#blaine and nemesis : it’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you [dcvourhcpe]
vendettamuses · 1 year
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: They were trying to get some much needed fruit from a tree, high in a tree. The apples were gained, but now the human's stuck! Blaine is just....gonna stick close to the trunk until they spot Nemesis. "Hey! A little help, big guy?" they call out before holding up a apple from their bag, "Got something you can try."
⚔️ Random Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
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The call draws the giant's attention. He turns about for a moment, seeking out his little human companion on the ground, before turning his attention upwards to where they're stranded on a lone branch. How did they get up there? Probably the same way they always seem to whenever he turns his back. Oh well.
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He huffs softly as he trots over to where they are. It's a little higher than normal. His usual method of simply standing by and letting them climb off the branch and onto his shoulder is hardly effective here. Too high for him to reach up and grasp with his hands either. He stares for several moments, seemingly contemplating his options., when it comes to him.
Both arms rise up, a collection of tendrils extending from mottled flesh to wrap securely around Blaine's torso. Only once he's established a solid grip on their body does he lift them from a branch, slowly lowering them down into his cupped arms. He purrs at the familiar sensation of their weight against his palms, his chest rumbling as he cradles them into it. Then, his attention turns to the apple.
Oh! A new thing to interact with! How exciting! He lets out a low, warbling groan. It seems he's curious about this new treat they've brought him!
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: mmm, grilled cheese. i should of gotten another one at dinner. | from Blaine to Nemesis
⚔️ Tastes Like Candy Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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Nemesis purrs in agreement. He’s especially fond of the cheese if the way he keeps pulling apart the pieces to let the stringy, melted bits of it drip down onto his tongue is anything to go by. Typical Tyrant, always playing with his food before he eats it. He pauses his humorous eating at Blaine’s words though. He still has a sizable chunk of it left, and they still seem hungry.
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Without thinking twice about it, he offers them the uneaten half of their sandwich with an encouraging purr. He doesn’t want his little human to go hungry. He can go without for just a little longer. Though he is a little saddened to be giving up one of his favorite treats. Dairy is always a delight that he was often restricted from having back with Umbrella. But he supposed he can spare the little luxury for now.
Blaine is much more important to him than a bit of cheese.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: [ LIFT ]:     sender, being taller than the shorter receiver, lifts them off the ground mid-embrace. + Reverse - from Blaine to Nemesis!
⚔️  Things Done While Hugging Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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It wasn’t uncommon. In fact, it seemed to happen every time they hugged. Nemesis would take a knee and hold out his arms for Blaine to practically jump into and when they did, he would hug them with enough excitement to lift them well off the ground. He was never rough or squeezing with his embraces. But it seemed that his utter elation at seeing them and holding them made him forget that there was just a slight difference in height between them. Barely noticeable really.
Still, he always kept a solid hold on them. He’d keep them close to his chest. He would purr with pure delight as he nuzzled them with his cheek. And he would take great care to ensure they didn’t slip and fall from his grasp. For as much as he let his emotions drive him sometimes, he remained ever dedicated and diligent in how he handled Blaine. Always very gentle, always very careful - a little timid even. He cared very deeply for Blaine’s comfort and safety and that fact had not changed since the day they’d met.
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Even now, the giant was positively delicate as he cooed and gently squished them against his frame, engulfing them in the warmth of his body and the feeling of his pulse pounding against the side of her face.
His very own way of telling them I love you so much.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ SAID: Blaine comes into their little cabin looking absolutely giddy about something, the something probably in the sack they have.
"Hey Nems! I got something for you to try out." they call out as they put the sack on the table and start digging through it, speaking only when Nemesis shows up, "I know you get bored in the house sometimes so I thought I'd try to get a few things to help you keep stimulated." A little more digging and the human finally pulls out something and presents it to him.
"It's a Rubic's cube! The goal is to get all the same colored squares together on the same side. I managed to find a few different sizes, but I want to let you try the smallest one first since it's the easiest out of the bunch."
⚔️ Random Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
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It’s practically a reflex by now. The second that Nemesis hears their voice, he turns on the spot to see them and coos with delight. No matter how short the time between last he always seems to be so happy to see them. Utterly charmed and delighted like the loyal companion he is.
He steps over to them, immediately wrapping his tendrils around them to offer a gentle squeeze. Welcome home. His focus shifts to the sack on the table, his attention promptly captured by what they produce from the little container. The cube makes him tilt his head. He moves to take it a studies it. He has to bring it close to his face and squint before he realizes that the blotches of color are actually a collection of small squares grouped together to create a much larger one. Two by two doesn’t seem too difficult.
He grumbles, practicing turning the faces and edges with delicacy. After a few minutes, he seems to understand the goal and solves it with ease before moving on to the 3 by 3 cube. It’s a bit more difficult and takes a bit more time to solve, but he finishes it with relative ease before moving on to the next and purring with delight. At the 4 by 4, he begins to find a bit of trouble. It adds a new layer of complexity he was not aware could be presented, but he doesn’t seem determined to give up if the way he promptly sits down and sticks his tongue in concentration is anything to go by.
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Oh yes. This will definitely keep him busy when he’s by himself.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: 💗 for Blaine and Nemesis!
⚔️ Compatibility Meme // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Nemesis audibly purrs in delight at the number. He pulls Blaine into him to nuzzle their face with his cheek, his chest rumbling with glee. And for a fraction of a second, it almost seems like his cheeks are tinted red.
“Love.” Seems that’s a satisfactory number to him.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ SAID: Blaine is going stretch their arms up and place a hand on both of Nemesis' torn cheek and give them some rubs, "Do you know cute you are? Do you?" they ask in a teasing yet honesty way, "Because you are. And I get that aaaalllll to myself don't I?"
⚔️ Random Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
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The Tyrant leans his head back and forth into each of their palms, purring and rumbling in delight at how nice it feels and how sweet they’re being with him. Their skin is warm and smooth on the rough texture of his skin, and it provides an almost cushion-like comfort to the stretched, mottled flesh of his face. He loves how soft they are and would be satisfied just being able to hold their hand forever. But this? This is even better! Infinitely so! He feels like he’s in Heaven right now!
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Cute? That’s a new one. He’s never been called cute before but judging by their tone of voice, he deduces that it must be something positive. Especially if it means he gets this kind of wonderful treatment that leaves him purring and feeling so light for hours upon hours afterwards. Cute! He purrs a little louder in the affirmative, puffing out his chest a bit with pride. Yes, he is cute. And yes, he is all theirs!
Both of his hands come up, fingers lightly grasping at Blaine’s cheeks. He very lightly pinches them and shakes their head a bit, trying to replicate their affectionate gesture. His gestures come with much less grace but quite a lot of enthusiasm to make up for it, and he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of subtle, fine motor movements, but the heart of the gesture is there. “Cute.” He rumbles, leaning in to nuzzle the crown of their head with his nose before pulling them into his chest for a long, warm hug. “All mine.”
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: [ KEEP ]  sender fell asleep on receiver and when receiver tries to get up,  sender whines so they stay put.  - from Blaine to Nemesis
⚔️ Staying The Night Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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If there was one thing Nemesis loved, it was naps. Time and time again, the Tyrant had come to show himself as being somewhat lazy. An unexpected trait for something designed to be a killing machine perhaps, but a trait of his nonetheless it was. Suffice to say, the only thing he seemed to love more than naps were naps with Blaine. The mutant was all too happy to let the other settle into him, wrapping one arm around them to keep them warm and secure as they rested.
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Having just wrapped up a particularly long and refreshing rest, the mutant let out a long, rumbling yawn. He stretched a bit and moved to get up, only to hear the human using him as a bed and blanket whine as they grabbed onto the hem of his limiters. He huffed a bit as if to say ‘oops, sorry’ and promptly sat back down again, letting them snuggle and get comfortable again. A moment of silent staring passed before the tyrant sighed and flopped back down.
Oh well. He supposed he would just have to take another nap after all. Blaine was tired and he certainly wasn’t going to disturb them. Stroking over their back, he tucked his free hand behind his head to support his neck and let out another yawn, shifting a bit and settling himself into another more comfortable position. If he could grin, he would. A day of just lounging around and sleeping with Blaine? Sounded like a good idea to him.
Everything else can wait. Let them just enjoy this time together.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: “ how about a little midnight snack...? ” Blaine's supposed to be in bed, but they can't sleep. Not exactly uncommon given the nightmares, but they know Nemesis doesn't like it when they don't get enough sleep.
⚔️ Question Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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The Tyrant rumbles and shakes his head. For once, he’s not hungry. Strange in and of itself, considering Nemesis seems to always have an appetite. But at the moment, he’s a little too worried to be hungry. He moves closer, stretching out his tendrils to wrap around them, gathering them up and pulling them into his arms. He croons, letting them rest against his chest and trying to comfort them with gentle purrs that rumble and vibrate in his chest alongside the sound of his artificial pulse. He wishes he could do more to soothe them. But for now, he supposes that offering ambient sounds and gently rocking them in his arms is the best he can do.
To some extent, he knows that they have trouble sleeping. He’s having trouble sleeping too, and no matter how much of it he gets he never feels rested. He keeps seeing Umbrella. He keeps seeing the walls of the old lab. The testing tubes and the people in little glass boxes panicking as they’re injected against their will. He keeps seeing Blaine in those glass boxes and hearing them screaming but he can never seem to reach them. He doesn’t know where these images are coming from but he doesn’t like them. He wakes up feeling like he can’t breathe and his face is always wet. It’s a viscerally unsettling experiences and he wishes it would stop. More importantly, he wishes it would stop happening to Blaine too.
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He lowers his head, cooing and nuzzling his cheek against the top of their head to try and communicate that he knows how they feel. He knows. He’s having trouble too. But he’s doing his best to be there and comfort them. Because he cares, and he wants to see them healthy and happy. Because he loves them. And he hopes that expressing it helps even the tiniest bit.
“Love you, Blaine.”
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: “   are  you  really  just  going  to  leave  me  here ??   ” Blaine is particularly clinging to the most solid thing on the perch Nems has put them, being a little too nervous at how high they were. Did he put them up there because they wouldn't stay where he told them to? Possibly.
⚔️ Sticky Situation Sentence Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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The gruff huff the tyrant let out seemed to lean towards the affirmative in response to that statement. His prison of choice is a tall tree looming over their little cabin in the woods. It’s old and sturdy, its branches solid and its trunk offering good purchase to cling to. So long as they don’t get too squirmy, they should be fine. Just to be sure, he’s padded the ground around the base of the trunk with a very thick pile of leaves to keep them from getting hurt.
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It’s not exactly something he enjoys doing, but he simply refuses to allow them to come hunting with him. The deer in this area are bigger and at this time of year, they’re aggressive. A little thing like Blaine is a prime target for them and the thought that they might be gored because he turned his back for a second too long is one that the tyrant simply refuses to risk in any capacity. But they’re stubborn. So he supposes this kind of compromise is necessary. So, steps away, patting their head lightly as he goes to reassure them.
He won’t be long. The elk herd is usually out grazing in the local meadow around this time of day. A perfect opportunity to catch this week’s dinner while its still feasting on the last few blooms of summer. They’ll need to start stockpiling soon.
No time like the present to start.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: [ BATH ] for our muses to bathe together | Well, it's more Blaine washing off Nems and getting themselves wet in the process, but it's fine. They had been through this song and dance before so it isn't unexpected.
The human does give a little grunt though when they put more effort in scrubbing a stubborn stain, "What exactly did you get into this time, big guy?" Whatever it was it made quite the mess.
⚔️ Spending Time Together Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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Getting reacquainted with water as a whole was a struggle in and of itself. Ever since his “untimely extinguishing” he’s been somewhat aversive towards large bodies of water. Thankfully, he seems more than pleased enough to sit in the rain and let Blaine scrub away at him while the rainfall rinses him off. He’s easy enough to work with, crooning or rumbling in response to certain things, moving and adjusting as they need it, and helping out by lathering himself up or wiping himself off. He’s quite the clean freak they’ll come to find.
An amused chuff escapes him in response to their question. They’re referring to a series of reddish-purple stain across his skin and his limiters. During a local visit to the gas station that he usually sneaks off to to grab supplies for them from time to time, the employee that had been asleep behind the counter woke up and ended up chucking several bottles of wine at him. Luckily, he was certain they’d forget all about it, thinking it was nothing more than a weird dream after being choked out. But boy had it given him a fright. He’d visibly startled and actually yelped in surprise when he felt the glass shatter against him. He’d made sure to clean up the scene but... well... he’d put off cleaning himself for a while.
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He raised an arm, allowing a tendril to extend from his wrist and reach over to the trashcan he loaded up with plundered goodies. And from it, he pulled out a wine bottle he’d snagged with a low chuckle.
Mystery solved.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: ❝ what are you grinning at? ❞ They can't help but grin a little themselves when they ask the question. Sure there's not much in terms of actual expression on Nem's face, but it's just the way he's holding himself that makes Blaine imagine he's smiling.
⚔️ The Boys (Season 1) Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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The words cause him to chuff and tilt his head. Is he grinning? He can’t tell. His face doesn’t feel any different than usual. He’s not, of course. But the fact that he’s standing tall with his fists resting on his hips gives the impression that if he could, he’d be grinning proudly at his accomplishment. He’s figured out the trick to getting those bricks to stick together: concrete. Granted, perhaps it will be a little alarming when the person at the gas station comes out from their snack run to find their whole cement mixer vehicle missing- none the wiser to the fact that a curious and determined Tyrant snuck up and carried off. But that’s not the point!
He’s already finished one wall of the hole he’s dug out. It’s a sizable depth. He’s dug it at least twenty feet deep over the course of the past few days, made it at least thirty by forty feet in area, and lined the ground with cement just to test out how it worked. When he came back one morning to find it solid enough to stand on, he started experimenting with the bricks and created half a wall and some stairs to travel in and out of it more easily. Now he had a full wall done and he was proudly admiring it. His end goal was still unclear, but he seemed rather focused on this project all the same.
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He excitedly gestures to the wall, purring and chattering his teeth in anticipation. Do they like it? Are they as proud of it as he is? His whole stance and the way he keeps shifting his weight from foot to foot betrays his utter elation with his progress. He’s so ecstatic with himself that he can’t even speak- well, more than usual. But his gestures convey his feelings well enough.
‘Look! Look what I made! Isn’t it great? I made it for you! Do you like it? Are you proud?’
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: Blaine watches Nems do....whatever he is doing, something that the big guy seems set on doing, and continues to watch for a while. Suddenly though they perk up with a thought and hop off what they had been sitting on to approach him. Of course they make sure to make noise on their approach as to not spook him and once they have his attention they make a motion for him to bend down.
They wait and when he does so they lift a hand to start gently scratching underneath his jaw, curiosity in their eyes as they make sure to not go too rough with the exposed muscle. The human doesn't have a hope to harm him, but still it's the thought that counts.
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He’s been at this for an hour now. Easily. It’s unclear what he’s trying to do but somehow, he’s gotten his hands on a very large number of bricks and he insists on stacking them up within a pit he’s dug out. It almost seems like he’s trying to build them the foundation for a subtle but sturdy underground shelter. A place to live. But he can’t get the bricks to stay standing against the uneven walls. And every time they tumble down into a pile, he visibly sulks a bit. A sigh heaves itself from his chest and he moves to pick them all up and start over. That’s been the cycle for the last four hours. Well… at least he’s developed a sense of patience and tenacity.
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The sound of Blaine approaching draws him to raise his head. He croons softly and chatters his teeth at them - his way of cheerfully greeting them. Happy to see them as always. He doesn’t mind them raising their hand, and he doesn’t mind them touching the underside of his jaw either. He makes a curious sound, tilting his head back a bit with the assumption that they want to study something beneath his face. The scratching is unexpected but by no means unwelcome. After a few minutes, he begins to purr and relax, leaning further back. His one eye lids, then shuts completely as he melts into the contact before finally flopping over once and for all.
Oh, that’s good. He hasn’t had a rest since he started this little project. Now that he has, it’s unclear whether or not he will be getting back. Especially now that a pair of tendrils has reached out to scoop Blaine up and pull them into his chest, tucking them up right under his chin with an affectionate coo.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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ANONYMOUS THREATED @dcvourhcpe 'S BLAINE: Seems like Nemesis is real close to that human. Blaine was it? It would be a shame if something happened to said human. Like a certain organization finding out about them.
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An audible rumble from the tyrant pushes the border between a growl and a snarl. He doesn't fully understand the implications from the details of the statement presented but he does glean the understanding that it is a threat. And that's all he feels he needs to understand. They're threatening Blaine.
He won't stand for it.
From his back emerges a series of tendrils, the long appendages whipping and swaying in agitation. Making him look bigger as he takes on a defensive stance. The muscles in his arms and the veins in his neck are bulging, saturated with a sudden burst of artificially-stimulated adrenaline. His attempt to make himself look bigger and show off that he's big and strong - not unlike an irritated feline - might be comical if it wasn't so terrifying to witness him push his mutation abilities to the limit of uncontrolled restructuring.
"Leave. Blaine. Lone." The words are growled out with all the ferocity of a predator. Jaws snap sharply at the unwelcome company before he inhales deeply through clenched teeth. There is no second warning given. They only part again to release a devastating roar that shakes the air and the earth and the organs of anyone too close. They'd be sent flying back by the sheer force of it, with ears aching as their eardrums border on bursting from the sheer volume of the sound. He's not playing this game.
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They can either turn around and limp away or he can launch their half-crushed corpse out of his immediate vicinity himself. It matters little to him which it is. He just wants them away from Blaine.
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