#bk fridge gallery
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Based off a recent ask. First TOH thing I've drawn but I felt the need for your AU! Sorz if hard to read.
truly a dedicated brother, wracking up all the points on the controlling creep checklist
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iohnyc-blog · 3 years
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Today we picked up two carloads and two cargo bike loads full of healthy produce from @breadandlife for community fridges in Brooklyn and Queens. We’ve been less active here in this platform in recent months but we’ve been just as busy as always keeping our communities stocked with healthy food day after day! Let us know if you can help. We are always looking for drivers, bikers, and everything else! (at The Living Gallery BK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQer_Enj8Xp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ah i almsot forgot: warning, the following has mainly snarky opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
and we’re back to our scheduled programming
time to be rendered unconscious against your will you lil shit
“i hardly think anyone could pass out from eating something like this”
clearly you dont know what world youre living in, Sadmad.
...also he... might be allergic, guys. ever thought of that? 
coping jokes aside holy shit 
don’t hurt this tiny boy!!!
i hope you all feel guilty for being such pricks.
look at him. he's curled up under his jacket like a traumatized baby 
at least this personality... sort of aligns with how DID is supposed to work? But now i just feel even worse. Someone get that kid a teddy and a juice-box, stat!
“Its clear that none of his personalities could be the killer!”
A) one of the three could still be lying
B) there’s four so far, what’s to discount a fifth? triggered by... i dunno, a reefer brownie.
C) I'm actually glad he's not the killer anyway just wanted to point out the possibilities youre discounting there
i love that theyre playing the goofy X people music for a traumatized five year old who witnessed a horrific murder of a loved one.
“I believe the person who laid the cards out is the very person who killed the victim” WELL.... DOY.
“How quickly you move onto a new theory when your old theory proves false!”
WELL.......... DOY
I love that theyre all just yelling and screaming about murder while the tiny child cowers behind the bench
hello??? anybody with compassion anywhere? maybe in the gallery? a bailiff? anybody???
“his emotions are spiralling out of control! something must have really frightening him”
athena youre a psychologist; dont you know anything about calming people down or at least putting them at ease? youre gonna put scars on this kid’s scars!
i mean at least Cody Hackins was fairly fearless and defiant about what happened to him and only really broke down once it dawned on him what he’d actually seen. Owen is clearly very, very upset.
i passed out *image promptly closes eyes*
“poor kid, he's absolutely terrified of something”
“whatever it is, it might be the root of his out of control emotions!”
“see, all we got out of this boy is a tale he dreamt up”
fuck off sadmad
(sigh) Owen’s on his side, Shisho’s laying down, just get to it already
“rotating your thinking about?”
“oh! you mean turning your thinking around!”
“yeah, whatever...”
“like the forehead, perhaps”
is that... just a random location or is it actually going to come true
also, back at the office, Apollo winces and he can’t figure out why
oh yeah its definitely gonna come back.
yeah just fucking manhandle the stressed out anxious girl. you piece of shit.  i knew me being your friend wouldn’t fuckin last.
to be fuckin fair, cuckoo, thats usually what loses most cases.
would phoenix manhandle athena?? would he berate her and shake her into doing her best?? i highly doubt it.
“prosecutor blackquill was just giving me a pep talk, thats all!”
athena thats unhealthy
legitimately simon’s been nothing but unpleasant this entire time. its fun to watch him wreck sadmad’s shit but he needs to keep the hell away from athena. whatever protective, elder-brotherly instincts he had for her in DD seem to have stayed in DD.
man I'm looking back at my previous commentary and i was. i was just so optimistic. how foolish. franziska, bring down your lash upon this foolishly foolish fool.
atcuall dont i bruise like a peach
jeez now I'm imagining Super Dad™ Phoenix Wright cross examining Owen with Athena instead and it’s melting my cold, hard heart
“unfortunately, i spy nothing of the sort”
again Sadmad acts like if he doesn't see the answer, then it’s nonexistent 
not very monk-y of you, Sadmad.
gotta admit, i love this unique murder weapon
ive actually nearly suffocated under soft, cold, gloopy stuff and lemme tell you, its not fun.
...i love that simon took that logic-attack for us 
maybe the animators just wanted to play his OH SHIT animation again 
i know it looks like i pick on everything but in fact i edit these down. sometimes i take out whole statements because i rationalize them and realize that theyre actually plausible and i let them slide. so just, y’know. if you think I'm just blindly going at it, i am actually giving this game the benefit of the doubt. you just dont see it.
...if you read these
they used the pre-prepped noodles in the fridge. c’mon guys, as athena would say: Andale!
“perhaps the victim was simply playing with the cards, and they hold no other meaning”
you sack’a shit
nice cliffhanger, kid.
Oh well; I’m partially glad that the poor lil guy can get a rest, and partially upset that his last two surfaces put him through intense anguish. maybe get Uendo drunk and go to the theatre or something, guys. poor baby could use a pick-me-up.
n no–– rise from the ashes flashbacks–– RISE FROM THE ASHES FLASHBACKS
AAAAAHHHHhhhhi gotta give bucky a hand; being drunk and riding a skateboard while supporting a tower of bentos isn’t an easy feat
ew slurping 
and simon extends his douchiness to the guys he's even shafting Athena for.
just, fuckin, lighten the fuck UP simon, CHRIST
seriously tho; we haven’t had a proper boob joke in ages. actually Geiru kinda reminds me of April May...
 Meanwhile we’ve had several testicle references, a drunk guy, and the bloodiest overarching plot the series has ever had. I think we’ve left Ace behind and graduated to Edge Attorney
 to be fair the judge could totally be talking about her actual rubber balloons, considering his childlike personality at times. so maybe ITS YOU, SADMAD, WHO’S THE VULGAR ONE!
bloooon. i think Drifloon says that, too. Is that a japenese onomatopoeia or something? 
ooh he sadMad
i guess its up to simon’s brilliant mind tricks to save us again..?
...yehhhh i knew it
...huh. didnt expect that. impressive use of air...sword... skill. 
i know what theyre building up and yes, i am super excited to see all those balloons pop
...i gotta ask tho, why does Athena think those balloon animals are bad?? theyre extremely intricate and they look a lot more like the thing she promised than most of the ones ive seen.
aw no the cake disappeared. i want a huge explosion at the end!!
“I’ma cut ya, witch!”
i uh, i have to um,,,,,,, go now
me, into my DS mic: HOLD IT. Hold IT. Hold it. hold it... hold it... bold it
athena; HOLD IT 
simon: athena youre stupid do something. I'm not helping you.
simon: this time I'm going to do something, but god forbid you dont run with it
i dont think we’ve ever had a co counsel add something to the testimony for us before. we’ve had them hint at answers and interrupt trials to get us out of tight spots, but never directly ordering something like that. Guess that proves just how highly BK thinks of Athena’s abilities......
ooh the cakes back and there was a pop
im super ready for this
shit thats a strong balloon. i wouldn’t advice biting very thing plastic...
the... fuck???
sadmad: here is what will prove that Geiru IS NOT the murderer!
(geiru reveals buckwheat allergy and ACUAL RED HAND)
how the fuck does that help your case, Sadmad?? We know that the killer used the dough to kill the master by suffocating him with it. Pointing out that she came into contact with the dough, WITH HER HANDS, IS PROVING SHE DID IT.
ok well apparently she could die just by being in the room but if we look at how badly her hand has reacted, and is still reacting, Geiru should probably have at least some difficulty talking if “breathing in the flour” was dangerous. If her hand reacted that badly from minor contact, her throat should be shut like a steel trap. what I'm saying is, she’s probably lying about the severity.
“As if I would do anything so underhanded”
oh sad-‘trigger my enemies into yielding’-mad, youre hilarious 
y’know i just realized, it is a little insensitive of Taifu to make/buy/keep soba around the place. if Geiru is this deadly allergic, he’s risking killing her simply because he can’t give up his precious noodles. thats like living with someone with a deadly peanut allergy and being all “can’t get enough of my PBnJ!!”
its time for
oh. its not. ...ok
hang on didnt she say the dough was udon already, or am i misremembering? if she did and everyone just forgot, thats a little sad.
anyway, i guess thats... an alright twist. i still say that saying your witness is allergic to something and showing a reaction on the body part associated with the murder is stupid thing to do.
“dont lose your nerve now. keep charging forward or you'll feel my blade at your back”
I'm just gonna let that speak for itself.
ah THERES the off brand logic. and we’re finally gonna talk about those fucking noodles in the fridge. its been a long time coming.
i like that ‘ramen’ is a third choice every time
that was a pretty involved murder. “alright, kill the old man, hmm hmm... make a dish that i’m deathly allergic to to throw of the scent; just gotta get the cooking! make sure Uendo doesn’t wake up and catch me in the act~~ get rid of the dough in a way that is probably time consuming, lalala~ and there! Blooooon, the perfect crime!”
how much time did she have??
also how much blood did she lose form that knick on her forehead? if its enough to permeate an entire clump of dough, she should probably need a transfusion.
simon: dog pun. have you figured out the twist yet???? DOG PUN, BY THE WAY. JUST SO YOU KNOW.
all the balloons are there. its time.
seriously, thats gotta be a lot of blood. I'm getting Gingerdead Man flashbacks.
“i wanna thank you, simon. without your constant abuse, i wouldn’t have been scared enough to succeed for fear of what would happen if i failed!”
...its a bit premature for breakdown animations; the police haven't gotten back to us about the dough...
...i didnt like this balloon explosion as much as i thought i was going to. this is kinda just... uncomfortable.
you know, she shouldn’t have resorted to murder or blaming the crime on an innocent, but I feel like Taifu should’ve.... I dunno, either Trained her properly or let her down easy instead of forcing her to be a sexy balloon clown.
It’s clear she really, really wanted to succeed her father’s name, (which I'm a little confused about; was he one of Taifu���s students? What is Uendo’s real name then? what is any of their real names...) so I’m sure that if she just practiced enough, she’d probably be able to do what she needed to get to that level of entertainment. And if she couldn’t, letting her down easy and encouraging her to find something she actually liked instead of making her do... um... balloons would probably be a whole lot less nasty.
also wtf uendo; what did whet ever do to you
man all of these people were kind of dicks. except bucky. the guy who came to his trial drunk.
Sadmad: Hmm.... upon further deliberation... seeing as you won... I believe I shall afford you a basic sense of human respect.................. 
Athena: thats all I ask, prosecutor sadmahdi!
heyy he’s sobered up! or should I say... SOBA’D UP AAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH but seriously i don’t think they’ve said drunk or hungover once in this entire case what the fu
“no way... i almost got convicted out of convenience?” you, larry butz, maggey byrde and a shit tonne of other characters in the series. its actually a fairly common occurrence.
“he didn’t give her the name because he wanted geiru to find her own calling in life...”
...you know. after foisting a sexy balloon routine on her. to encourage her to quite entertainment. 
obviously Taifu was using the Simon Blackquill approach to encouragement.
“making udon was his way of showing his support of her in her new endeavour”
...what does that... mean
“oh, i’ll make safe dough instead of the stuff THAT KILLS HER to prove that i support her!”
“So this entire situation happened because of a misunderstanding? How sad...”
i think you mean,,, hhhh
i hate misunderstanding plots so so much
this entire case is just “he was being an asshole to ENCOURAGE you, see!! now you HAVE to forgive him!!”
newsflash: no i dont. you know what works better than fear tactics, threats and coercion? 
“he probably used some tough love on you so that the shop wouldn’t just go belly up”
see? athena is being a little misguided but at least she's using a positive -food- to try to accomplish something.
“i’ll make sure its got all the TLC Master Toneido would’ve packed in it, too!”
you got it! one ice-cold, bitter, al-dente bowl with a side of vinegar, comin’ right up!
no athena!! brand loyalty!! mr eldoon will never forgive you!!!
“do us all proud, bucky”
or else
(flashes air sword)
Athena: I wonder if this gave me any experience as a lawyer...
see what annoys me about this is that when I first played Athena, I had some issues with her being too inexperienced to be a proper lawyer, especially with her court-related PTSD which could seriously endanger her clients.
However... Why are they bringing up her lack of experience in the one case (it’s not even a full case) in a game that isn’t even about her? And ignoring all the progress she made in Dual Destinies?
The way they’re talking about it is as if theyre setting up some kind of sequel; ‘you need to improve athena, you need to practice’. Which would have been all well and good for one of the cases in the first run of her own game... but Athena has been and continues to be a side character to Apollo and Phoenix. Rather than this moment coming at a crucial moment in her own game, it comes out of nowhere during a case she got last minute, couldn’t have prepared for, and is abused throughout.
what I'm saying is, the ghosts of DD past has come to haunt us. They introduced Athena too early and are bungling up her character development. Lawyers need a full set of games to let them grow. Just make an actual Apollo Justice 2 or Athena Cykes 1, but don’t insult us by pretending that this five minute shit actually did either of them justice.
Simon: I hope you stay shitty so that I can always win
you know, usually when a character is jerk with a heart of gold, that ‘heart of gold’ thing is supposed to show up at the end.
i was going to ignore the horrible joke but then Widget said “ROTFL”
what a... great way to end this....... great case
and so we close this one off, and for a case about tasty food, it sure left a bitter taste in my mouth. 
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I'm gonna call this the Madness Board
both for Caleb's and your own (and mine. and every other unfortunate soul who loses their marbles in regards to this au lmao)
@trebol-negro congrats on featuring on the Madness Board™
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hi!!!!! I finished the fic I made the moldboard for :>>> https://archiveofourown.org/works/45362239
its a 10K beast lol-
!!! omg i'm reading it rn. What an interesting perspective; fun to see an outsider's perspective on Caleb's situation :)
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@yorkshireteaandyorkshirechips wrote this incredible fic for the Brother's Keeper au, excuse me while I tack this to my proverbial fridge like a proud parent (!!!)
(Please be warned it is rated mature, for good reason, which really I shouldn't be surprised about bc that's fair. Brother's Keeper totally leans that direction oops lmao)
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I wrote a fic in the au https://archiveofourown.org/works/41369808
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I made this fanfic about your Au. It's a mixture of the Au I'm doing too. I hope you like it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42553089
I have no idea what's going on but using Mad Metanoy as Mad GENIUS Metanoy is a fun take, love that
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Brother's Keeper AU:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How did Caleb live so long? How can he still be here after 400 years?
A: Belos wanted him to stick around and so he made it happen. As for specifics: *shrugs* your guess is as good as mine! This is something I've preferred to leave up to the readers. I will simply confirm that he isn't hiding any goop powers or OP palisman-given magical abilities. He is, for all intents and purposes, a regular human who is somehow really, really old.
Q: If Caleb is still alive, where did Hunter come from?
A: The full story here hasn't been told yet, but you may notice Caleb is missing quite a few bones...
Q: Caleb's ears are pointed! Did Belos cut them??
A: Correct
Q: Does Caleb know about the Collector/the basilisks/Belos' plans?
A: Probably! He's been Belos' sounding board for 400 years. Access to things that could "further corrupt him" or provide him a tool for escape, however, are off limits, so there are many things, like the Collector, that he's heard about but never seen for himself.
Q: Where's Flapjack/Amity/Darius/etc?
A: This is basically a canon divergence. If you haven't seen a particular character, it's safe to assume for now that they're up to whatever they were doing in canon.
Q: I don't get it. Why is Caleb insane?
A: I suggest you reread the first few story posts, my friend! You have fallen for Belos' lies.
Q: Do you have a posting schedule? When will the next part come out?
A: There is no posting schedule. I draw (mostly but not always) traditionally in my free time, for the fun of telling a cool story, and some posts are longer than others. That means the timing of the next post depends on how long it is, how much time I have, and whether or not I'm at home with access to my scanner. Sometimes this means I post quickly. Sometimes it means you'll see me next month. Sorry about that.
Just know that if I know there's going to be an extended wait, especially one where I'm not actively working on the next drawing, I will make an announcement about it. If you haven't seen an update in a while but I also haven't said anything, it's almost definitely because I'm actively chipping away at a part of the story that's taking me longer.
Q: Why do some of the story posts have a letter after the number? Are these less important than the regular story posts? Can I skip them?
A: No, I Do Not Recommend skipping them! They are just as important as the others. They have a letter on the end because they were added later and I use letters as a way to avoid renumbering everything. If you see story posts labeled something like "3, 3A, 4", they are meant to be read the same as you would if they were "3, 4, 5".
Q: Can I make art/fic/cosplay of this au?
A: Knock yourself out! If you post it somewhere, please include credit, but otherwise I don't mind, and actually love seeing what you do with it! If it's NSFW though, please keep it in appropriate spaces with proper warnings.
Q: Wait there's fic/fanart?? Can I see?
A: If you look through the tag on my blog "BK fridge gallery" you can browse any content shared with me that I've reblogged. :) People are free not to share it with me too though, and there are some I don't reblog, especially if its gorey or suggestive, so you might be able to find a bit more elsewhere under the Brother's Keeper AU name if you look for it.
You may also notice I have a featured tag called "BK Soundtrack." That's for songs that people have suggested to go with the AU. You are welcome to browse or suggest songs of your own ;)
Q: :( I sent an ask but you didn't answer. Did you get it?
A: Probably, yes. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it. However, if it was theorizing about future plot points, I may actually be holding onto it with plans to answer at a more appropriate time. I like to keep many of my plans for the story close to the chest, so don't be surprised if your theory ask disappears only to show up many months later when the story has progressed to a point where I can give you a more in depth answer.
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idoodlestuffsometimes · 8 months
Do you have any more fic recs?
You know, I actually haven't been reading a lot of fic lately, I'm afraid. But if you're interested in more Brother's Keeper stuff I will of course always suggest looking through all the lovely fics that folks have sent me, which are here in my #BK Fridge Gallery tag. I love them very much; it's nice to know I'm spreading my brain worms, and there are some real gems ;)
I will also plug With Clay and Star Scraps and Several Witches are Typing by my friends @liathgray and @astriiformes! And I also really like the writing style of the few TOH fics I've read by theprincessofdenial, but the only one I've finished so far is The Matter at Hand There are a number of others too though that I'm interested in but haven't read, so I'll let this be a reminder to me to get on that!
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