ago. The marble halls echoed with the click of my heels as I walked to the kitchen to grab a snack. I needed to restock the fridge I just hadn't gotten the chance to send my assistant to the blood bank. The shift of a small wind ruffled my hair and I immediately felt on edge. The glass container shattered at my feet as I looked up to see the one person I never wanted to see again.
 “Heahmund..” My voice trembled with fear.
 “Nessa.” His smooth voice sent chills over my spine.
 “What are you doing here?” I tried to play coy but I knew exactly what he was doing here.
 “Don’t be foolish Nessa, its been one hundred years. Your time of freedom has ended, come we must return to the castle.” He stood from the chair and straightened his jacket. I don’t how he slipped through the two thousands in velvet but he did.
 “I am sorry to inform you I will not be accompanying you, times have changed Heahmund.” I turned my back to him with a flourish.
 “Lets not forget who’s blood trickles though your veins my darling.” He whispered at the nape of my neck. “Now, I do not want to order you to accompany me but I will.” His hand came from behind my hair to rest on my neck.  
 My dress was quickly bunched up in his grasp and his grip on my throat tightened as his fingers buried themselves inside my dripping cunt. I was absolutely terrified but aroused all the same. He was my maker after all we shared a strong bond. In all my many years I still hadn't met a man who worshipped my body like he could.
 “You know I own this pussy right?” His deep voice danced along my skin leaving goosebumps in its wake.
 I Could only whimper in reply as he continued to finger fuck me.
 “You know you are mine, Right?” He chuckled as my body betrayed me and I started to shake.
 “That’s right Nessa, cum on my fingers.” His command propelled me to the finish line. I'm not sure if it was the lack of oxygen or Heahmunds glorious fingers but the room disappeared and shortly i was left with only the company of my dreams…..
Heahmund POV
“Pray you that I forgive your sins my darling  Nessa. If not I fear punishment await you.” I lifted her lifeless body into my arms and away into the night we went.
Tags: @laketaj24 @lupy22 @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarsshieldmadien @hallowed-heathen @therealcalicali @akamaiden @sunnyfortomorrow @captstefanbrandt @dangerousvikings @starrmoondaisy @ivaraddict @alicedopey @tephi101 @courtrae89 @grungyblonde @sparklemichele @daughterofthenight117 @unacceptabletatertots @harleycativy @myluvislikewow @tomarisela @deepdarkred @sassymcgonagall @famousbakeryathletehound @wonderfullie-naughty @thouhts2meandertumblingblindy @microsmacrosandneedles @whenimaunicorn @saraholdtheh972 @strictlyashley @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @heathen-whore @rabeccablake 
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
They Will See You Now: Seeing God.
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Pairing: Bishop Heahmund x Ivar The Boneless x Reader 
Rating: 18+ Mature content ( NSFW images below the cut/ Religious Kink)
Catch Up Here
Moodboard credit: The beautifully talented @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla
The next morning you drove to work feeling not rested and nervous, not only because of what lie ahead; but you also spent the night trying to makeup for your thirty second dirty time. You wore your hair in a high ponytail to add some pep in your step. Your face was beat for the gods and your black pant suit hugged all your curves perfectly. The gloss on your lips said available but stingy. The wheels on your Porsche came to a stop in the parking garage. Breathing deeply you grabbed your briefcase and your’s and Heahmunds coffee. The glasses you wore sat snugly on your face as you stepped inside of the elevator.
 As soon as the doors opened you walked into a mostly dark building. You were the first one there, thank goodness. You quickly walked through and turned on all of the lights. Back at your desk you sat down and logged into the system for the first time that day. You were halfway through your emails when Heahmund walked in. He wore a very casual outfit that sent your mind reeling, you didn't say a word but “Good Morning” as you held out his coffee. He took it gladly as he walked by. 
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 “I want to see you in my office in twenty minutes y/n.” He said before disappearing behind the blue office door. You gulped and took a few deep breaths, your oatmeal now looked unappetizing and you felt nervous all over again. For some reason the song “Government Hooker” by Lady Gaga kept playing in your mind. You shook the song from your head as best as you could and took another deep breath. You couldn’t see anything inside of the big office because the blinds were closed. Tentatively you stood from your chair and the sound of your heels clicked on the ground in tune with the yammering of your heart. You reached out and knocked twice on the blue door.
 “Come in.” Heahmunds muffled voice came through.
 When you opened the door he was sitting at his black marble desk. It was just as luxurious as Ivars, The room had been renovated since you left the day before. The whole room dripped with masculinity and yet elegance. His casual clothes were gone and replaced by a handsome suit, he was wrapping the tie around his neck as you closed the door behind you. He sat on the edge of his desk like the day before. 
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 “So y/n have you thought about fucking myself and Mr Lothbrok since yesterday?” He was so direct it was almost impossible not to feel the warmth rush to your face.
 “Yes I have.” You answered with more confidence then you felt. He smirked at your response.
 “Come here and tie my tie please.” He asked but there was no room for question in his tone. Your legs responded at once and you stopped just in front of him. You held the black Satin in your hands gently and fed the fabric behind the other and then looped it through the center. His eyes never left your face and his tongue ran casually over his bottom lip making the heat in your face travel to your neck. The proximity of Heahmund was nerve wracking. Just as you finished laying the knot against his chest he took up both of your wrists. 
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 “I knew you would say yes.” His eyes danced over your blazer and low tang top.
 “But I havent.” You said breathlessly.
 “You have.” Heahmund pulled you to his chest and ran his nose over your jaw and down your neck. His lips never touched your skin but you wanted them to. You were trying not to stare so hard at his face and your eyes wondered to his breast pocket where a silver cross was pinned.
 “Do you believe in god?” You couldn’t help it, the question just slipped out. His eyes returned to your face and he smiled slightly. 
 “Of course. Don’t you?” He asked inhaling your scent.
 “I don’t know.” You answered truthfully. Heahmund ran his fingers over the dip in your tang top. “I have never seen him.” You finished.
“Do you want to?” He asked teasing you. You knew what god he was refering to.
 “I don’t think i’m going to heaven when I die.” You said, your eyes were locked on his lips.
 “If you repent the lord will forgive you.” He said undoing the first button on your blazer.
 “Ive never even prayed before.” Your resolve was waning fast as he poppped the second button.
 “Let me show you…” His eyes dropped as he undid the last button and held you by your jaw. Heahmund started  guiding you to the floor in front of him. “First you need to drop down to your knees.” You knees and the soft carpet met comfortably. You looked up hearing Heahmunds zipper and belt. You could see his bulge from where you sat. “ Bring your hands together but not all the way.” You moved your hands closer and up in front of you, leaving a space like he said. Your eyes widened as he slipped his cock between the space between your hands. “Now bow your head and I shall recite the lords prayer.” You lowered your head like you were told and Heahmund placed the tip of his cock at your glossed lips.
 “ Begin.” Was all he said, you opened your mouth and took as much of him in as you could. Your hands remained wrapped around his shaft as he bucked his hips slowly in and out of your mouth.
 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He groaned into you, But his voice was steady.
“Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Heahmund sucked his teeth as you tightened your hands and hollowed your cheeks. 
“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.” You could feel his thighs tightening and you knew he was about to cum. 
He began to falter in his strokes and you relaxed your throat as his warm seed filled your mouth. 
You leaned back on your knees after swallowing all he had to give. The sound of tissues being pulled from his desk made you look up as he handed you one. He wiped himself and then zipped his pants and fastened his belt.
 You stood from your place on the floor as he walked back to his desk.
 “Will that be all Sir.” You said smoothing your blazer.
 “Yes thank you y/n” You turned away and walked back through the blue door. There was a long line of clients that were waiting to be seen by Heahmund. You shook the thoughts of a few moments ago and stared checking people in. Once you confirmed everyone's identities you pressed the speakerphone so you could alert Heahmund. 
“Sir, your 9:00 clients have arrived.” You waited in silence for a moment.
“Send them in.” Heahmunds voice filled your desk area and it sent chills down your spine.
“Right away.” You were about to hang up when he spoke again.
“Oh and y/n?” He asked.
“Yes?” Your heart was pounding again.
“Mr Lothbrok is expecting you.” That simple sentence made your knees weak.
You didn’t reply, instead you showed them in to Heahmunds office and walked back to your desk after making sure they didn’t need anything else. 
 The walk to your old office was short but felt like eternity all over again. You freshened your lips gloss and straighten your outfit. Torvi saw you come in and smiled. 
“He is waiting for you y/n! Congrats on the new position by the way!” She smiled. You thanked her all the while thinking “wonder if she knows my new position is on my knees.”
The double doors opened with a click and you walked inside. You were shell shocked when a figure slammed the door behind you and then grabbed your arms. You were propelled forward until Ivars desk was at your knees and your ponytail was yanked back sending your nose to the ceiling.
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“I knew you would say yes. You filthy Little slut.” Ivars dark voice took your breath away.
“Don’t say a fucking word, do you understand?” His breath smelled like mint and his cologne smelled delicious. You nodded your head as the sound of Ivars zipper and belt met your ears. 
“You are so fucking wet. Does sucking the Bishops cock make you wet baby?” He asked. You nodded again and whimpered as his hands slid through your dampened folds. He had made short work of your slacks and panties.
 Ivars large hand came from behind you and wrapped perfectly over your mouth. You could feel the tip of him at your entrance. Ivar didn’t care how much you wanted it, he took his time teasing you until you were practically sliding yourself unto him.
 “So fucking tight for me baby girl.” He groaned. The pace didn’t last because as soon as he filled you completely he started fucking you at a pace that made you whimper.
 “Shut your fucking whore mouth.” He hissed……..
   The shift ended with you a fucking mess and each man satisfied. Not only did you exchange numbers with both of them but you were on call for the night. Both Ivar and Heahmund made you agree never to sleep with anyone but them and you were turned on by it. You drove home exahusted and your body hurt, Ivar was rough as fuck. You were rumaging through your back when you saw the light from your phone turn on. Pulling it out you had two messages.
  Heahmund: Dinner. Tonight. Wear something comfortable.
 Looks like there would be no rest for you after all….
Tags: @laketaj24 @sparklemichele @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @ivarswickedqueen @ivarsshieldmadien @ivaraddict @courtrae89 @grungyblonde @dangerousvikings @lupy22 @kenzieam @captstefanbrandt @starrmoondaisy @harleycativy @myluvislikewow @vikingsmania @heathen-whore @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @tephi101
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