#bitty strikes me as an inner bc he's fast and can run and run and run
rowingviolahere · 5 years
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@pimmsweek​ “anything” seems like as good an excuse for a field au as any so! two shots of kent and jack training (pre and post jack’s haircut because continuity what continuity).
[image description] two black and white pen drawings with limited grey shading. The first is two boys in field hockey uniforms a short corner battery viewed from further up the field: Jack (left, #1) is midway through a shot on goal that had been trapped by Kent (right, #90), who is now standing to the side out of his way. The second is the same two, viewed from goal-side: Jack is behind Kent and has his stick out in an attempt to block the ball; Parse has brought the ball nearer to himself and is mid-swing for a tomahawk shot. [/end description]
other notes for this au:
please note in the second image jack is defintiely wearing a fluro pink bib because he’s the Assigned Defender for the drill. he does not enjoy being defence, but he’s the only one who can keep up with kent and also not flinch away when he raises his stick for a toma
bad bob coached multiple olympic teams to gold medals but has since retired. there’s much less uh, huge press following of field hockey compared with ice but he’s still known within the community. technically for them to be like, pros they’d probably have to be on their national teams (and because of the whole canadian vs us thing, on different sides) but for now they’re together let’s let them be happy
jack played hockey for a club team rather than his school team, and started playing men’s when he was about 13. and then they just kept moving him up the divs until he was like, 16 and playing in the top men’s league of his city
they met at state reps i guess? junior nationals? i never got high enough level to experience rep hockey and also i don’t know how it works in america so let’s just handwave it and pretend it’s roughly analagous to what i know of aussie rep hockey ok? ok. kent was CF for his team, so he was taking point and staring jack down as he took free hits. jack learned very quickly that he had to hit very quickly otherwise this guy standing Right On The Five I Have My Hand Up And The Ump Said It’s Fine Just No Closer will get the ball off you before you could tap it and then take a shot
they ended up just marking each other out of the game half the time it was very funny and also there was A Bit Of Argy-Bargy but they were also willing to fuck around with the balls while everyone else was going to the clubhouse to get a drink then they added each other on facebook and spent the rest of the carnival when they weren’t with their teams just mucking about on the field in between games lol
then either jack moves or kent moves or maybe they end up on the same uni team or whatever, they end up on the same team and they are the Best but also the Worst (you know, playing jinking tennis while waiting for their turn on a drill, juggling the ball just Constantly, etc)
their short battery is parse traps, jack hits. if there’s a rebound, kent usually gets it, but jack is known for dragflicks that just. they go right where goalies hate
both of them take one-on-ones, duh, but kent is actually better at penalty strokes than jack. not that jack’s bad, he just overthinks them and they sometimes go wide, whereas kent’s hit the goal every time just sometimes the goalie gets there first
kent parson can tomahawk like a motherfucker. most people are like, oh shit i got it in the right direction AND it raised? nice! he’s like, “i’m going to put it top right corner then middle left post” and hits two balls and they go exactly where he said they would. jack can aim his but not to nearly the same extent. kent’s hits are comparatively not great so it evens out
assists don’t count in field as points. jack and kent have poached each other’s goals multiple times throughout the season. they are keeping count.
kent is an excellent centre half, he distributes the ball Very Nicely, Jack is a centre forward, but sometimes things happen and they get chucked into a wing/inner pair, wherin they just one-two it down the line. Jack as RW running the baseline dumping it up to parse who gets a one-touch then toma is a real dangerous combo
kent parson has mastered the art of spinning his stick in the air so that it lands on rounds more often than flat. no one can work out how he does it. it frustrates the opposition immensely.
johnson the goalie i think might be That One Guy Who Is Always At The Hockey Centre, You Know The One, who has at some point coached literally every goalie in the city and surrounding region and never wears shoes even when there is ice on the field
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