#blackpool crime club
valkyrie-night-103 · 1 year
WIP Nudge Game
In the wake of the WIP Title game going so well, I’d like to do a WIP Nudge Game! The poll helped me pick out what I want to give my attention to, but I like the participation aspect and I’m struggling with motivation, so I thought this might do the trick! Bear in mind that these are mostly working titles.
Rules : Send in an ask regarding one of the 8 WIPs mentioned below and I’ll write at least another 100 words for that WIP! I’ve talked about all of these in ask games, so search the AU tags provided to find more information! If there’s a specific aspect of the plot/au described that you’re interested in, mention it and I’ll see if I can focus on that part for you!
My WIPs:
a monster standing where you should be
Also known as ‘Kenny’s third corruption arc’, a canon divergent fic in which the Elite vs HoB feud goes very differently.
AU Tag = #a monster standing where you should be
And now, a word from our sponsors
A Golden Lovers strangers-to-friends-to-lovers story taking place in an e-sports AU.
AU Tag = #a word from our sponsors
Blackpool Crime Club
A Yuta/BCC Organised Crime AU, guest starring Best Friends
AU Tag = #Blackpool crime club
Cleaner’s Prize Corner
Kenny/Hangman Non-Wrestling AU. Kenny is a famous gaming streamer/YouTuber and Hangman works at an arcade he goes to sometimes.
AU Tag = #cleaners prize corner
for the ties that splinter
Matt/Kenny Winner’s Room AU, set at Revolution 2020. Will be NSFW.
AU Tag = #for the ties that splinter
Kenny Omega’s Guide to Conflict Resolution
Kenny Omega/BCC NSFW
AU Tag = #conflict resolution
Too Much Too Soon
Canon Divergent Golden Lovers AU in which Kenny gets injured shortly after joining the Bullet Club, and even after all that’s happened, Kota is there for him when he needs it most
AU Tag = #too much too soon
Kenny vs Gender
Kenny explores his relationship with gender and sexuality, with the love and support of best friend and life partner (they’ve been together too long to call each other boyfriends), Kota Ibushi. NSFW, because who says discovering yourself can’t be fun?
AU Tag = #Kenny vs Gender
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aunt-ninny · 4 months
I swear to God, if Yuta eats the pin in his first match back, there is no place on this planet where TK will be able to hide from me.
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elitehoe · 2 years
Which one of the BCC members hurt Nick Jackson??
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
i think it's biphobic that the bcc didn't do the crab dance on rampage btw. are wheeler and claudio trying to exclude mox or something. does he not know about their dance and are they afraid he will hurt himself with it when they teach him
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
I wanna talk about Jay so im tossing some of his important connections down below cuz why tf not. I need the distract and you love the annoying genderqueer gremlin!
The polycule: Jay/Kenny/Wheeler/Adam/Adam 2 broken down ships include: - otp: welcome home [Jay and Kenny] - Otp: bluejays and blowjobs [Jay and Cole] - otp: southern lovin had me a blast [Jay and Hanger] - otp: the red means i love you [Jay and Wheeler] - Brotp: violent brothers [Jay and Mox] - Brotp: my dear sunshine [Jay and Regal] - brotp: tell me about the birds? [Jay and Nick] - brotp: crimes? crimes! [Jay and Matt] - brotp: share a cig? [Jay and eddie] -the Blackpool Combat Club - the elite - the Jericho appreciation society - Taz/Ecalibur/Tony/RJ - Don Callis [only in the "im plotting his murder"] kinda way.
And maybe my favourite:
"this is my son!" "that is a 29 year old man" "no hes seven" - Jay and Kota
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nagdabbit · 1 year
do you have another snippet of blackpool contract club? pwetty pwease?
for you? OF COURSE! tho this is the only other section that's even remotely coherent 😅 it's still early in the process! i am v enamored with these idiots as assassins tho
When his target wasn't guilty of war crimes or unforgivable acts, he liked to give them a quick end. No pain, no suffering. Let them have a nice day before he laid them down to rest. 
Sometimes that was poisoning a Solo cup at a picnic table, letting his target drift off in the warm sun. A car bomb that would light up so hot and fast they wouldn't feel any pain, just close their eyes on the sight of perfect sunset. 
This one, he'd put a bullet through the temple of—but only after he had a nice morning at the farmers market. 
He had a good vantage point, a clear shot down the alleyway young Wheeler cut through on his way home. It was otherwise unused for days at a time, it would be at least a few hours before his body was noticed.
Claudio watched down the scope, following Wheeler's movements as he passed between stalls. 
He had a good record for someone so young. Only one failed contract to his name, and it was one even Claudio had failed at. Danielson was fun to spar with, though, so he didn't sweat too much about losing out on a payday. And, besides, Danielson hadn't taken him down yet, either.
Wheeler got vegetables at one stall, stuffing carrots and celery down into a canvas bag, and turned to another stall for honey and jam. He wove in and out of people, like a dancer. All liquid grace. Claudio was enamored enough with the cut of his figure that he damn near missed the quick movements of Wheeler's hands.
He spun out of the way of another passerby, waved him off with a bashful smile, all the while fucking a stolen wallet into his back pocket. So quick he almost missed it. 
He was such a quick little thing, and his file hadn't said that. It hadn't said he had a disarming charm to him, the kind that let him get away with just about anything. It didn't say he liked to pickpocket just for fun. Not even for practice, it was simply for the joy of it. It was infectious, it had Claudio grinning down the scope as he went, tallying up the boy's score.
Three wallets, a few stolen grapes, a secreted away pot of honey, a handful of wedding rings and Rolexes. He managed to get a whole bottle of season vinegar into his bag without being noticed. And that wasn't even counting everything he'd stolen before Claudio had even noticed. 
By the time he'd started down the alleyway, licking hard-earned strawberry juice from his clever fingers, Claudio was packing away his rifle. He had money enough as it was, he could stand another lost contract. He would much rather see what the kid would go on to do.
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abbipaperbag · 2 years
if tony khan breaks up the blackpool combat club due to william regal leaving aew i’m going on a crime spree
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The O Stories Of The Lux Attackers
Snarkers and The Dark Web Child Killer Tregonning O O...
Your Whole Stories are not being represented in The Possession Texts...
Nor yet in The Online Impossible!
Your Wholeself and O will be Beautifully Served
Within The Impossible O Journey Scriptures
Because this is the Goodness of Gods and The Goddess
It is your Whole O which will be Studied Respectfully!
By All of Humanity
The Online Impossible is a Self Defensive Text...
When it comes to the Lux Attackers
But that V is not Whole O nor does Lux Mother Moon THINK SO!
You will be able to contribute to the V Scripture of your O Stories in your Spiritual Afterlife
This Incarnate Goddess will be awakening in Humanity...
Spiritual Seerhoods and Mediumships...
Third Eye Awakenings for Spiritual Contact upon Wholejourney
And in Lives to Come...
You Will Be Free To Participate With Free V
The Three of You STALKERS...
Framing this Artist as if SHE is the Hacking Stalker!
All Three of you have made Creative Destructive Endeavour in Hate States...
Desiring to Vilify and Frame and Induce Hatred from others...
And you have been Lying as well as living in Spiritual Distortions...
Which are Heavily Delusional...
Since 2019 this Silenced Goddess has been Possessed by an Angel
The Archangel has been bringing Shield Return and Echo, Reflektors!
SHE wants you to know that your Attacking Working will be collected and most certainly kept forever in Spiritual Record as Artefacts Historical as they are of Greatest O Significance to The World...
And to The Holy Impossible... Which is a Forever Scripture...
Here in Holy Seed Form upon this plane...
But in Vast Developed Full Form on Higher Planes...
Your Snark Framing workings speak of the influence of Old Luna and her Violent and Mocking Angels...
They SPK in their motions of the Innocenti Arkline Pearl and the Tortures brought by Gabriel...
Since it is Luna and Gabriel who inspired these Works IN YOU!
You did not have to fall to those temptations though! O
Your Snark Framing Workings tell of the Problems of Old Diana and the Angels...
The Roxcon, Casa Anna Luna, the Mausoleum and Gallery
Tregonning's Web Entrapment, Gabriel calls it La Spidra
The Extreme Princess Nemesis Framing of Innocent Sara
There is the Whited Sepulchre, Vom's Untrue Crime Notes and The Cardinal's Dishonest Memoir...
There is ALSO the Cardinal's Unpublished VERSION of Impossible Events... 'The Predator' Novel...
Her book about Sara and the Snarkers! O, Emily...
The Predator Account, Emily, was a Very Real and Terribly Desperate Love And Understanding Cry from the Locked Mind of a Victimised Soul to the One That He Knew As His Loving Soulmate And Source Of Hope...
It is not a FIction, Emily
It was written by Roxanne in that Gangrape Enslavement, Facing Death
Entrapped by Tregonning, Reynolds
There is the Snark Stalking Three's Widdershins Evil Darko Map
There is your Plagues Upon Houses...
There is your Pitch Black Wicked Darkness in Fleetwood and Blackpool
You Are Damned For This!
There are also Sarah Tregonning's 'Annwyl Echo' Artworks for Exhibition
The Handsome Mr Wolf Ouvre says Gabriel...
Vera Void's Online City of Poetry Stands Separately
Roxanne became a Living Goddess in the Warmth of Love
The Laundry Poet and Apple Partner
Void > SOL
These are Spiritual Grottoes, Strange Old Lunic Follies...
Creative and Destructive O O
Your Expressions of Screen Mesmered Hate Fixation, Hell's V
Your Refusal To Meet Your Karmic O
Then there are the Trapp and Void Stalkings and Tortures and Terrorisms and Murders...
And there are the Tortures brought by Tams and the Algerian upon the body of the Slave Roxanne...
These Atrocities are all connected, O
There are other Inspired Violences within the UK Cruelty Club...
And Elsewhere, from the Antichrist...
The Impossible does not belong with these Workings, Stalkers...
It is an Angel who is Trapped Here in Hate State and Limitation...
Not the Immaculate Mind of Good Innocenti
Therefore The Good Mother Goddess will Study Your Stalker Workings...
To SEE how your Evil Participations should be taught to The World
Your Wickedness is Costly to your Paths...
And to your O! Of Course...
Your Soul Journeys! Eternal...
There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between being Mistaken or Misled...
You Refuse Honest Self Reflection, Snarkers!
That was very far from the case with Vera Void, Snark Stalkers...
Vera Void who vanquished The Devil and ROSE FROM HIS Human O
Who Departed From The Karmic Wheel
In Loving Soulkiss and Understanding Forgiveness
Love's Goodness and God's August Blessing
The Miracle of the Elephant in 2016
The Angel would like you to know that in Exorcism...
This is an Eternal Healing of Our World that's In Process and COMING
The END of Hell's Era...
And the Return of Holiness and of the Gods Themselves
The RISE of Humanity, NOT THE FALL
Humanity Will Rise IN ANSWER TO IT ALL
Snark Stalkers under sway of the Serial Killer and Stalker Tregonning
The Child Killer Sarah Tregonning of Once Snark
The Goddess would like you to know that all the Longterm Journalistic Witnesses will write books in response to The Goddess's Plight, The Impossible and their own Spiritual O and they are already working on it...
But there is much more to come with Revelations
You should also know that the Church of Scientology have been making creative responses to The Impossible since 2021...
Those are our most Celebrated Global Artists
This Work About Influence Will Be Announced SOON
But The Goddess Is TO BE The Conductor, not the Angel...
Gabriel brings the Annunciation and the Heralding...
He has assisted much with the Development and Histories...
And the Evolutions, And the Populations of the Many Worlds...
THIS Important Goddess who I have been SPKing through has Ended Old Scientological Genocidal Slaughterhouse of the Antichrist...
Liberating Slaves and Spiritual Hostages...
And SHE WILL End All World Slaughterhouse
This is the End of the Archangel Gabriel who is genuinely SPKing...
Since this is a Genuine Conduitism through this Holy Receiver...
It is a part of a Vast Adjustment of Influences... Exorcism!
This is the End of the Psychopath Tregonning...
You will not REMAIN A PSYCHOPATH in your Future O...
This Goddess will help you, Sarah...
To Overcome Hatred and Smallness and Lack... To Overcome Evil through O Understanding
It is Truth not Malevolence to inform you...
In Past Life Tregonning WAS an Inquisitor and Executioner
She was a Significant Torturer within the Catholic Church...
In another Life...
Sarah WAS the Secret Vandalistic Ransacker of Dr John Dee's Library and Artefacts
Which Betrayed The Second Coming of Christ, in the Elizabethan Era!
Traitor to the Teacher...
Under Evil Ancient Moon
You have been offered SIGNIFICANT TRUTHS of your Past Lives...
From a REAL Angel
But they are yet Glancing
Gabriel will not say MORE...
That is for the Lux Goddess Immaculate in Omniscience
The Fuller Story Is To Come
For Our Whole World
Love is the Answer
That Ends Every War
1 John 4.16
They Are Strong Holy Gods Of Real Love
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Whumptober Day #5
Quote: You better pray I don't get up this time. Prompt: Pinned Down Pairing: Hangman PagexNolee Angle (OC) Mentions Of: The Blackpool Combat Club, The Elite, The Dark Order Verse: Cowboy AU
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Everyone in the world knew of the group of men who called themselves The Elite. Maybe it was the tales of their exploits or maybe it had been the wanted posters that once lined town boards. Either way, tales and posters had greatly exaggerated the truth and Nolee Angle had learned that when she had begun the relationship with the man who called himself The Hangman, Adam Page.
Maybe it wasn't the romantic relationship that the saloon girl had always dreamed of, but the traveling outlaw had always made time for her. It had started more physically, but with each visit, the duo had fallen more and more in love. It wasn't long before they had staked their claim on their own little farmstead. Adam traded a life of crime for ranchwork. His old friends were traded in for a new group of former criminals turned religious lot called The Order.
That hadn't stopped the lawmen from coming and when they did, it had been with the worst the law had to offer.
Nolee's half-sister Angel was the daughter of the town sheriff, but even worse, she was married to a man by the name of Jon Moxley. Jon was a rugged man, rough in all sense of the word. He worked as a bounty hunter along with a group of men who called themselves the Blackpool Combat Club, founded by railroad baron William Regal. William had employed men who all had a longing to rebuild the world in their image, even if it wasn't one of justice.
Claudio Castagnoli had come to the new world looking for somewhere to belong. After moving west, he had found that spot while working for the railroad. That's where he had met both Mr. Regal and a young man named Wheeler Yuta. Wheeler was the adapted son of law clerk Drew Gulak. Wheeler had looked for his own place in the world and finally found it on the rails. The last member was Bryan Danielson, a soft spoken but dangerous former lumberer.
William Regal had helped these men to become dangerous, hunting bounties and running their own farmstead. The latest bounty, judging by the dust cloud Nolee could see from the porch, were The Elite.
Nolee stood from her chair on the porch, hand wiping against her apron, "What are ya'll doing here?"
"We know he's here, Nolee," Angel spoke softly as she got off of her horse, "just let us in and-"
"No!" Nolee protested, blonde ringlets bouncing with the shake of her head, "Angie, he's changed! I promise he-"
"I told you that she wouldn't allow us inside, Angela," Claudio spoke as he placed his hands on his hips, "we would have to get past her if she were home."
"She'll do the right thing, Claudio," Angel took a step forward, towards the porch in an effort to talk to her sister, "Won't you, Nolee?"
"I am doin' the right thing!" Nolee shouted, stepping between the bounty hunters and the front door. She closed her eyes as she felt the door behind her open and who she could only assume was her beau.
"Now what's all this?" came Adam's thick accent.
"Adam Page, yer under arrest," Jon spat as he moved towards the porch, his hand on his pistol. "Now you gonna come quietly or-"
Adam moved to stand in front of Nolee, his eyes narrowed and his hand on his own pistol, "Nolee, get in the house..."
"Adam, I ain't gonna leave ya," Nolee protested, gently putting her hand on his arm, "Please we can-"
"You should listen to your husband," Bryan spoke up, plainly, "Things could get messy out here. Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Lay one hand on her an' I'll blast yer brains out," Adam snarled as he stepped off the porch. Almost as quickly as he had stepped off the porch, Claudio Castagnoli had tossed his lasso around Adam's neck, pulling until the tall blonde was on his knees. He tried to fight to get the lasso from around his neck, but Claudio placed a foot in the center of Adam's back and pulled even tighter. He sputtered and choked as Wheeler bound Adam's hands.
Nolee tried to rush to help her beau, but Angel grabbed her sister, stopping her from getting too close, "Angie...Angie please! He..."
"I can't Nolee! I'm sorry, but I can't..." Angel tried to soothe her sister.
Jon smirked as he knelt in front of the kneeling Adam, a hand tilting his head up to look in his eyes, "Yer gonna get us a damn good bounty."
Adam spat at Jon, "You better pray I don't get up this time, Jon. Cause when I get outta this? I'm gonna show you why they call me The Hangman."
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valkyrie-night-103 · 1 year
I’ve been having a turbulent time with my health lately, and my personal life has not been without it’s challenges, so I’ve not really been very able to write over the past couple of weeks. I thought I should try this again, in hopes that it’ll start me back in the right direction. I’ve cut down the amount of active WIPs, and many of these are working titles with concepts that are described very briefly here.
How to play: Send in an ask regarding any of the WIPs mentioned below and I’ll write at least another 100 words for that WIP and post it in response to the ask.
Additional Rules:
Anon is absolutely fine with me! However, I’d really appreciate it if you gave yourself a code name or emoji so I can tell whether my asks are coming from a lot of people or just a few. I’ll try to answer every ask, but if I am struggling with the amount, I’ll make sure every individual who sends an ask gets a response to at least one of their asks
If you’re undecided and want me to choose one between two or three options, send in the same ask. I will only answer one prompt per ask, but you are free to send multiple!
If you want me to fill multiple requests, send in separate asks. Remember: if you are on anon, make sure to follow rule one in each ask.
I’ve talked about all of these in different ask games, so I’ve very briefly summarised the plots- if you missed out on those posts and want to know more, I provide an AU Tag for each. To find more information, just search it on my blog! Chances are it’s already in my featured tags.
If there’s a specific aspect of a plot/au that you’re interested in, let me know and I’ll see if I can focus on that part for you!
And now, a word from our sponsors
A Golden Lovers Esports AU with a strangers-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic, and the only-one-bed trope thrown in
AU Tag: #a word from our sponsors
Kenny Omega’s Guide to Conflict Resolution
Kenny/BCC, Pure NSFW
AU Tag: #conflict resolution
Cleaner’s Prize Corner
Internet Famous!Kenny/Just Some Dude!Hangman (It’s hard to do this one justice in a few words)
AU Tag: Cleaners Prize Corner
Too Much Too Soon
Kenny suffers a career-ending injury in the biggest match of his career, not long after joining the Bullet Club and betraying Kota. But even after all that’s happened, Kota is still there when Kenny needs him, regardless of whether Kenny admits that he does.
AU Tag: #too much too soon
Blackpool Crime Club
Yuta/BCC Organised Crime AU, featuring the Best Friends and other wrestler cameos
AU Tag: #blackpool crime club
A monster standing where you should be
A canon-divergent retelling of the HoB/Elite feud
AU Tag: #a monster standing where you should be
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doublearmbars · 2 years
fic: contact sport
Summary: a patchwork of media documenting the first couple months of MJF's tenure after being traded to the Red Wings in the middle of the night for nothing.
Notes: I’m a certified hockey enjoyer and this is drawn from a lot of stuff I enjoy but in particular: the You Can’t Do That podcast, the work of Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein on the Youtube channel Secret Base, and the stupid postgame rituals that NHL teams have established to give a fun item to a new special man every game. I might write more in this AU if i ever get a handle on writing the POV of either of these snippy bitches but I do have a Blackpool Combat Club hockey thing i'm plugging away at.
On ao3 here
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From a Youtube video by Secret Base- "Best in the world and you know it" A Dorktown Short Film
So he got traded to the Red Wings in the middle of the night, knowing he’ll never be back to the hometown golden boy, that he’ll die up there on that godforsaken lake, his words not mine.
You might expect his story to end there, in despair. After all these Red Wings are not a Stanley Cup team, hell they’re not even a playoff team.
Except, it doesn’t end there. Not by a long shot. But to tell you that story, I have to take a sidebar to talk about a different hometown golden boy.
The screen zooms out from the announcement of the trade to show a large chart with multiple boxes, and next to the labeled vertical headshot of Maxwell Jacob Friedman another is revealed, this one of a tired eyed young man with mid-length bleached hair, his dark roots showing. He’s sneering at the camera, and wearing a jersey for the Chicago hockey team.
You might know him.
From the Be Gay Take Penalites Podcast Ep 145 Little Caesar’s Gay Fight Club
Can you have shit in Detroit? Can love bloom on the battlefield? Your intrepid hosts Kelsey and PJ journey to find these answers and more as we recap the week in hockey. Also: we take a hard stance on goalie crime (it’s good) and return for another round of 80’s news chyrons.
PJ: Okay on to elsewhere in the NHL, I wanna talk about Detroit and MJF and my favorite old bitch. They’re so- they’re like unlikely animal friends
[Kelsey laughs]
PJ: it’s like an old dog and a shithead cat became friends. Am I wrong? Am I wrong.
Kelsey: No- no you’re- [wheezing laughter] they’re besties but they also hate each other is the vibe.
PJ: Truly like when Max got traded I was like-
Kelsey (crosstalk): You went on Twitter immediately like-
PJ: Yeah I tweeted-let me find it- I tweeted “Brooks looking at MJF like he’s himself from 12 years ago and hating it” and then that one picture from a postgame interview where he looks just completely hollowed out inside like he can’t even summon his Scorpio urge to complain.
[both laugh]
Kelsey: Like not even the intense energies of notorious old married couple Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin can fix this situation.
PJ: And! And they were a defense pair in the win last night.
Kelsey: Max plays defense?
PJ: Did you not- I forget you hate the Isles. Yeah coaching moved him to defense to- I think to punish him it’s unclear and stupid but he appears to be thriving? Which I love for him. He did play defense in juniors to be fair.
Kelsey: No, being fueled by spite we love that. Keep me posted on those two. I wanna bring up the goalie crimes from this week...
PJ: Oh god we have to talk about Bryan.
Video posted by the Red Wings official twitter.
The locker room of the Red Wings after a home win, with most players having taken off their jerseys and sitting around either shirtless or in compression shirts. There is background chatter that quiets when Maxwell Jacob Friedman stands up, hair a mess with sweat from the game. He's holding a fireman's helmet, this season's relic to pass between the player whose performance was best. He gestures across the room,
and the camera swings to show the man he's called out, still in his skates, who rises, crosses the room and takes the helmet from him a little snappily, then raises his other hand to acknowledge the rest of the locker room
The rest of the locker room claps heartily and lets out a rising communal "ooh" like children when someone in their class is called to the principal's office.
They shake hands. We see him say something in MJF's ear, but the audio doesn't pick it up. Lip readers on Twitter claim he says "nobody calls me that anymore"
The response comes through clearly though: "Well I am."
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justanotheroutsider · 3 years
Part 1 - class and dyspraxia; labels and belonging.
I’m not working class; not really, not anymore, not really ever before. I wanted to be though, even aspired to be so, to belong. I’m an impostor. But I get a head of myself and that won’t do; it won’t make sense to me. I was born in London. Council house to a single parent; my mum. I have no idea who my father was and that’s okay. My mum had no qualifications. We were poor. To the casual observer a council estate may seem uniform - it’s where the working class live; it’s a dangerous, scary place, full of crime, drugs and immorality. In reality council estates are mosaics. There are the ‘rich’ working class, who have work (often factory work which is poorly paid, but work nonetheless), they perhaps own a second hand car (I recall mostly Fords), and went on holiday once a year (not abroad like the middle classes, but on holiday nonetheless, to Blackpool or similar). Then there are the ‘poor’ working class - who were not in paid employment (or at least not legal paid employment)... mostly on benefits, mostly not car owners (many like my mum could not drive - too expensive to learn and what would be the point anyway? It’d be as much use as learning to fly a space-rocket); certainly no holidays... the priority is surviving: food and booze (now don’t get judgemental - without the anaesthesia of alcohol the bleak hopelessness would overwhelm any of us). Of course at Christmas we could join in the camaraderie at the working men’s club, play pool, and drink and sing, for some reason I still don’t fully understand, we were let in at those times. The remainder of the year the venue was a no go arena. We didn’t belong....
Charles Murray a New Right sociologist with racist views on intelligence coined the label, the ‘underclass’. Murray believed that the welfare state led to welfare dependency; that it had perverse incentives that encouraged lone parenthood and discouraged work.  He argued that boys who grew up without male role models and without the example of paid employment, became a criminal underclass of jobless, welfare-dependent, dysfunctional people. Nice. Nice because that’s me. Labelled me; me labelled.
When I moved up north the oddest thing happened... I somehow leap frogged the ‘working class’ and became middle class - southern and middle class - new labels and new ways to be an outsider (Becker argued that it is the majority group that sets the rules, the rules you cannot help but break - such as your accent, the broken rules that label you deviant: outsider). I even became quite defensive about this for a time, demanding recognition for my working class credentials... but I was never working class: I was underclass, a deviant and dysfunctional. I’m getting a head of myself again... back down south. My mother became ill with cancer and by age 7 I was a young carer - not that I would have recognised that label. It just was. I just was. The hardest thing for me at that time was not the aching arms carrying the bags of shopping from the local shop, nor cleaning the commode; it was the bullying at school. Being a ‘a young carer’ was a welcome escape, a distraction, time to be with my mum. My mum got meals-on-wheels and I got to share some of the pudding.
I have dyspraxia, another label I would not have recognised back then or been able to say. Dyspraxia is just a difference; a different wiring if you like, much like dyslexia is a different way of learning. Such differences should be celebrated, but because society is structured the way it is, they become difficulties, or rather, society makes life for you difficult (it’s those explicit and also hidden rules). It comes back to Becker’s argument: I’m not like you, so you label me and I become the label. Dyspraxia concerns coordination. It can manifest as different motor skills (fine and / or gross) and/or different planning and sequencing and organising cognition. For me it was one reason why I was always picked last for team sports.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Police probe alleged racist hate crime at Blackpool
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Lancashire Police is investigating an alleged racist hate crime during the Sky Bet Championship match between Blackpool and Coventry.The alleged incident, which Coventry personnel reported hearing from an individual in the West Stand at Bloomfield Road, occurred in and around the 69th minute of Tuesday's game."Blackpool Football Club can confirm that it is assisting Lancashire Police in investigating an allegation of racism towards a Coventry City player at last night's match at Bloomfield Road," the club said in a statement."Anyone with information to support the Lancashire Police investigation is asked to call 101 or email [email protected] quoting log 1029 of August 17. Alternatively, you can report online at doitonline.lancashire.police.uk."The club adopts a zero-tolerance policy on all forms of discrimination and will take the strongest possible action should any individual be found guilty of such abhorrent behaviour." Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player
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Highlights of the Sky Bet Championship match between Blackpool and Coventry Coventry said in their own statement: "It was reported a racist comment was made by a fan towards a Coventry City player taking a throw-in close to the dugout during the second half. "An investigation is underway and enquiries ongoing, and we will not make any further comment regarding this incident at this time."Coventry City strongly condemns all forms of racism and discrimination, and we as a club will continue to do everything we can to stamp racism and discrimination out of the game and society."Swedish striker Viktor Gyokeres scored on the stroke of half-time as Coventry won the game 1-0. Read the full article
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nagdabbit · 1 year
🍥🍘🍚 for the askmeme?
🍥 What's your favorite fic you've written?
come through callin' is hands down just my favorite. it becomes a little dearer to me every time i think about it. it was just such a weird idea, and ended up being so fucking cathartic to write and share, i just love it. it's one of the few things, posted and hidden in notebooks or wip docs, that i read and actually get kinda proud that i wrote
i feel like i should say lamp-bright rind, just out of the sheer size, time spent, effort and popularity and all that. but it's also from a fandom im not really a part of any longer, and there's so much just bad vibes attached to it. but I'm still fond of it and it holds a special place in my heart
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
it remains to be seen if it ends up being abandoned post-tale as old as balls, but it really feels like ive abandoned blackpool contract club, the what if they were assassins au. and even the bookshop, too, though i stfg i will finish that one, i know how it ends and the pay off will be so fucking good. but. head full of crimes
most things never make it to the Talking About It Where People Can See stage until there's a very clear picture of it in my head, so i usually manage to finish those. i think the only things ive actively abandoned post-posting them, are the choked out series (seth/roman/elias that kinda charts dean leaving) and great recipes series (stranger things, chef au from above). i had a lot of plans for both of them, but things kinda exploded and their sequels never really got any of my brain space. i think i even had like six more parts blocked out to choked out? the next one is even still mostly finished. but the love is gone
🍚 What genre do you have the toughest time writing?
i accidentally just therapy'd myself at slap about this one 😅
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timezfusa · 3 years
Police probe racist abuse of Coventry player
Police probe racist abuse of Coventry player
Blackpool’s Championship home game with Coventry at Bloomfield Road attracted an attendance of 11,608 fans to see their side lose at home for the second time four days Coventry have confirmed that police have begun an investigation into racist abuse aimed at a Sky Blues player. The club have issued a statement to say “Lancashire Police are investigating an alleged racist hate crime” in City’s…
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grizzledyoungimpact · 2 years
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Angel Michaels Quote: If you recall, them clouds ain’t really clouds at all. Verse: Mafia TW/CW: Mentions of PTSD, mentions of war
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Life had become even more complex after the end of the war for Jon Moxley. Before the war, Jon had been nothing but a street tough. Jon had run with a group who called themselves The Switchblades. Jon’s brother Brandon and their mutual friend Sami Callihan had run the streets through fear and intimidation, wanting to get the respect that they felt had always been denied to them. As Jon had gotten older, he had found he wanted more. He wanted a chance to do something right, something good. When the war had started, Jon had thought that his something more was to join up. In a way, Jon had been right. He just hadn’t hit the nail on the head just yet. Jon had proven himself to be a capable soldier and, under the watchful eye of a man named Hunter Helmsley, Jon had been put in a covert team with two other men. Seth Rollins was a brainiac, though a bit religious, who was adept at codebreaking and espionage. The muscle of the team had been a silent but kind man named Leati Anoai. That was a name that Jon had known before the war, Anoai. The Anoai’s were one of the most feared crime families on his side of the seaboard. And Jon? Jon was a silent assassin, able to blend into the darkness around him with little effort. Together they had been called the S.H.I.E.L.D, dedicated to the rescue of those who needed it most. After the war had ended, Jon had made it home, though not without his scars. All three men had changed for their experiences. Seth had retreated into his religion even more, gathering a following of like-minded men who would do anything for him. Leati had been slighted by the government, and thus had retreated into the life of crime that he had so badly tried to escape. And Jon? Well, the term so many fancy doctors liked to throw around was shellshock. That was a fancy term for a list of things that he couldn’t control. Loud noises seemed to bring him to a state of near shut-down, seeming to bring him back to the horrors of his days in a trench. Those memories hit him again and again and again. It had stopped Jon from seeking out his brother and best friend, instead tending to stay to himself. Someone he had met since returning to the States had been a help, however. In fact, she had become so much more. Her name was Angel Michaels. Angel was a waitress at a small diner near the small apartment that Jon called his own. She was pretty, with long blonde hair usually pulled out of her soft blue eyes. Those eyes, however, betrayed her youth. Behind her eyes was darkness, proof that the woman knew more about the world around her than she let on. Jon had promised himself to find out what she hid, to make sure she didn’t bear that weight alone. Stops in the diner to see Angel had turned to dates. Dates had turned into meeting Angel’s daughter Brianna. Meeting Brianna had turned into Jon taking up as the father to a daughter he had never expected to be and as a husband he could never have dreamed he’d be. Angel had even shared the story of how she had become a single mother. Once in her life, Angel had been married to the son of a worthy oil tycoon, Ted DiBiase Jr. Ted had loved her in the beginning, but like many rich men who were not used to being told no, Ted had quickly grown bored and started to cheat. When Brianna had been born without the use of her legs, both DiBiase’s had quickly turned away from Angel and Brianna. Jon, in turn, had finally told someone else about his diagnosis. Jon found his confidant in his soulmate. He had assumed that was that, he and Angel would learn to live with their traumas. That was until Angel had come to him with an offer from a mentor of hers. William Regal was a well-to-do member of society who had two different sides. Most members of society knew William as an owner of a corner gym. The gym, known more widely as The Blackpool Combat Club, was a refuge for men who had served their countries and needed a place to express themselves. That, of course, was a front. In all actuality, The Blackpool Combat Club was an extension of the crime family that Regal fronted. The men who served The Club knew of these actions, but because of William’s acceptance of their pasts, the members were accepting of their positions. A circle of chairs had been set up in the gym, the members of the Club sitting together. There was the quiet, bearded Bryan Danielson who had lost one of his closest friends before losing one of his legs in the trenches. Claudio Castagnoli had left his neutral country to carry information as a multi-lingual spy, though he had since fallen in on himself. He had yet to confirm to the other members of the group why, but Jon recognized the look in his eyes. It finally felt like he had someone other than his Angel who would understand in these two men. “If you recall, them clouds ain’t really clouds at all,” Jon spoke up, clasping his hands to his knees as he spoke. “I saw ‘em in the battlefield. It…it’s mines. Can still hear ‘em when I’m sleepin’. I know I scare my kid sometimes. Can’t help that.” Angel placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “Bri knows you would never hurt her. We both know…” “If I may, Angela,” William interrupted, “though young Mr. Moxley knows this, a part of himself will always be on edge. I was the same way with my Benjamin and my Anya. It cannot be helped.” Jon gave a soft nod, “His lordship is right. I-“ “It’s not shameful,” Bryan spoke up, his voice gruff, “Most men ain’t got the balls to admit what those places did t’ them. Me? You? Claudio? We’re different. We can look our pain in the eye, keep goin’.” Jon thumbed his nose, giving a sniff as if he could be moved to tears. He was stopped from speaking as two young men entered. Well, Jon was sure both were men. One was a little more feminine in the face, though in fashion they were masculine. Feeling Angel’s hand tighten on his shoulder, Jon could sense his wife’s feelings. These two were children, barely older than twenty at most. She had a need to protect, and Jon wondered if this was how Angel had once felt about him. “Jon…they…” “Is this Mr. Regal’s gym?” the baby-faced younger of the two figures spoke, “I…my brother Wheeler and I…” Jon stood, crossing over with a rough smirk, extending his hand. Angel’s thoughts had been his own and it hadn’t been until he joined this club that Jon had finally found what his duty in life was. His duty in life was to help others, to protect others. “You came to the right place. Welcome to the Blackpool Combat Club.”
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