theoxvest · 1 month
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So yeah
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a-casual-egg · 5 months
Billie, looking at Edie: I could take her.
Delacy: In a fight?
Billie: Yes,...in a fight.
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bisonbelle... save me bisonbelle...
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oxventure-text-posts · 9 months
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I've been on a real bisonbelle kick lately
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oxventure-text-posts · 6 months
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oxventure-text-posts · 3 months
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oxventure-text-posts · 6 months
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I choose to believe Nate views the rest of the posse as his (grand)kids and thus looks after them like a (grand)dad
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a-casual-egg · 5 months
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I think the men in m/f ships should sit in the lady's lap more
[Image Description: 2 images, the first one, the one on the left, is of Merilwen and Corazón. Corazón is sitting in Merilwen’s lap with his legs on each side of it. He is shirtless, showing his top surgery scars and nipples. He is wearing dark gray sweatpants, and his hair is tied in a low ponytail. He is holding onto Merilwen via the back of her head/neck. Because of this, her hair is pulled to the back of her head/neck. His head is hidden behind Merilwen's, but a furrowed eyebrow is mostly visible. Merilwen is wearing a green tank top and a dark green skirt. She has a scar and freckles on her face. The freckles are also found on her shoulders and her nails are the same shade of green as her shirt. Both of her hands are holding Corazón via his back. She has half-lidded eyes and a smile as she says "You're such a drama queen" to which Corazón responds "I am not". The second image is of Edie and Billie. He is wearing a white tank top and blue gray pants as he sits in Edie's lap. One of his hands is resting on Edie's shoulder, and the other is wrapped around Edie's waist but is obscured by her arm. Billie's head is hidden due to it resting on Edie's shoulder, though a smile can be seen. Edie has a fond smile as she reads a blue gray book. Her hair is down and reaches to about her waist. Her eyeshadow, lipstick, nails, and skirt are all a magenta/reddish pink color. Her shirt is white with short sleeves that ripple at the bottoms. Edie, and by extension, Billie, are sitting on a dark brown surface. End Image Description.]
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a-casual-egg · 6 months
I'm like low-key obsessed with this scene because, to me, it has the vibes of bf (Billie), gf (Edie), and gf's little brother (Delacy) and bf and gf's little brother are a powerful tag team at teasing/annoying her.
[Video Description: Luke Westaway as Delacy, Ellen Rose as Edie Valentine, and Jasper Cartwright as Billie "Bison Billie" Joe Thicket. They are all sitting at a black table as they role-play the characters. Occasionally, it cuts to Andy Farrant as the game's marshall (which is a dungeon master but for deadlands). End Image Description.]
[Video Transcript:
Edie: Um, I think you should-
Delacy: That's a carrot. I don't know what that one is!
Edie: Yeah. *giggles*
Delacy: It's a tree, I think!
Edie and Billie laugh
Edie: Oh, honey, that's, that's broccoli. It's very nice.
Billie: No, it ain't! What're you talking about? Broccoli's gross!
Edie laughs
Edie: Well, I like i-
Delacy: She lies quite a lot.
Billie: Oh, really?
Edie: I do not, Delacy.
Billie: I would never lie to you, Delacy.
Delacy: About the mermaid...
Andy tries to hold in a laugh
Billie: I think we can probably do this another time! *chuckles*
Edie laughs
Edie, whispering to Delacy: We'll talk about this later.
Andy: Uh, you start to, from-.
End Video Transcript.]
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i really love these two theyre so fun
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oxventure-text-posts · 3 months
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a-casual-egg · 3 months
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Butches your Bison Billie/ref
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a-casual-egg · 18 days
Some time ago, I saw a post about fan kids, and since then, I've been thinking about some of the fan kids I made up, so I wanna talk about some of them!
Under the cut because it's a lot
Charlie is Dob and Egbert's adopted demon child. Bismuth had them investigate some spooky goings-ons, and they find out that a little baby/toddle demon playing is the cause of all the chaos. They're won over by the baby/toddler almost immediately, and Dob looks at Egbert with big puppy dog eyes and asks if they can keep them. Egbert says yes, of course.
When I first made Charlie up, a friend of mine suggested that Dob and Egbert name them Charlie after Charles Fontelroy Stripworth Colcahoun The Third At Your Service (Dob wanted to name them the full name but they compromised on naming them Charlie). Charlie was originally based on this Tumblr post:
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but became a lot more.
Charlie has very pointy teeth and likes to bite. They bite their toys and their blankets and their chewlery and their dads. They bite a lot and they have a lot of energy. At first, Dob thought he had as much energy, if not more, as Charlie, but he was sorely mistaken. He's often exhausted before Charlie is, but it is so rewarding when Charlie actually does sleep because it is soooo cute when they sleep.
Not only does Charlie love their dads and biting, but they also love asking questions and sharing information. They find out a lot of information by being a little kid just walking around and asking random questions. After they learn stuff, they tell their dads every small little bit of information they learn, and their dads listen to what their kid has to say.
For example, one day, Charlie asks Dob what he and Egbert are gonna do for date night, and through many other questions, Charlie learns Dob's entire plan for date night. With this new information, they go find Egbert and tell them everything. He's just like, "Oh yeah? Really? Very interesting." the entire time while Charlie like flops on the bed or the floor and stretchs their arms and legs in the air like little kids do. When Dob finds out that Egbert knows all about it, he's sheepish, but Egbert gives him a kiss because he appreciates all the thought put into date night and Dob melts.
Overall, Charlie is very observant and likes mimicking their dads, leading them to mimic Egbert's tail moments with their own tail. Since I love the idea of tails being like another hand/arm to grab stuff, I think Egbert would notice Charlie mimicking their tail motions and pick them up with his own tail then plop Charlie into his lap for a big cuddle. It also works for when Charlie is about to do something they shouldn't, Egbert can just pick them up with his tail and either gently but firmly explain why Charlie shouldn't do what they were about to or just go back to doing whatever he was doing while Charlie pouts.
Dob is more silly with Charlie and lets them paint his nails for fun. Being that Charlie is around like 4-8, the nails are messy, but Dob still loves them and shows them off to people. He also invents a lot of games for him and Charlie to play together.
I don't know how quickly Charlie is introduced to the rest of the guild, Bismuth, and Suzette, but they love them so much even if Corazón is offended when Charlie interrupts him with baby babbling.
Anabelle is Barnaby's daughter from most likely a fling. Her hair is usually in braids, and she isn't really emotive. She's kinda similar to the Dimmer Sisters in the sense that she's kinda like a creepy little girl from a horror movie. She loves animals, especially reptiles, and has a snake that she talks to (I have a working idea that the snake helps her like a support animal of some kind).
Barnaby is very sweet and loving towards her because he doesn't want his daughter to have the awful childhood he did. She's very intelligent, however, isn't great at talking to people like her dad is, and often hides behind people just watching. She's probably autistic to be honest.
I have a sorta joke with her where she invents hair dye because she deserves to, so her hair is usually a soft pink in my mind. She runs her hands through her hair to calm herself down and because she likes the feeling.
She's also very silly. She and Barnaby have a lot of inside jokes, and they make each other laugh/giggle. They probably have the same laugh if that's possible. Anabelle is also silly in the way that she wakes her dad up by hitting him in the face with a pillow.
Barnaby doesn't really bring up Anabelle in order for him to keep up his reputation as a rich socialite that does random things for fun, but I have two like main ways for Anabelle to meet the hobbyhorses.
The first one is Barnaby brings the crew back to his place after a dangerous heist and she's peeking out behind a wall and someone notices her, points her out, and Barnaby picks her up and asks her why she's up so late (It's bc she missed her dad). Then she's introduced to the others, and they simply adore her.
The second one is Edvard and Kasimir stumble into her during a heist, then she joins them on a heist and talks about her dad and how cool and sweet he is. To Edvard and Kasimir it's a random child and a random father but then later like not during the heist but a later time maybe in Eleanor's townhouse the three of them run into Barnaby and he asks Annabelle to explain and that's how they find out Anabelle is a Fortescue and also they know a lot abt how soft Barnaby actually is.
She and Lilith get along really well and talk about snakes and spoiky stuff. Lilith becomes Auntie Lilith very quickly. She watches Edvard a lot, and he explains the science he's doing while only kinda being creeped out by this blank-faced child. Edvard does eventually become her step-dad, and he nurtures Anabelle's love for science. I think as an adult, Anabelle is either a leech or a whisper and becomes known as the leech or whisper with a big snake.
Eddie is the son of Edie Valentine and Billie Joe Thicket. He's named after Edie's little brother Eddie and is an absolutely precious little angel. He's a sweetiepie who loves his family so much. He's a big hugger like his mom and dad will follow his family members around like he's a little duckling. Edie usually stops him if he tries to follow her on a monster hunt, though. She'll scoop him up, explain why he can't go, give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek, and hand him to his dad.
While he can't visit his mom at work, he can absolutely visit his dad at work and does so pretty often. He's met all his dad's coworkers, including the animals. He waves and says hello to everyone just like his parents. Eddie is very close with all of Billie's bison and Buckthorn. When he's visiting his dad at work, he always visits the stables and pets the animals. He's probably named one of the bison, and Billie very proudly says that Eddie was the one who named that bison every time. It's also probably a very silly or cute name that Billie says with the same dramatics he does for every other bison name.
When Edie gets back from monster hunts, Eddie is so excited, and Edie gives him so many kisses while he giggles. He then tells his mom all the stuff that happened while she was away. He does big gestures with his hands as he recaps everything because he's seen his dad do it, and Edie thinks it's so cute.
I headcanon Edie as autistic and Billie as having adhd so I think Eddie might have both (frankly all these fan kids have at least autism or adhd). His parents and the posse help him a lot with making things accessible. He has his own orange or yellow noise-canceling headphones and his own stim toys.
Edie also makes a lot of Eddie's clothes to avoid any fabrics that put Eddie in sensory hell. He has a few skirts and dresses because of this. He likes the way the way they move and spin. Everyone in the family is supportive about it and will fight someone who's a jerk about Eddie's fondness of more feminine clothes.
Speaking about the family, I think Eddie wakes up pretty early, like his mama and like Uncle Silas, so a lot of mornings, he'll "help" Silas with making breakfast, which mainly involves telling Silas all his favorite breakfasts and what he thinks would make good breakfast combos, picking inconsequential things for the breakfast (like which measuring cup should Silas pour the water into when making pancakes (using pancake mix), which egg should Silas crack next, and which frying pan should he use), and setting the table.
He also reads the funnies in the newspaper with Grandpa Nate, and they laugh at Garfield together. Maybe Nate even reads some of the comics out loud in funny voices to make Eddie laugh. Eddie could also use the funnies as reading practice, like a member of the family points out a word, and Eddie tries to read it, sounding it out as he goes. They congratulate him when he's figured it out.
He's just a happy-go-lucky little guy who has adoring parents! So adoring that they'd probably be cheering at school plays (like I think the Addams family are in the Addams family movie). Eddie loves his family soooo much, and they love him just as much.
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a-casual-egg · 6 months
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I think they do each other's makeup
[Image Description: Bison Billie, in a yellow pajama shirt with the top few buttons unbuttoned, lying on a bed with red blankets. His head is resting on the white pillow. His hands are resting on his chest, and Edie is on top of him. She is in a short red nightgown with straps. She has red eyeshadow, lipstick, and nail polish on that matches her nightgown. She is holding an eyeshadow pallette in one hand and an eyeshadow brush with the other. She is applying yellow eyeshadow that matches Billie's pajama shirt to Billie's eyelids. He is looking fondly up at her. Next to the bed, there is a nightstand with an alarm clock and a red reusable water bottle sitting on top of it. End Image Description.]
(Reference image and the image description for it under the cut)
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[A woman with dark hair and clothes is laying her head on a green pillow. On top of her, sits a woman with dyed red hair and a short red dress with straps. She has an eyeshadow pallette in one hand and an eyeshadow brush in the other. She is applying eyeshadow to the woman under her. The woman with dark hair is looking yearningly/fondly at the woman on top of her. End Image Description.]
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Same vibe as the post abt Billie being a wifeguy
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