bateleurtuxe-blog · 5 years
within his flurry of emotions of being whisked away to this new area called isola, morgana found himself missing his fellow phantom thieves, naturally. sure, there were some he had already reunited with in the city, but it was different than having the entire crew there. they had all already determined that their family wasn't complete without all eight of them. it was just fact, and he was certainly feeling melancholy over the ones he had yet to see.
especially one in particular...the love of his life.
”oh, lady ann...i wish i known i was going to be taken here, i would have at least found some way to say goodbye...”
morgana can be kind of dramatic.
giving a sigh as he strolled slowly along the cherry blossom-covered paths of the cotes ward, the feline reminisced about his moments with the fair lady ann, and how he never really got to tell her how he felt. he tried to hint at it a few times, but she always brushed it off. now he might never get to tell her the truth the right way. he stopped alongside a particularly large cherry blossom tree, sniffing the petals as they floated down, down, down.
”i wish you were here with us...this way i can try again!”
up until now, morgana had never heard of anything about 'wishing on a cherry blossom tree will make your wish come true'. probably no one had. but it became law once he saw the next person coming down the path. his face went from somber to elated. he was already purring like an idiot.
”l-lady ann!!!”
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isolaradiale · 5 years
hi there!! if possible, i'd like to extend my hiatuses for both my muses (ann takamaki from persona 5 and dorothea arnault from fire emblem) bc finals is kicking my butt! i realize the hiatus ran out a few hours ago, so if i need to place them on hiatus again, please let me know! the date is 12/8, thank you!
Your 11/07 hiatus has been extended a week!
– ⋆ δCaeli
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coquettishly-blog2 · 5 years
there was nothing quite like a movie date with yourself. matinee prices, the smell of popcorn and churros in the air, the ability to get an extra-large diet cherry cola slushie with no judgement. catherine didn't like the idea of movie dates with other people - there was no time to actually talk to the other person, and if the theatre had other people in it then she couldn't really...work or anything.
going by yourself though? no fighting someone else's elbow over the armrest, two cupholders available - one for your drink, another for your snack - and ample leg room. plus she didn't have to deal with her date whining about the movie choices no matter what she picked. this one happened to be a dramatic romance, which seemed out of character for catherine, but occasionally she liked to dabble.
jumbo slushie and churros in hand, she stood in line to get seated, quickly followed up by someone who made her take a double take. they kinda looked alike...pigtails and all. she was a cutie! she looked like a regular teen enjoying a night at the movie, just like she was, but...why would a young teen go to a romance movie alone? either she got stood up, or catherine might have found a like mind.
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”you here for the matinee? i’m more of a slasher freak myself, but i like seeing these flicks every now and then too.”
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ziodie · 5 years
@blazinghell liked x
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         “The hell?! How do they expect me ta pick between strawberry and mango?!” Peering inside the cafe through the window, Kanji was scowling at the discounted cakes. How cruel was it to make him choose between two of his favorites, and to top it off, they were the same price! To the people sitting by the windows, this was quite the unfortunate sight -- a delinquent threatening to break something if he couldn’t decide.
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albumlilium-blog · 5 years
The sea breeze, gently massaging her cheeks and perfuming the air around her. Farnese firmly rinsed the clothings once more before hanging them out to dry. Calm yet active, such mundane chores made her feel that way always. She was proud of it, of how independent and, maybe, reliable she had become these months. How she persevered in the face of failure. 
For a normal, common person this should be nothing to make a fuss out of but for her, this was the proof. The proof that she could become someone worth a thing. Someone that was on their way to become one that could stand proudly on their own two feet. Away from the chains of social status, away from the false pretenses. 
Her countenance showed that feeling clearly as she began to hang those clothes up, every and each one of those she cared about. Those she swore she would become a better version of herself. Guts’, her Mistress’, Serpico’s, Casca’s, The... what?
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❝ Huh?! ❞ Farny stood there, staring incredulous at a reddish leather... bodysuit? Whose? Nobody she knew would wear something like this. Heck, who would wear something like this? This was indecent at best. She slowly turned it around, scanning it and stopping for a second at the ‘tail’ this thing was supposed to have. The questions just kept piling up inside her brain.
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nmhforever · 5 years
send me 🎨 and i’ll make an aesthetic mood board for your muse | accepting
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Strength is more than just not getting fazed... It's the power to fight through adversity.
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revealheart · 5 years
If, he thinks to himself, she's as predictable as he thinks she is, she'll be waiting for him right through the door to one of the many cafés littered around Cotes Ward. Sure, he could've saved himself a whole lot of searching if he'd just sent her a text message announcing his arrival and intent to meet up but where's the fun in that? It shouldn't take too long, there's only so many places she could be. Plus, it's not as if he has much to do otherwise anyway or so he had told himself.
After a few forced purchases and having to talk his way out of spending even more than what he already had, Akira is about ready to go home and send Ann a text message the normal way instead of trying to surprise her in a roundabout way such as this. But he can't give up, not yet. 'I'll try one more.' He says to himself, resigning to the fact that she may or may not be in this one. When he pushes the doors open and hears the chorus of greetings that are the many waitresses that probably intend on trying to take more of his money, he skims the room.
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And thank god, thank the gods above it seems his suffering is over. Seated comfortably at a table surrounded by many different kinds of sweets, is the very person he had been looking for. After breathing a sigh of relief does he quickly make his way over and seat himself in the chair across from her, before resting his head against the table. "You have no idea how many cafés are in this ward, no idea at all." He looks up at her, exhausted.
@blazinghell !
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codedoracle · 5 years
@blazinghell 🌠 ( sc ) !!
Oh -- ! A familiar face, in a sea of extremely forgettable NPC’s. It was a light in darkness, a breath of relief after panic of being alone had washed over her. It was like she had followed the hints and clues given to her, as if she was destined to meet up with her fellow thief! 
But really, it was just the fact that Futaba was lucky to spot her in the crowd. 
Though, even if she didn’t know her, Ann would definitely stand out in the crowd. It’s hard to ignore a girl like her, honestly. But that was neither here nor there. Quickly, the younger girl made her way through the crowd, doing her best to wave her hand so that the other could see her clearly.
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     “ANN! Over here ~! Yoohoo! It’s Futaba!”
Normally Futaba wouldn’t raise her voice so loud as to not draw attention, but the sooner she was at Ann’s side, the better it was for her.
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laesocorde-blog · 5 years
@blazinghell // starter call.
citywide celebrations are dying down, and fenris finally finds within himself the willingness to see what all the fuss was about now that crowds are smaller. cotes ward has the calmest air about it, some soft tune traveling on the wind from the music festival. it reminds him of tavern songs.
it carries to the shores of the lake. one side offers fishing — something he has no interest in whatsoever — and the other offers a medium for expressing well-wishes. he buys a candle boat.
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honorloved-blog · 5 years
@blazinghell ♡
     The change happened in a single instant — the way it often did in Cordelia’s dreams.
     Sometimes, her nightmares were plagued with a version of her own world she hadn’t even lived through: the one she had only heard stories about. And the one she’d seen her daughter traverse realms to prevent. A future wherein only flames were certain.
     All at once, the buildings around her had gone up in smoke, ash and sparks from the fire falling around her. She allowed herself the privilege of taking in these apocalyptic surroundings only for a moment before readying her lance. Wooden as it may be, it was all she had — and she’d long since learned to use whatever was available to protect her own life. Amidst the ruin around her, there stood a solitary girl, her expression suggesting that she was not even aware of the horrors. But how couldn’t she be? For any hope of survival, most would from even lesser atrocities.
     Cordelia had no time to think on it further. Even faster than this world had gained such a terrifying appearance, some unimaginable creature appeared out of an abandoned alleyway behind the girl, and as it ran closer, she lacked reaction still. Cordelia began to run, positioning her lance as to pierce the monster before it could make impact with the stranger. 
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     “Behind you!” 
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diaflares · 5 years
    Although Makoto didn’t know what to expect, the newfound pool area within Archimedes Ward admittedly peaked her interest. The volleyball court seemed fun, too. It was for this reason that she had sent her fellow Phantom Thief a text message to meet her there. The student council president held respect towards her underclassman-- Makoto didn’t know everything. After arranging a time to meet, Makoto laid a beach towel down on a nearby pool chair in wait for the blonde.
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    She spotted Ann walking towards her not too much longer after the brunette arrived. Sitting up in her seat, Makoto lightly waved in her direction. “I’m glad you made it here safely. I’m sorry if my invitation seemed out of the blue. I just thought.. It might be nice, is all. You know, talking among just the two of us.” With a smile and pause, she bent downwards near her chair to pick up a volleyball. “Perhaps we could play a bit, too.”
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sweetfatale · 5 years
👉 Point to something for my muse to see (crepes!)
nonverbal rp starters | not accepting
“What’s that– Holy fuck, they’re huge!”
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“I wanna get... twenty of ‘em! How many do you want? Or we can share, maybe? I wanna eat at least five right now!” So many flavors, so many fillings. Even savory crepes! Suddenly, she’s so hungry. A hunger only crepes can fill.
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greatkng · 5 years
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        “having a bit of a sweet tooth, don’t you?” he asks, smiling brightly at the blonde before him. oikawa was still trying to adjust to being stuck in just a ridiculous place full of odd people. in fact, the longer he was here, the more annoyed he got and the more he wished to go back home to his team to practice. but the mall was a typical one with pretty normal people around-- or at least that’s what it seems. “do you want some company? i've been craving something sweet myself. i wonder if they have milk bread here.” at least she looked normal, and pretty too. he’d gladly pay if that’d get him some good points.
@blazinghell   /   sc. 
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coquettishly-blog2 · 5 years
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;;i just want to give a shout out to the beautiful isabel ( blazinghell / chanteuser ) for making me new rp icons that i will be using from now on i love her so much and she does amazing graphics. thank you bel!
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ravugetto · 5 years
@blazinghell replied
im big love u selkie
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love u 2 belbel
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isolaradiale · 5 years
hello! following up on the reserve and reapplying as ann takamaki from persona 5! the app can be found at /app and the statistics at /stats! thank you!
Welcome back!
You’ll be staying in TOWNHOUSE 207!
You’ll retain everything from your previous stay.
Enjoy your stay!
– the stars.
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