#blajah babbles
blajah-blaster · 26 days
I’m gonna make Ginger the most tired dad in existence and Kitty the cat she absolutely did not want and nobody can stop me because this show has been cancelled for a decade >:(
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blajah-blaster · 2 months
Hye, someone sign these lol
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blajah-blaster · 3 months
I finally finished ;U;
[Note: This snippet was created before I had more than character’s roles in the story written out so things are subjected to change in the final AU. There’s no toxic yuri twist planned I swear]
“Did you hear about Rumplestiltskin?”
“I did! What do you think happened?”
“I heard it was…”
Ginger overheard two friends murmuring to each other over a newspaper while she was cleaning up plates at another table. It wasn’t uncommon that Ginger always eavesdropped on her patron’s conversations, sometimes they were just too loud for her to not hear them. She read the paper earlier this morning; “Longtime resident, Rumplestiltskin found dead! Officials still investigating.”
It was terribly shocking news for such a silent town, he was rather curmudgeonly and quite the scrooge Ginger can recall from their brief meetings in the past, but even the most dense folks could tell he had some form of good in him even if it was a very small amount.
Speaking of dense folks, Blondie Lockes enters the cafe with a silver bell overhead to signal her presence. On the dot, just as the morning rush begins to die down. The reporter takes a stool at the counter, a stressed expression on her face as she bounces her leg up and down. Ginger places a bowl of warm porridge and a green ceramic mug in front of her. The mug was round and slightly curved at the top, in a yellow oval on the front of the mug was a bear and pine trees painted in black. Blondie had drunk from the mug so much it was considered her mug at this point.
The baker pours what’s left in the coffee pot into her mug. One sugar cube, and then a second one before a perfect trickle of heavy cream is poured in.
“Judging by your expression, you’re thinking about Rumplestiltskin.” Ginger inquires,
“It doesn’t make sense!” Blondie responds in a quiet yell as she swirls her coffee. “There’s a knife and a bottle. The knife doesn’t have a trace on it and neither does the bottle. Oh godfairy…”
“Uy, cool it Blondes.” Ginger sternly adds, snapping her fingers in front of Blondie’s face twice. “Grimm, you’re such a disaster of a reporter but —listen— more will come up. It was just yesterday he was found and the sheriff Redford is still investigating. You need to step back and ask new questions.”
Blondie sighs, putting up a fight with Ginger isn’t something she needed currently after a restless night of thinking and pondering. She lifts the mug to her lips and takes a long sip.
“Eat your breakfast, just find another topic to write about for now.” Ginger reminds her as she leaves to clean up the table previously occupied by the two gossippers from earlier. The reporter places the mug down and takes a glance to her right where she does a double take to see if her eyes deceive her. Just three seats down was C.A Cupid, real name unknown. The host is sitting in a casual manner with one leg over the other as Cerise Hood scribbles her order on a notepad, silently nodding. She’s seen her before in the cafe but only during lunch hours, never this early in the morning. Blondie decided to indulge herself in an observation.
Her lips are perfectly curved and painted with a brilliant rouge hue of lipstick, her face is curved in a lovely shape and Blondie could see dimples on both sides of her mouth. Cupid’s pink hair is curled to perfection, with the mixed streaks of mulberry and roses appearing like swirls. A very prominent feature is her wings of course, wings are nothing uncommon but her’s simply stand out compared to Faybelle or Farrah’s. Her wings are dove-like compared to the fairies, swooping down elegantly with pure white feathers.
It takes a moment to realize Cerise has already left, and she’s been caught staring. Cupid’s eyes stare back, her irises the color of lemons and honey. The reporter notices her lips are upturned in a knowing smirk. Blondie swiftly turns back to her breakfast, her cheeks flushed is an embarrassment as she shoves a spoonful of porridge into her mouth with such force she almost chokes and gags, but keeps chewing anyway to save what is left of her pride.
Her eyes don’t dare land on Cupid again as she quickly eats her food and chugs her coffee, finishing before she has to get to her office. Though before her commute, she can’t help the ache of curiosity. She takes a quick look at Cupid’s order. It’s a simple pain au chocolat with a mug of what appears to be coffee and whipped cream on top. Before Cupid could turn to see who’s staring her way again, all she can spot is a blur of blonde hair as Blondie Lockes makes a dash for the office.
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blajah-blaster · 3 months
Reading the murder mystery AU snippet I’m writing to post for fun when I realize just how gay I’m writing Blondie. She’s down bad before she has even TALKED to Cupid like girl-
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blajah-blaster · 1 month
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Tragically, @ratfullyeverafter had been cooking.
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blajah-blaster · 1 month
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Why is this a genuine conversation between us. @ratfullyeverafter
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blajah-blaster · 5 months
Have we as a fandom officially coined Redwood as Cedar x Cerise’s ship name? I hope so cause that was genius dude
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blajah-blaster · 3 months
Gonna write down what may or may not be included in my Mystery AU as like a note to myself:
•Cerise biting someone
•Ginger is a filipino nurse [Not clickbait‼️🗣️🔥] /hj /inside joke
•Enemies to even worse enemies Rapple, they DUNK on eachother
•Angy Cupid
•Blondie interferring with police work and hiding evidence
•Dramatic rain scene
•Increased lesbianism
•I have no idea what to do with Wonderland :o[
•Giles is just there being a cinnamon roll really, he’ll have his screen time dw
•Maddie will probs get arrested lmao
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blajah-blaster · 2 months
Can someone to infodump me abt Apple’s falling-in-a-well-and-almost-dying trauma? I’ve been on the fence for a really long on wether or not its just fanon or its canon because its all started blending together for me tbh.
I also need this information for… Non-nefarious.. Tragic lesbians…. And theres no murder involved….
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blajah-blaster · 26 days
I just read your bio and I would LOVE to hear about your murder mystery au
The Murder Mystery AU is well, an AU that takes place in a small town rather than a high school. Everybody knows eachother and alot of community stuff takes place and *GASP!* they are paid above the Californian mininum wage of $16 AND can walk places!! Other than that the townspeople feel as if nothing much happens. Oh and Milton is mayor sadly [Fun fact: When I first got into EAH, the murder mystery au is the first thing I came up with and wanted to write but I couldn’t figure out the plot until uh March]
Their normalcy is interuppted however by shock, horror, and the paranoia that follows when Rumplestiltskin suddenly dies and is discovwred by either Briar or someone else and the police department/Literally just Chase rule it as a murder. Blondie Lockes, an overeagerly ambitious journalist and our protagonist of this tale, begins waking still waters to try finding out the complete and whole truth on her but finds more than one mystery; especially within her mysterious companion, C.A Cupid.
Honestly when it comes to the AU I try to keep myself from accidentally spoiling anything to try retaining the mystery and so far nothing has slipped from what I can tell and only me, Demon, and SilverTheLovebug have access to the doc that has all my notes and character descs but I blanked out the spoilers so maybe I’ll share it with more people for fun lol.
What Demon and I plan to do after all this meticulous planning, is finish all the chapters behind the scenes to avoid 1. Burn out & 2. Dissapointment. Then when we finish that with all the breaks and procrastination in the world, we’ll post the chapters weekly on Thursdays I think. Guess I’ll say a few things to wrap up my ramble here;
•There’ll be a good amount of focus on the Charming Family
•Ginger owns a cafe thats very popular in town and Cedar only visits to stare at the very pretty barista/server, Cerise. And also Ginger makes the most fire cinnamon rolls
-To add; Canonically in the AU, Ginger pays herself barely mininum wage to keep the cafe open and pay Cerise. She desperately needs a very long nap lmao
•If theres a sequel then it’ll include Goldi Lockes
•I literally forgot to write the Wonderlandians character blurbs [Whoopsie]
•There’ll be Ghost Story dub references and might add Nate Nutcracker :3
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blajah-blaster · 24 days
I’m wondering, does anybody else have a problem with pointing? If the thing/person is close enough then its fine but if they’re in the distance then thats where I have issues. Where are my eyes meant to go?? Bro all I see is that tree wdym they’re right there
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blajah-blaster · 3 months
So, ever since I’ve started getting into Ever After High and shipping Heartlockes [Which I think at the time didn’t have much content and only just started gaining interest a little before I started my Blajah-Blaster thing.] I have had this idea. This fanfic idea has been lodged in my brain and has been stuck inside for a long while. Now that I’m currently travelling however, I’ve been discovering some new music to put on loop while I daydream.
And.. I think this is the best time to begin writing the fic. I haven’t made a new fic ever since Golden Urns plus the Mystery AU is on a bit of a hold. I’d like to hear if you folks think it’d be best for me to write this though :)
It’s a fic where Cupid is in a band btw
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blajah-blaster · 3 months
Ermm… So I may or may not be in the UK rn
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blajah-blaster · 2 months
Hey, I updated this. Removed some songs and basically scrubbed it clean of my old music taste and the random songs I put in [It’s still bad]
{ Songs Added }
Astronaut - Jack Stauber [It sounds like part of a dating simulator soundtrack to me]
Be My Baby - Ronettes
Killing Moon - Nouvelle Vague, Mélanie Pain
Darlin’ Darlin - The Knee-Hi’s [This is my new favourite song]
Make You Mine - The Knee-Hi’s [It just fits, also The Knee-Hi’s is just my new faves lol]
Crazy On You - Heart
Never Thought You’d Leave Me - The Pleasure Seekers
Funnel of Love - Wanda Jackson
I also updated Blondie’s
I’d like to say, I have NO clue why I added Ballin’ to this?? Like I actually don’t remember just why I put it in her playlist. Anyways-
{ Songs Added }
Action! - The Knee-Hi’s
After Hours - The Velvet Underground
Velvet Ring - Big Thief
Trees and Flowers - Strawberry Switchblade
If there is any songs that I should add or remove then please feel free to tell me, I’m chill.
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blajah-blaster · 13 days
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blajah-blaster · 2 months
My endless suffering starts and worsens tmrw somebody send me EAH characters to draw I’m sad
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