bl00dst41ned · 8 months
wacky screenshot but look at my simmmmm
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She looks so sweet, I can't
tell me if you want the cc links
ps: i'm not a professional Sims girl, just a Sims enthusiast
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leviscolwill · 5 months
French incoming:
le gabby là le Attal, comment je le maudis mais je le MAUDIS. À cause de lui,. je stresse pour la vie dès janvier frère JANVIERRRRR. En plus de ça, le système de merde de Blanquer, je suis là mes notes elles sont en chute libre j'irais jamais à la Sorbonne
un gouvernement caca vraiment caca de la grosse merde, pas un pour rattraper l'autre
en plus de ça la Valérie Pécresse elle continue de respirer noonnnnnn que du malheur sur euxxxxx
non c'est réel, ils sont venu des enfers pour hanter des braves gens comme toi et moi et ça c'est trop grave. comment on peut être le pays de la révolution et de la guillotine et on le met pas à l'œuvre ?
t'inquiètes pas pour tes notes ça définit pas l'entièreté de tes résultats sur parcoursup, si tu demandes lea à la sorbonne ça devrait être carré en vrai. bon courage soldat, c'est qu'une étape.
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brycesfav · 5 months
thank you for the tag @ithinkimokeei 🫶🏾🫶🏾
10 songs i've listened to recently:
sierra leone - frank ocean
let it burn - jasmine sullivan
hang on to your love - sade
kiss it better - rihanna
at your best ( you are love ) - aaliyah
yes - beyoncé
is she the reason - destiny’s child
love language - sza
coffee - miguel
over the influence - the neighbourhood
tagging: @cryingforcrocodiles @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @rwmsdale @mbappesunderwear @liverpool-enjoyer @aechii @bl00dst41ned @collectmytears
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hungrywriter · 9 months
10 Days (Finale)
Jobe Bellingham x Reader
Taglist: @hummusxx @luvvtrent @fleurographist @bl00dst41ned @elyne01 @iissza @fictional-l0v3r
A/n: I am so sorry for the late post. Too many things were happening but I'm okay now! :)
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When the boat arrived back at the docks, Jobe was greeted by his family with open arms. Y/n chuckled at his excited antics, still finding it amusing that the once rude tourist she disliked had become the person she now loved. But her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a high-pitched, annoying voice calling out for Jobe.
“Yoohoo! Hey pookie-mookie, mushy-bushy booboo bear!” The voice rang out, and Y/n couldn't help but cringe at the loudness. She wondered if she could be hired as an emergency alarm with a voice like that.
The owner of the voice ran towards Jobe and jumped into his arms. They seemed to be acting like a couple, and for a moment, Y/n's heart sank. But then she noticed Jobe gently pushing the girl away, which gave her a glimmer of hope.
“Booboo bear?” Y/n said, approaching Jobe and the girl with curiosity. Jobe seemed nervous, as if he had been caught red-handed. He took a deep breath before introducing the girl to Y/n.
“Y/n, this is Ella, my girlfriend,” Jobe said, and Y/n felt like her world was crashing down. The words cut through her heart like a knife. All the adventures and experiences they had shared over the last 10 days now felt like a painful reminder of what could have been. She felt betrayed, as if all her hard work, her boat, and her money had been in vain since meeting Jobe.
Anger surged inside her, and she struggled to contain it. In that moment, she wanted to hurt the couple, to make them feel the pain she was experiencing. But she managed to compose herself, avoiding shaking Ella's outstretched hand and instead choosing to leave the docks with her belongings.
As she walked away, she couldn't help but hope that Jobe would come after her, to explain or make things right. But he didn't. Fucking coward. 
A week had passed since Jobe's return to London, and his tale of being stranded on an island had become a global sensation, thanks to Emma's penchant for making things a big deal, despite Jobe's desire to keep it quiet. While the Bellingham family had settled back into their routine, Jude couldn't help but notice a change in Jobe's demeanour. Sensing an opportunity to talk, Jude entered his brother's room without any announcement or knocking, causing Jobe to startle slightly before resuming his cleaning.
“So... Y/n,” Jude began, noting the tension that immediately gripped his younger brother at the mere mention of her name. Jobe continued his tasks without facing Jude, his unease palpable. After a few minutes of silence, Jobe let out a sigh and turned to lean against his table.
“What about her?”
Jude observed his brother's posture and could sense the inner turmoil he was going through. He didn't want to push Jobe too hard, but he also knew that sometimes a little nudge could help.
“I mean, both of you seemed pretty close to me. Almost like you were in love, dude,” Jude commented, treading carefully. Jobe remained silent for a while, his expression conflicted. Finally, he looked at Jude, and what his older brother saw in his eyes was a mixture of regret and sadness.
"What do you want me to do?" Jobe's frustration seeped into his words. "We're back in London, and she's all the way out there."
Jude paused, considering his response carefully. "I get it, Jobe. But you shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish." He let his words sink in before continuing, "But let me leave you with this. Do you love Ella, or do you love Y/n?"
Jobe lowered his gaze, lost in his thoughts as he wrestled with the question. Jude sensed that it was a lot for his brother to process at the moment, so he decided to give him space. He walked out of the room, hopeful that their conversation might have helped Jobe sort through his feelings.
As the door closed behind Jude, Jobe was left alone with his thoughts. He leaned against the table, the weight of his choices heavy on his mind. Love was never meant to be easy, and he was beginning to realise the depth of his emotions. The memory of his time with Y/n on the island kept replaying in his mind, juxtaposed against the reality of his life in London.
He knew he had a decision to make, one that would shape not only his own future but also the lives of those he cared about. He silently wished that there would be someone or something to guide him to make the right decision.
A few nights later, Jobe found himself at the restaurant Ella favored. Although it wasn't his preferred choice, he concealed his displeasure, as was his usual practice. The couple perused the menus, with Jobe already aware that Ella would order her usual steak, while he would opt for the salad and the soup of the day. It was still football season, and he needed to maintain his diet.
Sipping on his sparkling juice, Jobe was taken aback when the waiter approached their table. To his surprise, the waiter turned out to be Y/n, dressed in the restaurant's attire, holding a notebook and a pen. Shocked, he accidentally swallowed his juice, causing him to choke. Y/n rushed to his aid, helping him recover. When he glanced at her again, she seemed to have transformed, her appearance entirely different.
“Oh my god, pookie-wookie, are you okay?” Ella exclaimed as she hurried to his side, assisting him. Once he had regained his composure, he looked at her and was even more astonished. Outside the restaurant, by the bus stop, he spotted Y/n dressed as a salesperson, selling balloons to children. A bus arrived and departed, leaving behind a muscular man who had now transformed into a balloon animal artist.
Returning his focus to the dinner table, Ella tried to lift his spirits with silly faces, though it only made him cringe internally. Jobe assured Ella that he was fine, and they continued waiting for their meal. Suddenly, the host announced that the live band would perform a song. Jobe paid no attention until he heard the name of the song. The singer began performing a song called 'Y/n.'
“Has there always been a song like this?” Jobe pondered. Initially filled with anger and aggression, the song suddenly shifted to a softer melody, mirroring his rollercoaster experience with Y/n. The entire dinner was consumed by thoughts and emotions connected to Y/n, a feeling Jobe despised. He tried to figure out how to broach the topic with Ella, but her question caught him off guard.
“Who’s the girl?” Ella inquired, not looking away from her food. Jobe attempted to deflect the question, but her intense gaze demanded an answer. “How did you know?”
“Jobe, I’m not oblivious. Men wear a certain look when they're deeply in love, and you've never worn that look with me. But when I saw you with that village girl on the boat, you were practically glowing with love. I was a bit hurt, but I saw this coming. I thought maybe I could break through your tough, aloof exterior, but it seems someone else did it first,” Ella remarked. Jobe was speechless, not expecting such a response. He struggled to find the words, but Ella interjected.
“It's okay, Jobe. I forgive you. Just promise me you'll take care of her. Be a better man. Don’t treat her the way you treated me. Every person deserves happiness. Now go, before I change my mind,” Ella said with a smile. Jobe smiled back, grateful for Ella's understanding. He hugged her and settled the bill before heading home. Ella shook her head and returned to her own residence.
On his way home, Jobe contemplated Ella’s words. 'Don’t treat her the way you treated me.' Had he truly mistreated her? He made a mental note to express his gratitude to Ella properly. She deserved a farewell that wasn't merely a breakup during dinner. He set that note aside as he focused on his plan. All he hoped for was that Y/n would still want to be with him.
Y/n was in the midst of sweeping the resort's pool area, boredom settling in. Stuck in the village with no money, Jobe had returned home with his girlfriend, a word that left a bitter taste in her mouth. She felt betrayed and embarrassed, realizing that he had used her for entertainment due to the village's limited offerings. Her irritation grew when someone called her name repeatedly. She swept the floor aggressively, but the caller persisted. Finally, she turned around.
“Listen, sir, I'm a very busy woman, so if you could please go awa—” her words trailed off as she locked eyes with the last person she expected to see: Jobe Bellingham, standing with a small bag, his brother sipping a pina colada nearby. 
“Too busy even for me?” he quipped, offering a faint smile. Y/n walked slowly towards him and, when close enough, slapped him across the face. Jobe, although taken aback, understood he deserved it.
“Okay, I deserved that,” he admitted.
Y/n quickly pulled him into a kiss, their arms wrapping around each other naturally, as if they were meant to be. When they broke apart, Jobe wore a wide grin. “Okay, I deserved that too,” Y/n chuckled.
“Shut up,” she whispered before kissing him again. Their passion ignited once more, and Jobe's brother, Jude, disgusted, walked away to give them some privacy. Jobe then remembered something and handed her the small bag. “For you.”
Curious, Y/n opened the bag and found it filled with money. She gasped and quickly zipped it closed, casting a cautious glance around.
“Jobe, what is this?” she whispered.
“You told me you wanted to leave this island. Because of me, you lost all your money. Now, I get to help you. You can finally start a new life, with me, in London,” Jobe declared enthusiastically. Although Y/n had worries etched on her face, she smiled and nodded. Jobe's heart swelled with happiness, and they shared another passionate kiss.
Y/n made her way to the waiting car where Jobe was already waiting. He helped load her bags and held her close once he was done. “Are you ready?”
Y/n gazed back at the resort, where the staff waved their farewells. She saw the manager and told Jobe to wait for a moment. She ran to the manager, and they shared a heartfelt hug, tears streaming down their faces. Afterward, she returned to the car. With one final goodbye, Y/n entered the car with Jobe, her heart a mix of anxiety and excitement as they set off to begin their new life together in London.
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letmeapologise · 14 days
rules: post your lock screen, wallpaper, last song n last picture of an animal/something pretty
thank u for the tag bae @bl00dst41ned 🫶
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last song is on the lock screen !! i love frank ocean n liverpool if it wasn’t already obvious 🚶‍♀️
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do you write for jobe? 😜
No but @bl00dst41ned does
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ihe4rtisa · 9 months
Tagged by @bl00dst41ned : first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
(I had to look up quotes cause there were none on mine😭)
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@iissza @lomltrentarnold
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ts1m1kas · 5 months
list 5 things you enjoy to let your followers get to know you and ask this to 10 other bloggers
hi love !! hope you're well 🩷 i know @bl00dst41ned tagged me too, so i'll do it in one !!
my 5 things are:
stephen tries - another one of my underrated babies !! his podcast fuels my day to day life
football - obviously
history - been really into history my whole life, just one thing i really enjoy !!
getting my nails done - i'm a high maintenance girlie, what can i say 🤷‍♀️
collecting liverpool shirts - my collection is growing, and nothing makes me happier than wearing a new shirt for the first time ❤️
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trentscc · 4 months
thanks for the tag @kylianwifey 💕
last song - system - yeat
favourite colour - purple
last movie/show - straight outta compton
next on my watch list - reacher
last book - i haven’t read in so long 😭
last game - sims 4
sweet/savoury/spicy - savoury
greatest flaw - procrastination 😔
relationship status - delusional
last thing i searched online - roman reigns🤭
tagging: @ncentic @j4mal @trentswrld @erlingshaalands @bl00dst41ned
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bl00dst41ned · 9 months
"Tagged" by @zowaknows
url playlist (since i'm addicted to music)
cheated a bit cause i can't do with these numbers. also I have a pretty versatile music taste, you'll see
L - Lemon by N.E.R.D. & Rihanna
O - O'KCLH by 4Keus Gang
O - On The Low by Burna Boy
D - Downright by Pip Millett (been addicted to this song for a few days)
S - Shirt by SZA (literally the inspo behind my user)
T - The Bigger End by NBA Youngboy
A - Against All Odds by Phil Collins
I - I Was Never There by The Weeknd
N - No Woman No Cry by Tems
E - En ville by PLK & SDM
D - Dreams & Nightmares by Meek Mill
do it if you want but especially @deff0notaqsa @ihe4rtisa @marjorie892 and @luvvtrent (edit: @pedritboy and @barcagirly too)
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leviscolwill · 8 months
my Android sister (j'espère t'es toujours de mon côté),
T'as fait comment pour tes fake texts stp ??
I need it
je t'abandonne pas don't worry girl, j'ai installé une application qui s'appelle MeMi Message, elle est galère à comprendre mais elle est très slay
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brycesfav · 3 months
nine people id like to get to know better 🎀
- rules: answer the questions and tag nine* people you'd like to know better.
- *LOOSE suggestion just tag however many ppl you're comfy with :)
thank you for the tag love @inejschumacher 🫂
last song: 10 seconds by jazmine sullivan
last show i watched: death note (my first anime lol)
spicy/sweet/savoury: spicy
current obsession: brandon miller ( pookie ), asmr videos, youtube shorts, and carlos sainz
relationship status: single 😞
tagging @lavisenri @louvrepool @bl00dst41ned @collectmytears @onherereading @20-th-centurygirl @conoreeces
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hungrywriter · 11 months
10 Days (Pt. 4)
Jobe Bellingham x reader
Taglist: @hummusxx @luvvtrent @fleurographist @bl00dst41ned @elyne01 @iissza @fictional-l0v3r 
A/n: Here is a longer chapter, while you shall starve for part 5.
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The next day, as the early morning sun cast a golden glow over the beach, Jobe strolled along the sandy shore once again. As he approached the beach house, he caught sight of Y/n diligently cleaning the exterior, a determined expression on her face. A warm smile tugged at the corners of his lips, appreciating her hard work. Wanting to announce his presence, he coughed softly as he reached the front steps.
Y/n turned at the sound and a brief smile flickered across her face. However, upon realising it was Jobe, a scowl swiftly replaced the smile. Disheartened, Jobe understood that winning her over wouldn't be easy. Undeterred, he positioned himself in front of her, causing her to pause in her sweeping. As she looked up at him, Jobe couldn't help but notice how adorable she appeared, despite her initial hostility. He quickly refocused his thoughts on what he had come to say.
"Bring me out," Jobe requested with a playful tone, hoping to catch her off guard.
Confused, Y/n furrowed her brow. "What do you mean? Like... on a date?" she asked hesitantly, unsure of his intentions.
Jobe chuckled, trying to alleviate her nervousness. "No, not a date. I'm just bored and in need of some fun. And it seems like you know your way around here. Perhaps you can show me the ropes?"
Amused by her nervous reaction, Jobe decided to playfully tease her. He took a slow step towards her, causing Y/n to retreat until her back met the wall. Leaning casually against the wall, Jobe raised his arm, flexing his developing muscles in a lighthearted display.
"Unless... you want to make this a date," he purred, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Y/n's mouth hung open in surprise, clearly unaccustomed to his playful advances. Her face turned as red as a tomato, and in her flustered state, she used the end of the broom to hit his calf. Jobe yelped in pain, hopping away and rubbing his leg.
Y/n quickly darted inside the house, attempting to shut the door, but Jobe's quick reflexes intervened. He halted the door's movement with his foot, interlacing his hands in a pleading gesture.
"Please, let me come with you. I promise I won't be a hassle. I'll keep quiet, I swear. I’ll pay you even!" Jobe pleaded, noticing a flicker of softness in Y/n's eyes before her frown returned. She hesitated momentarily, her body relaxing, revealing that she had given in.
"How much?" she asked. Jobe cheered in his head, finally getting her attention.
“As much as you want. I have money,” He answered, showing her the black card he has. Perks of a celebrity. He could see that Y/n was contemplating but she slowly nodded. “Fine, let me get ready”
And with that, the door closes. Jobe couldn't contain his excitement, a sense of victory filling him. Although his plan to charm her hadn't gone as expected, he didn't mind. Waiting patiently on the steps, he contemplated the endless possibilities of fun activities they could do together, his mind racing with anticipation.
Throughout the day, Jobe had been shadowing Y/n like a lost baby animal, constantly seeking her attention. At first, Y/n found this behaviour annoying and refused to engage with him. However, as the hours passed, she slowly started to warm up to his presence, engaging in small conversations from time to time. Nevertheless, Y/n didn't hesitate to scold Jobe whenever necessary, making it clear that his actions were not always welcome.
As the day progressed, the vibrant hues of sunrise gradually transformed into the gentle colours of sunset. Y/n had one last task to complete, and it seemed to hold a sense of secrecy that intrigued Jobe. Unlike earlier instances when he accompanied her into various shops, this time Y/n requested Jobe to wait outside. Uncertain of the nature of her errand, Jobe complied, patiently standing outside the shop. However, as time ticked by, boredom quickly settled in. His phone had died, leaving him with no means of entertainment or communication. Additionally, he wasn't even sure if the locals spoke English, further isolating him in this unfamiliar place.
Staring into the captivating scenery before him, Jobe's attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of children's laughter. Curious, he turned his gaze and discovered a group of kids merrily tossing a ball among themselves. They seemed to be immersed in their own game, devoid of any rules or objectives. A mischievous idea sparked in Jobe's mind, and a sly smirk formed on his face. Determined to alleviate his boredom, he decided to approach the children and put his plan into action.
Y/n sighed in relief as the negotiation came to a close. She stood up, extending her hand to shake the dealer's, a gesture of professionalism. She discreetly stashed the money in her bag, knowing deep down that her actions were necessary despite conflicting with her personal values. Urgency had driven her to this point, and she couldn't afford to dwell on her doubts.
Leaving the shop, she scanned the area and spotted Jobe engrossed in a game of football with the local children. It was a sport unfamiliar to her homeland, but seeing the joy it brought to everyone involved, she couldn't help but appreciate it. Y/n decided to join in on the uplifting atmosphere and purchased two cups of drinks before settling on the nearest bench. Slowly sipping her drink, she observed Jobe as he interacted with the kids, his gentle nature shining through. His enthusiasm and encouragement added to the lively game, and his genuine connection with the children became evident.
With some moments of solitude, Y/n had the chance to truly see Jobe for who he was. Gone was the drama queen she had encountered during their initial meeting at the hotel. She noticed his attractive physique and well-groomed hair, features that added to his appeal. His infectious smile brought newfound vibrancy to the once sombre town, spreading joy and eliciting smiles from all those around him. Y/n couldn't help but appreciate the curiosity gleaming in his eyes, always observant of his surroundings, a quality that translated well into his football skills.
"He's actually quite impressive," Y/n thought to herself, a smile naturally forming on her lips. This transformed version of Jobe made her forget the initial negative impression she had of him. However, her moment of reflection was interrupted when Jobe noticed her presence. She hoped he hadn't caught her staring, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. Jobe, however, wore a knowing smile and didn't mention her sudden change in behaviour. He approached her, instructing the children to continue playing, and joined her on the bench. Y/n averted her gaze, ashamed of her previous actions, but Jobe's friendly presence helped ease the tension. As he buttoned up his shirt, having discarded some buttons due to the heat, she passed him the extra drink. He thanked her, appreciating the newfound warmth in her demeanour.
After a few moments of silence and contemplation, the duo finally decided to head back to the resort. Y/n graciously offered to accompany Jobe, ensuring he wouldn't get lost or, worse, kidnapped. The journey back was quiet, but there was no awkwardness between them. Once they reached the resort lobby, Y/n turned to Jobe, extending her hand and demanding payment. Jobe took a moment to comprehend the situation and let out a nervous chuckle.
"Wait, I promised to pay you after our outing," Jobe spoke, straightening his shirt and adjusting his posture to convey his seriousness. The calm expression on Y/n's face quickly transformed into a frown. Jobe instinctively took a step back, secretly hoping she didn't possess a weapon.
"Are you serious? I spent the entire day showing you around town! Isn't that enough?" Y/n exclaimed angrily, her voice growing louder.
"I understand, but my vacation isn't over yet. I'll pay you once you take me out until my last day here," Jobe explained. Y/n paused for a moment, attempting to grasp his words. Finally comprehending his request, she turned around and stormed off, muttering something under her breath. Jobe chuckled lightly, shouting a farewell after her. He entered the elevator with a smile, ready to continue enjoying his time at the resort.
However, as the elevator doors began to close, Jobe's brother Jude stumbled in, reeking of alcohol and beer. It was evident that he had just returned from the hotel bar, a place Jobe was not yet allowed to enter.
"What's got you grinning like an idiot?" Jude slurred his words, leaning heavily on Jobe's shoulder. Jobe rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Before he could think about his girl, he needed to ensure his intoxicated brother reached their room safely.
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lomltrentarnold · 11 months
tag game <3
━ tagged from: @bl00dst41ned!
rules: tag the people you want to know better
relationship status: single & not ready to mingle, but very much a hopeless romantic
fav color: purple or any pastel colours!!! especially sage green and soft pink <3
song/s stuck in my head:
what was i made for by billie eilish (make me sob every single time and i love it)
open arms by sza & travis scott (the bridge will always get me)
sprinter by dave & central cee (loop over and over)
last song i listened to: august by taylor swift
last googled: how do scented beads work 😭😭😭😭
dream trip: london, greece, bali
anything i want now: write in my journal, do word search, smores 🥹
tags: im breaking the rules, whoever wants to do it can <3
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bl00dst41ned · 9 months
why do i love white boys with buzz cut / very short hair ?
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bl00dst41ned · 9 months
can't believe rihanna has a family with my male celebrity crush, who himself has a family with my female celebrity crush
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