#bks bts
lincolndjarin · 11 months
The BKS Screen Adaptation ˖⁺‧₊˚✦
(aka the really fucking dorky thing i've wanted to do for ages.)
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if you like Best Kept Secret and you've wanted to know what i imagine in my mind when i write this is the post for you. i put way too much time into this if i'm being honest, but it was so much fun i hope others enjoy it!!
includes fun things like hypothetical casting and soundtrack !!
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ever since i started writing Best Kept Secret it's helped me tremendously to imagine it in more of a cinematic sense. i love movies. i love all of it, the cinematography, the soundtracks, the casting, all of it has always greatly interested me. so that's how i've always pictured bks in my head, as a movie, or more appropriately a single season of television lmao. anyhow, i've been feeling real fucking fried lately and i just started a proper schedule with my meds so i'm exhausted and i wanted to take a short break from writing to put this together, (more writing) this is long and self indulgent but i had a lot of fun with it so who cares i guess.
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The Media Source :
in all honesty i think bks probably wouldn't work as a movie? this might just be the entitled author in me speaking but there is just like, so much stuff? i feel like it wouldn't be properly represented in the 90-150 minute format because there's just too much shit happening. ALSO i write my chapters the way i write my DND sessions, meaning they typically have a prominent ending point that i think translates best in a show format so i'll be presenting this as more of an Max original type beat, 13 episodes ranging from like 50 minutes to 90 in length. (pretty hefty but this is my hypothetical world where i get whatever i want lmao)
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The Casting :
bks has a fair amount of original characters that all exist in my brain and in said brain i visually know what they look like and in y'alls brains you have an idea what they look like. like lowkey if i'm being real in my brain space bks is sort of animated? like in the style of arcane sort of lmao, so i don't really have physical manifestations of them but i have always had actors in mind of who i imagine would play them so here's that.
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Leodall :
i mean if this is my dream hypothetical and i can do whatever i want i think it would be hilarious but also relevant to cast someone sort of silly as leo.
i think that it's important that leo is a little rat bitch by the end but also like he should be just sort of a clumsy disarming guy to start. i get a couple different vibes but like lowkey hear me out.
Jack Quaid??
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like he's sort of just a lanky silly guy but also is capable of doing terrible things, i think he'd be a great leo and would also he'd be able to be disarming and likable at the start. just sort of harmless and nervous (until he isn't)
Lysa :
honestly the hardest person to cast. i love her dearly because in my brain she's done way more than she's done in bks lmao and it's hard for me to seperate that sometimes but i thought about it for a while and i settled on someone who i think would capture Lysa as i imagine her in my mind.
Stephanie Beatriz :
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she's visually how i imagine Lysa but also i love her so i think she'd be great.
Elaine :
this one has always been a no brainer to me. i'd want an actress who is instantly likable and capable of bringing a character that i've grown very fond of to life. there has only ever been one person that comes to mind when i picture someone playing Elaine.
the mother herself : T'Nia Miller
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Elaine & Lysa have been sort of wishy washy in description for two reasons, one being that as the story has progressed and they've developed they've become clearer in my mind, two being that there is so much bks and posting something this big chapter by chapter means sometimes i forget what i've previously said (nobodies perfect lmao) but personally T'Nia Miller is one of my favorite actresses and i think she would 100% do Elaine justice.
Kodo :
this has always been a tough one for me. this is kind of wild but when i started bks i never intended to kodo to be downright evil (idk if i've ever said that before but it's true lmao) i originally intended for him to be more of a harmless idiot? the plot was going to revolve more so around how princess had a lot of internal battles about cheating on a husband who was neglectful at the worst of times but still absolutely harmless.
i realized pretty quickly how much of a fucking bummer that was LMAO. it's hard to write a hot sex scene when the main characters internal monologue is full of guilt, so i VERY quickly made the switch, and it was definitely the right choice, the story needed a villain and i needed to give Kodo some sort of depth so it fell into place pretty quickly. i was also rewatching game of thrones around this time so, surprise surprise, i bet you can guess who i was inspired by. that being said, i don't think Jack Gleeson is the right choice for this role, first off bc that guy should never play a villain again lmao, get him a fucking romcom or something, but also because if i could pick anyone in this hypothetical situation i would pick an actor that is relatively beloved.
kodo is supposed to be really fucking hot (unfortunately) princess isn't interested in him because he's an ass but he's supposed to be pretty attractive, but also at the end of the say he's a prince. like we know he sucks but i would want to cast someone that lowers an audiences expectations and makes them think that he's gonna be chill at first. if you've seen the movie Promising Young Woman (if you haven't drop everything and watch it rn) they do something that i fucking adore, which is casting men that are liked, Bo Burnham, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Max Greenfield, etc. to lower the audiences guards. that movie is jarring for several reasons but i myself fell prey to the casting, i was comforted by actors who i loved and felt a personal pang of betrayal. (great fucking movie, cannot stress this enough)
two actors come to mind for this role, one more than the other but i'm still fond of both.
one choice being : Nicholas Hoult
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the only thing that i don't love about this is that it would be a bit repetitive, we've already seen him in the terrible husband role lmao, but it would be fun to see him be far less redeemable than his character in The Great lol. but also he's fucking phenomenal, there's no doubt in my mind that he would be able to capture the character.
my second choice is gonna be a huge hear me out. like some of y'all are about to be real mad at me but fucking- just give me a second to explain i swear there's a vision here.
my second and preferred choice would be : Josh Hutcherson
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listen listen listen. i adore him. actually my pookie bear ^^
which is exactly why he's fucking perfect??
people who don't know the source material are lulled into a false sense of safety bc he's just a little guy, he's just a silly little guy. and if you do know the source material you're like is that fucking peeta?? did they make kodo cool as hell?? no they did not. they just wrapped him up in a pretty package.
i'm saying lets get this man back to blonde and let him let his acting chops loose, i think he's perfectly capable of playing the nightmare that is kodo harand and i think he's the best choice like let him be evil.
pretty boys can be evil as a treat.
Din Djarin :
i mean, come on, we all know who's being put in this role.
Pedrito :
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he's din djarin don't tell me otherwise. this era pedro ^^ is bks din like i didn't make starwars but i did make bks and this is canon bks din lmao.
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but also like whatever they put in his pedro juice when he was doing plays? i'd get him some of that for this.
Princess :
this is all in my self indulgent fantasy right? then yeah i suppose i'll play the princess, pull a lin manuel miranda and step up, i was in into the woods in highschool so i've got plenty of experience.
in all seriousness i would cast someone who sort of reminds me of myself, i would be lying if i didn't write her as a vague reflection of myself. i haven't really written a reader like that other than her, she's special to me so in a screen adaptation i would want to be sure that she's done justice.
the obvious choice to me is Stephanie Hsu :
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she's a princess, idc. absolutely fucking phenomenal actress (robbed of her oscar btw) and i think that she would be perfect also cause like please cast asian women in things where their entire character isn't built around the fact that they're asian, let them have a character unrelated to that fact PLEASE. she's gorgeous, talented, and charming like she's my bks princess, always has been, anytime i've fancasted bks in my head she's my leading lady.
but also there is a second option that comes to mind which would be the lovely : Simone Ashley
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i haven't been shy about how bridgerton inspired bks. she's the love of my life, another actress where i see her and i'm just like yeah she's a princess, it's a no brainer like that could very well be bks princess.
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The Plot ( things i'd add, keep, or remove ) :
i'd keep most things the same, obviously i'd cut certain things to properly fill the available time
i would go full hbo max privilege, i want steamy fucking sex scenes, the sex is important to the story like let's be real. some of dins growth is shown through sex, the way he goes from being completely in control of things to being more willing to be vulnerable?? that shits important.
i would def add a lysa and elaine plot, they would have a side plot
there isn't really much i'd cut, if anything i'd cut the blowjob in chapter seven lmaoo, just bc that's the only thing i've ever considered changing in the story just bc it's always felt unnatural to me.
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The Episodes :
this section is gonna cover how i would present each episode and also what chapters would be featured in each episode.
also just as a general creative choice i think princess would lowkey be fleabag lmao. like she def talks to the audience cause she's a little silly but also bc her internal monologue is written to be a little funny
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Episode One :
chapter one
chapter two
i think this episode would follow the source material well. i actually really like the first couple of chapters of bks, i think they were a good hook for the story so i would keep things similar to how they're written.
Episode Two :
chapter three
chapter four
same as episode one ^
Episode Three :
chapter five
this would be the din episode, instead of princess talking to the audience i like to think just for this episode he would instead. also i have sort of a specific vision for this.
it's canon that bks din is relatively hard of hearing so i would want this episode to open on him getting ready in his cabin before doing all the flashbacks of his point of view of everything. he's not wearing his helmet for the first few minutes while a song plays and he cuts his own hair, his face is never visible in the shot.
everything else stays the same
this is where i get dorky.
dins internal monologue will convey something that i'm not sure i've properly gotten across in bks LMAO but i've always written a din who feels naked in front of princess and not in a sexy way but in an emotional way. he always feels as if she can see through his helmet and it makes him real fucking nervous around her lmao.
so like lowkey hypothetical ending shot is from out in the hall, princess inviting him in and from behind he isn't wearing his helmet bc metaphors.
Episode Four :
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
i think the focus here would be six and eight tbh, if i'm being honest the rules were supposed to be way more important than they ended up being lmaooo, i just went in a different direction with it so i would maybe change that to something else. the book is still important for chapter 25 so maybe like a contract or something that they both sign.
Episode Five :
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
yeah i mean this is me being unoriginal but like if it aint broke don't fix it so like i'd keep a lot of stuff relatively the same
Episode Six :
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
^^ same here
Episode Seven :
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
i think that the ending spot would be different here than in the source material, the chapter ends with din asking her to come to the cabin but i think instead i would just end with the kiss and open the next one with the cabin convo
Episode Eight :
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
this is like the anti angst episode, these chapters should be all relationship building up until the chapter nineteen sex scene which i would want rather tastefully done but still filthy. that's sort of the tagline of this hypothetical show, tasteful and filthy
Episode Nine :
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
another anti angst chapter except this one has a big bad ending so yknow, big dramatic ending, i honestly think there is no need for 'tasteful' violence. like this should be extremely jarring, like din has been protective to a fault but this is like straight up mandalorian possessive rage like fr get his ass yknow? lets see that blood
Episode Ten :
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
this would probably be the longest ep in my opinion. twenty two is real fucking hefty but also the lunar markets is gonna be the big surprise set piece i want that shit to be gorgeous like i imagine it being so fucking twinkly and delightful
Episode Eleven :
chapter twenty five
lets keep this one straight from the source material, like just use the chapter as a script yknow?
Episode Twelve :
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
i can't say anything about this because it's not technically written yet lmao
Episode Thirteen :
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
same here ^
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The Soundtrack :
music is important. we wouldn't have bks at all without music because it was music that inspired me to write in the first place and it's helped the story along since then, every time i get stuck on something plot wise i play music until something clicks. it's always been the secret ingredient for my writing so it would be extremely important to a screen adaptation.
i think it would be fun to have each episode end with a smash cut to the credits with music, i've always been a big fan of that so this section contains music that i'd use for specific scenes but also what song i would want playing at the end.
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Episode One :
end this ep with :
I Can See You (Taylor's Version)
i mean it's a little on the nose but this is lowkey bks anthem so i think it's a solid choice for the ep one ending also it's always fun to end on a pop song yknow?
Episode Two :
end this ep with :
Honeymoon - Lana Del Rey
another bks anthem, like listen to the lyrics it's crazy, and i think based on the ending of chapter four this would be an appropriate ending song
Episode Three :
Losing My Religion - R.E.M.
this would be the opening of the episode. din never facing the camera and he would get ready for his day while this plays
end this ep with :
Not Strong Enough - boygenius
this is def his ending song like bks din would cry if he heard this song.
Episode Four :
end this ep with :
See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) - Tyler, The Creator
this is one of those ones where i'm just sort of like hell yeah. in my minds eye this works, there is a visual here like trust.
Episode Five :
end this ep with :
I'm Your Man - Mitski
mitski is another artist that bks!din would listen to in his cabin while he cries like this is def how he's feeling at the end of chapter eleven
Episode Six :
end this ep with :
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
with where this one ends i think that something sort of soft is important, a solid instrumental works well here
Episode Seven :
end this ep with :
Starboy - Vitamin String Quartet
i wanted something a little more upbeat but also sort of on theme and i think this is extremely accurate.
Episode Eight :
Religion - Lana Del Rey
this is the sex song.
like this is and always has been the song that plays when they have sex without his helmet one for the first time, i consider that to be the first time he's really din with her during sex and this song is straight heat so of course this is what plays during that scene.
end this ep with :
Electric Love - BØRNS
i mean it's a little cheesy but i think it's fun and this episode ends in a happy place so it's neat to have a happy song refecting that yknow?
Episode Nine :
Like Real People Do - Hozier
i mean, this is the song that inspired the chapters featured in this episode, it's an important song because a lot of bks later on revolves around the need for normalcy, these two just want to love each other like real people
end this ep with :
I Fought the Law - The Clash
i mean like, this is a bit silly but also like i love when a show ends in a dark spot and a hilarious upbeat song plays, like, i eat it up every time and i think this is just so fun lmao like he fr fought the law (im hilarious)
Episode Ten :
end this ep with :
Lover - Taylor Swift
sort of a calm before the storm song, relaxing ass song before all hell breaks lose in the next episode yknow?
Episode Eleven :
The Secret History - Kerry Muzzey, The Chamber Orchestra of London
this is our searching for din song. long ass sequence, def longer than it is in the chapter lmao
end this ep with :
Borderline - Tame Impala
god i fucking love this song
but also i feel as though this song has a sense of dread to it that i think is perfect for the way chapter twenty five ends
Episode Twelve :
this is a hard one to pick definitive music to, there's a lot of music that is relevant to the chapters featured in this episode so here's just like, a cluster of music that i think would be relevant
Skyfall - Adele
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Eleanor Rigby - Cody Fry
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Episode Thirteen :
My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
i obviously can't say what this would be in reference to but the last technical scene of bks would end with this song. i think the epilouge would have different music
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
i kinda sorta think that the epilogue could be crammed into a montage that could just be a post credit scene to this song.
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that's all, if anyone actually read all of this i will kiss you fr like you're crazy for that and i love you.
if you write fic this was so fun?? like i really do recommend doing this or like a less extreme version of this lol i've been trying to force myself to take a little break from writing but i couldn't think of anything else to do so i did this haha
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thirstyvampyr · 6 months
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
Y.. You think I could..? Really..? [It was hard for them to hide that little glimmer in their voice, the twinkle in their eyes past the faint wetness of held back tears.] I.. I might... Yeah... I uhm- Mm.. I guess I never really.. let go of that idea..? And... God knows I'm going to need the backup here... I have a feeling that uh.. Want it or not, he's bringing me in soon...
I'd hate to leave everything unguarded when it happens...
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I don't see why not! You could have your little program friend finally come to life, and it'd ease your anxiety a lot, I can tell! Creating a program like us is... surprisingly simple, especially for someone who already has programming experience. There's just a bunch of separate parts you have to make and format a certain way, and the compiler throws them together for you. I... don't actually know how that part works. I wish they'd show us what's inside... First your little friend needs a body. Some sprites of what they look like, and then some model parts for the actual vessel. They'll need a voice, too. You can either make your own, or just snag an already-existing voicebank.
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officialah · 2 years
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matching icons for you and your planet destroying space crew besties (plus a bonus "mr. ficsit")
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bearspundig08 · 4 months
Ima throw dis out there, this AIN’T to you real accts, fkd up bt I’m learnin… FK you wit ur FAKE ASS/scamASS/ASSrippedOFFpnkbtch.” Uknw whoTF UR. I dnt throw names out thr cuz I forget names quick! Espclly in crt. I did my 10, been out for 2 1/2, yup… Askd my prl ofcr if I cld go bk 2prizon, it’s just easier in there. I’m tryn, livn, srvivin nd I’m ok. #imafelonlivinCODEhnr #yeaiseddatBRSPUNDIG08
#methfuck #methfriends
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the-disemvoweler · 5 months
i destroyed the spinoff hp script book (dont remember the name but i refuse to look it up, still written by jk but post-canon) a while ago and it felt great to do so, i think getting ur anger out on something + defacing her work is a great combo
dstrd th spnff hp scrpt bk (dnt rmmbr th nm bt rfs t lk t p, stll wrttn b jk bt pst-cnn) whl g nd t flt grt t d s, thnk gttng r ngr t n smthng + dfcng hr wrk s grt cmb
Yeah I have a complicated autism relationship with them (hate what they stand for but unfortunately I was that kid) so the poll is mostly to push me in the right direction because I mostly know the answer lol
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theworldibuilt4you · 1 month
[Addie was curled up on the floor, too lost in their misery to notice the screen changing, drowning in emotions that had spent too long repressed.]
[This was it. Everyone was going to die and it was all their fault. All their fault all their fault all their f]
[A familiar voice crackled from their speakers.]
"Yofx... Tbwhy.. Ovbnt...- Obtrhrls eufh..- qutt rhxh.."
[Sonny groaned a bit, trying to shake off the slight uneasy feeling that had wormed into him. Was that a lag spike..? It... it felt like it, but Sonny knew better than to accept thar blindly. Not with what was going on.]
[And especially not after the sobs and splutters of his muse had filled his ears.]
"Frxvx..?! Alqns, iu, hh lrff,  iu weiejgn fieix yc gr- phig.. Bvug aaxcjbyq..? Hh aum, gbua, hcfm bij, bt... Qg'x ofy zoqal hi ox atenubg, tlt bk wn..-  Rtsg.. Qjsj okeigmg- w..phmm bs... W..C'z kiouy vyex, osnd? W.. C qhnb xscq uhw uhhv nvfe pnx duflel, V yvcad tpr xmmgxm netny hi..-  I..Q ajsx n yity nb quxn gbz'fy nulm gt, cenr, hwa..?"
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reversecreek · 8 months
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welcome to marina, LANA JAMESON ( woman, she/her ) ! they are a TWENTY SIX year old who has lived on the island for THREE YEARS. word on the street is they’re currently living in TOWER HILL and works as a INSTAGRAM / EDITORIAL MODEL. everyone also says they look a lot like SADIE SOVERALL. what do you think?
“below the stage the seats are empty. the theatre is dark. why do you keep acting?” — Charles Bukowski, Come On In!: New Poems
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as lavish as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly…. took a dark turn there….. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably Very Pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
(hypersexuality tw) this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of… almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
ummm DISASTROUS romantic history honestly... riddled w beastly men and intense situationships n toxic cheating dynamics just. a lot.
went to uni for ballet n joining a travelling dance company bt. was kicked out fr excessive inebriation tht got in the way of her rehearsal times etc. now she just kind of insta models n does a few editorial shoots for realisation par n lingerie brands n such
always smells vaguely of wild cherries or strawberry starburst or jst the candy aisle in general. if she ws a vinyl record she’d b this one n she’d only play good vibrations by the beach boys, dancing on my own by robyn, play that funky music by wild cherry, femme fatale by the velvet underground n (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones 
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. 
deliberately puts on tht kind of Magnetic Alluring Act tht femme fatales wear in movies w most ppl. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. womanhood as nonconsensual performance. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand ridiculously absurd n chaotic stories
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine
always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops
she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think
she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n 99% of them haven't lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them
ummmm ya lets plot sexies
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astheroide39 · 9 months
2023 teve
muitas fotos dos looks no espelho, vinhos, selfies maquiadas, bm com a vovó, bts no cinema, recife, jaboatão, cabo, amigos, praias, viagens, muitas fotos, cinema, renner, bk, campo no sol, campo na chuva, pagoblack, reencontro das amigas, dias com a vovó, assembleia na congregação nova, foto de perfil, idosos inspiradores, muito campo, muitas fotos no campo, doente, mingau porque eu sou uma bebê, mimi e malu, malu banguela, cartas com a amiga, praia, andar de bici na praia, matar as saudades dele, ficar com mais saudades ainda dele, icaraí com os amigos, bm com a vovó e a mamis, mais campo, lindos lugares no campo, aula de inglês para crianças, merenda no papai com enzo, campo, reforma na escola, meu primeiro girassol, cover legião, comidas gostosas, crianças, batismo de alguém querido, bons momentos juntas, luau, ru com a jam, campo com minha pessoa amada, muito bolo com minha colegas favs, reencontros, vovó aqui no finde, vovó com a vovó, perebinha e vó, celebração e muita família, meu primeiro óculos de grau, mamis no campo, cinema para assistir animação de novo, keroros, despedidas, elaboração de provas, festa na escola, presentes, poranga, avon, praia, bk, cinema, meu primeiro discurso na jardim, dia da família, lanches do orador, estágio na cch, aluno fav, reencontro dos keroros com a deusa, mais despedidas, mais fotos no campo, mais fotos de looks no espelho, fotos da formatura, exposição van gogh, vovó fazendo minha ecobag, congresso nas duas partes, lasanha, amigas queridas, alice, filme no são luiz na estreia, vinho nas taças do mickey e da minnie, viagem, praia de redonda, mossoró, thermas, piscinas de águas quentes, primos amados, família feliz, congragación española norte, barbie, mamis de rosa, predicación en la bm, benfica com a jamis, visita gabriel, reunião de pioneiros, meu primeiro trabalho de carteira assinada, café no habbibs, campos animaoos, assinar de pioneira, levar a vovó no médico, tercinho conhecendo dan, diploma digital, mel, congresso na itamaraty, reunião eer, mais campo, açaí com sorvete, presente pro tercinho, despedida definitiva, minha primeira festa dos pioneiros, vovó combinando pijama com roupa de cama, casamento do pai, asamblea, nova mochilinha, mais campo, mais lanche do orador, cinema com os primos lindos, a ótima sensação de usar a roupa a primeira vez e se sentir linda, colação de grau com vovó e família, mansão abandonada, predicación con la minnie, feira auê com vovó, enzo, mamis, tia juliana, lia, cesta de gostosuras, almoço delicioso no coco bambu, mais campo, casamento tio renato e joana, homenagem alunos kumon, manutenção, cabelo horrível com bigudinho, assembleia, lasanha, amigos amados, confra, copos disney, piscina, sextou, gin, inventário, minha prineira reunião anual, bodas dos amigos, mais campo e estudos também.
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lincolndjarin · 1 year
BKS ✦ notes & bts : chapters 1-5
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spoilers for chapter 1-5 of Best Kept Secret!!
a/n :
I feel like this is just SO self indulgent of me but whatever I guess lmao, bks is my brain baby currently and I will take any excuse to talk about it. These posts are going to be long in-depth dives into my writing process, dress inspo, music i was inspired by, etc. of the mentioned chapters so settle in cause this is what i'm doing today lol. also this might be the longest one bc i'm gonna talk about starting and coming up with everything.
starting writing and original outlines :
i've said this so many times lmao but i wrote the ending first. like the ending ending. i work really long hours at a job that has me listening to music for like ten hours a day while i work so i get a lot of thinking time lmao. basically i originally wrote it as a story with no specific characters in mind. I'm a big Pedro fan so i was between characters i thought fit the fic but settled on din because i think he fit the character i was imagining best. (it helps that he's in my top three pedro characters lol) from there laid out a vague outline in my mind of where i wanted to start so i created a set list of characters and basically just dove right in without much to guide me except for an ending point lmao. it wasnt until closer to like chapter 15-16 when i started properly outline each chapter in advance in the document, before that i just wrote vague notes in a notebook that i didn't end up following all that well lmao
music :
i've also said this at one point but the original name of best kept secret was "my keeper and i" i wrote the first three chapters in the same week and spread out the posting but i used the same playlist for most of the early stuff so here's that!!
original bks playlist
inspirations :
if you've seem/read bridgerton then you might know that i took a lot of inspiration from the pattern the show uses and still do.
basically the show has a pattern of the couple getting together and breaking it off or having an issue that's resolved and then there's a new issue. i've sort of been following that sorta kinda
also reader is heavily based on charlotte because i had just finished queen charlotte when i started writing bks
din is more based on anthony bridgerton than george, (anyone unfamiliar with bridgerton, george is the love interest in queen charlotte)
also a lot of din's style of self loathing is based on edwards from twilight LMAO
notes :
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here's a random page of misc. notes that i lowkey can't decipher lol
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here are my chapter four notes! shoutout to when i didn't realize it was sarad'ika and it was originally ika sarad lmaooo
there's some unused dialogue here, specifically there was going to be a longer conversation about how he wanted to get her out of the castle more often as well as a scene where she was going to eat fruit ands it was gonna drip down her front and he was gonna wipe it off. it was gonna be a whole thing lmao but it didn't really fit the rest of the chapters vibe.
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so.... originally there was a timeline issue where the first lunar interlude (i'm a huge taz balance fan and that's where i got the name lunar interlude from lmaoooo, i have 2 taz tattoos) was going to be chapter 4 and then it was going to be chapter 6 and then it made the most sense to make it 5, so any timeline notes here are wrong.
in my original concept for the fic, every chapter was going to end with a small portion of din pov, but it didn't flow well and i really didn't like it so it ended up being easier having it be specific chapters.
when writing the first lunar interlude i went through and read the previous chapters and wrote down how i thought he was feeling during each scene which is what these notes are ^
dresses :
here's a collection of the dresses i used as inspo for chapters 1-5 (these were posted on my old account but i'm gonna put them here as well!!)
chapter one :
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the wedding dress was based on this dress!!
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and this is the sort of jewelry i was picturing but this stuff is still pretty, i couldn't find anything as ugly as what i was picturing for her wedding jewelry.
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this is the sort of stuff i pictured for her blue dresses she hates but honestly all of these are pretty as well LMAO. in all honesty i think that the blue dresses she doesn't like wearing are probably pretty i think she mostly just hates what they stand for and also they put her in gaudy makeup and jewelry as well which doesn't help
chapter two :
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used all sorts of dresses as inspo for this chapter! here are these!
chapter three :
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sort of a combination of these for the chapter three dress, if that makes sense lmao
chapter four :
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something along these lines for the garden dress!!
that's all for these chapters!! I'll probably do 6-15 for the next one since there won't be as many notes for those and then go back to five each for the rest!! i have to do some practice makeup for the concert i'm going to this week so the next one of these will be up either tonight or tomorrow!!
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thirstyvampyr · 6 months
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"In the bathroom, the wallpaper mimics the muscles on Barry’s back, all sinews and muscle, with lovely marble-like wallpaper in the panels, which sort of looks like oil that’s dripping."
Suzie Davies - Saltburn production designer
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jelly-recs · 6 months
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moonbinnie0983 · 2 years
List your top 10 biases and answer the following questions:
Tagged by @noonaishere 😊😊 (tbh anything after #1 is not in order...my mind changes day by day)
1. Moonbin (Astro)
2. Taehyung (BTS)
3. Yeosang (Ateez)
4. Changbin (Stray Kids)
5. Jaehyun (NCT)
6. Seung Cheol (Seventeen)
7. Byeongkwan (A.C.E)
8. G Dragon (Big Bang)
9. Leedo (Oneus)
10. Jiwoo (Kard)
Q1: Between 1 and 4 who would you rather kiss?
I would kiss Moonbin in a heartbeat-
Q2: Between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
I'm so sorry Tae but I feel like BK and I would get along so well
Q3: Between 5 and 10 who has a better voice?
I feel like Jaehyuns voice is better- I'm so sorry Jiwoo baby😭
Q4: Between 1 and 8 who is the funniest?
I feel like Moonbin is funnier
Q5: Between 6 and 9 who would you date?
Q6: Between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with?
Leedo more than likely, have you heard his voice-
Q7: Between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer?
Q8: Between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
Q9: Between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they're sick?
I feel like Yeosang will baby the shit out of me 😅
Q10: Between 2 and 3 who has a better smile?
How dare you try to make me pick-
Q11: Between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
Seung Cheol we goin on a vacation babes
Tagging: @chxrisworld
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luwupercal · 2 years
anyway i dont have thoughts for actual canon languages yet but i think if prosperian exists it deserves to have a writing system centered around consonants where vowel notation is optional (a la impure abjads) because (1) "i need a faster way to write bc im taking important notes on psychic things and vowels can go" + "but also sometimes i NEED to be VERY SPECIFIC because i am kind of dealing with a lot of scientifically dangerous psychic stuff so for lab safety reasons sometimes i DO need vowels to leave no margin of doubt" = the above-described, (2) i want magnus to drop vowels when writing in a hurry/a lot/etc because it would make people who can only speak one of the "standard" gothic languages that might try to read his notes have to process the string of letters "dr dry tdy wnt tsd t th trrc nd drnk t nd rd bk. hzk kps tlkng bt hs wnry prjct, m gld hs s nthsstc bt prsnl prjct lk ths. kn h frst hd th d wth hrzmd, kn h wld b prd f hs brthr. wrkng wth prtrb nxt wk, h sd h thght f smthng h nds m pnn n. hp ts nt mths rltd gn, h knws hs gt mr ptnc fr t thn m"
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candylommss · 25 days
Smartwatch Military Grade Tahan Segalanya ! Review Smartwatch Kospet Tan...
Link pembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/7zrofNuX3u
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Smartwatch ini diciptakan khusus kamu yang keseharian nya bekerja di lapangan, seperti atlet, tentara, ataupun pekerja proyek, karena smartwatch ini sudah tahan di segala kondisi, seperti tahan panas, tahan beku, banting, tabrak, bahkan zat kimia ! karena smartwatch ini sudah memiliki sertifikat military grade !
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