#bless my girlfriend who told me not to worry about green machining the ottoman
egberts · 2 years
Babygirl HOW did this ketchup explosion occur... I know you're going thru it but we the people need some answers
we have these little sauce bowls and I was sitting down gearing up to eat myself some fried chicken and mashed potatoes when suddenly! i dropped a piece of chicken on the floor. so i picked it up but it had a rug-hair on it. and in my fumbling to clean my chicken i then proceeded to drop my ketchup bowl. and it landed on the bottom so by the power of physics the unsecured sauce inside the bowl LAUNCHED 15 feet up and over and got all over legitimately everything on that side of the living room. it is on the curtain by the ceiling. it is *behind* things and around corners. it was on the BACK CURTAIN which is under the front curtain. I'd say total area encapsulated in ketchup splatter was at least 40 sq ft. i'm still finding it everywhere and i have a feeling i'll find some more when i think it's all over. i'm in a ketchup covered hell.
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