schizononagesimus · 6 months
nine people you'd like to know better, tagged by @evilwomanenjoyer (YAY i love tag memes)
last song: europapa van Joost Klein i am SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR EUROVISION AND JOOST IS TOP 10 ARTISTS FOR ME AND i could rly infodump abt how good this song is eofhdjnd
favorite color: just like prev, forest green!! :D i use it mostly in decorating because something bad happens to all my green shirts but i have to run my decisions by my friends bc im blue-yellow colorblind
currently watching: this kind of question always gets me cause I dont really watch tv but that makes me sound homeschooled and it's not that i don't like tv it's just that nothing ever grabs me quite as much as like, yuri on ice or the owl house or smthn and i only engage w stuff I can totally obsess over. BUT i do watch a lotta movies bc like, sure ill watch 90 mins of an adventure then be done with it. I suppose im technically watching youtube series? Like im waiting for the next hermitcraft ep rn. I guess im technically watching hazbin hotel even tho i got one ep in and dont really intend on finishing it..?
sweet/savory/spicy: hmm okay it really depends but it's NOT spicy. I like spicy food but my GI tract Does Not. I mean i wouldnt say savory necessarily but salty food is my heaven. Sweet can be very hit or miss for me depending on strength and type.
relationship status: another great question im married to miss earth and I'll kiss just about anybody but also enjoy serious dates but also a fucking tumblr post made me realize im in my slut era. Idk you know that kk slider quote "the music wants to be free" it's me im the music i think we should be able to do whatever we want forever and i think we should kiss about it. i dont rly define my relationship status in terms of things that people will easily comprehend bc the ways i experience affection are just too fundamentally different and non conforming for that tbh. relationship status- ASK (always stay kissing)
current obsession: always tlt but tmagp has snuck her way in there, and I'm still watching minecraft youtube. I swear my obsessions and daily schedule revolve around the seasons they change like four times a year so mayhap i am simply waiting for the next one
last thing you googled: dragon quest games on switch hehe i just got my switch repaired and a couple years back a coworker got me eshop giftcards for hanukkah just before it broke so now i can finally use them!! dragon quest best game series hehe
tagging: @blaquidow @abigail-pent @senseoftheday @cavalierprimary @softieghost @nooomagnus @deadcart @perfectly-fuckingcivil @vvormooze ik i know the last three of you p well but how are you doing :)
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livoftheparty · 6 months
Got tagged by @blaquidow in a get to know you better post. .
Last song: Bad Apple, I was sent it as a character song and it gas stuck in my head ever since. Excellent to imagine action-packed AMVs to.
Favorite color: There is no beating blue. Top tier. Deep blue? Respected, mysterious, legendary. Sky blue? Carefree, luminous, inspiring. I rest my case.
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, it's scratching my fantasy itch so well and it's just so fascinating seeing the lore unfold.
Sweet/spicy/savory: If I am not in pain from the spice I have failed.
Relationship status: Busy. Two partners plus a full time job does not leave much free time.
Last thing you googled: the IJN Arashi, a destroyer that was a significant contributing factor in the Japanese losing the battle of Midway, which also happens to share a name with like five of my OCs.
Current obsession: uhhhhhhh many many single paragraphs that will definitely be fleshed out into full stories just you wait.
Tagging: @stevangarcronox @keikaitheenbyguy @sovietholmes
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Any art of 232 Koneko was done by the amazing @blaquidow. They're wonderful and I adore them so much.
artist credit pog!
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spiceshorthalt · 7 years
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@acecasinova omg thank you so much!
  @blaquidow ahdnfog aaa stop thank you you’re too kind
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Tit for tat: My character was the only survivor when a dragon killed her whole clan, so she uses the name Quilyse instead of her given name as a symbol that she had died that day, too. But one day she meets her cousin, who had been kidnapped by bandits shortly after the slaughter of their family, and starts using her given name, Raesh, again
Ashath was the sole survivor of a war between his kingdom and its numerous enemies. He kept his real name because it was all he had left of his old life.
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gaylancesweets · 8 years
blaquidow replied to your post “i’m genuinely not that fervent about This Aspect Of The Show Is Bad...”
I can't watch he in the she, ever....it makes me so uncomfortable.
yeah i can’t either. like even the title is horrendous lmao
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roxy206 · 2 years
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@blaquidow I hope you don’t mind that I’m sharing your comment
But oh my god 😭😭🥺🥺
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sorry-so-sorry · 8 years
Jasmine tea herbal tea!
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?Probs Antarctica, because it seems like a really neat place. Alternately Egypt, Greece, or Rome (or anywhere in the Mediterranean tbh) would be awesome as well.
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?I totally don’t own any candles and we couldn’t have really scented ones at home cause my mom hated the smell, so I’m kind of clueless, but I’d say something light like faint... flower-y... i don’t know shit about candles... 
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alienjock · 5 years
@blaquidow i don’t really care that much about the mudkip line but i respect them all regardless
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astera-trash · 7 years
Tagged by @hashtag-anthems
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you would like to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week (there is an attempt)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together (lmao for now)
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages 
I have made a new friend in the past year
do i even... know 9 people... feel free to do/not do as you wish XD @chaoscleric @perichareia @alchemicalbehemoth @supernovae-end @blaquidow
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asteraion · 7 years
Bantam 12 and 17, Avaraxis 2 and 15, Najka 9 and 13!!
BANTAM12. How does this character handle stress? Bantam would, by default, handle sources of stress by setting them on fire. Honestly most of the problems in her life so far have been solvable by this method. If she couldn’t solve problems with fire, she might try removing the source of stress some other way, like asking someone else to get rid of it, or talking/bullying them if it was a person, etc. She is kind of a chill (ironically) person though, and doesn’t get stressed out about too much. Like this is the person who found a creepy statue that gave her nightmares, and then decided that it was kind of neat and kept it. 
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?more spell slots This is… a really hard question actually. It would change drastically depending on where in her story these wishes happened? Also she’s kind of flippant and lives in the moment so… Still, I think Bantam would definitely wish to be really powerful regardless of when she got the wish. As of right now, she would probably wish for some kind of power that could help take down the cultists. Other than that, she might wish for safety as well(whether that means being protected by someone or becoming invulnerable/untraceable/immortal would also depend on the situation). And then there’s the high probability that she’d wish for something random, like making her familiar Potato invincible/really OP, or whatever. If she was angry at someone at the time she’d probably wish for something petty and annoying to happen to them, like constant feeling of bugs crawling on the skin or an irritating song stuck in their head, forever. 
AVARAXIS2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.(Avaraxis didn’t really have too many people close to her when growing up, and she doesn’t know about her biological family either so this is like… people she knows, basically) She was close to one person for a while, but he betrayed that and she made him pay for it so she kind of had trouble forming anything like that again. With her current party, she was told that she will be betrayed (gotta love those fortune teller prophecies) pretty early on and has that always in the back of her mind, but it’s too vague for her to really focus on all the time so it hasn’t colored too many of her interactions with them. She’d really like Charlotte to be close to her, and also if she ever met Quilyse she would be thrilled to finally meet someone who was from her own family!
15. What is the best gift they could receive?Avaraxis wishes that people would genuinely like and care for her, so if anyone did that (and could prove it as well I guess) it would make her so happy. For material items, anything that was given with heartfelt/sincere purpose would be nice also.
NAJKA9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?(I’m assuming confessing love in a romantic sense) Najka is pretty solidly aromantic so she might not really understand what they mean/how it’s different from how she feels for everyone she cares about at first. If it was before she died, she might try to go along with it, but after she died/was brought back her headspace would be different enough that she’d probably tell whoever it was that it’s fine, but she can’t really reciprocate feelings in a romantic sense if that’s what they wanted to achieve by telling her. She still loves all her friends though, and  would regardless be really happy that they took the time to tell her about it. 
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?Yes. She considered herself lucky to have her friends/experiences/everything she had even before she was killed, but after she was brought back, it all became doubly special, and she feels lucky every day that she has the opportunity to still be her and also just be a part of the world. 
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skindeepcomic · 8 years
Is the nixie spit truck something you came up with or something established in lore somewhere? I ask cause I could really use a mechanism like that in my nanowrimo book lol but I definitely don't want to just swipe it from you
I made that part up, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the first person to come up with getting transformed into a monster via kissing.
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spiceshorthalt · 7 years
blaquidow replied to your photoset“peep the elf ear here’s some vex-y selfies”
Youre vex youre literally vex what the hell i feel so #blessed this day
oh my god wow. thank you so much i’m so flattered
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Kovera's people are born with colorful markings that identify what clan they're from, and the closer they are to the color of their patron god, the higher their rank in society! She has olive green markings like a butterfly mask over her eyes
Each of our resident alien race that are made of gas, are different colors, reflecting their hierarchical status in their race. Most common are blue, but some of the benevolent ones have been as high as red and fuchsia on the color spectrum – Choco 
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sorry-so-sorry · 8 years
1 12 25!!
tumblr just decides not to tell me i have messages aLRIGHT THEN
1. Name one way you break the wlw stereotype. (Fat, trans, poc, autistic, etc)POC (biracial), if that counts, and if not then aromantic
12. How would you describe the difference between sun lesbians and moon lesbians?this is a hard one, totally haven’t thought about it much before now XD honestly I’d say something like extroverted/introverted for sun/moon but not exactly, like sun is more affectionate/physical/etc while moon is more reserved???idkkk
25. Not a question, I just want you to know that you’re amazing and beautiful and I love you. Keep up the good work.Awww
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alienjock · 6 years
@blaquidow what do u recommend i watch tbh 
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