#blackinnon xmas 2k18
blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 18
Marlene was an extremely talented artist. To her snow was one of the most inspiring things in this world. When she watched the snowflakes fall down she would often draw for hours. Sirius loved watching her do this. While she drew she seemed to be so happy as if nothing could hurt her in this moment.
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More Blackinnon “Never Have I Ever” Headcanons!
Never have I ever Done pictures in underwear.
Sirius & Marlene : Guilty. If you looked this good you’d want to document it for posterity too!
Never have I ever Been unfaithful.
Sirius: Never. Marlene is his only real committed relationship and he would NEVER.
Marlene : Never. Because Sirius did not know she existed back when she was exclusively dating the very boring Reginald Cattermole.
Never have I ever had a night stand.
Sirius : Guilty. He has lots of issues guys... and was trying to cope with his emotional problems. He would take any form of positive attention he could get for a while there.
Marlene: Never
Never have I ever lied to my parents about being hung over.
Marlene: Guilty. Older siblings helped her out with some hangover potion.
Sirius: Never. That would imply his parents cared what he was up to, and they obviously did not.
Never have I ever Swam naked in a pool / beach.
Marlene: Guilty. It was a dare...
Sirius: Guilty. Was not aware that muggles generally wore clothing for swimming and couldn’t be fussed with it.
Never have I ever Kissed my best friend.
Marlene: Sirius is one of her very best friends and she kisses him as often as possible! (Gagging noises)
Sirius: He kisses literally everyone. There is no one that he hangs out with that he has not kissed. He is a very affectionate doggo.
Never have I ever Smoked marijuana.
Marlene & Sirius : Both prefer edibles.
Never have I ever cut my own hair.
Marlene: Guilty. The time in 2nd year when she decided to use straightening potion and it made her hair break off and she was so embarrassed that she cut it all off to even it out and passed it off as a rebellious fashion statement.
Sirius: NEVER! Honestly he is appalled at the idea. He hardly even lets other people, trained professionals, cut his hair.
Gotten drunk with a teacher
Marlene: Never... she is baffled that this would ever be a thing.
Sirius: Guilty. Honestly would get drunk with any teacher. Usually it was Slughorn because he’s ridiculous, but there were others. No one will believe him about McGonagall and she thinks this is hilarious.
Gotten a tattoo
Marlene: Never but isn’t opposed to the idea.
Sirius: Guilty. Some are ridiculous “edgy” muggle tattoos that he regrets fairly quickly and others, like the matching paw prints that he got with the marauders, he actually likes.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 23
They accidentally left a window open on Christmas Eve. When they woke up the next morning their living room was filled with snow. They didn’t know whether to be amazed by it or shocked. But in the end, they ended up sitting in the snow giving each other their presents.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 5
After the gingerbread incident Marlene never tried baking again. Sirius however discovered during Christmas time that he was pretty good at it. Marlene soon became obsessed with everything he baked and he found great joy in both baking and seeing how Marlene was trying to hide that she secretly wished to be that good too.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Blackinnon Christmas Event
I decided to do a little Blackinnon advent calendar this year. I thought about writing a drabble for all 24 days, but that would be way to much.
I also thought about splitting it up between different writers, but I once took part in something like this and the problem back then was that many writers didn't wrote their stories and then there was no story for that day and it happened quite a few times. And considering that the Blackinnon fandom is so small I probably wouldn't even find enough writers.
So I had an idea. I'm going to post a Christmas Blackinnon headcanon each day. If any of you should feel inspired to write something about this headcanon or draw it or create a moodboard or whatever please post it and tag it as "blackinnon xmas 2k18".
If any of you already have an idea for a Blackinnon Christmas themed fan creation and want it to be part of this, feel free to message me. You can post it on your blog and I will post the link to it instead of a headcanon for that day.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 8
Marlene hates the cold. She would spent most of the time cuddled into some blankets. And when she wasn’t, Sirius and her always found a different way to keep each other warm.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 19
Most of the time they spend their evenings in front of the fireplace, cuddled to each other under some warm blankets. And while Marlene found inspiration in the snow, Sirius perceived the hot flames of the fire as incredibly calming.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 4
Sirius loves gingerbread. During their first Christmas after they moved in together Marlene tried to surprise him and bake some gingerbread for him. She almost ended up burning down the whole apartment.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 16
Sirius once had to go on a secret order mission. He was gone for eleven days and Marlene cried herself to sleep more than once because of this. One day before Christmas he came home and they spent the rest of the holidays cuddled close to one another.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 22
Marlene loved winter asters (even though her favourite flowers were dahlias), so every time Sirius saw one he bought it for her. This once resulted in over 30 flowers in their little home.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 14
Marlene loved watching outside of the window during the cold days. She was amazed by the sparkling crystals that were forming on the outside. Even though she was a witch this shining was the most magical thing on earth to her.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 9
They would use the cold weather as an excuse to take more hot showers than usual. A lot of showers. So many that Marlene would often joke about being wet all the time.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 12
Sirius often tried to convince Marlene how much fun ice skating is, but she never believed him. She was so afraid of it, because she broke her leg the first time she tried it as kid. After that she never stepped on ice ever again. He once tried to demonstrate it to her, but fell and broke his nose.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 6
Cold winter days during which they couldn’t leave the house were a perfect time to get creative in the bedroom. And well let’s just say they were both on the naughty list these days.
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blacklilyqueen · 5 years
Blackinnon Masterpost
Tumblr media
(* includes smut) (°Beta reader @marlmckitten​)
All stories are pulished on tumblr and some on AO3 as well. The link on the story title leads to the tumblr post, the AO3 links are in brackets. 
A complicated mission° (1128 words) (AO3): Requested; Sirius is worried because Marlene didn’t come back from a mission and James is calming him down (happy ending)
Baby, oh, baby (1047 words) (AO3): Sirius and Marlene are babysitting Harry and start talking about having children. 
Blackinnonween (Mean Girls AU) (2152 words) (AO3): It’s an AU of the Halloween party scene in Mean Girls
Darkness Falls (1449 words) (AO3): Sirius is having visions of Marlene in Askaban
Express*° (1218 words) (AO3): Requested; Blackinnon on the Hogwarts Express
Flowers, Galleons and Love (945 words) (AO3): Sirius and Marlene are having a little bet going on about whether or not their best friends are going to end up together. 
Imperio° (1927 words) (AO3): Sirius is under the Imperio curse and is forced to kill Marlene
Letters from beyond (1430 words) (AO3): Post Askaban Sirius finds some old letters from Marlene at Grimmauld Place 
(Not) her choice?° (1609 words) (AO3): Marlene finds out she can’t have kids and has a harder time dealing with it than she thought. 
Multiple Chapter Stories
Star Crossed*° (10/12 chapters; 23,622 words) (AO3):
Sirius and Marlene were just children when they first met. They soon became great friends, but none of them could have known what the future would hold for the two of them.
Blackinnon #1
Blackinnon #2
Blackinnon Christmas (link does not work on mobile, search for “Blackinnon xmas 2k18″)
Blackinnon Art
Blackinnon Moodboard
Marlene McKinnon Moddboard
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 24
Marlene would always walk around singing Christmas songs from the top of her lungs. When Sirius spent Christmas at Grimmauld Place after escaping Askaban he sung those songs hoping it would feel like Marlene was there too.
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