#bitch abt the price and then do it again tomorrow
spring-lxcked · 9 months
number one way to show william you love him is learning how he makes his coffee and bringing it to him. no like i'm dead serious lmao
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meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath! 'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool???? WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind) 'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u 'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT 'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier. 'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT 'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow 'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!! ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing? and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening. in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed. i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings). that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more?? giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession? you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah?? take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
heelloooo lovie!!!! <3 <3 (((((((((:
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love letta toime <3
meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath!
good morning too? ig idk what time you read my letters now that i think of it hahahahh (It BEtttter not be in the late hours of night 😡)
'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool????
ok ok youre so right that was so stale cinnamon roll of me im sorry 😞 youre right you can be amazed by things that seem cool to you and you should always feel that way. it was just surprising/odd to me so ///: now i feel like a old soulless man T_T ewww BEGONE
WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind)
lol i think i already your account but i decided not to say anything about it (all will continue to do so) because youre on anon for a reason and i respect that. its fine that you dont do anything (a gross exaggeration considering you send me letters everyday) you we dont have to be mutuals if you dont want to. i'll always be here on my small side of the internet
'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u
daMB masTER? T_T my child you are not subservient to me. we are equals. we are friends T_T i have decided
'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT
imma show myself out hahahaAHHAHAHA
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'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier.
so true, so real, im so 😬🙄 girl its not that deep
'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT
you dont actually inspire my rage because i have not seen you face to face lol. you dont have to crash into the ceiling, youre safe... for now
'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow
[gives you some kibble]
'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!!
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thank you. i appreciate your efforts of comfort. you can mother me still even though im your mom HAHAH again im honored that you have such a high regard for me <3 i mean it. thank you my love. i love you. i learn from my little sister irl so i can 100% learn from you too <3 dont feel stupid. dont feel frustrated. i hear you <3 and i am glad for it.
ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing?
and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening.
in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed.
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i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings).
NO BUT SO TRUE! as much as possible, i try to write strong readers cos i aint no naive girl i have a mind and strength. even in times where i want to make her meek, i cannot bring myself to make her have 'naive' qualities. i love your story so much i might just give it an express ticket pass T_T
that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more??
T_T the patriarchal values so imbedded. i mean to each their own. i will say if you're really in that position, growing up in that era where women were oppressed and you're faced with a 'grotesque' prince that is trained with the sword, sure being terrified of him is not far fetched, but it's human nature to fight back i think. annoying your captor AHHAHAH honestly HAHAHHAHHHA i mean it could be a power move if done correctly HAHAHHAH. we should give women more credit though
giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession?
GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS. youre so right. maybe YOU should write that. i will say though, people try to escape because the thought of being captured/kept against your will is not nice. no one wants to be a prisoner/slave. that's why i would think its hard to manipulate someone in any case.
you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah??
so true, you should learn how to adapt to survive. but i will say, part of the reason why i became a writer was because i disagreed/didn't like the plot points of the fics i was reading so maybe you should try it!!!!! id love to read them if you do <3. im glad to hear about anything you want to tell me my love <3, especially since we are so similiar in personality
take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
love you baby <3
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I think you shouldn't go to the park. Idk it's clear they didn't bother to even ask you and are just going along. I wouldn't have done it because at least some self respect, don't care when they don't care about you
idk anymore i really dont. i keep thinking its my fault and that i brought this upon myself so i feel like i dont have the right to feel the way i am rn. so if anyone rly wants to know the full story with all the details, ill leave it under the cut bc im just really beating myself up over it now
ok, first off, so that things arent too confusing, i’ll be referring to everyone as letters. so i’m in a group chat with M and A, making it 3 of us in the group total. 
i dont remember who brought up what, but someone suggested we go to the mall amusement park and waterpark. and then A goes “i know someone i can buy tickets off for real cheap” and M says yeah buy it!!! and i go “oh wow amusement park. i dont rly like swimming though.” like i really dont remember explicitly letting them know that i want to go or anything, and then suddenly a few hrs later A tells the group chat “can u guys transfer the money soon” and i was like ummmmm excuse me? what? how much??? and A tells me its $40 for both water park and amusement park. and im like…. ok holy shit what the fuck…. i dont have money,, esp bc its december and christmas is coming so i’m buying gifts for people and its just im so stressed at this point because M and i agreed to split on A’s gift which is a polaroid and so i ask my older sister to buy it from work bc she gets a discount. more money problems rolls around bc it was my mom’s birthday earlier this month and my sister got her a fenti foundation and my mom only asked for ONE foundation brush and my sister goes off to buy a WHOLE SET that my mom wont even use so!!! i had to pay my sister back WAy more money that rly needed bc my family decided to pitch in to buy a little smth for my mom. i ended up paying my sister back $110 for the polaroid and my moms gift. putting more stress into my shitty financial situation, my family wanted to do a secret santa and someone suggested we have the MINIMUM price for a gift to be $50. liek  > ?? /???? min $50 ?????? like mind u im trying to find a job rn i really am but its hard to find one bc mnobody fucking likes uni students but anyways im literally going off in a tangent. back to the main point.
SO i tell A that im tight on money and idk if i can pay her back right away. i can tell she got frustrated w me because she already bought the tickets and i say im sorry but she tells me i can pay her back when i can so im like ok thanks but im not even gonna go swimming?? so A tells me i only have to pay her $20 which is fine but im rly that Broke Bitch so i tell her i’ll pay her in january. she says thats fine. this conversation took place on dec 8th. 
fast forward to dec 14, the day of my last exam. i go to the train station to catch a train to uni and i hear someone call my name. my friend E is sitting at the end of the waiting shed by the window. i end up taking the train with him since we go to the same uni. note that he’s also friends with M and A. anyways, on the train he asks me, “are you going on saturday?” and i ask him “saturday? when?” and he tells me”the 23rd?? we’re going to the mall” and im just standing there like “o what??? when was this decided??” and E tells me “idk lmao A just invited me” and i was like…. ooookay…… i asked the group chat with A and M multiple times before this when we were gonna go but i was never given an answer. nobody told me anything. so in that situation i just tell E that im probably going bc A already offered the tickets in the group chat so i guess im going?? right??? but later that day i start doubting myself. why couldnt they tell me that we were going on the 23rd?? they had time to contact E, who isnt even in the group chat, and i knew nothing. fast forward again to i think the next day, my sister brings home a box of chocolates shes selling as a fundraiser for the band trip. so as the good sister i am, i advertise her chocolate on snapchat. a friend that i met through M messages me (we’ll call her B), asking if she can buy some. and i say yeah u can!! and then i ask her when i can give it to her and she goes “on saturday? duh??” and im like… “oh…. saturday?? like amusement park saturday??” and she says “yeah ur going right??” and i tell her “um idk A and M never told me a date so i guess???” so now thats 2 people that they contacted outside of the group chat. i had to find out like some dumbass from E and B when the actual date would be. so now here we are to the present week, tomorrow being the actual day of the plans. i had to ask the group chat earlier this week “so we’re going to the mall on saturday??” and A goes “oh right yeah!!!! we are” and i was like,, oh. ok. 
and ever since jjong’s death, my emotional stress jst….built up even more and i began to overthink more and i began distancing myself even more than before and A and M felt that. i let them know abt my mental state and A says “yeah we noticed so we just gave u some space” like!! at LEAST let me kno ur giving me space!! bc this whole time i kept thinking that they dont wanna fucking talk to me bc im some dramatic bitch.
thts it. thanks for reading 
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