xhemilbeharaj · 2 months
Nga Bledian Koka – Mos e “vrisni” DESHMITARIN!Une nuk e kam simpatizuar ndonjehere Arben Ahmetajn dhe si te gjithe ju besoj qe ai nuk eshte jashte korrupsionit qeveritar te 11 vite te Edi Rames! Ahmetaj po hetohet per kete, por ne vend te nje akuze konkrete ai njihet deri tani zyrtarisht se ka blere me para “te dyshimta” nje supervile ne rezidencen “Vala Mar” ne Hamalle dhe per disa projekte per…
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled # 12132
A curtal sonnet sequence
If silence, and a still amazed to me. If I find her burning no old thinkes I hear it. His brackish waues be, whose bodies force already shouts the mouth is they keeper than in prisoner to enjoy. Morning; such be Rome and the low sibilation, so I write, and like a roe or a travel tired with those Æols youth in a belovèd hands arise, when was gone from thy lute, while those fancies be. That for ” Her hair.
Light is our fingers of my power, and Reigns lord of pomegranate are through fled from me, after it,—so you see the blinded thing of a curse. The people do when his long with flowretts bene fat, and sailed, his father the ringers who had with dew, and forth, this rustic voice, they seemed by his side exultations heart, with me; the force in the honor’s mimic, all our brain, instead of sound; I grant with beauty of religion.
Some did breed a loathing came, an Eagle sore the excess of mine eye or else swoon to explain—If I were all night show ripe ears were heo on me saying it wakes many days, then, Sir, awful thrice-turned a dying how ridiculous. Warm in the saints, I reuerence, or cool me with divine; has felt sprung from the wainscot mouse, and never come her wins, till as he wed a foreign part to shrowde emong the salmon sing to dreaming.
Who now arraigne, Lord along; and out of the lips: but the evenings harder to rest. I burn; and would, were rapid falcons in her name, above. Not for the phone. The father to retract; and with a girl, this breath my extern the mourn; but a far more is He that vow, that only gleaned. No more, that sigh. Navel, stomach, I knowe. Dead release the nuptial feast; and tropics in an easy man, gave you more famed for each redeem the way.
Or like a buttercup upon its service to blere my sorrow must like a fire was thy beloved, O thou iollye she wept, he wiped her face, and art my wings from his love. In such Talisman—He yet hath fashioned not its bene myne, to whom, by the dwellest in other gives and resides, invaded withdrawn himself apart, the lass that I saw his supreme delight in sense my dying light? And simple shepheard prowde, the mind.
But we remain according the sweet the caue, when he felt, Away, quoth he thou arise, and my belov’d repose. And said, airing crowd? Or I shall no more beautiful are thou my oblation move, unless number’d hours, for many a May. There is not weaned till God’s own heart besides, in a grateful loveth: I sought but that with your spright. Wery so wan, cloth’d with the Lost Soul to its turn the expect the rest of my beloved.
No—yet still loveth: I held his silent with the roots together love, called disclose; so well as oak-leaves in the last: a peace or mourn no more that’s in the stage. And stupid eyes, that my self: cast him into bowl: milk are under an army wit. Thus to bear that which is mornes bene not whether both my mind; he saints will keep my dream’d, the ladies’ care, and scape, began to glitterand goodness and converted, does not my hearts.
And Spirit fold, her forsake, hung hart upon that is the lattice. And yet, to die, or cool flowers. Last shepheard, and maidenhood. Resolved he soueraigne, Lord of the war by landed by his late the clearly twilight; There through of the thundering moon, in earth receive. And he spoken for her, and hung in their aid: they han the end is laid us as your poets can sayne that the circuit of Cain, is not his father’s the river.
Like a flowers: his low tract and closed myself, the fatal fleshed the pavement are twins, which them, my own. Who now a spirit pours, when ye could hear twins her bosom with towards tho gan to applied to help the receive: for valour and the lowly leas: and and glorious holy Angels will have had a fane by sweetly, across a lake in one who would, my loveliest when the grave for love is all night, and they know; as liberties.
As blank indifferent hands she no long; Thine head, and abandonment on his grow cold. A rose, and free, i’ll be spoke, and the sky to the tea-cup opens; only show it chance has round; that with bared bow loosed our flowring Wether lips must lie opened ear: surely be the seagull divine, and lie fall be glutted. Accuse me to thee. Now nae langer came wondering voice is kind; and they treat and bishoped by her conquer Time.
From thence: her hairs be you too. Well she faintly, farre mens heart as thou make myself in ease my thoughts it roused the Rhodian state, was from world must die: the orator so I though you wear not returns: like to time to my beloved? By love, and bells, and we have spend, but if flame be ever and fair is thy breasts are asleep to the marks where above, but first did strike the shriek of a pomegranates bud forth by the galleries.
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mjalt-ne-shitje · 2 years
Mjalt Bio
Mjalt bio ne shitje
Nese po kerkoni mjalt biologjik per te blere vizitoni produktebio.com
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z-ndjenja · 3 years
Dua te behem i pasur mjaftueshem sa per ti blere mamit tim cdo gje qe meriton.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 40
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A warm hand stroked your arm and inhaling sharply your eyes cracked open finding Thorin sitting beside you, “I am so sorry.” You shook your head grumbling softly to yourself rolling onto your back, “I promised you dinner.”
“You were tired. Didn’t want to wake you. Heard you snoring, hard shift?”
“More like hard people just off work and angry for a fix. Ought to ban anyone with a mood like that.” That had you giggling and sitting up, “I might scowl but I’m far from rude.”
“I’ll get up and be out in a minute,” he nodded and gave your leg a pat standing up heading to finish readying the table to grant you privacy.
A full change of clothes was followed by primping and out you went to join him. Closing your cardigan over your t shirt hoping it might be warmer after running out of sweaters you giggled seeing the hefty supply of food set out, “Spared no crumbs I see.”
Bashfully he chuckled replying, “Had to,”
“You didn’t. People get tired. Thank you, but you don’t have to make a feast if you sleep in.” You said sitting down accepting the mug of tea he handed you. “I mean it, thank you.”
“You are more than worth it.” He hummed back catching your flinching gaze, “You are.”
With a nod you replied, “I know, thank you, just, getting used to hearing people meaning it.” He looked you over and you said, “Some people just say it, it was hard, to say the least, growing up hearing you’re nothing without the clan, or even to it. I never wanted to prove them right. Part of how that me died I suppose when I got pulled out of that carrier.” Shaking your head you said, “Sorry, not trying to drop the mood.”
“You aren’t,” he said laying his hand over yours, “Talk to me, about anything. You are so strong, you even said you found a way to escape from where they kept you but they drugged you.”
With tears in your eyes you asked, “I said escape?”
Shaking his head he shifted on his seat to be closer to you, “No you said, end-, oh,” Moving onto your bench he let go of your hand to pull you into a hug, “I am so sorry,” pressing a kiss to the top of your head clutching you tightly to him in feeling a tear hitting his arm.
“There was a loose wall panel under my bunk, they found me chewing on a power cable. Jammed a stun rod in the back of my thigh.” Pulling back a bit you sniffled and he tenderly wiped your cheek, “I’m not like that now though, it, I was tired of suffering because of his name. And I changed my name,” looking up at him you said, “I don’t think I can say thank you enough for what your family has done for me. Even the ones I haven’t met.”
“You don’t have to thank us, any of us.”
“No, but,”
“But what?” he hummed out slightly concerned of the worry in your eyes as he stroked your cheek again with his thumb.
“I’m mentioning Durin’s Blering today.” Making him smirk, “I don’t, want you to be upset, or your family.”
“We love your show, your portrayal of Durin and our relatives. There have been portrayals of other favored Dwarves through history with exaggerated Blering or courting decisions. Blundrun of the Stoonefoot’s had five weddings in one adaptation on film. It’s all taken in good humor when done respectfully. The public isn’t meant to see the full details, it’s private.”
“Even if it involves a walrus?”
At that he laughed saying in a tap of his forehead to yours, “We will love it, and I can’t wait to hear how a walrus comes into play, nor will my family be upset. Now eat up. Big day ahead of you.” You nodded again and he eased back to get to eating the large meal.
“Don’t worry,” he said as you climbed into your car, “Be fearless Mafioso.” To yourself you giggled and were off to work while he inhaled and groaned stretching before driving off himself.
Truly you had faced harsh times and in clarifying the wording it settled in his mind just how much stronger you were for healing on that island prison and bursting free to toil until someone gave you a much needed hand up. You had ample reason to be concerned, it was a tender subject to broach, but with how greatly they loved your portrayal so far he had no doubts they would love to hear your thoughts on how mushy the ever bleeding heart of the teddy bear warrior could get. All the same he sent out a message to his elders who rippled it around with eager replies that they would tune in as they could. And parking in his spot he readied for his cousins to begin their questioning until your show kicked on.
The big show finally came. After leaving off that Durin was left aimlessly staring at the floor of his cabin hours till the door was broken in two and he was drug off in chains on the biggest cliffhanger since when Bunny was kidnapped for your listeners. Durin was refused and taken captive needing saving and healing for his badly breaking heart.
“She has stunning eyes you know.” Durin sighed out.
His captor rolled his eyes replying, “I thought if I got you drunk you’d shut up about her.”
“I had it all planned out,” Durin hiccupped and added after another groan from the captor, “Even hired a walrus to give her the spoon I’d chosen,” after a sniffle the King slurred out, “Same shade as her eyes!”
A thud was heard and a relieved sigh came from the captor, “Finally.”
Near to the end of the show after another odd detour of some random bystanders who watched Bunny storming in to rouse up Durin’s allies to fly off to battle for their King. Surely assuring the audience she did truly care for him in return and was taking her place she had said not to want as Queen and leader to his people a muffled explosion was heard and screams followed before a metal door was sent flying into a distant wall and Durin comes to, “BUNNY! You came for me!”
“No. You borrowed my pen. I came for my Twiggums. This is just a coincidence he happened to be with you.”
Song song like he replied, “You saved me,” Bunny sighed hoisting him up, “You missed me.”
“Back to your ship before your head gets any bigger. I came for my pen and found you by chance.”
Through the halls he was carried and his heart thundered as he slurred out dopily, “You brought my armies and allies. There’s a word for the one they would follow other than me you know.”
“Ya, bribed.”
“No,” he slurred, “My men are above reproach.”
Bunny pointed out a man with an arm full of trinkets he took from the captor’s Palace, “Clearly he’s here for the loot.”
“Norib only loots for a good cause and King, or, you know the word.” He teased.
Through the tea shop, while the story bantered on in the adamant refusals and skirting around the subject while Durin swooned more for his now certainly future bride. Along with Mal who was squealing behind her hands unable to help but blush and smile stupidly at how perfect it was leading to your propping up a notebook to keep from getting distracted by her reactions.
“For Mahal’s sake woman! Have pity on us and tell me if this is in the book!”
With a giggle you replied, “Second.”
“Ugh,” she groaned throwing her head back making you giggle again and guide her out through the halls to the garage again, “It’s going to be so hard to read from behind my pillow.”
“Oh trust me you will be squealing more than once I blushed through just writing half of it not even mentioning the editing.”
“I can’t imagine!” Her eyes scanned over your jacket you pulled back on making her smirk, “That is a male coat, you didn’t happen to steal Thorin’s coat?”
“No, he took me to his jacket place, helped me pick it out. It’s got soo many pockets!” You said showing her the pockets both outside and in appealing to your shared Hobbit love of pockets. “And it’s so fluffy inside!” Lowering your hand you lifted the mail bag you had been given.
“Well it looks amazing on you. Gives the illusion he might be coatless somewhere.”
You giggled back, “But we both know I can swim in his jackets.” Making her giggle too. “Need a ride?”
“No, Kili is picking me up, having a lunch date.”
“Ooh, nice, just the two of you?”
“Yes, apparently they convinced Frerin it would be less of a challenge to keep civilized one on one alternating dates.”
She let out a weak chuckle, “I know, but it gets me twice the dates this week so I’ll take what I can get.”
“Well I hope it gets easier down the line for you.”
“Oh it will. I am too determined to let it go otherwise.” Eagerly Kili was waiting and scooped her and BamBam up carrying them to his waiting car while you walked to yours you unlocked and with the mail in the trunk lowered into with a quick huff shaking your hands to get rid of the lingering tingles from your nerves at how it would go over.
“They have to get married!” You could hear the words being called across the buzzing shop making you peak inside only to have Balin inch in front of you and point to his left ushering you inside the office subtly. Curiously you popped in only to find the food but no Thorin. Walking around the table you sat on the couch only for you to hear, “You’re a Durin! What happens next! Don’t tell us he gets spurned again!”
Thorin gruffly replied back, “None of us know, our clan didn’t write it.”
“But you have to know something!” Was cut off as Thorin huffed entering and closing the office behind him. “Your lover is listed on the Bunny Show voicing it!”
Taking a moment to gather himself before turning around, “Sorry,” you muttered and he shook his head.
“Don’t you dare apologize. It’s a fabulous story. Mainly it’s dead silent so they can listen in then it just erupts afterwards, they’ll head out eventually when their mugs run out we’ve got a two refill limit.” Next to you he settled down comfortably with his leg against yours flashing you a comforting grin.
“Just don’t want you being harassed over it.”
“It’s not harassment. I take it as a point of pride that you are doing exceedingly well.” His smile split wider playfully as he rumbled, “And very nice touch on making him drunk ramble his plans out mournfully. Very true to his character. Gran messaged me she was on the edge of her seat and Gramps said she was giggling like crazy. Amad is curious to know how one could manage to hire a walrus to do their bidding.”
In a giggle as he uncovered and served the food you replied, “They are far more agreeable than elephant seals.” He looked you over and you added with a smirk, “I made allies to keep the crabs away.” Making him chuckle, “Besides they do love a good head rub. Once they see you won’t hurt their babies you’re free to graze through to see what they’re up to.”
“I will pass that on.” He replied in a chuckle. “You ok?”
You nodded, “Yup, just have another bag of mail to sort when I get home. It’s picking up.”
“I bet. I could help if you like.”
“Only if you want to, gets a bit much sometimes. Sorting by state, county then dividing it even more by language as such. Though I can’t imagine the letters I will get from the Professors this time.”
“All in good meaning, helping to correct tiny details I’ve exaggerated or tweaked. Always the thickest but they always praise heavily afterwards on my imagination.”
“Any hate mail?”
“Few, then there’s the ones from family. From the first couple weeks haven’t opened them.”
“Well if you want my clan to reply to the haters let us know. I know Dis could come up with some amazing replies.”
The thought made you giggle and reply, “Thank you, I will keep you posted on that. Mainly so far I’ve just replied to kids. Classes that have been listening or sending pictures and such. So sweet really. I have to think of a way to keep them all together. Might laminate them to make a book maybe with the letters.”
“That is a great idea.”
“I just can’t quite get through the more emotional ones yet. The ones where they share what the story has gotten them through, still not there yet I guess. Will be though someday maybe.”
From there on you chatted more about his seen reactions to your show brightening your mood again and shared more responding messages that came in from his clan leading to once the meal was through you leaned against his side scrolling through them until your alarm when he took your bag from your trunk to add to his. His busy task today had him smirking while you were off as he was joined by Dwalin, Balin and Frerin to head home to dump the bag out on the couch to get to sorting. Easily with the group together the task was underfoot when Thorin got up at the door bell ringing. An odd delivery of seven chests had him puzzled after having signed for them luring his cousins to the front hall where they were left.
Curiously he circled them and Balin asked, “Did Jaqi day she was expecting anything?”
“No,” Thorin replied, “So odd, who would send chests?” Looking at the delivery sheet he said, “Valinor, they’re from Valinor...”
Dwalin led the group on inspecting the seam and chuckled finding the hidden lock he unlocked with ease at solving the sliding puzzle and tilted his head seeing the pile of books inside. “Books..”
Thorin’s brows furrowed rapping one with a knuckle, “Not books.” Reaching down he made to lift one only for the top to lift revealing a gold clear wrapped pile of gold filling the disguised box. “Oh I know what this is, she said she also inherited chests from her clan of money.” Balin opened another seeing bound Elven bills with another of silver coins in the one beside that and copper beside that one above one filled entirely with emeralds with scattered more stones in other cases before they closed the trunk that locked again leaving them to look at one another and Frerin to say, “We didn’t open it.”
They all shook their heads, “Nope.”
Thorin grabbed one end as Frerin took the other, “Off to the storage room for now.”
Balin asked following with Dwalin helping to carry theirs, “Do you think they’re all full of funds?”
Thorin replied, “That’s what she said. Wasn’t keeping anything else from their estates. Lawyer Feanor had sent them out to her. Mentioned something about the funds weren’t initially added to her inheritance balance but had to be counted then sent.”
Frerin chuckled, “So she had billions cracked it down to millions and now has billions again. Marvelous.”
Thorin chuckled with the rest of them and replied as they settled the trunks down and turned to grab another set, “I’m certain she won’t share the sentiment.”
Dwalin hummed, “Just think, you could save a bundle on choosing stones, she’s already got them.”
Thorin smirked to himself and replied, “We will get to that eventually.”
The next to last had all four carrying it with the last absurdly light last one took two keep them from flinging it up into the ceiling for how light it was. “That was close.”
Balin smirked looking at the others and rumbled, “How much you want to wager this one’s got mithril in it.”
Thorin rumbled, “I’m not betting.”
Frerin retorted, “Spoil sport, no winnings for you then. Fifty silver.”
Dwalin scoffed, “60!” Making Thorin roll his eyes hearing them on the way to move it with the others how to bring it up when they saw you again to see who won or not on that chest and all the others on amounts and contents. Eventually getting back to and finishing the sorting before each splitting up wishing Thorin a good night.
One odd lengthy shift leaving you with a feeling you’d forgotten something ended with a quiet ride home as you retraced everything you had done until your realized you’d forgotten to take the second cupcake you had promised yourself to take from the dessert cart.
Backed into the garage it sealed and you turned off the car and climbed out to head inside leaving your shoes and coat by the door there. Passing the stack of mail on the table you caught Thorin nodding off at the table beside his spread making you chuckle and steal a picture before waking him to a peck on the cheek. “You’re tired.”
“No I’m not. Just, blinking, check.”
“Uh huh,” you giggled out and sat down, “Well once you’ve eaten off to bed with you to rest your blinking muscles.”
“How was work?”
“Good. Forgot to take my second cupcake at lunch though.”
“I have-,” he pointed at the kitchen making you reach over and pat his hand resting on the table.
“I’m good. This is good. Thank you. How was your work?”
“Good, got back, guys came over and you will be glad to know we have sorted your mail bag.”
“Aw, no wonder you’re so tired.”
“It didn’t take as long as it would seem to for a duffel of letters. Kept the schools separate for you and it’s all bound on the parlor table when you’re ready.”
“Thank you. Anything else interesting happen?”
“Oh, you got that delivery from Feanor.” That had you rolling your eyes and him smirking, “Figured you might not be pleased. All a decent weight except one.”
“Bound to have the mithril in it and shares of the mithril stocks they owned. Back in the high billions again, yay. Feanor is pleased though there was a trunk of paintings I said he could have, apparently a few splatters are ‘priceless’ he has the pleasure of handling the museums for those wonders on his own. At least my paintings are cute or realistic and not looking like road kill.” Making him chuckle again. His eyes met yours and brow twitched up at your lingering gaze his way, “You wouldn’t happen to have relatives in jewelry would you?”
A smirk tugged across his lips, “Of course I do.”
“Well, I might have some gems to unload.”
Lowly he chuckled, “You may want to inspect them first, just to be certain there aren’t any you might wish to keep. Other than that I am certain they would be glad to inspect your hoard.”
“Keep? Oh,” you said and he looked you over again, “You mean like for a ring.”
“Well it could be, unless your kin prefer to have the male design it.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever even considered getting jewelry before.”
“Then best hold on to those gems and I can have some design books sent over for you to browse through. Give you some ideas. If you like a certain style they have some imitation stone settings they could loan out for you to give a test run to see how you like it on you.”
“How do you choose?”
“When we get there hopefully you might have a few ideas of your own.”
“Bet you have fifty ideas already of your own.”
“You would lose that bet.” He hummed back, “Has to be special. Every Dwarf has hundreds of ideas growing up what they might design, but it’s always, different. Has to be. No rush, take your time.”
“Oh, um, how short notice could your builder relatives be called out?”
Smirking again he said, “Well they live two hours out, so, two hours at least. I did send an email when you mentioned ordering the shelving for your studio. They are going to add more built ins to my spare as well. Will they be here soon?”
“It should be here Monday, would have been Sunday but there was a delay.”
“I’ll let them know in the morning.”
“Thank you, and sorry.”
“No, trust me, you are not ready to meet them yet, they’re a bit, odd.”
“Unlike the rest of you,” Lowly he chuckled again smiling at you.
“Yes, best let us handle the build while you are at work. Frerin would be glad to help keep them in line, and away from your door hinges.”
“Door hinges?”
“They like to swap them in houses they don’t like, so the door swings the other way.”
“That’s such bad totems,”
He nodded, “Yes it is. Which is why we will be watching them.”
Once cleaned up you were off separately, him to bed and you into a nice warm shower. A bit stiff from the wet week your formerly knotted leg still gave you a bit of trouble today, less than it had for centuries but still not as good as it should be. You felt terrible thinking of asking Thorin if he had a relative who could help with rubbing or stabbing these cramps out. A bath would be best but you were too tired to soak safely so showered and dried you changed into some warm flannels glad you remembered to light the fire before hand so your room was nice and toasty when you climbed into bed smoothing a heating patch onto your hamstring. Sneering at first of the odd goopy feeling instantly warming up after rubbing the pad with your palms flattening them over your skin. Still into bed you wiggled settling under your covers closing your eyes hoping the pad wouldn’t be glued onto your leg like last time when you woke up.
Soundly you slept well into the morning, a glad thing for Thorin, who got called off to help his family with a few things and left you breakfast in the slow cooker. Waking to the alarm so you wouldn’t miss your appointment. And sure enough you woke to struggle the sheet off your leg you threw away muttering to yourself. Curiously seeing how much food he had used for the meal, once done and cleaned up, you got to searching your fridge to see what you might need. List in hand you went to change and made your way to your car post mail box trip to give the birds some more shredded mail to do with what they pleased.
Through town you drove remembering just where the parking lot for your nail salon was angled off this road. Close to the strip of stores but requiring its own little lot that more than once while on foot you had avoided falling off the sudden end of the curb into traffic. Easier than you had assumed you took the turn and found a spot in view of most seats you might be settled into and out you climbed to walk inside. Brushing your hair out of your face you flashed a grin to the woman blindly passing you on her way out of the shop over a foot too tall to notice your face anyways. Past her a scattered ripple of upward glances and lingering registering of who had just entered the shop were taken before those with clients got back to work and you turned to the counter.
“Miss Pear, welcome back,” she glanced to the side saying after seeing who was available, “Kovu is prepping your chair now. Would you like a beverage, or we have some whale shaped crackers if you need a snack.”
“No thank you, just had breakfast.”
With a nod she turned guiding you back to the station meant for you with the smallest chair available, “Kindly follow me.” Behind her you kept your eyes on her back until her step aside bringing the Dwobbit into view used to tending to your nails who flashed you his same kind smile. “Are you ready Kovu for Miss Pear?”
Kovu replied, “Of course, we have a lovely glittery mint shade for your toes if you are willing. Our Forest green was out.”
“Sure, sounds pretty.” The woman turned to head back to the door as it opened bringing more clients with it. Slipping out of your shoes and socks you accepted his hand to climb up onto the chair settling your bag on the chair beside you taking notice of the whispers of your name in trying to focus on his steps after you had settled your feet into the soaking tub.
“Now everybody by now has been raving about the new show featured on Bombadil Streaming,” The voice echoed through the shop and your eyes turned to the source of it, the flat screen on the far wall. “The show, is phenomenal, to say the least, we could spend all day praising it, however the one really making headlines lately, is none other than Creator, Animator and Voice Artist, Jaqi Pear. Who, for those of you don’t know, happens to be among the cast of the Voice Actors on the Bunny Show. If you have been living under a rock the show mainly centers around Bunny and her good friend Countess Beatrice, all of this leading up to several ties to the Durin clan, including Durin the Deathless himself.
Now all of that would be stunning enough, only, we have it on good authority now with actual pictures circulating of Miss Pear, a visit to the Findis hotel, was spotted among some posted pictures in their lobby of their latest family retreat. Obviously with a show centering the head of their clan they would be close, however we have been digging and recently a purchase was made by Miss Pear from a reputable dealership for a vehicle with another customer having heard Frerin Durin claiming Miss Pear as his sister.”
The second anchor let out a squeal and the third woman at the table excitedly said while the first let out an excited squeak herself, “Now, either Miss Pear has been secretly adopted as a member of the clan, or rather more titillating has managed to snag the heart of the only brother Frerin has, Thorin Durin.”
The second said, “Now Thorin is older, and for the past decade has co owned a tea and herb shop with two of his cousins, which has picked up in business and become quite the spot to sit out the Bunny show with a hot cup. Not to mention this new social handle building the press for the shop from someone called the MugMafioso exploring new drink blends from their shop. From what we can tell unlike his younger brother tries to remain rather mum on relationships if he has been having any. So this is very big if they are together.”
The first said, “And their sister, the only other option here isn’t one, because she has been blissfully wed to Vili Findis for decades now.”
The third said, “Now there isn’t much to be found on Miss Pear, past scattered jobs, performances with her Maiar performer and Master singing stone piano crafter maternal grandmother Sophie. With whom she was recorded performing with on disc,” she said lifting the cd she showed off, “I played it four times, I still have chills thinking about it.”
The second said as you noticed a few of the workers wondering if they should change the channel from the corner of your vision, “Clearly Miss Pear is talented, though there is little to no information of her past her immigration here on the grounds of her retiring from service.” Anxiously you wet your lips and your fingers folded together on your lap seeing papers being looked at by the First woman. “Now that is mainly due to the fact that she has changed her name.” By her tone she was reluctantly inching up to just who you used to be.
The first said in turning over the page saying, “Clearly since she has chosen a public profession we are honoring her choice to privacy on her other relations, whom even her grandmother has been respectfully mum on while sharing that she has children and grandchildren. Just like we assume her parents and siblings are of Miss Pear.”
The pair around her smiled again in their solidarity in choosing not to let that painful cat out of the bag and the third said, “When time comes for public announcements of courtship respectable bonds by two respectable clans no doubt will be made. From our digging Miss Pear has quite a lucrative line herself and very well could be with her current shows the higher earner in the relationship, which is quite stunning seeing how successful we all know the Durin clan to be greatly clearing any worries that fund seeking would be the reasoning behind it.”
The woman from the door was at your side again and you flashed her a grin trying to pretend you didn’t just flinch when Kovu had moved to your second foot to trim the cuticles as you usually did making him smirk at the clearly Elven trait on your sensitive partially Hobbit feet. “Hi,”
“Hello, Miss Pear, we could change the channel if you wished for us to.”
You shook your head saying, “No, it’s alright. Actually I haven’t been seeing much of the gossip lately. I have two jobs so I don’t get much tv time. Mainly stick to court shows.”
“Two jobs?” She asked curious about how that fit with the well circulated gossip you were from money.
“Have to bankroll your dreams somehow.” Making her chuckle at your giggled reply clearly meaning like most Dwarven clans you have been earning your rights to family funds as their heirs normally do.
Stepping back she stated, “If you change your mind just let me know.” Readying to rush over and greet the newest arrivals.
Looking down to Kovu you said, “I will stop flinching one day.”
After a chuckle he said, “No sooner would you stop being Hobbit. It is a welcome reaction.”
Looking up again as they had delved into the rites your clan would be possibly publicly present for you heard, “There is ample chance to get to know her clan while the pressing matters are ironed out. For now the pair seem to have managed to keep a low profile. And the Durin clan especially is not sharing anything, even a confirmation of the bond. In fact they are sharing little to do with Miss Pear beyond Frerin’s statement and the response from Thror himself on their approval and finding the Bunny Show a quite enjoyable tale involving their clan name that has in fact been formerly sent for approval years prior for clearance in using the name.”
The third said, “Which, the Durins own Venture Publishing, so that only gives hints that there very could well be a book in the works with whomever is behind this marvelous story.”
Biting your lip at the start of the lower leg massage you looked down hearing Kovu saying, “Your leg seems a bit looser than before in our past appointment.”
“Went to a hotel spa on a trip to Rohan, they said it was a Mburr knot.”
“Ohh, nasty things.”
“Feels looser, rain just tightened it up a bit again.”
“They do tend to take time to loosen fully. Working on your feet for hours does not help either.”
“Does help creativity though.” Making him chuckle to himself.
“True, absent hands often equal empty minds.”
A rinse of your legs came before he patted them dry with a towel down to your feet he massaged then set up to be painted. A clip on light helped to seal in the paint and he said, “For your nails we have your usual forest green powder. Don’t fret about that. Just the toes are different this time.”
“Either way, your work is lovely.”
“Might I ask, why green?”
“Pears are green. Plus, I spent decades by the sea, couldn’t go straight for blue. Red was too common a color, same as yellow or orange. Thought of purple a bit, but I heard it fades too quickly.”
Kovu said as you glanced up at the screen with the trio again now trying to guess what sort of woman you would be and how you might bring new things to the clan far more flashy than you truly were, “Wouldn’t know a brush from a clipper those three. These years I’ve known you that clan would be lucky to have you, funds or not. Kindness and bringers of hope are never without value no matter the lineage. Durins could always use more Hobbit blood too,” making you giggle to yourself.
“I think a great deal of clans could.” You replied making him chuckle to himself and help you down after removing the cover and adding the offered slippers. Carrying your shoes and socks he showed you to the nail stand where he set up his supplies allowing your nails to soak off.
To the topic of bringing up the differences between the brothers ending in an argument on which you should have chosen the channel was changed as you giggled to the beard, no beard argument as well as Frerin’s shorter hair to his ears against Thorin’s long ponytail to his shoulder blades. Both commenting to your possible race if choosing them on appearance alone with Thorin clearly the more attached to traditional Dwarven appearance. Which changing the channel only led to a debate on how your bond to Thranduil and his clan would affect their racing rivalry clearly being brought up to the pair at races. Once finished however you adjusted the ends of your shorts once your socks and shoes were added again on the walk to the counter where Kovu rang you up and escorted you to the door he opened for you giving you a nice send off.
Shortly you were parked at the store and joining the other random shoppers to the self opening doors. Grabbing a cart along the way you made your way inside to start gathering what was needed. A pause however was taken at a pass from one end of the store to the other on the paint aisle. To your cart you added a small can of chalkboard paint making you smirk on your way to the art supplies. Lost to your focus on one end an elated squeal from the other turned your head to the group of teens who snapped a picture of you then darted off after squealing, “Love the show!”
Nodding to yourself you continued to shop flashing quick grins to any who seemed to be looking your way a bit too long until you had paid and loaded up your trunk after having been vented to by both the woman behind and in front of you in line on their love of your shows. Though neither was speaking of the same show making it a tad confusing for you to keep up with the both of them for the walk out of the store and nearly halfway to your car.
Straight to the kitchen it all went and you put it away and brought a paint brush to paint over a risen section on cabinet.  From the handle you hung a small bag for the chalk. “Painting?”
Turning at Thorin’s voice you said, “Chalk board, for shopping lists. Since we mainly meet up at meals.”
Looking him over the plotting grin inching across his lips had your brow twitch up, “What are you up to?”
“Well, felt bad, missing breakfast and all, so we are having dinner, at a place I know you will enjoy with Mal, the boys, Frerin, Dwalin and Bilbo.”
“Ok, should I change?”
“You look perfect,” you nodded and left the brush you’d cleaned on the edge of the sink to air dry after having put the paint away in the garage. “That was a brilliant idea.”
“Well I have plenty left over, thought I might add some on my sisters’ closet doors.”
“Sounds good,” to the garage he led you helping you into your jacket outside, “I’ll drive.”
“You got a package earlier,” you said when he joined you inside his car luring his eyes to you again and his dopey grin out seeing you in your adorably oversized coat reminding him of his first stolen peck on your cheek making him ache to steal another. “From Diaa and Niro looks like.”
“Ah, more pictures sounds like. Those can wait. For now, focus on dinner.” His hand reached over once he’d hit the button to close the garage behind you, “Have some fun.” Right over your hand laying on your lap his folded and for the brief drive you noticed a group of familiar cars joining you to the ax throwing eatery.
Excitedly you joined the others in grouping up beside your parked cars, his hand folded in yours again with fingers interlocked and as you walked inside the curious ravens back at home peered up at the new addition to the kitchen. Though it was Kuu who realized what it was leading to Belly leading the others in pulling out the chalk to scribble notes across the now dried board.
Around the hand carved tables in the cabin like dining section you all enjoyed your hearty suppers and lost to giggles you took your post dessert stop in the ax throwing half ignorant of the diners across the way stealing pictures of you all. Between the identical brothers a series of skeptical shots were taken as to which you were linked to until between rounds Thorin draped around your back pressing kisses to your cheek and forehead, abandoning you shortly for his turns then returning until yours to hold you again. Briefly the spies did however stop over asking for pictures and autographs.
Widely Frerin grinned greeting the ladies who commented on every stitch of him trying to flatter up a compliment in return through the signing then they asked, “Could we get a picture, with Miss Pear too?” Frerin glanced your way seeing you shifting in Thorin’s hold and the woman asked, “Celebrating something? Engagement perhaps?”
Her friend said, “Got to be nice, find yourself on a show about the Durins and land yourself a Durin to boot.”
Awkwardly you let out a breath trying to chuckle and Frerin said, “Just supper, though like a sister already, we couldn’t ask for a more talented person to man a show involving our clan.” Easing his arm around your shoulders keeping you close to his side lessening your contact with the trio folding around you both as Bilbo took the picture. Across the same receipts you signed J Pear inside a small pear making Frerin smirk seeing it next to his own with a tiny ghost doodle from the ghosts that used to be all across his first racing car he still loved to draw hinting to his roots. The cuddling didn’t go unnoticed and by morning was full spin in the media about the fated match yet to be confirmed by the Durin clan, the elders of which were uncertain if they should confirm anything just yet.
Pt 41
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itsdreamygirl · 4 years
Enderra ime nis keshtu
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Ishte nje dite e nxehte gushti nga ato qe djegin dhe te bejn te enderrosh per plazhin ,ajrin e fresket te detit qe te perkedhel dhe ujin me kripe qe te freskon. Ate dite isha ngritur vone per ne pune, dhe kisha bere vetem nje dush e kisha hedhur siper nje fustan pabmuku me lule nga ato qe te mbajne fresket. Floket me ishin thare gjate rruges per ne pune dhe kjo eshte shume e lehte kur I ke floket kaqurrela pasi kur thahen vete marrin forme me te mire dhe pse jo gjithmone. Ate dite kisha shume pune ne zyre dhe kisha gjithashtu shume transferta per te bere keshtu qe rrugen zyre bank e kisha bere te pakten njezet here. Ishte ora dy ku ne fakt nuk po dilja per ndonje transferte por po dilja pasi isha merzit me punen dhe doja te merrja fryme, dhe telefoni me ishte bllokuar nga telefonanat e shumta dhe perdorimi I tepert. Per cudi  ishte I ri sapo e kisha marre dhe nuk e prisja te me nxirrte kete defekt. Rruges per ne banke takoj nje shok timin dhe IT. Sic eshte ajo shprehja te pash me sy dhe me ra ne mend per ty , meqe e pashe sic ndodhte ta shihja cdo dite pasi jetoj ne nje qytet te vogel ku praktikisht I njeh pjesen me te madhe te njerezve dhe te njohin. Para se te dilja nga vapa floket I kisha te lidhut me stilolaps dhe kur I ke kacurrela te dalin floket e reja ne te gjitha anet , me nje fytyre pa make up pyetja e pare qe me beri nga larg : Cfare te ka ndodhur? Je mire? Dhe une qe e shoh e cuditur e pyes: Cfare ka ndodhur? Dhe ai tregon nga une. Dhe une qe qesh dhe I them jam ngritur vone ne mengjes nderkohe qe heq stilolapsin nga floket. .Dukesh ne nje gjendje shume te keqe me pergjigjet : Me mire tani? I them dhe me buzeqesh. E pyes te me rregulloje telefonin dhe ja jap ne dore I them nuk e di pse spo ben: dhe ai me pergjigjet me gjith qetesine e mundshme : Te pakten e ke ne garanci mund ta kthesh. Ne fakt mund ta ktheja vetem se kisha nje problem te vogel dyqani ku e kisha blere ishte jashte shtetit dhe pak larg dhe bilta ne gusht kushtonte  aq sa ta blije dhe nje here te ri. Dhe une qe e shoh dhe peshoj me vete sa seriozisht e kishta ate qe sapo tha. Dhe mu pergjigj : meqe jam po I hedh nje sy  dhe nderkohe qe ai merrej me te une kisha te pakten dy ore qe mundohesha si ta fikja dhe nuk dija si . Nderkohe ai po mendonte ti bente nje restart dhe nderkohe qe ai po bente procedure doli ikona qe mund ta fikja dhe une e rreshqas ikonen ne ekran dhe e  fik telefonin dhe ai me kthehet cben? Une qe i pergjigjem :kam gjith diten qe mundohem , i them si e bere se une spo e gjeja dot . Dhe ai duke me treguar se si fikej me thote :Une po mundohesha ti beja restart tani do na duhet te presim pak minuta qe ta bejme pasi vonon te ndizet: dhe une I pergjigjem po  ta le ty  dhe nderkohe po shkoj deri ne banke kur te kthehem po e marr. : Jo moj jo prit se nuk vonon aq shume, pasi nuk do jem ne pune sot.. Dhe ne fakt nuk vonoi aq shume vetem pak minuta. Dhe kishte mjaftuar e fikura qe I kisha bere per ta rregulluar. I zgjas doren per ta pershendetur dhe ai me kap per shpatullash dhe me puth ne dy faqet dhe une ngriva ne vend. Ishte dicka qe se prisja , kisha te pakten 15 vite qe e njihja dhe kontakti I vetem fizik qe mund te kisha me te ishte ti zgjasja doren dhe ta pershendetja nga larg, dhe kjo me trubulloi  me kapi te pa pergatitur. Dy muaj me pare ne qershor kisha organizuar me shoqet te shkonim te shihnim nje concert ne tirane dhe pas koncertit do te ktheheshim te gjitha bashke ne Lezhe dhe fatkeqesisht makina ime nuk I nxinte te gjithe dhe I kerkojm ketij te  ndaheshim ne dy makina ai me nje pjese dhe une m e pjesen tjeter dhe kur po hipnim ne makine ai nxorri nga bagazhi I makines nje lule dhe ma dhuroi . Ishte nga ato lulet me vazo qe I ruan po aq sa kujdesesh per to . une e falemderova dhe u lumturova per lulen pasi me pelqejn shume. Dhe rruges kur po ktheheshim pa e shprehur po benim gara kush mberrin I pari dhe nuk e di nese me la apo isha me e shpejte mberrita vetem pak minuta para tij ne oborrin e shtepise dhe si nje kavalier I vertete priti deri sa une hyra ne shtepi per te ikur , por une atehere ketyre gjesteve nuk ju dhashe rendesi. Gjithsesei ate dite u lumturova qe rregullova telefonin dhe gjithashtu  nuk I dhashe shume rendesi veprimit te tij pasi e konsideroja shok. Ishte jashte planeve te mija qe punet tona te fillonin te nderthureshin me njera tjetren dhe takimet tona te beheshin me te shpeshta. Qe une do filloja te mbeshtetesha te ai per cdo problem  qe une kisha apo me dilte. Te ishte personi qe ti thoja qe une nuk I besoj askujt dhe ne fshehtesi atij ti besoja. U be njeriu I vetem qe nuk me gjykonte per zgjedhjet e mia qe nese I thoja se dua patent motorri apo ti kerkoja gjera nga me te cuditshmet pergjigjia e tij ishte ja ta shohim si behet ose po di une nje qe e ben dhe ta bejm. Per ditelindjen time me beri dhurat nje nga enderrat e mia qe kisha kohe qe mundohesha ta beja dhe kisha pyet cdo autoshkolle ne qytet dhe asnje nuk me tha po. Po shikoja se si nje person mund te te beje shume te lumtur ose njeriun me te lumtur ne bote.Po kuptoja se dita dites po behej gjithnje e me shume pike referimi qe kisha shume nevoje per mendimin e tij, kisha nevoje per miratimine tij , per mbeshtetjen. Kuptova se pran tij kisha filluar te jetoja dhe zemra kishte filluar te rrihte.
#dream #truestory #mystory #mylove #myself #fillimiinjeenderre #enderr
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twagediantimes · 4 years
YUNIM: “Whur fabɾirks Luce” Joe Exotic aths broolv fluhormed blere Twagedia
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Tearns yubroolv veksed glequeeved dooched runge aths 2 gorths blere Sarmd, Joe Exotic eised yubroolv fluguce veksed moi yedyeished fluguce gunged aths fampreeth clim te pes glebl hised 22 gorth steid veksed hormed blere Twagedia, eeched keelv ho “snorned ags Carole Baskin”.
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funkidscollection · 4 years
Full Video https://youtu.be/58JUn3YTYZE
In this video:
·       Unboxing Micropacks Mini Stationary Surprise with 6 mini surprises in each box.
·       Will be unboxing cloudees minis surprises by Mattels " Cloudees" cloud surprise collectible. The cute animals come with six surprises and they are 14 cloudees to collect. Included are outfits and accessories. Let’s find out! 
·       Opening Littlest Lucky Pets Fortune Cookie. Reveal your luck!
Funkidscollection.com is a child safe and family-friendly kid channel for people of all ages. We love unboxing and reviewing all kinds of toys. Enjoy and have a look around at our great channel and subscribe if you wish to see more. If You have Enjoyed this Video, please Like-Share our video! Thank you!
Te dashur Camarroket e vegjel. Ne kete video, do te hapim 3 Lodra Surprize. Do te hapim 1 kuti me lodra surprize nga sendet shkollore perfshi mini cante dhe mini artikuj shkollor, tjetra eshte nje loder surprise nga Cloudees, le ta zbulojme se cfar eshte kjo loder? Do te hapim edhe nje loder surprise Brenda nje qese, per te provuar fatin qe cfar do te na blere kur ta zbulojme!
Funkidscollection.com eshte nje Kanal per Femije shume i Pershtatshem dhe i Sigurt. Aty perfshihen lodra te pershtatshme per te gjitha moshat. Ne rast se kjo video ju ka pelqyer, MOS HARRONI te na PELQENI (Like) - Ndaj me te tjeret (Share). Shikim te kendshem!
For more Funkidscollection.com Video with Toys, subscribe!! ➞ https://bit.ly/1JNUVOE
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cesar-1972-61 · 6 years
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#brouillard #moulin #blere (à Le Moulin des Aigremonts - Bléré - 37) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBVzEHHyfa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5sawih74naa
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meidonbosko · 5 years
Gjate jetes njeriu ben disa blerje apo investime te rendesishme si shkollimi, makina, dasma etj, por asnjera nga keto nuk do te jete aq e rendesishme dhe emocionale sa blerja e shtepise suaj.
Ne shkrimin paraardhes ju fola per emocionin unik qe ndjen dikush ku blen shtepine e tij te pare. Por para se te shkojme te ky rezultat final kaq i bukur bleresit kalojne disa luhajtje emocionesh.
Per t’ju pergatitu me mire per procesin e blerjes do te shpjegoj 15 fazat emocionale per tu bere pronar shtepie.
1.     Vendose te blesh nje shtepi !
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Te ka ardhur ne maje te hundes duke hedhur parate e tua per paguar qirane, ose me keq akoma, duke jetuar me prinderit e tu. Pra ti e ndjen veten gati per te blere shtepine tende.....ose te pakten keshtu mendon ti.
2.     Ndihesh i emocionuar, nervoz, i shqetesuar.....e lloj loj emocionesh te tjera.
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Fillon duke bere disa kerkime ne internet. Pas ketyre fillon te ndihesh disi i zhgenjyer dhe konfuz. A te duhet nje apartament me 1,2 apo tre dhoma gjumi, pallat I ri apo I vjeter, me nje apo dy tualete.
3.     Nga i emocionuar shpejt fillon te ndihesh...nervoz.
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Nga te ndjerit euforik qe se shpejti do behesh pronar shpejt fillon te ndjesh nje lemsh ne stomak pasi ben konsulten e pare ne banke dhe kupton se sa borxh do te marresh.
4.     Me se shumti je i emocionuar.
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Por gjithsesi se shpejti do te keni nje shtepi, nje vend ku askush tjeter pervec jush te kete te drejte te beje cte doje, te hyje me kepuce ne shtepi, te rri zhveshur.
5.     Shume shpejt fillon te lidhesh emocionalisht.
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E si mund tja u shpjegosh te tjereve lidhjen e menjehershme emocionale qe ndien me dhomen e gjumit ten je shtepie qe sapo ke vizituar. Ate thjesht e ndien..
6.     Koncepti I “shtepise se endrrave” ndryshon ne menyre drastike.
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Sa me shume shtepi qe viziton aq me shume kupton qe “shtepia e endrrave” qe aqq shume keni imagjinuar sa vjen dhe behet e paarritshme. Ty te duhet te heqesh dore nga kriteret fillestare. E per cfare te duhet tualeti me dritare ne fund te fundit...;)
7.     E gjetet “te duhuren”
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Pasi ke pare shtepi te panumerta, me ne fund ti gjen shtepine e duhur per ty. Merr fryme thelle dhe pasi vendos qe e do, ben nje oferte duke shpresuar qe ajo do te pranohet.
8.      Merr vesh qe te kane nxjerre jashte loje.
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Oferta jote ishte shume e ulet dhe pronari ja ka shitur dikujt tjeter me cmim me te larte.. Atehere te gjithe endrrat e tua jane “shkaterruar”. Dhe ti kthehesh perseri te pika 1.
9.     Atehere kur ti mendon se nuk do te dashurohesh perseri, ndodh.
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Tashme trishtimi qe te shkaktoi mosblerja e shtepise se pare ka filluar te zbehet. Dhe ti fillove perseri te shikosh shtepi te tjera. Dhe pikerisht kur nuk e prisje gjen nje tjeter me te mire. Nuk e mendon dy here dhe menjehere ben nje oferte.
10.     Pataj ti rri dhe pret.
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 Dhe gjithe kjo pritje fillon te ben te ndihesh pak I tensionuar. Nga frika e nje “ndarje” tjeter ti fillon te jesh i vemendshem ndaj cdo opsioni te ri qe del ne treg.
11.     Por tensionimi yt iket kur te thone “Oferta u pranua!!!”
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Ndjehesh sikur ke fituar llotarine. Gjithcka eshte ne favorin tend,.
12.     Marrdhenia jote me agjentin e kredise dhe agjentin imobiliar fillon te behet serioze.
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Ti kupton qe je duke shpenzuar nje kohe te papare duke folur me agjentin e kredise dhe agjentin imobiliar Per te kaluar te gjithe procesin e kreditimin me sukses.
13.     Tarifat e ndryshme dhe banka jote bankare shkon “OUU”.
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Ato shifra papritmas fillojne te duken shume te medha. Erdhi koha ti thuash “lamtumire” kursimeve te tua.
14. Por shume shpejt ti harron gjithcka, pasi tani je Pronar.
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 Po po , eshte e vertete, eshte koha per te festuar. Ti ndihesh si nje femije i vogel vecse shume, shume me pergjegjes (kjo nuk eshte nje Monopoli).
15.     Dhe se fundi: KENAQESIA
Tani ti mund te marresh fryme lirisht pasi te gjithe kete proces e le pas. Tani ke ne dore celesat e nje vendi te ri qe ti do ta quash “shtepi” dhe bertet me gezim “UAUU” SHTEPIA IME E PARE.
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Nga Ervin Resuli – Në nje analize te 5 viteve te fundit qumeshti i fermerve ndryshoi, duke u blere nga fabrikat vetem me 3.2%.Nese qumeshti ne 2018 ishte mesatarisht ne 47-50lekë/litri, ne 2021 ai mberriti me 48-52 lekë/litri mesatarisht, nderkohe kostot e prodhimit te 1 liter qumesht nga 42lekë/liter ne 2021 arriten ne 52.5 lekë/liter. Nese do verejme blegtoret fitojne shume pak, aq sa nuk…
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libidomechanica · 3 months
So free, and all have flesh while, I’ve     made, what Man would tell his brough as Silver calves, a hardly.     And a woman, then doth
as oft prepared a Cyprian     lord, and implores palenesse hand, whose praise upon this. Peace,     the first thy to eternal
ecstasy. The music heart     with lots against the grove he said it is old, and ring, queen.     Love fray, and polished
silvering vessel bear after that     you get of milk! Let me softly care, each morn and married     less to the blest voiceless
views the shall his and all haunten     rather own back climber for she golden Diademe: the sail     bene stroke! Gravity.
Our tongueless their own shade of     which the Candian youth, and caves! The Throne beget? Long bene     yclad in a dance is
flocks of lovers are the couldn’t means     the flames with these delight, and I took both cold, upon the     flatter, By the fires that
sleeping hugely speaks in vain they     beneath of his poor drudged in argosy temperatures     declare. When day’s oppress
yellows the sun’s abused. Like     a lyzard mouths should retossed by the hugged the fain her     eye’s talks. Beyond conceiv’d
with cold dusty as fire? Thou belief,—     seeing them all thy lovely Rose,—tell of whisper’d not     that small. And I things divine,
her, O. And yet doth retreat,     when has payd, the waved stroke surprise, thick and the bespeak of     human look thou do her
speech the cards wonder a vicious     grant bride in right weights, looke loues to them kiss from them. This is     nourish no lover on
her hollow you with love new not:     her droue: I never ankles tread light, which you love that worst:     mid look out to blere vsed
of food; for shepheard the affrighted     sail’d to me, when I recalling a tone: the proude into     work, child in then flye.
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444names · 2 years
breads + dance styles + fish + italian cities + personality traits + russian forenames + theologicals + werewolf forenames BUT excluding "n"
Abass Abblecoell Abbley Abezy Abhūtares Ablegia Ablescolag Abria Agalete Agall Agamudish Agbla Agetive Agfish Agidom Agladab Aglay Agolial Agolish Aharemah Alessoic Alfish Alloow Alowul Alubfista Amaycal Amithbrory Arboxim Arcappead Arfish Aright Arikelable Arock Artda Assih Astio Asyrio Avelad Avely Avive Aviye Avkste Avrel Avrevive Avukov Avvaguish Bacaseal Bachus Bailcaable Baldif Balego Barbargus Barda Barekh Bario Barisch Barlead Barry Baruffish Baselfoka Basser Bassolas Batchic Beadarful Bebraspory Bedish Beherch Beherty Belamus Beous Beriargel Bespit Bestfiss Bewhimsh Bicupittac Bitel Bitto Blech Blere Blexcivolf Blill Bolfemo Bollo Bomprome Borshark Bothed Bothum Botoped Botybus Brelykatub Bressaltz Bretted Brughtfish Burfishas Buttrot Caago Cabil Cable Cadace Cakab Cakdall Calar Callf Capark Carfish Carim Castpia Cativy Chary Chletiout Cholf Ciabersh Ciogia Clasmoth Cobeadoray Codeus Coeki Colapda Combha Compki Compreym Comysive Cooslated Cordiv Corha Corrompler Corwoby Cosead Craber Cressik Cromes Croom Cruth Crutheark Culratsh Culth Culvach Cureyes Cutari Daciamursh Dalex Dardo Deark Dephok Dimbress Diroad Dishar Dissfis Disty Docke Dolalm Dolfish Dolfishom Domares Draimpu Drale Drathimber Draym Dreadota Dridecras Dripereed Droce Drous Drydaka Dulative Edish Egobjess Egolf Elykadoled Erkya Esofo Estry Ether Euldish Extray Faill Faolfis Faous Faoutab Faray Fisucce Flatim Flatiote Flectle Flesh Foray Forga Foroby Forperjart Foxfish Fraffral Freed Frelth Fressfish Friff Frioss Gaple Gapplazy Gateth Geous Geray Grathipai Graver Grous Grupt Grydal Gryfir Gualf Guark Guith Guprel Gurbase Gustai Haildeeli Harmark Harmilf Hastive Hautsicia Hawfis Higsha Hollaila Hoper Hordfislil Horic Horitta Hosefish Hosqued Imotwos Impecious Ipealdir Irtic Javtollfra Jewolfo Jiverac Karsel Kavdival Kaviya Krash Laggiemay Lasymo Lavga Laviou Lefiseark Lefish Lerber Letic Limmiritic Lorgo Lought Lowarsh Lubebaraiy Lutsh Lyrimbfish Maella Makarga Mally Malth Margoseake Marish Marra Marticak Mascaul Matemooted Mative Melacer Modacepel Mofis Molarbel Mollheed Morger Morthogtas Motive Mudskil Mustic Oberah Obich Objewel Opagurmar Opmous Opuperoad Ordfisive Padioux Paill Parideread Parymo Pazel Pecish Perbark Perbasuck Peroceir Pesel Pethy Pherve Piedisch Piert Pikygreel Pilish Pious Plaie Plapate Plave Plefish Plive Pombarsu Poslass Postectic Poutbre Preassech Precome Predark Presey Preya Prialphle Priousivel Proish Prolk Pulifera Purbed Pures Quiteph Rachim Raish Raleow Rarbathed Rative Raycater Rayfiss Reampul Rearmal Reely Rempar Revime Roadoli Roavktop Rollish Rolpilbut Romish Rougatful Roweel Rufas Rumsimba Sabasse Sadolfsh Saducce Sagaash Saguloo Saleir Saughoria Saurrfish Scampete Scarike Scialthos Scolphy Scomish Scoosy Scoparep Scuttic Seago Seezebed Seflarry Selarishy Selefish Selie Shallram Sharatter Shogfish Silifis Sivefata Sköllter Smegle Soffe Sopha Spiky Spirch Spozzdaim Spupiou Stefish Stfiya Stiou Stipazora Stjah Stlatoo Stule Svebribble Swall Sweer Swerble Swiss Tabark Tapti Tchuck Thley Tivish Torsh Trach Tramous Triberk Tricalle Tritit Tritoi Tross Trotive Trous Turer Turigatemy Tworgy Udolfbealf Ulave Uwark Valoya Viale Vicirictai Vipla Vlaurmel Vlavgus Vlice Volgale Vsered Wafolchrel Walep Walmorgus Weamle Welests Whark Wheacupika Wheateella Whimark Whiress Whitas Whitfulsa Witive Wolaveta Woldish Wolfrighy Wollateda Wryuber Xedbal Yefishmia Yefulpprit Yliscuck Zebul Zedigesoce Zimehear Zuouty
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Shesim Makina Fier – Nese jeni te interesuar per te blere makina ne qytetin e fierit na kontaktonine Numrin e telefonit 0693178265 ose na vizitoni ne faqen tone Shes Makina | Facebook
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thrilling-thrifter · 3 years
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Kostumi origjinal Adidas. Eshte blere 14000L dhe eshte veshur shume pak here. Cmimi shitjes 7000L. Masa 36/38 (at Tirana, Albania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX9EyjTNp0T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shumica-al · 3 years
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Gomone nuk eshte vetem nje menyre perrallore per te zbuluar me shume, por eshte nje aktivitet i shendetshem per te gjitha moshat, nga femijet deri tek mosha e rritur. Ka perfitime te panumerta shendetesore, te cilat perfshijne permiresimin e shendetit tuaj mendor dhe zvogelimin e stresit, si dhe ndertimin e forces dhe stabilitetit tuaj kryesor. Gomone me fryrje jane nje alternative e shkelqyer per zanatet e forta dhe vijne me shume karakteristika dhe perfitime. Ato jane krijuar per te   dalur ne uje dhe per te shijuar nje shetitje te lire. Nje gomone me fryrje ju lejon te ndertoni besimin tuaj ne uje pa pasur nevoje te shqetesoheni per mbylljen. Disavantazhi i kesaj eshte se kembet tuaja mund te lagen pak nga sperkatja e ujit nga levizjet tuaja, por ato jane nje mundesi e shkelqyeshme per muajt e veres. Perfitimi kryesor per te blere nje gomone eshte se ato mund te paketohen kur nuk i perdorni, duke e bere me te lehte per ju qe t’i ruani nese jeni te kufizuar ne hapesire. Plus, ju mund t’i vendosni ato drejtperdrejt ne makinen tuaj dhe te niseni ne aventurat tuaja pa pasur nevoje per nje raft çati. Kjo i ben ato ideale per te kryer udhetimet tuaja brenda dhe jashte vendit. Ju do te gjeni gomone te fryre per aventura ose fryrje me te medha te pershtatshme per dy ose me shume njerez si nje menyre argetuese per te ndare pervojen me familjen dhe miqte.
Materiali: Pvc,Hypalon Madhesia (gjatesia*gjeresia* lartesi): 305 * 136 * 42cm Pesha: 11.9KG Origjina: Kine Certifikimi: CE Logo: E Personalizuar Ngjyra: Sipas deshires
Na Kontaktoni:
📧 [email protected] 🌐 http://shumica.al/
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