#blaine going all back off glitter-rock vampire
datshitrandom · 2 months
klaine queue is ready for tomorrow, yay!
apologies for the spam 😅
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Do you have any specific kelliott head canons? 👀
hello hello!! sorry for taking an eternity to get to get to this question!! i don't remember if you meant romantic or platonic headcanons, but since i don't really ship them romantically anymore, i'm just going to give you some friendship kelliott (with a side dose of klaine...bc how could i not 😂)
they frequently go shopping for music together, swapping music taste and introducing each other to new artists. 
kurt really likes elliott’s style and occasionally takes inspiration from him when he wants to make a more bold statement with his outfits. 
kurt has spent hours venting to elliott about lima, ohio and all of the insane drama that took place when he was in high school. when he finally gets around to talking about sue, elliott stops believing him and has to look up sue’s name on the internet to realize that kurt is being 100% truthful. 
elliott was absolutely thrilled when kurt got his first tattoo in 5x05, and has tried to convince kurt on many occasions to get more tattoos and piercings, but after the 'bette midler' fiasco, kurt refuses every time. 
okay this isn’t a hc, this is canon...but kurt constantly gushes about blaine to elliott. he’s told elliott pretty much everything that he loves about blaine, and elliott tells kurt that he wishes that he could find someone that adores him as much as kurt does blaine. 
eventually, kurt and blaine help set elliott up with the guy that will love him just as much as klaine love each other. 
when the pezberry feud was at its worst, elliott and kurt just took a day off and hung out at the high line for 24 hours straight. 
on the night kurt and blaine broke up, kurt went to crash at elliott’s place and stayed there for a few days until blaine moved out of the loft. 
even though one three hill broke up, they occasionally hit up dani for drinks and sometimes perform for fun.
elliott and kurt have frequent disney movie marathons. 
elliott was the first person that kurt told about getting back together with blaine, and he was thrilled for the two of them. he was even more thrilled upon finding out that they were married and heading back to new york, with blaine going to NYU. 
whenever kurt wants to sneak onto the NYU campus and surprise blaine post-s6, elliott is always his tour guide. 
elliott turns ‘glitter rock vampire’ into a real song one day. and dedicates it to kurt and blaine. the song is obviously a hit. 
elliott absolutely loves klaine’s kids, and though he’s childfree himself, always volunteers to babysit them. 
when blaine and kurt renew their vows after 10 years of marriage, elliott is kurt’s best man. 
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine fic - “Time for Us: Chapter 4 - Eternity Isn’t Enough” (Rated NC17) *COMPLETE*
A few nights a week, Blaine comes to Kurt’s window and begs Kurt to let him in. After what Blaine did, after what he’s become, Kurt wants him to simply disappear so he can go on with his life. But that’s hard when Blaine is still his one true love, regardless of what form he’s taken. (2556 words this chapter)
Chapter 1 - Midnight Rendezvous
Chapter 2 - Dawn of Change
Chapter 3 - Time Enough to Forgive
Read on AO3.
Death doesn't hurt.
Provided that you're not being flattened in a compactor or eaten piece by piece by a wild tiger, death shouldn't hurt.
It's as effortless as blinking.
As easy as falling asleep.
It's not a thought or a decision.
It's an outcome.
Or so Kurt had been told. Countless doctors, oncologists, and death preparation counselors all assured him that death was nothing to be afraid of. It's natural, inevitable, and they promised him that with the amount of medication they were keeping him on in the final stages as cancer ate away at his body, painless.
Kurt passes away quietly, cradled in Blaine's arms. The last thing he sees before his eyelids drop is the glittering amber-gold of Blaine's eyes.
The last thing he sees before he dies is a lie.
Apparently, it isn't the only one.
Because death is painful.
Extremely painful.
It sears his body, every inch, heat surging through his veins starting from a point behind his neck and filling him with fire. He wants to scream, but he physically can't. His mouth doesn't open. His limbs are numb, useless. All he can do is wait in agony for it all to end. But there seems to be no end. For hours, he simply burns - inside, outside, in every nook and cranny, ceaselessly …
He hears a rushing through his ears like wind. He wonders if he's falling, and, if he is, when will he land? For the hundredth time he thinks, "Here it is. The end. Now it will be over," but it never is.
Through the swishing and the wooshing, he hears voices calling to him.
No … one voice calling to him.
Reaching out to him in the dark.
Cutting through the pain.
Eventually, though he’s not sure exactly how long after, the roaring in his ears stops and the pain finally ends. It dissolves completely without an echo of it to be felt. But where Kurt expects to be absorbed by oblivion, he's still conscious. Aware.
He hears the pattering of cockroaches racing through the apartment walls.
He smells hot dogs cooking at Gray's Papaya – ten miles away.
He feels the individual fibers of his cashmere sweater rubbing against his skin.
But it's the thirst – the overwhelming thirst engrained into every dehydrated cell of his body - that forces him to open his eyes.
Countless signals assault his brain – too sharp, too bright, too much color, too much detail – and he shuts them again. He whimpers; the sound of his own voice so alien to his ears that he bites his lip to silence himself.
"It's okay," another voice whispers. It rings like a bell with the clapper slicing into his brain. “Everything’s going to be okay now.”
"No," Kurt moans, raising his hands to cover his head and curling his body into a ball. "No, no, no."
"Shhh …" Blaine runs a gentle hand down Kurt's back. "It'll be okay. You'll get used to it. It'll be fine."
Kurt rocks back and forth, trying to ignore the fabric that's insanely too soft for his skin; trying to push aside the smell of cooking meat, which is now revolting to him; and every single noise that's trying to worm its way into his skull. He needs to find a way to block them all out before he goes completely mad.
The thirst, though, refuses to be ignored.
Bit by bit, he comes to his senses.
He's dead. He's supposed to be dead. So is this hell? What's happening to him?
"Just concentrate on my voice," Blaine says. "Listen to my voice and shut out the rest."
"I can't." Red tears slip down Kurt’s cheeks. "I can't … it's too much …"
Blaine remembers this. It's a fainter memory now than it was, but he can recall the fear, the confusion, the sensory overload. When it happened to Blaine, he was alone. The vampire who had bitten him left him. Laughing, he abandoned him in the shady hotel room Blaine had rented for the night. Blaine didn't know if the man had ever intended on coming back for him, but once his skin started to prickle with the rising of the sun, his instincts took over. He buried himself deep within the earth, where he stayed all day and into the next, screaming through his insanity, choking on loose soil as it filled his mouth. It pressed down on him until he realized that it wouldn't kill him …
… because he was already dead.
"It won't get any better until you learn to ignore it."
Blaine tries to help, but Kurt isn't listening. He's so thirsty, he feels like he’s going to dry up and split in two. Blaine knows it's there, and tries to think of any way to relieve it so that Kurt can cope; bide until the thirst strikes again.
Blaine has an idea, but he doesn't have the time to explain it. And even if he could make Kurt understand, he's not sure Kurt would leave the safety of the apartment and go outside where the noise gets louder and the smells get stronger. Blaine scoops him up in his arms and carries him to the fire escape. Kurt, too distracted to argue, doesn't notice when Blaine bounds up the metal ladder and leaps across the alley, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Blaine uses his senses to guide him, relying on his supernatural hearing and smell to tell him where he needs to go.
Kurt isn't like him. He wouldn't kill someone to feed his own thirst, so Blaine needs to find the next best thing.
Blaine lands on the helipad of a hospital and stops, taking a deep breath in to make sure he's found the right place. He locates a grate in the wall and breaks into the ventilation system. Awkwardly, he carries Kurt down to the lower level, where the morgue and blood storage is located. Blaine manages to find an exhaust vent that leads straight into the cooler.
Kurt's reaction to a room full of refrigerated blood is instantaneous.
He stops weeping in Blaine's arms as the scent of blood compels him. In the blink of an eye, Kurt is out Blaine's embrace and on his feet, ready to tear through the cooler doors.
"Hold on now." Blaine sneaks in front of Kurt and undoes the bolt before Kurt can rip the door off its hinges. "If you destroy the place, we'll never be able to come back." Blaine hands Kurt a pouch of A-negative and watches him feed, sucking through pint after pint, not leaving a single drop behind in their plastic pouches. He takes more than his fill, but Blaine doesn't stop him. Why should he? The more Kurt eats, the more he'll be able to stave off the thirst.
In minutes, Kurt is sated, sighing with relief, relaxing back in on himself with a content smile on his blood-stained lips, as if he's already forgotten what he is, what he’s been doing.
"How do you feel?" Blaine asks.
Kurt looks at Blaine and laughs a giddy laugh. Then he glances around him at the emptied plastic husks that were once full of human blood. The smile on his face fades.
"Empty," Kurt says. "I feel empty."
Blaine locks the cooler doors, and Kurt pitches the plastic pouches into the nearest biohazard bin. They make their way back up the ventilation system, cleaning up any trace that they had been in the room; not too hard since Kurt didn't spill a single drop. They climb through the vents, the scent of putrid night air cluttered with pollution and exhaust guiding them onto the roof. They crawl out, and Blaine fixes the grate back into place.
They walk across the rooftop towards the edge. Blaine stops at the guard rail, but Kurt ducks under and walks out onto the ledge, right to the very end. He crouches low, wind whipping his hair around his perfect, porcelain skin, and looks out onto the city down below.
"How did you do it?" Kurt asks, his voice flat and emotionless. "How did you control it?"
"You never control it," Blaine says sadly. "You learn to ignore it."
"But how?" The desperation in Kurt's voice manages to reach a place in Blaine that he thought no longer existed.
"I had you as my anchor. I can be your anchor, too."
"You had my blood!" Kurt accuses, throwing his hands up over his ears to block out his own booming voice. "I don't have yours! I don't have an anchor! I have nothing!"
"You have me!" Blaine pleads. "We have each other!"
"But I didn't want any of this!" Kurt cries, bloody tears returning, following the tracks of already dried tears and tinging his cheeks a darker, grotesque red.
"I didn't have a choice! You were dying! Right in my arms, you were dying!"
"Then you should have let me die!"
Breathless and broken, Kurt spins around, searching for a way out. Blaine reaches out for him, but Kurt puts a hand up to stop him.
"No! No, leave me alone! I want to be alone!"
"Wh-where … where are you going?" Blaine asks, panic seeping in at the prospect of Kurt leaving him to meet the dawn.
"I need some time. I need to think." Kurt sighs, staring down at the busy street below. "I need to leave."
“No! Wait!” Blaine rushes forward, but Kurt leaps. Blaine runs to the empty ledge. He looks out, up and down, all around the street below. He listens for the sound of Kurt's footsteps landing somewhere in the city, but it's too late.
Kurt is gone.
Blaine tries to track him, catch any hint of his scent on the wind in an attempt to catch up with him, but Kurt is surprisingly fast. All through the night, Blaine searches for Kurt, putting off feeding to give him more time before sunrise. He returns to the apartment, barely making it before the first morning rays of light singe his skin. He hides in the dark apartment, the long daylight hours ticking by slowly, the oppressive sunlight keeping him penned in, unable to do anything but lie still and hope that Kurt is safe beneath the earth.
That he didn't surrender to the light.
Long weeks pass and every day is the same. Blaine leaves the moment the sun sets in search of Kurt, returning before the dawn to hide out during the day, hoping each time that Kurt will be there waiting for him.
A month goes by and Kurt has yet to return.
Eventually, Blaine stops looking. He stays in Kurt's bed, buried beneath the sheets that still smell like delicate, human Kurt. He feels his body shriveling from dehydration, but he doesn't care. The thirst dies down to a numbing ache that no longer drives his existence. He has nothing to exist for. Blaine made a mistake – a horrible, terrible, heinous mistake. Kurt didn't want to be a vampire, but Blaine didn't listen, and now his arrogance is his undoing.
Kurt will never forgive him.
Kurt is not coming back. He has most likely seen his last sunrise.
Blaine has lost everything.
Blaine always swore he would follow Kurt into death, but he waits a few days more - not for the love of his life, who he knows is gone, but trying to find the courage to end his own suffering.
Blaine feels the sun dip below the horizon. He crawls out from beneath the blankets and, with his head on Kurt’s pillow, watches as the shadows in the bedroom start to lengthen, the last rays of sunset painting the sky and then disappearing completely.
He had lain awake all day planning his last night as a vampire. He’ll travel to the places that were special to Kurt – his childhood home; Dalton Academy, where they shared their first kiss; Breadstix, where they ate dinner every Saturday night; even McKinley High School, specifically the Finn Hudson Auditorium, named after Kurt’s stepbrother after he passed away. Finally, he'll find a nice place to rest outside the Anderson family crypt in Westerville and let the light of day take him, leave him a scorch mark on the grass-covered earth.
His legs are weak, but he’s determined. He doesn’t believe in God or an afterlife, not after what he’s been through, but he longs for an end to this. With Kurt by his side, he had hope for a future. Now, if Kurt has been turned to dust, obliterated from the planet, Blaine longs for the same. He stumbles toward the window, confident he can make it to Ohio before his strength gives out completely. But when he reaches it, he sees an angel blocking his exit - wild and terrible, with wide red eyes, skin deceptively pure and white. Strong hands grip the frame of the window as the angel stares down at him - motionless and beautiful.
Blaine knows he's hallucinating. The ethereal creature that looks so much like his Kurt can't be real, but he steps back anyway, tripping over his feet. The angel rushes in, catching him before he falls.
"Blaine!" Kurt cries, carrying Blaine's body to the bed and laying him down. "What happened to you?"
Blaine sighs in defeat, what remained of his energy gone. "I thought you weren't coming back," he says, his throat dry, his voice raspy from disuse. "I thought you went away to … end it."
Kurt shakes his head, a sad smile ghosting his lips. "I wouldn't do that without saying good-bye."
Blaine licks his lips, trying to find moisture in his mouth to help him talk. "Is that why you came back? To say good-bye?"
Kurt pulls Blaine close. "No.”
"Why not?" Blaine asks, genuinely confused. "I thought you were angry with me."
"I was," Kurt admits. "But I had some time to think …"
Blaine laughs sarcastically.
"Okay, maybe I took a little longer than I expected." Kurt looks guilty; as guilty as a soulless monster can look.
"But you're back now?"
"Yes." Kurt gazes into Blaine's eyes, the red flame that once burned brightly in them so close to going out. "I'm not saying good-bye to you."
Kurt gathers Blaine up in his arms the way Blaine did on that first night and walks with him to the window.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Blaine asks, not entirely convinced that Kurt isn’t planning on them both walking into the daylight and dying together.
"We're going to get you better," Kurt says, laying out his plan for the sad specter cradled in his arms. "And then we're going to travel the world, do everything and anything we could ever dream of. And then, when we're done, we're going to do it all over again."
"And sex," Blaine squeaks with what's left of his voice. "We're going to have lots of sex."
Kurt rolls his eyes. "I guess we can find time to do that." Kurt stops on the fire escape and places a gentle kiss on Blaine's dried, chapped lips.
"We have an eternity," Blaine whispers.
Kurt shakes his head, leaning close enough to brush his lips over Blaine's cold cheek, trailing kisses down to his chin.
"An eternity isn't going to be enough."
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Petrichor (6/12)
Pairing: Eventual Trevor C./Reader; other background relationships Chapter: 6 of 12 Warnings: Swearing, Geoff’s Still Extra, Poor Jeremy Continues to Know Nothing, (mostly) Shameless Pining, More Books, The Single Best Joke I’ve ever Written, Mica and Mariel and Tyler all make appearances, vampires and werewolves and things that go bump in the night (PG-13) Word Counts: Chapter: 4,509  Total: 22,587 A/N: Thanks again to those of you who replied with nice things to say! It made my heart feel warm and fuzzy. Don’t be afraid to contact me if you want to chit-chat about this! We’re halfway there, everyone! Woo!!! Reminder that this has a bunch of supernatural-y stuff, and also that this would not have seen the light of day (pun intended), if it weren’t for @chefgeofframsay. P.S. - Feedback would be cool P. P. S. - sorry if any chapters end kind of weird, this was written as one long thing and then I decided to break it up.  Previous|Next
Not long after your discovery, business picked up again, with people coming in on their way home from work. It was also starting to dip into the evening, so more of the Non-Normal clientele were starting to come in. Two of your regulars wandered in around six, on their way home from where they worked together. They were both on the shorter side, and you knew the moment they walked in by the way that Jeremy tensed and his head lifted a little bit, the smell of their magical blood probably flooding his senses.
“[Y/N], sup?” The woman, Mariel, said to you as soon as she could see you through the shelves, while you watched her companion, Tyler, do the handshake-chestbump-brohug thing with Blaine. You smiled and waved.
“Hey, Mariel, how’s it going?” You asked her, and she sighed, shaking her head.
“Idiot back there bet me I couldn’t stomach troll food. Got a cookbook for that?” She asked voice lowered a little bit even though there weren’t any Normal humans in earshot, and you watched Jeremy relax a little bit out of the corner of your eye once he registered the genuine friendliness of your conversation.
“Uh, maybe? Third floor in the back has cookbooks. I don’t know if I have any troll ones, though. You may have to settle for stone giant, although most of those recipes involve eating rocks.”
“I’ll eat a rock, I don’t give a fuck.” Mariel said with a smile, turning and heading towards the hall that housed the stairs.
“C’mon, asshole!” She shouted to a still-chatting-with-Blaine-by-the-door Tyler, who immediately started jogging her way.
You noticed a girl in the trashy romance novel section stop and stare at Tyler’s ass, and you focused to See if Tyler was attracting her. Sure enough, she was the dull, unassuming and barely-there gray of a human, so you turned to Tyler. His aura was a bright rosy color. Hmph. Must just actually think the asshole’s attractive. You thought to yourself, watching as Tyler’s red and Mariel’s bright, grass green got close enough to touch and become a yellowy color at the touching edges as they walked down the hall together.
“Who were they?” Jeremy whispered as soon as they were down the hall and out of sight. You crouched down next to his chair.
“Mariel and Tyler. Uh, forest nymph and incubus. No, they’re not dating, they’re friends and regular customers. Typically, when someone goes upstairs either Blaine or I go up with them, yanno, to prevent stealing and deviousness and stuff, but we don’t bother with regulars.” You explained quietly, very aware of the human woman nearby, who had resumed looking at the romance novels. Jeremy nodded and returned to his book.
A while later, after both human woman and Mariel and Tyler checked out (they wound up going with the stone giant cookbook, as well as one on raw meat dishes catering towards werewolves), Jack wandered back to the cash register.
“Hey, Jeremy? Ryan’s on his way, so get ready to go.” Jack said, and Jeremy nodded. You pulled a big canvas bag from a shelf behind the register and helped Jeremy load all of his books into it.
“[Y/N?]” Jeremy asked, and you hummed, carefully placing Ghosts and Undead: A Guide for Dummies into the bag, trying to Tetris everything in.
“Can I read this one, too? I know it was the one you were reading earlier.” He asked, and you looked up, seeing The Sight: The Ultimate Guide for the Seer in his hands. You furrowed your brow, realizing that you had put it with Jeremy’s books instead of back on the shelf where it belonged once you had realized that Lindsay was a valkyrie.
On one hand, you could See, and it was a thing that not many people could do, so it would be nice to talk to someone else about it. On the other hand, half of the things Ashley wrote about in that book you couldn’t do, like Predicting, Scrying, and Dream-Walking, so when Jeremy inevitably came to you, asking questions and wanting to talk about those things, you would have to admit that you couldn’t do them, and that might be awkward.
The look of sincere curiosity on Jeremy’s face is what swayed you, and you slowly nodded, reaching out for the book and tucking it into the bag.
“You might want to talk to Geoff a little bit about it, unlike the other ones I gave you, it assumes that you know some stuff right off the back. It’s more of a science book for scientists instead of a science book for students.” You warned him, and he nodded, picking up the heavy bag like it was nothing and swinging it onto his shoulder.
A few minutes later, at exactly eight PM, the bell on the door chimed and you could see the tall figure of Ryan walk in. He talked to Jack and Jeremy for a few minutes, before the other men left, and you skirted the counter and strode to meet him.
“Hi, Ryan.” You said, giving a little wave.
“Hello. Who’s that?” He asked, pointing to the corner where you saw a gently snoring Blaine star-fished in a chair.
“Oh, that’s Blaine. He’s my employee, who’s currently sleeping on the job, I guess.” You said, laughing and moving to wake Blaine up.
“Blaine, wake up, you have to meet Ryan.” You urged, shaking his shoulder. The blond woke up with a groggy groan, but stood up and offered his hand to Ryan nonetheless.
“’m Blaine.” He mumbled and blinked a few times as Ryan laughed and shook his hand.
“You’re the other one of the guys who helped my girl here out, right?” Blaine pulled you into his side with his arm around your shoulders, ruffling your hair with his other hand. You quickly swatted it away and smoothed down your hair.
“Uh, yes, that’d be me.” Ryan replied, still snickering at Blaine.
“Good.” Blaine yawned as he responded, leaning heavily enough on you that you had to use your wings to keep the two of you upright.
“Blaine, get off, you asshole.” You shoved at Blaine’s side, and he reluctantly complied, laughing.
“Why don’t you go home, dude? We’re going to be open late tomorrow and you came in early because of the Glitter Bomb Duo. I’ll close up and stuff.” You offered, and Blaine grinned at you.
“Well, if you insist…” He trailed off, looking innocent but he was already scooting past Ryan and heading toward the door.
“Fuck you, Blaine.”
“Love you too!” He called as the door slammed shut behind him.
Which left you with Ryan, who was staring at you with a strange expression on his face.
“Alright, well, let me go through and close up and stuff and then we can head home and whatever?” You offered, but Ryan continued to look at you like you hadn’t spoken at all.
You stood there a minute longer, before sighing inwardly and walking around Ryan to close the blinds on the windows and switch the sign to “closed” in the door. You were halfway to the stairs to make sure that the upper floors were void of customers when Ryan finally spoke.
“I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I give up. How do you and him – Blaine – do it?” Ryan asked, and you turned to see him walking through the rows of shelves toward you. You rose an eyebrow, fixing him with your best what the fuck are you talking about face.
“Do what, Ryan?” You asked, once again starting to walk towards the back hallway after he got within a few feet of you.
“Well, he’s a centaur, right? That’s what Michael told me this morning.”
“Uh-huh. So?” You said, urging him on while popping your head in the women’s restroom to make sure no one was there. You knocked on the door to the men’s room and did the same.
“So, you’re fae. Body types are completely different. Makes it severely improbable. Unless! Unless he can still pop a boner while shifted to look like a human. Is that how you two do it?” Ryan’s voice had an edge of excitement and curiosity in it.
You spluttered, nearly tripping over your own feet, and then you started coughing. You could feel your face turning beet red.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t – shit, Ryan! Did you – did you really think we’re together? Blaine’s my best friend, sure, but he’s like an annoying brother more than anything. I don’t know how his centaur junk works and now you’ve put the mental image in my head! I’m scarred, scarred for life!” You half-shouted, slamming your hands onto your face and rubbing your eyes.
Ryan, for his part, managed to look sheepish.
“Well, from what Michael told me this morning, and your behavior, I thought…” He trailed off, and you ascended the first could stairs before turning around so that you were eye-to-eye.
“Blaine is my best friend. I explained that to Michael this morning, but I guess he didn’t believe me. He’s gross and not my type. I’m not in a relationship right now, at all, Ryan.” You weren’t quite sure why you added that last part (you absolutely knew why and his name started with T and ended with ‘revor’), but Ryan seemed to get your point, nodding and rubbing the back of his head.
“Alright, point taken, sorry. But in my defense, it’s Michael’s fault.” Ryan retorted, part-apologetic and part-accusatory, his hands up in a gesture of innocence.
“Okay, whatever, it’s fine. Just – please don’t tell Blaine, he’ll never let me live it down.” You sighed as Ryan nodded, and the two of you swept through both the second and the third floors, making sure no one was there before returning back to the ground floor. You grabbed your things, did a final sweep of the main floor, and then locked up. You started down the sidewalk towards your apartment, but Ryan grabbed your arm to stop you.
“Nuh-uh. None of this ‘walking’ shit. It’s getting late, we’re driving.” Ryan said, gesturing to the nice-looking but still nondescript black SUV before jingling some car keys in his hand. You sighed, a little disappointed that you didn’t get your full amount of “exercise” for the day (and, more importantly, didn’t get to stop at your favorite ice cream parlor, located exactly halfway between your store and your home), but followed Ryan into the car regardless. As you buckled in, you heard your phone chirp from your purse.
[From: Trevor 3:15:15 PM] If any of the boys give you trouble, let me know.
[From: Trevor 8:46:01 PM] Hey, Ryan says you guys are heading back to your apartment now. Geoff wants to know if you can give him some semblance of a schedule for when Books & More Books is open. I told him what you said, that you didn’t really have one, and his response was “well make one!”
You smiled to yourself, not noticing that Ryan had glanced at you, smiling a secret smile of his own.
[To: Trevor 8:47:10 PM] Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays we open earlier and close around 7 or 8-ish. Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays we open around 12 or 1 and stay later, usually until midnight. Sundays is a wild card.
[To: Trevor 8:47:57 PM] Also, apparently Michael told Ryan that Blaine and I were dating? Even though I made a point to call Blaine my best friend so that no one assumed we were dating? Cause that’s like, gross, Blaine’s like a brother? So that was awkward. If you could yell at Michael for spreading lies and slander, that’d be great :)
You tried your best to phrase it like you were joking and not really all that mad, but judging by Trevor’s immediate response of “I’m gonna fucking kill him”, you had missed your mark. You spent a couple minutes going back and forth, trying to reassure the man (read: dark-haired, tall, handsome, adorable, nice man) that it was okay, and you didn’t really mind all that much, and that it wasn’t the first time that you and Blaine had been mistaken for a couple (although it was the first time someone had asked how the two of you would have sex – that thought sent an unpleasant shudder down your spine just recalling the conversation), but Trevor wouldn’t budge on the matter.
Sure enough, when you and Ryan were safely back in your apartment and Ryan had checked to make sure no one was there and you were making spaghetti, your phone started playing “Highway to Hell”. Confused, you looked, only to find you had gotten a text from Michael:
[From: Cool Guy Jones 9:12:32 PM] Sorry for telling Ryan that you and Blaine were dating, even though I didn’t actually say the words “[Y/N] and Blaine are dating”. Ryan read into it the wrong way, I guess. See you tomorrow!
You sighed and changed Michael’s contact name (but kept the ringtone, because it was actually pretty funny) before sending a response.
[To: Michael 9:15:42 PM] It’s fine, just provided a really awkward conversation. Sorry if Trevor jumped down your throat about it, I’m not actually super upset as long as Blaine doesn’t find out.
As an afterthought, you took a picture of Gus, grumpy as ever, sleeping in the bright pink castle you had bought for him back when you thought he was a girl (then you did some research on the type of fish he was and came to discover that only boys are that color), and sent it to Michael without context.
Michael sent you back about seven middle finger emojis, accompanied by a “Fuck you.”
Unfortunately, after dinner you realized you had forgotten to ask Blaine for your air mattress, but Ryan didn’t seem to mind, just asked for a blanket and told you that he was “Used to sitting upright” with a creepy eyebrow wiggle.
Ryan’s fingers brushed against yours, and you couldn’t help but notice that while Trevor was cool to the touch, Ryan was positively frosty, which was slightly disconcerting and although you knew quite a bit about vampires, you weren’t sure which one was “correct.”
The next day was more of the same. You got up, showered, texted your mother good morning (her and your father were taking a day trip to Milan, which made you jealous, but she promised to bring back souvenirs), dragged Ryan to the grocery store with you (you remembered the coffee, secretly hoping that Trevor would be coming over again soon and resolutely ignoring the little voice in the back of your head that kept telling you that he was babysitting you and it was his job), and drove down to the store with him a little after lunchtime. Shortly after the two of you arrived, Michael and Lindsay came to relieve Ryan of his duties, Michael wearing normal clothes, but if you looked close enough you could see that not all of his makeup had come off fully, and when the light hit his hair right, you could still see specs of glitter. Blaine showed up around one-thirty, arms laden with the box that contained your air mattress, as well as the pump to fill it with. Michael went out with Blaine to go put it in his car, stating that he was going to be taking you home tonight, and as you watch the two of them chat as they walked out the door, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh.
Michael driving you home implied no Trevor. You turned to go back to the register to scan in more inventory that you decided not to do yesterday and nearly ran face-first into Lindsay.
“How’s it going?” She asked, bright smile on her face, and you could See her rainbow aura glowing brightly around her.
“Uh, alright. Do you know if y’all have found out anything?” You asked, running a hand through your hair. For all of the time you’ve spent with Ramsey’s crew (which you had found out this morning from eavesdropping on Ryan while he was on the phone that they called themselves “AH”, whatever that means), you hadn’t heard a single thing about what was going on.
“We’re going through all of your father’s recent cases, seeing if anything or anyone seems particularly suspicious and malicious. We also pulled records of every case your dad’s done that has involved fae, Seelie or Unseelie. From what you and Ryan and Trevor told us, the Unseelie who attacked you doesn’t seem to be the leader…”
“But an Unseelie’s right hand man is always and Unseelie, yeah.” You finished for her when she trailed off.
“We’ve got our whole support crew, plus anyone else we can spare, looking into things and following leads and shit. So far, we’ve got a couple of maybe’s, but nothing just yet. The good news is, our pile of no’s just keeps getting bigger and bigger!” She said brightly, which made you smile.
Around five o’clock, Lindsay was traded out for Jeremy, who said that it was supposed to be Gavin but Gavin had forgotten that he and his girlfriend were supposed to be going on a date tonight. Jeremy had a backpack on, so you assumed that meant that he was going to be staying over with you in your apartment tonight, but when he opened it up, it was filled with some of the books you had given him the day before.
“Michael,” He asked, when there was a lull in customers, the only two in the store being upstairs with Blaine, “Michael, the things you can do is terrifying to me. I had no idea you could literally just turn me to ash if you wanted to.” You managed to stifle your laughter, but Michael did not, nearly doubling over. Jeremy turned pink, immediately hiding his face behind the copy of Your Inner Demons, Explained: A Beginner’s Guide to Hell and its Occupants that he had been reading from.
“Jeremy, I’m not a strong enough demon for that.” Michael said, finally, after he had calmed his laughter.
“Yeah, but if you damned some more souls you could!” Jeremy insisted, staring up at Michael earnestly, which just caused Michael to dissolve into giggles again.
Around six-thirty, Blaine went down the street to the diner at the corner of your block (owned by a sweet elderly couple of nereids) and brought back dinner for all. Your phone chirped while the four of you were crowded around a coffee table near the front of the store, and you pulled it out of your pocket to take a look.
[From: Trevor 6:54:21 PM] Hey, hope your day’s going well! Sorry I can’t come visit, Geoff and I are working on some stuff.
[To: Trevor 6:54:58 PM] Yeah, it’s been great! Nothing particularly interesting to report. Hope “stuff” with Geoff goes well!
You tried to school your face to “mildly interested”, but you could tell you hadn’t quite succeeded, if the suggestive wiggling eyebrows that Blaine gave you when you looked up from your phone after locking it and shoving it back into your pocket.
A little while later, you were sitting next to Jeremy by the register, you flipping through The Care and Keeping of Yacumama: A (Mostly) Complete History of Sea Monsters while he had moved on to Wolves! Were?: A New Wolf’s Guide to His Inner Beast. Jeremy was telling you about how he just learned that once he’s more experienced with his wolf-side, he’ll be able to Change at will, no matter the time of the month, when the bell above the door chimed and a loud, “What’s up, you fucks?” was shouted into the room.
“Hey, Mica!” You called, registering but not paying attention to the way Jeremy stiffened. He’d been doing it, probably subconsciously, every time someone new had walked in that didn’t smell at least vaguely familiar, and you were fairly certain Jeremy would’ve never experienced someone like Mica before.
A woman that was browsing cookbooks gave Mica a glare as she waltzed past, but Mica paid her no mind, instead just pulling you up from your chair and sweeping you into a hug.
“Girl, I missed you!” She exclaimed, and you laughed into her shoulder as you returned the hug.
“Missed you too, how was Egypt?” You asked as you pulled away.
She laughed, and her sparkling golden aura glittered as she moved, “Oh, it was wonderful. Father sends his love, of course.”
“And of course, you told him I send mine?” It was more of a statement than a question, and when Mica nodded, you could almost see the outline of a lioness’s head in her aura around her face.
“Of course.” She agreed, before finally turning to look at Jeremy, who had abandoned his book in favor of staring up at the two of you.
“Oh, Mica, this is Jeremy. It’s a long story, Blaine or I will fill you in later, but I’m being babysat until further notice.” You explained as Jeremy rose and stuck out his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Mica.”
Mica gracefully took Jeremy’s hand within her own, “Pleasure’s mine.”
“Blaine’s upstairs if you want to go say hi. We’re staying open late tonight ‘cause it’s Tuesday, so if you want to just go up there and man a floor for a while, be my guest.” You informed Mica, and she nodded before heading off towards the stairs.
“Mica’s a friend of yours, right?” Jeremy asked once you sat back down.
“Yeah,” You nodded, “she’s one of my two friends. She was visiting family in Egypt for the past couple months, so I’m happy that she’s back. Blaine just doesn’t cut it when you want to talk about girly stuff.”
“So, uh…” Jeremy trailed off, looking around a bit before dipping his head towards you and dropping his voice to a whisper, “she’s not human, right?”
You let out a breathy laugh, “Nope. Want to hazard a guess?”
“I don’t know…it’s hard to tell, especially since she’s been in Egypt for a while. She smells, old and like, sandy? I feel like that’s offensive to say, for some reason.”
“No, you’re right. How familiar are you with Egyptian mythology?” You asked, and Jeremy lifted his head to meet your eye.
“You’re fucking with me.” He said, deadpan, but there was wonder shining in his eyes.
“Nope. You, my man, just met Sekhmet, lion-headed warrior goddess, also a goddess of healing. She prefers Mica, though, and if you act like she’s royalty or whatever she’ll fucking destroy you.” You said, smiling at the way Jeremy’s eyes lit up and then darkened with fear.
“Holy shit. Is everything real?” He inquired.
“Nah, no such thing as unicorns. That’s bullshit.”
Once the sun went down and the number of non-human beings skyrocketed, things got a little bit busy, but they settled down near midnight, and you, Mica, and Blaine did a sweep of the building, making sure that everything was clean and no one was still there before you locked up for the night. Blaine and Mica broke off from your group, deciding to head down to a nearby bar for some drinks, and Jeremy also departed, tell you that he’d see you tomorrow, backpack still laden with books.
That left you and Michael, sitting silently in the car as the radio played softly in the background.
“So, how’re you doing?” Michael asked finally, about halfway to your destination.
“Alright.” You said, toying with your phone in your hands. You had been checking it periodically all day, and had not gotten a single text from Trevor since dinner. You tried to hide the disappointment that was threatening to pull up from somewhere deep in your gut.
Michael hummed, tone disbelieving, but didn’t say anything. You were thankful for that.
When you got back to your apartment, and the normal drill of whoever you were with checking to make sure your apartment was “clear” before you walked in occurred, you were dragging your feet. All you wanted to do was fall face-first onto your bed, but you helped Michael push your furniture around and blow up the air mattress first. You were halfway to your room when you remembered that you hadn’t fed Gus yet.
“Hello, Gus.” You said quietly, so that you didn’t disturb Michael playing games on your couch. You dropped flakes into the tank for your grumpy little fish, and nearly yelled out in shock when a second blue fish darted up to the food!
“Holy fuck, Michael, come here!” You said, and the taller man was at your side nearly instantaneously, looking around wildly.
“What, what?” He demanded.
“I have two fish!” You pointed at the tank, where, sure enough, grumpy little Gus was eating while a new fish swam around him in circles.
“Why does that matter?” Michael spit, but he was watching the fish just as intently as you were.
“Michael, I don’t have two fish, I only have one Gus.”
Michael’s eyes went wide. He looked to you, and then back to the fish, and then to you, and then he dunked his hand in the tank and pulled out both fish, dropping them on the floor. One of them, Gus, just flopped and spluttered, but the other one immediately started glowing and you and Michael watched as the second fish transformed into a sopping wet Gavin.
Michael immediately started howling with laughter, while you bent down and scooped up Gus, apologizing to the poor fish and setting him back inside his tank. Gus seemed to give you a side-eye, so you put in a few more food flakes as atonement (even though he was supposed to be on a diet).
“What the fuck, Gavin?” Michael yell-laughed, dragging Gavin up from the floor. You ran into your hall closet and grabbed some spare towels, bringing them back and giving them to Gavin, who thanked you and immediately started drying his hair and face with one, the other wrapped around his shoulders.
“I bloody get called back to the penthouse in the middle of my date with Turney, and so I came back, and it turned out that it was something Matt could’ve bloody well fixed, so I called Geoff an arsehole and he started giggling. Told me not to be such a ‘grumpy gills’, an’ the next thing I know, I’m in a bloody fish tank!”
Michael, who had calmed down enough to listen to Gavin, started laughing so hard you couldn’t really hear it any more, face beet red and head thrown back.
“It’s not funny!” Gavin shouted at him, but he was smiling, too, so you were pretty sure he didn’t mean it.
“It’s fucking hilarious, Gav. Come on, let me call Jack or someone to get you home.” Michael said, and you retreated to your room.
23 notes · View notes
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez, Sue Sylvester, Brittany S. Pierce, Artie Abrams, Carmen Tibideaux, Jesse St. James, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Kitty Wilde, Sebastian Smythe, Jake Puckerman, Marley Rose, Ryder Lynn, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Coach Beiste Additional Tags: Competition, Reality TV, Alternate Universe, Eventual Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans Friendship, Kurt Hummel & Rachel Berry friendship, Duet, Slow Burn Summary:
"Chapter 18:  Reunited 
Chapter 18:  Reunited  
“Blaine!  Blaine, Please!  Talk to me!”  Kurt pleaded, as they stood in the hallway.
“About what, because it seems to me that you’re the one that should have come and talked to me.  I thought that you and I got along well.  I loved the way you talked to me, but it seems to me that you were just telling me what I wanted to hear!” Blaine shouted.
“But, Blaine, you don’t underst--”
“I don’t want to hear it, Kurt.  I thought we were friends, but then you go out, get drunk, and throw yourself at some guy in leather and guyliner, so whatever, fine...Why don’t you go talk to him!”
“Blaine,” Kurt cried out.  “Wait!”  But Blaine had stormed off.  Kurt slumped to the ground, frustrated that Blaine didn’t even give him a chance to explain what really happened.  
“Kurt?”  It was a kind, familiar voice.
“Hey,” Kurt said quietly.  
“Are you ok?”
Kurt shook his head no.  “I screwed up.  Elliott kissed me, and I allowed it to happen.  Dare I say that I even liked it a little, but…”
“But you love Blaine,” Rachel answered slowly, closing in the gap and hugging Kurt tightly.  
He nodded.   “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  I had one boyfriend, and it was never serious.  I mean, hell, all we ever did was kiss, and even then, it was obvious that something wasn’t right. But with Blaine…” his voice drifted off.
“It just feels right, like you’re drawn to him.  Like every touch, even brush of the fingertips sets your skin ablaze.  It’s like you were alive before you met him, but a part of you was missing,” she finished.
“Damn, Rachel.  Either you’ve developed ESP, or you’ve felt it yourself,” Kurt surmised.  “And it’s the latter, isn't it?” he squealed clapping his hands.  “Who?”
“Well, we aren’t seeing each other, but he flirts a lot.  He’s so handsome.”
“Finn?” Kurt asked, smiling.
“Um, no actually, although he’s gorgeous.  He’s out of my league.   I guess this other guy is too.  Ugh!  The Wedding Singer was right.  Love stinks!”
Kurt giggled.  “I missed your insanity, you know that?” he asked, hugging the short girl tightly.   “So, how do I fix this?”
Sam excused himself after he finished his tweets, using a headache as his excuse, but really he had something else entirely on his brain, finding Blaine.   However, he had a pretty good idea  where he would be.  He ran upstairs to their room and grabbed his guitar.  He headed for the door, but then he walked over to his dresser and pulled something from his sock drawer.  He walked down the steps and headed into the kitchen, stopping at the fridge.  
He poured himself a glass of juice and sat at the table for a moment to contemplate what to say to Blaine.  He had seen the photo, and he understood why it upset Blaine.  Sam drank the last drop from his glass and stood up from the table when Kurt barged down the stairs.  
Kurt was visibly upset. “Sam, have you seen Blaine?” he asked frantically.
“No, I haven’t.  Are you ok?”  Sam asked, sitting back down.  
Kurt shook his head.  “No, I hurt him.  I was going to tell him about the kiss as soon as the show was over, I swear, but he saw that damn photo.  I don’t want to hurt him, Sam.”
Sam nodded.  “”It’s alright.  Calm down.  Everything will be ok,”  Sam assured him.  “I think he just needs some time to think.  Just give him some time and space to clear his head. He’ll find you when he’s ready, and then you two need to talk.”
Kurt’s face relaxed a little.  “If you see him, please tell him I’m…”
Sam patted Kurt’s shoulder.  “No, you need to tell him, but let him come to you.  I’ve seen Blaine angry before, and he does what I do.  He needs to clear his head.  Just give it a little while,” Sam suggested.  There was a small passage of time where both men just seemed frozen in place, as they both seemed to contemplate the moment.  “Man, I wish I had something sweet to snack on,” Sam said coyly.  “Something with chocolate.”
Kurt smiled.  “That’s what I can do!  I can make him some cookies,” Kurt smiled.
“And you can also share those cookies with the guy that gave you the inspiration,” Sam hinted, smiling.
“Maybe,” Kurt grinned.  “But only if the cookie thing works.”
Sam stood up from his seat.  “Well, I don’t know anything about cooking, so I’ll let you do your thing.  I’m gonna head to the studio and play for awhile.  Can you ask the others not to go in there?  It messes up the recording if anyone goes inside.”
“Sure, I can do that,” Kurt nodded..  
When he arrived downstairs, Blaine was strumming his guitar.  Sam barged into the studio, causing Blaine to lose his place on the song ‘Misery.’
“Hey, I was recording,” Blaine huffed.  “Now I have to start over.”
Sam’s shoulder’s slumped.  “Sorry man, but I needed to find you.  You worried me, running out of the room like that.”
Blaine propped his guitar against a stool.  “I’m sorry.  I just thought... I thought he liked me, but that kiss in the photo….it wasn’t just a peck.  I mean, are they dating now?” Blaine asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“I don’t know, and you won’t either, unless you talk to him,” Sam said softly.
“Why should I?” He’s seeing Glitter Rock Vampire.  He could’ve told me.” Blaine huffed angrily.
“Could he?  Didn’t he ask to talk to you earlier, privately?” Sam asked.
Blaine’s head dropped.  “Yeah, he did.  I guess he and I don’t really get to be around each other much.  Maybe that’s what he was going to tell me.  That he’s dating Elliott,” Blaine sighed.  
“You’re assuming he’s dating Elliott, but you guys haven’t even talked yet,” Sam reasoned.    “Who knows?  A kiss doesn’t mean they are in love.  Actually, sometimes a kiss reveals the opposite, that there is no real connection, you know.   That's what I found out after making out with Quinn.   You just need to talk to him.  
Blaine crossed his arms defensively.  “Stop defending him.  You saw the picture.”
“Yes, I saw the picture, but you didn’t see this.”
“What is that?” Blaine asked, eyeing the piece of paper suspiciously that Sam held up.
“Kurt’s letter to me when he resigned.  I got Rachel to help me read it.  And I think you need to too.  Do you seriously not know how he feels about you?   That boy really cares about you.”
Blaine held the paper tightly, his fingers trembling slightly with nerves.  “I probably shouldn’t read this,” Blaine stated guiltily.
“He asked me not to show it to you, but you need to get your head out of your ass,” Sam said.  “Then, you need to go and apologize.”
Blaine opened the letter, and his whole face immediately softened.  
Dear Sam,
I’m glad that I got a chance to meet you, however brief my time on the show might have been.  You were always so kind to me, even though I was different.  Thank you.
I have a request.  Look out for Blaine.  He’s a great guy, and I just don’t trust Sebastian now that I’m not there.  I really wish I didn’t have to go.  I have made some great friends, yourself included, but it physically hurts leaving Blaine.  You teased me about him, but I really do care about him, probably more than I should.  More than I thought I ever could for anyone.  So please, encourage him to keep doing his best, and do what you can to keep Weasel Face from trying to get to him.   Please.  I know that you will because I’m a good judge of character, and I know that you will watch out for him.  Good luck.  You know that I am secretly hoping for Blaine and Rachel to win the whole show, but I wish you go far.  Maybe this will be your big break.  
Best Wishes,
Kurt Hummel
P.S.  Be a pal and don’t squeal about us sharing a bed last night.  It’s not what it looks like.  ;-P
Blaine reluctantly held open the letter, as a tear slipped down his face.   “I’m an idiot.,” he sighed.  “Do you really think he feels this way about me?” Blaine asked the blonde boy.
“You aren’t an idiot,” Sam said, placing his hand on Blaine’s shoulder.  “And yes, I really think he feels that way about you.  Kurt doesn’t lie.  He’s honest to a fault.  And his face doesn’t lie either.  Go apologize.”  Sam suggested.  
Blaine sighed.   “I really care about him, but seeing that picture.  It…”
“Made you feel jealous as hell, right?  Sam asked.
Blaine nodded.  
“You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
Blaine nodded again.  “I think so.  I mean, I’ve never been in love before.  Not really, but he’s all I think about.  And being without him was miserable,” Blaine closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.  “But what if he doesn’t feel the same way back?  What if he is seeing Elliott?”  
“Seriously Blaine, it’s obvious that you are both crazy about each other.  Talk to him.  I don’t think he’s seeing Elliott.”
“And if he is?”  Blaine asks nervously.
“If he is, then respect that.  But I don’t think they’re meant for each other, not after seeing the way you and Kurt look at each other, hold each other.  The night before he resigned, you should have seen you two.  If he gave even the slightest whimper, you tightened your grip and pulled him closer, and he would immediately relax.  It was like he felt safe in your arms.   And when he came back, you collapsed in his arms as well, like it was the only place you wanted to be.”
“He just got back in the competition.  If I go in there and blurt out all of my feelings, and he does feel the same, I don’t think I can hold back.  I don’t want to mess things up by getting him or both of us eliminated.” Blaine sighed.
“I’m not telling you to kiss him in the middle of the stage and propose.  Just apologize, and talk it out.  I think there’s so much more to this story.  Let him tell it.” Sam smiled warmly.  
“Thanks Sam.   Wait, you made out with Quinn?”  Blaine smiled slyly.
“Uh yeah, but don't you have someone else you need to talk to right now?” Sam asked, trying to duck from that conversation.
“Ok, but I spilled my guts, so you’re going to spill yours later.”
“Deal,” Sam nodded.
When they shut down the computers  for the night, Jake was relieved.  He was fine until some people tweeted comments about the cute mohawk guy, and how they wished he had made the show.  Jake stepped out of the living room, and opened the back door onto the deck.   The only reason he even signed up to do this competition in the first place was because his brother had wanted him too.  He told him that it was something that they could do together.  Puck had finally won him over  by saying that they would get more chicks if they were celebrities.  And now, he was gone because of his own stupidity.  And Jake was abandoned, again.
It was unintentional.  It always was.  His dad was incapable of staying anywhere for long periods of time, and his mother worked three jobs just to make ends meet, so Jake had gotten used to being by himself. He used to just bury his resentment inside, but when he started highschool, he was sick of feeling cast off. Actually, he was pissed  about being completely forgotten and treated like he didn’t matter.  After the second fight in the same quarter, he just knew that he was on his way to Juvie.  He had stepped into the office expecting to see his mom, the principal, and some police officers, but instead he was introduced to the brother he never knew existed.  
Their relationship grew from there.  It didn’t matter when or where, whether it was the middle of nowhere at 2AM, Puck came anytime Jake called.  And the third time Jake was dragged to the office, Puck convinced his mother and the principal that day that he could help straighten him out.  He  related his own experience in Juvie and how it made him see the light.  He promised that he could help him.  He had stories about how he was enrolled in college, and he had plans to start his own business one day.  His mother, at the end of her rope, agreed, and gave guardianship over to Puck when Jake was a junior in high school.  
After Jake graduated, Puck convinced him to follow him to LA, and they had actually been really successful.  Jake knew that Puck had saved him from himself, from being isolated and alone.  But now, here he was back to square one. He sighed and did what he always did when he needed to just get away from everything and everyone that had let him down.  He closed the basement door behind him and headed down the steps into his haven, the dance studio.  
Jake grabbed his Ipod from his pocket and plugged it into the speakers.  He scrolled through his ITunes and found the song that he was looking for.  Then, he cranked up the speakers and just let himself get lost in the rhythm.  He was so entranced that he never saw the thin brunette at the mirror, stretching on the ground.
Marley watched as Jake twirled and spun effortlessly, with so much grace that it seemed as if he was floating on the air around him.  She sat still on the floor and just watched as passion radiated from his body.  It was breathtaking.  And private.  He thought he was alone, and here she was trespassing.  Maybe she could sneak out.
She stood slowly, tiptoeing lightly toward the door, turning her head slightly towards Jake to make sure that he didn’t see her.  Which was why she didn’t notice the speaker cord that was now wrapped around her foot and she was on the ground.
“Marley, are you alright!” Jake called, rushing to her quickly, quickly unwrapping the cord that had entangled her ankle.  
“Yeah, shoot!  I was trying to leave quietly so that I didn’t disrupt you.  You’re amazing, you know that?” she smiled timidly.
“Thank you,” he said softly, returning her smile.  His hand brushed lightly against her cheek as he pushed a stray hair out of her face.  
“I meant your d-dancing.  It’s beautiful,” she stammered.
“So are you,” he answered, his chocolate eyes gazing into her soft blue ones.  They stared at each other for a moment, but Marley dropped her gaze to the floor as a pink blush began to spread across her cheeks.  
“Thank you,” she almost whispered.
“I don’t think you sprained it or anything,” he said running his fingers lightly over the pale skin right above her foot and up her shin.
The brunette giggled lightly, pulling her leg away from the man’s hand.  “That tickles.”
“I’m sorry.  I was just checking to see if it was ok.  If you were ok.  So are you?  Are you ok?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing?”
“Me?  Why?”
You seemed really upset in there, quiet.  Is it Puck?”
Jake nodded.  “He’s an ass sometimes, but he’s my brother.  A lot of people think he’s a jerk, but he’s a great guy, and he always has my back, ya know.  I didn’t expect him to have to go so soon,” he admitted.  
Marley smiled.  “You two are close, aren’t you?”
“We are now.  We didn’t even know each other existed until a few years ago.  But we’re kinda all each other has.  Since we moved out here, we don’t really see anyone else.  And my mom, I just feel like I’ve just let her down.  And my dad,” his voice drifted off.
“I remember what Puck said in group.  I get it.  My dad left too.  For years, I blamed myself.   My mom tried to tell me that it wasn’t my fault, but in my eyes, he left us both.”  Her bright blue eyes were starting to glisten over with tears.
“Marley,” Jake whispered.  “I’m sorry, for the other day, when we, when I, you know, when I kissed you.  I was out of…”
Marley leaned in, pressing her lips lightly to Jake’s, ever so slightly, and then hesitated, pulling back.
Jake smiled softly.  “Apology accepted then?” he chuckled.  
She nodded, blushing profusely, as he placed his hand on her soft cheek, their lips meeting together once more.  Marley meant to pull back, but Jake’s mouth opened, his tongue lightly teasing her lips, and her mouth opened, allowing the kiss to deepen as Jake’s wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his body closely  against her.  Jake’s hand wandered under her shirt, and Marley gave in to the amazing sensation of his fingertips as he lifted her shirt over her head.  His lips instantly moved to her neck, and began moving down the now exposed skin.
Marley felt herself tremble, as his hands and lips explored each inch  of her upper body.  She was nervous, but she shut her mind off, giving in to the feel of the boy against her on the floor in the studio. She felt her inhibitions leave as his lips continued to pepper kisses  down her body.
The heavenly smell wafting down the stairwell into the basement could only mean one thing.  Someone was baking.  And there was only one person that Blaine knew in the house that could bake something that smelled so amazing.
He bounded up the stairs, two at a time, taking the aroma in as he reached the top step.  He opened the door, and stopped immediately to see Kurt bending over to pull a large cookie sheet out of the oven.  Oh, that gorgeous, perfect ass.   He stood frozen, as images from the photos raced through his mind.   Blaine, he may be taken , he reminded himself as he took in the other sites around the kitchen.  There were several cookie sheets, filled with every cookie imaginable, covering every inch of counter space in the kitchen.  
“I knew that was you in here before I even got up the stairs,” Blaine smiled timidly.  “Kurt, I…”
“I’m not seeing Elliott,” Kurt blurted, rushing into Blaine’s arms.  “I swear.  The kiss, it was a way to get this guy to leave me alone.  Karofsky.”
“The bully you were telling me about before?”
“Yeah.  He was there when Elliott and I went out.  It wasn’t a date.  Sugar and Unique were there too.  We were celebrating the makeovers, you know.  Elliott and I sang together, and afterwards, Karofsky grabbed me and tried to dance with me.  Elliott pretended to be my boyfriend to get him to leave me alone.  He didn’t know who it was.”
“I’m sorry.  You don’t really have to explain to me, although you can talk to me about anything, anytime.  Elliott is your friend, and I’m glad he was there to help you the other night.  I overreacted.  I got jealous.”
“Jealous?  Why?”
“He’s a good guy, and he’s a good friend to you, and I guess, I just thought, maybe that he, that you and him, were maybe becoming more than just friends.  I mean, the way he flirts with you, I guess I just thought that…”
“Blaine, he flirts with everybody, including you, even Sebastian.”
“Not as much as he does with you, and yeah, I just thought that maybe he was going to replace me.”
Kurt cocked his head to the side curiously.  “How do you mean?”
Blaine paused, choosing his words carefully.   He couldn't mess this up.   “As friends, I guess.  I mean, I don’t get to see you much at all anymore, and I miss you, ok.  Your friendship is special to me, and I just don’t want to lose you,” Blaine admitted.  
“Hey, you could never lose me,” Kurt promised, enveloping him in a hug. “I’ll always be your friend, Blaine.  It’s like you and Sam.  He’s a great guy too, and I’m glad that he was here for you when I left.  It put my mind at ease,” Kurt smiled.   “Blaine, thank you.”
“For what?” Blaine asked, a look of pure confusion spreading across his face.
“For your friendship.  I missed you,” Kurt admitted, biting his bottom lip a little.
“I missed you too.” Blaine said, still holding tightly to the boy that he realized he was falling for more and more each moment they were together.   He finally pulled away, closing his eyes and taking in the heavenly aroma.  “Kurt, those smell fantastic!  But are baking for the entire crew?” he chuckled.  “I mean, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this many cookies at once, except when my mother organizes a bake sale.  Why so many?”
“I’m a stress baker, but I have to admit that I wanted to make your favorite.  It occurred to me that you never told me what it was, so I had to guess.”  
“Honestly, I usually don’t really eat a lot of sweets. But, I’ll try them, a little bit of each one, you know just for the sake of knowing what my favorite is,” he smiled.
“Well, ok.  I guess I can let you have a little piece of each one, then,” the brunette flirted. “These are my turtle cookies.  They are my favorite, of the ones with chocolate anyway,” Kurt said, holding one up to Blaine.  
Blaine graciously took the cookie, immediately bringing it to his lips and taking a bite.  “Oh my gosh, Kurt.  These are exquisite!  You said these are all for me, right?”
“Blaine!  I’ve already been told twice that if I don’t share this cookies after making them smell them for three hours straight, I would be the next thing popped into the oven or cut with a meat cleaver, and that was coming from Santana and Mercedes.  I don’t think either of them were joking,” laughed Kurt, rolling his eyes playfully. “I guess I’ll allow you to have them if you share one with me.”
Suddenly, Blaine felt Kurt’s finger swipe right below his bottom lip.  “Saving it for later, Blaine,” he giggled.  Blaine motioned for Kurt to take one for himself, but he held out one toward Blaine.   Blaine responded by grabbing the cookie in his teeth, smiling playfully at Kurt.  
They were ok, or at least they would be, but now Blaine was even more confused.  As he looking directly into Kurt's beautiful eyes, Blaine’s mind rushed back to the words in the letter.  Kurt really did care about him, more than he should, he said. “I really am sorry,” Blaine apologized, moving in closer, extending his arms toward the brunette.
“I know.  Me too,” Kurt answered, allowed his body to fully collapse into Blaine’s arms, laying his head upon the shorter boy’s shoulder.  So he was jealous.   Feeling the other boy’s arms so tightly around him made him feel safe, even loved, until he pondered Blaine’s exact words.  He was jealous of their friendship. That’s all they were were.  Close friends.  Even after Blaine reacted the way he had, Kurt thought maybe it was because he thought he and Elliott were dating, and Blaine realized that he had romantic feelings for him.  
Kurt let out a sigh.  Of course he didn't.   But at least, the boy holding him cared about him.  Even if it was only friendship, Blaine cared about him, and that would have to be enough.  Besides, a relationship would just complicate things.  It was only through someone else’s indiscretions that allowed him to be back in the competition at all.  He was lucky.  He pulled back.
He perched himself on his tiptoes and placed a small kiss to the top of the other boy’s forehead and hoped he didn't see the tear sliding down his face.  
Jeff pouted, as he entered the cab.  “I could have paid for that.”
“How about you pay for the drinks at Boulevard?”  Nick suggested.  “Technically, this is a gig, so I can’t drink until we’re done, but I’ll get something afterwards,” He said, bumping shoulders with the blonde.
Jeff smiled.  “Alright.  So what kind of music do you play?
“Mostly covers.  You know, the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, but this is a gay bar, so we’re going to throw in quite a few dance numbers,” Nick answered.  
“Boulevard’s a gay club?  Will that make the band nervous?” Jeff asked.
“They’re all gay too,” Elliot admitted.  “It’s made up of several of the members of the band and back-up singers from the show.” Nick commented.
“The show let’s you play in other venues?” Jeff asked, grinning slightly, as the boys walked shoulder to shoulder.      
“I don’t think they really care as long as we show up for rehearsal and we don’t suck,” Nick chuckled.
“I’m sure you guys will be great,” Jeff grinned.  “Do you sing too?”
“Mostly back-up, but we switch, um vocals, you know,” Nick smiled tentatively.  Nick opened the door of the club and motioned for Jeff to go through.  “You first.”
“Thank you,” Jeff blushed again.  “Break a leg,”
Nick reached his hand out to the blonde.  “Wait, come with me.  I want you to meet the band.  I know you may recognize some of the faces, but I didn’t know if you knew them.”  The blonde grinned and took the other boy’s hand in his, interlacing their fingers together.  
Nick led them into the small room backstage.  “This is Dani.  She sings and plays guitar.  Spenser  is our drummer, and his partner, Allistar, plays the bass.”  Jeff politely shook hands with the band mates.    “And this is our lead singer and pianist, Elliot.” Nick said, introducing the two boys.  Jeff extended his hand, which Elliott shook politely.    “Jeff, would you mind to hang out here for a minute with the band?.  I need to make sure the stage is set up with enough mics and stuff and get my music ready.  Can I order you a drink?”
Jeff nodded.  “A rum and coke, please,” Jeff answered, as Nick smiled and let the room.  
“Hey, you work on Duets , right?” Elliott asked, recognizing Jeff.  
“Yeah, I’m a dance instructor.  Jeff,” he said, extending his hand.  “You’re a stylist?  I heard what happened to Sebastian’s hair.  That was you, right?” the blonde chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess I was a part of the conspiracy, although I wasn’t the mastermind.  So, you and Nick?” Elliott asked, winking.
“Well, we just met, but I think he seems sweet.   We had a great time at dinner,” Jeff gushed.  “This is our first date, I think.”
“You think?”
“Well, he said it was, but he seems really nervous.”
“I think he just likes you a lot.  He couldn’t quit mentioning you at rehearsal the other day.”
“Really?” Jeff blushed.
“Yeah, he kept wanting to rehearse dance numbers so he could get his hot date out there to shake his ‘sexy ass’ for him.   We might have worked something out, you know, just to humor him,” Elliott chuckled.  
Jeff turned several shades of red, covering his face with his hands.  He cleared his throat and changed the subject.  “So, what about you?  Do you have a guy in the audience?” Jeff questioned.
“Nope, although there’s a guy I have my eye on?” Elliott smiled.
“It’s not Nick, is it?” Jeff looked a little worried.  “Because I don’t know if I can compete with you?”
“Uh no, Nick’s not really my type, and he’s really into you.  I respect that.  I don’t hit on another guy’s man, although you’re a cutie.” he smiled.
“So, does he work on Duets ?  There’s several guys there to choose from, I think.” Jeff commented.  “There are several gay men on the show.  I’m kinda surprised by that.”
“Well, it’s an artsy kind of show.  I think you find quite a few gay artists.  Singers, dancers, performers,” Elliott responded.  
“So, which one captured your attention?” Jeff questioned.  
“It doesn’t matter.  He’s off limits,” Elliott answered.
“Oh, so it’s a contestant?” Jeff chuckled.  “Man, I think people on the show hate that ‘no dating contestants’ rule.
“Yeah, I have to say I’m kinda jealous that you and Nick can go on a date,” He smiled.    “It’s fine, though.  I don’t really know him that well.  He’s got his eye on another guy anyway.”  
Nick strolled back in the room and handed Jeff his drink.  “Hey, we’re going to go on in a few minutes.  I got a table for you out front.”
“Thank you,” Jeff commented.  “Well, break a leg, guys.”
Jeff was really impressed.  They were really good.  He alternated between dancing, singing along, and listening attentively as the band played through their set.  On the final number, Nick stepped up to the mic.  “We’ve got one more song for you.  We wanted to leave you with something you could dance to.  
His eyes, his eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining
His hair, his hair falls perfectly without him trying
He’s so beautiful and I tell him everyday
Jeff smiled, and he remembered what Elliott said about wanting Jeff to get up and dance, so he did.  He danced to impress, moving his hips and shaking his ass, never taking his eyes off the handsome guitarist that was singing to him.  He tried to suppress the grin that was spreading across his face as the brunette sang to him.  More than once, he had to remind his  body to dance, but he was failing miserably.  He couldn't help but watch the brunette play and sing passionately to him as if he was the only person in the room.  
Nick (Elliot & Dani):
When I see your face (When I see your face)
There’s not a thing that I would change
‘Cause you’re amazing (You’re amazing)
Just the way you are
“Thanks everybody.  You’ve been awesome,” Nick said to the crowd, but looking only at Jeff.  Nick started to help the band gather up their equipment, but Elliott told him to attend to his date.   Nick didn’t argue.  He rushed off the stage to join Jeff, who was still swaying on the dance floor, as a DJ played a dance track.  “Well, how did you like the band?”
“You guys were awesome.  Can we hang out awhile, or  do you need to go?  I know it's getting late?” Jeff asked, still swaying to the music.  
“Well, we can go if you need to, but I don’t mind to stay awhile.  I mean, if you want to,” Nick said shyly.
“I want to stay for a little while so my sexy date can join in on a dance,” Jeff flirted.
“Well, if you want me too, but I won’t look as good as you do out here.  Dancing next to you, I might look like an idiot,” Nick pouted.
“There’s no way you could look like an idiot.  You’re gorgeous,” Jeff said, dropping his head shyly, his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. He cleared his throat in an attempt to calm his nerves.  “Besides, I’m a dance teacher.  I’m sure I could show you some moves.” “Are you saying something’s wrong with my moves?” Nick joked.  
“I don’t know.  I haven’t seen them yet, except the wild man sway you had going with the guitar,” Jeff joked.
“Oh trust me, blondie.  You aren’t the only guy with some serious moves.” Nick flirted back.  
“Yeah, and where are you hiding them, then,” Elliott chuckled.    “Although right now, you guys are both just kinda standing there while Gaga is playing, which is just  scandalous.  Come on, Nick.  Dance with this sexy man, or I just might have to,” he teased, moving beside Jeff, facing Jeff sideways, his hand on Jeff’s other hip.  
Nick started moving to the music, watching  Elliott move in closer to Jeff.  Nick in turn moved in closer as well, his hands finding Jeff’s hips and pressing his body closer to Jeff’s, the three boys now dancing together with the music.  Elliott shifted so that his body was now directly behind Jeff’s, his groin dangerously close to Jeff’s ass.  
“Hey, that’s my date,” Nick fussed, quickly moving in close to Jeff, face to face, and pressing his body closer to him. Nick’s face grew hot with jealousy mixed with a side of arousal, as he moved his left hand from Jeff’s hip to his ass, now creating a barrier between Elliott’s crotch and his date’s ass.
Elliott caught the look in Nick’s eye and he backed away, allowing the usually shy brunette to align his hips to the blonde’s as their bodies continued to dance to the music, one song fading into the next.’
“I love this song,” Nick shouted, pressing his body even closer into Jeff’s.  Jeff started to reply, but then a moan escaped his lips as Nick thrust his hips against Jeff’s groin, the friction making him aroused.  Nick responded immediately by leaning in and kissing Jeff on the lips, slowly at first, then opening his mouth.  Jeff happily slipped his tongue inside the slightly shorter boy’s mouth as they continued to move their hips together,
Elliott finished the song, dancing with a shorter, stocky man as he watched the other two boys get lost in the music and each other.  Afterwards,, he joined Dani at the table for a drink.  
“Damn, I saw that El,” Dani smiled.
“What?” Elliott pretended to be offended.
“I swear, you are the biggest flirt!” she accused jokingly.  
“Hey, you saw it.  Nick was never gonna make a move, and that boy has one sexy ass.”
“He does have a sexy ass.”  Dani agreed.    “Nick found him a hot one this time.  They look really good together.”
“They do,” Elliott said as he watched the two boys, their bodies moving fluidly together as Nick’s lips kissed Jeff’s neck.   “Jeff seems really nice.  Nick is really taken with him.  You saw the way he never took his eyes off of him while he was on stage.  I never heard him mess up on stage so much.”
“Well, can you blame him?  A hot sexy man was staring at him like he wanted to drag him off the stage and into a closet,” Dani laughed.  
Elliott and Dani watched the two men dance, their lean bodies fitting fluidly together as one song faded into the next.  The two bandmates finished their drinks and talked about their next gig, their eyes occasionally zoning in on the two boys again, who seemed to have forgotten that anyone else was in the room, or even on the same planet.
After gulping down the last of his drink, Elliott stood up.   “Well, I hope that Jeff sticks around.  They’re perfect for each other,” Elliott commented.
“Well, um, it’s a little late for that,” Dani commented.
“What, why?” Elliott asked, looking around for the two boys.
“Because it looks like they decided to take the show somewhere else,” Dani laughed as she pointed to Nick, who was leading Jeff quickly for the door.   Nick stopped suddenly, causing Jeff’s body to collide against his, and Jeff used the opportunity to crash his lips back into Nick’s, one arm snaking around Nick’s waist, and the other firmly in the brunette’s hair.  
“Nick, Nicky,” Jeff moaned.  “Hey, not here, babe.”
“My place isn't that far away.  You wanna come over?” Nick suggested, his other arm still wrapped around Jeff’s waist, pulling him in to kiss his neck once more.
The blonde’s lashes fluttered.  “Yes, I do,” Jeff blurted lustfully.  “Hey, but we probably shouldn’t,” he answered stepping out of the club and into the cool, crisp air,
“Yeah, you’re right,” Nick agreed, but his body betrayed him.  His arms were still wrapped around the other boy, and the bulge in his pants said that he didn’t want to say goodnight anytime soon.  “This is our first date, and I don’t want you to think this is how I usually behave on first dates,” he said, hailing a cab.  “How about we kiss goodnight here, and agree to go out again soon,” Nick suggested disappointedly.
Jeff’s bottom lip protruded out in a sad little pout.  “If we must,” he sighed.
“You need to tuck that lip back in there,” Nick laughed.
“Or what?” Jeff teased back.
Nick ran his tongue over the pouted lip, causing Jeff to eagerly slam his body against Nick’s as he opened his mouth,  granting entrance to the wet tongue begging for access.  Nick pushed his body against Jeff’s, kissing his lips hungrily as Jeff’s back pressed against the passenger door of a cab.   The cabbie honked his horn.  
“Hey, that was playing dirty!” Nick accused playfully.
“I haven’t begun to play dirty, yet,” Jeff winked.  Nick felt Jeff’s arousal as the blonde leaned in once again, stealing one more kiss before Nick pulled away.  “Seriously, you are making it hard to be a gentleman.”
“Actually, it just looks like I’m just making it hard for you in general,” Jeff smirked.  “And in that situation, I tend to like it when it isn’t so gentle.”
“Damn, Jeff, I’m trying to do the right thing here.  I really like you, and I don’t want you to think that I just want to sleep with you.  I’m not looking to just hook up, ok.”
Jeff smiled.  “I know, but I don’t want you to go yet.”
Nick chuckled.  “Hey, we work together,  I promise we will see each other soon.  I have another gig here tomorrow.   Same time as tonight.  And we could do dinner again, or something else if you prefer.”
“Yeah, ok.  I’d like that,”  Jeff commented, quickly kissing Nick’s cheek, only to have Nick turn toward him so their lips met once more.   “Tomorrow night soon enough for you, babe?” Jeff asked slyly as he slid into the taxi cab’s back seat.  
“No, but it will have to do.  Text me when you get home, beautiful,” Nick said, leaning down to kiss Jeff once more.
“I will.  See you tomorrow,” Jeff said sadly, raising his head up to place another small kiss to the other boy’s lips.
Nick glanced at his watch and grinned.  It was ten after midnight.  “It is tomorrow,” Nick chuckled, launching his arms around the blonde and knocking him on his back on the vinyl seat.  
“Bout time you got in the car.  I was about to leave your asses!” the cabbie snarked.  “Where to?” he asked.
“It’s up to him,” Nick said, pointing at the blonde.  He turned back to face Jeff.  “I will go anywhere you want if you don’t want to part yet, or I will ride with you to your place to say goodnight, or he can drop me off first.  You just tell me what you want,” he said, and then returned to peppering gentle kisses along Jeff’s neck.
“You said you live close?” Jeff gasped, as the brunette’s lips nibbled as far as his collared shirt would let him go.  “I don’t want to go home yet,” Jeff moaned as he fumbled with the top buttons of his shirt so that Nick could continue to explore his body with his lips.
“North Adams St. over by Glendale Community College,” the brunette answered quickly, reattaching his lips to the other boy’s neck, moving his lips down toward his collarbone now that he had access to the previously unexposed skin.  Nick repositioned himself so that he was pressed as tightly against the blonde as the seatbelt would allow.   His hands firmly cupped Jeff’s ass, as Jeff moved one hand into Nick’s hair, and the other was desperately untucking Nick’s shirt from his waist so that his hands could caress the skin underneath.      
“Hey, none of that, or you’ll be out on your asses,” the cabbie threatened.  “I just had this car cleaned.  It’s only 15 minutes away.”
Jeff pulled back, sighing deeply at the loss of Nick’s lips on his body.  “We need to cool down.  At least until we get to my place because that guy looks like he has no problem kicking us to the curb.”
Nick whined at the loss of contact with the gorgeous blonde.  “Fine.  Are you sure you want to do this.  Elliott’s my roommate, but I can text him to let him know that you are coming over.”
“I think he might already suspect something,” Jeff said swatting at the brunette’s thigh.  
“Hey, I meant it when I said we don’t have to do anything.   Just because we’re going to my place doesn’t mean I expect sex,” Nick said genuinely.
“Bummer,” Jeff said playfully.  “Because I’m not completely opposed to it being on the table,” the blonde said, pulling Nick in close to him by the collar, kissing on his neck.
“Sex on the table,” Nick groaned. “Damn, you are just too sexy for your own good.  But hey,” he said, pulling back.  “I mean it.  Tonight, you tell me what you want.  If you want to snuggle on the couch and eat popcorn and watch bad cable tv, I’m in.  If you want to jam out to music, I’m in.  If you want to lie in bed, cuddle,  and tell me more about you, that’s ok.  As long as I’m with you,” Nick said sweetly.
“And if I want to do all of that, and add a makeout session,” Jeff suggested.
“I’m in,” the brunette said, lunging in toward Jeff once more, crashing their lips together.
“What am I doing in here?” Santana asked.
“I was just watching some footage for the show, and I was reviewing the tapes.  There’s some pretty steamy stuff on here.” Sue smirked.  “Do you wanna see, Santana?”
“No, I really don’t,” Santana commented.
“Actually, I think you do, Sue said, turning the screen towards the Latina so that she could see what Sue was seeing, her and Brittany laying in bed together.  
“So what!  She had a nightmare, and I was comforting her?”
“Naked?” Sue asked.  “Wow!  Don’t ever comfort me if I have a nightmare.  Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
“Do you want me to answer that?” Santana asked sarcastically.
“Do you want me to unpause the video and prove to you that you are full of it, Jugs the Clown?”
“How the Hell did you even get a video.  This was our room, or it was before we had to change the room arrangement,” Santana said slowly.  “That was your doing, wasn’t it?”
“Why, I’m hurt!   Do you really think I care that you are hooking up with Tweedle Dumb?   I wish I wouldn’t have seen everything.  My retinas are still burning.  I mean, between you and Weasel Face, I know a lot more about gay sex than I ever wanted to know.”
“I knew it.  I knew that he had some kind of deal with you or something.  Why else would he still be here?  You’re using him,” Santana accused.
“Very insightful, Ms. Ho-pez.   The way I may have to use you.  To get information.”
“What makes you think I'd help you?”  Santana asked smugly.
“Oh Sandbags, I'm hurt that you wouldn't want to give me a hand.   Well, how about Brittany then.  Maybe you want to help her?”
“What about her?”
“You see, I got this call from MIT, and it seems their star student is missing.  They said one of our contestants is a spitting image, wouldn't you agree,” she asked, thrusting a flyer in her face.  “Poor professors miss their star pupil.   I feel I should do my civic duty and give them a call.”
“You can't do that.  Brittany is terrified of going back.”
“ I can and I will, unless…”
“Unless, what?”
“Unless you agree to help me.   I need eyes and ears to watch my eyes and ears, so they aren't double crossing me, especially Weasel face.  
“What? Who all is in on this?  You have Kitty too, I suspect.  Why else would she still be there?”
“Insightful, Sandbags,” Sue chuckled.  “Her and a few others.  And you, right?”
Santana sighed.  “Just leave Brittany out of this.  And I want our room back.”
“Done,” Sue smiled.  
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
Well guys -- four months after I decided to start this little journey, I’ve reached the top of the mountain with my personal favorite episode of the show.  And now that it’s two years after the show has ended, it feels bittersweet coming to another end.  Thank you guys for indulging me.  It’s been fun.  :) 
1. New New York (5x14)
Tumblr media
Written by: Ryan Murphy Directed by: Sanaa Hamri
Picking a most favorite is a tough choice, and to be honest many of my choices on this list may change any given day.  But this episode, this delightfully funny and moving episode I kept coming back to.  I think, like Love, Love, Love, it’s a comfort episode, an episode when I’m feeling like watching /one/ episode of Glee I can turn it on and just be entertained all the way through.  
First there’s the Klaine arc - which of course is always a highlight of episodes I enjoy.  But in this one they get a little bit of everything, comedy, drama, romance.  Sure - I would have preferred if they didn’t make the choice to live separately (C’mon Glee what are you doing), but it’s a minor quibble when the boys finally get some great stuff to chew on. 
Meanwhile we have Sam’s struggle to get into the modeling industry, Rachel and Artie taking on subway thieves, and the return of Mercedes - all of which have entertaining elements.  And the focus on such a small cast makes the writing tight and gives each story a chance to breathe.  Add on to the fact that the music of this episode is fantastic and that Adam Lambert is an wonderful guest star, we get a truly wonderful episode.  
High Points: 
Kurt is so done with Rachel in this episode.  It’s entertaining. 
DOMESTIC KLAINE - yes, gimme...
The look in Kurt’s face when Sam interrupts sexy times. 
The fact that Artie gets robbed by a guy on crutches.  
I love they gave Sam the POV of New York isn’t all that great.  The city isn’t for everyone - and often it gets overly romanticized.  
MIMES! (also - why hello there Will ;)) 
Sam cuts his hair.  Thank god! 
Kurt feeling overwhelmed by all the people all the time makes a lot of sense to me.  I feel this one, and his struggle in this episode I feel personally attached to. 
‘I’m sorry about him, he just needs his bubbles.’
Artie and Rachel getting a story line together -- Glee often didn’t stray from its usual pairings when they found ones that worked.  It was nice to see an unusual one.  Also - Artie telling off Rachel is fantastic. 
ELLIOTT!!!! Everything about Elliott in this episode, from lifting up Kurt’s spirits to telling Blaine to calm down to Glitter Rock Vampire.  He was such a fantastic guest spot - why could we not have more of him?!?
Onion booty. 
KLANGST! The Klaine fight was both funny and realistic.  I buy the issues here - even if it wasn’t the perfect resolution of Blaine moving out.  (But in hindsight they did this for a lot of logistical reasons.) 
So - Kurt and Blaine get to have a conversation, actually express how they’re feeling towards each other, make a decision about their lives, kiss, and then go have sex.  What is this show?!?
MERCEDES!! All the Mercedes - yes!!
‘Some people just don’t know how to screw things.’ 
Rachel yelling at the taxi. 
Everyone enjoying New York in the end. 
Low Points: 
Why wasn’t season 6 a continuation of the New York story lines?!?!
Downtown: You know, this isn’t even a song I like all that much, but I love it in this episode.  Everyone gets a little part of it, and it really shows off the New York location - make the show have a new feel to it.  Plus, they all sound good.  
You Make Me Feel So Young: Domestic Klaine singing.  Yes please. 
Best Day of My Life: Blam fooling around and being cute in Times Square.  Yes please. 
Rockstar: Kurt and Elliott being adorable goobers in the music store? Yes please. 
Don’t Sleep in the Subway: Rachel and Artie unexpectedly singing a delightful song on the subway? Yes please. 
People: This another song I’m not really fond of - but this is a perfect fit for Rachel’s voice, and I love the montage of everyone in the city that plays ruing it.  
Final Verdict: It’s a great story that features my favorite characters, has good music, and was representative of everything I loved about the show.  It’s not perfect, but Glee was always special for being imperfectly perfect.  :) 
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Fic: Fools Rush In
Summary: Elvis once sang, “Wise men say only fools rush in…” Blaine and Sam may be who he was singing about. 
A/N Based on this post because @ckerouac and I are brain twins. Thanks to @mshoneysucklepink for being my midnight beta. 
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Blaine felt really lucky. His college roommate turned out to be his best friend. Sure, it was rough the first few days; Blaine had never shared with anyone, and Sam was used to sharing everything. There may have been some shoving, but they talked it out and it was only awkward for a few days. Then Sam was unpacking his Funko figures and next thing they knew, three hours had passed as they discussed the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Okay, so Blaine had a preference for DC’s characters, but even he could admit that Marvel’s movies were better. They became inseparable, even though they were so different. Sam was straight, and didn’t care that Blaine was gay. Sam came from a loving family with two younger siblings who adored him; he called his parents multiple times a week and they helped him move in. Blaine didn’t talk to his brother much, his Dad only called to see if he needed him to send money, and Blaine called his Mom every day. Sam was there on a full ride thanks to an athletic scholarship from being on his high school swim team, and he still worked so he could send money home to his family. Blaine’s dad was paying for everything and sent him cash, his Father wanting him to focus on his studies and his Mom not wanting him to have to start working straight out of school like she did.
They were polar opposites, but also the best of friends. Half the people on their floor thought they were sleeping together, and everyone started calling them Blam, saying stuff like “Are Blam coming to the party?” or “Do you think Blam will loan me a DVD?” They didn’t mind it.
The one thing they had in common, besides really loving Star Wars fan fiction, was their romantic loneliness. They both really wanted to be in a relationship. Sam had dated a lot in high school, including the school nurse, and Blaine had one boyfriend in high school and a couple of hookups. They were lonely; college dating wasn’t going as well as they’d hoped.
They’d come to a decision one night over the fic Blaine was reading to Sam because he couldn’t sleep.
“Wait, wait. C3PO would never do that. He’d be too nervous and whiny to do that. This fic jumped the shark. Can fic jump the shark?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know, but this is pretty bad. What should we do? Maybe try listening to podfic instead?” Blaine suggests.
“This sucks. We’re hot guys. And we’re stuck in here every night. That’s it. I’m off tomorrow, we need to get off this campus. We’re going out. We both have fake IDs, lets go be each other’s wing men. I’ll find you a hot guy, you’ll find me a hot girl.”
“I don’t know Sam, I don’t know if I’m a wing man. For a straight guy?”
“Dude, girls love you. Just wear a bow tie and the pants that show your ankles. The girls will be all over you, then you hit them with the ‘I’m gay’ bomb and then be all “Have you met Sam?” and I’ll do the same. The lips make guys think I’m gay. I’ve been told I have ‘dick sucking lips’. Guy rolls up on me, I’m all ‘wow, I’m flattered but I’m straight, my boy Blaine though? Loves the cock.”
“Please don’t say that. Don’t ever say that.”
Somehow, Blaine let Sam talk him into it. So he put on his red pants and black polo, finally wore the red and grey striped bowtie he’d been waiting to wear and let Sam drag him to a bar. He doesn’t know how Sam found Callbacks, especially since it was a hangout for the snobby NYADA students and they went to NYU, but Blaine just went with it. Sometimes, the easiest way to deal with Sam was to just follow along; nine times out of ten, his ideas were strange but brilliant.
As soon as they walked into the bar, Blaine saw him. He had on the tightest camo jeans Blaine had ever seen, and his shirt was even tighter. He was tall and thin, but his arms and shoulders seemed to be too big for his shirt. He stood at the bar, smiling and talking with the girls he was with.
“I’ll get us drinks, you find us a spot,” Sam said, “vodka cran?”
“Yeah.” Blaine looked around for a table and Sam headed for the bar. Blaine tried to find a table facing where the guy was with his friends, but not where he looked like a complete stalker. When Blaine sat down he saw Sam standing right next to him. Sam turned and looked towards the hot guy. The guy was flirting with Sam. Blaine hoped Sam’s idea would work and the guy wouldn’t be too disappointed when he went from tall, muscular Sam to Blaine. Sam waved Blaine over and Blaine left the table he had found to join them at the bar.
“Oh hey, there he is! Blaine, I was just talking to Kurt, and he was telling me that he sings. Blaine sings too. And he’s also gay.”
Blaine felt himself blushing to his ears, “Oh my God Sam,” he muttered, but Kurt laughed.
“You sing, but you don’t go to NYADA?”
“No, I love theater, but it’s not really what I want. I go to the Clive Davis school at NYU. I did consider NYADA. But I read up on some of the faculty, and Cassie July?” He rolled his eyes, and Kurt nodded in a way that instantly said the rumours were true and he knew from experience “And I’m not particularly sure how I feel about Carmen Tibideaux’s methods, if I’m being completely honest.”
Sam handed Blaine his drink with a smile, and sipped his own beer as he watched.
“You do know where you are right?” Kurt asked with a wink, “No I get it. If you knew what I had to do to get in. And oh my God, my roommate legitimately stalked Carmen to get accepted. And the people they reject? My friend Elliot is amazing, but he didn’t make it either. He goes to NYU too, actually he’s in the Clive Davis program also. He just had his senior showcase, and he was amazing. He wrote almost an entire album full of music, including a song about a glitter vampire.”
“Elliot Gilbert? You’re friends with Elliot? Small world; I was there for the birth of ‘Glitter Rock Vampire’.”
“No way? That is a small world!” Kurt laughed, touching Blaine’s arm. Blaine instinctively moved a little closer when one of Kurt’s friends tapped him on the shoulder.
“Kurt did you forget about us? Care to introduce us to your friend?”
“Oh, sorry Mercedes, um, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Your friend could join us, with his friend. That blonde guy is your friend, right?”
Sam and Blaine joined Kurt and his friends. And they both left with dates.
When Blaine got home from his date with Kurt, he played it over and over in his head. He was trying not to over analyze, but it was such an intense night. He lay in bed waiting for Sam to get home from his date to see if Sam could help him figure out if it was a good date or a bad one.
Sam came in an hour after Blaine, and collapsed on his bed.
“So, how was it?” Blaine asked him.
“Mercedes is amazing. But I think I screwed it up.”
“How would you screw it up?”
“Smurf penis.”
“A guy was on the subway platform playing a blue french horn and I said it looked like a smurf penis. She laughed, but it was awkward.”
“So…how did it end?”
“Well, she kissed me on the cheek and agreed to go out with me again even though I say stupid things like, all the time.”
“So it’s good then.”
“Yeah, I guess so. How about you?”
“It was, it was interesting. Kurt and I, we just clicked right away. He is everything I have ever wanted. We kissed like twenty minutes into the date.”
“Wow. So…”
“So, I don’t know. It ended on a weird note.”
“How weird?”
“I told him that I think I’m falling in love with him.”
“Yeah,” Blaine dramatically threw a pillow over his face when his phone rang, “Oh god, it’s Kurt. It’s Kurt calling me to tell me to never call him again.”
“Just answer it.”
Blaine answered the phone as Sam started changing into his pajamas.
“He’s here. Downstairs. I have to go downstairs. Still wearing my date outfit.”
“Dude, go down there. If he came all this way, he’s probably not dumping you.”
Blaine grabbed his sweater and headed outside to find Kurt sitting on the steps, also still wearing his date outfit. When he saw Blaine he stood up. Blaine took a deep breath preparing himself.
“You said you were falling in love with me.”
“I did. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Did you mean it? Do you really think that?”
Blaine thought. He gulped nervously. “Yes. At the time, I was caught up in everything, and it was either that or burst into song, and well, I thought that might be strange.”
“Blaine, that’s crazy. I live with Rachel Berry, you bursting into song is just a Tuesday for me.”
“I know, I’m sorry, I panicked. I know we just met, but I was feeling a lot. And I said something stupid, but I don’t take it back. I don’t know where that leaves us, but I don’t regret it.”
Kurt sighed. “My friends think you’re crazy. But I don’t. I should, but I don’t. Because I was feeling a lot too. And so I came here to tell you that if you’re really falling in love with me, I’m okay with that as long as you give me some time. Don’t, like, propose to me on our next date. I need at least five dates before I consider marriage. I’m just old fashioned like that.”
“Oh five dates, I don’t know… that’s a long time but I think I can manage. I mean, I need time to find the perfect ring and plan a huge proposal,” Blaine said with a laugh. Kurt grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a kiss.
When they broke apart, Blaine was still cupping Kurt’s face and sighed, “God I love you.”
Kurt laughed, “Really? Again?”
“I can’t help it.”
“I’ll get used to it. You make me feel like a silly romantic.”
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5x14 liveplurk
Yuè "into her dream" she's about to throw away Yuè oh yeah there's been an age jump Yuè ... I don't think Broadway debuts get their own personal drivers??? Yuè DOWNTOWN Yuè okay lemme tell you something this performance got released earlier and I remember thinking: "yeah this is a glee I'm willing to work with" cause it felt so good to see the characters like that Yuè KURT Yuè BLAINE Yuè KURT WITH A PAPER AND BLAINE WITH THEIR COFFEES LOOK AT MY NEW YORK BOYS Yuè Artie.. they see me rolling they hating Yuè welcome to New York, Sam Yuè I also remember thinking the shade of Blaine's jeans was a bit too dark for him but that's me Yuè and yes Rachel is back in the loft Yuè Oh Artie Yuè HOHOHOOOOHHHH KLAINE Yuè BLAINE MY BOY Yuè WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU'RE WEARING HAIRGEL IN BAD Yuè BES Yuè BED Yuè ALTHO YOU PROBABLY WEAR IT IN BAD TOO Yuè THIS PERFORMANCE MAKES ME SO HAPPY CAUSE IT'S JUST TWO MINUTES OF PURE DOMESTIC FLUFF AND BLISS Yuè Blaine sweetie no. that outfit was so 7 episodes ago Yuè I'M SO BLESSED Yuè TH EYRE DANCING IN THEIR UNDERWEAR AND MAKING UP THE BED AND GETTING READY FOR THE DAY AND GO OUT GROCERY SHOPPING AND MORE DA NCING OH JEUSUS Yuè and then there's Sam Yuè Blaine is so upset he gets no dick Yuè Artie I love you Yuè I forgot Blaine has a new bag... I love it altho I do miss the leather one Yuè Sam you do look like a dirty hippie Yuè I love Blam okay Yuè I can't believe they allowed bystanders into the performance it's so great Yuè YES MY JAM Yuè I feel so bad for the innocent New Yorkers who randomly have to see Chord's naked chest on Times Square Yuè BLAINE WU TH EARMUFFS Yuè "I don't see why they call it Times Square I don't see any clocks" Yuè Sup Will Yuè Blaine uhm I know you're happy to be with your man but please shut the fuck up Yuè THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT Yuè sometimes glee amazes me with its storytelling cause this is such a great way to describe how Kurt's feeling Yuè HELMET HAIR BOWTIE LOVING BLAINE Yuè Sam what took you so fucking long Yuè "he just needs his bubbles" Yuè RACHEL STOP BEING ENTITLED Yuè Artie's face.. mood Yuè GO FOR IT ARTIE HOLY SHIT Yuè "wish I had a limousine" Yuè Elliott I miss you already Yuè BED BUGS Yuè honestly I love this storyline cause one thing I disliked about Klaine was the fact that they lost their individualities because it was always KurtandBlaine and no longer Kurt and Blaine so thanks honey for pointing this out Yuè THIS SONG OH GOD Yuè rip the deleted scene from Rockstar Yuè I know people still want Fergalicious but I want Rockstar Yuè this was such a great friendship Yuè "my life long dream" that you will throw away Yuè what a tacky Pippin reference Yuè NO SAM NO ONE DIED IN HERE Yuè Blaine this outfit is my life Yuè why do people keep throwing underwear to Blaine Yuè Kurt.. calm down Yuè well... how much sex do you two bave Yuè I BET YOU WERE TALKING Yuè HE'S MT FRIEND Yuè I BET HE'S YOUR FRIEND Yuè CALM DOWN PSYCHO Yuè jesus boys you had your first domestic on screen fight Yuè Artie nooo Yuè "oh god you're not trying to move in" Yuè Blaine you're petty af Yuè Blaine let's face it your hair is fucking awful Yuè "okay are you done" Yuè I love how Elliott hands him a guitar and Blaine immediately calms down Yuè jesus I love it when glee actually writes good storylines and relatable and realistic stories Yuè "you've obviously came to jam" "I. . you gave me this" Yuè Well FUCK HI DARREN Yuè GLITTER ROCK VAMPIRE WOHOOOO Yuè like wow in less than ten seconds Blaine Devon became Darren Everrett Yuè thanks Rachel for not being a pathetic piece of shit for once Yuè yeees more great music Yuè "ah it's okay I've been homeless" Yuè I thought this was a male model house Yuè BRO Yuè TIME FOR ONE OF THE BEST KLAINE SCENES EVER BECAUSE THEY'RE BEING MATURE AND SMART AND SO IN LOVE Yuè I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH THIS SCENE AMAZES ME Yuè although Blaine's hair does kinda ruin it for me Yuè LOOK AT THIS AT MY BOYS ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING AND NOT DRAWING THIS OUT INTO ANOTHER EXHAUSTING STORYLINE Yuè Blaine moving out was the right choice I have wanted it from the beginning sorry not sorry Yuè congrats on the sex guys Yuè Sam's so freaked out Yuè KURT AND BLAINE ACTUALLY STUDYING Yuè "shut uuuuuup" Yuè I love this scene cause they're all happy and supportive etc Yuè BOYS I AM SO PROUD OF YOU TWO FUCKERS Yuè I actually would've loved to see Blaine crashing on a couch in Sam's modeling house Yuè MERCEDES YEEEEE Yuè I can't believe they're moving in Yuè "maybe I should rent it out to a couple of nerds back in high school" Yuè JO YES MERCEDES Yuè OWN IT UP Yuè I WILL BITE YUR WAX LIPS OFF Yuè I love how Amber broke character cause of Chord's ad lib Yuè TAXI TAXIIIII HEY Yuè oooh this performance just means peace and serenity to me I love how you get to see everyone just being happy and being at ease with each other Yuè Mercedes and Sam moving in Yuè Artie enjoying the subway after overcoming his fear Yuè Kurt and Blaine buying flowers and walking hand in hand Yuè Rachel preparing for her debut Yuè and then that potluck which was basically the actors enjoying being around each other Yuè I love this episode so much Yuè I LOVE THIS EPISODE SO MUCH Yuè I Yuè LOVE Yuè THIS Yuè EPISODE Yuè SO Yuè MUCH Yuè WHY DID IT HAVE TO END
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