#blairite scum
theculturedmarxist · 5 years
At least 10 politically active students at King’s College London (KCL) were barred from accessing the university campus on March 19, as part of security arrangements for a visit by the queen and Duchess of Cambridge. The activists’ names were also passed along by the university administration to London’s Metropolitan Police.
This deliberate intimidation of left-wing students is a grievous attack on democratic rights and the freedom of association. There was never even an indication that the students had any intention of protesting against the queen’s visit, which they would have been entitled to do in any case. The university and the police have given themselves the power to exclude individuals from campus solely based on their political beliefs.
All the students in question are involved with KCL’s Action for Palestine and Justice4Cleaners protest groups. Action for Palestine is a registered society at the university and campaigns “to end our own institution’s complicity in the illegal occupation of Palestine, serve as a platform for students to learn about social justice, and to educate the wider community about the situation in Palestine.”
Justice4Cleaners has carried out a years-long campaign to end the university’s use of heavily exploited, outsourced labour for their cleaning staff.
The first the 10 knew of the ban was when their university ID cards failed to grant them entry to classes, the library, work shifts and exams. One barred student was told by a KCL staff member, “We were under instructions from the Metropolitan police to refuse access to Bush House due to the event that was taking place. That is all I can say to you.” Others were informed, “There are a number of protesters who have been visible at a number of protests over the last year, two years. You’re identifiable because you were on CCTV.”
This statement suggests the illegal use of video surveillance for political purposes.
Over 400 current and former students and professors have since signed an open letter protesting the university’s despicable actions. The letter explains, “This constitutes an alarming securitization of campus and an act of profiling of students based not on any evidence that they are guilty of wrongdoing, but rather a suspicion that they might potentially commit harmful acts at some point in the future. None of the students subject to this exclusion have any record of university misconduct. Such profiling of students is based on the political viewpoints and racial and national identities of students, and violates the commitment of KCL to providing a safe and inclusive academic community and campus for all…
“This spurious use of ‘security’ encourages a culture of fear, suspicion, mistrust, and functions as a blanket reason for all kinds of repressive measures.”
The signatories demand “an explanation of the process by which this decision was taken, an apology from the KCL administration to these students, and a commitment not to engage in such acts of unjustified profiling and exclusion again.”
KCL refuses to even acknowledge that specific students were targeted. A spokesman commented, “We had an event which demanded the highest level of security and we had to minimise movement through buildings for security reasons. At times some of our buildings were not accessible.”
The university administration laughably offered to carry out a “full and independent review” into how its own decisions were made.
These events must be placed in the context of an ongoing assault on progressive politics being carried out by the government, through the Office for Students (OfS) and Prevent scheme, and the right-wing media. They have sought to use accusations of left-wing “authoritarianism” and “extremism,” coupled with the attempt to brand anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism, to outlaw socialist thought and to suppress popular protest against the reactionary figures who are ever more frequently invited onto university campuses. The barring of the KCL students is only the latest stage in this campaign.
Last November, an essay by academic Norman Geras on the “ethics of revolution”, listed as recommended reading in a course on “Justice and Injustice” at Reading University, was flagged as dangerous by the government’s counter-terrorism Prevent scheme. Students were required to submit a form explaining why they were accessing the Geras article, warned not to access it on personal devices, told to read it in a secure setting and not leave it somewhere it might be seen “inadvertently or otherwise, by those who are not prepared to view it.”
This was on the basis, as their lecturer explained, that “The University understands its responsibility to require it to control access to security-sensitive material, which includes but is not limited to material which might be thought to encourage the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism; material which would be useful in the commission of acts of terrorism; and material which glorifies acts of terrorism.”
Now students themselves are being labeled as security threats, reported directly to the police and denied access to their own university.
It is especially significant that the barred individuals were active protestors against the Israeli state’s vicious treatment of the Palestinians. A massive campaign of slander is being carried out by the British ruling elite to criminalise political opposition to Zionism and to brand Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the political left as anti-Semites. This found sharp expression on the campuses late last year, when now suspended Labour MP Chris Williamson had a public meeting at Sheffield University cancelled by Sheffield Labour Students. The decision was prompted by the Metropolitan Police’s announcement of an investigation into allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. Williamson had been a vocal critic of this Blairite-led witch hunt.
The WSWS wrote, “The ban is profoundly anti-democratic and has serious consequences for freedom of speech.” Meetings “can now be ‘indefinitely postponed’ on university campuses—and beyond—until Scotland Yard gives the go ahead!”
That warning has been confirmed. Students who protest in defence of the Palestinians are now targets for censorship and police controls. The pretext in this case was a visit by the queen, but there is nothing to stop the same argument being employed in the case of any member of government, army general or right-wing ideologue.
The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) and International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) strongly support the fight against KCL’s anti-democratic actions.
The political policing of UK campuses is escalating rapidly. Universities are crucial centres of ruling class strategy and propaganda, and KCL itself is a prime example. The institution hosts a 2,000-student strong “War Studies” department, the front page of its Policy Institute’s website features a report titled “How Russian State Media Weaponises News” and 19 of its alumni currently sit in the House of Commons. With British imperialism facing an unprecedented crisis of rule, these functions of the universities become ever-more vital. At the same time, the ruling class feel seriously threatened by growing anti-capitalist sentiment among young people and its solution is a crackdown on left-wing ideas and action.
Not a single instance of political censorship on campus can be seriously fought without an understanding of these deeper causes. By coming to grips with these issues, students must recognise that their basic democratic rights can only be defended based on a socialist struggle against capitalism.
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razorramon-cxc-blog · 7 years
Dimbleby I hereby request you never call another person a Brownite ever again what a disgusting term.
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ohsoprofound · 7 years
Might be getting sent home early cos there's a pro-Corbyn rally planned outside our building later.
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bed-of-cunts · 5 years
Seeing people stick up for Alastair Campbell... nothing has depressed me more for months.
Why is it so fucking easy for people to forgive the Lib Dems, forgive Campbell, sympathise with May? Is it just that people have really short memories? Is it that they're simply ignorant? Are they so afraid of corbyn and mildly left wing politics that they will side with ALASTAIR CAMPBELL? I mean, jesus christ, the man is a lying sack of shit who is almost single handedly responsible for the UKs involvement in the Iraq War, he's arch blairite scum of the very worst kind.
I might just have to give up on being interested in politics if the british public keeps doing stuff like this. If it only takes four years for the lib dems to be rehabilitated after what they did, then thats it, I'm done. Politics is a waste of time and democracy, in its current form, is nonsense on stilts. The dunning-kruger effect writ large, where not only do stupid people insist they're smart but even some of the smart people grudgingly agree because democracy means that their opinions are equal.
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thecoppercow · 7 years
Speaking of abortion, yesterday Stella Creasy won a victory for abortion rights for women from NI, from the opposition backbench.
(As you probably all know, the state of abortion rights in Northern Ireland is utterly, utterly backward. Both sides in government in NI are regressive, the debate is toxic, it’s miles behind any of its neighbours. This is despite norn iron being part of Britain. What happens as a result is that women who need an abortion travel to the mainland to get one, which is like some horrific dystopian nightmare but I digress. A recent ruling threatened to take away even that meagre measure - it claimed that as NI law is shite on abortion, northern irish women couldn’t get abortions on the NHS here. The *national* health service. Not the MHS, the NHS. This was obviously bollocks - as Lord Kerr pointed out, if a NI woman was to need an appendix operation while here, she’s british enough, so why does that stop at abortion? Stella Creasy, by working with bpas, tactically using moderate tory rebels who supported basic women’s rights, and amending the Queen’s speech and negotiating to withdraw the amendment after certain assurances, got Phillip Hammond to announce that the govt will fully fund abortions for NI women.) I mention all this to point out - this is how opposition should be done. In one principled campaign involving brains and persuasion, and no stupid posturing or willy-waving, Creasy has made a huge difference, even from the backbench. Meanwhile, Corbyn, who has done nothing as worthy or effective in both his 30+ years as a backbencher and years as the *leader of the opposition*, spent yesterday whipping MPs to abstain from an amendment on staying in the single market. Then sacked the rebels. As in, he had a similar opportunity to bounce moderate tory rebels who are worried about Hard Brexit to persuade a weakened govt into softening it. He chose not to, and to stand with the tory right. St Jezbollah wants Hard Brexit. If that sounds unfair, or someone wants to start rabbiting on about whips and position - well, we all remember his posturing over an abstention in the *second reading of a welfare bill. (Incidentally, I notice the people who screamed about that are quiet about the shit about benefits freezes in Corbyn’s manifesto now, huh.) We all remember that he has been an arch-eurosceptic for 30 years, is opposed to freedom of movement (again, funny how those that yelled about mild controls on immigration mugs are quiet now) and called for an immediate trigger of A50, even before UKIP (who along with Hopkins are praising him to high heaven.) We remember how he deliberately sabotaged the Remain campaign. (See: every account of the campaign from insiders, the long read analysis, even the stuff about Obama.) He most likely, given his joking in private convos, voted leave. Given all of that, it’s pretty fucking funny that according to brocialists it’s Stella who is the sellout Progress Blairite Plastic Neoliberal Scum, and Corbyn who is principled and pure left and will inspire the youth. Appearance over actuality. Posturing and spin, over achievements and reality You’ve been sold a pup.
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Let's hear some positivity for 2016!
I’m not very positive like in general but that’s why I’m going to do this because it might be good for me. So thanks @nevertickleasleepingdragonlord for the opportunity to do this. RULES: List 10 good things that happened in 2016 (could be about you, the world, your friend, ect. as long as it is positive things) and then tag 10 friends. 1) I saw les miserables in London with @starspangledmjolnir. Most of these are going to be theatre based because I saved up to see some shows this year but Les mis was wonderful and such a good production and I didn’t even cry! 2) My friend applied to a prestigious Japanese university and got in! I will miss her but that’s amazing go @ochsespatz 3) I saw in the heights in London, front row seats were £25 and that’s how theatre should be if you ask me. One of the most vibrant and electric shows yet so personal at the same time. Loved it. 4) I was elected on Newcastle University LGBT+ committee and I look forward to next year’s awareness week. 5) We got more Star Wars? That’s great! 3 years of Star Wars! Also we got Star Trek! Best of the new Star Trek movies; beyond cleared my skin and watered my crops 6) Moana and Zootopia were wonderful both and Disney is 100% on form 7) Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership election for Labour all the blairite scum can suck it. 8) I seshed so hard and I didn’t even break any bones this year. 9) I survived my first year of uni with a decent grade. 10) We continue to discover more and more life in the oceans and that’s always wonderful. Well ash kinda tagged all my friends on here so I’m going to tag some mutuals, don’t feel pressured to do it at all but it’s alwaynice to learn about people’s years. I'm tagging @ochsespatz @nerd-downunder @belongtohufflepuff @ezzero @tiny-ace-nerd
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stimulintellect · 6 years
Tom Watson is now a Blairite. The Guardian a neocon rag. And life-long senior left-wingers neoliberal Red Tory scum. What’s next? Larry the cat a Mossad operative? https://t.co/OL57U93PNa
— Julie Lenarz (@MsJulieLenarz) September 28, 2018
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tranimegirl · 7 years
I have a new follower on Twitter!
Sigourney BOOver 🎃 'A fucking moron' - F. S 'Right wing suicidal arsehole' - A. T 'Blairite scum' - Most of my friends Scotland, United Kingdom Following: 1750 - Followers: 1175 October 30, 2017 at 03:37AM via Twitter http://twitter.com/sigourneybeaver
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strongunstable-blog · 7 years
corbyn: i want to help the sick and poor tom watson: try becoming pm so you can pass legislation to do that corbyn: shut up blairite scum
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collymore · 7 years
The electorate’s choice: National determination or continued Zionist servitude!
By Stanley Collymore
Another cynically devised and instituted general election enforcedly foisted on the general public and crucially the British electorate by the toadying Tories at the insistent and unquestioning behest of their Nazi Zionist puppet masters and customary string pullers aided and abetted in all this by their likeminded accomplices: the treasonous, evilly self-serving and likewise lowlife, Labtory scum interlopers within the British Parliamentary Labour Party.
Dinosaurian and patently loathsome throwbacks, these Labtories, to the days of rampant Blairite patronage embodied in the criminally and blatantly undemocratic actions of thoroughly lowlife scum like Peter Mandelson and arch demon Alastair Campbell together with those of the discernibly dim-witted as well as exceedingly inept, cretinously implemented and dubious antics, in his wholly unfit for and unsurprisingly disastrous role as prime minister, of the manifestly incompetent moron Gordon Brown; hideous bastards and bitches all of them whose individual, collective and concertedly exercised activities of deeply ingrained and across the board selectively sponsored and tightly controlled nepotism became the standard trademarks in their demented, delusional and endemically megalomaniacal concept of their strictly adhered to and Zionist reinforced declaration of their inalienable white Caucasian supremacy and consequently their unchallengeable right to its attendant exceptionalism.
And, therefore, wholly unsurprisingly to those with functional and applied brains in their heads became the insidious mantra for these evil specimens of whatever species that they belong to, and I would hazard a safe guess it’s not Homo sapiens, virulently and continuously espoused and malevolently implemented warmongering, war crimes, mass murdering and gratuitous regime change agendas in their highly selective notion of disfavoured Global South countries; and doing so with absolute impunity and in tandem with their likeminded, staunchly supportive and supported Nazi Zionist brethren and sisters in the Tory and Lib-Dem political parties, who consistently and in the most blatantly, illogical and idiotic terms imaginable are forever unwarrantedly sniping at Jeremy Corbyn, the only principled and replete with unquestionable integrity leader of any major political party south of the Scottish border.
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collymore · 7 years
Choix de l'électorat: détermination nationale ou maintien de la servitude sioniste!
Par Stanley Collymore
Une autre élection générale cyniquement conçue et instituée imposait forcément au public en général et, de façon cruciale, l'électorat britannique par les Tories de l'insistance et l'incontestablement de leurs maîtres de marionnettisme sionistes nazis et des extracteurs de ficelles coutumiers aidés et encouragés dans tout cela par leurs complices semblables: Traître, méchamment servile et aussi faible vie, Labtory scum intrusions au sein du British Parliamentary Labor Party.
Des retours de dinosaures et de répugnance, ces Labtories, aux jours où le patronage de Blairite est rampant, incarné dans les actes criminels et manifestement antidémocratiques d'une scunie de vieillesse, comme Peter Mandelson et le démon de l'arche Alastair Campbell, avec ceux du discernement obscène et excessivement inepte , Crétinement mis en œuvre et des anties douloureuses, dans son rôle totalement inapte et incontestablement désastreux en tant que premier ministre, de l'imbécile manifestement incompétent Gordon Brown; Des coups et des chiennes horribles, dont toutes les activités individuelles, collectives et exercées de manière concertée et profondément menées par des parrains et des népotismes contrôlés de manière sélective, sont devenues les marques classiques dans leur conception délirante, délirante et endémique mégalomaneuse de leur déclaration strictement adhérente et sioniste renforcée De leur inaliénable suprématie blanche du caucasien et par conséquent leur droit incontournable à son exceptionnalité.
Et, par conséquent, tout à fait surprenant pour ceux avec des cerveaux fonctionnels et appliqués dans leurs têtes, est devenu le mantra insidieux pour ces spécimens maléfiques de toutes les espèces auxquelles ils appartiennent, et je risquerais une supposition sûre, ce n'est pas Homo sapiens, violemment et continuellement épousé et malveillant A mis en place des guerriers, des crimes de guerre, des meurtres en masse et des programmes de changement de régime gratuits dans leur notion hautement sélective de pays du Sud mondial désavantagés; Et le font avec une impunité absolue et en parallèle avec leurs frères et sœurs sionistes nazis semblables et solidement soutenus et soutenus dans les partis politiques Tory et Lib-Dem, qui, constamment et dans les termes les plus flagrants, les plus illogiques et les plus idiots imaginables, sont sans conteste injustifié Jeremy Corbyn, le seul principe et rempli d'indubitable chef d'intégrité de tout parti politique majeur au sud de la frontière écossaise.
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