#as someone who plays field AND ice let me tell you i have many many onions for this au
ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴍɪꜱꜱ ᴘɪᴘᴇᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ (J.M)
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*vision bored doesn't describe readers' looks it describes the vibes of the story*
Pairing: football-player!Joel Miller x golden-girl!Fem!Reader
POV: This story is told through the POV of high school senior Joel Miller
Summary: Joel's girl lives in his dreams and in the house next door. He's always known her, and he's always wanted her, but in ApplePine, whose dream does she not haunt? Now He has a chance that He's been looking forward to all his life. This can't fail. He won't let someone like her slip away.
Warnings/tags: Kind of toxic undertones, mentions of a bad home life (reader), church, idolization, nerves, kissing and making out, small Texas town with very traditional values, climbing and watching people through windows, Joel is a Lil bit of a stalker, BAD American football talk. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT YOU CONSUME
WC: 4.5k
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On most Saturdays and after church on Sundays, she could be found working at the local ice cream shop. Occasionally, if there wasn't a football game, she would also work on Fridays. She was a well-known figure in our small town - being the girl next door, head cheerleader, and leading member of the student council. Her many accomplishments included winning the title of Little Miss Apple Pine, which only added to her popularity. Many of us admired her from afar, watching her ride her bike with friends, interact with the little kids in the neighborhood, or simply be in her element with a book in hand and a Walkman playing some music.
It was difficult to tell what music she listened to, but I'd like to think it was hard rock, maybe Guns N' Roses. However, her sweet nature suggested it was more likely to be Bon Jovi or AC/DC. Despite her bright persona, we all knew that she had a tough time at home, our houses were right next to each other too It was sad but there's only so much a loud TV can cover.
We attend the same school and ride the same bus together. We have chemistry class as well as lunch B together. Additionally, we share gym and math classes. I have noticed that she is quieter in math class and doesn't answer questions as quickly. In math class, she sits three seats ahead of me, and during lunch, she sits six seats away from me. Her round lunch table is located ten tables away from mine, and it's always occupied by a few cheerleaders and jocks who are considered acceptable, unlike me who often gets thrown off the field for hitting refs because of not knowing if  I'm coming or going. Compared to them, she seems to be in another world, like a cool autumn day in the middle of a hot Texas summer.
As the chemistry class began, Mr. McMory walked into the classroom with his glasses resting on the tip of his nose. He had only undone the top button of his shirt, showing some long curly grey chest hairs — utterly gross if you ask me. We all watched as he walked to the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. He clasped his hands together behind his back and stopped before turning to face the class.
"Now, as most of you probably know, we will need to form a new set of lab partners for this semester. However, to keep things fair so everyone gets a chance of getting matched with whom You would prefer, I've decided to have you all write your names on a small piece of paper and put them in this box. Once I've finished passing them out, I will draw two student names from the box at random, and those two will be your partners for this semester."
Without having to pause, Mr. McMory spoke clearly. This routine was something he did every marking period, four times a year, for 30 years. The memories of the previous marking period memories flooded my mind, where Jason Duly and Billy Holiday tried to bribe Gaby Michelle to give up her seat so that they could sit next to our classmate, the charming "I trust that you all understand the process now?" Mr. McMory continued. Once no one raised their hands to question what he said, he walked back to the front and handed out the small pieces of paper to everyone. "Now you have two minutes to write your names on the paper, then place it into the box. Once you are all finished, I will begin the randomized selection."
Chaos began to take place across the room with various bets being placed and trades being arranged like a market in the middle of a jungle, I wrote my name on the slip of paper without a thought. It was a meaningless task to me, as I would have been fine with getting anyone as my lab partner. In the middle sat our Pipe Dream, seemingly clueless to it all, while these students scrambled like mad to gain the favor of their desired partners, and the professor seemed unaware of all the action taking place in the classroom.
The chaos of the class was suddenly drowned out by Mr. McMory yelling out to have students start putting their slips into the box. As the box was quickly getting more and more full, the class started to become more and more silent and calm as no one wanted to be one of the ones not getting the partner they wanted even if they all wanted the same one our darling Miss pipedream isn't only perfect in every way but she's also incredibly smart.
Mr. McMory walked to the front of the classroom and stood in front of the whiteboard. He held the box and a red whiteboard marker. "No changing partners unless both parties are in agreement," he said as he paused and placed the box on a stool in front of him. He then pulled out the first two names. "Gaby and Hannah," he announced, causing a small gasp from some students. Mr. McMory placed the paper down and wrote the names on the board. There was a moment of silence before a low murmur began to spread throughout the classroom Mr. McMory then pulled out another two slips from the box and announced the next pairs of names: "Billy and Jillian, Jason and Cory." As each pair was announced, the two people were immediately surrounded by cheers of excitement or groans of disappointment. Some students could be overheard saying things like "no way!" and "I can't believe this!" and "Are we sure it's fair?" There were a few complaints here and there that their partner was not who they wanted, but Mr. McMory quickly cut them off, saying, "No changing partners unless both parties are in agreement, understood?"
As I stood watching the chaos break loose behind me, I couldn't help but chuckle at how quickly everything was unfolding. However, my laughter came to a sudden halt when Mr. McMory announced me and a stranger as partners.No, not a stranger, It was the girl who seemed to have it all, the girl who had effortlessly made her way through every aspect of the school and had become something of a legend. She was the girl next door, the one every boy wanted, and the only one I was enamored with at the slightest glance in her direction. My heart skipped a beat as I looked over the crowd and saw her smiling brightly at me. Time seemed to slow down as the rest of the world faded away. It was as if the universe was just waiting for us to get to know each other. My nervousness quickly turned into an adrenaline rush as I became more and more excited. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up, a chance to turn my dreams into reality and finally figure her out.
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On the bus, I noticed her again. We made eye contact but didn't speak. She sat with her friend Sally Handson until she got off at her stop. However, I didn't expect her to move over and sit in the same seat as me.
"You're Joel, right?" she asked me before kindly offering her hand to shake.
"That's me," I smiled as I gently took her hand in mine and shook it. Our skin connected, and I felt a slight tremor in my hand before letting go, not wanting to make the situation any more awkward. I looked back up to see her, and she seemed to be just as nervous as I felt. The silence seemed to linger on for a moment before she spoke again.
"I just wanted to ask if you've had a chance to look at the assignment yet?"
I took a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "No, actually, I'm not very good at chemistry. I was probably going to copy off of you, to tell you the truth," I said, trying to make a joke, but struggling to hide the fact that it was true.
She smiled brightly, showing off her pearly white teeth. "Like all football players. It's okay though, I can help you study sometime if you'd like?"
As she spoke, my heart skipped a beat and my cheeks flushed. The offer of her help flooded my mind with different scenarios, from spending time with her after school to studying together at the library or even hosting study groups at our houses. I chuckled nervously and nodded my head.
The sudden stop of the bus snapped me back to reality, and a thought raced through my mind. Should I ask to walk her home? The offer seemed so appealing, and I was filled with possibilities of getting to know her even better. It was time to take the chance, but I had to fight the nervousness building inside me.
"Hey, are you walking to your house? Because I was just going to ask if...if I could walk you home?" I spoke the words carefully, fearing that I might mess up and ruin the moment. I fiddled with the straps of my backpack, feeling my heart pound in my chest as I waited for her response.
She smiled kindly at me. "Yes, and I would love that. Do you know which house?"
"I do," I said with a slightly more confident tone than before. I felt myself calming down as the idea of walking home together became more real. She began to take in the neighborhood around us, and I thought it was a perfect time to start a conversation.
"So, this is where you live?"
She giggled, and her laughter was infectious. I couldn't help but smile. "Joel, you and I have lived in the same neighborhood since we were newborns. We're neighbors for goodness sake, no need to be so formal with me."
She was right; I was overthinking our interactions. We had been neighbors for as long as I could remember. "Oh yeah...I suppose you have a point. I guess my nervousness made me go blank like that. I'm just not used to seeing you when you're not out on the field with your cheer squad." I chuckled, feeling my nerves die down even more as I looked over at her and relaxed a bit more.
"I understand it's hard not to picture me like that, and you as well, Joel. You're violent on the field. I'm pretty sure that referee from Tentown had a broken nose," she tries to make conversation. 
The mention of the game in Tentown makes me chuckle a bit. That was the first game in the league where I was allowed to play, and I suppose my desire to prove myself ended with me getting a bit carried away. The thought of the ref's nose makes me chuckle a bit more as I couldn't help but feel bad for the ref. 
"Yeah, I think you're right about that. But that's just how it is, right? The game is pretty brutal. I can't play without getting a little carried away." 
She thinks for a second and then says, "Maybe that's why you're always benched, along with Tommy? Speaking of your brother, where is he? Oh, and how are poor freshmen? I heard the older football players are being a little mean."
The question about my benching for games suddenly brings back my nervous energy, and I immediately feel uncomfortable talking about it. "That's probably one of the reasons for it, yeah..." I sigh as the mention of my brother and some of the team's hazing of the freshman brings a frown to my face.
"It pisses me off how they treat some of the freshmen like that. I don't see why they can't just treat them like the rest of the team..." I pause mid-sentence as the thought comes to my mind.
"I feel so bad for the poor freshman. They do the same thing on the cheer team," she said. We stopped at the crossing signal, and I was surprised by how well she could relate to what I was describing. It dawned on me that she may have experienced it more than I had considering how involved she is in cheer. We waited for the light to turn green, and I smiled at her.
"We should set up a study date sometime soon. After all, you said you're not that good at chemistry?" she said as we got closer to her house. I was thrilled at the possibility of spending more time with her.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I'll certainly need the help," I chuckled. She walked ahead of me with a sweet little glide in her step, making me have to catch up to her as we continued walking.
"Which days work for you?" she asked, opening her backpack and taking out a pen and paper. "Oh, and write down your landline number." I replied, "I'm pretty much free all week, so just let me know what works for you." Her request for my landline number made my heart skip a beat as it reminded me of when she offered to help me at her place.
"How about Friday after school since there's no game? We can meet at my place," she suggested as we stood outside her front gate. "That works great for me! We can discuss our study plans and maybe even study together if you're up for it," I replied excitedly. "Your place sounds perfect, and I just want to say thank you," I added, feeling grateful for her help. She smiled and said, "Of course, Joel." Then she walked into her yard and house, waving goodbye.
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Friday couldn't come any quicker in my mind. I couldn't get Miss Applepine, Cheery Pie, Pipe Dream out of my head at all. The more we talked in class, the more I fell under her spell and the more I wanted to know... She was a mystery, and I wanted to be the first to hear everything she was willing to tell.
now stand at her front door. I rang the doorbell eagerly waiting for her to answer. She opened the door; she looked so pretty. "Come on in, Joel," she opened the door to let me in. In all my years of being neighbors, I always wondered what her house looked like, and to be honest, her house is less organized than I thought.
"Sorry about the mess. You know, it's just me and my dad, and I'm a little behind on chores... um... studying," she began to ramble but stopped herself. It was rather cute; it made me smile even more.
"Come on upstairs to my room. I have all my books and everything up there," she led me up to her bedroom. It was so normal - band posters, photos of her family, school items, her numerous awards, and her window looked directly into my room.
As we entered her room, I couldn't resist glancing over to her window again. It felt like this was the closest I could get to seeing inside her home for A Long time and now I'm inside the looking glass. I took a seat right next to her bed as she went to her bookshelf to collect her textbooks. As we started reviewing the material, a wave of butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I occasionally stole a glance at her while she flipped through different articles, but I couldn't hold my stare for long.
"Are these all the books we're going to be using?" I asked as she placed her biology and chemistry books on her desk. I watched her lean over, her eyes almost glued to the books as she read through them. "Yeah, these are the ones. I just want to make sure that we're both prepared for this project. It's about how we think the universe began, so lots to cover" she replied with a soft smile that brought me back to reality for a moment as I gazed into her eyes.
"I'm ready to start studying. So, what do you want to start with?" she asked as I sat down. She looked at me with a sweet smile and thought for a moment before responding, "Do you think we should start with chemistry? I know it's the one you struggle with the most."
"Sure, that works," I replied excitedly she remembered that from the walk my cheeks got a little pink as I opened the book and looked over her shoulder to find the section she had mentioned. I was determined to pay close attention this time, feeling more relaxed thanks to her calm and collected presence.
Every little gesture or movement she made caught my full attention like a spark in my head. Her adorable smile and the way she played with her hair made it difficult to resist complimenting her. When she asked if she could ask me something, it snapped me out of my trance for a moment. I replied with a simple "Yeah, sure."
As she playfully hit my shoulder, her touch felt light as a feather. I couldn't help but smile, sitting up and crossing my legs like she was doing. Moving my book from my lap, I placed it on the end of her bed. "Why can't you focus?" she asked, and my heart started racing. I didn't want to tell her the truth, so I lied, "No reason..." Trying to act casual, I could feel myself blushing as she hit my shoulder and called me out. It was because of her - her sweet smile, small gestures, and the way she sat cross-legged on her bed - that I couldn't focus. But I couldn't just outright admit that I had a massive crush on her.
"We can take a break?" she offered, and I felt even more nervous. The idea of taking a break meant a chance to talk about things other than studying and a chance to just hang out with her. I was hoping that she felt the same way and that she also couldn't help but notice the tension that was building between us. I sat back up and joked, "You're saying that as if I would deny the offer." My heart was racing, and I couldn't help but wonder if she could feel the same tension I did.
As we continued to talk, I made sure to continue moving closer to her every chance that I could get. The heat coming from her body filled me with a new sense of boldness as I tried to make my actions more noticeable. "I mean who can blame me, when I'm sitting across from someone so charming..." I said as I leaned forward a little, making the distance between us almost nonexistent.
"Have you been studying for long?" she asked me as she laid back on her bed, making it clear that she had no plans to get up anytime soon. As the conversation shifted towards more flirtatious topics, I started to blush slightly. "Do you mean studying?..." I replied to her, but even I could hear that my voice had taken on a flirty tone.
"Yes, studying, or are you just as brain-dead as the other football players?" she joked. "Hey now, what are you implying?" I responded teasingly as I moved closer to her. As we talked more, the tone of the conversation became increasingly flirtatious, and I struggled to hold back my blush. "You're the one who keeps saying we should take a break. Sounds like you don't want to study..." I said, trying to pretend to focus on a book.
But even as we continued discussing the material or pretending to, I noticed her eyes drifting toward me as she glanced up and down my body. It made me feel a little uneasy, but also excited as I wondered what she was thinking. Could she feel the same tension between us that I felt?
"Hmmm, maybe I don't. But you're the one who said yes to the break." she grinned mischievously as I scooted slightly closer to her, looking up and staring into her eyes. "You make it kind of hard to pay attention..."
As we continued to talk The heat coming from her body filled me with a sense of boldness as I attempted to make my actions more noticeable. "I mean, who can blame me when I'm sitting across from someone so charming?" I said as I leaned forward a little, making the distance between us almost nonexistent.
"I'm flattered. I'll take that as a compliment since you're also very kind with your words," she said as I moved even closer to her. We were almost too close for comfort, but I couldn't resist getting even closer. "I thought I was charming, but you are even more charming than I imagined," I told her, leaning in even closer until I was practically touching her. I felt like I was crossing a line, but I couldn't help myself. Her eyes seemed to be blushing, and I felt a sudden burst of confidence. I brought my hand up to her side, almost touching her waist. "You are an interesting girl," I whispered.
"You find me interesting?" she asked, smiling shyly and looking down. I could tell she was blushing and feeling a little embarrassed, but I decided to take a risk and leaned in even closer. Our faces were almost touching, and I could feel her breath on my face. I looked up at her and felt a rush of emotions.
"I didn't know you were so easy to read," I said as I leaned even closer to her, this time the tiny distance between us was nothing but air. I couldn't help but feel that feeling building inside me again as I watched her face grow redder and redder as it appeared to be a little closer every time. "I'm sure most guys would be more than happy to take advantage of a beautiful girl like you.”
“Are you most guys? Should I be worried? I'm not a one-and-done girl, Joel…” she said, showing insecurity for what seems to be the first time. As she asked me if I was 'most guys', I couldn't help but feel my heart sink for a brief second as I heard her insecurity, but I quickly recovered and smiled as I looked down at her. My hands slowly wrapped around her waist as I leaned even closer. "Oh please, you think I'm going to leave someone as beautiful and kind as you just like that. You aren't a one-and-done girl, you're... you're an angel." I slowly leaned forward so our faces were just a hair's width apart. I gazed into her eyes, lost in the moment, when she suddenly exclaimed, "An Angel?" Her voice was soft, yet full of wonder, as if she had just seen something magical. She was so close to me that I could feel her breath on my face, and I couldn't help but notice the way her face immediately flushed up with red. Her eyes quickly looked down, as if to distract herself from her sudden burst of emotion.
I kept looking at her, waiting for her to look back up at me. I leaned down just a bit more, my heart racing with anticipation, as my lips were barely an inch from hers when she finally decided to look back up. I couldn't help but feel the surge of joy rushing through my body as I saw the way her eyes slowly opened and she looked back up to face me.
The way her cheeks were still flushed and the shy, but happy look on her face was exactly what I needed. It was the perfect moment as I leaned in for the kiss. Our lips met in a sweet and simple embrace, and I felt a warmth spread through my body. It was like time had stopped, and nothing else mattered in the world except for that moment. I held her close as we kissed, and I knew deep down inside that this was the start of something special.
The kiss started gentle but with each second that passed it started to become more intense. The heat of her body and the way her hands ran through my hair was making my heart skip a few beats as I started to wish I could pull her into an even deeper kiss. I didn't want to overwhelm her though so I tried to keep it simple, although it was hard to keep my hands from finding every part of her body that I could. She's not someone who wants a one-time thing and I'll do everything I can to make sure she doesn't think all I want is sex.
We disengaged when we heard her front door slam shut. "That's my dad!" she exclaimed, her urgency evident. "He can't know you're here." She swiftly rose, pulling me up with her, both of us breaking away from the kiss as she hurried us along. Her pace was so brisk that it took a moment for me to catch on before I scrambled up. "Why can't he know I'm here?" I whispered, trying to avoid any noise as her dad ascended the stairs.
"Because he'll flip if he finds a guy in my room. Though, it's not like it's the first time I've had a guy over," she rushed, steering us towards her bedroom window. "Seriously? You've done this before?" I questioned? but that conversation could wait as we reached her bedroom window, which she promptly opened, urging me outside.
"Well, there was this one time Dad caught me, and he nearly lost it. I promised I wouldn't do it again, and he dropped it," she explained hurriedly, her insistence on getting me out the window starting to concern me. I trusted she knew what she was doing, but I wasn't quite prepared for what came next.
"Are you seriously making me climb out your window?" I protested.
"Don't be a wimp. You'll be fine. You're not the first guy I've had over," she reassured, though her words didn't ease my nerves. The distance from her window to the ground seemed to grow as she tugged me closer to the edge.
As I began to climb out, my foot slipped, and I fell with a hard thud and a loud squeak.
Despite the throbbing pain in my ankle, the walk home afforded me ample time to ponder, and my thoughts continuously circled back to her. I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, as if she was keeping something from me. If she's had numerous guys over before, why the sudden worry about her dad catching her? Was I just another casual fling to her? My mind brimmed with inquiries for my elusive "little miss pipedream."
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lover-222 · 1 year
Love Story (Pablo Gavi)
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"so how did you two meet, people are obsessing over you guys and are considered the hottest couple of 2023" the interviewer asked the young couple.
"it's actually a funny story" y/n smiled at looked at gavi who was seating next to her.
y/n gonzalez, sounds familiar doesn't it?
"c'mon let's go, it would do you good sister. you guys broke up 3 weeks ago and you have to go out and have fun" pedri told his young sister.
"no pedri, me siento fatal no quiero ir déjame en paz. porque quieres que vaya a tu entrenamiento? si nada mas vas a correr y a patear una pelota por una hora?" she said annoyed then covered her body with a blanket.
(i feel horrible i don't want to go leave me alone. why do you want me to go see you train? if all you do is run and chase after a ball for an hour?)
he laid on her bed and played with her hair, "maybe because after we can go eat ice cream and do whatever you want hermanita?"
y/n looked at her brother and gave him a weak smile, "okay fine fine just let me get ready".
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pedri always felt protective over his little sister, perhaps even more than their older brother fernando. y/n didn't mind it, just for the reason that he wasn't overboard protective over her.
it also came with advantages, pedri was an amazing brother. when they were younger he would play with her and even attended many tea parties. when fernando would pick on her pedri was always there to tell him off.
once they arrived at camp nou she sat in the nearest seats closest to field. pedri had left to get changed and do whatever he had to do. she sat down and scrolled through her instagram and scrolled on tiktok for a bit. after awhile she noticed all the barcelona players going to the field and carrying out equipment to start their training.
well at least i got out to see some eye candy, she whispered to herself.
they were all attractive boys but one particular spanish boy caught her eye. he was breathtaking, his brown hair was perfectly cut. his jawline was prominent, it looked like he was sculpted by the gods.
as they trained, y/n would glance at the boy; earning a couple of glances back to her. although she would quickly look away. by the end of training, the boy was flushed red and his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. y/n didn't care, to her he still looked amazing.
pedri came to where she sat at, "got enough eye candy for today?" he joked.
"cállate pedro, i was not" she rolled her eyes.
he left to change and meanwhile she waited, someone else came to greet her.
"hi you must be pedri's sister y/n right?" he said.
it was him, the pretty boy she had been seeing all afternoon.
"yes hi, you were pretty good out there, what's your name?" she smiled trying to act fine while inside she was freaking out.
"thank you, i'm pablo gavira but you can call me gavi" he said then smiled, she melted.
"looks like you guys met already so i won't introduce you two anymore" pedri chimmed in and chuckled.
the siblings left and proceeded to get ice cream at the local ice cream shop.
"cookies and cream?" he asked her while she nodded, pedri always knew what she liked.
"gracias hermano" she smiled.
they went for a small walk which then lead them to a park. there was not many people at the park, there was an old married couple, a man and his small daughter walking their dog, and a young couple laying on the grass. y/n and pedri laid on the grass and ate their ice cream.
y/n sighed as she looked at the young couple who were laughing. pedri looked at their direction, "you were to good for him, you deserve better. he was an awful boyfriend, you deserved to be loved" he said.
she nodded while tearing up, "i just can't believe he was cheating on me the whole time we were dating, i should've caught on to it".
he wiped her tears with his thumb, "it's not your fault, it's his; he lost an amazing girl".
she smiled and kept eating her ice cream, pedri was smirking.
"what? what are you going to do?" she asked him, she knew that smirk he was up to something.
"i think i can set you up with one of my teammates" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"no pedri no, not with the pretty boy" she said.
"oh so you think he's pretty? if we are thinking about the same one, then it's gavi" he chuckled.
"i mean yes he's pretty but it's too early to start another relationship" she worried.
"he told me to give you his number and instagram, besides you guys can take it slow" he added.
later that night, y/n scrolled through gavi's instagram. it was filled with pictures of his team, and awards he's won. she scrolled to the bottom of his page, and while scrolling too fast, she accidentally liked one of his picture. funny enough it was a baby picture of him and his sister. she wanted to throw her phone at the wall and hide in their room forever. y/n got distracted by a text and groaned.
unknown number: i guess pedri gave you my instagram and you were stalking me??
y/n: he did and i wasn't stalking you. i was just scrolling and my finger slipped.
gavi: right if that's what you want to go for. i think it's cute either ways.
quite frankly she was kicking her feet and twirling her hair while texting him. although she felt a sense of guilt, was it too early to move on? or was it the perfect time to finally try something new and be happy.
gavi: would you like to go on a date with me? i'm really interested in you y/n.
y/n: yeah that would be fun :)
the day finally came and she was excited to say the least. she got dressed and headed downstairs. the couple went to a local restaurant and clicked. time went by so quickly, she felt at ease with him. y/n felt like she had nothing to worry about and her anxiety was gone when she was with gavi, she also felt extremely comfortable.
6 months later...
"i told you guys, you'd end up together" pedri smirked.
she laughed, "gracias cupido", she smiled and looked at gavi who was next to her. y/n attended a barça dinner, i mean her brother was technically right, if he hadn't dragged her to his training that day, she wouldn't have been there with the boy of her dreams.
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the interviewer smiled at the teen couple, "entonces tu hermano tuvo mucho que ver en tu relación?" (so your brother had a lot to do in your relationship)
"si pedri siempre me a cuidado desde pequeños y el le ayudo a gavi a conquistarme" y/n chuckled. (yes pedri has always taken care of me ever since we were young and he helped gavi win me over)
"el si es un real cupido gracias hermano" gavi chimmed in and hugged y/n. (he is a true cupid, thanks bro)
─── ・。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── a/ n hope y'all enjoyed this one
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silvermare · 10 months
If you know me outside of Tumblr, don't tell my mom
I said goodbye to my old car last night. Vivid green 2012 Hyundai Accent hatchback. That thing had stellar fuckin gas mileage (for a non-hybrid anyway, I could squeeze like 40mpg out of it if I tried), hauled around way too much shit, played FAFO with black ice, was stolen in Amarillo, TX and recovered south of Oklahoma City, OK - and for context, I live in Indianapolis - back in 2018, and transported many friends and even some coworkers. It also has had kernels of dry field corn in the floorboard for the past two years. Oh, and I broke the frickin passenger side mirror by backing out of the garage too close.
Her name was Arachnaverde because she was green and I kept an anatomically incorrect spider skeleton (halloween decoration) on the dashboard. Spood's job was to let me know when I was taking a turn too fast. He would skitter away if I did.
Prior to Arachnaverde, I had a 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme that I called Madame Blueberry. She was a lovely teal color, had two doors, and I once forgot an entire watermelon in the back floorboard in college and it rotted and stank so badly. -4/10 do not recommend. Also her trunk had loose soybeans from when I took a few dried soybean plants for some reason or another. ADHD be like that sometimes.
Prior to Madame Blueberry, I had an unnamed charcoal gray 89 Mercury Grand Marquis. This car had one interesting anecdote, and 3 notable events.
In the long long ago when I was still in junior college (2 year college for people who live in states that don't fuck with junior colleges), I left it overnight in the college parking lot for some reason I no longer recall. When I retrieved it in the morning, someone had used car window paint to write "HOOPTY" on the back windshield. To be fair, it was.
That car was how I learned not to leave a can of silly string in a hot car. Did you know if a can of silly string gets hot enough it will straight up explode? I didn't until I found a really messy plastic bag and blue spatters all over the roof of my car.
I used to park under a specific tree in front of the house, because I lived with my parents on a farm, and the garage was for my mom's vehicle, no one else's. Dad's main ride parked in the patch of ground between the barnyard fence and the garage (dad's parking spot, mostly), and the farm truck parked in the barnyard. Anyway, point is, I parked under a tree which worked quite well for many years except at the very end a large fragment of dead tree pierced my car *right* in front of the hood so I had a rough rectangle of Missing Car for the tail end of my ownership.
Anyway, I've known for months that I needed to get a new car. Needed new front struts, a replacement sensor in the steering column, new back brakes, new front tires.... I tried back in May but for some reason the car I found just didn't vibe with me (Mitsubishi Mirage). It was kinda noisy, very basic. Also very cheap.
Last week, the stars aligned and I found a hopeful prospect with low mileage, decent mpg, and within my budget.
So now I have a new-to-me brick of tofu (white Kia Soul 2020).
I have said my farewells to the green beast, and look forward to what kind of adventures I'll get into with the as-of-yet-unnamed toaster.
So far the best name I've come up with is Tofungus because I am awful. I definitely want to give it a black horizontal stripe and add the "Fujiwara Tofu Shop" decal to the side because i'm a fuckin weeb and also did you know there's a sequel to Initial D this season? I'm enjoying it.
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hypergamiss · 6 months
A co worker of mine told me a story about her friend who was chewed up and spit out by this European woman who just wanted American citizenship. They dated for 3 years, he bought a house for her, planned a wedding in less than a month, and in 3 weeks she had him served at his job with divorce papers. I guess, he's not taking it well at all. He's a 40 year old veteran who already had a messed up psyche from ptsd and what she did to him was the icing on the cake. My co worker said that he disappeared after she humiliated him and he's been hard to keep track of since then.
The gold digger in me is in awe of that woman's savagery but at the same time I low-key feel bad for him because she used the hell out of him. I'm really on the fence about it and I've been asking myself if I have the balls to pull off such an elaborate stunt and destroy someone's mental health and reputation like that. This woman is now making like $300k a year and had time to make up this whole plan while she was working on her advanced degree. She didn't even have the decency to leave town afterwards, she just bought a different house and he decided to move because he was so bothered by her proximity lol. She won the IDGAF wars for real lol.
Honestly, men do much much worse to women all the time and I admire her for putting her feelings aside and going after what she wanted. I've always struggled with not getting caught up in the emotions of my relationships with men and end up losing sight of why I even started entertaining them in the first place. I feel like if I learn to be this level of calloused and cold, then I will it pay off ten fold. what do you think?
Girl, omg. I have several thoughts about this.
I don’t know what she looks like, but I’m willing to bet she’s very attractive and confident. Probably the type to max out her looks. Sometimes I think a man can avoid this by being realistic and dating at his level. But no, some of them will value looks over everything and that’s the trend I see with “passport bros.” They pass up perfectly amazing women because they don’t take into account personality and then end up resenting the person they chose.
I don’t think I could pull that off and be that cold to a man unless I knew for a fact he wasn’t a good person. I’ve never had to pull elaborate stunts like that one but I’ve had my fair share of leveling the playing field. Most of us don't have that ice-queen persona ready to go. Maybe there's more to her story, or he REALLY messed up to spark that level of revenge.
I do agree men tend to do much worse and for once she came out on top in this situation, she never let go of her ambition and goals. I don’t necessarily think you have to be “cold” to get good outcomes in your relationships. I think it’s more about being emotionally “strong” to keep your boundaries in place and not taking men so seriously until they’ve shown you that they lead with their actions, not words. So many times I hear women say something along the lines of “he said he’s going to buy me a house, he said he’s getting me a ring, he said he’s going to do this and that, etc” and actually believe a man based on just his words. Sometimes they even decide to give a man a child just because he said he would do a million things without having done a single one yet. Words are just, literally WORDS. I can look into your eyes and tell you that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on without ever actually meaning any of it.
I suggest gatekeeping your time and energy until men follow through with everything they say they will do, including treating you right. When they act right, you slowly give them more access to you. If they don’t follow through with their actions, you start to pull away. That’s it. My favorite is when they don’t even speak about what they’re going to do, they just literally do it by surprise and sweep you off your feet.
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csykora · 2 years
I was suggested this video and would like your take on it if you are willing...https://youtu.be/L1vxN-0JnNw
My first take is how desperately jealous I am of football!
I've mentioned this before, but I don't think people who only watch hockey understand--the whole "player out for unspecified time with unspecified injury, maybe we'll say it's upper body/lower body, maybe nah" thing is very specific to hockey. I understand why the Player's Association wants it, because among other things there's an argument that it prevents a player's injury history from affecting their trade value, but I think it also makes it much harder for us to have honest conversations about the dangerous parts of the game and things that would protect them and leads to a culture that doesn't understand the severity of injury.
How often do we hear "oh he's skating off", then he's out for a period of time, then he's off injured reserve, he's back he must be all better--then what's this, he's out again, he's back in but he's playing worse, he's a "healthy" scratch, he's in and out, he's unreliable, suddenly and inexplicably this good player isn't anymore?
Let me tell you, football fans know about a motherfuckin ACL. Sure, maybe some still don't care about athlete safety, but many serious football fans know the difference between an MCL and an ACL or roughly how long it typically takes for a tendon to heal vs a bone vs a concussion much better than equivalent hockey fans do.
(the number of "wait, are knee injuries common in hockey? why?" conversations I've had, with people who watch a lot of hockey, just wrecks me bro)
Which means that if it's public knowledge that a player has one of those injuries, and then he comes back early, football fans at least know. When a hockey player is out with a "lower body injury" and comes back a week later we don't have even a scrap of a clue whether he can possibly be recovered in that amount of time. We have very little idea whether a player has had repeated incidents of the same injury, new injuries, injuries that are associated with each other like postural changes, or what. We often do not know which play or which part of a play caused what injury!
Second, I appreciate that Dr. Varshavski mentions how in sports medicine, the critical first stage of assessment is mostly guesswork. And that's in football, where you at least have a chance of seeing something like a malformation or a compound fracture without too many pads in the way.
(They talk about several compound fractures, which as Dr. Varshavski explains just means that a piece of the bone has broken through the skin. Ie, it's a compound of two injuries, one to the bone and one to the soft tissue. Compound fractures aren't necessarily worse than non-compounded fractures! You can have extremely severe internal damage that doesn't break the skin--as he mentions with the spiral fracture, the sharp edge of bone can do as much or more damage by cutting inside the body. In some limited ways, if I saw a sharp bone poking out of the skin, I'd be reassured that all the damage is done, and the bone can be safely secured where it is for now. If there's a sharp bone inside, for all I know it could have nicked an artery already or be about to cut one at any moment: it's a dynamic situation.
But compound fractures do have a particular risk because breaking the skin creates a chance for more infectious material to enter the body. It's possible that the player they discuss who experienced sepsis would have developed an infection anyway, but it's definitely associated with compound fractures!)
Note: at this point, G has forgotten what point she was making, and is just happily sorting through her favorite photos of bones
Injuries aren't just one moment of impact, but an evolving situation. It's absolutely crucial to stop play, to assess someone before they move to see if they can move, to get someone off the field or the ice, to have the best chance that we have to identify a serious injury. You can't know what's going on inside the skin and under the pads out on the field, or what will happen once they're out of the pads or the solid skate boot and things start to shift and swell, so ATs have to free to act as if it's the worst case scenario.
(If you're asking, I don't know Dr. Varshavki's experience or expertise on other areas of medicine, but in this vid everything he's saying is well-evidenced)
Oh, I also really liked that the concussion they show really shows the nasty whiplash snapping motion as the player falls! Such a rough injury. People have this idea that it's the point of external impact where a player strikes the other player's head that matters, which colors how much we worry about fighting and how much we don't about falls and other body collisions--really we need to worry about when the brain impacts on the skull, which could happen on the initial contact but will also happen on the backwards movement.
I liked Marshall's discussion of the internal conflict for athletes, as well. Listen, athletes deserve to have more information about their medical conditions, and it's also true that many athletes know what's going on with their bodies, and are having to consciously mask their symptoms or otherwise negotiate this culture and training to push through injuries.
Gosh, there's plenty else to say. It's a fun video and I had a great time thinking about all these injuries, thank you!
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c0rrupt3dsp1r1t · 2 years
So- my thoughts on the episode. Spoilers!!!
Dan's exit could've been interesting and it wasn't really, but it was a very normal human thing to do and Dan has been played straight as a very normal human guy, so makes sense.
I'm happy they recruited Ace and Tegan to UNIT rather than continuing Ace's charity story. They already seemed to do everything they could with it in Big Finish and the ACE book and it doesn't fit on-screen Ace well at all. She could've given the company over to someone else or be using it to fund UNIT when the government doesn't want to, but being in the field rather than behind a desk is... mmm. So much better. (I'll have to edit my longfic draft a bit, I was waiting for the episode to come out to add her section, but not too drastically)
I didn't expect them to confirm Tegan/Nyssa one way or the other. Farewell, Sarah Jane is nice, but the Doctor Who Lockdown stories that weren't for the book have been almost completely ignored thus far and I doubt that'll change. For instance, Big Finish gave present Ace a K-9, (in her weakest story imo) but it explicitly wasn't Sarah Jane's.
They also don't outright deny/confirm other expanded media either. "Three decades for me" could mean a number of things, including new meetings with the Doctor getting lost in Ace's short-term memory thanks to Brax and she just didn't age much until she was put back in her own time after Gallifrey.
There is a very particular itch for the Master for me that only Sacha Dhawan has scratched and Rasputin and taking the Doctor's body presumably for the extra (now possibly infinite) lives, something he's always wanted to do but never quite succeeded in doing- letting him actually do it, all felt very fresh.
The past faces manifesting in their mind during a time of terrible danger thing hasn't been done on TV I don't think, and it was done in the perfect surreal way.
The hologram 5 and 7 were adorable. Five comforting Tegan about Adric and Seven making up with Ace and acknowledging she's grown up and he's proud of her on-screen. (Chibnall you actually remembered that he's basically her dad when so many writers have forgotten that especially with the few modern-day Ace stories.)
I felt very teased with the possibility of a Thasmin kiss. They didn't have to, but that left something balled up in my chest. The ice creams were quite literally sweet though.
All of the bad guys are just fodder for the Master, that's kinda meh. His plan being trigger every volcano on Earth to cause a doomsday rather than just hyperbeaming it with his death star planet is a very Classic Master plan though.
Kate didn't do much and that makes me sad. Still no Osgood=homophobic. I don't make the rules. At least she's not dead, even though Chibnall could do so justifiably, since the (Jenna Redgrave) Kate is his character.
The plot is messy but there is a through line and it comes to a decent conclusion after that huge rollercoaster.
Companion support group is an official thing now I thought that would only ever exist in fanfic and comedy skits.
The end... I'm sorry. I just didn't like it. I never liked 10, he's my least favourite Doctor. I'd have preferred if they did half the regeneration here, fade to white, credits roll, the other half in the next special, because while I love David Tennant in other roles (especially Crowley) I cannot stand his Doctor, think he’s overstayed his welcome and wish I could ignore it.
Overall I think it's a good story and it has all the love for classic who that I wish the 50th had but didn't. Better written than DotD? I don't think so, but I like it better. (For one I actually like most of the characters involved, not only 3 of them) It definitely feels like a comfort episode, very self-indulgent, very camp and fun, fanfic-y but in a good way- but also this thing is a straight-up whole action movie, not an ordinary special.
Also you can still 100% tell that after series 10 Chibnall binge-read the VNAs, has the same vibes as the books, including one I was reading last night. To be fair Transit is all about space trains but that's just a coincidence I totally forgot there'd be a space train in the episode .
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bleakfate · 1 year
Discord Closed Thread: Blake and Cecily Hijacked Table
Where: Winnie's Bistro
Written by Lex and Dana (@celestial-elite)
Blake: Being back in NYC was nice, and the blonde had settled pretty easily the last few weeks. She hadn't moved back to the Upper East side because she had no desire to run into her family, so she'd settled into a nice Brooklyn apartment. However, a request from one of her favorite teachers in high school brought her back to the neighborhood, and afterwards she was starving. When she walked into her favorite spot, she hadn't expected to see Cecily Fields of all people sitting at a small table for two. With a smirk, she bypassed the hostess and took the seat across the woman. Oh, don't look so surprised. You should be used to be doing the unexpected by now even if it has been years.
Cecily: One eyebrow quirked as Cecily took in the blonde’s sudden appearance. Of all the gin joints and people in the world, Blake Astor was the last one that Cecily expected to see. It was with a very slight smile, just a quirk of the corner of her lips, that she put down her glass of iced tea. “Do you often hang around restaurants in hopes you can hijack the table of someone you vaguely know? Seems too coincidental.”
Blake: The banter the two women shared was often her favorite. A part of the blonde wondered if Cecily ever put together why she loved making her so mad. Since being disowned by her family and taking a happy bow from the Upper East Side, she definitely didn't hide her sexuality. It was basically a blinking neon sign of a clue. "Nope! The universe just loves putting us in the same spaces. Also, vaguely? You really call going to the same schools since pre-school vaguely? How rude. I mean, who knows how to push your buttons better than I do?"
Cecily: "I'll have to speak to the universe about that," Cecily miffed, as the waiter came around and brought a second glass of water for Blake. "She's--" but her protest was too late. "Knowing how to push my buttons and knowing me are two completely different things," she countered, unflinchingly staring Blake down. "I bet you can't tell me a single thing about myself."
Blake: The blonde chuckled slightly at the fashion designer's mumbling. She had never understood why she was so fascinated with the other woman's reactions, but there she was. At first she'd thought it was purely because Cecily was hot, but it went beyond that for some reason. It was amusing really. The question did catch her off guard for a moment. If she decided to answer it honestly, then she'd reveal that she actually paid attention beyond purposely pissing the woman off. However, she hated purposely losing anything. "Are we talking about when we were younger or your life now as an adult? Those are two vastly different things." She would be pissed to lose on a technicality.
Cecily: “I’ll let you decide. Make it easy for you.” She feigned kindness, resting her elbows on the table and making a little ledge with her hands for her chin to rest on. “If you can name one of each, I’ll buy your lunch. Deal?”
Blake: The blonde arched an eyebrow at the other woman but a slight nod of her head was all she gave in response as she thought of the best things to say. “You’re insanely loyal to those you care about, you are effortlessly intelligent and meticulous in everything you do. Your favorite color used to be gold in high school and given the small accents in your clothing I’d be willing to bet it’s still the same. Your career has really taken off the last four years, and I’m hoping you do open your own boutique.” Blake then lifted the menu in order to give Cecily some semblance of privacy as she took in everything she’d said. Debating what she wanted to eat would never take long since she was a slight creature of habit, but she could play along.
Cecily: Cecily, as a fashion designer, had been seen by many people throughout her lifetime. People judged her work with a simple look and that was how the world operated. But she hadn't felt seen the way Blake was describing in a long time. Cecily's eyes narrowed at the sight of Blake behind the menu. She grabbed the untouched straw off the table, ripped off part of the end, and blew into it, sending the paper wrapper across the table. "So, what? You enjoy conversing with me?"
Blake: The blonde was not expecting the way Cecily decided to respond, and as she lowered the menu she smiled. It was her usual smile that Cecily had often seen before the blonde had caused mischief or done something opposite of what was expected. “I enjoy having fun with you. I let you be a little spontaneous, and you’re way more fun and even silly than you let on. I just was a little too against the grain for you when we were young. I’ve known another thing about you for a long time if you’d like to hear it.”
Cecily: Cecily folded her arms across her chest, clearly not loving the idea of being bested at her own game. Still, she did like the idea that Blake cared enough about her-- to any extent-- that she would notice such things about her. "Are you sure you're in the right business? Granted, I don't know what it is, but you've got a knack for reading people's aura. Tell me what I don't know."
Blake: “I’m not this good at it with everyone,” she said with a small shrug. There were many people she was just oblivious about. Her attention was hard to catch, or at least that’s what she’d been told by those close to her. “I’ve also always known you’re beautiful which is a past and present truth about you.”
Cecily: "Astor, you've got lines," Cecily shook her head in somewhat disbelief, hoping that her snark didn't make it obvious that the slight rose in her cheeks was not a result of the Pat McGrath makeup she was wearing. "Who knew? I never saw this side of you in school."
Blake: At Cecily’s words, Blake lightly tapped the other woman’s calf beneath the table with the top of her heels. “I have eyes,” she replied easily. “While I loved getting under your skin and driving you crazy, I wasn’t stupid enough to flirt with you. Not because I thought you’d be cruel to me or anything like that, but your world was the epitome of order back then. You didn’t do anything that wasn’t expected of you, and I didn’t want to turn your world upside down like that.” Blake wasn’t that selfish. The two of them weren’t close, and that kind of shock was something Cecily needed a support system or maturity to survive. “I did however love your brother. How is Grey? Did he confess to you that we were secret gaming buddies back in the day?”
Cecily: "Bold of you to think you could have that kind of effect on me," Cecily retorted coolly, taking another sip of her iced tea. The glass was starting to sweat, and she was grateful for the feeling of the water on her skin. It grounded her. "No, he didn't. Then again, he's better at keeping secrets than he looks. Don't tell me you play that game where you throw the banana peels at each other with him? I like the little pink mushroom."
Blake: “I wouldn’t think it would be me. It’s more the whole idea of me just being a woman. I didn’t want to be someone to throw that big of a wrench in things. I lost everything because of it. There was a lot of pain. I’d never want to be the cause of that for someone. It’s something we should all realize on our own if that kind of awakening is in the cards for us.” Blake smiled at the waiter and quickly put her order in. She took a sip of her water as she waited for Cecily to place her own. A fond smile appeared as she heard Cecily describe what the streamer could only imagine was Mario Kart. “You would love Toad. I’m a Yoshi girl. But yeah, we’ve played that before amongst others. Playing video games is kind of my job, so it works out.”
Cecily: "So what, you think the two closeted lesbians in our school at the same time magically will find each other when they're older?" Cecily raised an eyebrow, but studied Blake's face carefully for a reaction. "I'll have the harvest salad with salmon," she said to the waiter, and her lips curved up into a smile. "And why don't you bring us a bottle of Prosecco?" When he left, she turned her attention back to Blake. "No, not Toad. The pink one. With the braids. I liked that her braids were made out of mushrooms, too. How on earth did you manage to get the dream job of a twelve year old boy?"
Blake: In that moment, Blake was so thankful that all her verbal sparring sessions with Cecily had prepared her well which was the only thing that allowed her to keep her face more neutral. While they weren’t children anymore, giving too much away too fast wasn’t Blake’s game. It left too much possibility for getting hurt. “If it’s something that is meant to happen, why not? Serendipity and all that,” she answered back with a wide grin. “Toadette. My apologies. Honestly? I’m really funny and hot. That is what really got my foot in the door. Me being talented at what I do is a big part of it, but I never would have been noticed if I didn’t have those first two things.” It was a shallow industry unfortunately.
Cecily: "You don't strike me as the type to go for a Frozen Hot Chocolate," Cecily's eyes softened as she suddenly became very interested in the lemon floating around in her iced tea. "Toadette. There we go. Obviously if I had a choice, I'd pick the pink one. I've definitely seen evidence of the hot part, but I'm still waiting to find you funny, Astor. Think you've got a highlight reel that could show me your most amusing qualities?"
Blake: The quip made her laugh lightly. It was sweet and cute in its own way. She knew Cecily got her meaning, but they were both dancing around things which she could do. After all, the dance was part of the beauty. Blake would rather leave the canon balls for the pool. “I’ve got a killer sweet tooth. A way to my heart is definitely through baked goods or frozen treats.” Cecily asking about a highlight reel caused Blake to reach into her clutch for her phone. She easily accessed her YouTube page which held all her streams and then offered the device to Cecily. “I’m a streamer, Cecily. So yeah, there are a lot of videos that you could scroll through. Although, I’d rather you try to uncover them yourself. I mean, you’re not the woman I thought you were if you want to go for the Spark Notes.”
Cecily: "Perhaps we could meet there next time, so you can let me know how truly serendipitous this is." The implication of a second… what? Date? Meet up? They weren't exactly two old friends who were catching up. "You overestimate the amount of free time I have, really," Cecily shot back, realizing rapidly that the smirk on her lips was not going away anytime soon, especially not as long as the blonde was in front of her. "Any I should start with in particular?"
Blake: “If you take me to Serendipity after I take you to dinner, then you tell me when.” Their words still had a playful to them, but all the confusion and anger from their younger years wasn’t. It was a nice trade off. “There is no way a growing fashion designer isn’t swamped, but it could be fun background noise if my voice doesn’t grate your nerves anymore.” The thought of which video to watch took her a few moments before she thought of a good one. “I hosted a charity stream for St. Judes’ Hospital. It was my friends and I playing an Among Us tournament. That would be the best I think. We had a lot of fun.”
Cecily: "Oh, you're taking me to dinner?" Cecily asked, letting her genuine curiosity shine through. "You should have told me sooner, there's no way I'll get something together to wear in time. Obviously I have to knock your eyes out of your head with how gorgeous I look." Pulling out her phone, she quickly searched up the video in question and turned it to face Blake. "This one? It could be nice background noise as I'm stabbing silk."
Blake: “Cecily, I could literally invite you over, ask you to wear sweats, to only order take out, and I’d still think you’re a knock out.” There was no lying about that. It wasn’t even just Cecily’s looks. It was more than that, and that was more than Blake could unpack right then. After all, she’d pushed it down for long enough. “That’s the one! I hear I was great when I hosted the Streamer Awards too, but I don’t know. Watching that would be too weird. I don’t even like watching my streams back during editing.” It was just weird for her. Her team laughed about it all the time and teased her about staying humble. “I’m glad I could provide the soothing sounds you need while stabbing. Just don’t blame me if you get a finger.”
Cecily: At Blake's words, Cecily couldn't help the way her expression shifted-- her somewhat pleasant smile twisted right into a smirk. "Well, at least I know you have some degree of taste." She mused, but her eyes seemed to look anywhere but in Blake's. God, she hoped that blush powder was doing its job, to keep her cheeks a designated color of pink rather than let her emotions run rampant. "Did you ever play Barbie CoolLooks Fashion Designer?" Cecily asked out of the blue, after there had been a bit of a lull in the conversation. "Because I had that game when I was a kid. They gave you special paper, and you could print out the designs you made on the game, and then dress your dolls in them. I was literally obsessed with it. I didn't need that kind of accessibility once I learned how to sew, but I'd love to play it again, if you have that kind of resource."
Blake: The look Cecily gave her was not one Blake was used to. After all, she’d never done anything but pick fights with the woman when they were younger. Wether that was sitting on the MET steps next to her spot just to annoy her or purposely doing things that would make her annoyed. “If I’m giving you too many new sides of me at once, I’m sure I could find something to bicker with you about. Although, there are way more fun ways to end arguments.” Flirting was easy for the blonde. It was something that she loved because when things were new she could never predict how someone else would react. At the question of the game, Blake quickly shot off a text to her team saying she needed it quickly and at whatever price. She was sure there would be questions, but she’d answer them later. “I do. I mean, I will get it in a week tops. If it’s something you loved that much, I can find it. Would you like me to drop it off at your place when I get my hands on it?”
Cecily: “Oh? Do you think I’d like that way of ending an argument?” Cecily asked, finding herself enjoying this aspect of conversation quite a bit. As Blake offered to get her the game, Cecily felt quite sheepish. “Do you think your followers would enjoy watching us play?” She didn't need the game for herself, but she did seem to need another excuse to see Blake.
Blake: “I do. I mean, wouldn’t you enjoy getting to finally shut me up,” she asked in a playfully teasing way. There was no hurt or malice in her voice. Even though they’d fought a lot, neither woman ever tried to actually hurt the other. They were the textbook definition of frenemies if anything. “Are you kidding? They’d love getting to see me teased over fashion. Are you going to want to pick out my stream outfit?”
Cecily: “It would rank in the top five moments of my life,” Cecily deadpanned, but it was more the act of shutting Blake up rather than her silence. “Probably. What will your followers do if they see you in something besides jeans and a backwards cap?”
Blake: “Did you ever think of kissing me to shut me up,” she asked curiously. Her eyebrow ticked upwards as she leaned back in her chair more comfortably. The blonde wasn’t expecting an actual response, but she was never good at stopping her impulses. She wanted to know, so she set out on a quest for answers. “I actually have no idea. What would you want to see me in? It depends on that.”
Cecily: “Once,” Cecily admitted, before she could stop herself, “but I wasn’t ready for that kind of existential crisis.” Thankfully, the waiter dropped a bread basket on their table, so she distracted herself by pouring olive oil in a dish and dunking a hunk of bread into it. “I think it’s more what I want to see you out of, actually.”
Blake: Blue eyes snapped up to Cecily’s face at her words. It wasn’t one sided. Their fights would get intense, buttons were pushed, and Cecily knew how to get under her skin very well. That led to intense emotions which made her wonder about that passion having another outlet. However, seventeen year old Blake thought she’d die before ever hearing Cecily Fields admit it. “When?” Blake, always being the playful one, broke off a small piece of her own bread and dunked it into Cecily’s dish before popping it into her mouth. “Do you only want to see me out of jeans and baseball caps?”
Cecily: “You should let me design something for you.” Cecily burst out, before she could regain any semblance of self control. She normally wasn’t so free with her words— at all, really— so she wondered where this was coming from. There was no reason why she had anything to ashamed of, as clearly they were on somewhat of the same wavelength. “Do you want to see me out of a very stylish skirt and blazer? Think carefully.”
Blake: “If you think I’d turn down someone as talented as you designing me clothes, then I’m going to have to show you I’m much smarter than that.” Even when they were younger, there was no question about whether or not the woman was talented. “Why do I have to choose, when I can get under the skirt?”
Cecily: It was an unfortunate moment that Cecily decided to take a sip of her iced tea, because she could not hide her sputtering cough very well. "Are you always this forward? If you'd been like this in high school, the trajectory of my life would have looked very different."
Blake: "I'm sorry for surprising you. If it makes you feel better, you looked the most graceful." Her words were sincere. While there were many emotions she enjoyed invoking in Cecily, embarrassment was never one she wanted to add to that list. "That's something that's come with age I think. I wasn't nearly as smooth with it when I was younger. Still, it does usually take me longer to warm up to this level with someone. I've never met someone I could just speak to without tossing the words around in my head a few times. And hey, you changed my trajectory. Don't let your head get too big, but you played a huge part in my realization of my sexuality."
Cecily: Rolling her eyes, Cecily wiped her mouth delicately with her napkin. As embarrassing as it was to completely lose her cool, for some reason, she didn't mind it so much when it came to Blake. They seemed to be at a point beyond embarrassment, and somewhere near mutual destruction. Or, at least, that's how Cecily was going to view it. "I don't believe that for two seconds," Cecily snorted, taking a more decided sip of her iced tea, this time. "You hated me in high school. You loved absolutely nothing more than to push my buttons."
Blake: The blonde tilted her head for a brief moment and just looked at the woman across from her. She could see why Cecily would think that, but Blake wasn't one to hate anyone really. For her sanity it was either love, neutrality, or indifference. "If my mother hadn't trashed everything belonging to me, I'd show you my journals. Also, I never hated you. I just." Blake took a moment to sigh and think of the best way to phrase what she wanted to say. "You were used to everyone bowing to you and allowing you to just follow the boring paths many of our families set us on. You weren't challenged ever, and for someone as smart and talented as you, that had to be boring. So, I enjoyed never being what you expected. You are also really hot to fight with. I mean, how did you not figure out that was part of my motivation?"
Cecily: The corners of Cecily's lips pulled back into a thin line, because she had to admit that Blake had a point. High school Cecily wouldn't want to hear it. High school Cecily definitely wouldn't have believed it. But with the knowledge she had now about her own attraction and sexuality-- yes, she could admit that she and Blake had probably spent those formative years dancing around each other to whatever degree. "You think I'm smart, beautiful, and talented," Cecily settled into her chair, clearly pleased with herself. "Careful, Blake. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a little crush."
Blake: The blonde chuckled at Cecily's words. "That would be what you focused on the most out of that. Didn't I warn you about not letting your head get too big before I opened my mouth?" Instead of her words having the bite they'd had so often when they were younger, there was a constant teasing behing them. Teasing that couldn't be mistaken as anything else but flirting. "The attraction I have to you goes without saying at this point. Plus, we've both set more than one plan to see each other again. You're going to have to sit at least five feet from me during the stream."
Cecily: "I suppose you're in trouble now," Cecily's lips curved up into that absurdly self-absorbed smirk again, "since it would appear that we're almost becoming something akin to friends in our older and wiser forms." They were becoming a heck of a lot more than that, but that was a conversation Cecily wasn't ready to have yet. "Why would I need to sit five feet away from you? Does it have something to do with how the controllers work?"
Blake: "Oh the absolute horror," Blake teased back. The two of them had always had a weird way of pushing one another. It looked horrible as teens, but her constant bickering with the blonde pushed her to keep going after what she wanted. It started the fire beneath her 'don't give a fuck' attitude that helped her survive all the bullshit of her family and adolescent choices. "It has to do with how my brain works."
Cecily: Cecily had mellowed out quite a bit since high school, which was a blessing. She didn't think that her former self would be able to be quite as nonchalant about everything. "Dare I ask how your brain works?" Cecily teased, because she genuinle didn't realize the trap she was walking right into. "Is that the pretty girl buffer?"
Blake: The blonde arched an eyebrow at the woman across from her because she knew that their attraction to one another was obvious. Their conversation had been laced with inneundo from the beginning, and it was also somehow cute. "When it comes to being around a gorgeous girl that flirts with me, I'm insanely tactile which would not be the most conducive for gaming. Calling it the pretty girl buffer is cute though."
Cecily: "I don't really see evidence of that, here," Cecily was countering just to be a jerk, and she found it amusing. "Not so much as an attempt to hold my hand? You're talking a big game, Blake, but I see little to show for it."
Blake: "I had to slow it down, you know. I nearly made you choke on your iced tea earlier. I didn't want the first time my lips touch yours to be during mouth to mouth," she easily countered back. Cecily had to know that Blake could keep up with her banter after so many years. It was nice for it to be through flirting than anger though.
Cecily: "But you want that?" Cecily asked, willing her heartbeat to not be so loud. "You want to kiss me?"
Blake: "Yeah, I do. That's why I invited you out to dinner, offered to get you a game, and am open to you teasing me in front of all my followers on camera." Blake bit her bottom lip for a moment, but it didn't last long because the smile wanting to break free wouldn't allow it.
Cecily: "By all things McQueen, Astor, you like me," Cecily leaned back in her chair and folded her arms, triumphant. "I suppose we'll have to make this a regular thing, then. Some author in this cafe is using us as book fodder for their next lesbian rom com."
Blake: "Do I win points for actually knowing who Alexander McQueen is," she asked with genuine curiosity. She didn't know what won her favor with the designer, but she was willing to stick around and figure it out. "You don't sound too upset about the prospect of seeing more of me, Cecily."
Cecily: "Of course you do. I'm not upset about it," Cecily assured her, shrugging casually. "If this conversation is anything to go by, we missed out big time in high school."
Blake: Taking Cecily's words along what she'd said earlier as good signs, Blake reaches her right hand forward and slowly covers the designer's hand with her own. "Then I guess we have a lot of catching up to do, huh?"
Cecily: Cecily turned her palm over and laced her fingers with Blake's. "Looks like it. We're off to a great start."
Blake: "Come over to my place on Friday. I'll have the game by then. What do you say?"
Cecily: "It's a date."
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rowingviolahere · 5 years
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@pimmsweek​ “anything” seems like as good an excuse for a field au as any so! two shots of kent and jack training (pre and post jack’s haircut because continuity what continuity).
[image description] two black and white pen drawings with limited grey shading. The first is two boys in field hockey uniforms a short corner battery viewed from further up the field: Jack (left, #1) is midway through a shot on goal that had been trapped by Kent (right, #90), who is now standing to the side out of his way. The second is the same two, viewed from goal-side: Jack is behind Kent and has his stick out in an attempt to block the ball; Parse has brought the ball nearer to himself and is mid-swing for a tomahawk shot. [/end description]
other notes for this au:
please note in the second image jack is defintiely wearing a fluro pink bib because he’s the Assigned Defender for the drill. he does not enjoy being defence, but he’s the only one who can keep up with kent and also not flinch away when he raises his stick for a toma
bad bob coached multiple olympic teams to gold medals but has since retired. there’s much less uh, huge press following of field hockey compared with ice but he’s still known within the community. technically for them to be like, pros they’d probably have to be on their national teams (and because of the whole canadian vs us thing, on different sides) but for now they’re together let’s let them be happy
jack played hockey for a club team rather than his school team, and started playing men’s when he was about 13. and then they just kept moving him up the divs until he was like, 16 and playing in the top men’s league of his city
they met at state reps i guess? junior nationals? i never got high enough level to experience rep hockey and also i don’t know how it works in america so let’s just handwave it and pretend it’s roughly analagous to what i know of aussie rep hockey ok? ok. kent was CF for his team, so he was taking point and staring jack down as he took free hits. jack learned very quickly that he had to hit very quickly otherwise this guy standing Right On The Five I Have My Hand Up And The Ump Said It’s Fine Just No Closer will get the ball off you before you could tap it and then take a shot
they ended up just marking each other out of the game half the time it was very funny and also there was A Bit Of Argy-Bargy but they were also willing to fuck around with the balls while everyone else was going to the clubhouse to get a drink then they added each other on facebook and spent the rest of the carnival when they weren’t with their teams just mucking about on the field in between games lol
then either jack moves or kent moves or maybe they end up on the same uni team or whatever, they end up on the same team and they are the Best but also the Worst (you know, playing jinking tennis while waiting for their turn on a drill, juggling the ball just Constantly, etc)
their short battery is parse traps, jack hits. if there’s a rebound, kent usually gets it, but jack is known for dragflicks that just. they go right where goalies hate
both of them take one-on-ones, duh, but kent is actually better at penalty strokes than jack. not that jack’s bad, he just overthinks them and they sometimes go wide, whereas kent’s hit the goal every time just sometimes the goalie gets there first
kent parson can tomahawk like a motherfucker. most people are like, oh shit i got it in the right direction AND it raised? nice! he’s like, “i’m going to put it top right corner then middle left post” and hits two balls and they go exactly where he said they would. jack can aim his but not to nearly the same extent. kent’s hits are comparatively not great so it evens out
assists don’t count in field as points. jack and kent have poached each other’s goals multiple times throughout the season. they are keeping count.
kent is an excellent centre half, he distributes the ball Very Nicely, Jack is a centre forward, but sometimes things happen and they get chucked into a wing/inner pair, wherin they just one-two it down the line. Jack as RW running the baseline dumping it up to parse who gets a one-touch then toma is a real dangerous combo
kent parson has mastered the art of spinning his stick in the air so that it lands on rounds more often than flat. no one can work out how he does it. it frustrates the opposition immensely.
johnson the goalie i think might be That One Guy Who Is Always At The Hockey Centre, You Know The One, who has at some point coached literally every goalie in the city and surrounding region and never wears shoes even when there is ice on the field
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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“Friends, students…” you call to their attention, “-and Sukuna.“ you added a moment later. “Today, I lost my dear friend Gojo Satoru.”
“Quit telling everyone I’m dead, (Y/N).”
Ignoring the voice coming from behind, you adorned a frown on your face. “Sometimes, I can still hear his voice.”
“I’m not dead!”
“He was many things: a teacher, a friend, a confidant. Now, was he good at these things? The answer is no.”
“But we must not speak ill of those who are not with us anymore.” you continued.
Most of the Tokyo students nod their heads in agreement, while some of the Kyoto students kept glancing from you to a figure behind.
“It’s as if he’s in the room with us, right now.” You bring a hand to your mouth to prevent a sob (laugh) from escaping, at the sound of Gojo’s whines. “But as you all may know, curses like to act like those who we miss, so we mustn’t be tricked. Therefore, if for whatever reason you happen to see something that resembles Gojo Satoru, please exorcise it with your fullest ability, so that we may all one day move on and allow time to heal our hearts.”
One of the Kyoto students, Miwa Kasumi, blinked in confusion, unable to understand what was going on. You were standing in front of everyone participating in the sister school exchange event, mourning over Gojo Satoru’s death- while the said jujutsu sorcerer was standing behind you, tugging on your arms to get you to look in his direction.
“Am I the only one who sees Gojo-sensei alive?” she whispered to a nearby Tokyo student sitting next to her, who happened to be Maki Zenin.
Maki shook her head. “If (Y/N)-sensei says that the idiot is dead, then he is.”
“Tuna-mayo.” Inumaki agreed, nodding his head.
“Best if you just go with it.” Panda whispered back to the still confused girl. 
It seemed as though everyone else from the Kyoto branch had no complaints, accepting your words as the truth with a nod of their heads.
“(Y/N)!!” Gojo whined, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I said I was sorry.”
Your patience with the tall man-child had finally reached its max.
“Sorry?!” You flicked his forehead off of you, and pushed his face away. “I leave for one week, and you basically bulldoze half the campus forest to prevent a special-grade curse from running away, who might I add, was able to run away again! And then, I find out you were the one who ate my food that I had been saving in the freezer.”
Gojo merely shrugged at your accusations. “I was on a time crunch with the first one. And as for the second thing, it’s not my fault someone should’ve wrote their name on their mochi ice cream if they didn’t want someone else eating it.”
“I did write my name on the box, and I know you fucking ate it!” 
“There in lies your mistake, sweetheart. You should’ve written your name on the mochi itself. How was I supposed to know it was yours once I threw away the box?”
“Because my name was on the box, you motherfu-“
“Shouldn’t we trying to stop them from killing each other?” Yuuji whispered to Megumi, who was watching their teachers bicker with a straight face.
“Yaga-sensei will eventually stop them.” Megumi replied nonchalantly, as the boys overheard you screaming at Gojo.
“I told you the last time you ate my stuff, you would be dead to me!”
“You can’t just kill me off, (Y/N).”
“We’ll never know unless we try, now will we?” you argued.
And just as Megumi had said, Principle Yaga grabbed Gojo by his collar to prevent you from choking the man to death.
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Yaga ordered, making you weaken the strangling grip you held on Gojo’s neck. “We should go ahead and start the baseball game.”
The hostility on your face quickly morphed into a smile, at your sensei’s words.
“Sensei, don’t you think we should give the students a demonstration beforehand?”
“Is that really necessary?” Gojo complained, massaging his neck in pain.
“Of course it is! After all, you were the one who suggested the game, you should be the one to show them how to properly hit a ball.”
Yaga just sighed, nodding his head to your suggestion.
“Just try not to kill him please, (Y/N).”
Your smile grew wider, causing a shiver to run down Gojo’s back. 
“Can’t make any promises, sensei.”
Yuuji looked out from the sidelines onto the baseball field, watching Gojo stare appreciatively at the sight of you stretching on the pitcher’s mound.
“Don’t we all know how to play baseball?” he wondered aloud.
“Did you just figure that out, dummy?” Nobara retorted.
“Then why the need for the demonstration?” 
“Because we all want to see Gojo-sensei get pummeled by (Y/N)-sensei.” Maki responded.
“But isn’t he just going to use his technique?”
“Her technique basically cancels his out.”
“Huh? How?” 
“Gojo-sensei’s techniques deal with infinite time, and (Y/N)-sensei’s technique deals with manipulating time.”
“But no matter how fast you speed time up, you can never reach infinity, right?” Yuuji tried to reason, thinking back on the lectures he slept through in his math classes.
“In that case, yes.” Panda answered. “Infinity requires time to function. But if time were to stop, infinity would be cancelled out, because having an infinite number of nothing would still leave you with nothing.” 
“Not to mention (Y/N)-sensei has a wicked throw.” Maki added.
And shortly, a few moments later, a cry of pain was heard from the batter’s box.
Gojo pouted as you returned to him with a bag of ice, placing it gently on his cheek.
“Ow!” he whined from the sudden coldness. “You could’ve gone a little softer with that pitch, sweetheart.” 
“Please, you deserved it.” you said, rolling your eyes.
But seeing the light bruise formed on the side of his face, you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty. 
Lifting the ice bag momentarily, you placed a soft kiss on his bruised cheek, immediately silencing him. 
“Does it feel better now?” you asked.
He nodded quickly. “But, you missed a spot. I got hit here too.” he said, pointing to his puckered lips.
You rolled your eyes, seeing right through his play; but gave in to his request, nonetheless. As you motioned to step back from the kiss, Gojo snaked his arms around your waist, bringing your body flush against his with your lips still attached to his.
He finally let you breathe a long minute later, after you hit his chest repeatedly for air.
“Now I feel a bit better.” he sighed, contentedly, before adding, “But I do think I’m going to need more intensive care tonight in my room.”
“Hmmm, is that so.” you thought, placing a hand on his other, non bruised cheek with a smile. 
Gojo burrowed his face into your palm, with a playful smirk. 
A quiet second later, right when he least expected it, you lightly slapped his cheek, quickly squirming out of his grasp. You dodged his grabby hands, a laugh escaping your lips when a pout made its way back onto his face. 
“I’ll be sure to ask Yaga-sensei to stop by your room tonight then.” you smiled, furthering the distance between you two.
“No, (Y/N)!” Gojo whined, quickly chasing after you.
*(A/N): i’m in a love/hate relationship with gojo satoru  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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slightlymore · 4 years
hardest to love
part of the ‘soulmates collection’
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surgeon!doyoung x surgeon!fem reader
others: haechan, jaemin, jeno
genre: medical au (but the medical part is not heavy), romance, angst, smut, fantasy elements, “enemies” to lovers, mutual pining 
warnings: +18, esplicit sexual content: doyoung is a hard dom and a soft dom in different scenes, short instances of sub doyoung, finger sucking (I know, I have a hand kink), spanking, raw, ice play, fingering, dry humping, thigh riding, choking, use of "sir", orgasm control and denial, edging, overstimulation, light degradation, oral f, brat taming, safe word, wine play?; lots of teasing; swearing; discussion around death; doyoung is a jerk but gets better
words: 13k
note: you can read this as a stand alone without having read the other works in the soulmate collection. what you need to know: haechan, jeno and jaemin travel different universes with the purpose of getting doyoung and yn be together. mark is trying to do the opposite. sometimes doyoung can remember past lives and sometimes he can't. this life takes place in a hospital. if you're confused by the three boys’ story everything will be explained in their backstory fics coming soon. 
Haechan let out a single deep sigh. 
“Damn it. Doyoung is a fucking jerk in this life.”
The three young men were standing in the corner of the room watching two students trembling mortified in front of a pissed off Doyoung before he could turn around on his heels. 
“I thought he was a jerk in all lives,” Jeno commented while dusting off imaginary lice off his jacket. 
"I’ll be honest. When you said 'hell' I didn't expect the ER."
“Well have you ever been to-” Haechan continued but stopped when noticing Jeno not listening to him anymore but observing their third friend instead. 
“Hey, Jaemin?” Jeno put one hand on his shoulder. 
Jaemin was weak and paler than usual, eyes wide and with a slightly trembling chin. He then followed the direction of the younger gaze and gasped himself. 
“Yeah,” Haechan grated the back of his head. “I’m sorry. I told you this one is going to be hard.” 
Jaemin gulped, looking at himself walking around the bed and checking on the patients. 
That Jaemin looked exactly like him. 
The only difference was the clothes. That doppelganger had a doctor gown instead of a sweatshirt. 
“How is this possible? I don’t understand how I can be here and there at the same time.”
Haechan sighed at Jaemin’s comment. 
“You could consider it time travel. Now, listen to me.” 
Jaemin let himself be grabbed by Haechan’s hands, pressing on both of his arms and looked at the other’s intense eyes. 
“You have to avoid yourself while we work and-,” he stopped as if making sure to have Jaemin’s whole attention, “-you can’t talk to her.” 
As if Haechan’s voice was a spell that summons people, Jaemin raised his gaze from him to look behind Haechan’s shoulder where a woman was slowly walking the corridor, eyebrows furrowed trying to understand the medical records she was carrying. 
“Shit,” Haechan silently cursed and, placing one hand on Jaemin’s cheek, he indicated to keep quiet by putting one finger on his own lips. 
If Jaemin weren’t so weak in the limbs upon seeing her, he would have felt the tingle on his skin coming from Haechan’s palm, or he would have realized that the woman walked past them as if they were all invisible. 
Jeno, arms crossed on his chest, followed the woman with his eyes then nodded once as to indicate that the path was clear. 
“Why can’t I talk to her?” 
Jaemin’s head wanted to turn around and catch another glimpse but Haechan didn’t move his hand from his face yet. 
“You might, I promise. But only when I say so.” 
“Haechan and I can shapeshift and become invisible but you can’t and we won’t be around to babysit you all the time. Do your part and stay out of trouble.”
"You look mean,” Jaemin mumbled. 
"I am. Now move."
A breath. 
A deep and heavy breath. 
He was hearing it inside his skull. His own irregular breath inside his own skull. 
Then a loud ringing suffocated every other sound in Doyoung’s ears. Like tinnitus, he thought, so used to elaborate information by classifying it into boxes.  
The man was looking at his hands as if they were not his, fingers gripping the defibrillator pads, watching how the chest underneath them rose and fell. 
And again. 
A machine. The defibrillator and Doyoung. 
And that body as well. 
But it was too broken to be fixed. 
And when he barely heard the nurse’s question he straightened his back. “Time of death,” he inhaled, his hands now uncovering the wristwatch, “2:41 am,” he exhaled.
Doyoung felt it inside his hands, under the skin. 
It was uncomfortable. 
He looked at his left palm and wished it trembled. 
"A surgeon," the announcement came in the form of a hard pat on the shoulders.
 Doyoung blinked surprised and put his glasses back up on the nose. 
"Great hands," the professor shook them with vigour, his eyes wide open and intense. "Steady," the old man continued his litany of compliments. 
Doyoung let him wiggle his arms for a few more seconds before sighing as another student grabbed the professor's attention. 
The young boy looked down at his hands as well after the man turned his back. 
His eyes scanned every line in his palms as if seeing them for the first time. 
"Those hands will do big things in the future" and Doyoung now, shoulders heavy, moist fringe patted on his forehead in the humidity of the terrace, felt like cutting his hands off. 
Yes. Big things. 
Like playing with life and death. 
Didn't you just kill a man? he asked his hands, lower lip trembling instead of his steady fingers. Huh? and you're fine? 
Doyoung tightened his fists with disgust and punched the air while letting them fall with force to his sides. 
The rain intensified and he stepped in the front further until feeling the cold and heavy drops hit his face. Their sound was chaotic and it calmed Doyoung's heart. 
I can do it again. I've done it before. 
I do it again. 
I can get over it. 
He opened up his hands under the rain until he started to not feel his fingertips anymore. 
Then he walked back inside the hospital.
When you had to deal with the first dying patient, you were paralyzed. 
It was very early in the morning. Your head was still full of the dreams you had just a while ago. Your heart was full of life and excitement for finally being able to work in the field. 
"Get your shit together."
That voice startled you. 
Doctor Kim, the most ruthless and cold person you've ever met, was your supervisor as an intern. 
You looked up at him and caught his dark eyes on that spectrally pale face. 
You just moved. You had no idea what you were doing. Terrified, you let your body work automatically. 
Doctor Kim was calm and efficient while your whole mind felt out of place. 
Oh, God. Oh God, please. 
And when his voice finally reached your ears as if from far away you sunk down on your knees. 
"Good job everyone." 
The kindest thing he has ever said to his interns.
The other vaguely kind thing was his introductory discourse. 
"I know that interning at the ER is dreadful, but that's life."
He was staring you all down, a short line of fresh out of med school trembling kids, no one having the courage to meet his eyes. 
"You have to be ready to see all sorts of things here. Okay, let's go."
And that was it. 
The encouragement of his introductory discourse. 
You'll feel like shit here, welcome. 
You hated him and you swore to yourself that you won’t behave the same. 
He was like a souless machine, walking around and tending to his duties. Lost in thoughts as your eyes scanned his figure walking busily around the hospital, you actually wondered if he had feelings at all. 
The first time you saw Doctor Kim actually show some type of sentiment, was when he exited the surgery room one day. 
You were walking around with the others and checking on the patients when he walked through the corridor like a storm. It was unclear what type of feeling that was but it made you unable to stop staring at his side of the face and back as he entered his office. 
The anaesthetist came out soon after, slowly and sighing deeply. 
And then you understood. 
You've lived many of those days afterwards until you had to welcome your own row of interns. 
You smiled and did a nice short welcoming discourse. 
And at that moment you, unfortunately, got what Doctor Kim meant when he was brusque with you in the beginning. 
It took you all three years of residency to finally get it: there were no actual right words to tell the students and there was no point in giving fake hope that everything is going to be alright. 
Still, there was no point in being a rude ass like him. So you at least smiled kindly and encouraged your students. 
God knew they needed it even more now.
You've never spoken much to Doctor Kim besides what was needed or the routine good morning sir and the short morning he would answer with. 
So it was strange that on the first day of your career as a real surgeon, after your hands and those of Doctor Kim near each other worked, barely moving, his muffled voice ordering the tools, your muffled voice doing the same, you hugged him. 
You hugged him that day for no reason besides the overwhelming feeling of being alive. 
Doctor Kim, after every surgery, good or bad, would always walk out on the terrace. 
You followed him that night and stopped behind his frame. You had to talk to someone about what just happened and he was the only one who might understand. 
He was facing the city lights and the wind breeze ruffled his hair. He didn’t care to push it off his forehead. 
"You did well today," he said quietly without looking at you. 
Oh, you blinked fast. 
Your first surgery was a success but your heart was beating so fast that you couldn't understand your feelings. 
Were you happy? Were you about to cry? Did you want to scream and jump? What did you want? 
But Doyoung just complimented you. 
So again, you let your body work automatically and you looked at yourself, as if going through depersonalization, timid feet filling the space between you and Doctor Kim, your hands touching his waist and going around it until meeting each other on his stomach. You placed your head on his shoulders and closed your eyes. 
"I was so scared," you whispered. 
Doctor Kim's body was stiff, no reaction from his posture, no words coming from his mouth. 
Was he shocked? Was he wondering what the hell were you doing? Was he about to tell you to get your shit together again like that first time three years prior? 
But he didn’t do any of these things. 
He sighed once and you imagined him closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of your body. 
Even if for a moment. Even if it was all in your head and he actually hated it. 
Then he took a step forward and you had to let him go. 
And when he turned around and placed one palm on your shoulder without looking at you in the face, you remained alone on the terrace, breathing the cold air deeply and longing for his hands to hold you a little longer.
Doyoung didn't speak to you again after that night. 
Nor did he look at you once. 
While you found yourself staring at his nape every time he walked around. Or turning your head as if following the trail he left behind. 
You couldn’t wear perfume in the hospital but it was as if Doyoung did because he’d pull your senses towards him by something invisible. 
As if that first touch you shared connected you to him in obscure ways. 
“Here’s the coffee that you asked for, sir.” You entered his office after his dry “come in”.
His expression was priceless and for a moment you felt the urge to look behind you and see if there were a ghost scaring him.
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“Bringing you the coffee?” 
“I asked a student to do it, not you. You’re a surgeon.” 
Your lips were dangerously trying to form a smile while you placed the coffee on his desk. 
“Why does it matter? I am free while those students are busy learning how to be doctors.” 
“You think that just because you hugged me once when you were emotionally unstable, now we’re friends?” 
That question was so sudden and cold to make you snap your head upwards. 
His eyes were darker than usual and you almost gulped. 
“No, sir.” 
Your voice came out as a tiny exhale and if he felt sorry for his sudden and out of place tone, you couldn't see it on his face at all. 
"I was just being friendly as all colleagues would," you added a new note to your own tone, trying to perhaps make him feel guilty. 
"You can give me up."
His reply shut you up and you furrowed your eyebrows. “What?”
"I'm saying," he spoke slowly, "that I don't want to be friendly with you. Now, please leave."
"I'm going to fucking kill him!" you threw your head back to drink your espresso shot as if it was alcohol and slammed the paper cup back on the counter. 
Jaemin sighed pouring sugar into his coffee. 
"Why did you even try? He's a jerk." 
The man sipped on his drink slowly, the warmth of it misting his glasses. 
“I just-” you huffed, crossing your arms on your chest. “We’re colleagues. It made sense for him to be a piece of shit with us when we were interns but now? ‘I don’t want to be friendly with you’” you mocked his deep voice. “Who the fuck does he think he is? I swear I’ll accidentally stab him with a knife!”
“Hm. Do you like him?” Jaemin asked with an unimpressed tone. 
You almost grabbed the coffee from Jaemin’s hands and threw it in his face. 
“Are you insane? What does that mean? Why would I like him? Kim Doyoung? Me-” you pressed your index on your chest, “liking that asshole? I hate his guts! I can’t believe you said something like this! What’s to like about him?”
Jaemin felt his fringe move around his forehead at your intense voice as if it were wind. 
“No need to get so worked up about it. You’re just talking so often about him lately. Also, he’s objectively good looking. He’s also smart. I understand.” 
“He’s the ugliest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on! And he’s an idiot! And I don’t talk about him! I have no idea what you’re all about.” 
Jaemin rolled his eyes and finished the drink. 
“Talking of ugly. What’s that shirt you’re wearing?” you asked. 
The man’s head snapped down to look at it. “What’s wrong with it?” 
You chuckled once. “Where did you buy it?” 
“It’s a normal Polo.” 
You laughed even harder. “A Polo you say? And what’s that? A knock off Holo?”  
“What’s Holo?” 
Jaemin’s face was genuinely confused and it amused you even more. 
“Are you getting enough sleep? You’ve been acting weird lately.” 
“Or,” he relaxed his expression, lifting one index up, “I come from an alternate universe.” 
You chuckled once and hit his shoulder lightly as a greeting, liking his new joking side. “See you later then, alternate universe Jaemin.”
Doyoung wanted to hit his head on the desk. 
Your expression, hurt and shocked because of his stupid remarks made his heart tingle in a very uncomfortable way. 
One thing was being severe and one thing was being rude for no reason at all. 
But the thing is that you were everywhere and he hated it. 
Doyoung hated that you were trying to get under his skin. 
Like a scent. Like some kind of drug. 
He’d scrub his hands and forearms even harder before going inside the surgery room as if with the water and soap he could get rid of the feeling of your arms around his torso under the rain too. 
What were you even thinking? Asking for reassurance? From him? Reassurance from the most hated man in the whole hospital? What did you even expect? Why would you even try? 
What a reckless person. 
He noticed it the first time he saw you as well. 
Eyes wide with curiosity and surprise, looking around the ER like it was the best place in the world. Doyoung hated your happiness but he also hated the fact that he would have to assist that light slowly die out with time. 
Or at least he thought that would happen. 
Days after days, months after months, he paid attention like a scientist looking at his object of study, taking mental notes and registering results. Doyoung would jolt with secret joy when his theories would reveal themselves to be true but then, like a rollercoaster, he’d feel weighed down with grief seeing you in the same state as his one. 
Until he didn’t know what to desire to see anymore. 
Until one day he lifted his eyes, head full of a soliloquy towards you. “How are you today? Tell me you got better. Tell me you still have your light because no one needs too many black holes in here.” 
Until he realized that he couldn’t remember anything about his life before you. 
And when you hugged him that day, he felt proud. For your success and your light. 
You were a star and he bathed into that warmth for a little before remembering he was still a black hole and black holes attract stars until engulfing them whole with no turning back.
“Why are you always around?” he blinked annoyed. 
You straightened your gown that shifted after bumping into him and sighed loudly. 
“In case you forgot, I work here.” 
Doyoung sighed. 
“This is the farthest yard from where you’re always playing with your friends.” 
“I had business coming here.” 
“What business?” 
“That’s my business.” 
Doyoung’s corner of the mouth twitched. 
“It’s our business.” 
“Are you a communist?” you placed your hands on your hips, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m your superior. What are you doing here?” 
A few nurses whispered passing you by and you cleared your throat, trying to relax your face muscles. Doyoung rolled his eyes once upon seeing your new fake cordial expression. 
“Apparently I’m doing such a good job that Mr Jung wanted to compliment me,” you raised your chin. 
“Mr Jung?”
His nostrils widened as if he had too much air to inhale and didn’t have time to get it little by little. 
“He doesn’t just summon people to compliment them. Stay away from him.” 
You scoffed incredulously at his innuendo. 
“Are you hearing yourself?” 
“Very well. Get back to work now.” 
“Are you perhaps jealous?” the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop yourself. 
But Doyoung, to your biggest surprise, smirked a little, lifting his eyebrows once. 
“And if I were?” he asked, then walked around you, leaving you still for long moments in the corner of the corridor before being able to walk again.
“And then he said, “and if I were?”
Jaemin gulped his food and chuckled. “I can’t imagine that.” 
“I know right? Was he crazy?” you asked with your mouth full, swinging your knife. 
“Maybe the director does have eyes on you. And-” he leaned in mischievously, avoiding your cutlery, “that’s why he acts as if he hates you. Because he has feelings for you.” 
You chuckled nervously. 
“He hates you too!” 
“He doesn’t even know I exist,” Jaemin shrugged. 
“Hey, Jaemin.” 
“Like once I asked him something and he thought I was a patient and when I said that I’m actually-” 
“Jaemin! I’m pretty sure I’ve just seen someone looking like you pass that door just now.” 
The young man turned around quickly, right in time to see himself exit the food hall. 
“Damn,” he laughed for a few moments. “Someone else copied my hairstyle. I guess I’m not that unnoticeable as I thought.” 
You opened your mouth to comment on that since you were pretty sure it wasn’t only the hairstyle that the man copied when Doyoung approached your table like a storm scaring the shit out of you. 
“What is it now?” he asked, eyes piercing through you. 
You let out a long “uhhh” before talking, staring him up and down. 
“Are you talking to me?” 
Doyoung scoffed then sighed. “A doctor told me you were urgently looking for me.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Who?” 
“Do I look like someone who knows people’s names?”
Jaemin shook his head. 
“Well, I don’t need you,” you let him know. 
Doyoung sighed again and the long look you exchanged made Jaemin awkwardly chuckle once. 
“You can sit down with us for lunch, sir,” he offered and you inhaled sharply, kicking his leg under the table. 
Doyoung looked firstly at you then at Jaemin then at you again as if not believing he was actually talking to people like you. 
But the tray in his hands was getting heavy and there were no other empty tables. 
He walked around Jaemin and sat down near him. 
Then he rolled his sleeves and started to eat in silence. 
But only for a moment. 
“What?” he asked as you were both staring at him with hanging open mouths. 
“It’s our first time seeing you eat,” you whispered. 
Doyoung gulped the food. “I’m putting on a show for you guys. I’m a vampire that doesn’t need food.” 
“See!” you hit Jaemin’s hand as if catching his attention. “He’s making jokes!” 
Jaemin leaned back in his chair as if a little afraid. 
“So you talk about me instead of working,” Doyoung commented. 
His eyes were on you and you suddenly realized what you’ve just said. 
“No,” you quickly grabbed your glass and sipped the water. 
Doyoung looked at Jaemin and the young man secretly nodded a little. 
And for the first time in years, you saw Doyoung smile. 
Like a full-on smile. A big open smile with all the teeth out. 
You blinked fast and before realizing your own lips were stretched in a smile too.  
He was breathtaking. 
You wanted to run away but also crash into him. You were at the top of the world and down in the dumps.
The grunt you let out after hitting a hard surface resonated in the whole hallway. 
For the second time. 
"You are always where you shouldn't be."
You lifted your pained eyes while massaging your shoulder just to see Doyoung do the same. 
"Where am I and where am I supposed to be then?" you asked. 
"Around me and you should be far away from me." 
"And if I say that I'm doing it on purpose?" 
Doyoung's pupils trembled. 
"To make you mad," you explained, the little smile creeping on your lips making him tighten his. 
“You’re trying to make me mad?” 
In your head, all of the conversations you would have with Doyoung sounded fun and risky in a good way. 
In reality, you realized, it was so overwhelming that you felt your limbs shake. 
“I’m joking, sir.” His intense eyes made you look over the windows. 
“You don’t like to look at me in the eyes?” his voice was mellifluous just as his movements, getting slowly closer to you. 
“Your eyes make me uneasy,” you replied honestly. 
Doyoung tilted his head to the side, curious, inviting you to say more. You looked at him again. 
“As if they don’t know fear,” your voice was tiny. 
A little smile curved the man’s lips. “Oh, but they know what fear is.”
“And what is that?” 
“What you’re feeling right now.” 
"I am not afraid," you whispered. 
"Then why are you stepping back?" 
“I am not stepping back.”
Yet the air got softly knocked out of your lungs as you felt the wall on your shoulder blades. 
Doyoung didn't reply and just got as close as to lightly brush your lower lip with his knuckle. 
"You're cute when you pout," he whispered, eyes smiley under the strands fallen from his styled fringe. 
You opened your mouth to talk but he walked away, leaving you alone and with an abnormally beating heart. 
If Doyoung’s newly humorous side was something interesting to share with Jaemin, his newly flirtatious side was something you felt the need to keep a secret. 
Heated up, you walked the corridors like a storm. 
Kim Doyoung? 
Did your body really react that way towards Kim Doyoung? 
Pulse throbbing in places you didn’t want to think of? 
Because of Kim Doyoung? 
Face buried in your wet hands, the cold water running in the sink, you imagined telling this to your younger self. 
Then you lifted your head and turned it off, raising your gaze to look at your dilated pupils in the bathroom mirror.
Doyoung didn’t care about people much. 
Hours upon hours of surgery, he only needed to see his colleagues’ hands and hear their breaths while desperately trying to save yet another life. How they looked without the caps and masks was not something of interest to him, especially knowing superfluous details like their names. 
Yet, when he briefly noticed the eyes of the second surgeon entering the room, Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows. 
Those were not your eyes and those were definitely not your hands in the latex gloves. 
And for the first time, he needed to know who that person was.
“I’m Lee,” the man whispered. 
“I didn’t know you were on schedule today.” 
“Yeah, heard about it last minute as well.”
Were you avoiding him? 
If Doyoung’s body could show tremor, he’d had trembling legs under the desk he sat at after the surgery, and if he’d had the habit to bite his nails, he’d be ferociously eating them by now.
Unfortunately, he was stoically sitting in his office, elbows pressed into the hard iron surface, veins missing adrenaline but aggravated eyes. 
Walking the corridors while people took a step back to make him pass, looking away when he’d look at them and whispering angrily behind his back, was a bliss. 
The protection shielded Doyoung like a fuzzy blanket even if it sometimes felt itchy at night when he found himself the most lonely. 
So when you did the same, passing him by as if hating him, he surprised himself at the sudden discomfort. Especially after
after that. 
He wasn’t sure himself what it was but it must have been something if it made you uncomfortable enough to not show up to a surgery. 
He lifted the corner of his blanket for a moment and he fucked up. 
You stopped in place. 
And so did most people around you. 
Many found Doyoung scary but also interesting to observe when his spite wasn’t directed at them. 
What did she do? you could almost hear the whispery words passing from ear to ear, amused voices, grateful for not being in your place. 
“See me in my office,” Doyoung ordered after you slowly turned around. 
His voice was low and no one could have heard it if the whole yard didn’t just collectively hold its breath. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“You all are surely not working enough if you have time to be useless,” his voice sounded louder and clean all of a sudden. “Do you want some hours assigned?”  
Like a spell, everyone looked around and the buzz filled your ears back, leaving yourself and Doyoung the only still figures. 
Then he moved as well, the swoosh of his cloak touching your hand when he passed near you. 
You inhaled deeply and followed him.
“I am sorry.” 
You wished you’d  accepted his offer to sit down because that single sentence floored you. 
“For what?” you asked with a tiny voice. 
“I know I often say things that I don’t mean. And I know that I might have made you feel uncomfortable. So I apologize.” 
His eyes were round and filled to the brim with such sincerity to make you swallow hard. 
“You don’t have to apologize. It was necessary to make me who I am,” you minimized. 
Doyoung looked away for a brief moment. “I mean the corridor incident.” 
You blinked at him. 
“I made a mistake,” he added. 
The first thing that came to mind was the urge to use that to your advantage. 
Scold him. Make him feel guilty. 
Kim Doyoung making a mistake. 
The power suddenly surging in your veins went to your head so you suppressed the smile that so desperately wanted to bloom on your lips. 
His expression darkened even more at your reply and his adam apple moved as he swallowed. He actually hoped it wasn’t the case. 
“I’ll make sure to keep the surgery schedules separated so you won’t feel uncomfortable working with me. You could have asked me first though before changing it yourself.” 
The excitement died out with these words. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Thursday’s surgery.” 
“I was told you appointed another person yourself.” 
“I did not.” 
“Well, I didn’t either.” 
“It’s not like I’m trying to avoid you, no. But if you-” 
“I’m not trying to avoid you either. But you said I made you uncomfortable, so-” 
“I was messing with you.” 
He finally went silent. 
“You looked so guilty that I wanted to get a little revenge,” your voice came out a timid whisper. 
Doyoung sighed, closing his eyes a little, then he stood up. 
“Did I seriously cause you that much pain all of this time?” he walked towards you as if actually concerned. 
“You made me cry almost every day.” 
He opened his mouth like a fish before closing it. The shocking confession made him lift one hand to cup your face. 
You both looked at it with fluttering eyes as if it wasn’t his. 
He tried to put it away quickly but you pressed your palm on it to keep it in place.  
“I’m joking. I only cried a few times.” 
Doyoung’s pupils danced around just like his brain trying to process the information you were giving him. His face, confused and not knowing anymore what was a joke and what wasn’t, amused you a lot. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been harsh. I’ve been-”
“A jerk.” 
He gulped, his thumb slowly brushing your cheekbone. 
That little gesture made you close your eyes for a moment. And when you opened them, you just leaned in and placed a quick and chaste kiss on his closed lips. 
“If the corridor thing was a mistake for you, I just did one too. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We can pretend nothing of this happened."
You let his hand go and moved to take a step back just to feel his hold on your face tighten. 
Pulling you towards him again, he added the second hand. 
His lips were not closed anymore, but very much open to welcome your lower lip between them. 
Your hands flew to his hair and pulled him towards you too. He hummed and you whined. And when you both needed air, you let yourselves go, panting against each other’s lips. 
A little smile curved your lips, eyes unable to look up. Fingers on his neck, you let them slowly descend to his chest and you took a step back. 
You took your lower lip inside your mouth for a moment, as if still trying to taste him and walked a few steps back. 
Doyoung followed you, unable to let your body go until you touched the door. His eyes were blown out and he kissed the corner of your mouth again, and again, and again, until kissing you fully on the lips for the second time. Hands on the glass behind your head, you heard his nails grating at it slowly as you let your tongue twirl with his. Then you breathed out and he couldn’t do anything else than just moving his arms away for you to slowly open the door and leave in silence. 
After the door closed, Doyoung pressed his forehead on the cold window. 
“Fuck,” he whispered to himself, the fuzzy blanket he carefully wrapped himself with all of those years slowly slipping away to his feet.
It didn't surprise you to see Doyoung pretend nothing happened between you as you passed each other in the corridors. 
But his avoidance felt weirder than usual, even to external eyes, as if something happened indeed and he tried so hard to conceal it. 
"Perhaps it's the 5th coffee talking right now, but doesn't Doyoung look weird?"
Jaemin asked lazily as he rested his body on one elbow placed on the little resting room counter. Said man passed in front of the open door and the furtive look he took of you was interesting enough for someone bored like Jaemin to notice. 
You shrugged, quickly stirring the sugar in your own coffee. 
"Hm?" your friend smiled at your silence, getting closer. 
You sipped the drink. 
"Hmmm?" Jaemin put his face into yours. 
"Oh my God, get away," you tried to push him away. 
"You had sex."
You spat the little coffee you still had on your mouth. Jaemin giggled and took a step back before it could land on his own. 
"We did not have sex! What's wrong with you?" 
"Okay. So you at least kissed," he looked up to you under his wiggly eyebrows as he handed you a few napkins. 
"We-," you wanted to deny but your lips formed a frustrated smile instead. "Shit. I can't believe it either." 
"He was- so delicate," you murmured. 
Jaemin winced amused. 
"But also intense you know? Like it felt-" 
"Okay wait. I didn't ask for a full-on description," he made a puking expression at you. 
You lightly hit his arm. 
"I was just so surprised. I've never seen this side of him."
"Him liking people?" Jaemin giggled. “Yeah. That’s weird.”
"So it's done. We're done. Let’s get the fuck out of here. Seeing myself around is creeping me out."
Haechan sighed, rolling around in his chair. "Not so quickly. They only kissed."
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. 
"They have to confess," Jeno explained with a sleepy voice, sprawled on his own chair. 
"But they love each other."
"They have to say the words."
Jaemin put his hands on the hips. "That's so stupid." 
“Tell this to Doyoung. This is what he wrote in the contract,” Haechan mumbled amused, patting his chest where the Book was snuggly packed near his heart. 
Jaemin grabbed another chair and sat backwards on it, resting his chin on the folded arms. 
“So you know the job is done when they confess? What if they break up afterwards?”
“It has never happened before.” 
“And what if it does happen?” 
Jeno opened one eye. “Don’t manifest doom.” 
“I’d probably have to come back and get them together again,” Haechan replied. 
“I still don’t know why you’re doing this. Can’t you just recede from that contract?” 
Haechan sat up properly and grabbed his water bottle. “And do what? Go back to the pits of hell?” 
His eyes twinkled with mischief. 
“I’ve never had this much fun in a very long time.”
He brought it upon himself, he could admit that. 
Ignoring you was more difficult than he anticipated and the first reaction he managed to put out when you talked back to him in front of all of the other surgeons was his usual skin cutting one. 
You didn’t like it, he could see it. 
You’ve never liked it and, honestly, Doyoung could not think of a single person that enjoyed being on the other side of his table. 
Perhaps you were getting a little comfortable with him though because you leaned back in your chair and smiled. As if for once he couldn’t get to you. 
It made him even more eager to scratch that nonchalance. 
So he did. 
Until the meeting was over and he got back to his office with a weird sensation on his shoulders. It somehow tasted like defeat. 
And when you opened his door with a loud bang and got in, he inhaled and took a few steps back, imitating the steps you took forward. 
You pushed him down on the chair, your gazes mixed together just like your breaths as you leaned down. 
Only the sheer anticipation of you touching him made him lose his mind a little. 
One hand on his thigh and the other going down from his lips to his extended neck and chest, dragging your nail on his shirt until reaching his stomach and belt. 
Then you hit one of his feet to the side with yours, making him open his legs even wider. 
He jolted and you could visibly see the way his breath stopped for a moment. 
"I don't think someone else tried to put you in your place before."
Your voice was dark and his eyelids fluttered before his pupils could fall on the way your palm brushed his crotch. It twitched under his dress pants and he inhaled deeply. 
"Unfortunately, it has to be me." 
"We're at work-," he tried to speak but the words died in his throat as you cupped his balls. 
"Sorry? Didn't hear that." 
"Shit Y/N-," Doyoung closed his eyes, jaw muscles tightening as you gently massaged him. 
"Hmm, Doctor Kim is at a loss of words?" 
You cooed, leaning down even more until almost brushing his lips with yours. 
"So cold and composed while you spit venom all day. I really want to see you lose your mind for once."
He opened his eyes right when he started to pant lightly and you gulped upon seeing his dark gaze. 
"You'll regret this."
"Can't wait to feel regretful."
"Be careful."
"Don't want to." 
His smile grew suddenly wicked and it threw you off as he suddenly stood up, grabbing your wrists and pushing you gently backwards. 
"You’ve been loving fighting with me lately. I think that you just need to get laid."
You smiled. "Do you want to help me with that?" 
Doyoung scoffed once. "I can't stand you."
"Then sit down."
He put his tongue inside the cheek, staring at your raised chin. 
Then his hands suddenly crept around you and grabbed your ass. They squeezed, pulling your hips towards his, making you pant and palm his chest in the meantime. Body pressing on his and his low voice buzzing into your ear made you light headed. 
"Arguing with you turns me on so fucking much." 
You gulped and noticed the way Doyoung’s eyes fell on your open mouth. 
“This is a very pretty shade of lipstick. Makes me want to ruin it.”
His thumb opened up your shocked lips even more by tugging at the lower one, your eyes getting hazy from his expression cutting you in half.
The order made your legs buckle a little. Your pupils trembled when you slowly let your tongue touch his fingertip. Doyoung got impatient and pushed it until it was all in. You fought the urge to gag and just whimpered, grabbing his shirt into your fists as he watched you hollow your cheeks on it. 
“I’ve always wanted to make a mess out of you,” he murmured, his other hand cupping your face and feeling your jaw, going down to your neck and wrapping it into its warmth. You raised your face to give him more space and your hooded eyes trying to look at him as he pressed around your throat made him smirk. 
“You like that?” he watched your squirming body trying to get closer to him. He took a step back and rested his hips on his desk, pulling at you until you felt his thigh between your legs. 
“What a slut,” he took out his thumb and spread the saliva on it on your lips. “Bet you wanted to suck me off under the desk, didn’t you? Fuck your superior?” 
You started to breathe through your mouth, the hand wrapped around your throat making it difficult for you to form any thoughts. 
“Or you wanted me to bend you over it?” he murmured, eyes glazing over your breast, his free hand painting one line from your collarbones to the cleavage of it. And when he suddenly squeezed one, feeling its softness in his palm, you almost cried out and dug your fingers into his shoulders. 
“Yes, sir.” 
Doyoung’s corner of the lips lifted as if curiously surprised. 
“And if I don’t do any of those things?” his eyes were on your face now and it made you want to hide away or just beg him to just please do all of those things.
“What are you going to do?” he asked again. 
The pool of wetness inside your panties was so embarrassing that you pressed your forehead on his shoulder. 
"Then just let me go," you whispered in a tiny voice. 
"You're free to g-" he caressed your jaw with one thumb. 
"No. I hate it," you went on, lifting your gaze on him, and he exchanged the look, slightly taken aback. 
"I dream about you every night. It's not about sex, it has never been just about it. Everything about you makes me go crazy. I hate it and I want you to just let me go.” 
Doyoung blinked and cupped your face with both hands. 
You just breathed out, ignoring the little voice screaming inside your mind to shut up, palming the back of his hands with yours, suddenly unable to raise your eyes on him. 
"I just can't understand and I hate being like this," you added after a quick gulp. 
The man opened his lips and you noticed the way you started to breathe in unison. 
"There's something so darkly attractive about you," the tiny sigh coming out of your lips made their way on Doyoung ones and he licked them once, his own breath warm on your skin. 
"No matter how much I try to know you, there's something that escapes me. I can't pinpoint you and it keeps me up at night." 
Doyoung gulped and his hands twitched as they palmed your arms, going down to your hips and pushing you down, gently. 
You gasped silently, your core so swollen that the feeling of the friction of your bodies as you rubbed on him could have been enough to make you orgasm. 
"Sir-," you found the force to talk but he took his tongue out and you just dove in, catching it inside your mouth and sucking on it the way you sucked on his finger. Your eagerness made his hold even tighter, guiding your body rolls, loving the way you squirmed in his arms. 
When you pulled away to whine he raised one hand to bury in your hair. 
"You haunt me too," he confessed. "Sometimes I feel so pulled towards you to make me question everything I know about myself."
Your eyes fluttered and your exposed throat looked so vulnerable in Doyoung's eyes to make him lean in and bite on it. 
The little moans escaping your lips caressed his ears and when he licked the spots you shivered, your hips not stopping for a second. 
It was intoxicating and you didn't dare to speak again but your thoughts were seeping through all of your pores. 
"I want you to tell me what you want me to do," you whispered, words broken.  
"Don't cum," Doyoung ordered and it snapped something in you. 
Your breath grew irregular and he chuckled. 
With a little groan, you forced your hips to still but he looked down and clicked his tongue, pushing his thigh upwards and making you bounce on it a few times.  
"Don't stop."
"But you said-" 
"Don't cum and don't stop." 
"I can't last," you mewled, twitching against his body and he pouted. 
"Baby girl can't keep that in?" 
You shook your head, feeling all dizzy as his hands squeezed your asscheeks, making you rub against his leg again. 
"But I said what I said. Are you going to be a bad girl?" he accompanied his last word with a harsh slap on your ass that made you inhale through your teeth. 
"Sir- I am begging you." 
His hand dropped under your skirt that moved to your thighs in a single movement, the coldness of it on your hot clit making you cry out. 
He hummed amused, slowly pressing into you and circling your sensitive bud until your legs started to twitch. 
"If you want to cum," he stopped, "you'll have to do whatever I say. Is this an agreement?" 
You nodded quickly, so close to orgasm that you started to ride his fingers by yourself. 
He retrieved his hand and pressed it on your stomach, making you step back until you barely could keep your balance. 
"You know where I live, right?" 
You nodded confused. 
"See you later then," he smirked and gestured to leave the office. 
You inhaled deeply, the arousal so high that you considered just finger fucking yourself in front of him. 
"Cruel," you whispered. 
"And you love it," was his amused reply.
Timid feet in front of Doyoung's entrance door, you questioned if you actually lost your mind. 
Were you really willing to go this far for a single orgasm? 
Or multiple, you considered. 
Okay. Well, perhaps it was all worth it in the end. 
Your eyes darted upwards to take in the view of his house. 
The windows were lit on the first floor and it looked like a place you'd love to spend your life in. It was too huge for a single person anyway. 
When he opened the door after the ring announcing your arrival you didn't expect to see him in casual clothing. It looked so off that for a moment you couldn't speak, eyeing his feet in warm socks instead of rubber shoes. 
Then you hit yourself in your mind. Of course, he won't wear his doctor gown at home. 
"Good evening," you finally smiled and he eyed your body with a relaxed gaze, stopping when noticing the bottle of wine you carried in your hands. 
“Good evening,” he gestured to you to come in and you walked the distance from the doorstep to the hallway. His hands draped your shoulders and you sighed when he took your wet coat away. 
You put in a lot of effort in your appearance, choosing the right clothing and accessories. 
And he put a lot of effort into arranging his house for you, lighting up the right candles, you noticed after he indicated a room to the left. 
Yet all you wanted to see was him. 
And all he wanted was to see was you naked. 
Venturing in slowly, you turned around looking at what you figured out was the living room. With the corner of your eyes, you saw the grey of Doyoung’s sweatpants disappear upstairs and it suddenly got silent, safe for the crackle coming from the chimney and the hard rain hitting the windows. You took off your shoes and cautiously walked on the dark wine-coloured rug, close enough to warm yourself. A black glassy mirror was hung on the wall in front of you showcasing the pitiful state you were in because of the storm. Then you looked at the piles of books scattered around your feet placed down in a chaotic path leading to the velvet couches behind you as if someone read them while circling the room and suddenly let them fall on the ground when bored. You followed the spines with your gaze trying to figure out the language they were written in when two feet made their appearance in your peripheral vision, making you snap your head up. 
He approached you with a little smile, getting closer and closer like a black cat. 
New thick energy made it difficult for you to breathe too deeply so you resorted to short inhales and exhales especially after he stopped so close to you. 
Doyoung's hands wrapped yours as he took the wine away and placed it on the coffee table on his left. Then he sighed and you found yourself shivering under his gaze. 
"Take this off," he lightly felt your shirt's material with his fingertips.  
What? You inhaled, mind buzzing at how easy it was this time. No dinner and fancy courtship? 
He did look like someone that'd rather take you into seclusion and have you for himself as quickly as possible though. 
With slightly trembling fingers that you'd never get in the surgery room, you started to unbutton your top. Doyoung tilted his head to the side with a little smirk as if enjoying the show. 
And when you actually found yourself with only your bra on he smiled, even more, eyes grazing your skin slowly until you felt a heatwave shake your limbs. 
“This too.” 
He slowly touched the bra fabric and you gulped. 
“Take it off yourself.” 
Doyoung chuckled once and went around your torso, unclasping it with quick and expert fingers. 
You jolted and you felt your eyelids flutter as it slowly fell down your arms. 
Doyoung grabbed the front part of it and dragged it down to the floor, adding it to the weird maze of books making the eccentric design of his living room. 
His eyes caressed your perked nipples and you tried hard to resist the urge to cover yourself. 
“Pants,” he ordered and his voice was deeper than usual. 
You wavered a moment and he lifted his eyebrows once. Do it. 
You inhaled and slowly opened the zip. 
He bit his lower lip when you bent down to discard the piece of clothing and when you straightened your back he hummed. 
“Wear this,” he gently threw a piece of fabric towards you which you caught quickly. It was soft and it smelled like him. 
He looked at it, then slowly raised his eyes to meet yours, not moving a single muscle. 
You inhaled in again, trying to calm your nerves, desperately wanting to ignore the way he was dressed himself. A white and see-through shirt with the deepest neck you’ve ever seen, barely covering any of his chest. You barely could see his sweatpants as well, but his bare ankles were fully on display, just like his forearms that you could catch glimpses of as he absentmindedly revived the locks blocking his pupils with one hand. 
A raw playfulness made his features even scarier in the dim lighting. 
“I want you wet. But not from the rain,” he explained, eyeing your confusion. 
“You could have just told me to change into it and end it there,” you mumbled, buttoning the shirt up. It was deep blue and oversized, short on your thighs but hiding whatever you had to hide. 
“Why? Did you hate that I made you undress in front of me?” 
“It was embarrassing to stand naked like that.” 
You wanted to sound offended but the pout your lips formed on its own betrayed your secret amusement. 
“Nothing that I won’t see up close soon.” 
His voice was a whisper that forced you to look away. You wanted to reply but he turned around walking towards the kitchen. 
"Besides, I made some spicy sauce. You don't want to spill it on your nice clothes."
“Who said I was going to spill food on myself? I have steady hands.” 
You walked over him, taking the plates from his hold and placing them down on the dining table yourself. 
You wanted to look unbothered by him just like he looked unbothered by you, but the truth was that you just had to do something to not feel that overwhelmed. 
“You don’t,” he argued following you near the table. 
You scoffed lifting your head to look at him. “Excuse you? I’m a surgeon.” 
“Your hands don’t look like the hands of a surgeon when you’re around me.” 
You scoffed. 
“I think that the biggest thing in the world is your ego.”
“You haven't seen my-”
“Don’t say it.” 
He closed his mouth as the little smile he had on kept lingering on his lips. 
Domestic and flirty. It was getting to your head and you hadn’t had the opportunity to sip a single drop of alcohol yet. 
As if reading your mind, he grabbed the bottle of wine you brought and fumbled slowly with the cap. 
"That's my favourite shirt. And I want to fuck you in it." 
The shivers that travelled down your spine almost made your body twitch and your hands stopped in mid-air as you were placing the cutlery. 
He smiled at you when you looked at his expression. 
His lips. His eyes and cheekbones. His skin under the lights. 
Fuck. You really needed a drink. 
And after he popped the bottle open with a loud sound that disrupted the silence, the red wine erupted out of it, dripping off his hand up to the wrist you had your drink right off his fingers. 
Doyoung’s pupils trembled as you leaned in like a cat and his lips opened to breathe better seeing you lick the drops off his fingertips. Rested with his hips on the table, it creaked when you came forward, even more, hands pressed on his open thighs and reaching for his face. You finally caught his lips in yours and you let him taste the wine on your tongue. 
It was rich and slightly sour, then it became sweet as only Doyoung’s taste remained lingering on his lips. 
“Delicious,” he commented after the slow kiss. “You have good taste in wine.” 
“And men.” 
His expression was hidden under his long fringe but you could sense that he was smirking. 
Then he raised his head a bit and had a gulp out of the bottle himself. 
You had the first row to the show that his adam apple moving up and down gave you. Then your eyes naturally fell to his collarbones and bare chest, his white shirt barely covering anything. 
Your fingers gently darted to his skin and you palmed it, then to his prominent collar bones, feeling the warmth of his chain around his neck.
He hummed, letting his head down to catch your hand with his lips. They kissed your fingertips then he finally dove in and let you taste his tongue again, hands quick to let the bottle go and grab your body instead.
Closer closer closer you needed him more and more. 
“I need to feed you dinner first,” he grabbed your wrists as your hands tried to unbutton his shirt. 
“If you won’t fuck me, I can find someone else to do it,” you whispered. 
His eyes tightened and he exhaled once. 
The movement was so quick that your head spun and the spank that arrived at your ass made you jolt on your toes before you could lean down on the table, fingers trying to grip the tablecloth. 
“Yeah? I want to see you get fucked by someone else while my name spills out of your filthy mouth.” 
His voice was raspy and it made you bite your lower lip, ass eager to push back and to rub against Doyoung's crotch. He hummed at your movements and lifted the shirt up to your waist, palming your skin and looking down at the way your ass cheeks engulfed your pretty lingerie. You strained your neck upwards at the feeling of his fingers slowly caressing your lower back, feeling the lace of your panties, then you whimpered as he grabbed the material and stretched it towards him before letting it go. 
"You want this little hole all filled up, don't you?" he murmured, hand sliding between your thighs to rub on the soft and thin fabric. Your legs shifted in place at the sensation and you arched your back for more. The little 'Doyoung' making him exhale. 
"And I thought you'd keep calling me sir." 
You tried to turn your head towards him, wondering if his suddenly absent hand meant that he wanted you to actually call him that. 
But then you saw that hand around you, reaching for the bucket of ice prepared for the wine on the table in front of you. And at that moment you realized that it was for you instead - his drink for the night. 
The ice cube wetted his fingers when he took it out and he first placed it on your open lips. You sucked on it for a moment, the warmth of your skin already melting it, strands of water slowly descending on your chin and inside your cleavage. 
"Say 'blue' and I'll stop," his voice was deep near your ear. 
You nodded breathlessly and you shivered feeling his hand hover over your back. 
And when you first felt it on your spine, your fingers independently grabbed the edge of the table. Then it went down and down, forcing goosebumps out of you. 
Doyoung’s palm soothed your skin, warming it up before reaching to the front to grab at your hard nipples poking through the fabric. And when the cube reached your clothed core you mewled, lifting yourself on the tiptoes. 
“Shit-shit-,” you curled your neck down, jolting under his touch, wanting more of it and running away at the same time. 
Your panties were all wet and you were unsure if for the ice or your own body and when Doyoung took away the cube, giving you a break by gently pressing his own wet fingers between your lips you wished for the fabric to not be there anymore. 
“More?” you whined, chest rising and falling at a crazy speed. 
Doyoung snickered once, his hands grabbing your sides and turning you around.
Mind hazy, you didn’t have the time to wonder where the ice cube went, the only thought roaming your head being the need to pull him closer to you. 
And you did just that, wrapping his waist with your thighs after he lifted you on the table with a thud, making all the cutlery and glasses jingle. 
And you clasped your fingers into his hair while his hands roamed your naked body under his shirt. 
It was when he pressed his cold, open lips on yours that you finally mewled, feeling the ice cube travel from his tongue to yours. 
It got smaller and you sucked on it, giving it back, hearing him hum deeply into the kiss. 
Then he broke it suddenly as if unable to control himself from kissing your neck instead, biting and sucking on your skin as hard as he did on the ice cube. You rolled it on your tongue until it became nothing, finally opening your lips to moan, feeling his cold touch on your breasts as his quick fingers unbuttoned the shirt. 
The material of your panties grazed your legs at Doyoung’s rough pull. You watched them fly and land on the lamp behind him. 
Then you felt his fingers finally rubbing your clit and you inhaled deeply. You were so horny that you were embarrassed to admit that just a few rubs would be able to throw you over the edge. 
Doyoung saw it and from his expression, he was enjoying himself maybe too much. 
“Come on love, cum for me,” he murmured on your open lips. You whined, nail digging into his shoulders and you shook your head. 
“You’ve been begging me for an orgasm and now you want to be a brat about it?” 
His hand worked quicker and when he inserted one of his long and slender fingers inside, you actually moaned loudly. 
“Sir-” the title slipped from your shaking lips and he chuckled against your cheek, pushing another one and curling them both, pressing into you and trying to find the sweetest spots you had. 
“Right here?” he whispered amused. 
You start swearing, moulding his biceps under your tight grip, the table and everything on it shaking at the fast pace of Doyoung’s pumping. 
And then it was too much and it overflowed. 
The gasp you emitted made you fall forwards. Your arms wrapped Doyoung’s body tightly as you came in spasms, legs trying hard to meet each other around his wrist but pressing into his sides instead. 
Doyoung let you whine a little bit more, hand slowing down but never stopping, fucking you through your orgasms as long as he could. Then your jaw got grabbed by his other hand and he lifted your face to meet his gaze. His eyes caressed your fucked up expression before kissing your lips. 
"Good girl. I know you can give me another one."
You gripped his shoulders for dear life as Doyoung's fingers came back outside to desperately rub at your over-sensitive clit. 
“Doyoung-Doyoung-” you writhed in his hold before he could slip away from your arms and fall on his knees. 
You’ve gotten head before, but this time, maybe for the overstimulation or your secret feelings for that man, it felt like the first time ever. 
Not knowing what to grab to steady yourself as his tongue danced in circles around your engorged clit, you buried your hands in his hair. His hands pressed into the softness of your thighs just as hard and when he raised his gaze up to look at you from underneath his messy fringe, you felt like falling. 
And you almost fell when he resorted to quick short licks that drove you insane, making you cum for the second time in such a short time to make you lightheaded. 
The single fuck got prolonged as much as the orgasm Doyoung gave you and when he started to kiss your inner thighs, coming up towards you, on your stomach, pressing his wet open lips on your skin until meeting your breasts, you were ready to admit that you were madly in love with him. 
His kiss felt as if you were underwater, unable to breathe and understand space. You felt his arms around you and suddenly you felt weightless and he carried you around until you felt the velvet of the couches underneath you and his body pressed flushed on yours. His waist got automatically wrapped by your legs again as if that were their place and they weren’t aware of it before. 
He slipped his hands on your hips, grabbing your ass hard as he murmured against your lips. “Are you going to be a brat with me again?” 
His voice was calm but deep as if a storm was incoming, making your knees feel weak. 
“Words,” he spoke again, pressing himself a little more between your legs. 
You breathed out. 
“I don’t know,” you managed to say before pushing him away. He fell to the side, grip softened mostly for the surprise than your strength. 
“Are you going to be a brat to me?” you asked, straddling his lap and pressing your palms on his stomach, going up on his hot skin and lifting his shirt until he couldn’t do anything else than take it off. 
Then his hands found their way on your skin too, unmercifully squeezing your soft breasts. He didn’t care to be gentle and lifting himself up he sucked on your skin so hard until it was almost painful. You wrapped your arms around his torso and threw your head back, stretching out your neck. He left bites all over it, travelling down, tightening his teeth grip around your nipples, making you pant softly. 
“I don’t know,” he finally replied. 
He looked at you from underneath his fringe and you smiled at each other. You caressed his stomach from below his belly button and going up until reaching his collarbones and he leaned back on his elbows to support his weight. He followed your hand going down on him then his eyes shifted their focus to watch how your pelvis started to move back and forth on his sweatpants, right on top of his hard cock. 
“Mm,” he exhaled as finally getting some relief and you imitated him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and closed your eyes and Doyoung flexed his thigh muscles. 
He was enjoying seeing you like that, vulnerable and whiny, needy and horny, while he did nothing to help you with it and leaving you desperate. 
His eyes caressed your whole body, his lips parted slightly at the sight of your breasts bouncing softly, at how you were spreading yourself on him. You felt hot and plump, your thoughts were blurry and foggy. 
"Look at you," he talked. “What a cute little slut.” 
You replied with a whine, locking eyes with him but not being able to do that for a long time as his gaze pierced through you, adding to the sensation his pants gave to your raw clit. 
So you kissed his lips, messily and sloppily, breathing on his mouth and he finally caressed your thighs and ass, pressing you down even more and closer to him. 
Your arms got tighter around his neck and he buried his face into your chest. His hair tickled your chin and you intertwined your fingers into his locks. 
So close to cum, you closed your eyes and just let yourself go, your rhythm lost, your muscles aching, without expecting Doyoung's fingers to suddenly get inside of you. 
You squeezed yourself onto him with a cry. 
"I repeat. Are you going to behave again as you did today?" you heard him ask as his fingers pumped fast into you. 
"No, no, oh fuck, please, no," you managed to answer while gasping for air. 
"I'm going to-" you whimpered about to orgasm and Doyoung at that moment got you off of him, pushing you down on your back and lifting your legs around him, edging you. 
"You're going to cum when I say so," he commented. "You're lucky I'm even giving it to you at all today," he added. 
You bit your lower lip frustrated. 
"Babe, please-" you begged. 
He smiled brightly at the sudden pet name, shushing you as he began to kiss your legs from the knees down, going lightly on the inside of your thigh, making you twitch as he approached your dripping pussy. But he passed over, nudging at it with his nose just to make you jolt and kissed your lower stomach, passing his tongue on the spots he bit before and continued until reaching your lips. 
Then, getting on his knees he finally got rid of his pants and underwear. 
You felt your core pulsing at the sight and breathed heavily. He tugged at your legs, dragging you until the back of your thighs touched his hips and holding himself he nudged at your entrance. You let your arms fall around your head and bit down on your hand as his tip caressed your clit. 
"Doyoung," you whined as your muscles jolted intermittently. You then felt his fingers drag on your leg until grabbing your knee and putting it on his shoulders he humped your folds. 
You let your head fall back into the couch, exposing your neck and making your breasts tighten. 
It was too much. You just wanted him to penetrate you and to make you scream. 
"I want to cum so badly, please," you begged again. 
But he acted as if not being able to hear from you. 
Your muscles twitched in pain and you lifted yourself to meet him. He pushed you down and distanced himself. 
"Behave," he warned. 
You looked at his half-closed eyes and plump lips as he bit it with his teeth. 
He was suffering as well. He couldn't take it anymore, you could tell. 
And when you took your hand to your mouth and licked two fingers, slowly, without breaking eye contact he gasped. 
You were about to suck on them, you wanted to see him going crazy, but you didn't manage to as he penetrated you right at that moment, quick and deep, with a grunt. 
"Fuck," he swore picking up the pace until the wet sounds overwhelmed the storm. 
It was dark. The only light came from the fireplace bathing the living room with a red and yellow hue. 
You were both sprawled on the rug under fuzzy blankets. 
"Come sit on my face. Show me where I belong."
Doyoung’s voice was a low buzz, imitating the storm still going on as it has been the whole night. 
You rolled your eyes to the side amused, ignoring his warm hand palming your knee, nudging you to come closer. 
“You still want to go? I can’t cum again,” you pouted. 
“But I want you to cum,” he pouted as well. 
You sighed and gently got on top of him with the intent of ignoring him and finally fall asleep. 
But his expression changed when you were near enough. “I want you to be completely fucked up when I’m done with you.”
You lifted one hand to cup his cheek and kissed his nose. 
He blinked at you amused. 
“I love it when you smile like this,” you whispered. 
The dying flames danced on his face as he stared at you for a few moments. 
Then you clicked your tongue. 
“Don’t do this.” 
“Don’t do what?” 
“Don’t get all dark and distant.” 
Doyoung exhaled. “I am not.” 
“There’s so much to be proud of, don’t you think?” Your fingers gently started to draw patters on his forehead, going down on his eyes as he closed them, then on his cheeks. He opened his eyelids again after the touch and you talked again. 
“Like striving to do good. Trying. Surviving.” 
His lips opened to let out a small puff of warm air. Then he hugged you tighter and hid his face in the crook of your neck. 
You exhaled too, closing your eyes and lulling his exhausted soul. 
“I am so proud of you,” you whispered but you didn’t know if he heard you.
You woke up in Doyoung's bed. 
It was huge, warm and it smelled like his laundry detergent. The sheets were soft and luscious, caressing your naked body as you shifted underneath them to look to the side. 
Your eyelids fluttered and your lips turned their corners up. 
Fighting the urge to squeal and hide your face inside the pillow, you resorted to admire Doyoung's sleeping face. 
Resting on his stomach with raised arms thrown around his head, only his eyes and ruffled hair poked out behind his bicep and shoulder. And when he slowly opened one puffy eye you giggled and it curved, showing that he was smiling too. 
"Good morning," you whispered. 
Doyoung sighed once first. "It's probably afternoon." 
His sleepy voice made your body heat up and without thinking you just got closer. He turned on his side and wrapped your body with his arms, pulling you closer to his chest. 
"Did you sleep well?" he murmured. 
"Like a baby. You exhausted me enough."
The little kiss he placed on top of your head was so unexpected to make you lift your face. 
He smiled. 
"You inspire so much tenderness in me,” he explained timidly. 
You smiled back, resting your chest on his. His hands automatically wrapped your sides as if they've always belonged there. 
"I'm glad I'm softening your edges. Now you need to behave like this with everyone else too."
"You want me to kiss the whole hospital on the forehead?" 
"Also, I thought you loved my hard edges," he purred, shifting your body to fully rest on top of his. 
His hard cock deliciously poked your clit with its tip as his hands slowly made you roll on it. 
You exhaled and leaned down, rubbing your lips on his as you whispered. "I do."  
His smirk was lazy just like your movements. 
"So you want me just like this?" 
“I want you. I want everything you are. I want everything that you hide.” 
Your hands caressed his chest and came to cup his face. His expression wavered and you found him so vulnerable all of a sudden to make your guts twist. 
“Unleash the darkness that you have inside. Engulf me with it. I am not afraid. I want it.”
Doyoung wrapped your body tightly and pressed you down on himself even more. 
"There's no darkness inside of me anymore. Not when you're around me."
From “I will not vanish” - Haechan’s backstory
The heavy door opened and closed. 
Doyoung looked over his shoulder to see a stranger approach him with slow feet. He raised his eyes and gave Doyoung a small nod. 
The other did the same and when the stranger aligned himself with Doyoung, looking over the cold city, they both exhaled. 
The silence was so deep, safe for the ambulances screaming in the distance that Doyoung found himself restless. 
The stranger leaned on the rail, resting his weight on the elbows and sighed again. 
“You know,” he started. 
Doyoung looked at him with the corner of his eyes. 
“What I like about life,” he paused, “is that you can die.” 
The stranger bit his lower lip for a moment then looked over to the other. His gaze felt so heavy that Doyoung’s arms skin got goosebumps. 
“Imagine being immortal,” the man continued before letting out a dry snicker. 
“Around forever. A pathetic being with no reason to exist besides existence itself. Forever and forever and forever. With no purpose. Until you’d beg someone to kill you but they can’t.” 
Doyoung’s fingers twitched on the cold metal of the terrace rail and for a moment his rational mind wanted to ask that stranger just what nonsense he was talking about. 
But lately, Doyoung and rationality didn’t match well so he didn’t. 
“Immortality sucks only if you’re the only immortal one.” 
The stranger smiled bitterly. “Do you want to be immortal?” 
Doyoung put his hands inside the gown’s pockets. “I’d die tomorrow.” 
“But you wish immortality was a thing.” 
“I mean, I wouldn’t have a job anymore,” Doyoung smiled. “But yes. I wish people didn’t die.” 
“You’re very selfish.” 
That remark made Doyoung frown. “How’s that selfish?” 
The stranger turned around and rested his back on the rail instead. 
“Why do you want people to not die?” 
“Because-,” Doyoung started but didn’t know what to add. “Because it’s painful.” 
“For them or you?” 
Doyoung sighed. “Okay. I see what you’re doing here.” 
The stranger smiled a little. 
“It’s not like I think only of myself when others die. I think how unfair it is when I know they didn’t have the chance to do everything they wanted to do first.” 
“And what’s that?” 
Doyoung thought about it for a moment. “Just- living. Experiences. And most of them actually had enough time to do it. They just took it for granted. And it’s so- painful.” 
“And what about you? If you said that you’d be ready to die tomorrow, I guess you’ve been living your life to the fullest with no regrets.” 
“Actually, I don’t know if I’ve been living all of this time.” 
The stranger shrugged. “Just start now.” 
“You make it seem so easy.” 
“Living? Hell yeah. You just need to give less fucks.” 
Doyoung didn’t reply. 
“If you’re ready to die tomorrow, then you should not be afraid of living.” 
The stranger’s tone deepened and Doyoung looked his way. 
“Who are you by the way?” 
“Oh,” the stranger straightened his back and extended his hand. “I’m Haechan. Nice to meet you.” 
Doyoung imitated him and shook his hand. 
It was warm and in a moment so many thoughts came to Doyoung’s mind to make him breathless. 
"I thought I had my life figured out and yet after meeting you I got shocked into awareness."
"You inspire so much tenderness in me."
“I became obsessed with you and it scares me.”
“You could have just told me. You could have told me that you fell apart. Instead, you acted like it didn't bother you at all.” 
“You are worth the wait.”
“I can't let go of you.” 
Doyoung took away his hand so quickly to almost fall backwards. 
He took a few steps on the concrete of the terrace as if trying to get as far from Haechan as possible. 
“You good?” the other asked but his face wasn’t mirroring his question. 
Instead, a plain expression was adorning his feline features and for an instant, Doyoung felt terror.  
“You’re not Haechan,” he found himself whispering. 
The man in front of him cracked his knuckles once. “And who’s Haechan?” 
“My friend.” 
“Friend? Is someone that uses somebody else a friend?” 
“He’s not using me.” 
“Isn’t he now?” 
The man started to walk towards Doyoung slowly, one finger on the rail, grating at the metal with his nail. 
“Do you believe in soulmates, Doyoung?” 
Doyoung flinched at his name on that man’s lips and started to retreat slowly. 
“I do.” 
“Soulmates are people that always find each other regardless of everything, aren’t they?” 
“And are you and Y/N soulmates if Haechan is always there forcing you together like some sort of cheap mismatcher?” the man spit out the last words. 
Doyoung gulped and his brain tried to remember how he punched him in some past life and actually win. His surgeon hands would definitely get broken in a second. 
“Don’t you want to break this cycle? Find your true soulmate?” 
“That’s Y/N.” 
“Because you say so.” 
“I don’t give a fuck about your orthodox theory, Archangel.” 
The man stretched his neck to the side and Doyoung didn't have the time to run away.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: "Do you want me to hurt him?" / inspired by 'telephone' by lady gaga
♡ pairing: bart allen ( impulse ) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / my schedule is going to become more sporadic starting next week :/ i'm going to keep the warning up until next week.
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"Bart, shut up," you said, jokingly pushing him. he laughed, handing you the ice cream, "what? I'm serious! I just think that mint chocolate is better. if you have just mint, it'll taste like toothpaste and if you have just chocolate, it's too sweet so mint chocolate is a good even ground," he explained.
you felt your phone vibrate as Jinny spoke up, talking about how Bart and Connor shared one brain cell outside of the field. looking down to see who was ringing you, you saw that it was your god forsaken boyfriend for the 100th time.
"oooo, who is that?" Bart asked, looking over to your phone. he read the wall of text you had received but you quickly shut your phone off, not bothering to read it, "you gonna answer that?" he asked, a small bit of jealousy bubbling up inside him.
"don't really feel like it," you quickly said, trying to remain off that topic. Bart, clearly annoyed, snatched your phone and put it in his pocket, "than let's forget about him, right?" he asked, putting on his annoyed fake smile.
Tim and Jinny saw the very irritated face Bart had and looked to each other as they shook their heads, "those two I swear," Jinny huffed out in annoyance. "more like ( your name )," he replied, "Bart could admit his feelings to her face and she still wouldn't do anything about that horrid boyfriend of hers."
the two of them stifled giggles from each other as they watched the two of you continue to flirt openly. it was no secret to anyone on the team. it was very clear to everyone on the YJ team, the Titans, even the JLA knew that the two of you liked each other....a lot but it was that stupid boyfriend of yours that got in the way of Bart ever truly expressing his feelings for you.
"what is everyone's plans after this?" you asked the team as they all murmured different answers, indicating that they were all busy. you sighed, trying not go straight up at the moment because you knew that you'd have to deal with your boyfriends calls when you got there, "I'll stay out with ya!" Bart replied as he saw the empty park bench.
you gave him a grin, "thanks Allen. you're a life saver," you exclaimed, waving everyone off goodbye. you walked to the bench, Bart following right behind you as Bart felt your phone ringing again.
there had been a scarce few times where you did call Bart with your boyfriend problems. it was usually late at night. probably inching near three in the morning when you called him sobbing, asking him if you deserved to go through the bullshit you were dealing with your boyfriend.
Bart always felt himself getting angry whenever he received those calls. you sounded so heartbroken, tired, and emotional. he was always there to help pick you back up but not even a few days later, you were back with him, telling Bart that your boyfriend needed you now more than ever.
"he's still angry that you're hanging out with me? do you want me to hurt him?" he asked, finally taking your phone out of your pocket. you nodded, rolling your eyes, "Bart no. he thinks that my 'job' is taking too much time away from him and I being together. I swear, it's like hearing a broken record. one minute, he's mad and wants to break up and the next second, he's at my door asking for forgiveness," you explained, frustrated.
Bart squeezed your hand, tapping his fingers on top yours, "you know what you need to do," he replied, giving you a serious look. you stared at him, biting your lip, "it's hard, Bart. he's going through a lot and I'll feel guilty if I just leave him," you whispered taking his hand and holding it.
"you literally fight villains for a living and you're scared of that? you know you deserve more," Bart said, "and I've seen the way you look at other girls who decide to flirt with me," he joked, trying to break the tension. "shut up, it's not even like that," you lied, making Bart even laugh more. "but seriously, you know it's not secret that I like you." you sighed, not knowing what to say as you put your head on his shoulder.
the silence wasn't exactly awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. there had been multiple times when Bart had told you his true feelings for you and every time he did, you responded with a hum or a 'okay Bart'.
it wasn't that you didn't accept his true feelings. it was far from that. you actually did like the speedster but you knew Bart could do a lot better. you knew Bart deserved someone who actually deserved him and that person wasn't you. you weren't as cute or funny as he was. he deserved someone like Cassie. smart, funny, and cute.
the YJ tower was completely empty aside from you and Bart. everyone was out doing their own thing. Tim and Connor were at their respective homes. Jinny and Amethyst were out doing god knows what meanwhile Keli and Cassie had gone to the movies to watch a film they both had been dying to see so that just left you and Bart in the lair to do as you pleased.
"Bart, hand me the remote," you said lazily. he handed it to you as you turned it off, getting up and stretching yourself out. Bart stared at you confused, "why'd you turn it off? I was watching that!" he exclaimed. you threw the remote across the couch and getting him up, "lets do something productive and make dinner or something," you replied enthusiastically.
Bart rolled his eyes but got up nonetheless. he followed you to the kitchen as you played music through the speakers that were built on the wall. "what're you making?" he asked, seeing you take out things that made no sense.
you looked over your options and realized you could make some kind of stew or a soup of some kind. "beef and gravy stew! we have enough things to make enough for the team and seconds for the both of us," you said, getting the things from the cupboards and having Bart start to chop every thing up.
you knew Bart was dumb but that didn't mean he wasn't a kick ass cook. there had been multiple times where he had made everyone dinner or dinner even for the two of you and it always turned out amazing. you dumped every thing that Bart had chopped up and proud it into the pot before grabbing a few things from the fridge and making the gravy that had to poured in. it didn't take long but the two of you had to wait until the pot boiled up in order for it to be ready.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played over the speakers as you finally turned over to Bart and smiled, "we just need for it to boil and it'll be ready!" you exclaimed. he nodded as you started singing the song out loud. not particularly towards him but a warm feeling in his gut made him get butterflies as you continued.
"you know I'm just a flight away, if you want it, you can take a private plane."
you looked up to Bart, wanting to give him another smile but he quickly got rid of any questioning thoughts and went in for a kiss. you were taken back in surprise. this was the first time Bart had ever put his feelings forward and actually gave you a kiss.
his kisses were soft. they weren't rushed which was ironic considering all Bart was, was being fast and always on the move. you had placed your hands on his thighs as you made the kiss even deeper. it took you a few seconds to register what you were doing when alarms rang off in your head. you had a boyfriend and by continuing to kiss Bart, you were technically cheating on him.
"Bart no, I can't," you murmured, pushing yourself off of him. he gave you a defeated look, understanding where you coming from, "I'm sorry," you replied, going back to the food and trying to forget that you even made the move to reciprocate the kiss. in the back of your mind though, knew it that kiss meant that you had fell for Bart and hard.
"I have to head home, it's getting late and we patrol tomorrow night so I think it's best we head back," you whispered knowing you'd have to deal with your stingy boyfriend when you got home. Bart gave your hand one more squeeze before getting up, "see you later," Bart murmured, getting the inkling feeling that he'd probably receive a phone call tonight from you.
you nodded, making your way towards your apartment. you had a fuck ton of messages from your boyfriend and over ten missed calls by the time you sat comfortably in your couch. you finally dialed him back, instantly getting a bunch of curse words thrown at you for not picking up.
it felt like hours when the two of you finally stopped arguing with each other. it ended with you in tears and your voice hoarse as you had finally grown the nerve to break up with him. you knew for your mental health that it was time to do it and truthfully, your feelings for Bart were growing more and more every time you saw him. there was no point in continuing the relationship if you were no longer having feelings for him and although you felt guilty by doing it, you ripped it off like a band aid.
you grabbed your phone and clicked on Bart's number. Bart on the other hand shifted in his bed, seeing your contact light up his phone. he groggily picked it up, "hey," he said in that sleepy tone of his. you hiccuped, trying to control your tears, "can you come over?" you whispered, the crack of thunder scaring you shitless, "I really need someone right now."
Bart sighed, telling you to give him a minute before hanging up. Bart had no idea how many more of these late night sleepovers he had left in him. he sped over to your place, grabbing the secret key from the back of the broken piece of wood that was attached to your door frame. he opened it, seeing you sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand and your hiccups still overcoming your body.
"what's wrong?" he asked. you stared at him, tears instantly rushing down your face, "I deserve to be happy right?" he nodded almost immediately, "than why do I feel so shitty because I broke up with him?" you asked.
Bart stared at you, not believing what he was hearing. you had finally broken up with that shitty boyfriend and he was the first person you contacted.
"because that's what manipulative people do ( your name )," he whispered, "they make you feel like shit for things that you didn't even do. you're perfect and he didn't deserve you or anyone like you. especially you though," he joked, bracing you even harder for a hug. he knew it would be wrong to try and make a move but gave you a kiss on the top of your head and whispered nothing but supportive things into your ear as you tried to calm yourself down.
the rain happening outside and Bart's words were lulling you to sleep as Bart hadn't even realized that you were passing out on his side. it wasn't until you hadn't moved that Bart realized you were not longer awake. he grabbed your body, lifting you up bridal style before making his way to your room.
he placed you down on your bed with every intention of just letting you sleep and him heading home but you grabbed onto his body, sleepily saying that he was going to stay here. you hadn't even said it as a question but more as a statement. he didn't argue with it; however, and he had thankfully came over in his pajamas as he scooted you over a bit and crawled in.
you smiled softly, hugging him instantly and passing out once again. Bart placed a small kiss on the top of your head before whispering into your ear, "you'll be mine one day, didn't I tell you that?" he murmured before trying to fall back asleep.
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maibi · 3 years
Ok, maybe I do like him
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Dabi x reader
Summary: lowkey enemies to lo lovers. When Dabi found out you got hurt by someone, he didn’t particularly take it well
A/N: got this random idea off of tiktok and decided to write about it lolz also not completely proof read sorry
You didn’t like Dabi. You didn’t like how he walked as if he was the main character. You didn’t like how he always followed behind you just so he could irritate you. You didn't like his face, that smug smile that appeared when he succeeded in irritating you and that frown when you said to him to leave you alone. You didn't like him. And he didn’t like you.
“Look out!”
You spun around quickly, ready to punch whoever tapped your shoulder, but glared when you saw Dabi standing behind you while he was laughing. 
“I swear if you come closer to me one more fucking time I will destroy the rest of your not purple skin”, you said giving him a death glare.
“Oh no, I got so scared my tear ducts almost started working again”, he said with a fake concerned look.
“If you don’t stop I will make sure none of the ducts on your body work”, you said as you walked away from him.
“Oh come on, that was funny”, he said as he walked faster coming closer to you so that he walked next to you, shoulders almost touching.
“If that shoulder of yours touches mine I'll make sure it doesn’t touch anything anymore. And for god’s sake leave me alone”, you said, closing your eyes and breathing in heavily.
“Fine fine”, he said as he slowed down his pace. “But will you miss me?”
“No”, you casually said as you walked away from him and left his standing alone on the street.
You didn’t like him. But you still turned around to see if he was still following you. But you regretted that you did, because the second you turned your head slightly he was standing barely inches away from your face. “If you wanted a good bye kiss you could have just asked me one.”
You placed your finger on his forehead and pushed him away from your face. “Did you eat tuna for breakfast or something?”
He looked slightly taken aback, but smiled right after. “Why? Wanna have a taste?”
“If it means spending more time with you, than no”, you said as you turned around and put your hand in the air midway. “Hope to not see you around.”
“That breaks my heart”, he said in a playful tone as his laughter faded the more you walked further away from him. 
You didn’t like to give him the attention he wanted. You made sure to do the exact opposite. You knew he’d irritate you even more, but as much as you hated him it was in some way some an enjoyment. You were bored quickly so having him around wasn’t always as bad, though he never knew his limits.
You smiled to yourself and walked further down the street. You didn’t really have a destination in mind, you just walked. Wherever you would land is where you’d stay. It was a continues cycle. 
You weren’t really paying attention but when someone grabbed your hand you quickly spun around. “Dabi for god’s sake not no-”
You stopped talking the second you saw that it wasn’t Dabi. “Who are you?”, you asked with frown while looking the man up and down.
“You alone?”
“Why do you care about that?”, you asked. 
His grip on your wrist tightened and even though you didn’t like to admit it, it hurt. You tried to pull away but the size of this man made you realize it was as good as impossible. 
“Why don’t we go to my place huh? Have a little fun. I see you a lot, wandering around the city on your own, thought you might wanted some company”, he said as he inched closer to your ear. 
“I’ll decline, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff”, you replied, trying to pull your arm away from him. But no luck.
“Don’t be shy, I'll be gent-”
You didn’t think any further and just crashed your head against his face, making him stagger back, his grip didn’t loosen, but you punching your two fingers to his throat did. And the second he let go you ran. You tasted iron and when you brought your hand up to your face you noticed your nose was bleeding. 
Trying to wipe that all away was the reason you didn’t look in front of you. While running so hard you just ran into someone, making the both of you fall down. Your head felt a little dizzy, but you regained yourself so that you could run away. You just gave the person a simple sorry, not even looking at their face just so you get away quickly. But you were stopped by a pair of hands around your wrist and you felt a stinging pain.
You turned around and took a good look at the person and saw Dabi in front of you with a worried look on his face. “Shit face not now”, you hissed at him as you tried running again, but his grip on your wrist, that had been previously abused by the man, didn’t loosen. “Dabi I’m serious, let me go.”
He didn't react and only looked at your wrist. It had a red color and it already started to bruise lightly. He looked at you and pulled you closer to him. He looked deep into your eyes and brought his hand to your face. You flinched and closed your eyes, but he didn't move any further with his hands. “I’m not gonna hurt you”, he whispered. He brought his hand closer to your face now and slowly wiped the blood away from your nose even though it was still running. 
He looked at your wrist again. “Who did this?”
“For fuck’s sake Dabi it doesn’t matter just let me go”, you said looking behind him to see if the stranger was coming and when you saw him you panicked again. 
Dabi didn’t budge and with half closed eyes he stared deep into your eyes. “Don’t make me repeat myself. Who did this to you?”, he said in a murderous tone. 
He looked behind him and when he was the man coming closer to the two of you he knew exactly it was him. He didn’t have to think twice about your facial expressions because he knew you. He knew you too well. 
He let go of your wrist and walked up to the man. And he did something that you didn’t expect to happen. He protected you. He helped you and got himself hurt just so you wouldn’t have to fight him. Just so you could be safe. 
And strangely, you felt your heart skip a beat at that moment.
Later around the evening you were walking a limping Dabi to his place. You never knew he actually lived somewhere and you thought he was just a street bird like you. But apparently not. 
“You know, you didn’t have to go overboard like that”, you said in an almost whisper while you walked him inside of his place. 
He didn’t answer. 
You helped him sit on the couch and you slumped next to him. “We should get your wounds treated. Where is the first aid kit?”
“It’s okey, leave it for now”, he said, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
“Come on don’t be a bitch about it and just tell me.”
He didn’t answer and just stood up with a sigh. He walked away, out of your field of vision and came back later with a pack of ice and the first aid kit. You reached out to take it from him but he placed it next to him and put the ice pack on your wrist with a towel around it. He took out some cotton pads and wetted them. He started to slowly rub them around your nose area to clean up the blood that had dried there.
You held his wrist and stopped his movements. “You made me drag you here to your place, but you walked perfectly fine to get the first aid kit?”
A smug smile appeared on his face, but it was weaker than normal. You didn’t really question it, but it stayed in the back of your head. “Dabi, I'm not in the mood to play around right now, you little dick!”, you said as he let out a breathy laugh.
“I can agree with many names you call me, but I can assure you dick is not small”, he winked at you. 
Your face flushed red and you hit his chest to silence his laughter. “I’m being serious here”, you said.
“So am I”, he said in a more serious tone as he continued cleaning your nose. 
You let him do that and while he was busy you stared at him. You never knew you’d come to the realization that Dabi wasn’t that bad of a person and definitely not bad looking. His blue eyes made you want to stare for a long time and his piercings were a different story you were interested in. But the main thing you were interested in was-
“Why did you help me out there?”
He stopped his movements and with his head slightly down he turned his eyes only in your direction. He didn’t answer yet and only stared at you. 
“I mean, I'm never really nice to you and we’re basically always at each other’s throat. So why exactly did you help me?”
“Because”, he said as he walked away with the blood stained cotton and came back empty handed, sitting next to you again, but closer ,“I care about you and I worry myself over you getting injured.”
He just casually explained it like that as if was nothing. You felt your face heat up, but because you knew he’d make fun of you, you turned your head to the side. 
“Your ears are red”, he pointed out and you could basically hear him smile.
“I’ll make your face red if you keep coming at me like that”, you said in annoyance. 
You felt him scoot closer, but you tried to not show a reaction. His hand came to your face and with his fingertips placed on your chin, he turned your head so that you were facing him. “You don’t always have to be violent against me”, he said in a whisper as he inched your face closer to his.
“Then make sure I don’t have to”, you whispered back as you closed your eyes and your lips met. You melted in his touch and something never felt so right but so wrong at the same time. This was person you were supposed to hate.
But you came to the realization. You came to the realization that you did like the way he walked so confidently as if he was the main character. You loved the way he followed behind you because you knew he did it to protect you. You liked his face, the way he smiled when he got your attention and the way it furrowed when you left him when he desperately wanted your attention. And you thought to yourself that maybe you didn’t hate him and that maybe perhaps he didn't dislike you either. 
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bruhstories · 4 years
Sticky, Saccharine & Sinful
Summary: Professor Jaeger asks his assistant to come over and grade some papers. Pairing: Zeke Jaeger x Fem!Reader (modern AU) Warnings & Content: language, protected sex, fingering, oral sex (female & male receiving), spanking, daddy kink, bossy Zeke, bratty Reader, tying up, bit of an age gap but no underage shit (we don’t do that here) Word Count: 2.5 k
A/N: Huehuehue guess who finally wrote a daddy kink smut? Also I have looped Cherry Cola by Kuwada the entire time i wrote, proofread and formatted this bitch, I think it works with the atmosphere
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"Y/N, I'm gonna need you to help me grade some papers later today." Professor Jaeger pushed his glasses with his index finger as he looked up from his book.
"You got it, boss!" You nodded as you entered the staff lounge room at Stohess Uni, two cups in your hands.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Zeke?" The man sighed. “Or at least call me professor.”
"But I'm your assistant, you're my superior, that makes you my boss, boss." Sarcasm dripping down your tongue as you placed his coffee down the table. "All black, two cubes of sugar."
"Thank you. And yes, technically I am your boss, but you're, what, six years younger than me?"
"Seven and a half." You pouted.
You've been working at Stohess University for a little over a year now as Zeke Jaeger's assistant. He was the best philosophy teacher, as well as head of the department, and you nailed your internship interview, aspiring to be like him one day. He even taught you Ethics during your masters, and currently you were doing your PhD research under his coordination. The man was a genius in his field, and you didn't dare disappoint him, but your personalities always clashed. He was calm and collected, you were bubbly and all over the place. He was nice and polite, you were sarcastic and rude. Zeke knew you'd make a horrible teacher for children, but undergraduate students would adore you.
"How can you drink hot coffee in this heat wave?" You asked him as you fanned someone's epistemology essay to cool yourself off.
"It's actually been proven that warm drinks hydrate better than cold ones during summertime." He inhaled the scent of freshly brewed coffee before taking the essay out of your hand.
"Whatever you say, boss." You shrugged and gulped on your iced tea, a few glistening amber drops dripping from the corners of your mouth, down your chin and your neck. "Ah, shit." You wiped the tea with the back of your hand, not catching Zeke watching you curiously. "Why did the AC have to break down today of all days?"
"Dunno." He shrugged and immersed himself back into his book. "Oh, I hope you don't mind coming to my place to grade the papers? I don't think you'll be able to focus in this heat. Besides, I want to take a look at your latest PhD chapter." Jaeger told you absentmindedly, eyes glued to the pages in front of him.
"Sure thing–"
"Don't say it."
"Jesus Christ..."
You adored pissing your ex-professor off, but deep down, Zeke couldn't deny the fact that he loved the authority he had over you. You were a very alluring woman, after all, and any sane man would kill to be as close to you as he was, let alone boss you around like he did. And he had the strong feeling you acted like a brat around him on purpose. You took your leave after downing the rest of your beverage, going to the library to borrow some books for your own research.
You rang the intercom and waited for Zeke to let you inside the building, dragging your feet down the hallway, tired from carrying so much shit with you – laptop, books, essays, papers, pens and highlighters – you were a walking, talking stationery shop and one could only wonder how someone with such a petite frame was so strong. Zeke waited in the doorway and took some of your things, relieving the weight as you sighed.
"Coffee?" He guided you to his kitchen.
"Water, please." You plopped on a chair and unbuttoned the first three heart-shaped buttons of your lilac shirt, tiny beads of sweat bundled up at your collarbone.
"You sure? I'll be keeping you up all night." Jaeger laughed. He was obviously talking about the papers, but to you, the sentence had a different innuendo — not that you minded, you had your fair share of sinful fantasies with the older man. Come to think of it, you were wondering why he was single. Zeke was undoubtedly an attractive man, he could have any woman he wanted. Yet you’ve never seen him on a date, never seen a picture of a woman when you accidentally glanced at his phone, never heard him talk about a significant other.
"Hey, mind if I smoke?" You asked, noticing the ashtray on his table.
"Not at all, I'll join you." He sat opposite you, mug of coffee in his hand. You pulled out a pack of pink cigarettes from your backpack and placed one between your lips, pocketing your jeans for a lighter. His hand extended over the table, lighter in his hand, and you slightly bent your head forward, eyes glued to his. You inhaled the smoke, not breaking eye contact, and exhaled with a sigh. Something about Zeke lighting up your cigarette made your little cunt tingle.
"Thanks, boss." The corners of your lips turned into a barely visible smirk. You really, really liked to tick him off.
"Don't mention it." He told you before lighting his own cigarette. What, no comeback? No objection? "How's your paper going?"
"It's... going." You shrugged.
"You haven't written anything in your last chapter, have you?"
"No, I have," you half-whined, "it's just that I can't find my words. I think I encountered writer's block."
"'S alright, we'll figure something out." Zeke pulled a stack of papers from his briefcase and dropped it on the table.
"Wow, no shit you need help, that's a lot of papers." You twirled the cigarette between your fingers before taking one final puff and crushing it in the glass ashtray.
"Told you." He picked his resting cigarette back from the ashtray. "You can do the first years."
"I'd rather do something else." You whispered to yourself, eyes almost rolling at the back of your head.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, boss. First years, got it." Your manicured fingers pulled the stack of papers closer to you. The exams were already annotated according to subject and year and you took everything you needed before shoving them back to Zeke.
You were bored out of your mind, fiddling with the red pen in your hand and tapping your fingers on the table with no particular rhythm. It was already dark outside and you barely finished a quarter of your stack while Zeke was halfway through his.
"Could you please stop that?" He asked you without even bothering to look at you.
"It's annoying."
With a groan you rolled your eyes and stopped tapping your fingers, instead opting to fidget your leg, bouncing it up and down under the table. The wooden furniture shook at the movement and Zeke sighed, putting the pen down.
"I understand you're bored, but if you want to be a professor, this is part of the job description."
"I know, I know, but, like, can we take a break? Please? We've been at it for two and a half hours now and I'm just so bored." You looked at him with puppy eyes and a pout on your plump lips.
"Ugh, fine. What do you want to do?"
"I dunno. Got any board games?"
"Only a pack of playing cards." Zeke shrugged.
"Perfect! Literally anything is better than this. I mean look at what this kid wrote: the ship of Theseus ARE a thought experiment. Can you believe it? How can a nineteen-year-old not know proper grammar?"
"Careful, Y/N," he chuckled, "you made a pretty embarrassing error during your masters, too."
"Nooo, don't bring that up!" You got up and walked to the freezer, scanning the contents.
"Why not? It's funny."
"Yeah, for you." You rolled your eyes. "But I still proved my worth." You triumphantly told him, tongue playfully poking out of your mouth from behind the freezer door. Ugh, you were so cute, made to be ravaged. Your eyes settled on the single raspberry popsicle and you picked it up, closing back the door. "Can I have this?" Oh, he knew exactly what you were doing.
"Of course."
With Zeke's approval, you unwrapped the plastic, revealing the rose-tinted dessert, swirling your tongue around its tip. You were a sight for sore eyes, (not so) innocently licking at the popsicle, your gaze on him and his growing bulge. He didn't even bother hiding it, instead relaxing in the chair and drinking you in. It was no mistake that Zeke invited you over, and you weren't stupid enough to believe it was a mistake.
"Do you... want some?" You trailed off as the once cold dessert began melting from your hot lips.
"If you'd be so kind." He patted his lap and you accepted the invitation. His bulge was comfortably uncomfortable against your ass, and you put the popsicle onto his lips, one arm draped around his shoulder. Zeke's tongue moved languidly around the sweet snack and you leaned in, your own tongue licking both the dessert and his lips. It was sticky and saccharine and sinful, and your poor pussy couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you wanna fuck me, daddy?" You naively asked him. He wasn't surprised in the slightest by the name, already suspecting you had daddy issues, in fact counting on it.
"I very much do." His hands were already roaming your body. The popsicle was almost gone, and you deepthroated the last bit, taking the little stick out of your mouth with a pop. Finally, he crushed his lips onto yours and you could tell he had experience. You dropped the stick on the tiled floor, twisting your body to better straddle him. Zeke unbuttoned your shirt as you slowly began grinding your hips against his bulge, earning a groan from him. "Ugh, you bad girl." He threw his head back as you loosened the tie around his neck.
"Are you going to punish me?" You slowly, too slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
"What’s the point of a punishment if you’re going to enjoy it?" He mused, unclasping your bra. You had goosebumps all over your skin and Zeke took one of your nipples in his hot mouth, a hand pinching your other one. You whimpered at the slight stinging sensation
"Does it m-matter if I enjoy it?" His touch became rougher, almost animalistic.
"Of course," he stopped sucking your swollen, oversensitive nipple, "otherwise you won't learn your lesson." You got up and turned around, your back against him, taking your jeans and underwear off, bending down and exposing your cunt to him. "You're going to be the death of me, Y/N." Zeke shook his head, removing his own trousers.
"Allow me." You tucked your fingers behind the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down as you kneeled in front of him. His throbbing cock tapped your face after finally being unleashed from its textile cage.
"I suspected you were big, but this? This is too good." You sneered at his member, mesmerised by its size.
"Just shut up and suck it." Zeke pretty much commanded you and you wet your lips, pressing your tongue against the velvety tip. You worked your way around his shaft, enjoying this more than you should've. You pulled back, a string of saliva and precum attached to your lips as you looked up at him.
"Am I doing good, daddy?"
"So good." He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your head back. You eagerly sucked and slurped until he got bored of your mouth around his cock. Zeke pulled you up, spun you around and bent you over the table. He brought your wrists together and tied them up behind your back with his tie before taking a step back and admiring the view. Ass up, face down, just like he loved it. His foot pushed yours to the side, spreading your legs for him before he gave you a good slap over your ass cheeks. You shot up with a moan but his hand forced you back down against the table.
"I think I know exactly how to punish you." Zeke announced, two fingers spreading your folds as his tongue dove inside of you, lapping at your wet cunt.
"Oh, God!" You groaned in pleasure. No man has ever eaten you out like he did. Most guys did it as a chore. Zeke? He was enjoying every single bit of it, passionately fingering you, his tongue moving in ways you didn't think were possible. "Ah, fuck– so good! Daddy, please! I'm coming!"
The way he venomously laughed told you that no, you were not going to come any time soon. Just as you were about to let loose, Zeke stopped, removing his fingers, another slap on your ass. Tears pooled at your Y/E/C eyes, frustration written all over your face. "No, no, no!"
"I told you, Y/N, you're a bad, bad girl." He bent over and whispered in your ear, his cock pressing against your entrance, his hand in your hair.
"Oh, pleaseee, I need to come! Will you let me come?"
"Hm, it depends." Jaeger straightened his back, hands resting on your hips. "Did you learn your lesson?"
"Yes, yes, daddy, I did! I promise I'll be good!" You tried to turn around to look at him, oblivious to what he was doing behind your back, cheeks crimson, droplets of sweat on your forehead.
"Convincing enough." He shrugged and you heard the condom snap against his cock.  Unexpectedly and without any warning, the man thrusted into your wet cunt and you, again, shot up, but he pinned you back. "Stay fucking put, you little whore." Zeke demanded and you tried, you really tried, but your body had a mind of its own. "I see you refuse to learn."
"No, no, please!" You slammed your face onto the table, squishing your cheek in the process, desperate and helpless.
"That's better." He concluded, sarcasm dripping down his tongue as he rammed his cock deeper into you. The silken walls clenched around his hard member, and he grunted, no other woman pleasing him like your tight pussy did. "You like it when I take you from behind, you filthy slut?"
"Yes– oh my God, YES!" You bucked your hips against his for more pressure and pain.
"What would my students think if they saw you getting fucked like this on their papers?"
"Ah– I don't c-care!"
"What would the headmaster say if she knew you fuck your superior and- ugh- coordinator?" Jaeger thrusted harder and faster.
"Please, Zeke-"
His hand found its way to your neck, tightly squeezing it.
"Wrong name, Y/N."
"Shit, daddy!"
"That's right, I'm your fucking daddy and hell will freeze before someone else fucking touches you!"
"Fuc-k, fuuuck!" You both howled and panted as you climaxed, your entire bodies quivering. Zeke pulled out of you, carefully removing the rubber from his cock and giving you another slap on your perky ass cheeks. You stood up, arms still tied around your back, turned on your heels and pecked him on his cheek, giggling like a schoolgirl, marvelled by the fact that he chose you over anyone else.
"You know what, Y/N? Now that I've found you, I'm never going to let you go." He promised.
"I'm all yours, boss."
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Shinso x reader, Mina x reader, Kaminari x reader, Kirishima x reader
TW: Swearing
Note: another part of my high school AU! I've been wanting to write for some characters that I dont write too often, and I thought this would be the best way, enjoy!
Thank you to @katsuflossy for helping me w shinso and Kaminaris soccer parts😭
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @katsuflossy @iiminibattlehero @ecao @nnnoya @hawklmaoo @strawberry-ice @mixfi @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @myfandemons @lilsparkyswife @her-majesty-kiara @mindofess @kqtsukisgf @1-800-s1mping @angiebug101 @mads-fairy @solar3lunar
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He's one of the people that genuinely perfers being alone most of the time
And hes very intimidating to most people, but most realize that he's pretty chill and cool if you just talk to him
Hitoshi would be on the soccer team too
Number 12 baby (Ronaldinho's number)
Hed play midfield, and have insane control over the ball
Hes calm on the field just like he is off it
But he gets a little competitive sometimes, might have to sit down and take a breather for a second
He sometimes ends up talking shit about his opponents, and he is NOT quiet about it
Will look the exact player he's talking about dead in the eye and say that shit
"I'll knock your knees out if you push me again."
And he plays a little dirty, might kick the ball around in away that'll make people fall on their ass just to get a laugh out of it
He steps on and kicks shins too
Hes really the soccer teams MVP, they went one game without him an lost and realized just how much of a key he was to them
Hitoshi sees you as his good luck charm during games, if you're not there he feels like he can't play his absolute best
Good luck kisses before he goes on the field are mandatory, if you dont give him one or forget, youre gonna get a very sweaty hug after the game
Hitoshi has only ever come to school in sweatpants and hoodies, and only wears jeans or something other than his usual once a week just so he can switch it up
He probably comes in with major bags under his eyes and smelling like coffee
And just a little bit late
He normally goes out to eat during lunch, and always takes you with him and let's you choose
You're honestly the most underrated couple in school
The loner boy and his gorgeous s/o, it's basically a real life wattpad story
When people try flirting with you, he tries getting his soccer cleats out on them and you have to stop him before someone gets hurt
Hitoshi is just underrated overall and no one but you and his friens realize, give him more recognition </3
The really nice popular girl of course
But one of the popular people whose popularity actually means something for once
Gets along with basically the whole school
And she makes sure everyone knows she belongs to you and you belong to her
"Mhm, I've got a pretty s/o, and I love them soo much."
Probably posts you on all her socials (that the whole school follows) everyday
Mina has been in pretty much every club and team, which is exactly how she got popular
She joins as many as she can every year, but her favorites are dance and volleyball, maybe soccer too
For dance she likes to show you her routines, and maybe even teach you how to do them if you're down for it
"How was that?!"
"You wanna learn it too, babe? I could teach you!"
She's the captain of every team she's been on
It honestly just comes from her being so charismatic and the way she can get along with people and bring everyone together
Mina is 100% best dressed
Best everything honestly
Best dressed, Best hair, all that
She's cool with all the staff members, so sometimes the turn a blind eye if she decides to head out at random even when she's not supposed to
The two of you are Thee School Couple
Everyone wishes they were you guys or at least had a relationship like the one you had
Everyone would be in tears if yall so much as fought
So 10/10 for both of you
Certified pretty play boy
Hes a flirt, and friendly, and super popular
But the playboy act dropped once the two of you got together, because that's when everyone saw how much of a simp he was for you
Denki would just constantly fawn and gush over you, it would be annoying if it were anyone else, but it was just so cute to see him be so crazy for someone after he was basically known for never being tied down
Hes on the soccer team with Shinso!
Number 5 <3
Who did you think was calming Shinso down when he got mad??? Definitely not their other teammates
Hes the teams striker, and him an Shinso are so coordinated on the field together it leaves their own teammates in shock everytime
Hes a good sport (unlike Shinso), and is very friendly with his opponents
Wishes them luck before the game, helps them up if they fall, even says 'My bad!' If he accidentally trips someone, and tells the good job if they lose
Like Shinso, good luck kisses are a must
They're more like good luck make outs with him, and he usually ends up getting so wrapped up in them that he only makes it to the field by the skin of his teeth (he gets yelled at by the coach a lot)
He gets so god damn DIRTY on the field
And it doesn't even make sense because he really doesn't slide around or fall too much
He just manages to come out covered in dirt, and the sweat doesn't make it better
Oh, and even if you give him a good luck kiss, he still hugs you after the game
He doesn't do it to be mean, he just gets excited when he's on the field and has a bunch of energy left when games are over
Denki takes you to get ice cream after games. Shinso third wheels sometimes, but it's cool and not awkward at all because you're all besties
Denki is the most popular guy in school, and he'd be most popular overall if it weren't for Mina
You guys get rated cutest couple by all the students because no one had seen Denki simp till you came along and it was just too cute
Everyone wishes they could be yall </3
And half the school has beef with you because you're dating Denki and they're jealous
But you guys are still an adorable and amazing couple so who cares
The super sweet and popular jock!
Hes the older sibling to all the people younger than him and in lower grades
Hes on the football team of course
The quarterback too
Number 44
Hes that player that the coach is really trying to get a scholarship for
The one the coach pulls off to the side and says "son, let me talk to you..." and then tells him how far he'll go
Colleges are already scouting him
Most of the school is crushing on him honestly
But they all know that he's all for you and only you
Eiji gives you kisses before games, after games and sometimes when there's a long enough break he'll run and kiss you really quick
Hes a vv good sport, always wishes players good luck and says nice job after games, and separates any of his teammates that try to fight w their opponents then say sorry
It's usually Bakugo hes separating because hes on the football team with Eiji when he's not in Boxing
Everyone that's younger than you sees you and kiri as big siblings, and those older see you as cousins
Yall are just that couple that everyone loves
The whole school basically gushes when you walk in wearing his letterman jacket or one of his football jerseys
You're the couple the doesn't disgust everyone when you kiss in the halls <3
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ San- Confessions (oneshot)
Genre: Angst, fluff, suggestive, high school au, enemies to lovers au.
Pairing: San x Reader (fem)
Warnings: profanities, alcohol.
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On a scale of one to ten, you'd rate your life at your prestigious boarding school a nine.
You loved KQ Academy: a boarding school for the rich, spoiled brats of the country. The teachers were highly experienced and the other staff were really nice. The cafeteria food was great and the vending machines always had your favorite drinks. The bathrooms were clean and the classrooms, laboratories, and other activity rooms were large and spacious. There were three different sports fields, a large swimming pool, and a large athletics field. The dormitories were also really comfortable and overall impressive. Basically, your school was lit.
So why did you rate your great life here a nine? Two words: Choi San.
San was the only person here who got on your nerves. Not only was he a rich, spoiled brat, but he was also the most popular guy at school and the captain of the volleyball team. His pretty face screamed of nothing but trouble... for you.
You don't understand why San doesn't like you; ever since he joined your school in ninth grade, you both never got along despite being in the same friend group. Your friends tried their best to make you both decently talk to each other, but they gave up eventually when it clearly wasn't working; you both always argued about the smallest, stupidest things.
"Should I get another piercing?" Hongjoong asked, opening his strawberry yogurt.
"Where?" Yunho questioned. "Please, not on your ear! Let the poor thing breathe!" You chuckled, glancing at the many piercings on your twin brother's ears.
"I swear Hongjoong hyung is a masochist," Yeosang stated, making Mingi and Wooyoung burst out laughing.
"And he likes exhibitionism," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, quietly eating his yogurt; he was used to everyone teasing him.
"Hey guys!" you heard Choi San greet before he took his usual seat beside Wooyoung. You glanced at him, immediately noticing his disheveled hair and swollen lips.
"Oh god, San, who was it now?" Eunhee, Hongjoong's girlfriend, questioned.
"Na Yuri," San said with a smirk. "She took me behind the auditorium. There were no cameras there." You heard Jiwoo mumble a 'not surprise' from beside you, making you chuckle.
"And you managed to get off in less than five minutes?" Wooyoung asked, raising an eyebrow.
San fake gasped in shock. "What! Wooyoung, you know I don't fuck these girls. I've only made out with them."
"What, really?" Jongho asked in surprise.
"Yeah, I haven't slept with anyone other than my ex, Jina," San said, taking a bite of Yeosang's ice cream sandwich, earning a glare from the boy. You were quite surprised at this new information; the entire school thought San fucked a new chick every week. You wondered why he never said anything about it despite all the false claims.
"Y/N," you heard someone call you, catching all your friends' attention. You saw Kim Yonghee approach you with the sweetest smile on his face. He handed you your notebook that you had given him two days ago. "Thank you so much. Your notes really helped."
"You aced your test?"
He smirked. "Of course." He opened his mouth to say something, but one of his friends called him for football practice. "Well, I'll see you in math," he said with a wink before walking away.
"Oh, someone's blushing!" Eunhee teased.
Yunho chuckled. "Wow, Y/N, I wonder what's got you all pink."
"Yonghee is so fucking cute! I kinda want to date him," you squealed, earning a scoff from an unamused San. Yeosang raised an eyebrow at San who only shrugged. "Do you have an issue, San?" you asked, annoyed by his reaction.
"No, why would I?"
"Well, your reaction doesn't seem like it."
"Why would I care about you and that piece of shit?" he spat, looking away.
"You don't even know him!" your voice was raising.
"Here we go again," Yeosang muttered under his breath.
San glared at you. "As if you know about the way he screws around with—"
"So what? I'd rather be with someone like him than with someone like you," you stated in a cold tone. San's face fell, but he immediately put his pokerface on.
Seonghwa sighed. "Can you two stop fighting for once?"
"It's his fault," you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"No, it's yours," San retorted. "You could've ignored me."
You were about to say something, but the bell rang. You glared at San before dragging Wooyoung and Mingi with you to your next class.
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A month later, you ended up in an FWB relationship with Kim Yonghee. So far, things were going really well.
You were at Seonghwa and Hongjoong's dorm with everyone. You noticed how San has been really quiet and sulky these past few days. Despite always arguing with him, you felt worried for him. You wanted to ask him if he was all right, but you knew he'd just roll his eyes or make a sarcastic comment.
You nudged Yunho who was sitting beside you. "Is San all right?" you whispered in his ear.
Yunho shook his head. "No, he's not okay. I don't know what happened, and he said he doesn't want to talk about it." You nodded, but you felt like Yunho was lying to you.
"Y/N, how are things going on between you and Yonghee?" Mingi asked.
"Good," you answered with a smile. "He's an absolute gentleman."
"Yeah, I could tell from last night," Eunhee teased, making you choke on nothing in particular, wondering how she found out about you sneaking Yonghee into your suite style dorm. "You're not as sneaky as you think you are, Y/N."
San slammed his can of sprite on the table, startling a few of you. "Sorry, I'm a little tired," he mumbled. "Yunho, I'm going to our room. I'll see you all tomorrow." You noticed Wooyoung and Seonghwa share a glance before Seonghwa nodded.
"I'm heading back as well. Good night guys," Seonghwa said, quickly getting up and following San. There was clearly something up with San and you really wanted to find out.
While you were having lunch with your friends, Yonghee came to your table. He kissed you gently, earning an 'aww' from Eunhee and Jiwoo.
"Hey, hey, hey, no kissing in front of her older brother," Hongjoong said sternly. You rolled your eyes; he was only older by eight minutes.
"Sorry, man," Yonghee chuckled. "Here," he handed you a few sheets. "Seunghun told me to give this to you. It's his part of the assignment you both are working on. He said you can arrange it however you'd like."
"Ah, tell him I said thanks," you said.
"Will do, doll." he kissed your head before leaving.
San witnessed the entire scene and he lost his appetite. He pushed his food around with his spoon, feeling heartbroken.
"Step up your game, bro," Mingi said to San in a low tone so that the others couldn't hear.
"What do you mean?" San questioned.
Mingi rolled his eyes. "We all know you like Y/N. Don't give her up easily."
"Well, she likes Yonghee."
"They're only friends with benefits," Hongjoong said, joining the conversation. "They're just fooling around. I know it might seem like she has feelings for him, but trust me, she doesn't."
San bit his lip anxiously. "But she hates me."
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "I know my sister well enough to say that she doesn't hate you, Sannie. In fact, she was really hurt 'cause she thinks you hate her. You both should really stop fighting and assuming shit."
"She doesn't hate me?" San asked in surprise.
"No, she doesn't, you idiot," Mingi muttered with a sigh. "Now step up your game, San, before someone else sweeps her off her feet."
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You were watching the volleyball team practice for an upcoming inter-school match. San and Yeosang were on the team, so your entire group was here as well, watching them practice 'cause there was nothing else to do.
You had to admit, San was a great captain. He was so sweet to them and hyped them up every time they did well. It was even more fascinating to watch him play. When the team decided to take a break, he approached you, taking his water bottle from where you were sitting.
You couldn't help but check him out in the team uniform. The blue tank top and shorts exposed the muscles on his arms and thighs. He titled his head back, pouring the water into his mouth. You watched his Adam's apple bob with every gulp, and the way a few drops of water rolled down his lips and chin. His jawline looked sharper, and you saw a bead of sweat travelling down the side of his face. San looked undeniably attractive, especially with his new eyebrow piercing and dyed black hair; he already looked so good with his previous brown hair, and now he looked irresistible.
"Y/N, I asked you something," San said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" you hoped he didn't notice you checking him out. San and you have surprisingly not had any fights recently, and he wasn't making any comments to piss you off either. You wondered why he suddenly changed his behavior towards you after years of getting on your nerves.
He smirked, pointing to his little red bag. "Could you open my bag and give me the green towel?" You did as he said, unkowingly blushing. San noticed everything, but he didn't say anything about it yet. He wiped the sweat off his face with the towel, suddenly leaning in close to your face. Your eyes darted between his eyes and his lips, and your heartbeat sped up. San reached behind you to take his bag, shoving the towel and his water bottle inside. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, mentally reminding yourself to get your shit together. You glanced at your friends, relieved that they were too busy talking to notice the little scene between you and San; you knew they would tease the shit out of you if they saw what happened.
"Y/N," Yeosang called out. "You're coming for the party tomorrow night, no?"
"Of course," you said, a little confused as to why he suddenly asked. "Jiwoo would kill me if I missed it."
Jiwoo turned her head at the mention of her name. "Damn right, I would," she said with a nod.
Yeosang smirked. "You're coming in my car."
"I have to sit on San's lap?!" you half-yelled at Yeosang.
"Yeah, Yunho is sitting in the front with the Pegasus glass figurine he got for Jiwoo. The painting I got is in the backseat, and our bags are in the trunk. So you don't have a choice."
You bit your lip. "Fine."
You waited outside the car until San and Yunho came from their dorm. You wondered why San wasn't surprised when you told him you had to sit on his lap, but you brushed it off, assuming Yeosang would've told him earlier.
San was dressed in all black: ripped jeans, a leather jacket and a black t-shirt underneath it. You sat on his lap, closing the car door. He looked irresistible and his Chanel perfume made him smell so good, you didn't know how you'd survive the half an hour long car ride to Jiwoo's mansion without him noticing you inhaling his scent like air.
San gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him so that you could sit comfortably. Yeosang started driving and you hoped time would go really fast.
Unfortunately, time seemed to be going really slow for you.
San pushed your hair to one side, making you lean back a little so that your back was pressed against his chest. "Sit comfortably, I don't bite," he whispered in your ear.
Yunho was talking about something, but you paid no attention. The only thing you could focus on was San's beautiful voice and laughs while you blankly stared out the window.
San noticed you weren't paying attention. He leaned forward a little, his lips coming in contact with the bare skin of your shoulder, making goosebumps arise on your skin. "Are you cold?" San teased when he saw the goosebumps on your bare thighs; you cursed yourself for wearing a short off-shoulder dress.
"Yeah, I am," you lied. San rubbed his palms together before placing them on your thighs. You gasped softly at his warm touch. He gently rubbed your thighs, trying to warm you up like as if he didn't know why you got goosebumps in the first place.
"We're here, guys," Yeosang announced, pulling up into Jiwoo's mansion that was lit up with a lot of LED lights.
You quickly got out of the car once Yeosang parked, running to hug Jiwoo.
"Happy eighteenth, Jiwoo!"
She chuckled. "Thank you, Y/N!"
"I can't wait to see you drunk!" you said with a giggle, excited that your friend could finally drink. She playfully rolled her eyes, dragging you inside to where half your school was while she told you which room you would be staying in. You were sure there were nearly two hundred people here, but you weren't surprised; Jiwoo's birthday parties were always like this.
"By the way, you're sharing a room with San tonight," Jiwoo said.
Your eyes widened. "What?! Why? Wasn't I supposed to be sleeping in your room?"
"Yeah," she said. "But, um... Yunho might be there and I don't think you'd want to witness us—"
"Okay, okay!" you half-yelled. "Why can't I sleep in Eunhee's room?"
"Ask Hongjoong if he's willing to switch with you," she chuckled and you groaned, knowing very well your twin brother would rather sleep next to his girlfriend than next to his friend.
But maybe he would agree? After all, he's quite protective of you and he wouldn't let you sleep next to a guy.
"Absolutely not," Hongjoong replied when you asked him to switch places with you.
"Joong! How can you let your baby sister sleep with a guy?" you whined.
He shrugged. "I trust San more than any other guy here. Besides, I need some privacy with my girl, you know? The dorms aren't a very great place to—"
You slammed your palm over his mouth, shutting him up. "I get it! I'll just deal with it."
You walked over to the bar, getting a whiskey and coke. You didn't have an issue with sleeping next to San; you just didn't know how you'd control yourself around him, especially after what happened hardly an hour ago.
After Jiwoo cut her huge birthday cake and popped a bottle of Champagne, some people from your grade sat down in one of the rooms to play truth or dare. Wooyoung and Mingi literally begged you to play and of course, you couldn't refuse.
"All right, I'm gonna spin it," Jongho said, spinning an empty beer bottle. It landed on Yeosang. "Truth or dare, hyung?" Jongho asked.
"Truth," he answered.
"I got one!" Seonghwa said, turning to smirk at Yeosang. "Do you like a certain Japanese girl who's in your economics class?" You chuckled, glancing at the Japanese girl who was sitting right across Yeosang.
Yeosang smirked. "Of course I like my girlfriend." Your jaw dropped and so did many other's. You glanced at Mayumi who was clearly blushing; she reminded you so much of Yeosang.
"Kang Yeosang! You sly shit!" Wooyoung yelled, playfully tackling his friend to the ground.
"I knew something was happening between them!" Hongjoong stated with a laugh, making Mayumi turn pinker than she already was.
After a few more rounds, some people left, making the circle of people smaller. Eunhee spun the bottle and it landed on herself.
"Truth or dare?" Mingi asked.
"Is Hongjoong hyung a dom or a sub?" Mingi asked with a smirk.
"Both, but mostly a dom," she answered, unbothered.
"I'm not even surprised," Wooyoung said before spinning the bottle. It landed on you.
"Truth or dare, Y/N?" Wooyoung asked, a smile dancing on his lips.
"I'll go with dare."
Wooyoung grinned mischievously. "I dare you to . . . give San a hickey." You choked on nothing in particular.
"In front of you all?"
"Obviously not!" Hongjoong said in disgust. "I'd rather not witness that."
Your friends cheered for you when you got up and dragged San along with you to the room you both had to share tonight. Your heart raced with every step you took, and when he closed the door, the only sound you could hear was your pounding heartbeat.
San removed his shoes before sitting on the middle of the bed. You took off your heels, getting on the bed as well.
"Where do you want it?" you asked, avoiding eye-contact.
"Below my collarbone or here," he pointed to an area of the left side of his neck. You decided to give it on his neck because you've never given a collarbone hickey, so you didn't want to screw it up and embarrass yourself in front of the man who was currently driving you crazy.
San sat against the headboard of the bed, letting you straddle his lap. You placed a hand at his nape and the other at his shoulder, leaning in to place your lips on his neck. You gently brushed your lips against his skin before kissing around the area for a while. Your hand at his nape moved into his hair, tugging on it. San groaned softly, hands gripping your waist while he tilted his head to give you more access. You started to suck on his skin, making sure you bit him gently and gave him a few little licks. San's hands pushed you down on his growing bulge, making you moan against his skin. You pulled away from his neck, eyes instantly locking with his. You glanced between his eyes and his lips, unknowingly biting your own. San freed your bottom lip with his thumb, running it over your lip.
"I'd like to bite that lip," San said in a low tone. You couldn't control yourself anymore. You crashed your lips onto his and he responded just as eagerly as you. San took your bottom lip in between his teeth, gently pulling and biting on it, making you moan. He smirked, pulling away. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this."
"Don't you hate me?" you asked, shocked by his little confession.
San flipped you onto your back, hovering over you. He pressed his bulge against you. "What do you think?" he whispered, making you blush. "Y/N, you drive me absolutely crazy. I've liked you ever since ninth grade." Your eyes widened; he has liked you ever since he joined your school?!
"But— Then why were you always fighting with me?" you couldn't help but ask, even though right now wasn't a very... appropriate time.
"Remember how I was back then? I was so nerdy and you liked guys who were the complete opposite of that," he said, cupping your cheek. "No matter how hard I tried to get you to like someone like me, it just never worked. You always liked seniors and dated playboys. And then when I started screwing around, you still didn't like me. I guess... I guess that's why I fought with you a lot and it got worse over the years."
"San, you were perfect," you murmured. "I always thought you were way too good for me, that's why I never really bothered." you ran your hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for making you change yourself..."
San shook his head, lying beside you on the bed. "It's not your fault. I was fifteen and stupid, Y/N. Besides, I'm used to being like this now." You bit your lip, not knowing what to say. "Y/N, I hated seeing you with Yonghee. I know you guys aren't dating, but the thought of you with him or with anyone else... I really hate it," he looked like he wanted to say something, but he was hesitating a lot. You cupped his cheek, giving him an encouraging smile.
San took a deep breath. "Um, Y/N, do you... feel the same way about me?" You immediately kissed him as an answer, making him blush and sigh in relief.
"Well, my dare is complete," you murmured, fingers running over the hickey you had given him. You leaned in, placing a soft kiss on it. "How about we continue from where we left off?" you whispered in his ear.
San smirked, pulling you close to his body by your waist. "Mhmm, I'd like that."
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