dcvourhcpe · 5 months
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Death Is Not a Escape
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umbrellamedic · 14 days
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ ((from Wesker @dcvourhcpe ))
Wesker found Bertha having a tantrum Send ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ To See My Muse Throwing A Temper Tantrum!
The library of the Raccoon police department is in disarray. Books are open and thrown about, some with pages ripped and crumpled and also thrown in random directions. The lamps are in a broken pile against the wall they all collided with one after another. Several chairs have been reduced to broken wood on the floor.
Bertha is in the destruction, working on destroying another chair by slamming it against a table repeatedly. The only indication that she's noticed Wesker finding her is in the chair suddenly flying through the air in his direction. There's no sign that she recognizes who he is, or the power difference between them; even if not for the fact that Wesker is one of the Entity's killers and Bertha is a survivor, he would outclass her.
She grabs another chair and throws that at him as well, screaming. No words; she can't think clearly enough to form anything coherent. It's all rage and violence enacted by a woman who is very literally seeing red. The blue of her eyes stands out against the bright red that has filled the area that's normally white. Another chair is grabbed, and slammed against the table. She wants to break it; all the better to make a weapon she might be able to stab with.
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feralverndari · 3 months
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@dcvourhcpe sent: The tearing of flesh and the breaking of bone can be heard before the source can be seen. Said source was Felix repeatedly bringing his axe down on some creature that's been long dead. It seems the Entity has let loose the Hunter. Best be careful...
It was always nerve wracking whenever Felix would slip into his more carnal, predator like side, no matter how many times West had seen it. No matter what anyone would try to do, all he could do was let the moment pass until Felix was himself again. It was hard, though...for how can one expect to simply watch the one they love become the worst of themselves and hurt over and over again?
Torture, was what it felt like...
Still, West watches from a distance, waiting for the moment to pass...and then he'll be there to help pick up the tired Hunter and allow him to rest as much as he can. It's the least he can do, after all.
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once-was-muses · 5 months
@dcvourhcpe | Send 🍑 to slap my muse on the ass
🍑 ((Danny to Talbot, @dcvourhcpe Don't ask why))
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He'd like to blame his precious serum- or, more accurately, its side effects- for the ease with which he can be snuck up on at times nowadays. But in reality, he'd always had the bad habit of getting lost in thought, succumbing to tunnel vision, deaf-blind to everything except his current project.
But regardless, he has been snuck up on. In the field, no less- which is objectively better than someone discovering his hideaway, but that doesn't make it any less jarring. Or painful, frankly, a swift swat to his rump sending him careening forward, face first into the damp earth. A sharp jolt shoots up the arm that reflexively flew out to attempt stopping his fall, now trapped under his body- as lightweight as he may be, he doesn't feel particularly inclined to try and move.
Logically, he reason out his list of suspects to a very small number. And his attacker should hope he makes the wrong conclusion.
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vigil4nted · 2 years
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     “ WAIT... WHAT. ” MAYBE he’ll scoot a little closer to the campfire.
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havvkinsroyalty · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ liked x | frank
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     “Life gives you a journey to now           So I just make it up as I go.”
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@dcvourhcpe SAID: They were trying to get some much needed fruit from a tree, high in a tree. The apples were gained, but now the human's stuck! Blaine is just....gonna stick close to the trunk until they spot Nemesis. "Hey! A little help, big guy?" they call out before holding up a apple from their bag, "Got something you can try."
⚔️ Random Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
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The call draws the giant's attention. He turns about for a moment, seeking out his little human companion on the ground, before turning his attention upwards to where they're stranded on a lone branch. How did they get up there? Probably the same way they always seem to whenever he turns his back. Oh well.
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He huffs softly as he trots over to where they are. It's a little higher than normal. His usual method of simply standing by and letting them climb off the branch and onto his shoulder is hardly effective here. Too high for him to reach up and grasp with his hands either. He stares for several moments, seemingly contemplating his options., when it comes to him.
Both arms rise up, a collection of tendrils extending from mottled flesh to wrap securely around Blaine's torso. Only once he's established a solid grip on their body does he lift them from a branch, slowly lowering them down into his cupped arms. He purrs at the familiar sensation of their weight against his palms, his chest rumbling as he cradles them into it. Then, his attention turns to the apple.
Oh! A new thing to interact with! How exciting! He lets out a low, warbling groan. It seems he's curious about this new treat they've brought him!
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ SAID: "It’s okay, It’s okay. honey." Blaine makes a attempt to calm Nemesis down, "It's only a little cut, just needs a bandage." They may have stumbled and cut their arm on a forging trip, but that was just part of living in the woods.
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Despite their efforts, it’s already too late. Nemesis has already made up his mind and decided that panic and extreme distress is an appropriate response. He’s visibly trembling, though it seems more out of anxiety and worry than anything. For a moment, he whips around looking for anything the environment that might be of service. But there are no green herbs out here. So he moves to encircle himself around Blaine to protect them from further harm. It’s the first and likely only thing he can think to do to help: shield them from further harm.
At their remark, he pats himself looking for any. But he doesn’t think to carry these things. He doesn’t need them. He can heal himself. Though it occurs to him that in the future, maybe he should. For Blaine’s sake at least. He might not have bandages themself, but he can spare another shred of his tattered limiter wear. He tears off another strip from the skirt, which they’d cleaned somewhat recently, and uses some tendrils from his wrist to fasten it around the cut. They’re far more dexterous than his big clumsy fingers. More precise and more capable of securing the strip over the cut so it’s less likely to get infected.
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A soft croon escapes him and he very gently nudged Blaine with his leg, signaling to them that he’d like this foraging trip to be over. It’s time to head back so they scrounge up the med spray or some dried herbs and apply some proper bandage’s to Blaine’s wound. He doesn’t want them getting sick. As his tendrils retreat, he folds his hands together shirks down, looking like a guilty child. Ashamed, more like it.
He’s ashamed he didn’t do a better job at protecting them.
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cursed-legacy · 2 years
@dcvourhcpe​ liked this post.
“. . .”
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dcvourhcpe · 5 months
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This is your reminder that it is always watching and knows what you did last night.
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virtucvs · 2 years
Danny kicks his feet while laying upside down on Joey's bed, head hanging off the side. He's also reading what seems to be a magazine.
"Frankie boy needs better taste in reading material." he speaks offhandedly. If Frank was complaining about missing things in his room it wasn't his fault. - @dcvourhcpe
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        GOD DAMMIT DANIEL. It’s bad enough he isn’t on Frank’s good side enough, feeling like some dad-not-approving-of-teenage-love type of bullshit, but taking his shit is just gonna wind up being Joey’s fault. 
       “Could you not be a fuck for five seconds, Doll?”
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feralverndari · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ sent,  ❛  the only flaw in your entire body is your lips ― they’re not touching mine.  ❜ Hands a little note with that written on it.
Get Lucky, Maybe? || Accepting!
--What was this? High School note passing again?
It’s a thought the mechanic has at first, but knows some impulse control to be able to bite back the remark as he takes the note and looks it over. At first, his knee-jerk reaction is to respond that, no, he’s inherently flawed all over. Covered in many scars and everything else in-between as life chewed him up then spat him back out. Yet when he gets to the latter part of said note, he has to take a second to reread the sentence once.
Then twice.
Then one more time.
Did...did Felix just--?
Slowly does a blush begin to crawl across his cheeks, ducking his head shyly in response as his first natural instinct to that is, well, to fight. Though maybe not in the manner either one expects.
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“Y-Yeah, well! If’n it bothers ya so m-much, why don’t y-ya come over here ‘n fix tha’, then!” he huffed out, though his words have no real bite to him: they’re simply a flustered mess as a whine follows shortly after.
Yeah, that’ll get the message to Felix. Totally.
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Despite the mask the smaller male exudes smugness as he stands before Evan. He motions for the larger killer to kneel before him and once he does Harry uses a gloved hand to scratch under his jaw, tilting his head slightly.
Aren't you a good attack dog.... - @dcvourhcpe
It hurts his pride more than anything, but Evan kneels. He doesn't even try to keep from growling at the other male. If the Entity would have done such a thing, the Trapper would preen and be proud. From Harry he counts down the time until he can attack and only hopes he gets told to kill something.
Somewhere deep down, he enjoys the recognition. He is very good. The best. But he won't say that out loud.
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vigil4nted · 2 years
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There isn't much warning before there's a tentacle wrapping around Leon's wrist and gently tugging him toward the giant bioweapon nearby. Why Nemesis is acting shy so to speak is unknown, but it's clear he does want the man closer.
@dcvourhcpe​ | leon scott kennedy 
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     “ CURIOUS, ARE WE ? ” As if Leon himself could deny the way he’d looked at Nemesis. The questions that float around in his mind. Too close to too many bioweapons in the past - to see one when not in a violent mood intrigued him. Of course, the utter obsession most had with holding him up by his neck was something that changes how he sees them, thinks of them.       “ I’m curious. ” He offers a sly grin, letting himself move closer. He moves his head, indicating the tentacle. “ What can you do with this for fun ? ” He’s got no shame in it. None whatsoever.
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havvkinsroyalty · 2 years
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@dcvourhcpe​ asked: The xenomorph hisses from where it seems to have to made itself quite comfortable on whatever Chrissy was working on, tail lashing a few times. It might be bribed to get off, but otherwise it doesn't seem to have any intentions of moving.
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     No, that’s certainly not what she was expecting. The creature is feline in nature, at least in her personal opinion, and she’s left stunned by its sudden presence. Blue painted lids flutter from the shock and hands draw away from the blanket she’d been patching for a fellow survivor.           “I...”      She knows talking to it likely won’t yield much information but she can’t help herself.           “Can I help you?”
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pumpkinstabs-moving · 2 years
There's a few gurgles, a soft cry, before the Dredge emerges from the darkness nearby. Whatever Michael is doing has caught the creature's curiosity. - @dcvourhcpe​
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the Boogeyman didn’t expect to be paired with the Dredge during this trial,  but surprisingly enough,  he doesn’t mind.  in a way,  he enjoys the presence of the creature.  it doesn’t speak,  isn’t unnecessarily nosy with Michael,  keeps a safe distance.  Michael’s attention is grabbed by it when it steps out of the shadows,  hands stained with the blood of Meg,  the latest survivor he decided to adorn and decorate,  shaping her body comically.  blue eyes stare at the Dredge through the black holes of his mask,  a moment of hesitance before he steps away from the body,  tilting his head at the other.  if you want to eat her,  go ahead.
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