#black hex-cellence
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Clementine Barnabet, Female identified African American Serial Killer and powerful holder of malevolent Black Hex-cellence.
Clementine Barnabet was a beautiful dark-skinned young woman born c. 1894 in St. Martinsville, Louisiana who was believed to possess a singular talent for mind control and murder.
At the tender age of 17 she personally attested to being responsible for at least 35 gruesome axe murders of African American men, women, and children, 17 of which she committed herself. You see, Clementine was believed to be the co-leader (along with her father)of a murderous religious sect called the Church of Sacrifice/Sanctify whose members embarked on a bloody axe killing spree that spanned the states of Louisiana and Texas.
She said that the reason she committed the murders was to acquire occult powers needed to create a gris gris that would make her invulnerable. Clementine was caught when someone searched in her closet and found several articles of her clothing drenched in blood, gore, and brain matter.
Some people were titillated and scandalized by the sensational headlines surrounding this black woman and couldn't decide on whether the detailed accounts she gave of her crimes were true because of her "bestial" African ancestry or false because she was simply a weak willed woman physically and morally unable to carry out such physically brutal acts of violence.
Clementine Barnabet was sentenced to a life sentence at the brutal Angola prison in Louisiana but was let out a mere 10 years later after undergoing an experimental brain procedure that "fixed" her........... Then she disappeared.
Her whereabouts were unknown until several decades later a woman came forward to recall that her great grandmother would tell her very gruesome and detailed stories about Church of Sacrifice's axe murder spree as she was growing up. When her great grandmother died she left her a long hidden painting of herself from her days of youthful beauty......it was the spitting image of Clementine.
I hope you take away two things from this story of Black Hex-cellence:
1) Her malevolent gris gris worked. She died at the ripe old age of 102 with plenty of descendants and her mental facilities fully intact.
2)It took a rootwoman just as powerful ( if not more)to stop her killing spree so if you think hoodoo is only about making photogenic spells to post on Instagram think again.
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