#black kdrama male lead coat
calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 1/52: January 1st - January 8th 2023 | New Year’s Day! 🍔
Happy New Year!!! It’s 2023. First day of the year - slept for 11 hours straight and only woke up at my 12pm alarm lol. I died. Starting off the year with plenty of sleep. Got ready and headed to Apple Store to pick up my new phone. Met up with bf for our last day together before he goes out of town again for 4 weeks 😭😭😭 Thanks to the company holiday party, both of us each got a $25 giftcard to Cactus Club Cafe so today we went to the Coal Harbour location for food hehehe. I got their cajun chicken burger and it was quite yum (all I ever eat at CCC are burgers LMAO). I still have $6 left on my giftcard LOL so I have to go back. Left super full!!! :3
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yibo-wang · 1 year
Do it! Give us a part 2! Also can't wait for Yibo's looks tonight! 😍
now that the chanel events over let's get to it !
Not in any particular order but gotta mention this one first cause I can't get over it. Straight up serving here in givenchy. the waist, the pants, the red heeled shoes 😳🔥 im in love
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Realised he's worn a lot of black suits in the last two years so you'll probably see more of those here too
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But like especially this velvet one paired with that delicate jewelry around his neck! give his stylist a raise !
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I don't even have to say much with this one!! the hair, the hanfu, the black and gold paired with the sheer coat !! He is the moment !!
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you can barely see in this one BUT THE FULL LENGTH ARMANI COAT!! the turtleneck, the hairstyle. Kdrama male lead!!
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Been a while since we've gotten idol!yibo so adding this for the sweet sweet nostalgia. he was serving **** that day.
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both of these SDC outfits show off his long legs. The Chanel tweed jacket, the jewelry but also 10/10 on these hairstyles. He's literally model material 😍
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ending this one with today's look like I'll be thinking about this for a long time. He was dressed so pretty today. easily the most handsome person in the event.
[part 1]
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
24 Days of CHRISMAS: Day 23
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Content info: Chan and YN are driving home for Christmas (but via train because climate change) and end up sitting next to each other. It’s a meet cute, basically.
Word count: 1195
Warnings: Author Hare has possibly kitschy taste in Kdramas (I am just sappy, Your Honour)
“Is this seat taken?”
In all honesty, you really don’t want anyone sitting next to you. The train is bursting at the seams, you reserved your seat weeks ago because today, one day before Christmas, it would of course be more than full.
But as you glance up and see the attractive young man smiling down at you, you feel like it absolutely could have been worse. So, you nod. “Sure,” you even say with a little gesture and move your backpack under your seat.
“Thanks,” he breathes, visibly relieved, as he falls into the seat next to you, pushing his own backpack into the gap under the seat in front of him. You try not to stare at him in his red-black chequered flannel and torn black skinny jeans as he wriggles out of his coat and then takes a few deep breaths. He really is well fit.
You try to turn your attention back to your iPad where you are watching a Kdrama on Netflix, and restart the episode. Handsome next to you is on his phone, and you almost forget his presence as the male lead in the drama appears just as the female lead is lost in the woods and helps her find her way back. You jump lightly as your seat neighbour suddenly speaks.
You pull year AirPod out and glance to your right, over at him. “Pardon?”
He smiles at you, a little sheepish. “I said I loved that scene. I’ve also watched that drama.”
A handsome guy dressed like a punk rock star/fuckboy who watches romantic drama? Is this your personal Christmas present or is fate trying to show you once again just how single you are?
You smile back. “It’s actually not my first time watching it. It’s just so good!”
Handsome shakes his head. “Gah, I know. And the male lead. He is SO good looking – why is he so good looking?!” His exasperation seems real, but at the same time you can’t help but wonder if your seat neighbour owns a mirror. And if he’s into women.
The ticket collector comes by to check both of your tickets, and as cute guy puts his wallet away, he pulls out a package of chocolate chip cookies. He offers you the closed box. “Would you like some? I’m Chan, by the way.”
“YN.” You smile at him, and he reciprocates the expression.
“Lovely to meet you, fellow drama fan. I thought maybe you’d need some sustenance when pining for handsome boys.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Is that how you do it?” you ask as you tear open the packaging. Mhmmm, triple chocolate, your favourite kind.
“Ouch!” Chan rubs his neck like an anime character. “But… yeah, maybe?” He also takes a cookie and leans back in his seat. “I’m not here for the handsome boys, though. Or girls, that is. I mean I like girls, you know? I just-“ He blushes. “I just like the stories,” he ends meekly before closing his eyes for a moment, obviously cursing himself.
You contemplate for a moment, then offer him your other AirPod. “Do you want to watch with me?”
Chan doesn’t even hesitate but immediately holds out his hand. “I was hoping you’d ask,” he smiles, and accepts the earphone.
You turn the iPad so he won’t have to sit completely crookedly, and dig into the cookies as you watch together, commenting on the plot points and mimicking the funniest lines. You can’t help noticing that you’re leaning into each other, shoulder to shoulder, and this shouldn’t be so comfortable, what with a total stranger sharing your personal space, but it is. You can’t explain it, though, so might as well just enjoy it. With your luck, he’s only minutes away from telling you about his gorgeous girlfriend or whatever.
At the end of the episode, a serious scene comes along, and you can feel tears standing in your eyes, threatening to spill over. You blink a few times, and suddenly, there is a tissue below your eyelashes – Chan is catching your tears before they can roll down your cheeks.
You glance over at him, and he’s smiling softly. “I knew this would happen,” he explains quietly, “I cried, too, when I first watched it.”
“Thanks.” You accept the tissue, and your hands brush, sparks dancing in the space between you. Honestly, who is that guy, your personal Christmas angel?
The episode ends, and you use the opportunity to blow your nose. Chan puts away the empty cookie packaging. “Are you on your way to visit family?” he asks, because while you each know about the other’s Kdrama trope preferences now, you don’t actually have any details on the other’s life.
You nod, your tears mostly dried. “Yeah. I’m there for only a few days before I have to get back to work, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He smiles gently. “You love your family a lot, don’t you?”
A smile lights up your face. “I can’t wait to see my baby niece, she’s already walking!” You shake your head a little, excited at the prospect. “What about you? You’re not just on the train to make random Kdrama acquaintances?”
Chan giggles. “I mean, that’s a perk, but I am also visiting family. I’m there soon, though-“ He glances at his phone. “The next stop is mine.”
“Oh.” You can’t help but hide your disappointment. The next stop is only minutes away.
Chan seems to be fighting with himself, then he turns to you, holding his phone. “Hey, I was thinking – who is going to hand you a tissue during that scene where the male lead stabs his love interest?”
You have a suspicion of where he’s going with that but decide to play along and shiver exaggeratedly. “I don’t know! What a terrible thought!”
Chan’s smile is shy and hopeful. “Would you maybe want to give me your number? We could arrange to take the train back together or something… So you don’t have to watch alone?”
You smile back and wordlessly extend your hand to take his phone. You punch in your number and save it as “Drama Girl”. Chan reads it over your shoulder and nods in approval. Just then, the train conductor announces his stop. It’s weird how you’ve only spent an hour together and still you know you’ll miss him as soon as he’s gone. This really was a special Christmas present of a meeting.
Chan shrugs into his jacket, wrestles his backpack out from underneath the seat and then seems to hesitate before leaning down to you and pressing a tiny kiss to your forehead. “See you soon, Drama Girl,” he says, smiling one last time at you before walking down the aisle, and then he’s out of sight.
Your phone vibrates; it’s a text from an unknown number. You open the message and find a gif from the drama you just watched together, together with a bunch of smiley emojis. You can’t help but smile at the phone like an idiot. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve just found the male lead for the drama of your own life…?
~Day 24~
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kawaiikichi · 4 years
Were We? (Saiou Week Day 7)
Surprise, surprise, I actually managed to write something for Saiou Week! I feel like it could also fall under the prompt “Past Life” for Day 2 but because the past life in this references to them during the killing game and their present life is something completely different, I decided to just post it under free day.
I hope you all like it! :D
Title: Were We?
Prompt: Shuichi’s Birthday or Free Day
Summary: Shuichi has spent over three hundred years as a Grim Reaper, roaming the streets of Tokyo and leading deceased souls to the afterlife. One day, he runs into a purple-haired male whom he has seen in his dreams and it makes him feel emotions he hasn’t felt in god knows how long.
One-Shot Notes: Inspired by the Kdrama Goblin with Shuichi as the Grim Reaper and Kokichi as Sunny; their past life is them in the killing game while their present life is with Shuichi as the grim reaper and Kokichi as a human
Warnings: A sprinkling of angst, NDRV3 spoilers; read at your own risk!
Read on under the cut!
Shuichi walked along the sidewalk, the crisp autumn breeze ruffling his black hair and making his long, black trench coat flutter with each step he took. He stuffed his leather glove-clad hands into his pockets, hoping to warm them as he walked to his destination.
He had no souls to collect and take back to his tea shop until the afternoon, so he decided to take a walk and get himself some coffee before heading to the first accident that was supposed to take place. He also wanted to get away from Rantaro, the immortal goblin that he’s been rooming with as of late. His singing was obnoxious, anyway.
Upon arriving at the coffee shop he frequented, he was met with the warm and comforting smell of baked sweets and freshly brewed coffee. The barista at the counter greeted him, a wide smile on his face. Shuichi greeted him in response as he grabbed for an empty medium-sized cup.
“Americano with no sugar and no cream, correct?” he asked.
“Yeah, that’s correct. You know me well, Naegi-kun.” Shuichi told him.
“Well, you come here so often that I know your order by now!” Makoto slid a small plate with a cream cheese danish on it across the counter. “Here’s your danish as well, Saihara-kun.” he said.
“Thank you.” Shuichi replied.
After paying, he went to sit at the window bar. He nibbled on his danish as he watched passerbys walk the streets. He let his mind wander, and just like it usually did, it went to a male whose face he was unable to see.
Recently, Shuichi has been having dreams involving him. They always took place in what the grim reaper assumed to be a school, but it gave off prison vibes and it rubbed Shuichi the wrong way. But what happened between him and the male in that prison-esque school building could only be summarized as eventful and fun.
The male seemed to be a pain in the ass at times, lying all the time and pulling pranks on other people that were at the school, but the times they spent together were nice. They played games in the dining hall, hid away together in the casino, and read books in the basement library until they fell asleep on each other, blankets wrapped around each other with the male’s head on his shoulder and his head resting against the male’s.
These dreams were filled with happiness and love confessions whispered against each other’s lips as they pressed against each on the couch in the AV room, the film they were watching long forgotten. The Shuichi in those dreams was overjoyed and he looked at the male in his arms with love, which confused the grim reaper when he woke up from that particular dream.
Never in his three hundred years of life had he felt such an emotion so raw and passionate.
Fueled by his curiosity, he looked forward to these dreams. He wondered about how the Shuichi in his dreams interacted with this male he was dating and if these two were able to get out of the school that held them captive and away from the black and white robotic bear that played them like a fiddle in this killing game they were thrown into, living happily ever after.
But what the grim reaper dreamed of last night was anything but nice. In fact, it resembled a nightmare. Everything was smeared in darkness and steeped in the pungent, coppery scent of blood. There was mourning over the execution of a guy named Gonta, whose heart was made of gold and who wouldn’t dare hurt a fly (literally). There was screaming, shouting, tears, and words that pierced through the heart like sharpened blades and spilled blood everywhere without mercy, the dream eventually ending with images of a bloodied hydraulic press.
The way the dream ended last night unsettled Shuichi. Those images were still fresh in his mind as he took a sip from his Americano. Bitterness coated his taste buds, but it wasn’t the pleasant kind that he was accustomed to. Instead, it made his nose crinkle and his body tense from the intensity of it.
He didn’t bother finishing this coffee this time and wolfed down his danish before heading out, hoping that the subtle sweetness would overpower the bitterness that lingered in his mouth.
He eventually found himself strolling along a bridge, which seemed unusually quiet for a Monday morning. Well, save for a nearby jewelry booth that he spotted out of the corner. His eyebrow twitched.
Is that even allowed? he asked himself.
He shook his head, clicking his teeth before sighing.
“Whatever. It doesn’t concern me.” he said.
He started to walk past the booth when the owner of the booth called out to him.
“Hey, Mister Handsome in Black!” a chirpy voice called out.
Shuichi came to a stop, wanting nothing more than to tap on his watch and disappear from her sight.
Can’t anybody let me be in peace today? he wondered to himself.
He shot a glance at the owner, who turned out to be a girl in her twenties with wavy black hair and sparkling amber eyes. Her red lips pulled upward into a smile.
“Are you in need of some new accessories?” she asked.
Shuichi turned his body more, lowering his gaze to the sparkling jewelry and then up to the girl, who continued to beam at him.
“These kinds of accessories aren’t my style.” he told her.
Besides, you can tell at first glance that they’re cheap ripoffs of the real thing, his mind supplied for him.
This only made her giggle.
“Oh, no worries! Then, you could get one for your girlfriend. I’m sure it’ll please her very much.” she said.
“I don’t swing that way.” Shuichi told her.
She blinked her eyes, shooting him a dumbfounded look as he continued.
“I have a preference for guys, so buying something for a so-called girlfriend would be pointless.” he told her.
“I see...well, maybe your boyfriend would like something from here!” she said.
Shuichi got ready to tell her that he didn’t have a boyfriend, but she was already reaching for a purple rope bracelet with a simple puzzle piece charm on it.
“Here, you could buy this. It’s simple, but quite cute.” she told him.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested.” he said.
She puffed her cheeks out.
“Come on! It doesn’t even cost that much. I’m sure you could give me a couple yen.” she said, growing more persistent with each word she spoke.
“Really, I’m fine! I don’t want to buy anything—“ he stopped, gold eyes landing on a checkered scarf.
It was just a simple checkered scarf and yet, Shuichi felt a tug in his heart. It was like the scarf was calling his name, begging for him to pick it up and buy it.
His hand started moving on its own before he could stop it. It inches further and further towards the checkered fabric, the tug at his heart growing stronger. His finger brushed along it as another hand appeared in his vision, snatching the scarf up and abruptly snapping him out of whatever trance he had fallen under.
“Oooh, this looks cute! This is totally my style. How much is it?”
Shuichi blinked, looking to his right and locking on a male wispy purple hair that stuck out in all directions. He was shorter than him, making him about five foot one, if he had to guess. The male wore a black and white sawtooth pattern coat with dark denim skinny jeans and black ankle boots.
Almost as if the male knew he was being watched, he turned away from the girl running the booth and locked eyes with Shuichi. The grim reaper felt the wind being knocked out of him the minute it happened. The male’s eyes were a deep shade of purple that sparkled like precious gems in the morning light.
Then, it happened.
Snippets from the dreams he’d been having came slamming into him like a truck, accompanied by a chirpy voice.
“Saihara-chan, let’s play a game!”
“Nishishi! It was just a lie. Or was I lying about that being a lie? The world may never know!”
“I...like you too, Saihara-chan.”
“Ew, I don’t think I can understand why you like black coffee so much.”
“Come oooooooon, Saihara-chan! You promised we’d go swimming!”
“Saihara-chan...I’m sorry.”
“...I’ll always love you, Saihara-chan.”
Before Shuichi could process what was happening, a single tear trailed down his cheek. He could only stare at the male with a dumbfounded look on his face.
The male peered at Shuichi curiously, brows furrowed and lips pursed.
“Why are you watching me like that? I saw this first.” he waved the scarf around. “You hear me? I saw it first. First!” he shouted.
However, Shuichi didn’t respond. The male arched a brow as he continued to look Shuichi up and down.
“Wait a minute...are you crying?” he leaned in closer. “Oh shit, you are.” he said.
Minty breath tickled his lips and the minute Shuichi realized how close his face was, he immediately jerked back like he burned himself.
“H-Huh?” he stammered out.
“You were crying just now.” the male pointed out.
“What? I wasn’t—“ Shuichi reached up to touch his cheek and immediately felt the wet tear trail on it.
He dabbed at it in surprise. He couldn’t remember the last time he shed a tear, let alone if he actually did during the amount of time he’s been alive. Just what the heck was going on?
The male continued to eye him.
“Do you want it? The scarf, that is. I wanted to buy it because it looked neat, but if you want it…” he murmured.
“Uh...I…” Shuichi trailed off.
“Hm? Are you speechless? Is it because I’m so drop dead gorgeous that you can’t say anything?” the male teased.
“Wha…?!” Shuichi gawked at him in shock, cheeks flushing red.
“Nishishi! Aw, you’re adorable when you’re flustered! It makes me want to kiss you.” the male said.
The blush on Shuichi’s cheeks deepened, which only made him giggle more.
“But seriously, do you want it? Because if you do, I’m not gonna give it to you for free.” the male held his hand out to him. “Give me your number.” he said.
“My...number?” Shuichi questioned.
“Yeah? I’m going to need to contact you in regards to this scarf, you know.”
“I don’t have one.”
The male blinked twice.
“Wait. You’re telling me you don’t have a phone?” he asked.
“I don’t have one.” Shuichi replied.
“Why not?”
“I don’t need one, that’s why.”
“How could you not need one? We live in the twenty-first century! Of course you need a cell phone!”
“I just don’t see why I need to have one.”
“Because…!” the male heaved a deep sigh. “Okay, I can’t be doing this right now. I guess that means this scarf will be mine.” he said.
He moved to tie the scarf around his neck, but Shuichi spoke, effectively stopping him.
“W-Wait! Set the scarf down. Write your number down and place it there with the scarf. I’ll call you.” he proposed.
“Weeeeeeell…” he proceeded to twirl some hair around his finger. “We should at least exchange names if that’s how you wanna do it.” he said.
“Okay...well, my name’s Saihara. Saihara Shuichi.” Shuichi told him.
“Saihara-chan? I’ll make sure to remember that, then. I’m Ouma. Ouma Kokichi.” Kokichi introduced.
He reached his hand out for Shuichi to shake. The grim reaper could only stare down at the hand quizzically before redirecting his gaze to Kokichi’s. The purple-haired male watched him expectantly, waiting for Shuichi to shake it.
“If you don’t want to shake it, then that’s fine.” Kokichi turned back to the booth owner. “You said it was thirteen hundred yen, right? I’ll take it.” he said.
He began to fish through his pocket, mumbling to himself about where he put his wallet. Shuichi sighed, reaching into his trench coat and pulling out his wallet. Flipping it open, he pulled out a few bills and handed it to the booth owner.
“Here, I’ll pay for it.” he said.
Kokichi gaped at him in surprise.
“Wait! Saihara-chan, I can pay for it—“
“I already gave her the money. Just let it be.”
The purple-haired male pouted as the girl giggled.
“Aw, how sweet! By the way…” she leaned in closer to Shuichi, which startled him a little. “This scarf costs way more than thirteen hundred yen. The cost for it is...quite hefty, if I do say so myself.” she whispered lowly.
“How much does it cost, then?” Shuichi asked.
“Hm...maybe someone’s memories?” she hummed out in response.
Shuichi eyed her warily, but she only smiled at him brightly as she accepted the money from him. He sighed, withdrawing from her as Kokichi spoke.
“Well, since you bought it, I guess I should let you have it for now.” he handed the scarf to Shuichi along with a slip of paper. “And here’s my number.” he said.
Shuichi took the scarf and paper from Kokichi, examining them. As he did, Kokichi continued to eye him. Upon feeling the set of eyes on him, he glanced back at Kokichi.
“Yes?” he said.
“You know...the more I look at you, the more I feel like I’ve seen you before.” Kokichi commented.
Shuichi’s eyes widened in surprise as Kokichi leaned in towards him, purple eyes scanning him.
“I wonder...were we lovers in a past life or something?” he mused aloud.
“Were we...what?” he questioned, wondering if he heard him correctly.
“Lovers. Maybe we were lovers in a past life.”
“Were we?”
Kokichi shrugged.
“The world may never know.” the sound of a phone ringing reached their ears. “Ah, that’s mine. I’m going to need to go now.” Kokichi said.
He pulled away from Shuichi and began to walk past him.
“I’ll be waiting for your call, my beloved Saihara-chan!” he called out over his shoulder.
“My beloved…?!” Shuichi squeaked as he turned, watching Kokichi wave his hand as he headed down the steps and disappeared from his sight.
Shuichi sighed deeply.
“That was...interesting.” he murmured.
He looked down at the scarf, running a thumb along the fabric before focusing on the piece of paper that had Kokichi’s number on it along with his name and a quick doodle of himself. As he continued to stare at the two items, Kokichi’s question rang in his mind.
“I wonder...were we lovers in a past life or something?”
The bits and pieces from his dreams resurfaced as he thought back on them. This time, the mystery male had wispy purple hair, purple eyes, and a mischievous smile. He gripped the scarf tighter.
He couldn’t help but wonder if these dreams he was having were merely dreams or if they were something. Maybe they were pieces of his memory from his past life that he was told that he shouldn’t remember at all costs.
But if it were indeed those memories that stayed buried within him, locked in Pandora’s box...then Kokichi might be onto something.
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xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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annnnd my rules have been updated! some new changes and removals that were probably needed because the rule was redundant
🤡 this is a multiverse, multiship, multimuse, indie rp blog (indie krp in some circumstances, depending how you view it because it can be quite subjective). as i have realized, i do not rp “normally” oro at least the standard rpc norms. i follow and prefer to put an emphasis on narrative driven stories with a strong theme. that will be put over the ship. when i look at a “ship” or a thread, i think of a cohesive story. writing the story is priority over smut or fluff filler.
🤡 i do have a discord for ooc and plotting (that will be issued out if asked or requested).
🤡 all muns and muses are all of age (18+), there will be exceptions where minors will be used in rp as npcs. all gifs used that can be seen in replies are made, by yours truly, me. this theme was not made by me, it was made by the lovely, anacommissions.
🤡 my name is john, him/he, 25, gmt-7 (pacific standard timezone). my activity will be very spotty but rest assure that i am most likely active or around either on tumblr or discord because frankly, i got no life. i am typically more active and responsive on discord because i get notifications and i have a clear preference over using discord over tumblr’s instant message. i can be seen as very controlling and very.. overly-enthusiastic. this is a heavily selective blog, i am very specific and meticulous when it comes to roleplaying. i understand that it should be fun and it will, i just tend to want things to be the best it could possibly be for us or me. i will not sugar-coat it and i will be fully transparent about it. anyways, if you have any questions about it just ask.
🤡 i am really an introvert and can barely hold conversations for the life of me so please bare with me! some will get along better with me, some will not. that’s just life but typically people who are more upfront and say what they have on their mind without fear of prejudice will have my respect and i will open up far much more. i am very easy-going, but i am very hard at getting to know. that is as best as i can word how i am. i may seem intimidating and i could be intimidating, i see myself as intimidating but understand that i am very easy-going and relaxed. all it takes is talking and having a discussion and everything can be resolved rather than keeping things complicated.
🤡 MUNS: all muns have to be 18+ to interact with me. no exceptions.
🤡 FOLLOWING: i do not follow the “follow for a follow back” rule. do not follow me unless you are interested or plan to role play with me. if i follow you, that most likely means i am interested and want to interact with you. if you do follow me, do understand that i notice but i won’t approach you until you do.
🤡 GOD MOD: don’t god mod, it simple as that.
🤡 SMUT/NSFW: if you’re looking for smut on this blog, most likely you won’t find it on this blog. but chances are, smut might occur on this blog and i will tag it accordingly. i will also put them under spoilers for the consideration of others. plenty of nsfw themes will be present on this blog, but you should be aware of that by now if you follow me. when smut does come and you’re not comfortable writing it out fully, i’d be more than happy to fade to black! just let me know, communication is important. i will try to make both of our experiences as comfortable as possible!
🤡 SELECTIVE: as stated before, i am a very heavily selective blog, but don’t let that deter you from coming up or talking to me for a potential thread! i will be very selective with who i pair together, but most things will be discussed between muns.
🤡 POSSIBLE TRIGGERS ON THIS BLOG: full discretion, many taboo topics will be displayed on this blog. i cannot list the entirety of the list of triggers but ask if you are concerned. expect the worst, from mental illness to death will occur.
🤡 FORMATTING: a high preference for small text. i do not like overly formatted replies that are hard to follow and read.
🤡 GIFS: a high preference for 90x90px gifs, but i will not subject others to this. i understand that rpc has a tendency to compact and shrink things, but i will not accept anything below 70x70px. 100x100px and 80x80px are okay! i will be frank, i do not like gifs in replies that are large (300px or over) where it covers the whole post.
🤡 FACE CLAIMS/MUSES:  i will not rp with face claims that do not have acting resources, its my personal preference. i just like the gifs to contextually make sense. on occasions, i will make some exceptions. i also would prefer to keep kpop idols separate from kdrama face claims. exceptions will be made for idols who have acting roles. same will apply to kdrama face claims with western face claims, i would prefer to keep them separate from one and another.
majority of my muses will be male, i am comfortable playing males compared to females. western and korean actors will be prominent on this blog.
🤡 SHIPPING: most likely shipping will be discussed between muns. i usually write with the intentions to what feels organic for the story. also depending, i will ship on chemistry if it works. typically, i usually have something in mind beforehand when it comes to a certain muse when it comes to shipping, but ask. i won’t ship western muses with korean/kdrama muses.
🤡 REPLIES: i will make a constant effort to reply to everyone on a weekly basis. most if not all replies will be sent all at once thursday night or friday. do not rush yourself to reply quickly and take your time. i will not sugar coat this, but favoritism is probably prevalent on this blog. there are certain muses that i have higher muses for than others so those replies will most likely be done quicker and sent out if i feel like it. BUT if you would like to do back and forth, please do ask!! i’ll try to accommodate! the longest i will wait for a reply is a month, i will drop the thread after the 31 day period if it is not replies unless you are on hiatus or mention it to me beforehand. my replies will only take place on dash, i have no interest in rping on discord or instant message.
🤡 EFFORT / PLOTTING: i require mutuals or anyone who roleplays with me to put effort within our thread(s) and plotting. i seek dedicated rp partners who are genuinely interested and care for the material and content. most if not all things will be discussed and talked about when it comes to plotting. i also do not wish to be the only one that does all the work. discussions and feedback are more than appreciated. we can share ideas together and headcanons, i’d really love that! i am the type of person who’d have an idea at 3 am in the morning! but i will drop the interaction if i see no effort or care. do not expect to match replies because replies will vary, but i typically write relatively “long”.
🤡 BAN LIST: problematic people (but that is so subjective), kpop idols, people who were accused of rape or abuse, that one kpop scandal, underaged fcs, deceased people, lee min-ho, amber heard, animated/cartoon characters.
depending how you see it, i am somewhat okay or moderately okay with photoshop. if you ask, i can assist and help you out if you want to gif. though my method can be a bit different from others but nonetheless, i’d be more than happy to teach and help you out. if it is the case that you are interacting with me and need resources and you’re willing to put up the time to gif resources for the character, i am beyond grateful and i will surely try to help you as much as i can!! that is, if you’re willing to learn.
also a thing to note that i didn’t explicitly tell in my rules, even though that i have myself as multiverse/multiship. i have that because i like to be limitless and unbounded, but in theory most of my muses are single-ship. once i have the interaction that i specifically wanted, i am usually very content. it is typically hard for me to come up with another “compelling” narrative for the same muse.
please feel free to send asks, i’d love to answer them!! ( i typically don’t use memes as a way to start/make starters because it is light hearted fun to me compared to plotting.)
i can come off as too passionate or overly enthusiastic over muses and plot, which most cases leads me to ramble A LOT. if it is annoying or burdensome, just let me know.
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bysdana · 8 years
And here’s another fabulous review for the Korea drama Goblin or aka Guardian: The lonely and great god. It stars Kim Go Eun, Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, Yoo In Na, Lee El and BTOB’s Yook Sung Jae. It broadcasted on Tvn with 16 episodes plus a special, it’s final episode received a rating of %18.68 nationwide audiences share making the second highest rated drama in Korean cable television behind Reply 1988.
For me it was actually one of the few dramas that I cried in (yes I don’t cry as much as people do when they watch kdramas haha). If that scence really evoked emotion for me personally then I’ll cry. I could talk on and on about this drama too because it hit the ball park for OSTs, memorable scenes, lines, fashion, nature and quite honestly the concept of life and death.
  My first impression with Gong Yoo was that he had this mature but gentleman charm that makes his character Kim Shin a gem. Kim Shin as a character has a nice blend of solemness and lovable, soft, with humor. Acting was spot on and pretty consistent. His and Kim Go Eun’s acting and chemistry onscreen was just brilliant. I’ve never felt so compelled to be attached to characters, especially one that’s predominantly about romance. Kim Shin has a goofy presence when paired with the Grim Reaper. Despite some of the serious scenes, he knows how to bring a light hearted presence in scenes. Some of my memorable lines was ep 4 (the moment I fell in love) where he talks from the book he reads (which is a famous book by a Korean poet titled “Physics of love”). And ep 13  and ep 16 were some of my favourite scenes that Gong Yoo gave a very emotional performance and ones that I loved very much.
Lee Dong Wook who plays the Grim Reaper (aka the reincarnation of Wang Yeo) also did such a great job through this drama. He quite surprised me as a big sofite that’s ironic as his work is sending off the dead and chasing after Eun Tak as she’s a missing soul. Lee Dong Wook brought such a humourous and serious side to his character. It’s my first time seeing Lee Dong Wook and I have to say I’m on the bandwagon as his fan haha. He has this natural charm and charisma that goes well with the Grim Reaper. It’s also funny seeing his retorts to the Goblin and banter in each episode. But I really loved his relationship to Sunny and their intertwined destiny from the get go. One of my favourite scenes from him was ep 5, ep 13, and ep 11, were some of my favourite scenes from Lee Dong Wook.
I thought that I should introduce my favourite quotes from this drama because there so many good quotes these are just a few! In ep 6 Kim Shin talks about Eun tak and quotes “Every moment I spent with you…shined. Because the weather was good, beacause the weather was bad, and because the weather was good enough. I loved every moment of it. No matter what happens, it is not your fault.” This quote and parts of it reoccurs throughout the drama and I picked this particular one because of their tumultuous relationship. Nonetheless it had its ups and downs to which I find this quote particularly interesting to me. Another quote comes from ep 6 where the Grim Reaper says “There is no life that deserves to die.” menaing in reference to his work and that in the drama we see different people from all walks of life. Some that are only as young as 5 to as old as maybe in their 60’s-80’s and beyond. A concept that pops up in the drama is life and death, reincarnation and how it affects your present life.
To me it was a concept that I’ve been thinking in terms of its meaning in depth and thought to these types of circumstances. Whether in our past life if we were of royalty or a beggar; clearly we all seem to have these “past lives” that dictate sometimes our current life. The use of nature to represent symbols such as the buckwheat flowers signifies “lovers” or rain as “sadness”. But what I loved most and was memorable to me were the characters quotes I remembered from the episodes throughout the drama. I have so many to share but these are just a few that I adore and would keep:
“life is a momentary thing. You come and you go.” Ji Eun Tak (Ep 6)
“The sword is his reward and punishment, his reason for existing and the clue to his extinction.” – Grandpa Yu (Ep 8)
“Fate is a question I ask someone. And the answer…is something you must find yourselves.” – Deity (Ep 12)
“It’s French for “Fate ordained by the sky” – the absolute destiny far beyond the realm of humanity.” – Kim Shin (Ep 12)
“The world needs miracles – beautiful and strange miracles” – Ji eun Tak (Ep 13)
The fashion though I have to say was such a hit and unexpected thing I’d be talking about. I mean in terms that in Korean culture already a natural thing to see people “dressed up” or more so always looking so nicely dressed. But the trend that hit Korea was oversized coats, and boy were there many of them in the drama. Many of the coats worn by Gong Yoo in the drama are of brands such as Burberry, Givenchy, Tom Ford. Even an unreleased coat from Lanolin Paris’ 2016 Fall-Winter collection. Some examples I have below, they’re supppppper nice (I have two black coats I own and adore) but pretty pricy. If you want to invest in getting these it would be worth the price but you can always find for cheaper at stores like Pennington’s or Hudson’s Bay (it depends on where you are as I’m just listing North American brands).
Directing and cinematography I have to applaud for too (although I think I’m applauding for almost every single thing haha). Consistent and never any awkard angles so I’m not struggling or straining seeing the scenes or character’s face.
Yoo In Na (who plays Sunny) and Kim Go Eun (who plays Ji Eun Tak) both had strong parts that supported the two male leads. They have this sister relationship I love when they first meet each other. And I didn’t think one overtook the other, usually when I see double love couples for Korean dramas sometimes one couple overpowers the other. Here its not the case, Kim Go Eun for me is such a good actor so far as I’ve seen her in the Korean drama Cheese in the trap and the movie Memories of the sword. She has this pure angelic and youthful look that I don’t really think of first for actresses in Korea. I’m definitely rooting for her in more versatile roles that challenger her. Yoo In Na I’ve watched her from My love from another star and definitely love her acting and the way she expresses her characters. Deok- Hwa (Yook Sungjae from BTOB), Chairman Yu (Kim Sung Kyum), Secretary Kim (Jo Woo-Jin), Birth Grandmother (Lee El), The queen (Kim So hyun) and King of Korea (Kim Min-Jae) that were supporting characters in the drama was such a stellar line up.
Of course how could I not forgot the OSTs like if I love the drama then I’m also in love with the soundtrack. And omgggggg the line up for Goblin was undeniably talented. Ailee, Crush, Roy Kim, Sam Kim, Chanyeol, Punch, Heize, Urban Zakapa, Soyou, Mamamoo there’s more but all these artists mentioned are amazing. Some of my favourites were Ailee’s “I will go to you like the first snow”, Chanyeol & Punch “stay with me”, Crush “Beautiful” and Soyou’s “I Miss you”. For me it was a home run and all each were memorable songs in the drama I couldn’t be more happy! Take a listen and see which one is your favourite :)
In all I just have to say how much I adore this drama, few have really stuck out for me and this drama’s been great. From the actors, script, costume, cinematography, and music its near perfect. Thank you for reading this post like, comment, follow and share for more of my posts ^^ Also enjoy this video of bloopers from Goblin, the cast are also goofy off set and its great to see their natural chemistry with one another.
Drama Review: Goblin And here's another fabulous review for the Korea drama Goblin or aka Guardian: The lonely and great god.
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calpicowater · 3 years
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Week 42.5/52: October 18th - October 24th 2021 | Reunited with Alex! 🎉
Wow super exciting day!!! Finally reunited after almost 2 years and we went to eat Happy Hour AYCE KBBQ and I died (so full from beef bulgogi and 89452935 pieces of pork belly). I have been eating so much KBBQ this past month. Their kimchi and sweet/sour dumplings was good too so I kept ordering LMAO. It was so nice to catchup today. We walked around the waters to pass time before eating and then walked around PC/HR/Nordstrom after eating to digest LMAO. I feel like Alex wasn’t even that full LOOOOOL. But I was about to puke fr......... 
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calpicowater · 3 years
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Week 6/52: February 7th - February 13th 2022 | Lychee Yakult
Another full week of work. I get so burned out and tired sometimes from being in the same mobile studio four days in a row and working in general for 5-6 days in a row. Oof. I get used to the pace and I get used to being busy. But turns out I was just distracting myself from overworking because I just end up crying like crazy on my days off. Fuck. Definitely loving the fact that I have shorter commutes to work nowadays because most locations are in Richmond. Big thanks to Paddy for buying bubble tea again!!!! It’s always a good time with Team LilyPad (get it???? hahahahaha they made the term up - not me). I tried the lychee yakult and it’s quite good. I do wish Coco allowed the option to add toppings though. But the real lychee pieces are very yum. Love trying new stuff. My days off were spent crying and watching 我们的新时代: 因为有家 (I love BJT & TSY). I am just a drama consuming machine... maybe it’s time for new hobbies. I miss going outside LOL. 
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calpicowater · 3 years
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Week 38.75/52: September 20th - September 26th 2021 | Fanciest Dinner of My Life 🖍️ 
Went to celebrate my birthday on Sunday with my PT Oakridge squad (Betty, Shelly, Wing) at Bruno (and we finally all quit PT so fuck yes). We ordered so much food (deep fried cauliflower, pork belly, raw shellfish, and a 52 oz steak O_O). Everything was very yum!! We had so much steak left over send help???? LOL. Shelly got me a super pretty earl grey/black tea cake too 😭😭 And thank you Betty for dinner. It was so nice to catch up with everyone again!!!! Thank you all for being my friends! :’)
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calpicowater · 4 years
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Week 43/53: October 19th - October 25th 2020 | Prettiest Restaurant 🌹
Bb got haircut this week!!! SO HANDSOME!!!!! I am heart eyes. She took me to the prettiest pho restaurant (Bonjour Vietnam Bistro) for sundate. :’0 I didn’t even know where we are going and what we were eating LMAO she just told me to dress pretty O_O LOL... I tried my best even though it was super cold (so I just layered....... I wore like five layers LOOOL winter jacket over fleece jacket over sweater cardigan over dress shirt over tank top.... but anyways LOL). Bb wore the anniversary coat I gave her and she looked so cute!!!! The inside of the restaurant was super pretty. So many flowers and pastel colours and word lights and fancy decorations everywhere. Even the bowls were pretty and the utensils were pastel coloured! The food was so yum too OMGGG THICK ROUND RICE NOODLES YES YES YES YES YES. 10/10 would eat again!!! TY BB FOR TAKING ME HERE HAAHA IT WAS SUCH A SUCCESS.
Been playing a lot of among us with bb this week and past weeks HAHA it’s so fun help
#365#52#ootd#pho#flowers#bb#wine red fox blouse#top shop black jeans#adidas stan smith#oak n fort grandpa jacket#doc martens 1461#uniqlo dress pants#black kdrama male lead coat#white dress shirt#black blazer#idk why my hair looks so black again LMAo i hate it i wanna dye it again hSHHSHSH#outfit count: 43!! which means i am caught up HOHOHO#find a chip in one of my molars this week...... and it turned into a hole after a few days... rip....#time to see a dentist for the first time in 8 years LMAO..... without any dental insurance..... imma go bankrupt T_T#honestly ruined my week :-( like for every 5 thoughts that passed thru my head one thought was abt my broken cavity LOL why are teeth USELES#wore outfit 1 for interview and they actually liked me enough to give me phone interview + in person interview#they even scheduled me for a working interview/trial shift for next week but then they called me on sunday telling me the pos has beenFILLED#LIKE UMMMM OK HAHHDJKSDHJF#otherwise the rest of my week has been decently productive!! did some job apps + piano learning#also had to do that nutrition research lol i literally did like 20 nutrients in the course of 2 days!???#CAUGHT UP ON THAT LMAO#had 3 interviews this week in total and they all flopped.... what even is the point of my life anymore LOLLSSS#at least i'm kind of happy minus my broken cavity loLS#i spend most of my days going to see bb <3 cuzZ I LOVE HER N IM FREE HAHAHAH#uhhhhhh i wrote the tags to this on sunday but im writing the main post five days after i dont rmbr anything.. sorry :(
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calpicowater · 4 years
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Week 44/53: October 26th - November 1st 2020 | Autumn in Vancouver 🍂
Went to see the dentist (for the first time in 8 years) this week to fix my cavities... I have no dental insurance (obviously) so I dropped almost 600 dollars just to fix two cavities........... I literally hate my life LMAO. CRYING IN BANKRUPTCY. I don’t want to eat candy or drink sugary drinks ever again. I don’t even wanna eat anymore LOOOOL DHJSJKF teeth are so useless. I’m just glad it’s fixed now. 
Ate LONG BREADS w bb on Sunday!! It was so yum omg~~ it’s my third time eating it but it tastes more and more yum every time HAHAHA. I stan the chicken sub LOL I love the sauce a lot. Thank you bb for the bread date always <3 I love them so much. We went to Cambridge St. to see red leaves after eating but it got dark so early because of daylight savings but we managed to snap several pictures before it was pitch black. SOOO MANY RED LEAVES!! PRETTY. 
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calpicowater · 5 years
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Week 52/52: December 24th - December 31st 2019 | Christmas & NYE 🎉
Had a pretty chill week because I only had to work for five days (thank goodness I had Christmas day off LOL). Went to Aberdeen Square to do a gift exchange with Linda on Christmas!! Bb got me WHITE VANS!!!! THEY ARE SO WHITE AND CLEAN AND SO PRETTY I’M IN LOVE!!!!!! :’) she also gave me a super cute card that’s actually meant for a straight woman’s husband but she legit wrote “non-binary” in front of the husband part LMFAO jdhfdjsg XD ! We didn’t do anything else except sit in Aberdeen Square for several hours LOL but it was still my favourite Christmas ever!! 
On Sundate, we went to Saku to eat! I tweeted in the morning that I wanted a row and yakult and Linda legit surprised me wit ha ROW OF YAKULT hjdfhskg why is she so cute T^T !!!!! At Saku, we had to wait in line for awhile as usual LOL and we had to wait even longer because I didn’t want to sit outside (I wanted the interior backgrounds and nice lighting FOR PICS djhfjkdsahg). I got to try their cheese katsu this time and it was SOOOO delicious. The cheese was SO yum and the cheese pulls were SOOOOOOO LONG. I also ordered a side of curry to eat with the unlimited rice LMAO. An overall super satisfying and delicious meal! :’) After dinner, we walked around Robson and spent like 384283 years in Indigo reading their greeting cards and random books about astrological signs LMFAO (name a more gay activity I dare you). A super fun day!! What a good way to end the year <3 
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calpicowater · 5 years
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Week 44/52: October 30th - November 4th 2019 | Dead Leaves 🍁🍂
Another 6 day work week UGHHGHSHJFJSF I really have to continue this until the end of December...... I might die before then but whatever. Managed to go on three dates with Linda this week hehehehe >:) We went to IKEA on Tuesday after work because I wanted cheap food LOL. She gave me the panda plush from Webearbears HAHAHA so cute!! T^T On Friday, she bought us cheese/sausage bread and egg tarts heheheh. We tried to go to Costco to eat their cheap food for dinner but the stupid person at the exit wanted to see a membership card wtf jdkasgk =_= so we went to eat fried chicken from BBQ Chicken in Hmart instead LOL. We got the mala flavour and the chicken was SOOOOO much better this time than the last time I had it. The sauce was so yummy omg. On Sunday, I cooked two flavours of fire noodles and brought it out so we could eat it together LOL. Afterwards, we went to look at dead leaves LMFAO. Most of the leaves have fallen off of the tree but I still got some nice pictures :’) We also went to Stanley Park to watch the pretty sunset but it got so cold after the sun went down,,,,,, fhjkdfasjka I HATE AUTUMN WEATHER >: (
Had a 8.5 shift at bubble tea on Monday (UGH) and went to eat Xiaolongkan with my coworkers (Betty/Wing/Mia/Shelly) at night omgdjsagj it was so yum T_T but SO FILLING. I ATE TOO MUCH LMAO. ALSO RIP WALLET LOL. We kept discussing Presotea stuff lmao jhsdfajg but damn I’m really gonna be partially unemployed when 2019 ends because I don’t want to go to my boss’s new store (it requires like 4-5 buses for me to get there dhjkdg) idk how to feel about that LOL. Rest in peace workaholic Lily?? IS THAT FINALLY HAPPENING AFTER ALMOST 2 YEARS??
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calpicowater · 5 years
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Week 41/52: October 8th - October 14th 2019 | Happiest Thanksgiving 🦃️
Worked six days this week (thank god). Still got to go on two dates though hehehehe. We went to eat fried chicken sandwich at Downlow Chicken Shack and the cashier deadass scammed me into ordering medium spicy which wasn’t even spicy like????? WTF. The sandwich had really good sauce and flavouring but the chicken pieces were too thick!!! The outside was fried really nicely though ToT but I think I’m good with not eating chicken sandwiches for the rest of my life because that was the biggest sandwich EVER LOL. 
On Thanksgiving, I met up with bb and she gave me giant bread sandwiches for lunch!! LOL that’s what she gave me the first time she saw me so I finally got my proper bread date. We went to New Westminster Pier Park and it was so nice there omg. The weather was so good on that day!! I wanted to come to see the W (that artwork in the shape of the letter LOL) and Linda took me to see love locks *__* she was acting so suspicious the day before because she needed a lock and a sharpie LMAO hfjksdk literally the cutest,,,,,,, :’) After the park we went to get 幸福堂 and my grapefruit slices were crooked asf LOL but it was refreshing which was nice!! Ended off the day by going to Metrotown to find blue stan smiths for Linda (fail) and then we had dinner at Dae Ji Cutlet House. Their kimchi fried rice is SO good!!!!!! :P
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calpicowater · 6 years
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Week 4/52: January 22nd - 28th 2019 | Foodtastic Week 
I ate pretty well this week. “Well” as in oops I ate so much actually lmao!! Plus I ate fire noodles twice o__o” jdhfajkdg I always eat it as a midnight snack which is sOoooooo healthy ~note the sarcasm~ !!!!! On Tuesday night after work, I went to eat Big G Chicken and Meetfresh with Betty & Wing. I was craving Meetfresh the night before so during the morning I asked Betty if she wanted to go after work X’D ! In the end we ate too much chicken to finish all the grass jelly >< derp... On Sunday, I saw Vicky for the first time in 5 weeks and we went downtown to eat Pokerrito (poke burritos) --- tbh I prefer poke bowls!!! Splash Poke in Edmonton was more enjoyable than this T^T... After eating, we went to drink Song Tea. I got their cheese cream peach drink and it was yum (normal sugar wasn’t even that sweet~ which I like)! The slush was too icy for my liking :-0 but their cheese cream was SOOOO yum even though they were greedy with it :p Anyway I probably won’t return because their customer service sucks ass plus the drinks were so expensive (my drink alone was $8.35 after tax wtf..... also the prices on the menu are lower than their actual prices which is ???? wtf lol what a SCAM)!!!!!!! Putting them on blast. I’M IN A MOOD OK!!! -_-
Food aside, this week was annoying as fuck. Last Monday, my mom’s friend recommended me to their friend who needs a 合伙人/店长 and recommended me wtf....... I’m obviously SUPER underqualified. Also, I am so sick and tired of being a bubble tea barista that I want OUT of the food court/food service career for good. But nooOoooo!!!!!! My parent basically forced me to meet with this person. Lol. I tried to tell them that I don’t WANT to but they don’t care about me or my opinions ever T___T my dad yelled at me and my mom continued to force me :))))) (ok I’ve already gone on a Rant on twitter so I’ll control myself from further elaborating) so okay I went to meet that person on Friday aka my day off and that person basically shot me down ~_~ (and roasted me for being poor which is ???? ok lol) but I also told them that this job isn’t suitable for me. Just so annoyed that I had to waste my time going there..... frigging DOWNTOWN on a super cold day. What the shit lol. I wish my parents cared about my feelings and opinions but nope. They don’t even treat me like a human being sometimes :^) and that pisses me off a lot!!!!! 
That whole situation made me so annoyed that I submitted a job application to a job that I would actually like to do on the same frigging day lol!!!! Felt productive and was in a good mood on Saturday because I finally got to work with Mia again but on Saturday my boss made me choose between working a lot of hours for them but not leaving the store vs. being able to leave and find a job that I like but getting my hours cut. Of course I chose the latter. Sigh. RIP $$$ !! ALSO TIME TO REALLY STOP PROCRASTINATING ON JOB HUNTING. For the sake of my mental health.... and possibly my financial state ;^; !!! 
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calpicowater · 7 years
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Day 61/365: March 2nd 2018 | End of a Very Quick Week
Charmy was trying to pick out glasses frames this morning and wanted me to go and choose for her LOL. And I was like....... “gosh I literally broke my own glasses last night”...... RIP!!!!!! IT WAS MY FIRST TIME BREAKING MY GLASSES (the entire handle just came off wtf!!!) :’( SOB SOB SOB. Anyway, I went through the rest of my classes before going over to my eye doctors appointment. They did an eye exam on me and my left eye’s prescription didn’t change!!!! YAY! But my right eye became more nearsighted by 50 degrees *sobs*. But not too bad! Right after my exam, my optometrist showed me a video and right after the video I was told to put on actual contacts LOL IT SERIOUSLY HAPPENED SO FAST. Anyway, it took me ~10 minutes to put my contacts in and ~5 minutes to take it out. UGHHH SO HARD!! HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT??!! >_> I am really hoping that I’ll get better with more practice!!! XD
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