zumpietoo · 1 year
Racist is an Ignorant Twat..
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Ummm....dude.....it’s been on for seven fuckin’ seasons, Netflix controls the “syndication”, anyway......and paid for it all along.....it’s been “profitable” all fucking long.....plus “this” was what they were always choosing. That YOU chose to ignore that doesn’t make a difference.....
Racist, where TF have you BEEN? That was always the problem with the show. Do you even watch? 
And I might dislike this as much at the next person.....and certainly think RAS is a complete hack.....but he has another (lameassed) show and is a millionaire, now. Once again, he’ll be just fine. Save your concern for others.....
Also “getting any profit”???? Learn English, loser!
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Wow, I think you need glasses, Racist....
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Oh sweet jeebus.....there’s no shortage of Pussy’s pussy a tinglin’ (god knows why) over Tinkle doing a shitty job of shaking her ass....it’s clearly her lezzie awakening....however, duuddde?
“JT dating”???? Ummm.....while, yes, they ARE flirty, we have other BTS confirming this, etc....it’s also possible they’re either A) focused on their mission or B) Jug’s, again, playing along or something....plus “dating” in the 50s has nothing to do with real Plaiderdale, anyway.....but, yes, it’s obvious Juggie still love his ladyyyy....
And no, it isn’t that “things are wrong” bullshit Scratchy spent all season insisting would happen. Twisted up and playing in a sort of bizzarodale way? Oh yes....but, no, it isn’t leaping from universe to universe like Chrestomancy.....that’s not the concept here.....
Tho, TBF, Jug will initially attempt that.....but will also find it isn’t the same. 
No, dude, you’re livid and you’ve called exactly NOTHING correctly.....stop lying.
Oh and the flirty Jabi? If that were jizzy, y’all would be fapping yourselves raw, insisting YOU’D “won”!
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“Mocking”??? No, dude.....but it certainly fully forgot jizzy ever existed, even with Jug clearly and fully retaining his memories!!!
Oh Racist, we know you’re completely “worried”.....(tho, again, I’m firmly convinced it’s a BAV triangle.....). With Jabi ongoing and endgame....
(TBC....cuz there is much moar lying and gaslighting....)
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Chapter Forty-Seven: Bizzarodale
This is an episode I really like, seeing an alterante version of the core four with our mains as backups was pretty fun. Hope we see it again some time!
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This is a pretty dramatic blouse and much of its features have come to be quite recognizable by now. Ruffled sleeves, layers, big bow. This one actually has two (2!) bows and a matching white belt. 
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We haven’t seen Veronica in one of these collared sweaters since 2x19, I’m glad to see her back in them. While early season three saw a big shake up in her wardrobe, the latter half of the season does see a considerable return to her styles from season two. Whether this has to do with her slowly mending parts of her familial relationships or just the fact that it’s winter in Riverdale I don’t know, but I do like a collared Ted Baker sweater, they’re a Veronica staple. 
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Return of the headscarf! This look would have fit very well with the last episode’s neo noir theme.
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Yes! Veronica’s outerwear game has been bomb this season and this tartan coat joins the ranks of her coat from 3x10 as one of her best. Here she’s meeting Gladys Jones for the first time, so the tartan seems to fit. Aside from V, Jughead is the character who wears the most tartan, so this emphasises the link between the two in this moment.
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Damn, she looks great. This could be the same underwear set from 3x01, I’m not sure.
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There are so many fake gargoyle kings this season, where is everybody getting their ouftits it is truly baffling.
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We last saw this top is 2x22, when she was getting her money back from Hiram. I’m still not really a huge fan.
Total: Six outfits
Cape Count: Nope
Teardrop Pearl Count: Nada
Favourite: I’m gonna have to say the tartan coat.
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See you soon!
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theafictionados · 5 years
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Brittany)
Riverdale Episode 312: Bizzarodale
by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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I would much rather have bizzarodale than regular riverdale any day like we got so much choni content I loved it
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Me when cherly says she is a lesbian and is going to start an Lgbtqia club
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Me when cherly then inadvertently (but purposely) outs moose and Kevin
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givekevinscreentime · 5 years
out of all my expectations for tonight, josie showing up at sweet pea’s trailer and them getting actual development was not one of them, but i’m not at all mad. i’m glad they’re getting closure (at least until the musical episode) unlike any of josie’s other relationships. that scene was really heartbreaking to watch, because i don’t think either of them are in the wrong. josie isn’t wrong for not wanting commitment yet, and sweet pea isn’t wrong for wanting something more secure. it’s just a case of two people who like each other wanting different things, but all the same, that scene really did have me in my feelings guys
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abnormallyadam · 5 years
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southside-secrets · 5 years
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serpentsatblood · 5 years
riverdale, what the fuck
Today I literally fractured my wrist and i can't feel my fingers but it was still better than watching Josie and Archie kiss. CMON SWEET PEA DESERVES BETTER!!
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bossbex · 5 years
Ep 3.12
I LOVED IT!!!!!!
I can't decide if it's my fave ep of the series. But it's my fave of all season 2(ugh) & 3... and S3 has had some decent competition: Midnight club (SO FUN), 3.05 (prison break ep, so well done and captivating), and I really liked the 3.11 (the noir ep) as well.
Thoughts upon first viewing (not necessarily in order as I'm just going by memory):
Tom and Sierra are THE CUTEST
I enjoyed the Ozark reference.
Moose is like.... super hot. Why have I never noticed this.
I always love a Kevin and Cheryl convo!
Cheryl officially declaring her lesbian status over the school PA is so Cheryl and I am HERE FOR IT.
Oh wait... I am not here for this blind item (although amazing that she called it that)!!! Don't out Moose, NO!
Toni's reaction. So great. And I'm so glad she called her out on just "being Cheryl" and not caring about anyone else's feelings, including Toni's when she got them kicked out of the serpents.
Josie going to sweet pea's trailer!!! I loved this scene!! Sweet pea had lines and they weren't just "what do we do, Jones?!" and like, why is it so fitting that Sweet Pea totally wants a relationship and not just a fling??? We need more Sweet Pea. Everyone needs more Sweet Pea.
Reggie and Veronica discussed robbing a bank like it was an actual logical option 🙄 and then the acceptable alternative was robbing his own dad's company safe. Ok. These two are hot together but not the smartest.
Moose telling Kev he came out to his dad... I cried!! Both those actors were so great in this episode.
Ok so Penelope's homophobia is gross but I am all here for her educating these judgy teens about legal sex work.
Then moose telling Cheryl (who apologized, thank you) about how they're going to "do it" in the bunker was awkward but I LOL'd at Cheryl's "bring your own sheets, a lot of people have had sex on that cot" hahaha this show's staunch self awareness gets me every time.
The Gladys reveal!!! Ok it's not like it was an actual reveal as there were spoilers galore even though I try to avoid them. But it was great. I loved Veggie's reaction to finding out she's Jughead's mom lol "and, by the way, don't tell Jughead". NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG.
The sex/phone call montage... amazing. And Bughead for sure kept going after getting off the phone.
Ok, the gargoyle king reveal. The story of Moose's dad is SO SAD! But also, was he the gargoyle king when they were in high school? I wasn't totally clear on that... and then Jughead said after that it's "like playing wack-a-mole" so like they get one and another one pops up... So is the gargoyle storyline done or is it still going? Can we just be done with it? I'm done with it 😂😂😂 either way, I clearly need a rewatch.
Moose is leaving. Understandably. But ugh, poor Kevin. I want so bad for our dear Kev to be happy 😭😭😭
Gladys and Jellybean here to stay!!! Jug is so happy to have his family back together, it's what he's wanted for years!! Everyone is happy! Oh wait. It's Riverdale. He's going to have his heart broken when he finds out the real motives of his mom and baby sister(!!!), of course. I will add though that I am super into this development. Hearts will be broke but it sets up some really good storylines... I hope the show does it justice.
Archie and Josie. I was meh on it before but now I'M OBSESSED GIVE ME MORE!!! Archie in this ep was the best he's ever been on the show. He was just a great friend and supported her and was awesome and they sang together and it was actually really good and not cringy. His "Can I kiss you?" line I DIED HE'S SO SOFT WITH HER I CANNOT.
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teenagestars · 5 years
Riverdale 312
things i hated:
wtf gargoyle king leave tom and cierra alone, they don’t deserve this crap
oohhh cheryl outing moose was horrible and she of all people should know how hard it is to come out of the closet
aaahhh cheryl is crying
choni “fighting”, no no no.
why is reggie thinking about robbing a bank?
oh my god reggie was shot
josie barely even appears in this trashy show anymore and when she does she’s crying, what’s up with that writers?
why is everyone having sex? veronica and reggie, betty and jughead, kevin and moose, cheryl and toni. JUST ARCHIE AND JOSIE ARE THE INNOCENTS HERE LMAO, i mean josie at least
choni being interrupted? wow didn’t even sae that before
they’re innocent stopppp noooo
oh shit the ( other ) gargoyle king is moose’s dad, when i saw the RROTC boys i thought moose’s dad would be the gk
“the sisters cured me”????? fuck you
so first jellybean is all mad at FP ( with reason ) and now she’s hugging him? hmmkay
oohhh noooo, moose and kevin are breaking up nooo
things i loved:
“but i only have eyes for you” “lucky me” aaaahh i love them, tom and sierra are so cute
oh fuck, they ( ^^^ ) are so cute
awn sweet pea and josie, 11 episodes later the writers make them talk, it was about time
kevin and cheryl? we love powerful gays
archosie is starting to grow on me
“you can be my baby driver” lmao
i’m honestly so in love with toni’s and josie’s outfits this episode
awwnnn moose and kevin
lmao their reaction when they found out gladys is jughead’s mom
at least cheryl realized she did something wrong and apologized, could betty ever? lmao
“A lot of people have had sex on that cot” lmao true
“keep your bow close”
“nice hat” — jughead jones to jellybean jones lol okay
archie and his guitar oof i miss that
at least moose is getting out of this creepy town, everyone should do the same
oooh i see why jellybean was hugging FP lmao
“can i kiss you” oh my god uwu
i really liked this episode, i think is one of the best this season, maybe after “the midnight club”, every episode should be like this, showing cheryl, toni, kevin, josie, etc
cheryl outing moose was so wrong, but i’m glad she apologized different then some characters COF COF betty. also i’m really excited to see more about this new gang they created. i think something is going to happen between choni and that girl in purple lipstick who asked “do we have a name yet” idk i just feel like it
i don’t know what jellybean nd gladys are trying to do with the town but let’s wait and see.
josie and toni were fashion queens in this episode and i’m in love with so many outfits, the clothes department is one of the only people who know what they’re doing.
cierra and tom were so cute, and getting married and being happy is what they deserve, they and fred are the only parents who deserve rights
i don’t know if i ship josie and archie, like i would have loved to see them just as friends, because archie doesn’t have any friends that are girls that he haven’t kissed yet, and i think it would’ve been good for him to have a friend like josie, to bring the good in him back, but i’m also not bother by they being together, although i think it should have taken longer, i mean they talked for the first time in like a year last episode and now they’re already kissing, but idk, i still prefer varchie tho.
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archidrews · 5 years
how did i live before getting to see Tom and Sierra happy together??? they’re so cute
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antoinettexcheryl · 5 years
does anyone have any decent live stream links for tonight’s ep? I’m a sad bitch who lives in the UK and I’ll literally get it on Netflix in like 8 hours but I can’t wait that long :/
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theafictionados · 5 years
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Robyn)
Riverdale Episode 312: Bizzarodale
by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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sunjaesol · 5 years
Thoughts on Bizarrodale
seeing the riverdale “side” characters getting arcs is honestly so refreshing and definitely something the show needed. There’s only so much of the core four you can take before you’re suffocating. I love seeing Josie and Kevind bond, Sweet Pea in a vulnerable moment, et cetera. 
I also love how the conflicts in Riverdale now have to do with irl stuff: like Cheryl not getting into the college she wants, but it has its Riverdale flair by using Penelope (a “twice-widowed dominatrix”) as the reason
I can’t believe Riverdale turned into a full out Bumble ad for a second. 
love the moment between Cheryl and Toni. Finally they’re being seen as actual humans and an actual couple, instead of a giffing moment. 
Josie and I are very similar. She tried Julliard, which was her only plan, I’m trying out for theatre academies, but I’ve already been denied one of three. It’s terrifying when your whole world is dedicated to one thing and it doesn’t work out.
I’m kind of... weirded out how Cheryl continually ticks off a ”step”? Like what’s the end game? 
The parents coming back for round two is dope. Even though most are terrible parents, they are such interesting characters! Seeing them all interact is great. 
best moment of the episode: veggie about to have sex but stopping momentarily to answer their parents
if the gay couple gets killed after having sex than Riverdale will have hit peak with horror campiness
okay so i know kevin and moose flipping for their fate is intense and all but i have terrible sight at night so i’d be like peering at the images on the chalises for minutes trying to decipher which one is which
also Moose nearly died already. Why again?
jesus christ Mason needs therapy. The entire population of Riverdale needs therapy
soft archie singing an acoustic duet with josie is what we have deserved since the beginning. i L O V E THIS
are you kidding me? I was hoping gladys and jb were the good guys?!
can i assume pretty poisons will be an extracurricular that will not be a focal point? please? 
not sure how I feel about archie unable to not kiss every girl he interacts with,,,, but okay. i don’t hate a josie-archie dynamic, although it does feel a little weird how he also hate a thing with Valerie. 
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austin-mahones · 5 years
Anyways, When is the next bizzarodale episode 😔?
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